A DARK HORSE R. R. Corvallis Republican: The doubting Thomases may yet dUeover in the proposed Albany & In tcrurban railway the dark horse that is to win the race, as well as the bridge and some other desirable th:i:g-for the city and county. Tile latest development is a propo sition to extend the line on through Corvallis and Philomath into the Al- ea Valley. The road is asking no bonus of anv kind or other consider ! tion than an adequate tonnage to be .-guaranteed available with the opening oi the line. 1 itnlier owners along tne ror.ie of the road are being asked to plcou'e a specific amount of logs to be cKli.ered to the road each year from date ot its opening for a period of Jive years. The road binds itself to lie in operation within two years. It is fair, business like proposition, and a- n: ore than one-half of the required tnr-yige has already been pledged it loo!.--, as though that part of the prop-o-i'ion were assured. The financial connections of the ih-.v road have not been revealed, but the promoters who are Albany capitali sts claim to have the support of east ern financiers in the project and to have the funds all ready to build the line. Force is added to this repre sentation by the known fact that en gineers representing eastern financiers came to Corvallis some weeks ago w ith the Albany representatives of the line to Took over the ground here and to aly the proposition before a com mittee of business men the city. The move to extend the line into TUESDAY. CONCRTE PAVEMENT. Walter Pugh, of Salem, who baa put down severl miles of concrete Dave ment, which is said to give splendid satisfaction, and to last the longest of any ot them, will be here tomorrow to J talk with our people and members of ' lha i-nun.!! .Uil This U ss than the high priced pavement. It is not right for the city to advertise for one kind of pavement instead of hard surface generally, os is being done. Nor is it right to compel property owners to pay for what can be gotten fur little over half as much, and Coun cilman Miller declares just as good and more lasting. Malbcuef Appointed. C. A. Malbouef has been appointed secretary of the Northwest Fruit Exenange at Portland. Th selection is a good one. MalDouef was formerly with the Southern Paci5c, then gciog o Medford. wherje he became secretary of the commercial club. He is just the man foi the important position. He knows the 'ailroads, knows the people, knows conJitions here and may be relied upon. This fruit exchaneeought to ne a Dig tnine tne coming DOINGS OF THE WORLD M. V. Koontz, wno died at Halsey :h's week, besides one son also left a i-jgnter, Mrs. Edith Drinkard, Senator Chamberlain has made his nrst formal speech in the senate, one iu the interest of the rule by the people. Hearst proposes to spend thousands to defeat Cannon's reelection. The country has had too much of Cannon already. Eugene will celebrate the 4th of July this year. The spirit of the day is to have a celebration every year. Will Albany have one thU year. Ten thousand people saw the first game of the season at Portland yester day, and were wild with delight at the result, Portland 4, Los Angeles 1. H. W. Hatch of Salem and Geo. W. Warrenton have been appointed by Gov. West to succeed Mark Hulburt of Albany and f. H. Downing of Salem, as members of the state fair board. Caruso left New York yesterday for r.urope, unable to sing on account ot illness. Besides his other earnings he made $100,000 singing for phonograph records. Yesterday was the fifth anniversary of the great San Francisco fite and earthquake. Five years havi seen a marvelous change in the devastated city, with hardly an evidence left of the dijaster. Vernal Palmer.of Washougal, Wash., vears. and representing! With a man like Melbouef in charge (Mi Ivff Work Will hf Hnn in ant finer I a u ,...11 ... -. - ' . ' " t waa iviiicsi Willie kuiiik iu lug uaii gaiuc NnrlhwMt fruit nn Ihu mnpLnl at tha ri .1 1 . 