Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, July 21, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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    S. E. YOUNG &
It depends altogether on YOUR CLOTHES how
SHIRT is certainly much cooler than ANY OTHER kind
you can wear. You can find many , different colors and
grades at the store and they won't COST you near as much.
Perhaps you think it hardly worth while to buy a SOFT
SHIRT if you are not in the habit of wearing them, but at
the LITTLE PRICE we quote you, you cannot AFFORD
to do without them. What could be more comfortable on
the feet than a good stylish pair of FLORSHEIM $5.00
OXFORDS that will cost you only $3.25, and good SILK
SOCKS, light and cool, regular 50c values, for 39c a pair.
Your Underwear is also most important. All summer
grades of men's underwear, 50c values for 37c a garment.
All kinds of furnishings for men and boys, and our prices
are all reduced.
YOU MAY ADMIRE the clever advertising which draws you to a
store, but you won't go again if the promises made are' the "pie crust" kind.
YOU MUST ADMIRE, however, the store where promises are more
than fulfilled, where you get better drugs than you expected at a less price
than --ou expected w pay. That's the kind of store this is. . .
Say! You Gardeners
and Everybody Else, come and see the NEW
lot of Garden Seeds. "Mind you not leftovers" at
"The Sign of Quality.
The Albany Bakery
16 W. First Street.
F. 0. Will
Ralston Electric Supply Company,
312 Weit Second Strert.
Pot ruilding. ornamental purposes, rip
ran, filling, etc.
Sampirs at Vf. Senders t Co'i store.
W. L. U.'L!t. R. Moms
9 D Phone,.
S. E.
Both Phones.
A fine line of Jewelry, Sil
verware, Cut Glas? and
Novelties to select from.
Summer work made de
lightful with an Electric
Residenvtf, Office or
The Panfatoriit!!!,
Ji W 11 St.
Bell Phone black' If;
Horn photic 196
Mr. Wage Earner, do you ever have
dreams? The man who continually
dreams of an ideal but never tries to
attain that ideal is little more than a
blot on society.
The man who dreams of an ideal
and tries with all"his might to attain
that ideal is the only man worth
You ' have long dreamed of that
comfortable little home All Your
Own with its fruit trees, berry vines,
garden, lawn and flowers, but have
you made an honest effort to attain
that Home?
Start Now by putting $10.00 per
month in one of those beautiful
homesites in Hazelwood.
No interest, no taxes, no notes, no
mortgages. Your payment suspended
if you are sick or out of work.
Hazelwood is located in the most
rapidly growing section of Albany.
Buy Now, before electric lines are
built and construction commenced on
the New Albany College buildings.
Prices will then be out of your
E. H. CRAVEN, 309 Lyon St., Al
bany, Oregon. Either Phone 315.
Keep Well.
Don't take drugs, but use Nature's
own remedy. LONDON MINERAL
WATER, a delicious beverage, yet a
perfect tonic. AT ALL SODA
FOUNTAINS or inc'ases at MUR-
; PHY'S SEED STORE;, agents.
r Phone for a case today.
The only addition in Al
bany of recent platting with
sewers and city water. The
owners of this addition have
just completed the installa
tion of a first class sewer sys
tem, thereby affording peo
pie desiring modern homes
an opportunity to secure a
lot with sewerage and city
water at a very reasonable
figure. For particulars cnll
at our office or phone us.
Age n t s
Albany, Oregon.
I Carrol II. Palmer, Voice Culture.
Pi-ht Singing and Pi:!. lie ScW
. Music. Lena V. Palmer, Piano, Har
jnvry and Musical History,
j Three Courses Four years Piano;
. three years Voice. Two years Public
1 School Music.
i Private lessons and partial course
j given.
I Special Summer Course, beginning
I T"n. 2llfh. enrliirr Inly 28th.
I a; c; JEHKJH3"
J Architect & JJnilrfer.
I v. cx- 3rd & Broadalbin,
News From Albany's Six Early
Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Milford left for
their home in Illinois, after a visit at
the homo of Steven Freerksen, attend
ing Chautauqa while here. They were
greatly pleased with the Willamette
Valley, and may return if Mr. Mih'oni
is able to dispose of his business inter
ests. Rev. and Mrs. S. A. Douglas and son
left for Niagara, where they own a
cottage and will take their annual out-
one of the most delightful spots up the
road. It is a fine place for camping,
and others will go later.
F. SI. French left on his regular
quarterly watch inspection trip, going
up Brownsville way. Yesterday ho
was at Woodhurn. and before through
will inspect every watch of the agents
and conductors in his territory.
,v . B. Blanchard was brought down
from Brownsville by Dr. Starr, and
taken to the hospital for care.
