Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, July 21, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned was this day by the county
. court of Linn county, Oregon, duly
appointed Administratrix of the estate
'vLydia Settlerairc, late ,' of Linn
Q ty, Oregon, deceased. All per
' ' . vving claims against said estate
are here Sv re1uired to present the
same to the" -undersigned at her resi
dence at Tang1' ?"sa' w"hm suc
months from this a j , , .,
Dated this the 8th VA"ir4.V,?w-
FORD, Attys. for Admrx.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been by the County
Court for Linn county, Oregon, duly
appointed administratrix of the estate
of John T. Grate and has qualified as
such. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to present the same to the under
signed at her residence near Jefferson,
in Linn county, Oregon, within six
months from this date.
Dated this 31st day of March, 1911.
L. A. GRATE, Admrx.
FQRD, Attys. for Admrx.
iNotice is nercDy given u, .c u .-
P' T'tlY Stc?
. :...-.! IT ......: H, 1-,. Will
dppUHLLCU UACMJLI IA Ul ll.l. .UJfc .....
and Testament of J. H. Maine, de-;
ceased. All persons having claims I
against said estate are hereby re-,
quired to present the. same to the un-
dcrsigned at her residence in Albany, I
Oregon, within six months from this
date, duly venliea as ny i.'.w rcquireo.
Dited this the 21st daV of April, 191 L
"ated this the tst
Weatherford & Weatherford,
Attorneys for Executrix.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County.
T th matt,- nf thr. inn ii-at nn nf
A. Bails to register title to the follow-
ing property, to-wit: Commencing at
the N. E. corner of the N, W. & of
section 20 in Tp. 14 S. R. 4 W. of the
Will. Mer., Ore'., same being tne in. c.
corner of the D. L. C. of James Wooa
and wife, Not. No. 4947, and running
thence W. 30.00 chains more or less,
to the N. W. corner of said D. L. C,
.thence S. 40.00 chains, more or less to
the N. line of the S. Vi of said Sec.
No. 20; thence E. 30.00 chains, to the
center of said Sec. No. 20: thence N.
40.00 chains, more or less, to the place
of 'beginning, containing 120.00 acres,
more or less, all lying and being situ
ate in the County of Linn, and State
of Oregon, Plaintiffs,'
Against 1 i
All whom it may concern, Defendants.
To all Whom it may Concern:
Take Notice that on the 21st day of
April A. D. 1911, an application was
filed by A. Bails in the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon for Linn Coun
ty, for initial registration of the title
to the land above described.
Now unless you appear on or before
the 29th day of May A. D. 1911, and
i... i. unil
snow cause wiiy sucu cippui.iiiuii sii.m
not be granted, the same will be taken
as confessed, and a decree will be en -
tered accordine to the prayer of the an-
plication, and you will be forever barred
from disputing same. I
(L. S.) W. L. MARKS,
Applicant's Attorney.
First publication April 28, 1911. Last
publication May 26, 1911.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County.
. , . ... . ,. - .. ,. .
In the matter of the application of
S. L. Dart and Emily Dart, his wife,
to register the title to the following
described premises, to-wit:
Beginning at the S. W. corner of
Sec. 33 in Tp. 9 S. of R. 1 W. of the
Will Merd., Oreg., and running thence
.li. ou iuua, incuse su. iou ruub, incuse
o. uo rous: tnence w. juo roos; tnence i
S. 74 rods; thence W. 80 rods; thence1
N. 60 rods to the place of beginning,.
containing 114 acres, more or less.
Also, beginning 60 rods S. of the N.
W. corner of Sec. 4, in Tp. 10 S. of R.
1 W. of the Will. Merd.. Oreg., and
running thence E. 80 rods; thence S.
180 rods to the S. boundary line of
the N. y2 of the S. W. of said Sec.
4; thence W. 80 rods; thence N. 90
rods to the place of beginning, con
taining 90 acres, more or less, all of
the foregoing described real estate be
ing and lying in Linn County, State
of Oregon.