1 : 1 - --- , ,. , . - w.. ..... . . , (-uriiauu westeruay, ill an auto, biiu tne rtisea vaney opens up a iiuuiocr nignest price and in tne interest or trie I four others were injured. The aut) of important possibilities and makes . producer, not just the commission man. went over a viaduct -the new road look like a sure revenue I I W,,K,. ijj0t. Whii. w producer, one that siiould readily at-1 y A.,,1. T. Binklev was in Albany last Thursday.' . I anH !,. wolnh rmam nrtt Irani nn tha men's, department of his store, parties ed. tract capital seeking investment. 1 he line will tap a line timber area and the opening 01 tne ertiic Aisea vni-. County C'erk Marks was notified to- entered and carried off three suits of i.i Vr ii "n i i . tnBt ucorge sipes, an inmate of the ciomes. Pleasant Valley will also be penetrat-: in8ane , nad died h Wltll..n.,nn:v tr nrlntsr it i. !mitfpii thorn frnr.i J .inn rnnniu Mou Ifi nnv.t.Arl Clm ncc in Alsca Valley, the road.iKKfi unri ha .horofnr.. t,an ,ha r-Si.r i, i, ; would have an unobstructed way with amost forty five years. It is doubtful that he was practically a nervous wreck water grade down to Alsea Kay, which ' if there is another inmate who has heen u, h H.n ih. fnr tha h. nas a cecper aim siraiguicr cnannci eo long in the asylum. ihan Yaquina. and with little improv'-; When Sipes was committed Albany ment will make a better harbor and was just starting as a city. The court admit larger vessels. 1 he extension , house in which he was committed, the ;to ilic Bay would be an early ncccs- first in the county, was completed only Water Damage Sale. On Sunday night an accident happened to the water pipes in the rooms above and ilooded our store, damaging several hundred dollars worth of goods, which we will of fer at special sale, at one-fourth to one-half their original value, beginning Thursday morning. . ' About 100 Hot Water Bottles and Syringes, at exactly one-half price.- These goods come in pasteboard boxes which were badly soaked while the syrin ges were not hurt a particle. They bear our stamp moulded in the rubber and are jguaranteed for one year regardless of price. ' STATIONERY. About 100 Boxes, Hurd's Crane's & Whitney's Paper and Envelopes in perfect condition, boxes slightly soiled. At one-third to one-half price. SUIT CASES, GRIPS AND HAND BAGS. Largest stock we have ever shown Some slightly damaged by water. All go at one-fourth to one-half off during this sale. All our stock of Burnt Wood and pierced Art Brass to close out at half price. KODAK AND PHOTO GOODS. During this sale we will give from 10 to 25 per cent discount on everything in the photo line not protected by price contract. We do public developing, printing and enlarging. Our free dark room is at your service. If you have kodak troubles let us give you free instructions. . OUR WALL PAPER was but slightly damaged, yet we are going to include our entire line in this Great Sale. Many other goods not included in this list will be passed over our Bargain Coun ters during this sale. oodworth Drug Co, ,ltv. "The road will give to the territory it efit of his health. Tacoma has set a good example by recalling A. V. Fawcett as mayor, and electing W. W. Seymore. Unless an official intends to do his duty and rep- MEXICAN WAR; Told About by a Former Eugene and Albany Man, MISFITS May Queen? are blossoming. Our modern, toggery is gorgeous. the year before. The Democrat was resent the people he had better stav I Otis B. Tout, former Eugene young thA nn v lunar ham .Ina . IV 1 ,1-1 nan. - e- r , , ... ... . , . . . n A, n n . . would mean much to Corvallis. great imnetus the only paper here, Jos.. O'Mera hav opens up and ing started it me jear oeiure in Aueust. . There is a different Albany here now. MAIL ORDER PATRONS SHOULD READ THIS. I The Federals Whipped In view of the manner in which a good many l.inn county fanners have .-helped to boost the enormous bu-i-. ilcss ot Sears Roebuck & Co., and oth er mail order houses, the following froi:i t',.c Weekly Implement Trade Jouru; I. N lime!)- ami very readable. It is worth reading twice by men who i 1 .-iw.-:v for so-ealled bar;'.i:l : It is mil pleasant news to the retail federal guns were in possession of merchants ot t ic country to reail in .i i.