Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, August 25, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    DR. M. H. ELLIS
Physician and Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calls made in city and country.
Phone," Main 38.
. Physician and Surgeon,
Graduate Rush Medical College.
Post-graduate New York City.
Fifteen years' experience.
Prompt attention to calls in the
country, night or day.
Office, over Cusick's Bank. ResN
dence, corner Lyon and Seventh
streets. Both Phones.
Painless Dentistry
b oar pride nr hobbjour etodjr for j&n and
now oar accew, and oun U the tx at ptlaJuu work
to befoond unjwher. na mr.ttor how mwth ros
P7 Compare our JPricca
fi mj.immjwL'HiA. in' '. ftlU J W finish puts nd
: i .. . -I bridue woxs tor out
01 .
rree when pi.te. or
bridge work id order
eU Ceatultltian (re.
olirCri $5.00
Geld Fillirin 1.00
i Eurnel Fillinn 1.00
kfr-few ..-r Silver Flllint. ,50
f' JVJ J 1 fl"" 6.00
-V" J'.S Bin Bid Rkk
Ca-jV-: Ik fcjL : J Flilu 7.60
IK. W. twill, rrnaminMuiiu P.wei. tureen ,ou
II iua utuuuu H rimm
All work fuUy guaranteed for fifteen jean.
Wise Dental Co.,mc.
Painless Dentists
Flfflnt Bulldlm, Third and Wainlniton. PORTUND, ORE.
Office Hove: A. U. to . k. Bandera, IU1
Remrn it la a NEW OBEA
Peca" TION, covering every
field of the world's thought.
action and culture. The only
new unabridged dictionary in
many years.
Because " defines over 400,000
before appeared between two
covers. 37oo Patios 6000 Il
lustrations. '
IWnntA it is the ofii dictionary
with the now divided
page. A "Stroke of Genius."
Because 't is an encyclopedia in
a single volume.
rWnnA it is aceepted by the
"eC1""" Courts, Bohools and
Press as the one supremo au
thority. Became be wbo knows Wine
Pecause Baccesa. Lot us toll
you about this new work.
) WBXTB for epecUnen of new divided pete. 6
CtC. MERMAN CO., PnUUIiere, SprkwfteU, Hui.
Uentton tiuepeper, rocelTO F&BB eel of pooket mepl.
The liiverside Farm
ED. SCHORL. Pri.pritt'or
Breeder and Importer of O. I. C. U033
S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W.
P. Recks, Light Brahmas, R. C.
Rhode Island Reds, White
in-jinn rjanitt'.u, . i.
Turkeys, Wnn i
den Geese, r 1
Ducks, ic 1
Guine 1-
Winnur ct J7 prizes and 22 on Poultry
at the Lewis & Clark Fair.
Eggs in Soason - Stock for Sale
Phone. Farmer 9S - - R DNo
If your horse has
Stone's Heave
Drops. Price $1.
For sale by all drug
gists. Dr. S. C. STONk.,
Salem - Oregon.
Scott's Santal-Pepsin capsules
For Inflammation nrf'atart-hnf
the BI&tMer and Dineaeeil Kid
.ncyn. KOOORE KO PAT. Corw
luit-Kij ana vcrmnneDtiy trie
wont rases nf JnnorrlifvB
and ehptFt. no nutter of hon
xoag A btol.atolr
hnrrnleis. Sold by Arnggirtt
an,o si.iAj, or uy mail, rim
paii), 11.00, i boxes. $2.71.
BclKlantaiu, Ohio
For sale bv-Burklmrt & Lee
l'romptlr obtalntvl, rr FCC RETURNED.
THE LOWEST. Stud tiuitl. photo or ekrtch for
cipcrt nearer, and free report on rwlcn lability.
INFRINGEMENT nUla eondnctcd before all
rourtx, rutcnti obtained throUfrh n ADVER
SIOHS tnd COPVRICHTS quickly obtAlaed.
Opposite U. 8. Patent Offlc,
V 1
n a 1
draw.i.rf ..'.' l".K.rrt--il mrt cd freer
K:t. v'. ...)W to obilA reJente. tmic tt
cor.rr.bXM, etc, N L , COUNTRIES.
EitHnfU dirttt v 'uA H'aikinglcm taut time,
mrarp e.u ojiem tm paint,
Patert and InfringtnHnt rVacttet Exclutlvaly.
V.'rn or eo me U- u. M
SU Klnla UK opp. veiled Ihlea hteit Mm. I
For the New Carnegie Library.
Perry R. Conn today began the re
moval of the two buildings on the site
of the Carnegie library, on Ferry Street,
to the lot on Third street the corner
building to be at the west side ot the
lot and the building on the alley to be
at the east side ot the inside lot. This
leaves the Ferry street lot 67 by 101,W
feet for the library, which will be
placed in the middle of the lot, facing
Ferry street. The size of the building
is not yet determined, but it will need
a depth of at least 55 feet, and the
frontage will probably be more than
that. The liberality of Mr. and Mrs.
Young in giving the Ferry street lot
for the library will be generally appre
ciated. There will be ample room for
a neat lawn at each end and the main
entrance and step3 in front.
Plans for the structure with evidence
of the transfer of the property will be,
when prepared, transmitted to the Car
negie people for approval, before ac
tual work can be begun on the struc
Junction proposes to have a pumpkin
The Alsea creamery was recently
45 cents has been offered for hops in
J. S, Lamar left this afternoon for
Portland by the west side.
Mr. and Wrs. W. B. Gilson, of Salem,
went to Lebanon this afternoon.
Mrs. Rev. Babcock, of Salem, is visit
ing at the home of N. D. Pratt.
There were several more falla"yester
day in the aviation contest at Chicago.
Miss Blanche Lennox, of Portland,
returned this noon from her Newport
Mrs. Nina Hatcher, a prominent
Seattle musician, yesterday mashed a
masher in the jaw,
A. R. Luther, of North Albany, came
down from Cascadia yesterday, and
rciurneu mis morning.
1 Saturn and Mars now look together,
but as yet they are 750.0000,000 miles
apart tnere is no danger.
A cement eide walk is Leing put
don by Nevins on her 1 roperty
lit Stc ud tnd Ells w or h street.
Seventeen Oregoniuns left yesterday
lor Kodieater, N. Y , to at tend the
national encampment of the G. A. R.
I Recorder Grant Froman, son and
! Dave Froman. great hunters, left early
I this morning for Upper Soda 00 a hunt.
Z. L. Cox, of Ycncalla, left fur home
' this noon alter a visit with hi? sister.
I Mrs. J. H. Safley, and family, of North
Mrs. C. W. Price, of this city, proves
to be the daughter of J. W. Pottrof,
the old soldier, who died recently at
I Millionaire Corey is already tired of
hi3 actress wife. She wearit'a him, and
he would like his first wife Back, who
ought to kicit him if she gets a chance.
Ejitor and Mayor Brown, of Browns
ville, was in town last evening, also
I Editor Kirkpatiick, of Lebanon, who
! has never reached the mayor pinnacle
I J. P. Morgan returned to N. Y. ves
I terday from a visit with King George,
limperor wiinam ana a tow otner inti
mate friends in Europe. Morg. was
looking well.
This afternoon Richards and Pringle's
Dase ball team was playing a Uorvallis
aggregation consisting of Colbert, Bil
yeu, Uilly, Bier, Musgrave, Copple,
Tripp, Uate and W. Colbert.
Mr. and Mrs J. H. Culp this noon
returned from Buffalo, N. Y., where
Mr. Culp received Bpecial treatment
for nervous trouble. He iB greatly im
proved, and as well is glad to be back
in Albany.
Work has been begun by the Ways
on the second story of the Rhodes
block. It is said there is a good renter
for the big corner store, with its fine
show window display room, if completed
by the first of October.
