A Popular Store for the People New Entrance to the Hamilton ore TAKE THE NEW DOUBLE DOOR ENTRANCE EAST OF STAIRWAY TO GET INTO OUR STORE. WE WILL BE SETTLED 'AND EVERY DEPARTMENT "RIGHT IN YOUR ROAD" EASY TO GET TO AND SHOPPING WILL BE A PLEASURE IN THIS STORE NEW FALL GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. WE ARE IN A POSITION' RIGHT NOW TO SHOW YOU MANY NEW THINGS IN SILK DRESS GOODS READY TO WEAR AND MILLINERY. 1" m READY ADVANCE SHOWING WOMEN'S FALL SUITINGS AND COATS The advantages are many in buying early. You get first choice and first choice means something almost ex clusive. -We will be pleased to show you through. NEW SILKS Messaline, Peau De Cyg nes, Louisenes, etc., in some new and nobby combina tions. Nearly twenty pat terns to choose from at a yard .....$1.25 EMBROIDERY An extra good buy in wide embroidery, good patterns and good edges that ensure them to laundry well. Only about 20 pieces. Sale price per yard 10c ALL LAWNS MUST GO A further cut in these will clear them out. Many good patterns left yet, all 27 inch, at 10c, 9c, and 6c yard. 48-INCH WOOL GOODS 10 pieces of Wool Dress Goods in shades of I?avy, Marine, Garnet, Helio and Plum, full 48 inches wide and are a diagonal weave, fine for jacket suits -or separ ate skirts. Yard 59c CHILDREN'S DRESSES We have a fine assortment of these dresses in both lieht and dark colors sizes, from 2 to 14 years. You can not do better on this line than right here. Large range of colors and prices. Look them over. MOTHERS: Are your children ready for the school year? We can supply your wants in Shoes, Hosiery, Underwear, Dress Material and all trimmings. We have a school berge, 42-inch width, extra good weight, in all colors, equal to any other at a dollar. Our price per yard -- 85c LADIES , MISSES and CHILDREN'S SHOES A fit with every pair. Our line represents the best shoe makers. We can fit you both in size and price. Try andi see. - Mail orders filled on advertised goods same day received. THE HAMILTON STORE A Popular Store for the People Our new line of Curtain goods are in. See them first. Take a Look At our show windows and see a few samples of our large line of RANGES AND HEATERS We have a complete stock of the Best Ranges on Earth, and can suit your needs and pocket book, for we have in slock the largest line of Stoves, Ranges and Heaters that have yet been shown m the city. We sell dependable Guns and have a new and fresh lot of the Famous Peters Shot Gun Shells. Call and look them over. We still have a little Gen eral Hardware that we can spare to our best customers. HULBERT-OHLING H'D. CO BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. Albany Democrat jyQ BARNS Good 5-room hoi,.-., v,uh woodshed, corner lot on 1st St., ac:railc loca tion, $1,350. A plot of land, about 4ots, this side Peiinywindle,. good location, fronting on two streets, $850. PACIFIC REAL ESTATE CO., 106 E. 1st St., Albany. Entered at the post office,;Albany,0- ttcor.tl tltiFS n ull rratttr. F. P. Nutting. CASCADIA BURNFD. Has Biggest Bon-fire of the Season. NOTICE-Tho Albany Lumber Co. have moved their olfico to their Raw mill in tho oast part of Albany, Thono your orders direct tj tho mill. Bith phones. HOLT AGAIN. at Second and Lycn street, with a fine stock of meats, groceries, produco and fruits. FOK SALE. Modern 6 room bungalow, by owner. 1169 W. 9th street. Phone 101-R Boll. E. L. McNeil. tl5 FOll RENT. Largo furnished room on Second St., heated, close in. Call at llotol Revero ollico. 