Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, April 21, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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    S. E. YOUNG & SOX
A Hint to the Wise is
There are circumstances that arise
that make it advisable for merchants to
dispose of their stocks at greatly reduced
prices. A given time to close out a stock
means that prices must be put so -low that
it will move regardless of former cost.
People who are anxious to take advantage
of such savings will hold off their buying a
short time and profit by closing out prices,
W atch this space for later announcements.'
You will be interested in what we wilt
have to say. .
THIS morning!
News from Albany's Six Early!
0. D. Austin left on a west side trip I
in me interest of the Albany Supply I
Co. The business of this company is
gradually developing, a wholesale trade I
of a trood deal of imoortance to Albany. I
and a great convenience to merchants I
in Albany and neighboring towns.
of considering honesty the best policy still prevails here. We had rather
have the respect and good will of our neighbors than anything else we
know of.
of the kind we can recommend to you and you can recommend to your
friends. Want any?
Say! You Gardeners
and Everybody Else, come and see the NEW
lot of Garden Seeds. "Mind you not left overs" at
'The Sign of Quality.
The Albany Bakery
Second Hand Clothing, Shoes,
Guns. Jewelry, Furniture,
Stoves, Racks, etc.
Will pay 4c per lb. for old
rubber, 5e for copper, 75c per
100 lb. for cast iron.
Home phone 13?9 120 East 1st
Pure milk and cream. Her tubercu
locum tested.
All bills of regular patrons payable at
the store after the tenth of each month.
Proprietor, 331 Lyon St.
216 W. First Street.
Both Phones.
"A Shur-on Eyeglass may be worn
where other eyeglasses cannot.
Where a Sbur-on eyeglass may oat
satisfy a Sbur-on spectacle will.
With Shur-un eyeglasses and spectacles
in stock you can satisfy anyone "
E. C. Meade, Optometrist.,
329 West Second Street.
Has again been placed upon the market.
The owners of the addition having ar
ranges for the installing of a complete
and up up-to dale sewer system which
will be installed as as soon as the work
can be done.
This beautiful nridirinn nfTttra k
best investment in the city for the
ine money, in the way of residence
property, oeing only nve minutes walk
from the business center cood aewei-
B?a and rnRtrirllnna Thm orl.;!....
will be "THE" residence district of the
city within a short time. For partic
uiars call on
132 W. 1st St. Albany, Oregon
F G. Will
A fine line of Jewelry, Sil
verware, Cut Glass and
Novelties to select from.
An Electric Washing Machine
p ma!;c washing eay. 2c per hour
the cot. Lei electricity do the hard
vork while yon rest. It does every
thing bt:t hang" out tT,.e clothes.
Ralston. Electric Supply Company,'
312 Wt Second Street.
D 1 JLlEs'
Phone Your Order
Mission Parlors
Delivery promptly attended to.
!Ha your clothes
for ruil:ling. ornamental purposes, rip
ran. filling, etc.
en...:. mt XX Senfen & Cjk'm stare.
W . L tOBB. K borne , 3 W lat St.
fg D Phooe.4. 1
The Pantatorium,
Bell Phunt black 273
Home phone 196
All thoroughbred chickens. Eggs fm
setting. Black Minnrras, Barred Ph in
mith Rocks. Black pOrphington, Wh u
Leghorn. Rhode Island Reds, Fav. r
oJles, White Plymouth Rocks, Ltng
saan. Cut bone for sale.
Hime phone Ted 2983. Bell 28T--.
J A?. A. HPA9 & SON.
Father Lane left on a short Portland )
trip. He reports a new church to be
built at Mill City, a small chapel, where I
services win Dti neiu, mailing uouui
eight churches, under the direction of
the Albany church as the center.
W. E. Yates left for Crawfordsville
to 'ook after his small farm of SiU
acres. The coming Linn county farm
will be about half of that, though the
average, is now about 250 acres. The
average of the New England farm is
about So acres.
I ( . mi. ..,.... ...
I.-..'-- : ' ' ? Nr. - .
i y v. ,j
! k
Miss Myra Montgomery, of Sheridan,
left for home after a visit with Albany
friends, of whom she has a good many.