Chief Farrington and Policeman
Blanton, of Eugene, who were ousted
by the council wish to know what it ia
for, aad so f ir the council has refused
to state. The council evidently does
business in the old star chamber fashion.
Two or three non residents, are re
ported to have been out on the street
about midnignt last night painting
the town red, one of them in his night
clothes. Some judicious doses of $50
fines would be a good thing in Albany.
A sensational suit has been begun at
Kansas City, Mo., two men, one an S.
S. teacher, suing the Missouri Pacific
for $55,000 damages because the station
agent and a porter at Lake City, made
them drink whisKey at the point of a
J. S. Van Winkle returned Ust night
from Astoria, where he attended the
Oregon Development League's conven
tion, which closed lust night. He was
reelected vice president. The conven
tion was one of much interest as well
as profit.
In the city: R V. Naylor. R. P.
Drain and wife, Eugene; J. U. Protz
man, Cottage; C. R. Uberting,
Iloquiam; J. U. ppek, Lebanon; Mrj
G. A. Landi3, GoW Hill; C. O. Cruson,
Cottage Grove; K. N. War-moth, Halsey.
Cort Butclur. of North Yakima, is in
the city, for Ihe time in ten jcars.
lie firmtTiy rcsrje.1 on the ?.icConnoll
pice, :n iur tuliurbs, going to t'do
ai:'-u: year.; :'go, and afterwards in!o
udiiini'Uui. lie was up on tue KU.n
tiii:e -1 t:iv years. He sees a big chanc
in Albany uml a healthy growth that
il. L. Burnett, publisher of the Little
White Dove, of Portland, yesterday
:i fed a sworn statement with the county
:lerk of Multnomah county that be fere
the end of next year tne second coming
f Christ will occur, Christ tirst appear
ng to eight men, one a high priest to
e ordained for the occasion. Then 1:.
.'urty live days there will be a paali'.
leclaration. Of course Burnett knowf
r.u more about it than any one else.
Capt. Hammel and his company of '
soldiers returned last evening from Ft.'
Stevens, with flying colors. They made 1
a splendid showing in the encampment. ;
at the top in detail work Most of the.
time of the 1th legiment was spent at
the fort. The third regiment was .
stationed at Columbia Beach. The boys
were in Astoria Saturday and took part '
in the parade. The encampment was
specially enjoyable.
The A Ibany boys say the report in
the Portland papers that the third reg
iment captured Ft. Stevens was not
true at all. The bovs were helpiner to
defend it. and declare the opposite was
true. A Portland reporter in the third
regiment evidently had a tent with
Col. M. H. Ellis, surgeon general of ; ?rs8JnS the. English channel, including
the Oregon National (Guards, also re-; U and "e have joshed him con
turned. Under him were Dr. Marcellus siderably about it. Arrived in Paris
and Dr. Ed. Stewart, both Albany col-
lege graduates, now ot rortiand, ot tne
third regiment, and Dr. Brosius, who
was with him in the Philippines, now of
Pendle-on 1
Maj.'winn and family remained for
a longer visit at Astoria, where Maj.
Winn is a delegate of the commercial
club at the development league conven-:
- '
NeWS from Albany" Six Early,
. , , , .
Mrs. Flannerv and daughter Frances, ,
2 "il6168' - f-luiu a
Springfield after a visit with the grand-
motherof the former, Mrs. E. .Chris-
tensen. Frances has the rare disfinc
ion of beincr the last of five penera tions.
Mrs. Christensen's mother oeing alive
D. W. Rumbaugh, fruit inspector,
left up the C. & E. to look after his
farm which he recently bought, near
Mill City. .
Among those going to the Bay were
Ed. Wiles, wife and son Clarence, and
Lee Hulbert, Milton McGuire, of the
Ralston Supply Co., and Mrs. G. W.
Pennebaker and children.