-irew, " iiin.nt:u ujr ' Sears. Koeir.:e! it Co.'s business is steadily anil rapidly on the increase, but its report f. r t- y-.r j--t em'.-il shows an ine;e:i e in ;a!es over those of l'AM of f IC ' ':. The dividend j equalled - -AT cent, as compared , with 18 5-1 lie- i e.i. hcd ihe previous j year. Tile total net earnings alter de- dueling the seven per cent on the tire- lerrcd stock were SO.759.S76. The sum of S'Jti.tKM has been appropriated, it is said, for the enlargement of the Bradley plant. These facts have ope item of com fort iu them, however which , is tlu dealer who is pc-lcred e n.' catalogue j5 UOo for u,e education of his children hoi'-e customers inielit v eil make use and 51500 to lift a mortgage on his ,oi' ii compelled to :ir-.;-.v the question pinco. with them, viz., t! -t .vh enormous: it .. ,,, .,, sncmiJ thing, much protits certainly :-l ov. t. at they art more than a sentiment of heroism. chaining their custo.'iers a profit on , their purchases which tl.ey fonilly im- agmc arc given mom pr.u 111.10 .n cost. The average vata iigue e'is:oui- tr apparently acts unou the sn post- Afjua I'rieta. April 17 The most imp irtant battle of the Moxicun revolu tion was fouirit hern todav between liiOO federals, under cominan'1 of i'n nn.l Diaz, and lOuU rebels, under Ciaieia. The federals were repulsed. The battle, however was not finally decisive. It lasted from 6:30 this morn pig until sundown. At nightfall two the the reuuls that the federals suffered a loss of at least &I0 kided and wounded. Tne rebels gave their loss ut 20. Carnzie's Hero Fund, and who resided in Albany at one ncss. I time for several months, is now editor An armistice has been declared in 'of the Daily Chronicle, of Calexico, Mexico between the federals and in-. Cahf.. on the Mexican border, surgents, and it is said peace may be I Mexlcal1 vwhe n? Hba"' l,d established. But there will never be .70 insurgents and &00 federals occj urred much perce with TJiaz on the throne, ' jsjus' ov-r the 1 line from In his presidency being about the same his paper Tout tells about it in the fol thinir lowing manner: " , . u ' "Tne universal opinion is that Satur- ul. p. Morgan, of the riarrisburg day nieht'3 f,ht was a monumental Bulletin, was among the large number fa;ce."that the famous Mexican eight uitiiiui,; tne i jncitti ul uvvju.ciii 'i Beuson at l.oseburg. Krom Salem there was Guvei nor West, F. J. Mille- and manv other prominent o'Jicihls; from I'ortland C. N. McArthur, Ben son's private secretary, Judge vvebstr and others. April base ball is a dodging of showers. This will be year. Albany's best building C H NEWS Plat Winooa. Park described. filed, heretofore Marriage licenses Roscoe C. Thomas, 29, of Jacksonville, and Ina M. Smith. 27, of Albany;:J. Tano Peterson, 27. Portland, and Isabelie McCreery, 23. c f Albany. It did not rain on easter; but all signs fail. S. In the long run scores. prevarication never Albany's easter ha passed in style. connot be sur The Dem 1 r.pot 1 of 1 I Commissi- ; rewarded . j ceived mi 01 . ceived liber I families iim er t hHS received the annual TolE COMING CHAUTAUQUA. pmld not hit a noes ot eas balloons. eichoneas big as a barn.if the balloons were released out of their own trenches, and that 100 goad men could go in the !i ;IJ and wipe the federals off the earth, f ney do-i't depend much on marksman ship to win. but on lare numbers and a waste of 20Ct buiiets for every man killed. "The attack on Mexicalt will come when Mayot and his men get their cannaTandhiffernydsiesnt asidaTs - Every c,y i, wondering wherea.l the 1.1 j so called colonists have gone to any - on chlh and mescal. ' "Their success, which will come eventually, will be welcomed with . groans and grunts on the American ' Valle7 cities are talking 4th of July Deeds recorded: A. M. Hammer to Sa!orne Cusick 50 by S4 feet Jas. W. Watson, to Geo. R. Slo- cu:n 40 acres . . . . .... Clarence Hover to Everett Hover 2 26 acres D !. Leech to anuel O. Ed wards small tract . . Christine MonteithtiJ E. Clelen 2 lot? E. A 1 M. O. