Vj3 1 . V '.'Av '4' it' YOU YET HYC L(MG TLttE TO VEj4R COOL THWGS; WE IL4VE (ML.Y .4 SHORT TLME TO SELL THEM. VE MUST PFEPRE FOR YAW. THERE -rORE.IVE RIVE LOWERED PRICES SO LOV Ol LL SUAAER THINGS THAT THEY WOTT LA&T LOAG. WHY SHOULD YOU AOT TILL YOUR VAfZATlOft TRIMK FULL Of D.MTY DRESSES Atib SMALLER ARTICLES Cr WER? DO rtOT THESE PRICES TEAPT YOU? . , -nr-Aafc ' ODDS AND ENDS IN S;LK DRESSES. We iwV a iarg? H6?;?,'rtttient of pretty silk dresses for mid-summer wear. Dresses in a great variety of silk fab rics and models we can hardly begin to do justice to these dainty frocks, therefore your inspection is earnestly solic ited. THESE DRESSES have been placed on the racks in the center of our READY-TO-WEAR section at HALF PRICE. $30.00 Dresses are - , $15.00 $25.00 Dresses are $12.50 $20.00 Dresses are ., $10.00 $18.00 Dresses are $9-00 $15.00 Dresses are $7.50 $12.00 Dresses are $6.00 RECREATION DAYS. To be thoroughly enjoyed require such outing clothes as we're now showing KIKA SUITS, SKIRTS AND BLOUSES assure the maximum of comfort and the color is such as harmonize with Nature's summer tones. Styles are original and are selected with a view to the exclusive. Kiki garments are gaining in favor every season they're ideal for outing wear. They are cool they fit Retain their shape and endure. TWO-PIECE MODELS $5.00. SAILOR BLOUSES $1.75, and SEPARATE SKIRTS $2.50. . ODDS AND ENDS IN CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. NO NEED OF AN INTRODUCTION TO THESE GARMENTS. READ OVER THE FOLLOWING TWO ITEMS AND THINK IF YOU EVER KNEW SUCH GOODS TO BE SO CHEAP. CHILDREN'S DRAWERS. 10c for 15c Cambric Drawers made of good Muslin, finished with tucked flounce, sizes 4' to 14 years. 15c for 25c Misses' Skirts, on band, finished with tucked flounce and made of good Cambric, sizes 6 to 14 years at 15c. We know they establish a new standard of economy. Children's Skirts or Waists specially "priced at 23c each, finished with a flounced tuck. THE HAMILTON STORE LAWN MOWERS and GARDEN HOSE Albany Democrat Entered at the post office,;Albany.Or, . aecond class mail irattir. , ' j F. P. Nutting ! Mrs. A. L.'Clark ot Woodstock has ! been in the city. .. nai k. ultra- and wife, of Independ- THE APOLLO CONCERT COM-1 Kan., have been in the city. PANY. J In the city, C. Golden of The Dalles, L, C Rulotsen Salem, W. L. Neal of Here is a character sketch of the . Deadwood, S. D. Vpolloi, who will appear at the Chan-j Mr. Chas. Carter returned to the Bay PERSONAL iC0ME TO ALBANY, CELEBRATE WITH US MONDAY AND TUES DAY JULY 3rd and 4th. I tattua Assembly i ana i un. When it rains you need the LAWN MOWER to keep the grass DOWN and and when it doesn't rain you need the HOSE to koep the grass UP. Such is life! It gets you coming and going. Come in and let us fit you out with MOWER and HOSE, so you can meet the situation with cuurago and fortitudo. PRICES RIGHT, QUALITY GUARANTB p accompanied by Mrs. ments. Something doing every minute. Big Street Parade. Historical Pageant. Athletic Contests. Free continuous open-air cntertain- Albany, July lOih this afternoon i Chas. Wagner, These Apollo people are great mu-j This is the 37th anniversary of the1 Official Program, isicinns and never let on. They act marriage of Mr. and Mrs J W Bent-I j , , ,, , just like real people with souls. When ley. ..laV they enj?oy rnany mora". ! Y?da' f!Uly 3 G'and Parade thov sret into town thev k s the ru ou A 7T ' I and