Against all whom it may concern,
To All Whom It May Concern:
Take notice, that on the 25th day of
April, 1911, an application was filed by
said S. L. Dart and Emily Dart, his
wife, in the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Linn County for initial
registration of the title to the land
above described. Now, unhss you ap
pear on or before the 31st day of May,
1911, and show .::it:e why such appli
cation shall not be granted, the same
will be taken as confessed, and a de
cree will be entered according to the
rp-ayer of the application, and you will
he forever barred from disputing the
Witness rav hand and the seal of
-said Circ::i: Court this 25th day of
April, iyu.
(L. S.) W. L. MARKS,
County Clerk and ex-ofncio Clerk of
tne Circuit Court of Linn County,
Bv R. M. RUSSELL. Dcputv.
HEWITT & SOX, Applicant's Attys.
iawlings about a Rebuilt Under
wood that is good as new and guar
anteed for one year, also other
icakes for sale or rent Buy on
monthly payments.
0 A S O 3?t ac a
400,0, f lha tint oi Han .l"n itofr
W. C. Morgan, better known by some
as Uncle Billy Morgan, a resident of
Albany and its suburbs, for over fifty
years, died last evening at 5 o'clock, at
his home at this city, from the effects
of paralysis. He was well known and
well liked byeveiybody here and leaves
host of friends who wi;l sincerely
mourn his death.
He was born in Warren Co., Ky..
A tig. 16, 1827, when 9 years of age
going with his parents to Missouri. He
was married in 1851, and in 1864 came
with hs family in the big Missouri
train across the plains to Oregon, first
stopping at Shedd, two years later com
ins to near Albany, wbero and in our
suburbs he made his home afterwards.
He leaves a wife and the following
children: Mrs L. L. McCartney, of
The Dalles; Mrs. Chas. M. Burkhart
and Mrs. Ed. Cox of near this city; Mrs.
E. C. Stellmacher, of Wells; E. N. and
Lee Morgan of Albany, and J. K.
Morgan of tit. Johns.
The funeral will take place at the
family residence in the south western
suburbs tomorrow at 10 o'clock. If
attfcnd fr(Jm the city
will phone Gou.d's stab!es a rig will
The Library.
The free travelling library of the Ore
con librarv commission that has been
on exhibit at Chautauqua has been I
It contalns
8 DUmber o interesting books. :
! The following new magazines are j
'now on the tables: American, Collier's,
' Craftsman. Hamptons, Outlook, Review i
of Reviews, Travel. !
' The new books recently purchased ',
are now on exhibit in a separate alcove,
The fiction has been in circulation for
some time, me nOU-UCtlon Will SOOn
The non-fiction
be ready to circulate,
The library board has purchased two
new bcokcases, a children's table, and
chairs, and shelving for the magazines.
inese ooottcaaes are aire iuy lun
Mrs. J. K. Weatherford, chairman of
the book committee, has bee t giving j
many days ana nignts or yaiuatjie sor-
vice, assist ng in preparing .ne new ,
books for circulation. Mrs. H. F. Mer-1
rill, a member of the library board, is
also assisting greatly in tne worn. j
The children s story hour will be given
Friday at 4 o'clocK.
The College Catalogue.
. ... n ,, , , j of schools, of Chicago, under Miss
The Albany College catalogue, mod-; Y the' most famoug'o aU the su
est, we printed, booklet from the perin&nts o u . S.. left for, Portland
Churchill presses, is just out It lovers nd ho f ter visit with his old east.
the work of Itbo col.oge. An interesting ern f jen'd Dr. Shinn. He attended
lhJt1)!H5.?SC0inbeynlhe Chautauqua yesterday, pleased with the
ni n?,, delighted with the
Si in ihr h, r ;;'; ;
nw in thfl hnsinpsR nnri nrnfpqsinnnl
world., or are married to men who do.
The showing is one to be proud ot. The
ii i . i t.ii . i i
cuue lias mouu lur a ingn sianuaru,
and its graduates speak for it.