She reported her father getting quite
fleshv under the bracing influence of
foot hill climate. 1
muany s nrsi narem skirt, as ""en
upon Miss Sarah Millard, of the Ci im
I bers & McCune store, while crot-sing
Dr. Wallace returned from Junction, groUnd is the office of C. G. Burkhart"
where he had been to see a patient. 1 fine location f..r hi h-iM,
Prof. Wilson made his regular Wed
nesday trip to Brownsville. 1
Dr. Lewauex left on her regular trip
to vervains.
1 a fine location for a big brick.
The Park Musicale.
if 1 iiiii. j-a.iLui.iiv a uiudbl uuvaiLinu
and Gale S. Hill went to Salem on a Remember the social afternoon with
short business trin. the Civic improvement Club at the hnma
Miss May Workinger arrived from of Mrs. John Simpion 730 Washing!, n
Corvallis on an Albany visit. i St. tomorrow afternoon. It will be one
Hiss Lettie Pratt went to Portland to of rare attraction, Mrs. Langdon. who
attend the meeting of the N. P. mis-; was the director of the Ladies Musical
sionary board. i Club for so many years, to whom
I T A irI . t n Ll W A lliann i. lanvalt. 1...1..U. I . ..
i turned home after a Brownsville visit utation as a musical center, wiil soon
I i. i., . ; i : j . Imu. nvl .( k -
- Albany by her sister. Itiea left for hearing the old club ting)
Sam Goldsmith, who has been eem- Shall we not show our appreciation of
ing to Albany fifteen or twenty years, these ladies by filling the beautiful
left for points north. ; rooms of Mrs. Simpson. The club is
I offering in these afte-noona asocial and
intellectual trra. a feast of goodthinei
I The second eama of the Twilight
Leacue tournameut was played last
night between the Postal Bankers and
the High School team, and was wen by
the former by the close score of 2 to 1.
j taking nine innings to decide it, one
oi ine uest games ever playeu in the
league contest, fiuving was begun
after a tedious wait in the cold, that is
going to keep our people away. A time .
should be set for beginning and lived .
up to, whatever it is.
tiooley pitched two or three innings
for the Postal-Bankers and Put'ersoo
the rest of the game, and Lyle
for tho high school. Only one hit was
made by each club, speaking for the
battery work. Archibald caucht for
the high school notwitstanding a .very
sore finger that made a few errors excusable.
Cius Abraham, of the Bankers, caused
a sensation by knocking the ball over
the fence, but it was a foul on a slow
pitch as a teaser.
Carson riigbee ird in base stealing.
Ryalls at first is playing a crack came
for the hiuli school boys. If two or
three of the high school boys wi'l get
the wheels out of their head when they
bat the club will develoD into the-
strongest high school team in the val
The high school made 6 hits and 4
errors. Carson bubee made 3 of the
hits. Noland 2 and Lyle Bigbee the
o'her. Car on B e b9e a!: o made 3 outs,.
and 2 assists without an error. For the
P-B-'s Dave and Bill Patterson each'
made a hit, all that were made. Only
2 errors were made.
The next game will be played to
morrow night between the Merchants
and the S P. e games are worth
seeing, splendiu i.u.teur base ball.
An Advantage in Buying
At the Advertising Sale to be held in
the Bui knar t Btudio Saturday afternoon
and evening is you will get only merch
andise that the the manufacturers and',
home merchants are croud to show and
advertise. Goods that depend upon
your satisfaction for their future de
mand Everv article for sale is the
. i ' 1 r . 1
De8( OI lia K1I1U. AUU pay mc iruumi
Rev. Lacey, of Lebanon, returned !nlelleul" tr,'. a feast of goodthmgi beat of its kind. lou pay ttie r
home after a Portland trip. He re- """"a"0 for your offering to beau- price and get 100 per cent value.
ported the citv all base ball veaterdav.
and during the afternoon it was almost
impossible to find any one so much was
the base ball fever rampant.
A Lorenz Operation,
tify our own city.
Gentlemen are cordially invited,
especially the mayor, the city council,
the editors of our city papers, and all
otuer men who may feel it a duty and
privilege to come.
Free will offering 25 eenla.