Jack Surrie, the commercial traveler,
with the distinction of having been
born in Linn county, having completed ,
hi, anrnmnr'a vapalinn lBf. for Pfrt-
land after his samples. He left his
ifo n,w. HiiHin f fhc n,e f.
a lnnVo ' "j
S. P. Bach came down from Lebanon
for a Portland trip.
Mrs. J. C. Mayer and baby arrived
from Lebanon for a visit at the Du
mond home.
C. E. Scott went to Salem
Fred Lvnes returned to his whnnr.
field near Lebanon.
Mrs. Minnie Davis Ross and friend,
of Sacramento, left for Toledo, where
Mrs. Koss' father-in-law Ex-Sheriff
Ross resides.
Mrs. D. Bussard and daughter went
to Portland for a visit with Mrs. Connie
White and family.
Ross McKechnie left on a business
trip to Brownsville.
Mrs. A. A. Mickel and daughter left
on a Portland visit.
The Richards and Pringle car, with
the aggregation left for Coryal'is, with
their chicken coop and contents on the
rear platform eating their breakfast,
The chicks do their part well.
The Minstrels.
A large crowd enjoyed the perform
ance of Richards and Pringle's minstrels
last night. They are the oldest of all
of them, at lease thirty years, and one
fellow. Watts, sang, who has been with
the Company twenty-three years. The
scene in opening is the front of a St.
Augustine, Fla., hotel, and the songs
are darkey frivolities, full of good
voices. A Henroost Raid is a socond
part novelty, with genuine hens and
roosters, aided by human "crows."
Mr. Schultz says the minstrels per
sonally were the cleanest lot of people
who have been in the theater, a bier
difference between them and some of
the white companies, abiding strictly by
the house rales, leaving no tobacco
juice or cigarette stumps in the back
part of the honse, nothing broken or
stole, and no whiskey bottles. Well
behaved, clean lot of men, and their
managers, Holland & Filkins, are
A Crowd of Girls.
Prof. J. R. Geddes came down from
his farm, up the C. & E., last evening
witn his hands lull of young ladies, Miss
Daisy Geddes of the Hampton Store,
and Misses Sue and Ruth Lathrop, U.
O. students, of Eugene, where the La
throp? reside; Miss Mattie Lathrop,
recently of Chicago, who has been elect
ed to take charge of the musical depart at Brynmnhr College Philadel
phia, and .Miss Bessie Lalhrof, assist
ant principal of the high school at
Broadhead, Wis. They had a big time
up in thi jwoode, making the trees shake
with their laughter. One newspaper
made Miss Geddes the mother ot the
four Lathrop girls, a joke appreciated.
1 Beat fis Wile.
At Springfield last night in front of
the meat market of Chis. ilarol, he
was heard beating his wife unmercifully
A crowd formed and were ahout to at
tack Hardt and stop the hiutnlily, when
the city police arrested him and tooi:
hirn to the jail, and to lay he was to he
tried on the chsree of ats.iul'. with in
tent to kill, it being said he ll.ri-atentd
to kill his wife, and that he beaten
hf-r hpfiirp- At thin timn ha v. n n'riL-. '
ing her with hia fists an. I kic! in her.
Bo'.h Mr. and Mrs. Hard? fonntriy rj-1
sided at Albany, where they were!
married. j
The government has a Btanding re
ward of $50 to VA for information
leading to the arrest and conviction 1
any person who wilfully a:id maiicioutdy
tarts a forest fire within n national
forest, also $-'5 to $100 for information
ieiidirg to arrest of person wl.o leaves
fire turning on a rational rcccr vo
Received by Albany Man from
x .k u 11 n 1
'"8 Dell "arty,
A letter from Cairo, written by Rev.
ri. L. Dunsmore. of Independence, to
I Frank Whittaker, of this city, is full
of interest. 1'he Democrat is permitted
to give a few Barographs:
I Arrived in London from Montreal
July 2, after 8 das of smooth passage.