The Minstrels.
The Harrison BroB. Minstrel show,
wmch made Hazelron Wednesday eve-
ningha3 the distinction of being the
only one to exhibit here for some time
without a lot or tault-hridinc critics
picking i a attractions to pieces after
ward A negro minstrel show is in a
class by itself; and a good one never
fails to please an audience where laugh
ter and amusement are sought. Hazel
iwc ouu Biuuscuieub aits houkui. jatizei
h--ij a. aiv,0 wSj t.,i.. io
. '
j D. C. Kerr, of Silverton, has been in
the city.
j Miss Agnes Craft has gone to Sea-
.siue lor an outing.
vx t c
ei.anted a
M .
L. Cooper, of this city, has been
patent on a lock-setting gage.
Beezer. the architect, is here
again from Seattle, to look after the
X oung Duuaing.
Of. Peterson and wife, of Moline.Ill..
are here on a visit the guests of the
Dr. s sister Mrs. Dr. w. A. Cox.
21 miners were killed by an explosion
at Dubois, Penn . yesterday. Three
sets of of brothers were among, the
number. '
Rev. and Mrs. Rounds, after spend
ing ten days on the Chautauqua grounds,
left for their home at Jefferson this
nr. and Mrs. S. A. Buck of Monree,
v ash . are in the city. Mr. Buck is
at the head of b shingU mill with a
pay roll o. blUO.OUU.
An American woman has obtained
royai recognition in England and gotten
( h..r picture in the papers. But what's
the good of it anyway.
The management of the Williams
Jubilee bingers besides thanking Aioany
peonlj for the splendid reception
here ompiimf-ntcd the tine Misley piano
used .uring the assembly.
ML3CS Helen Crawford and Laura
Waggoner, for ten das residents of
Chautauquavillc. left for thtir homes
at Lebanon this ofternoon. They up.
predated all the good things of Chau
This week Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Young
and Mr. and kin. c. E. Sox in tne
Young car, er.d Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H.
Ralston and President ana Mrs Crool-.s
in the Ralston cr, will gn to Crater
Like, leaving about Thursday.
While the mercury went up to over a
hundred up this way, in Portland it was
reported only 97. As a matter of fact
it was just as hot there, but the official
thermometer is on top of the Ori'?nt,ian
building in the coolest place possible.
Frd Stevens the traDular nnirln.
tendent of postal maters at the depot,
for some time, as been trannfarT-pii i.. I
the run betweeu Portland and Corvallis
wnnr r. tivin Bauer, wno has th3t
run, has been sent to Albany. Th
trade will be made in about ten dajj
In losing a single youcg man Albauy
will get a nam 3d man.
Lomes tc an End. A Success.
Albany's second annual Chautauqua
is now a matter of history. It was a
great success, well managed, a splendid
thing in itself, and for the city. It was
held on about the finest Chauthuqua
grounds anywhere, with an auditorium
that has attracted attention. Lessons
have been learned from experience and
there will be a steady improvement.
To the end the class work was
At 6 o'c'ock Saturday evening Judge
Stewart read an excellent paper or.
early Linn county history, carefully pre
oared, full of interesting facts.
The drawing card of the entire Chau
tauqua proved to be the Williams
Jubilte Singers, who were greeted
Saturday night by the largest audience
of the assembly. They are the besi
organization of negroes in the U. S.,
and give a high-class program, cultured
musicians. They were again heard
Sunday afternon in a real sacred con
cert that was greatly appreciated.
Dr. Gabiiel Maguire,of Plainfiely, N.
J., presented bis address on six pears
in the dark Continent, an experience
full of thrilling events. Honked by a
buffalo, torn by a rhinocerous, over
thirty fevers, among a savage people,
cannibals in their practices, his narra
tion, one of excitement, graphically told.
Up the Congo he passed through the
land of the Pigmies, a vicious people.
The worst of all enemies of man is tne
unicorn, which always attacks, while
other animals may be made to run.
