. E. YOUNG & SON S. E. YOUNG & SON on full blast. Everything is moving out at greatly reduced prices. Many are taking advantage of the cut prices in every department. Every one has something to buy at this time of the year. Never was there a better time to save money by buying in the first of the season. Whatever vour'need may be we can help you save by buving here. Our GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT is offer ing everything in the line for man at greatly reduced prices. We are not a man's store exactly, but we carry a full as sortment of furnishings and shoes for men and boys and what's more the savings we help you make are much greater than you might think. Worth while to see these goods. GOSSARD CORSET DAY. Thursday. Friday and Saturday, May 18, 19, 20, Miss Phariser, the expert corset fitter and demonstrator, will be here to help you be properly fitted and explain the extra good points of the Gosard not found in other makes. HOLT AGAIN. Mr. Holt treated us very fairly in the settlement for his lease on the property occupied by his market where we are about to erect our new store building. We purchased his. stock of groceries so he could move at once. Just as soon as we get matters arranged we are going to offer for' sale at prices that will move the surplus stock quickly the groceries this purchase leaves on our hands. Later announcements in a few days. WEDNESDAY'S GROCERY SPECIAL 3 large Columbia Oats and a set of tea spoons for $1.0"' THIS MORNING News From Albany's Six Early Trains. State Land Agent Rheinhart, of Sa lem, left on a trip out in the hills be yond Lebanon to look after some land owned by the state. I. B. Khoads, field secretary of the Y.M.C.A. for the N.W. after spending the night with A. C. Schmitt, left for Portland. He is busv these davs look ing after construction work, a number of buildings going up in different places. R. R. Com. F. J. Miller returned from iorvallis and left for Salem. The R. R. Com. expected to have some duties) under the public utilities law, but it is said it will be held up by the referendum until the next election. Mrs. J. W. Tavlor and daughter. Miss Vera, left for Walla Walla. Wash., where Miss Vera has been in vited to perform at a college recital. Her excellent playing is attracting at tention. H. F. Mcllwain left for Jefferson after a span of horses. He expects to dispose of his Albany property and move to his McKenzie farm, forty miles up stream, where he will make his home for a few years. Committees nave been arioointed for : the 1th of July celebration, as fallows: General and 6nar.ee. Wm. Bam, Sam Chambers, E. D. Cuaick, Geo. Taylor. Pubhcity.-E. H MoCune. P. A. ! Young, O. C. Page, F. P. Nutting, E. W. Kibbes. Music- U. L. ThoniDson. A. J. Schultz. F. J. Fletcher. Parade and street attractions. Frann WhittaKei. Owen Beam. Wm. Entries. Fred Dawson. G. A. Flood. J. O Lee Jack Barrett. Racinir. W. H. Hoean. Asa Hart. John Kirkland, D. 0. Woodworth. Fred Gould, M. McAlpin. Concessions. Herman Hoflich. R. 0. Churchll, J. C. Irvine, J. H. Ltalston. Fire works. -F. K. Churchill. K. M. Powell, F W. Horsky, Frank Tracey. Milt McUuire, Claud Ellison. All of the above are requested to meet tonight at 8 o'clock, at the commercial club rooms to push arrangements fur the celebration. $1200 or more has been raised and a hummer is expected. S. B. YOUNG & SON S. E. YOUNG & SO F. H. Colpitts left for Portland to aiiena tne worm west Mining con gress, calling; together the mining men i a rettL wining section. Rev. F. C. Stanard. of Newbenr. re i turned home from a Brownsville tnn. ; Mr. Phil Swank, a married man for cars, came dowu from Tallman. er W. W. Bailey arrived from ' Dsville. ( 1 1. J. B. Eddy, having planted his rr.sies, returned irora Lieoanon. Lawyer