Spent 9 da 3 in and around London,
v Biung many points ot interest. Julv
11 left London for Paris. Of the e'gh't
in tne party live weie ouite leasick
anu spent oniy one day tnere. leaving
,, : ,,";
""u 'ha mo beautiful vineyards,
5,' ?et' m1 m Marselles and the
1Mx tjok tho Congo for Alexandria,
JjpP'' travelling about 1400 miles on
"' "led,"lr' "vt'r .", aieaiteranean,
Pawine son-e historic places in sight of
Je "lands of Corsica and Sardinia,
Italy and the Isle of Sicily, being quite
narrow, Ja' to 2 miles wide. Had good
view 'of the city of Messinia, thrown
down by an earthquake a year or two
Came from Alexandria to Cairo on
Tuesday, about 4 hours, by train, along
the valey 0f tho Nile. I cannot begin
to describe the scenery. The people
continue to live and worK as they did in
the days of Moses. There are oreat
stretches of cotton on all sides.irrigated
from the Nile.
Today we visited the Dvramids at
Gnizeh, about 3 miles from Cairo. They
are immense. The weather is not as
hot as we feared, only 85 in the shade
today. Cairo is a wonderful city, all
kinds of costumes are seen, and there
are all kinds of people, msinly Arabs
and lurks, but others from every
country in Africa. On Monday we
'eav for prt Sa'd. and there will ship
for Joppa, thence by rail to Jerusalem,
spending about two weeks in Palestine,
j frora there back to Alexandria, then to
Athens, Brindisi, Naples, Rome,
,!lT,?sH.rf 3Tiid
i??'"' ? m",?55l!a"d. a.nA .Ir,? and,'.
S t" 7 " li S w ? , uZ-Sll
?eDt- ll Ul Boll Sept. 2, the Homers
f.' JfPj8?' "fVrS. ,2"?'
' P'- !1 and visit my old home in lor-
onto and arrive in Independence Oct
A Cascadia Joke.
Recently at Cascadia, a notice was
discovered posted in tho Lusmess sect-
ion, signed by a young man residing
I near the place on one of tho best
'rncts ther0' advertising for a wife,
, " caused quite a stir among tho young
"i uiu wimp. 1110 young man
was sent for and tol l to take his pick.
but that was a difficult tiling and finally
a selection was made for him, a fine
young lady visiting the resort. Through
some maneuvering a snap shot was
secured of the young man anil tho young
lady, while seated in an auto. The
mother of the young lady is said to have
resented the joko, causing some feeling
over the matter. But it was no jo e
with tho. young man Ho is said to be
dead in earnest and is really after a
wife. By the way, ho wasn't the only
man there said to be willin'.
, u , u . . . ,
J. flecker Has Serious Accident
at The Dalles.
Yesterday J, J. Hecker, a native of
Benton county, nnd brother of Herman
and B. J. Hecker, i of this city, met
with a bad accident at Tho Dalles. He
attempted to get on a freight and ride
with an old friend, working on the
train, out to his place near that city,
when he was struck by a car on the
next track and knocked under the
wheels. Both legs were frightfully
mnnagled. He was taken to the hos
pital and o'iB leg was amputated, and
the otiier will have to be if he gets
sufficient strength. The surgeon said
it would kill him to do it then His
condition is v;ry critical. B. J. Hecker
left at orcu for Tho Dalles.
Some Hird Questions.
The Bend Bulletin wishes to know
who will receive the Democratic nomi
nation for congressman in this district,
nlan hn rontililiiDn nnminee- if RnnrnA
is not a candidate wno win taKe nis
place, and if be is can he be reelected; L. B Luper yesterday completed the U iss Pearl Cameron left on a Port
if Chamberlain is not a candidate who i threshing of the cereals on the farm of land viBit.
will take his place, and if he is can he . G. W. Cochran, at Tangent. He re- Mrs. J. J. Lingren arrived from Leb
be reelected. Will Taft get Oregon's I ported the best yielj there of any anon.
support. Will Wilson get the Demo- struck yet, an average of over thirty Mrs. A. W. Blackburn and daughter
cratic support. Will Harmon? And , bushels an acre for the wheat. , went to Snlcm.
which presidential candidate will carry! Isaac A. Manning, who has been con I . C. A. Watson went to tho Bay to
uregon in rji&i
The Bulletin is
hese davs evident
ilin is wearing big clothes i
these days evidently, judging from the ,
pretentious questions asked.
A Eugene Hero.
Joe Jolt, a 16 year oUl boy yesterday
stopped Ernest Brodurs runaway horse,
bearing Mias Leir.a Huchoiz. threaten
mg to throw her iuiv time from hi i
back. The boy caught the bridle with
remarkable dexterity, an net that tokos
nerve. Jett shines lik? a 100 candle
power lamn.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 82 40.
Tho river has fallen another notch
i and 1.4 M foot.
Prediction: fair tonight and Fiidiy.
.1 Whitco -i'i I'ruu.'he;
t r
I l-
' s. v. ill p each in fur: land
C-l. R'josevelt is now a grandfather.
Mrs. Theodora i..sevili ir is the
WiMiam J. Burns, the detec'ivo is on
his wav to Portland. (In will rid ftirni.
I .'pick I work.
That was certainly a novo! party given
by Misses Louise Pirtle and Juanita
Riley, during all of last night, in honor
of Miss Helen Gilbert, who is to leave
next week for Portland to begin her
studies at the Good Samaritan Hospital
as a professional nurse. Just a dozen
were in it, and it was a complete
surprise to the young lady. At 9 o'clock
tnere was a theater party, followed by
a pocial session until 12, when the party
went to the arbor ot tne at. Unarlea,
prettily illuminated with electric lights,
where a feast of fried chicken, roasted
corn, hot biscuits and marmalade was
enjoyed until 2 o'clock, when tho party
retired for the night, in bunks, on the
spot, under the canopy of the heavens,
enjoying intense sleep, more or less, for
two hours, arising at 4 o'clock, taking a
walk to tho home of Miss Riley, on Hill
street, where a four course breakfast
was engaged heartily, when the girls
departed for their homes, delighted with
the novelty of tho experience.
The weather prediction: fair tonight
and Saturday.
Mrs. J. H. Culp this afternoon left
on a Medford visit.
W. A. Kimsey this noon returned
from his Polk county farm.
Mrs. F. M. French this noon returned
from her outing at Newport.
The Sister's School will open Sept.
11. Watch for announcement.
Mrs. and Mrs. and Dorothy Tweedale,
of Salem, went to the Buy this after
noon. ' .
President Taf t vetoed the wool bill Fortmillcr Furniture Co. have a nov-yeste-day,
and it is proposed to pass it , elty in a baby's bed that rests directly
over his head at once. j over the foot of the sleepless parents,.
Mrs. S. J. Armstrong, of Hastings, easily accessible and convenient for
Neb., arrived this noon on a visit with care. Great!.
Judge Palmer and family.
Miss Nancy Ralston, of the county Bills around for a medicine show at '
treasurer's office, went to Halsey this the O. H. soon. Years ago they used,
afternoon for her summer's outing to be very common.
A trout measuring 29 inches was 1
caught at Belknap Springs by a Eugene Judge Tazwell does well when he
man, at least that is the fish story. swats the Portland north enders.
Our cloan streets are attracting at-1
tention, and many visitors have been " is a great spectacle, this extra-
attracted by the good looks of the Hub. session of congress called by the Presi-
R. C. Churchill and family and G. T. deni f r ei tm 'eB'8latlon,. and then -
Hockensmith and family returned last
eveninir from their Cascadia outing, de-
lighted with the offering.
Mrs. H. N. Cockerline'and daughter,
Dorothy, returned on the Shasta Limit -
eu tins noon trom a iour montns stay
in California.
W. S. Weaver today began work on
a cement wnlk at Ferry and third
streets, on the property of Mayor Wal
lace, a much needed improvement.