Tne Bongoias are all superstitions, and
their brutal practices to get r d of the
evil spirit are horrible in their nature.
Xheir weddlnmi . preCeded by this bride
.. moons on a shelf, were
told abouti and lneir funerals are odd
things. A cruel people, but they have
good qualities; will divide their sub-
stance, will not lie and are grateful.
One of the conversions was the witch
doctor himself. Many things were
shown, the skins of snakes, spears,
knives, their musical instrument, death
ueu. iiuukco, o.o.
In the evdning. utter a song by the
Williams JjWIua Singers and a solo by
Prof. S. S. Powels. of Milwaukee. The
Holy Citv, Rev. McMcQuilkin delivered
the closin? number of the assernby, a
.u n,, hr ";:,0j u: ' i
The Iare auaience massed oft the
oleasant grounds, across the Douular
pontoon bridge, or oyer the milk route,
ana tne assembly ot iyu was ciosea.
News from Albany's Six
Prof. Hitch, assistant superintendent
I Willamette valley, a garaen, spot.
1 - . i . i . v
j "T"i SknUS lit
the Kansas City schools.
There were young lawyers around
galore: Bert Johnson, of Portland,
years ago a member of the famous
colts, and Glen Mcllwain, went to the
Bay for an outing. Eugene Brookings,
also of Portland, having an office in the.
Spalding building, after a visit with his
old Milwauke friend. Prof. Powels, re
turned to Portland, and Mr. Schmitt,
brother of Prof. Schmitt, of the First
National, and wife, returned to their
home at Portland. Mrs. Schmitt spent
the whole of Chautauqua here.
R. K. Montgomery, of the Sheridan
S.P. office, left for home, after taking
his vacation. He likes his office there,
a paying one.
Dr. W. S. Holt, to meet whom is sun
shine, came over from . orvallis, where
he preached yesterday, and returned to
J. R. Penland went to Brownsville.
Commissioner Butler went up to
Thomas on bridge work.
Harry Shea returned from his regu
lar Sunday visit to Eugene. Had to
get back to officiate as juryman in the
circuit court.
P. C. Axtell, of Moro, left for home
after a visit with his sister, Mrs.
Robert Hartsock.
Rev. McCain, of Buena Vista, left
for home after attending Chautauqua.,
Judge McFadden, returned to Cor
vallis, after looking after his Junction
Lawyei1 Tussing came down from
Brownsville also R. E. Warren.
G. H. Randle, a juryman, arrived
from Lebanon.
Rev. Elmore.of Brownsville, returned
home after a trip to Palestine.
Mr. and .Mrs. Underbill loft up the
C. & E. after a short visit at Dr Lit
tler's. Father Lstie went to Newport.
v.iss Edith Hail, of the Stevens store
left for Detroit, for an outing.
Sigmund Lindstrom, ar.d family, of
Lebanon, returned home after atceiid
ing Chautauqua the entire ten days.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 102 yesterday,
the hottest of the season, down to U0
this morning.
The river is 1.5 feet
The prediction is fair tonight, Tues
day cooler.
Four or five days is generally the ex
tent of one hot 3pell and the prediction
of cooler weather will probably be veri
fied. TJu Rhodes Corner.
E. H. Rhodes will erect his new thre
tor- building at rirst and Fr
, under his own supervision .1
C. Way will have charge nf thu hrii't,
work, and the brick i being gol'iri,
'Sum ine ground reajy for laying I hi
corn-r will bo a goju one for a lig
Arch Kamsden. operator at the Postal,
and William Salisbury, foreman of the
Sawiius joo ortice. and prominent as a
baseball player, had a c'ose call to
drowning yesterday afternoon. Rams
den while in deep water had become
exhausted. At the time Salisbury.