15t HOP PICKERS. Register with J. C. tlammoll, at the Kovoro. for this yeur's picking in yard near Corvallis, lilt I FOR SALE. Or oxchango my residence FOR SALE. Ono canopy top, two and somo choice vacant lotHfor desir-, B01lt one buggy, rubber tire, able land, acri.go near Portland pro- , wagon, ono cart, three sets ferret). J. D. Kills, A Unit) v. ! uig)o harness, all in (rood coi dition. 9Wi E. 4th St ' I Iniuiro at Parkers Bakery, ROOMS, new and modern, at Walton's FCR SALE.-Best small farm in Booming House, Sdmll?. Brick, next Willamette- Valley at a bargain; good , duor to opera house. By day, week ' inside Albany property taken as part ' or month. Home phone l lfvS. St iviyment. See B. M. Payne, Cusickj kPhn nnv rr.,., n ii-... '"K- : WANTED.- 100 wether goats. H. I BliYANT. t : WANTED A couple cooks for cook wagon. Good wages. Call at 231 S Washington, or phone 517-R. 119 ; LOTS CHEAP.-Nice residence lots in now addition, east part of town at $250 00 and upward per lot, $10.00 1 down and $10.00 per month, no taxes, i no interest. See B. M. Payne, j rooms 19 21 Cusick Block, Albany. Or ! WANTED - At once, a boy with a I wheel to carry the Oregonian. See f Ben Clelen. HAY WANTED I am in tho market . for 1000 tons outs and vetch hay; also I 500 tons clover and 600 tons cheat hay. Call or address G. W. Simpson. 341 Ebs1-, Washington St., Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE. -A good rubber tire ! cart. Phone Red 380 Home. Allen Hewes. East 4th Geary. FOR SALE - Full lot, house, 4 rooms, 3 closets, 2 porches, wood in shod, etc. Also furniture. At bargain. Call Home red 211. tl2 FOR SALE.-Clean tock of Gen. Merchandise and Post office. Mill Town, sales $2,000.00 per Month. Post office $00 per month. Property for sale or rent. ,lw' cash, good real estate for balance. Address Mer chant care Albany Demo. HOP PICKERS WANTED. Apply t Leo Cohen, Pfeiffcr Store, for in formation. tl Bryant. FOK SALE Corner lot, large house, some fruit, good locution. Also some furniture. A. Strom, Demi crat ollico. Studebakor Watroos, Buegios Sur rey's and Hack's at Stewart Ji Sox Hardtvo Co. ( FOR SALE by the owner, a six room house and two lots, center of to.vn, half block from limb school. Apply on I ho premises 32.1 Fust 4 h strict. II. Barns. PIANO Tl'NINl!, Leave orders for piano tuning at oodworth's Dmg Stoio. C. M. Henderson, Tuner, GLASS.- All sins and kintls, for fale at the Albany flailing Mill, cheaper than aywheie else in Albany. Skill Iv set. if desito.l. FOR SA1 E at a hirga n. t,vo lots and two he jjet on '1 h r.l i nd Railroad Sts. Price JUT hi (o, bv owner, G. SV.' Simpson, 4 ill loin neicial Block, Port land, Oipgon. Hit FIRE INSURANCE Beat companies, nuex, v. V. tiryant, Albany, Ore, FOR EXCHANGE. Improved proper ly heart of Albany, 1 1000, rent $S5 per month. Will take vacant . property in Albany. Corvallis or Salem fer halt value. Miitht consider busi ness or personel property or land for part. Address J. B. Graham, Genl. Del , Albany. FOR EXCHANGE. - Well improved ranch in Lincoln county, Oregon, on railroad, 190 acrrs, $L'!i per acre. Owner old. must retire, will consi It r property in Albany, or se I improved acreage. Address Pox 446, Albany, Oregon. FOK KEN T - 2 hells, s for $9 .ind $11 per mo.; simi'ited near Madison school. J. V. Pipe, 203 West 2im Si. FARM FOR SALK. -S0 acres at $76 per acre. One milo from good R. R town, graded school, 6a acres culn vatetl, Li in timber, good huihim,;?. running water, a map. I all upon i . A. Thompsin. Albany Shingle Mill 14t GAR11AGF. Fred bainwater lo?k after garbage. Phone Home iSCU FOR SALE - Number ono good organ, cheap, if taken at once. Call Home phone 4S4 for par' iculars. Ill FOR SALE - New residence and one lot, 1138 W loth St. Half cash, time on balanca. Frank Lucas. 9t W A N f ED. Good farm lands ta ox- ihanuo for Portland property. C l' on J. V. Pipe, 203 West 2nd St., Albany. FKrJSII CASCADIA mineral water, de livered in the lity. Leave orders at Wigwam Livery Stables. Both phones. 14i FOR S ,l.F. An old bain, in good con dilion, cheap. See E. A. Thomison. 2ilt HOP TICKERS WANTED. -Yard on the A. r . Luther p!.ice. I niiL' fr. m Albany. Home phone 2106 Kemster now. eel. lei!; n & Seltleir.iie 7t FOK SAI L' Or lent, piano and oik1 .ins by Davenport's Music H.'ose, ever s't re of W. B. Stevens, roo ts 1 and 2 Lei FOK SALE. ! aerts inMi'e limits of Jotlerson.with 7 room bungalow, irood : barn, vi ung orchard, nil k mis fruit, nice home place. Inqu r. of Dr. Y. . F. Jones, 340 E. 5th L Albany, iot. MADE IN ALBANY. Shew e -f. ootinte.s, ant! other store tiv jres, i first chfs goods, by the Union Furni I lure Factory. Order of ihem. Keep' money at your homo. ! ' Cascatlin. Or.. Aug. 21. The largest bon-lirc of the season at Cascatlia and the last big one of the year, was held ( Thursday night in front of the hotel. . The hotel boarders who had enjoyed I many tires on the camp-grounds were the hosts on this occasion and a crowd of 200 people gathered around an im mense fire. The committee on ar rangements, which consisted of Miss Orah Harkness, Miss Maude Laug head and Mrs. Willard Marks, sent out unique invitations written un cedar chips. I Judge P. H. D'Arcy, of Salem, who has won fame at the bon-fires as one of the leading entertainers of the camp ! by his able talks, songs and Shake spearean readings, presided. Rousing talks were made by Senator M. A. Miller of Lebanon, Rev. M. B. Paroun agian of Brownsville, and Hon. Jef ferson Myers and B. S. Pague of Port land. Excellent readings were given by Miss Orah Harkness, Miss Angel of Portland, and "Chief of Police" Ross Fletcher, and the Misses Mars- , tcrs of Brownsville sang splendidly. I "D'Arcy's Famous Minstrels" were then introduced and presented the crowning feature of the program. Converted into regulation minstrels by a liberal supply of burnt cork, a num ber of Cascadians presented a min- . strel show midst constant applause, ! giving a program consisting of solos, '. chorus songs, comb music, cake walks, iigs.'and the customary minstrel iokes. . all of which were adapted to the peo ; pie anil conditions at Cascatlia. I Judge D'Arcy officiated as intcrlocu ! tor and Mrs. F. P. Nutting was prima I dona. M. C. Reed of Portland, and ; Willard Marks were end men and the ( other members of this celebrated min ! strel troupe, all of whom contributed successful "stunts." were Mrs. O. A Archibald, Mrs. Olin Stalnakcr. Mrs. David Froman and Miss Rhoda Stal nakcr. County Recorder Grant Fronian and i son, Cecil: Dave Kroman. Wayne Dawson and G. C Price stopped her' Thursday night while on their way to Upper Soda. I Judge and Mrs. Hewitt, Miss Maude i T.aughead and Gen. Martin left for ( home Saturday in Roy W'orley's auto. I Clarence Cameron came in ye-tcr-, day. joining Mr. Cameron for a : week's Slav here Mr. and 'Mr. O. A. Archibald and family left for home Saturday. Mrs. ' , H. C- Harkness has also returned to the "Hub." , D. F. orr.n of Fmrene. p.i-t trrand i-bai'et'lliir of the Knkhts of Pythias oi Oregon. noonnipnTved by liis f mi ily. arrived here yesterday aiternonn to oeud a few days. There was no preaching here ye . terdav but a sacred song service was held in the parlor in the evening. SeiMtor M. A Miller of I.chanr and his brother. V. A. Miller of Port land, are at Cascatlia. C. L. M-trris. postmaster of Har- risburg. ai d his family arc among the O'-adia campers. The fire bell rang last evening, be cause of a couple fires east of the city, and some of the apparatus was taken to the eastern part of the city, but did not go to the fires. Two barns were burned, one on the old McClung place and the other on Glendorr, the former having consider able hay stored in it. How the tires started is speculation. Some say the sparks from one blew over to the other, nearly half tr mile away, but there seems to be an opinion that some hobos were getting even with east ead people, wro have been trying to get rid of them. People have wondered why the fire fa. "II was rung for barn fires some dis- mint; iiuiu me city limits. Chiropractic, The Chiropractor adjusts the spine and releases the nressure on nerves. I hence normal functions follow (and that i is health.) I The Optometrist measures the eye and restores normal functions with prop erly ground and adjusted lenses (hence normal sight.) . ur. Eaton, oph. d. c ' Chiropractic Institute. 325 Lyon St. Both Phones. A little cash will nandle on of the beat "BUYS'" of the seasou in Centra Addition. Strictly a resident district Ask Collins & Taylor about them. Studebaker wagons, ouggies, surreys and hacks at Stewart & Sox Hdw. Co. Shoes for the whole famiiy. Look out. Don't deyelope corns and bun ions. Go to Burns Shot Store. F.G. Will ibr watches WOOD SAWING.-Promptly done by E. Rainwater. 45c to 55c per cord. Home phone 2304. Resid nee 803 1st and Lafayette. tl TO EXCHANGE - 22 acres, with ins provements, near Albany, for smaller tract near Albany or uorvallis, or small house and some lots. Home phone Red 4083. t26 FOR RENT. -3 newly furnished house keeping rooms on first floor, at 532 Baker. FOUND A pocket book containing valuable papers and mileage ticket on Great Northern. See M. Bussard. 505 E 5th St. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOTS. Adjoining Main Street in Albany for I Rale from Sdnn nn nn Un!F B. M. Payne, Rooms 19-21 Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. WANTED. Furnished bouse, orauart- i ment, two to four months. Demo crat omce. THE IMPERIAL. Now in charge of flr rs. Stillson. Home cooking, good' service. 2nd street, near Democrat office. 12t FOR SALE. Wood saw business fine' machine, every thing complete,, horse,. - saws, harness and lots of wood ahead. Will sell reasonable for cash. Parties interested see B. F. Rozelle, Albany, Ore. t23 FOR RENT. -3 unfurnished rooms, with' bath, etc. 404 Cal&pooia st. t24 FOR SALE A big bay horse, sound an true, $125. W. C Schulti, Jirsey Dairy, both phones, tl2 GARBAGE. If west of Lyon street 50c month. S B Penny the garbage man Home phone 2303. GRAIN WANTED. We will pay the highest price for WHEAT or CHTS OATS BOUGHT OR STORED VETCH ' AND CLOVER CLEANED CUSTOM CHOPPING. Our warehouses have the lowest insurance rates in the citv M. SENDERS & CO. . Both Phones 48. STORMY WEATHER is sure to come. It comes in finance as well as in climate. We aim to conduct, not only a fair weather bank, but one that will withstand the storms. A bank's assets and liabilities ahvas balance We have $1.33 for every dollar, that'we owe de positors. Our aim is to be safe, rather than biy. . . .. ..i., uumiic-s ana nave preterred depositors. no J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY, OREGON.