Miss liable Williamson, of this city,
was duo to arrivo at Niagara falls to
thy, going up thoro from Pittsburg.
She is having a lino time on her east
ern trip.
The Albany Sand and Gravel Co, have
some line cement blocks for foundation
work; also a full line of sewor pipe and
drain tiling. Our prices uro right. Call
upon us.
r 1 . . 1 n , ,
Col. Astor and Miss Forco are to bo
married right away It is to bo ro-
gi-otted that it ra not sooner than it will
be The whole thing is being made 'a
A red hot war is about to bo wrged
r E,UB?' ? De!feon ln?, rower
Co. nnd the city over their water ser-
V1?0' th two pln,",tB tho Clty' cov-
""" " "'u. the Hammond Co., of Astoria to tho
C. V. Johnson, of Corvallis, has been Portland Lumber men, of which Mr.
appointed appraiser of customs at Port- Shaw is one.
land. An appointment that will give 1 '
tiafFahiarUtiLW n.r.0b Corvnllia ot ! Father Lane loft for Astoria, where
one of its best Johnsons.- ; on Sun(luy Cutholic duy wj), bo 'coIebrR -
Mr. ond Mrs. Gus Clmgman, of South ted, with one of tho most elaborate pro
Bend. Ind., are in tho city on a visit grams of the centennial. Besides Bishop
with their consin, E. H. Rhodes, while Christy, Gov. West, Senator Fulton .
on their way home from Los Angeles, and other celebrieties afo down for ad-
where they have been several months. droBscs, and a fine musical program nan 1
A dispatch says 81,000,000 damages bcon prepared,
was done at Lotherbridge, Alta and 1
vicinity, this week by a hail storm that Among thoso leaving on tho early
made havoc in the wheat fields. This train were Judge Stewart, P. D. Gil
is the home of A. H. Parsons, now in bort and A. M. Hummer of tho com
the city. j mercinl club, on a Portland trip, and
A Portland lawyer tried to collect a Herman Hecker and family, going to
fee of $2500, in a foreclosure suit bo-1 Tho Dalles, called thcro by the sorionn.
fore Judge McGinn, who reduced it to accident to Mr. Heckor's brother.
$250, which he declared reasonable, I
causing consternutioii in the legal cor- Judge Bryan, one of Idaho's leading
ner' ' citizens, arrived from Springfield, anil
Editor T. L. Duggcr, of Scio, was in wont out to the Bryan farm beyond
the city today. He expects to remain Corvallis for a few days visit before
in Scio until spring anyway. As he returning home. '
has teen offered $100 an acre for his i
310 acre farm he doesn't have to get Mrs. G. W. Cochran, of Tangent. .
"" J"u-
sul at La Guaira. Venezuela, has been
nmmnlnii tn prirttinl nr Uurronnnilla n
hieher position. Manmmr years airo
j was editor of the Salem Statesman,
; wl-ii niluwu uy ninny fllw.lliy people.
After over five years most of tho
insurances losses caused bv tho hi fin
imrant U. ilfB.Tialm .This'des not
An,il 1U HUH'. !.(.., -...I
iii;iijucj ;non niiuiu uiauim wviu pun!
on a uasis oi less man n per cent.
Chester k' formerly with lle
Brnwnell nuri' -iy r.f Ihis rilv, now a
cl . mi iiio i)'.:;. rover Terry nf l ie
to;-do flutilhi, n iw in !'nrt.!-tf.d, :,f -
hi .::t fit fhe C' n'enn'&l, in the C'ty
'on a viAit, and will j .in hm ho-t in i:ie
' n.'ur.inA Ilii broth, r Alton ii nn t'r
) Hi'-hniond, and his fafner is at HeaUh
burg, Caiif.
I A peculiar accident happened :.l
I Monroe. Cne nf the rm-n at work u
thn new concrctodam ncroai bong Tii,
! wu washing his hands in gaoli:i(. .
wh?n a lighted mntch or cigarett.- net ;
. the gn mine aliro. and the felinw had '
' 1 J ju'nii iinu iiio nvHr 10 rtitvo ntm-iTi,
. .1. k a:. . 1
c......ii..i.i A i;.... v ,t....
i negro there was accused of insulting
i woman, and upon being captured by
i crowd at midnight wai marched wi'h
a rope around his waist to lh-; river fnr
ducking, when the police iop(.ed
them, anil the fellow wbi released,
kipp r for l.uene, where he lives.
By the Man About Town.
A car 1' ad of concrete machinery ac "
Washington and Water sreet?, just
from SprinKtield. whern it was useu on
the new power plant, and Eugene, on
tne gas Dlant. Ihe conciete mixer has
a capicity of 200 yards a day. It is
the proper'y of the Or. Power Co. and
will be used on the new filtration plant
requiring an immense amount of con-.
crete work.
A Quaker Oats Automobile outfit, all
the wa7 from Chicago, perhaps follow
ing the Kellogg auto truck recently
here. These breakfast foods have
proven a great proportion for the man'
A tall slim young man in blue, wear
ing a cap labeled PILLAR OF FIRE,
was around today. Perhans it is a fact
that it would be a goud thing if some of
the other church members of tne world
would label themselves so it would be
known they were belongers.
Work has begun on tho $10,000 im
provements to the Masonic Temple,
under the direction of Chairman W. U.
Bilyeu, on the ground with his sleeves
rolled up, backed by a competent force
of laborers.
The Oregon Electric Depot site is
now artistic with a lino crop of corn
and sunflowers. By the way there is a
report that the Or. E. is coming BUro
this year, and another that it will all be
settled within this week
, nAahy ,fi i. .. t
h 11 B " WBa CB"01 oC
have been done. .
' , , . ,
. NeWS rrom Albany S SlX Early
G. W. Rohrbough, now under the
American S. S. Union, with headquart
ers nt Philadelphia, returned to Lolm
ntm, and thence into the country,
whore ho is organizing Sunday schools
at Crowfoot unci Fairviow. Ho has
heretofore organized several further up.
1 1. ...ill il!. . ' 1,
mi. ivuiuuuuKu win uuvur mm part ot
the stato, giving country districts theso
""S 5 h . "U K
religious work
1 '
... , . ... , .,
I Two Smiths loft, Supt. Smith of the
I Warren to., who went up to Niagara
to look nftel. tho work thr0 nml , A
Smith, of tho Curtis Lumber Co., who
wont to Corvullis, hoping to eaten that
nuto trilin on the Corvullis & Alsea out
jnto the foot na on business trip.
Mr. nnd Mr8. R, S- shaw and of
Mill City, left for Astoria to attend the
big reception tomorrow to be given by
went to rortiand lor a visit.
J01" nls lamny ior an outing
C. II. Burggraf left for tho Bay.
F. M. Pomeroy went to Corvallis.
Rev. A. M. Achcson arrived from
II. N. Cockerlino left" r.orthword on
an insurance trip.
iyie liigoce ana Clayton liam went
to Niagara on a surveying trip.
That League Game.
The last League game of tho year
will be played next Sunday at Rambler
Park, whin the Ilubbaril Tigers and tho
Alb;iny Colls meet fnr the wirtdup of
the sea-on. IliiOhard hurt a fast team
in tho field an I is trying her best to
land outside the celiar. As the Coll
playtd a 2 to 1 en-orle-is game last Sun
day a lino exhibition is expected.
Sunday's game will be called prompt
ly at 3 p. m. with Al rtendor holding
the indicator.
The Albany Steam Laundry.
Herman Otto, formerly of Benton
c-un'y, has roturned from the east.
V hero he went a yetr ago. and haft
I mht B. O. Wyatts inte'i-st in tho
Albany Lasndry Co Ho Is an expe
rienced bookkeeper an i will have
charge of the books. The Company is
buildmff up a fine trade, with enlarged,