Claim Baker and Elba Burnett were
swimmi .g a race towards the Crawford
swimming platform. Only Salisburv
heard the cry of Kamsden for help, and
he reached him as he went down tha
third time, and was taken down with
him in his struggle, but Salisoury is
game, and he fiercely fought his to the
surface with the man. The other men
at once learned of the situation, and
Baker, who is a very strong swimmer,
was instantly on hand ana pulled Rams
den to a gravel bar, while Burnett
helped Salisbury, completed exhausted,
until Baker returned and the two got
him to the swimming boat. Both men
were soon ail right, but for Baker and
and Burnett there would have been two
drowned. They are certainly entitled
to a Carnegie medal.
Our It. r' autauqua talk for the
It was a big thing, though short ri
nanciallya IicUe
there was nothing Door: but same
things were particularly good: Ourown
Wilson orchestra, all the class-work,
the local musical offerings, the Dr.
Sadler Co. including Miss Wilmer, the
reader, the best ever in Albany; Gov.
naniey, tnougn ne doesn t draw; Dr.
Woman. Prof Shepherd. Miss Marvin.
Mrs. Waldo, Mrs. Davis, Battis, Dr.
Mcguire r..-J the Williams Jubilee ling
The burifest drawers: thx Williams
Jubiloe Singers. The individual star,
iss winner.
Number of tents 105.
The social side of thu life was excel.
President Crooks again made good as
a platform manager. His promptness
is refreshing.
We learn bv experience. Look out
for hummer in 1912.
The last Chautauqua game was play
ed Saturday evening, an 1 was won by
the high Bchool boys, with Seth Thomas
French and Clayton Bain as the battery,
against the Metzgus-Rogoway team, 6
to a in a close and exciting game. Ing-
strom and Motzgus were the battery
ror me latter, i is maae tne termer
team champions, with four games won
and one lost. .
Not a theft is reported.
Did any one go to every number on
the nrogram. Raise your hand.
Manager Marvin has a large assort
ment of handkerchiefs on hand, and a
few other finds.
The fine Waukan girls have the
'hatter's thanks for a choice pieeo. of
blackberry pie, the best ever.
A Good Showing.
' ;-(-' . iij. . . ,
The total receipts at Chautauqua
were $3257.37,as follows: seaso.i tickets
$1840.75, at the gates $1245.17. concess
ions $35.00; collections $35 and $50.47.
It is not known what the expenses are.
but the assessment of $5 a share on the
stock, already maae, will come within
perhaps $200 of the amount. The show
ing ib a good one. There are 30 or 40
shares of stock, which should be taken,
and the directors will endeavor to
place it.
Last year the receipts were: SU47.75
for season tickets, and $1586.26, at the
gates and concessions, total $3134 01.
The receipts lust year at the ga'e for
Folk meeting alono were $611, which
makes the difference. This year there
was no single big drawing card.
An S. F, Millinery Trip.
Miss Lucie Matthew, head milliner,
with Chambers & McCune. left for Sun
Francirco, this morning, by way of
Portland an an ocean steamer, to visit
the wholesale houses and make a Btudv
of millinery as seen in the metropolis of
tne coast, ror a lew weens.
A card from Misses Anna and Kata
Aithouse was dated in Old Mexico.
Dr. Homan. one of Ore-ton's bcs'.
educators, of Willamette, and family,
went to the Bay this afternoon.
Ed. U. Will, wife and son, former
Aioany people, went io ine uay mis
atternooi, for their summer's outing,
President Crooks returnod this morn -
ing from Medford trip. Dr.Kergu -
son is aiso
there working for thecollege.
L"man Hamilton arrived this
fromPortland for a visit with his grand
father, J. H. and uncle, L. E. Hamil
ton. Hon. Jefferson Wyers, one of Ore
prnn's p-,d:ntr statesmen, formerly of
Scio, went to the Bay today for a .ew
days rut.
Loyrd and Arthur Davis, sona of
Wade Davis, a prominent engineer run
ninjj cut of Roseburg, returned home
rhi. forenoon, accimpam -il by Ihnir
runrtino!h?r -rn E Ii. Davis, whom
they h.ive hccTi visitiiiK several days.
