: " a""55 ijgj ALTHOUGH OUR EXPjMSIOA SLE MS BEErt Il PROGRESS SEV ERAL VEEKS, WE YET FL4VE IAtiY TEAPTIiG OFFERItGS LEFT. AUCHOr SUAAER REMIrtS. YOU CjM REPLENISH YOUR WARD ROBE AOV AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES VE HAVE SPECIALS Iti ALL DEPARTMENTS "REDUCED"' TO THE VERY LOWEST FIGURE. YOU CAA GAIA flCTHWG Y WAITING LONGER FOR LOWER PRICES. INSTEAD YOU ARE IN DANGER OF NOT GETTING WHAT YOU NEED UNLESS YOU BUY NOW. THII FOLLOWING TWO SPECIALS WILL SOON DWINDLE AWAY. $750 Chiffon Waists $3.95 NOW, DON'T MAKE A MISTAKE. THEY ARE NOT ANTIQUES. THESE WAISTS ARE THE PRODUCT OF ONE OF THE MOST REPRESEN TATIVE WAIST MANUFACTURERS IN NEW YORK, BUT IN ORDER TO CLEAN UP THEIR STOCK THEY OFFERED US THIS LOT AT 50c ON THE DOLLAR AND WE OFFER THEM AT LIKE CONCESSIONS FROM REGU LAR RETAIL PRICE. YOU KNOW THE STYLE-FILMY CHIFFON, LOW NECKS, THREE-QUARTER SLEEVES. SOME ARE TRIMMED WITH LACE, OTHERS ARE RICHLY EMBROIDERIED. SUCH VALUES ARE RARE EVEN HERE. $1.00 Nightgowns 48c THEY ARE MADE OF SOFT FINISHED MUSLIN. LOW NECK, V-SHAPED, ROUND -AND SQUARE YOKE TRIMMED WITH EMBROID ERY AND RIBBON RUN BEADING OF GOOD WIDTH. PUFF;.- BUTTER FLY AND THREE-QUARTER SLEEVES; OTHERS HAVE SQUARE YOKES FORMED OF LINEN, LACE AND EMBROIDERY. NOT STICKERS; NOT OLD STOCK MARKED TO SELL AT 48c INSTEAD OF $1.00. THE HAMILTON STORE Fly Ti lme In Albany. FOR SALE. Albany Democrat , PERSONAL Entered at the post office.JAlbany.O I btcor.d tints nail n att r. Isn't it funny that as soon as v-c net throuyh kicking ahout the rain and cold weather, that the playful homo tly arrives and causes trouble with his nervous antics? Advices arc that he will soon be here on a 90 day ticket and will in sist on being your guest if you don't watch out. We have screen doors, adjustable screen windows, and wire cloth that will bother him to get in, but should he gain entrance to your home through his evil genius, we have wire killers that arc guaranteed to cure his nervousness with one appli cation. Call or order your screens by phone. HULBERT-OHLING H'D. CO Between 75 and 10O tons of vetch hay. Will sell this vetch loose in the I field or in bale. Also have McCor mick mower for sale, one single top buggy and single open rubber tire j buggy. Anyone wanting anything in this line, please call at J. A. Howard's office, . , r I have for exchange or tradffie a farm southwest of Albany which the party will exchange for residence or . business property in Albany. I also , have some property in iledford which I the parties will exchange for Albany property or vicinity. Also have other, properties which I can exchange for; Albany property. Some country prop-, erty and some property in other coun-; ties. These parties desire to obtait Albany residence or business proper- ties. House and lot located in the wesl . part of Albany, $1500, on easy terms. Also good lot in the west part of Al- ' bany, $450. i Mouse and lot centrally located, for $3000. I 1 have some nice acreage property which 1 can sell on easy terms. 1 . also have some good buys in farm ; property. If you desire a home in the valley, call and see me before buying. J. A. HOWARD. F. P. Nutting. GIVING THEM A CHANCE. CHECK YOUR THINGS at the Going and Coming tent Chautauqua grounds. Anything taken care of. PONY FOR SALE.-Gontloponj, suit J able (or small boy. M Sender. 1 17 LOST. Hand saw on street. Return tu D. B. Spoer or Democrat otheq. FOR SALE, Or exchange my residence and some choice vacant lotafor desir able land, acr-go near Portland pre ferred. J. D. Ellis, Albany. 90ti E. 4th St WOO' Hit; body fir for sale. See J A. Nimmo. FOR SALE. Lot. hoiiso nud barn on Water Hlroot, nicely located. Call upon Mrs. Fromm, 440 E 1st, 2U FOR SALE CHE At' On easy terms, good 8-room house, close in, small fruit. See A. Strom, Democrat of fice. Studebnker Waguiis, Biigglas Sur rey' and Hack's at Stewart & Sox Hardwo Co. FOK SALE by tlu owner, a six room house and two lots, center of to.wn, half block from Hi!h school. Apply on the premises East 4 h street. II. Barns. PIANO TUNING.