W. S. Risley went to Salem. Policeman Doughtry left for Salem to see tne pen. Mrs. Gebbert went to Portland for visit with her daughter, Mrs. Welch. Stowell Dawson went to Salem. F. G. Will left on a days visit at Aurora. Mrs. H. H. Hewitt went to Salem. OF COURSE IT IS CONSIDERABLE OF A'STRAIN on your yedulity to ask you to believe that this stjre is better than aiy other in the same line. BUT COMPARE OUR TOILET ARTICLES J and prices and what we could ask you to believe just on our say so will be proven to you by your own investigations. .., 1 BURKHART & LEE Say! You Gardeners and Everybody Else, come and see the NEW lot of Garden Seeds. "Mind you not left overs" at PARKER'S "The Sign of Quality. The Albany Bakery 216 W. First Street. Both Phones. To See cr Not to S is the Question E. C. Meade, Optometrist 829 IWestJSecond Street. F. G. Will A fine line of Jewelry, Sil verware, Cut Glasf and Novelties to select from. S Owen' H Beam. fi tz oidg. Both JJhones THE4TH. ! AT THE COURT HOUSE. New Case: - Nancv I. Truax act. E. F. Truax. for divorce. Marriage in 1S79. Charges cruel and inhuman treatment, cold and indifferent treatment, in sneering, - caustic, unpleasant language, falsely charging the defendant with being vi oak minded. Weatherford & Weath. erford attorneys. Probate: i Final account approved in estate of G. T. Frost. Inventory filed in estate of Robert E. Shea. Value of property $129. i inal account approved in estate of John Fo8hay. Misses Taylor and Rawlings. ' The third recital of the college con . aervatory season was given at the U f. cnurcn last night, with a large and appreciative audienca present. Two of the students of Miss Sox, Misses Laura ; Taylor and Madeline Rawlings, were heard, assisted by Mr. Earl Fortmiller, iupil ot Mrs. Adna Smith Ho. diss Tavlor presented selections trom MendelBsohn. Ravina. Dvorak. Nevin. Chaminade and Schubert-Liszt and Miss Rawungs, three from Beethoven, two from Chopin and one each from MoszkowBki and Weber, disolavinsr ex cellent training and a talent for the most popular of instrumentpl music, that gives promise of much usefulness in musical cicries Mr. Fortmiller was heard in three solos. He has a very pleasing voice, which he uses easily, with excellent enunciation and expression. Deeds recorded: I. Goetz to W. H. Stover lot Mon- teith's S. A $ J. M. Porter to IV. A. Cummings & wf block Halsey Estate Mary Towne to Ness V. Tobey 8 lots Holsey '850 . 10 285 Farmer Gets an Auto. The farmers are getting next to the latest things in vehicles. A. F. Luther has just bought a Maxwell automobile, . through the local agent. Rev. Eaaon, a . fine machine, and can now come to-' town in short order. Mr. Luther Bays a minister induced him to come here to reside and it took a minister to sell him an auto. An Omission 7to0. I In giving an account of a farewell, banquet by Mrs. Ristine, the Democrat . . omitted the names of the guests of Mrs. . ! Ristine ot the Hamilton Alteration de- - nnrtmpnf Thnu toarn Unvrv Wtftav f - ; . , , "J. . . . - ' aiats, silvers, man widow ana uus. The Pi-Bankers last night scraped together enough players to fill the field and did their best in a game against the well-trained high school team, who .! m.L. n ... ir Rev. S. A. Douglas went to Corvallis i,- ,),., u to see J. W. Adkins, who is critically , changinK pitchers. The Bankers' did n m i u- . l. j not score. Their line up consisted of M. H. Titus, of KingBton, returned An(jerSon c, Torbet pitcher, Morsden home after an Albany visit. lst Vannuys 2nd, Han iman 3rd, Fessel Mr. McCully of Eugene, a former Abrams, Kennard and Stewart Halsey man, left for Lyons to look 'fielders. The H. S. as usual. af,er? fg?m owned bv. hi"I,M,,elr; I The game was played for the fun of R. S. Shaw returned to