O. II. Uv:&-J, of Warrcnton, near
Aston i, has been in the city today,
while o:i T.W w. iv '"California. He won
an Alnai.v .ny I'lurim; i.h 5o'a, and has
omn i-ir..i"..', up a few t.f his old-Jme
frirn ' : wii'i h'.:'lv -my i f hsra
Mr,. Edwards, of Sookaio. arrived
thiB noon i.n u shott vwit at the home of.
p M. d'rencb. Lufore srcing to the Bav
for n outing. .Mrs. tdwards is a
orinvr rei-i.i-t rf tli:e city, and has tho
distinction of t.-i;-ir the author of one
of tho be t cooK hooka ever published
on the u i.'tiu for the housewife.
The new S'tturduy Evening Poat wi 1
he out tomorrow and Riley Lobaugh
-. 'Ii bo on hmd wi:n a supply in his, r will h iv- Gloria Clementine,
t hr ht!t i h .i-i. Thi Servant in
the House, The Bilyad, Artemas Quib
ble, a Itw story. Kuw I Learnvd to
Kuu a Motor boat, vie, a fine number.
Tna Eugene Guard reports a forest
fire up the Blue Kiver, the only fire
reported in that part of the state.
The Albany Forestry Fire service con
firms the report of a fire up the Blue
River, started July 16, going towards
Cold Hill. Kanger Burtium. with .six
teen men, were put at work righting it,
and a telephone message this morning
itated that ha had it under control.
Ranger F. W. Stahlinuu tnis niornim:
reported a fire this side of Detroit, with
everything possible being done to Mo
its spreading, and ic is doubtful if ic i.
serious. Forest fires along the Cascades, ns a
rule are i-reatly exaggerated,' oiii-n
burning over old sections without dam
age of consequence. The Democrat
will endeavor not to unnecessarily make
ferest fires worse than they really are
Ihe fire this aid 3 of Detroit was in
camp number 6 of the Curtiss Lumber
u., una a message this afternoon
reported it under control.
News from Albany's Six Early
J. R. Penland the civil engineer and
gang of three assistants, including
Dean Crowell, left for Sweet Home on
special work. It looked some as if
it might be one of the White roads, but
all connections with this project was
Mr. and Mrs. F H. Churchill daugh
ter and 16 months old son, of Roseburg,
passed through the city for Newport
lor their summer's outing. Mrs. Chur
chill is a daughtsr of Rev. Smic.k, and
is an Albanv college graduate, married
thirteen years ago. Hor brother Dr.
Roy is in Roseburg, Louis in Portland
and James in California, all also former
college students. '
George Will, of Salem, years ago an
Albany music dealer, went to the Bay,
where he has some lots, to put up a
summer cottage for his family later.
J. R. F. Thurston, the Crawfords-
ville- saw mill man. went to Portland,
Gus Neeley went to Newport for his
Mr. and Mrs. D. Bussard and Mr. and
Mrs. Mackey. parents of Mrs. Bussard,
left for Newport, where thoy will occu
py the Bussard cottage a month or two.
Prof. A. L. Briggs went up to De
troit for a fish and hunt.
Mrs. Olin went out to Plalnvies,
Miss Orth. of the Home Restaurant
j went to Fox Valley for a visit with her
The famous Lucas bros,
, heavy
loft for
weight commercial travelers,
other points.
Prof. Mattio Swan, superintendent or
schools nt Crawfordsvillo. loft for homo
after attending Chautauqua, with which
she was very much pieasea.
Mr. and Mrs. Houts, guests of Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. llolman, left for the
Rev. Bontrager went out to his farm.
Mrs. Weir, after a visit ut W. A.
Kimsev's and Cooper Turner's left on a
trip to gcio. .
The Weather.
Range nf temperature 97 52.
The river 1.5 teet.