- Leave orders for piano tuning at Davenports House, or Woodworth's Drug; Store. C. M. Henderson. Tuner. JeOVED. The harm-as shop of ('has. Wagner, to i-erry street near Second. Call there for good work in badness and saddelry. FOR SALE at a hruip. to lots and two hujs a on Third and Railroad Sis. Price tCTOO 00, l v iwner, G W. Simpson, 403 Commeicial Block, Port land, Drum n ltit FIRE INSURANCE-Best enmpaniss, Low rates. C C. Bryant. FABM for rent, laundry for sale. Mc Court A Prettvman. j NOTICE-Tho Albany Lumber Co. have moved their office to their saw mill in the east part of Albany, Phone your orders direct t the mill. B; th phones. CHERRIES - Choice Roval Anncs from young tioes. J. G. Gibson. Home phone 4054. tl4 FOR SENT. Newly oquipped rooms, furnished or unfurnished, two toilets and bath, all new electric lights, to be rented at reasonable price. 5?2 Baker St, nt FARM FOR SALE.--SO acres at 75 per acre. Ono mile from good R. U. town, graded school, ti5 acres culli valed, 15 in timber, good buildings, running water, a snap. Call upon E. A. Thompson, Albany Shingle Mill. 141 FARM FOR SALE -1S5 acres on Tan gent road 3 miles from nlbany, rVO per acre. Cnll at No. 129 between Ellsworth and Lyon on West Seventh street. Mrs. G. F. Simpson, tit GLASS. All sues and kinds, for pale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere idse in Albany. Skill lv set. if desired. ROOMS, new and modern, at Walton's Rooming House, Schultx Brick, next: door to opera house. By ilav, week or month. Home phone 1453. St FOR SALE. Farm ot 2) acres, one and a halt miles from Albany, new 7 room house and nam, running water all year, give immediate posmssion with crops. Teims, half down and balance in eajy payments. Inquire at 830 S. Main. GARBAGE. FrH Rainwater Uviks after Barbate. I'r.on Home 230 1. FOR RENT.- 2 houses for $9 and $11 per mo.; sinuated near Madison school. J. V. Pipe, 203 West 2nd St. WANTED. A girl to do general house work. 233 E. 5'h street. 12t. FOR SALE Between lbO and 170 acres of land l.'s miles east of Shedd, same distance from rail road, on county road. Mostly in cultivation. water and timber, no buildings. t5 per acre. Inquire of Mrs. Clara Howard, Lebanon, or H. D. Elder, Shedd. t7 YOUNG MAN Wishes position as clerk. Good habits, high school grad uate. Address box 262 Lebanon Ore gon. t21 WANTED. An all round cook at The Cottage, 21H W. 4th St. Good wages. None but good cook need aptJy. WANTED To lease a place with house and barn, from 5 acres on up, near Albany. Call Democrat office. 27t LOTS FOR SALE At the corner of 8th and Main streets. These lots are high and have sewer connection. They ' are centrally located, nepr Madison street school and store. Call Home phone 1 107 or call on T. P. Hackleman. ti? MADE IN ALBANY, ;S how cssss. counters, and other store fixtures, first-class goods, by the Union Furni ture Factory. Orxier of them. Keep money at your home. FOR RENT-Suit furnished rooms for 2 or 3 monts. Call on Mrs. Newton, Burggraf block. FOR SALE CHEAP 10 H. P. Advance traction Engine, equipped with wood saw i nd water tank. Also one Ad vance separator, Geerless stacker, and self feeder. J. L. Jones, JerTer son, Ore. t 13 On July 1st Illinois began'fiaving a prohibition law and if it is adminis tered in the spirit adopted by Judge ,CIeland when be was judge at the Maxwell street police court the num ber of men in jail is expected to grow less, fewer "Bridwcll widows and or phans" will be left to subsist on the uncertain crust of organized charity, and the tax-payers will have to give up less of their money to support jails, policemen, judge and courts. The law will not enforce itself and in the hands of men hostile to the idea of kindness in dealing with delin quents it will mean no improvement. If it is administered as Judge Cleland intended when he conceived the idea iand began the organization that plac ed the law on the statutes of Illinois, it will be a great blessing to minor of fenders, to their families and to so ciety. As the court and prison sys tem has been working , minor of fenders were fiiven first a small dose of prison, taught prison habits, given the prison pallor and the prison repu tation. Then they were turned out to make their way. Being weak breth ren to start with, they find in almost every case that their way to honest living is harder than ever and they again commit crime. So