Mrs. J. C. Mayer and son arrived
from Lebanon for a visit at John Du
mond's. Mrs. T. P. Hackleman and daughter
went to Lebanon for a twoweek'svisit.
Rev. J. H. Douglas went to Salem.
L. E. Blain left for Newport for rest
j and an outing. The crop of water
agates that has been accumulating lor
the past year will now materially dim
inish, Mr. Blain being one of the best
water agate finders in the U. S.
Jack Callahan, of the Warren Co,
went up to Niagara to look after the
gang of rock men there.
Mrs. S. E. Watson and daughter left
on their annual pilgrimage to Seattle,
where they formerly resided and Mrs.
Watson's folks reside.
Mrs. T. J. Butler went out to Thomas
to help Mr. Butler finish the bridge at
that place.
: Mrs. A. A. Mickel and daughter wont
to Portland for a visit.
Col. J. B. Eddy, r. of w. man, went
out to Lebanon to look after his big
hay crop ready for the barn,
i Chas. H. Cusick left on a Ashing trip
I up the C. & E. loaded for the biggest
in tne stream.
Mrs. Will Koch went out to Lawson,
for a visit with relatives.
Have you'ried the new imperial un
er the new management.
I say, tho3e steaks ore fine at the Im
perial. Get the best root that money can buy.
Singleton puta it on.
Singleton guarantees his roofs. You
need the roof. He neeib the money.
Nothing so bad ns u bai roof. No
use. Singleton puts on the best. ;
I Shoes for the whole famiiy. Look
out. Don't develops corns and bun
ons. Go to Burns Shoe Store.
Mr. George Dorr. Dear Sir: Wc,'
your committee chosen to select a
name for your new addition to the city
of Albany from the names submitted
by the contestants, respectfully report
that we have chosen the name
'Glendorr" as most appropriate for
your purpose.
Respectfully submitted,
The winner of the prize is Mis J.
Trimble, 1022 E. Third street.
This property has been sub-divided
into blocks and lots so that we can
ETivc a purchaser any amount of land
that he may desire and at prices and
terms that are most attractive.
All we ask is an opportunity ti
show "yu ""d we are sure tnat '"1
can convince you that we have th(
biggest bergain in land for a norm
in this locality.
Gen'l. Agents.
The greatest motorcye'e event that
takes place in the world, was held re
cently in England in the form of an
endurance race, known as the "Senior
Tourist Trophy road Event."
- The importance of this evont is known
tho world over, it is a run of five laps
around, a thirty-seven and one-half m',.c
circuit; it is held once each year and is
open to any and all motorcycles in the
world. This year there were aixty-sc-Vfn
And again the Indianrr.otorcycie proved
its nuperiprity by winning, first, second
ard third p'aces in this event.
Better stop and have a io:k at the
wnnderful Indian, at Baltimore's
Bicycle Shop.
Choice Any Suit
in Siore
Revere House Block
13 UOU.'B A I A
Milting a Window, with a
Asleep Un.ier it.
The bahy of Mr. and Mrs. C. L
Mmison, ontith street, noar Broadalbin,
nad a very close call lust livening An
electric liiiht pole, weak &. . . .- uottom,
feil directly into tho, houo, u which
the Monson's reside, striking tho front
window, after mashing through -ome
wires on the way, breaking the window
to pieces, the end of the pole, resting
on the window. In going down it
scraped the eavea off and loosened
ff the boards.
Under the window in a buggv a baby
was sleeping. Broken glass was thrown
all around and over it, but fortunately
the pole did not quite reach the child,
and the child escaped by a small margin.
I', was a close call, and Mrs. Monaon
had reason to bi frightened, as she
rushed in from :i adjoining rjom and
realized the dung jr.
Aii Expert at the Hamilton Store.
A. E. Keith this morning assumed an
important position in the Hamilton
Store. He is an expert in dress goods, :
window trimming and advertising spec-'
uiilicb, nuu win nave cnurge ui iiiesu
departments. When the enlarged store
is completed with its new show windows
the store will have one of the finest
window displny spaces in the valley and
a specialty will be made of the windows.
The store will only have one entrance,
the rest of the front being given to
windows, set in deep, modern affairs in
the very latest settings.
Mr. Keith has a family, and comes
from the Arcade store, Tacoma. a man
of a good many years experience in his
Off for Cascadia.
Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Stevenson and
Annetta left last evening in the cool
of the evening for Cascadia, for an
outing of a month or two. Grover
Forgey, who lias probably made more
trips to Cascadia than any one in Al
bany, had hold of tho lines.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McKechnie also
left for there this week, and Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Biddle went earlier.
Bad Country Runaway.
A serious runaway is reported near
Lebanon yesterday. A. Jnfcel, aged 75,
am Paul Carter, n young man, wore
driving a small load of ray, when the
team became frigntened at an auto
mobile beside the road, and ran throw
ing them out. Tho young man was
CDught by a rope and dragged a quarter
of u mile oyer a rough road, being badly
iniured. bruised and the akin scraped
off. The old gentleman was simply
bruised some.
Very Special Prices on
Rugs and Furniture
COUNT. $45.00 Dressers .....$36.00
$30.00 Dresses 24.00
$25.00 Dressers - 20.00
$20.00 Dressers ., 16.00
. $18.00 Dressers ... 14.40
Same discount applies to all Iron
Beds and all Rugs, Bed Springs, etc.
We also want your Hardware and
Grocery Business.
Groceries, Hardware, Rugs, 3 Floors
Try the Edge With Your Finger !
Examine a collar fresh from our laundry. Notice its clear, white color,
its even, clastic stiffness, its smooth, velvet-like domestic finish and its
perfect shape.
Then test the top edge by running vour finger over it. Notice the
smooth, slick finish given it. Nothing there to rub, dig or irritate the neck.
The test will prove the value of our service. Make it. Send us a trial
bundle and make the test. Phone call brings our wagon.
"The Laundry of Quality"
Both Phones SO
329 St:ond Slree, Between Ferry & Brxaddlbn
ReiiaLr.ition (:.rm name by D, F.
Robnett, Oak Tree Farm.
Dee la recorded:
Benj. F. Rozelle to Wm. Folt
mer 04 by 120.12. feet suburbs
Albany i 10
A Portland Party.
Dr. R. H. Wellington and Philo E.
Jones, prominent Portland physicians,
r . u. r oller an i u. J. AiciUSKer, or
that city, after spending the night in
Albany loft this mornmg for up the C.
E. into the nits., aiLor rUh and a
summer's outing among the tall
timber amiddt nature's glories.
Card of Thanks.
Mrs. VV. Cv .Vorgan n I children de
Ire to express their sincere thanks for
10 many acts of kindness and 8ym
athy during the long lllnpsa and after
:ie death of their beloved husband and
Lather, and especially to tho Royal
Neighbors for numerou favors that are
greatly appreciated and will always be
Delivery Wagon Notice.
Until further notice our delivery
wagon will leave the storuRas follows:
nil deliveries west of atore'.at 8:3" nd
10:30 a. m., and 3 and 5 p. m.; east of
store 9:30 a. m. ana 4 p m.
Notice to Contractors.
PlanB and specifications for the S. E.
Young & Son store building may be had'
oy cuuiruciura uesirinf to Diu on mo
construction of the building. Owners
will furnish materials. BidB muBt be in
by July 31st Owners reserve the right
to reject any or an Diets.
JUST RECEIVED fresh from the
factory, 75 pairs of Bicycle Tires, no
old jobbers Btock, all fresh and good at
$3.60, $4.00. $4.50. and $5.00, andjif
they don't give you satisfaction we will
maae it richt. as that is what we are
here fnr. W have been here a long
time and wisn to please you.
.Baltimore Gun & Bicycle: Works.
WANTED. Place for board for two
small boya.Jwith nOjOther; childred.
105 W t'Uh.;room 4. 75t2L4
PIANOjSNAP. Korsa'e at a bargain
a newjhigh grado upright Mahogany
Piano, H30 Lvon cor 3rd St. t26
tdij la tno title of a bonutinu M-nage boon, which
will allow any boy or r.i'- l liov to i5i.'coKi;p. trP r.
postal la the mall TODAY end It win bo uvai IV.i.!.
Tho aim of tho College Is to 'Minify Ati'l porutlrr'.jo
tho lnttuatrloa, and to aorvo ALL the people. ILoer
oouraes In Agrlnulturo, Civil uglneorlU, Electrical
Kuglnoerlug, Mochnnieal Entflneerlug, alining Uugta.
eorlng, Foiostiy, Domofltlo..&clenco and Art, Coin
ntcrco, Pharmacy and Muslo. Tho Oollogo opens
September 22d. Catalog free.
00LIEQS, Corvallla, Orogoa.
It lines nrtt pay to scrub half your
energy away over a tub.
V j do kunidcring of all kinds so
jt'ViM.-l!' and reasonable that you
cor.M not tell the linen was cvsr
.':!(;!. The fresh, sweet cleanness of
t''!- :ir"i it'elf tells the talc.
All sill:s, funcy linens and woolen
:;ori washed with the greatest care.
Call us on cither phone and our
ii!.ti vill mi!.
Wyatt Bros., Props.