P,lt..n..n: W tnnhrht and Wednes,
- -- -
The Senate has passed a very drastic
publicity law, in connection with elec-
n r- n. j. in .. n-i-..,i,
,?-CV 'i' L6!!. ",iK"ihiS"e!S
preparatory to the annual encampment
in August.
At Eugene yesterday the 30. 000 re- them to see the proposition for them
funding measure carr ed 716 to 250. tne selves,
water board bonds 633 to 355, I ,
The Sou'hern Oregon Mining Con- ,
gress convened at Grants Pass today An Orchard Co,
with $10,000 worth of nuggets on ex-. p, . ,.,..?. - -
hMr0Schultz. on the D.fcn farm, B. ' thtit'Sl!'
D. 1, reports taking un .oday wo.f' J" bc" '" fit In the
mares and col-a ard a two yar old! I'l?' JSu0?
. ; .ii ' 'to. They are associated with J. A.
nvemaii. 'A Carson, E. W. Hazard and Frank T.
Manarcr Green was no'.ifiod today 1 Wrightmad in a commercial orchard,
that the plans for tho new filtraiu.H mo8tiy cherries, with small berries dur
plant wmbe here Auj. 4, w.icn work , ig the development period. It m a
will be pushed on it. ; cooperative institution, with dividends
Mrs. Laura Hsckleimn Djl.'nm. wife from the salt of fruit in view.
ot Gov. Haye s private secretary, of i
Olyrnpia, arrived last ni;ht for an
Duny visit,
F. B. Bell, a farmer of Sublimity is
given the credit of having made $50,000
in 24 years off a farm of 1W acres
through diversified farming.
S. P. Batch and familv. nf Lflhunnn.
were In tna citv last nUht In their aut..
i with Miss Bessie hold of the vheel, on
1 'heir way homo fr-m a balem trip.
l John Berry, who returned from a I rip J
j to f'oiter, reported everything Whiu
up tnt wny, "Jim' rrnnnr wos the buy-
nig or tne lino ueisomorrer f-.p.-ini;s
and hotel property.
Frank W. Wttson has binjcht the re
pair shop of J L. Irvi.x.- at hi girae..
and will hereafter run it. Mr. Wat"on
( is an experienced machinist, and may
i always he depended upon for first-class
At a in Salem lost night the
! valley league troubla was fixed up, and
: tne scneomo lor me r.matnin games
clanged. Albam will play Hubbard
Huhhard Mxt Funday. Corvallis is
I ""t ln 't
I Ralph K. Kennedy wos drowned at
Slem yes'crday. He was riding pn a
'wood scow attached to the government
dredge, when he was thrown into the
rivor by a jerk of tho scow and disup-
' Peared in 8iKht of hlB wifo-
Eugene Guard: David Link, who was
I iitocm in tne east lot over a montn
arrivi'd home Friday night. Ho attend--I
th grand camp of the Modern
Woodmen of America and took in all of
tho principal points of interest.
Eugene Guard: Mrs. McLean of Rone-
inii u. itcently from rJrooklyn, N. I..
accompanied Mrs. Charles Rider of
M'hny, also recently from New
liavi n. Conneticut, to the latter s ho
ISnny where the former will visit fo
nf.:wio;,. They have boen visltin.
.i-. i H. Nobmann of Alameda.Calif .
wdj hts teen stopping for a time in tni
Present: President Eastburn, Sec.
Stewart, Vice Pres. Tebault, H ins,
Wiun. Shinn. Marvin. Foriiuili. .-. .t
art, Schmitt, Nuttinsr.
ihe order for "oOO ' booster buttons
was rescinded.
C B. Winn was annointed a delecata
to the Oregtn Development League to
meet in Astoria Aug. 14 and following
fhe committee on the union nf tlm
Commercial and Alco clubs reported no
action yet.
communications: from Abiqua Lum
ber Co. near Woodburn. eaimcitv
60.000 fnot. in reference to removal of
mill here. Referred to Messrs. Shinn.
Tebault and Schmitt.