Dr. M. H. Ellis yesterday performed
This week Saturday (only), Davcn-
one of the famous Lorenz op rstions port's Music Store will sell all nop'i
upon a daughter of A. H. Sandstrom lar sheet music three conies for 25c
of the Union Furnsiure Factory, which
is reported to have been skillfully done, FOR SALE -Viy residence No. 906 East
! with success, speaking for Albany sur
. FOR SALE.-Furni:ure.
E 2nd.
at 725
4th St.. also some choice vacant lot a
w ill accept in part pa'vmeni acreage
near Portland. J. D. Ellis, Albany.
This disdav of Groceries, etc. have
been contributed ty the rrnnufacturera
and by home merchants for advertising -purposes.
The proceeds go towards
the repairing of the M. r.. church. I :
will cost you nothing extra and you will
be helping a splendid cause. i"
Plan to buy at least tvto articles at
this sale. Who can neglect when it
costs nothing to help.
By Epworth League of M. E. Church,
Studebaker Wagons, Buggias Sur.
rey's and Hack's at Stewart & S0x
Hurdwa Co.
Studebaker wagons, buggiea, surreys
and hacks at Stewart & Sox Hdw. Co.
tiff M-t
If So, Look Up These Bargains and
, Don't Wait Too Long.
7-room house and lot, situated close
in. West Albany. Price $2000.00.
7-room house and large lot, situat
ed close in. 2 blocks from Lyon St
Price S1900.00.
Also have a good piece of property
situated ou Lyon St. A bargain.
65 acres of A-Xo. 1 land, all in cul-
'ivation, 3 miles from Albany. This is
the best offering in farm land on the
market today. Good liberal terms for
552 acres, all in good land, two sets
of good buildings, all in cultivation
except 40 acres which is in timber.
This would make a good farm to di
vide. Price very reasonable, and terms
can be made to suit purchaser.
20 acres. 3 miles from a R.'R. sta
tion. Unimpaovcd. Price, $30.00 per
Beautiful 5-room bungalow, inside
finish can not be beat; plate rail, beam
ceiling, fireplace, just the prettiest
little home in West Albany. Price
very reasonable.
For terms upon the above places
call personally at my othce. No in
formation given by phone. I have a
large list of properties in f:irn or city
property and I know it will pay in
tending investors to call and see whnt
f have to offer. See the old Reliable
Real Estate Dealer.
J. V. PIPE. 203 WEST 2nd St
Albanv, Ore.
At Holt's Market
3 Cans good Milk $ .25
1 Sack Johnson Flour 1.35
2 Cans Sliced Peaches (Royal
Club) . .25
1 lb. Crcsc'cnt Baking Powder 2S
1 Gal. Can Ideal Syrup 50
2 Cans Minced Clams 25
Some thoroughbred Rhode Island
Red Roosters cheap.
- $ .25
Watch this space for real bargains.
Sunrise Acres
2 Hnti 3 & ere tracts
which you C'in buy
hn-i own t'n the f
(rrc of ft t.tti It lot
in I'twn.
1 r.' aciiiii'in h on
mil : from il.e e uri
1,'u-f in! it.e
hirifat. ui(.i part
uf Alt'zny.
Phone or call ar
otTice for anto :o .Sunrise.
2 rise. jj
OWEN BEAM, 112 Ferry St
Gold Mon ograms
For Watch Fobs, Brooches, and
Purses. These monograms are
new and very attractive. See
them in our Show Window.
F. M. French & Son
Our Wagons Are at your Service.
wil.itnormyp0,ly.Wln, "S 10 " PaCk'ge f ,0iled 'inen' Ur "0n
timeirds'acrd-atru1:"" re,urned ,o you at a -
Our two wagons and their drivers are at the service of our customet
whenever they have a request for special service of this kind to make!
We are glad to go to some little trouble to accommodate a customer
we reahze that the faor will commend our service to them in unmistakably
Can we serve you?
The Laundry of Quality.
, Both Thones.
is nut good enough for us. W
'In the best laundry work in the city.
Send ua your Linen this week and
?cc we call perfect work. Note
the hni-a we give, the entire absence
i.l frayed edges or torn buttonholes,
ihc fresh sweet cleanness of the linen
H '-elf. They ti-Il the talc.
Our Model Work on lace curtains is
the talk of the town.
11.11 93.
Home 4J3
iZ9 bi:orJ 5tm, 0.wn Ferry & Broadalbn