Mill City. lt and wa8 enjoved by tne performers iiiiAiu nw", ..umiovi.tu w nnri ho shiuarimr nil mnnn nf Ihruo ladies and several enthu-iustic fans. look after his violin class. Returned from Electron. Krutschnitt here. F. W. Watson, arrived vesterdav in I general -ma manager Krutscnmtt, hi. Fnrrt fnrmorlv nonrf hv Dr ni ne ol tne greatest railroad men in the from Electron, Wash., where he has ountr- General Manager 0 Brien and (K....H.,. ..... ,.,.i, ; f. Superintendent Fields, of the Harn- the great power company, one of whose ,man nc?' in the city last Monday Dlants is located there. Mr. Watson Last night Mr. Krutschnitt left for REALESTATE FOR SALE. Good modern ' eight room residence, situated close in. Price $3200. Terms $120 ) cash and balance on long time; payment $25 per month, 6 per cent interest. This is a genuine snap. See me quick about it if you want a good buy. J. V. PIPE, 203 West 2nd St. ALBANY SAND AND GRAVEL CO. B U Y I T O F U S Phone, Pacific, 464-J. CENTRAL ADDITION Has again been placed upon the market. The owners of the addition having ar ranged for the installing of a complete ana up up-to date Bewer system which will be installed as as soon as the work can be done. This beautiful addition offers the best investment in the city for the the money, in the way of residence property, oeing only rive minutes walk from the business center good sewer age and restrictions. This addition will be "THE" residence' district of the city within a short time. For partic ulars call on COLLINS & TAYLOR, Agent 132 W. 1st St. Albany, Oregon. has resigned his position there and may San Francisco, while Manager Q-Brien again maKe Albany niBRome, something ""h-'""-v"'-"" " the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wat. Bon hope for. Mrs. Watson came by rail several days ago. Electron is up in the hills, not a desirable place for a home, though all right as a business proposition. started on an inspection trip over the (J. & E. going to the .Bay this after noon. 30 DAYS for closing out the stock of groceries of O. S. Kowell, Baltimore block, all at cost. Call and see. The Guarantee Optical Company have a large and new stock of all styles of WANTED. Girl at St. Charles Hotel. spectacles and eye glasses, also a va riety of Hair pins and Ear loop chains and chain holders. We guarantee ac curate fitting of lenses and frames, stock at .Dawson's Drug Store. Even up on that "Meat Bill" by buy ing a lot in Central Addition and build you a little home this year, and thus save rent. For particulars consult Collins & Taylor. 20 WANTED. -4 or 5 shoots. John Hug gins, 602 Home phono. 15t FOR SALE. -On account ot lot being Bold, will Bell my Btjjak of Accona chickens, also 300 feet of 6 fost wire fencing, with r,ost-. Inquire at Vtfr ick's barber shop. WANTED. A boy apprentice, to work in the bakery and learn the businesB, Beam-Fletcher Co. FOR RENT. Dwelling, modern, 426 Hill St. Call at Eagles' Cigar Store. 17t FGR RENT. Furnished house, new modern, close in. Call at residence,. near 4th anrl Ferrv. J. F Trnvpr. t20. FOUND. A plain pair of spectacles, on the R. It. track. At Democrat office. WANTED. Girl to do general house worK. Call at residence of C. E. Sox. FOR SvLE 5 H P. Fairbanks engine, with wood saw outfit, as good as new, cheap. Also top buggy. T. B. & J, W. Springer, Shedd. tl5 FOR SALE. Automobile, will sell cheap for cash, or will consider real estate. Telephone Black 842. tl8 FOUND. -Eastern Star pin, with the initials A. C. O., at Democrat office. OREGON MARKET Come nn-1 get your Groceries. Trv - some of the Dry Whole Milk. 1 can ot" ury miik good for a gallon. An Electric Washing Machine nil! make washing easy. 2c per hour is the cost. Let electricity do the hard vcrk while you rest. It does every thing but hang out the clothes. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 Weil Second Street HARD TO EQUAL CANT BE BEAT MISSION j HOME-MADE CANDIES and ICE CREAM. Phone Your Order Mission Parlors Delivery promptly attended to. STONE P Vt.iM.nm nmamMliI rnlrtVMM. Tin rap, filling, etc Samples at M. Senders A Co's store. W.L.COBB, R Horns 03 D Pbooe.4. HUE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED The Pantatoriucz, GILBERT HUSTON Ul W Ut St. I Bell PfcoEt tltti .Home fttae 1(6 This year is going to see a lot of im provements in Central Addition. And I a big advance in values there. Better get you a lot this spring from Collins & Taylor. I A little cash will handle on of the 1 best "BUYS'' of the season in Centra i Addition. Strictly a resident district Ask Collins & Taylor about them. Shoes for the whole famiiy. Look out. Don't deyelope corns and bun-! ions. Go toB urns Shoe Store. Yocr shoes made good as new at Burns Shoe Store Studebsker wagons, buggies, surreys' and backs at Stewart & Sox HJw. Co. r If your Oregonian is missed call cn Ben Clelen 171-L Bell, or 1312 Home. and A sure relief from thBt corn cure at BurnsShjeSiore. F G. WILL, lor Watcher Is AVE YOU USED your Homestead or Timber right yet? I can show you a good list ot relinquishments and loca cations at all prices, and am sure I can mi you. Some of these lay within five miles of good town. Have some good Pine timber claims. Call or write at once. R. H. NELSON, 627 Oirhctt HhV . Portland O-o GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for raie at the Albany Planing Mill, cleaner than tywhere lse in Albany. Skill It set, if desiteJ. Woodworth's Water Sale. Hundreds continue to take advan tage of our Water Sale. The offer ings of this most remarkable event arc bringing thrifty buyers to our store every day. stationery, boxes onlv slitrhtlv soil ed, half price. 'cuit ccF.cs, urips and nana Bags, onc-tiiird to one-half off. Eyrinecs and Hot Water Bottles. boxes only slightly soiled, at one-half price. Ail guaranteed for one or two years. Our Vall Paper bargains were nev er so attractive, and our stock never so complete. Buy where the stock is largest and the price is lowest. Paper hangers can be had now, lat er they arc hard to get. WOODWORTH DiRUO CO. Gold Monograms For Watch Fobs, Brooches, and Purses. These monograms are new and very attractive. See them in our Show Window. :J F. M. French & Son Our Wagons Are at your Service. Whenever you want us to call for a package of soiled linen, our wagon will do it promptly. Whenever you want your laundered linen returned to you at a special time, we will be glad to accommodate you. Our two wagons and their drive rs are at the service of our customel whenever they have a request for special service of this kind to make. We are glad to go to some little trouble to accommodate a customer- we realize that the favor will commend our service to them in unmistakab 'crms. Can we serve you? MAGNOLIA STEAM LAUNDRY The Laundry of Quality. Both Phones. wa'NTed'X good cooh ioi a restitui rant. Cal at the Demnrrnt office. Women are the best judges. of Laundry Work. There's no use trying to fonl them in that direction. THAT'S WHY wc do.work for fo many women who would not be satisfied wiili anything but perfect patinnVriiig. Your flat pieces and table linen '-hould look right as well as your other fancy work. -2ND US YOUR LINEN this wee't as a trial for the better. Wc return everything but the dirt. o Yours for business, ALBANY STEAM LAUNDRY, Both Phones. WYATT BROS., Props. TAKEN UP. Two oy horses, en. blind, foot eut,!work team. Call upon J. W. Hornbacb, R.D. 2, ialem road, near city. . . 18 WAIT MEADE, 1 WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 Second Strcc, Between Ferry & Broadalbn