Dr. Hill presented the matter of a
road between Albany and Buena Vista.
shortening the distance three or four
miles, with an invitation to contribute
$200 towards the entemrise. Mi-strs.
bastburn, Davis and Hill were appoint
ed a committee on promoting the prop
A communication was read from the
Medford Commercial club askine- for a
resolution in favor of a SDecial session
of the legislature to consider road legis-
muun. uraerea niea.
A proposition was read from the
Minneapolis Journal. St. Paul DisDatch
anri Omaha Bee to publish free anything
sent them boosting Albany and vicinitv.
This previous to land shows at Omaha,
St. Paul and Minneapolis. The propo
sition was ordered accepted and a com
mittee of five appointed on furnishing
articles for the papers named: F. P.
nutting, w. t,. Marks, (J. w. 'febault,
0. O. Page and 0. H Walker.
Advertising proposition nroDased was
a. u. senmitt, H. H. Hewitc, L. M.
Curl. H. Brvant and C L. Shaw were
appointed a committee- to interview the
County Court in reference to an exhibit
at the fair and then at Omaha and else
where. A committee of three was ordered
appointed to confer with Mr. H. Bry
ant in reference to Bryant's park as a.
city park.
Mr. Tebault moved that the matter
of a paid booster bo thu order of busi
ness at the next meeting.
Prof Farst,o Pleased.
Statesman; Prof. V. F. Fargo and
Mrs. Fargo have returned trom Albany
where Prof. Fargo conducted lecture-,
work in geology at the chuutauqua as
sembly. Prof. Fargo says that the
large auditorium was ideally located
among the trees on Bryant Island, at
the junction of the Calapooia river with
the Willamette, anil was practically
filled during the imtiro weplc. The
Apollo concert company complimented
the Albany people on tho auditorium,
saying it had tho best staua and was
one ol the best lighted of uny such
buildings they had visitod west of Ne
braska. With the cooperation of the
chautauqua management the Albnny
people were able this yoar to offer
many appreciative and enthusiastic
audiences. A high class entertainment
was given,
' '
Out to Linnhaven,
Limnnayen o.opio warn, Aioany
TU T! 1 - I- --I .11
peopio to sue tor tnemseives what they
are building up In the great Linnhaven
orchard only fifteen or more miles from
this city, and next Friday they promise
to take those Interested out to tho or
chard and show them the progress that
,1B8 neon maae in transiorn ne rarms
into an orchard. In Albany are many
stockholders who hav) never seen the
nrrhnrri nt.nll 'I h mnnnirompnl-. omnia
Wrong Number Given
A woman wishing work by the day,
sweeping, washing, etc., last evening
put an advertisement in the Democrat,
but bv mistake gave the number of
another person of the same nnm. as
the family with whom she is boaroinir.
There wore five or six answers to it.
As a matter of fact though through
! inquiry work was secured tor her
morning, ine correct number
390 Home phone. But it pay" to
Mrs. Griflth's Murderer.
Dr. E. N. North was arrested in
Lincoln county yesterday charged with
the murder of Mrs. Griffith near Phil
omath several months ago.
North is said to have mailt) a partial
confession of h'.s guilt to Rev. ftoso. of
Milwaukee, Cr. North is a dnlist.
The evidence againBt him ia m-itlv
circumstantial, but the circumstani:i.s
look bad.
New K. of P. Officers.
New olflcers wore installed bv T.snnd
Lodge, Knghtsof Pythias, last evening
as follows: Chancellor commander, John
G. Bryant, vice chancellor, W. A. Sal
isbury; prelate George C Richard i:
master of the work. Kufus M. I!ube1 ;
master-at-arms, Charles A. Upham;
inner guard. N. D. Conn; outer guarj.
George U. Cummings.
Dr. Lovo. the well known op
torn trist will be in Jtficr-.n
Ot AUKUSl 1. Hurtihllrir for..
noon of 2nd, Junction City sfternoon of
2nd. Albany 3rd to noon of 4th. Re
member days and dates.
city. i