Or. POL X VI ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY, JUSE 23 1911 NO 4' Albany ALBANY SAND AND GRAVEL CO. B U y i T o F U S Phone, Pacific, 464-J. FRUIT JARS We have the Sure Seal and the Schram Automatic Sealer, two of thejbest makes on the maket. At MEISER & MEISER Jelly Tumblers 30c per doz. 6th Annual June Bargain Carnival and FREE, GIVE AWAY S4LE SfgJUNE 17 Kfy JULY 4 ALL NEW SUMMER GOODS AND ABSOLUTELY EVERY ARTICLE ON SALE DOINGS OF THE WORLD Tne mercury went up to 106 at Kansas City yeateroay. There are two murders a day on the average in Chicago, some in broad duj . J. A. Thompson, of Sweet Home, has returned from a week's stay in Port land, taking in the rose fair. Rev. H. H.' Marsden has been in Portland this week attending a session of toe diocese of the Episcopal church. Nine ear loads of hoe; were received at Portland yesterday from Nebraska. This ought to make the Oregon farmer grunt. Sweet Home n ill have a 4th of Julv celebration. Prof. Benner will deliver the oration, and there will be a contin uous dance all day. J. G. Thompson, a Salem hostler, has just been notified to go to Bing hamton, N. Y. and help divide an es tate of $1,000,000 left by his mother to three sons. Hon. J. K. Weatherford, of this city, will deliver the 4th of July oration at Harrisburg, and a good program has been arranged during the day, making a celebration worth attending. The Pacific Coast Association of Nurseyman will be held at San Jose June 21-3. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Penne backer, of this city will attend, leaving here on Monday. In the case of Mrs. Inez Peterson, resulting in her conviction, at Sun Francisco, a motion for a new trial was made, and will be argued, delaying the aentenco, which has not yet been made. DARING TRAIN ROBBERY. The Shasta Limited going south wa robbed between 12 and 1 o'clock tlii8 morning between Drain and Yoncalla. Mr. bcott Van Dyke, of Yoncalla, who arrived on Wo. 16, gave the particulars to tne Democrat as tollows: At Druin, where the train stops, just as the train started a counle ot men swung into the mail car, where there were a couple of clerks One of them wore a cap, looking a good deal like an engineer, and the clerks thought noth ing of it until suddenly ordered to throw up their hands, which thov did. when one of them proceeded to hunt out the registerea mail sacks, wnue tne other kept bis revolver on them. When they had secured what they were after, a couple of sacks, the mon were ordered to stop the train, and the rope was pulled, the train stopping juBt as it reached Yoncalla, fivn miles south of Drain, when the men jumped from the car and disappeared in the dark. ihe auMoritie8 were notified and a posse under George Quinn started in pursuitHow much was secured is not known and cannot be for some time. DEATH OF JEFF CREEL Will Fly. Walsh, the expert flying machine man is here with his manager and two machines, and will fly this evening be tween 3 and 4 and again tomorrow at the same hour. A good many are here today to see the modern travel show, a big thing and 2oc. te witness, Admission 50 $500.00 worth of useful and valuable Premiums given away during this Sale. See Big Window Display of Prizes. $250.00 PONY OUTFIT FREE No contest, every child has an equal opportunity. Get all the Coupons you can. WATCH FOR BIG YELLOW CIRCULAR TODAY Chambers & McCune Albany 's Leading Cloak and Suit Store. M. Senders & Co, Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. Hay, Grain, Flour, Seeds, Salt, Poultry Supplies, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Roofing. TOM YOUNQ, House and Sign Painter, Agent for the, Cleveland Gelsenite roof paint 122 Ferry Street, Home Phone, 320. Pacific, Red 3092 At the Empire- The Roval Hungarian String Quartet scored another nit last night at this popular theatre. Their rendition of the "Poet and Peasant" overture was especially well done, and you can hear them tonight in a complete new pro gram, the matinee beginning immed iately titer the aviation mcot at the race track. A continuous program throughout the afternoon and evening will be run.Jthe quartet appearing at each show. Tonnrrowjwill be the last chance to hear these clever niuisicians COUNCIL Grants a Gas Plant Franchise to A. E. Wright. The city council last night held a special session and did an important piece of legislation for Albanv. bv granting to A. E. Wright a franchise for a gas plant, to be in operation by Sept 1. 1912. A $1000 bond is to be giv en. Mr. Wright announced that work would be begun on Monday, putting pipes across the streets now being paved and that business is meant. Ha is said to represent a big gas company elsewhere. The maximum rate is to be f 1 5 un til 100, 000 cubic feet are used, then $1 50 up to 150. 