certain is this process in its results that the police always expect every major crime of theft or murder to be the work of an ex-convict. Society places its citizens in danger, makes a great expense and ruins the lives of thousands by the method. Under the new probation law, judges may exercise mercy and save first offenders from prison. A judge may place the offender on pro bation and without disgracing him, without giving him the prison brand, use his power to get the weak citi zen back upon the path that leads to honest work and a complete life. The judge may place the offender in probation and hang over his head the certainty of imprisonment if he again violates the law, providing the pris oner expresses a desire to have an other chance. It" the judge does his work properly he will attempt to ex cite in the prisoner a desire for a new life and the hope for better days tor himself and family. Hope thus im planted in the prisoner, he is released. If he keeps his promises and makes an effort to obey the law he finally is treed from the te.ir of punishment for crime. Jude.e Cleland is convinced that this is the only way to reduce the number of criminals. He believes that the Probation Law will bring about the reformation of first offend ers wiio. i iiiuprisnned, are sure to be come worse instead of better. All good citizens are urged by Judge Cle land and others interested in this law to take every opportunity to aid in its proper enforcement. F.x. n. vviiKinson is nere Irom the Bryan town. Judge Hewitt returned this noon from McMinnville. F. R. Hunt of Eugene, and F. M. Hunt of Boise, have been in the city. Miss Mattie Swan, of Crawfordsville, came down yesterday to attend Chau tauqua. Rev. W'i'l Perry, of Ontario, Calif., after an Albany visit went to the Bay this afternoon. I Mrs. W. Sherman Thompson, of Har-1 rington, Wash., formerly of Albany, is in the city on a visit. Mrs. Bicknell, of Turne?, arrived this noon for a visit with her daughter, , at Cnautauquaville. I Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Sexton, of Rush ville, Ind., arrived last nigra on a visit with their daughter, Mrs. D. C. Green. Mrs. Eva French Taylor came over from the Bay last night for a home visit of a few days. The Chicago Ladies Orchestra, a fine looking crowd of young ladies arrived, this noon, a big Chautauqua attraction. J. C. Yantis, .of Fossill, Or., is visit ing at me noroe oi nis sister, Mrs w. A. McCullougb, and attending Chau tauqua. Mrs. Carl Scruffier is in the city on a visit with her sister-in-law, Mrs. E. H. McCune, while on her way to her home at Pasco, from San Francisco. How Ab:ut Your Eyes? If anything seems wrong with them consult the Guarantee Optical Comp- -pany. All our examinations are made by an expeiienced oculist. Only first class frames and .lenses. Prices are right. Call at Dawson's Drug Store. JUST RECEIVED fresh from the factory, 75 pairs of Bicycle Tires, no old jobbers stock, all fresh and good at $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, and $5 00, and if they don't give you satisfaction we will mane it right, as that is what we are here for. W have been here a long time and wish to please you. Baltimore Gun & Bicycle Wohks.- A little cash will nandle on of the best "BUYS'" of the season in Centra Addition. Strictly a resident district Ask Collins & Taylor about them. Even up on that "Vlnar. Bill" by buy ing a lot in Central Addition and build you a little home this year, and thus save rent. For particulars consult Collins & Taylor F.G. Willior watches FRESH COWS for sale. H. Bryant LOST on the way home from Chautau qua a gold bracelet. . Return to Crab Harkness DIAMONDS We are diamond importers and setters. Our line of. Engagement and Wed ding Rings is complete. F. M. FRENGH & SON STORMY WEATHER is sure to come. It comes in finance as well as in climate. We aim to conduct, not only a fair weather bank, but one that will withstand the storms. A bank's assets and liabilities always balance. We have $1.33 for every dollar, that we owe de positors. Our aim is to be safe, rather than big. We conduct no other business and have no preferred depositors. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY, OREGON,