Albany Democrat ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY, JULY 14 1911 vot : lvi DOINGS OF THE WORLD FLOYD RAMP AN ORATOR. PARK GIFT WITHDRAWN. ALBANY SAND AND ..FRUIT JARS GRAVEL tu. u Y '' 1 T ' O F U S Phone, Pacific, 464-J. We have the Sure Seal and the Schram Automatic Sealer, two of thejbest makes on the maket. At MEISER & MEISER Jelly Tumblers 30c per doz. 1 II M ' A ALBANY AGENTS RED CROSS SHOES, W. B. CORSETS, GAGE HATS, ROYAL SOCIETY FLOSS, KING AND GEISHA WAISTS. Seattle's great Potlach is to hatch out on July 17 and last over the 22nd. The receipts of the Corvullis po t omce tor the past year were $18,320.84. Seattle has a bid of 1.45 for asphalt paring, the lowest yet made for that kind of pavement. The Brownsville Times whacks the county court because it does not make a ntl-m tor the bridge at that city. D. E. Vernon has gotten back into the Oakland Owl, and there will be some more hooting, for Dave knows how. The man arrested at Corvallis as a eusDect of the Yoncalla hoid-uo was released Johnny Myers faced him and saia ne was not one ot tne men. Jay McCormick and two other Eugene men yesterday up the McKenzie caught a 16 umiod Dollv Varden trout, work 'iff two hours before landing it. The Santa Rosa, a coast steamer, was stranded near Surf, Calif., yesterday and four of the officers and crew drowned in attempting to get a line win? vvflviu MISS VE"RXE HALE, daughter pf R. M. Hale, R. F. E. No. 4, Albany, was the lucky little girl to receive the .'Shetland Pony Outfit. Hat Specials. For choice of 50 new 1911 Summer Hats in Tailored or Fancy Trimmed, values to $6.00. Chambers & McCune Albany 's Leading Cloak and Suit Store. M. Senders & Co, Both Phones 4S. 435 West First St. Hay, Grain, Flour, Seeds, Salt, Poultry Supplies, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Roofing. TOM YOUNG, House and Sign Painter, Agent for the Cleveland Gelsenite roof paint. 122 Ferry Street, Home Phone, 320. Pacific, Red 3092 HAVING secured the agency of the Mii uniiivL, (jar For this territory I would be glad to demonstrate the car to you at any time you call, or phone to me at 538 West Second street. Bell 301. This is the car you ought to have, at the price you ought to pay. JOHN T. MAY, Albany, Or. . pairtimt Taft. tha Unitarian presi' dent yesterday delivered an address to ho International Christian Endeavor Convention at Atlantic City. He spoke along peace lines and the promotion of I .ir:.T u:D that mill wnrlr for ne&ce. mttklUMauifa ' - " i ' oSvId By the Man About Town, Numerous new potatoes at 3 cents a -.and. which is 1. 80 a bushel, good eati. "' thouKn golden. The fl blackberries of the season, with a f'av etrawbenips, lagging be hind, and rt ra9Pberriea- and black' caps between.- Flovd Ramn. of Salem, state orean-1 The following was filed with Recorder izer for the Socialists, delivered an Redfteld at 11 a m. todayi address in the Btreeta of Brownsville To the honorable city council of the Friday evening;. Mr. Kamp is a brilliant , city of Albany in Linn county, Oregon: speaker and of course presented strong I WHEKEAb, the city of Albany, Ore areument for the cause he represents. gon, ia in great need of a city park for Brownsville rimes. mo uccuiumuutiLiuii ui no ciuzuub, ub Mr. Kamp, who gofhis start in the .guests and the public, and world carrv the Democrat, is making WHEREAS, we recognize that the socialism his life work. After gradua energy, push and wisdom of the citizjns ting from the II. (. at Eugenes ho went of Albany in building up the city has deep into the subject, and thoie who j added no little to the increased valua- nave taiKea wun nirn Buy ne is cnuca i mm ui our piupeny, i'U reiAiKniziug full of the subject, and that you can't ' this obligation and wishing to further talk ten seconds with him without the the Interest of the city and benefit its subject coming to the top. While people to the extent of our ability, we. lecturing at saiem recently ne was , on uie om uuy ui marcu, ivn, uuureu arrested for selling his literature on the ; to convoy to the city ahout forty-four streets, without a license, but that of acres of ground adjoining the city at course did not disturb him, and he is I the West end ot First street, known as out in the open hustling for hta 030,1.0, ! Bryant Park, as a free gift to be used . -m 1.