00 J foot. $1.35 uu to 200.000 and from there to 250,000 feet $1 25. The franchise is to be free unul 1917, then of 1 per cent of the gross re ceipts are to be paid until 1922, then 1 nor cent to 1832, ana after that 2 per cent. An ordinance providing for the accent ing of the Bryant Park deed was read twice and referred to the special com mittee. A resolution was heretofore passed. An ordinance was also read providing tor a park commission, to be named by the mayor, and submitted to a vote of the people at the December election. This was continued. Resolutions were naSBed for side walks and curbs in front of the proper- i ties of J. J. Whitney, R. A. Newport, Chas. Shepherd and Mrs. 0. Monteith. Jeff Creel died during last night at the home of sister, Mrs. Livingstone, of pneumonia. He was born in Benton county Juhp 13, 1862, being 49 years and 8 days old and spent most of hiB lite in aad around Albany, though he owned a claim on the McKenzie where he resided awhile. He was well liked, prominent lor many years here. Last year he was chief engineer of the Albany fire department, an efficient otncial. rlo was the son ot Jorm ireoi, an early pioneer, and leaves the follow ing brothers and sisters: Mrs. Mary Kainey of Uorona, (Jalit.; Mrs. K. Baty of Nevada, and Mrs. J. L. Livingstone, Mrs. R. D, Shell and Chaa. A. Creel, of this city. tie was a memhor ot the f raternal Union. The funeral will be held at the homo of John L. Livingstone tomorrow at 1 p. m., followed by burial at the North Palestine cemetery. School Election Monday. The regular annual school e'ect'orj will occur next Monday June 19th. Ihe vot'ng will be at the Central building and the polls will be open from 2 to 6 p.m. All . interested in schools, and every one ought to be, should attend this election and see that some goo 1 person who is thoroughly alive to school interests is elected to the Important position of school director. The law now requires the clerk to furnish tick ets for the election, so anv tna who is thinking of becoming a candidatn should file his name with the clerk in time to have the ticket printed. WAlM'APER CHEAP -Wow is the time to buy your wall paper, thousands of rolls to select from. All the new dainty shades, you can find just what you are looking for at our store. Prices cheaper than ever before. Burkhart & Lee. An uio Line A White auto line has been eatab. lished between Lebanon and Cascadia, by Mr. White, who will huvo both a Daasentrer and a truck on the route, running reirulurlv betweon the two place. Mr. White has been prominent in promotion work of different kinds in the Northwest, und always makes his enterprises go. Even up on that Meat Bill" by buy ing a lot in Central Addition and build you a little home thiB year, and thus save rent. For particulars consult Collins & Taylor. Shoes for the whole family. Look out. Don't deyelope corns and bun ions. Go to Burns Shoe Store. A little cash will nandln on of the best "BUYS" of the season in Centra Addition. Strictlv a resident dis trice Ask Collins & Tavlor about them. HAVING secured the agency of the MITCHELL, CAR For this territory I would be glad to demonstrate the car to you at any time you call, or phone to me at 538 West Second street. Bell 301. This is the car you ought to have, at the price you ought to pay. JOHN T. MAY, Albany, Or. M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany, First-class meats of all kinds from selected stock. This Store was never VIERECKS BATHS, 217 West First Street Fint-Class Work Guaranteed. Your shoes made Burns Shoe Store. good as new a P G. WILL, lor Watches Notice of Annual School Election Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No, 6, Linn County, Oregon, that the regular annual school election for the purpose of select ing one director to serve five years, will be held at the Central building in said district, Monday, June 19, 1911 The polls will be open between the hours of 2 and 6 p. m. J. K. WEATHERFORD J. L. TOMLINSON. Chairman. Clerk. Albany, Or., June 8, 1911. Empire Photoplay Theatre TONIGHT New pictures, Illustrated song, and first class music by Royal Hungarian Quartet. Admission 10 cents. Ihe Hill Party. President McCune tlvs moriilng re ceived a dispatch that the Hill party will be unable to stop here, ara will go right through to fortlnnd. niUAMLANn U THEATRL V TONIGHT. 1. Burglar's Fee. An American comedy by the Pathc Co., one that is different from the usual run of come dies; it Is so unusual that you can't help but enjoy it. The photography and settings arc perfect .is in all the Pathe films, i 2. Madam Rex. The Biogr.iph with this production presents a sub ject most unique in story and type, this is a beautiful film and is pro nounced by critics to be one of the best ever produced by that company. This is a feature film. 3. SceneB The French Cook. 4. Red'a Conquest. The little town of Dogvillc is thrown into feverish excitement. The advance agent of "Stickum's Imperial Mammoth East Lynne Co." is putting up glaring four colored posters announcing the com ing of that stupendous aggregation at talent. This is a comedy and is a i scream from start to finish. 5. Dreamland Orchestra. Admission 10 cents. DIAMONDS We are diamond importers and setters. Our line of Engagement and Wed ding Rings is complete. F. M. FRENGH & SON A I N better prepared to serve you satisfactorily than now N . , . Never were assortments better or finer. Never were styles more attractive, or were values better for this is the store j that keeps the pace with the progress of the times; the store that is never satisfied to let "well enough alone," but is ! continually striving to improve and make a belter and more satisfactory place for YOU to trade. Our business ' gets better year after year because our service to our customers is continually being bettered. We consider , your satisfaction above everything else. We invite everybody to come and see our goods, and compare them with what you can get in other cities. We expect no one to buy unless he is fully satisfied it is to his ; best interest to do so, BUT YOU'KNOW unless a firm is doing the square thing, they can't stay for 46 years. The Eest of Everything Men and Boys Wear. BLAIN CLOTHING CO.