stock show. Starts promptly at MiaMes Tl ev likTydur m. from corner 9th and Lyon t o come. Wl?cn thev come out i Til.f?! ' arrlved tnla n00n n n streets under direction of John H. " . . . -. .... """"'j .ton,. nrt;r '111 U - on the stage they just enjoy playing for the crowd and are tickled to death ' every encore. They come skipping out with a smile. Most musicians act I bored when they have 'to play. i It is a great stunt to play one in strument, but these four are a whole ! conservatory of music and a sympho- . ny orchestra on the installment plan. Arthur Wells is a genial little lau Line of Parade -B. P. O. exhibit: Elks road- (12) Terro Merros. (13) Albany Fire Dept. Prize S5. (14) Base Ball Teams. (15) Shedds Band. (16) Automobile division. 1st prize $15.00; 2nd, $10.00; 3d $5.00. Oration of the dnv. Hon. G W (Wright, corner First and Broadalbin streets from plattorm. 11 o'clock a. m., first ball game, at Rambler Park. 12 o'clock, lunch hour at Chautau qua grounds. Afternoon. HULBERT-OHUNG H'D. CO HOQ3 FOR SALE.-Stock hogs, shoata and saws with pigs, for sale. One mile oast of Albany, on Santiam road. S. G. Taiio. FOR SALE. Or exchange my residence and some choice vacant lutBfor desir able land, acreage near Portland pre furred. J. D. Ellis, Albany. 906 E. 4th St IVOOrV Hir body fir for sale. See J A. Nimmo. i PAINTING. First class painting done S100 cash will handle desirable lot in . by the day or job. Address E. J East end of town. S. E. Minnick . Meyoring. General Delivery, Albany. 1017 E. Fifth St., Home phone, lot 22t ... ........ ..... h nn FARM FOR SALE.-S0 acres at ?75 Atrs. T. J. Gibbons and two weoka oiu uuuy, ui oneiourn, returned heme ' Band; draft stallions, this morning aftei- a visit with Miss:ster stallions, exhibit Agnes Gibbons. Ladies Saddle Horses $5.00 ! 1 :30 to 5 o'clock p. m. First and Lawyer A. S. Bennett, oi The Dalles, Gentlemen's Saddle Horses..... 5.00 j Washington streets, Shedd Band. arrived last night, to assist Hon. W. Bronco Busters : 5.00! First and Ferry, (Floyd Culp), Mu- R. Bilyeu in the trial, of the Tubbs, Draft Team in Harness . 10.00 'sical stunts. damage suit. Draft .Mares and Colts.;.. 2.50 j First and Broadalbin, Salem Quar- George Stoughton. the old man chim- ne and two-year-old colts 2.50 , tet- of :ihont four hundred oounds who ney sweep, isintnecit, ready for all ?mgie drivers in narness s.iiu . aim croauaioin, u. r. u. , I has been tickling audiences since his I the soot coming his way. He swooped ; hetands fS kv , j fii ... c . j first pair of boots His smile spreads down from the -os Bay country, ' Shetlands m Harness 5.00. rirst and Ellsworth, Salem Band. ' in the swiitcr movements and hits "here he has a garden tract. I Afternoon. Racing Program. I. First and Lyon, DeOlney & Rolfe, iboth ears on the crcscendos. The Tom Parker, the celebrated Do-Nut ' ?"J7 trot (2 in 3 mile heats) .$200.00 in six vaudeville stunts, comedy, gym- ,man is a wonder. His banjo does ! King of Cottage Grove has been in the, 2-5 trot, same 200.00 nasts and equilibrist, the clown and stunts unheard of. If the man wasn't ! city today, on a visit with his brother, I Free for all pace, same 200.00 athlete. so modest he would be labeled "Amcr- "ho also has dougnuts, and numerous '-8 mile dash running 100.00 j 3 m 2nd baseball'trime R-.mhW h..,;n;, ' tr .h,. .ho friends and reiat ves. He is also chief 5-8 mile dash running. 100.00 0 ,p- m-' ina DaseDall game, Rambler nartment ! to enter anil three to start, monev Hi-i . J;Jui . s'reet races Ferry street Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDaniel of Port- VIded 3U- M and M Per cent- truth. He nlavs the wireless banjo. He docs miles of artist stuff the usual . ' t . i u-.nv. then sets the thiner Koine and NUrilb-lne aiDany liumuer y. . - . . . . . . . .. have moved their othce to tneir coat-tails and .' way home from the Bay. Mr. McDaniel r.' " .: ..f I .....i;,l i. ln.-n K- nn. I n,,. il c. tancc ami dictates letters at the same i 3:30, street , from Third to First: 100 yard dash, 3 t ostart 1st $3.00; moveu iiiuir uiiiuv w kiwi, i . . . . ,f, mill in the east part of Albany, j banjo wi h hands, feet, Phono your orders direct tj the mm. , y " " V.... Both phones. FOR RENT. Newly equipped rooms, furnished or unfurnished, two toilets and bath, all new electric lights, to be rented at reasonable price. 5?2 Baker St. "t time. Mrs. Alta Wells is a clever second edition of her husband. She is past mistress of the piano and can coax the sweetness out of saxaphone audi bells. She is a winsome soul. FOR RENT. Furnished Holmes and his exploits could fill a'. W. 7th, cor. Caiapooia. chapter. Holmes is so lull of music 179-1. Tuesday, July 4th. was once his satanic majesty in P. J. Grand parade forms at 9th and Smiley's joD office, but is now a Port-1 Lyon streets, at 10 a. m. sharp, led land fireman, for three rears under the by the Grand Marshall, late Dave Campbell, whose death was. (2) Salem Band, a blow to him. j (3) G. A. R., Spanish War Veterans and Co. G. O. N. G. (4) Sunday School Division. Water street, nicely located, call upon Mrs. Fromm, 440 E 1st. 21t j Studebnker Waguns, Uuggios Sur-! roy's anil Hack's at Stewart & box Hardwe Co. I FOR SALE by the ownor, a six room FARM FOR SALE. -1S5 acres on Tan house and two lota, center of town it oozes out ot Ins pores. Me snores chromatically. He has toured the earth and composed music waiting for trains. He arrances all the music fori town, gradod school, 65 acres culti-1 1nc Apollo, he has been pouring out Prize rosms. 640 $1U.UU. Phone Bell (5) Floats of the Business Houses. Prize, $10.00. vated, 15 in timber, good buildings. running water, a snap, tall upon c, A. Thompson, Albany Shingle mill. 141 gent road 3 miles from lbany, fUO per aero. Call at No. V.S between Ellsworth and Lyon on West Seventh street. Mrs. G. F. Simpson. 6t P. It. half block from Utah school. Apply on the premises SZl East 4 h street. It. It urns. FOR SALE A cojplc acres, close to FOR SALE.- Wood saw outfit 6 H North Altoiiv school, ono aero in fruit. I'ricn $750. Mary K. Perfect, 11. D. 4. Homo phono 41. U7t PIANO Tl'NINi.;. Leave orders tor niano tuning at IVivenports House or Voodorth' Drug Store. C. M. Henderson, Tuner. N.OVED. The harness shop of Chns. wifn,.r tn li'errv street near Second. in IMUIICBS music that the tug puniining nouses arc glad to pay fancy prices for. and he is still at it. He is becoming one of the best known American compos ers, no llisi can i u'p t'iiiiMMiiv. ... . vtt-ii :. ave when be is playing Ho is great I " ".'"V LOST-On W 5th, Ferry or 1st Sts., a cream colored silk net scarf. Phone ' 195. FOR SALE. -5 H. P. Fairbanks engine. I with wood saw outfit, as good an new, 1 cheap. Also top buggy. T. B. &J. ' W. Springer, Shedd. t 5 FOUND. A K of P. watch charm and fob. See Z. H. Kudd. (6) B. P. O. Elks, Band. (7) Fraternal orders. Prize, $10.00. (8) Saddle Horses. (9) Decorated carriages. Prize $5. (10) Single drivers. (11) Shetland ponies. 2d $2.00. Boys' race, under 16 years, 3 to start 1st $2.00, 2d $1.00. Greased pig, 3 to start pig for prize. Greased pole, ten feet highX$3.00. Sack race, 3 to start $3.00. ' 3-legged race, 3 to start $3.00. Pie eating contest $1.00 and all the pie you can eat. 4 o'clock. 10-round boxing contest at First and Broadalbin. 5:30, supper. 7:30 to 9, band concerts. 9 o'clock, river illumination, fire works and music by bands on river front. fall there for good work and sa.ltiolry. , FOR SALE at a hargain. t.vo lots and two ho j' on Third ami rUilroad Sts. Price fJ7w 00. bv wner. G. W. , Simpson, 4o3 Comnieicuu Hluck.Port-1 land, Oregon 1UI I U0,000.-Do you want a loun.or to make! a loan, see J. u. i.nriiy.niiy. i o FIRE INSURANCi---n.it euiupanie. Low rate. C. C. li-yut. steam, at a snap, r ranK Ascne, ' D. 2. 27t 1 GLASS. All aurs and kinns, for ale at the Albany Pinning Mill, cheaper than uywhere else in Albany. Skill- Iv set, if desired. ! ROOMS, new and modern, at Walton's . Rooming House. Schultt Brick, next d.Mir to onerii house. By day, week or month. Home phono 14.. hi FOR SALE.-Farm ot 20 acres, one and a half miles from r Ibany, new 7 room house and a'n. running water all year, give in. mediate possession ' with crops. Tern s. half down and balance in easy )Mymenta. Inquire at s:0 S. u am. RARRAGE. Fred after garba ge. Pi on Home 2303. playing. His Mute i-; .vomlcrtul. so is H i -s soprano axaphtMic and cornet. ! The cent with the ticky smile is J Clay Sniiih. known :o umo as '"Smilliic." wlio used t.t sit on t!ie red 1 ribbon chair with s,.nie of the big bands. It is tronilvM-.e playing you ; hear. You thought you had hc.irJ the I slipping tnnbone before. No. not ! till "Smithie" pushes a lung throuuh that gold born that be has insured so i high. You hear that round, fat tone ) soar from the cellar i:p to the high X ami vou wonder if it isn't Caruso or Oe Rcs.-ke. ou ilnln t know it was in a trombone. It is when "Smithie" ln hold office, 1 Mc- FOR RENT.-Hoiise at 7th and Wal nut: S or S rooms. See W. C. Burk hart. 2lt LF.. R H P. Fairbanks engine ' t-'OR S Hainwater looKt. .,.. , ood annnw cheao A!o ton buggy. W. Springer, Shedd B. & tl5 Apply at Albany Supply Co's Water an ferry M. FABM for rent, laundry for sale. Court I'rettvman. FOR SALE CHEAf On easy terms. good S-rcom house, close tn, small fruits. See A. Strom, Democrat of-, flee. WANTED Girl for get,ral house ! work. Small famiW. 41S West Fifth St. 2;it WA.NTED Girl for hotel work. Call ! at Hotel Vandran. tl MADE IN ALBANY.-Show tkses, j eountets. and other store fixtures, J first-class giwds, by the Union Kurni- I lure Factory. Onier of ihem. Keep money at jour home. j FUR SALE CHEAP 10 H. P. Advime ! traction Engine, equipped with wi! i saw and water tank. Also one AiS i vanee separator, Geerles stacker, ' and sett feeder. -J. L. Jcoes. JetTer 1 son. Ore. t U STORMY WEATHER is sure to come. It comes in finance as well as in climate. We aim to conduct, not only a fair weather bank, but one that will withstand the storms. A bank's assets and liabilities always balance. We have $1.33 for every dollar, that we owe de positors. Our aim is to be safe, rather than big-. We conduct no other business and have no preferred depositors. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers ALBANY, OREGON.