-. by said city ss a city park, and . WHEREAS, the DroDertv was ou? , .11 ' pwai we thought we were entitled to An 1, U CO. at Lebanon, I the conditions upon which said gift should be msdo, and did therefore -,, . . , r. r. v . append to Baid offer certain conditions The E. A -Colonel G. O. Yoran of . w t remov, tho ,aid parU from Eugene and Major O. B. Winn ot Al-1 th ,ui f the cily to iniqr9 iu bany were in Lebanon a few daya ago ; " d occupay, nd to aid IS interviewing some 01 our cuuens in th - mhl,iwin, , mc..":., , iwingsomeui our aen. u h(J -upbuildin(, 0l mol- fl d to orgaiuaing a state militia cltj.enh;n ln ?. 'r uv ,y at this place. It is said the 'j eSt.-1 "d rentlemen met with some encourage-1 ... ,,,.-: i.r "V. jxr,"' Mh?JSP It. II? take 75 member ! ot 8aid 8ft. and hesitates to accept it fa Smnanv n9mbora and plaSe the city In a position to com- to organize a company. . r .. ,mA1liaB. 'nd dtBirlnl, not Pown at Jefferson. Review: W. O. Sheppard was down Lebanon Friday. He will move to Jefferson as aoon as he can sret dos session of his residence property. They all come back. G. E. Metzgus came down from Al bany Thursday to do the plumbing in a new farm house north of town. Gus is a good workman in that line. ply with its conditions and desiring not to xurcner emDarraso me nvnvrau.f Council of the city. We, Now, Therefore, thank the coun cil for bearing with us and given u ' -"lion if -"H -I- v - - I tne cunaiuui' . v rareDy withdraw our said proposal from the from I further consideration of tha Council, back i and will put the ouid premises to other uses. Dated July 8th, 1911. H. BKYANT. ADDA E. BRYANT. rk.. -; i 'n his Chautauqua rig. ui h.. ?.?.hKSi.; ' concession at the Hue.h.a!..'La'ablL9.h.e.l 's which he calls Goin' ana Comin'. h "I0?!" IIL.T ' d the new management Have you tried the new Imperial un- EAT at the Imperial, 2nd St., Under new managhment. F.G. Will ior watches The LebartonFoster l?oad two be- "e A. A. White, who is running auto stages and two auto trucks tween Lebanon and Foster was befoi the county court this week urging the court to nx the road between LeDanon and Foster. Among other things a gasoline roller costing ibout $3,000 is asked for. The road should be made a good one. The travel is big in the summer. M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St, Albany, First-class meats of all kinds from selected stock. VIERECITS BATHS, 217 West First Street Pint-Class Work Guaranteed. Empire Photoplay Theatre TONIGHT "The Sheriff's Chum." A wild west story, full of life and excellent acting. Good scenery. "The Buried Past." Two convicts leave prison at the same time. One goes the right road, the other the wrong road. The interest is intense throughout, with high dramatic work displayed. An excellent sermon well portrayed. "In the Province of Quang Tong." Showing the people of China at their various occupations, and their habits. "Solving the Servant Problem." One of those roaring comedies by the Eclipse company, where a lot of trick photography is seen. Illustrated Song "When I'm Alone, I'm Lonesome." Complete change tomorrow. Admission 10 cents D REAMLAN THEATRE. TONIGHT. Complete D Change of program YOU THINK YOU ', " -t CAN'T AFFORD A CAR V, . 1 And so deny your family the happiness they so much deserve. . . But the ride jthe man takes in his Htipmobile does not cost him a 'cent more than the cigars one smokes. 7500 owners say the cost of running a Htipmobile will not aver age 25 cents per day. And when you consider that the Hupmobile Touring Car costs but $1000 in the first place there's no excuse for not getting one now. 1912 Admissiori 10 cents. Guaranteed for life. ; Touring Car $1,000 With full equipment, including top, windshield, gas lamps, generator, tools and fore doors, and all the 1912 improve ments. . J. L. IRV1N, Albany. ooner or Late I ou ar e G m g to Find Out that it is to your own best interest to buy your clothing of THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO., rt-ho's methods are legitimate, who's prices are in keeping with the season. Just at present we are making reductions on our summer and medium weights. The quotation of prices in an advertisement conveys no meaning, as any old price might be placed on a piece of underwear, clothing, shirt, or any thing else, and without you see the goods for yourself, ho w can you tell what we arc talking about in the advertise ment? No one coming to us will be allowed to be disappointed in the price of our merchandise at the present sale of any of our goods offered. See our materials and ask us the price. We will be pleased to tell you, as we are here to serve you. LAIN MING CO. w o 1 1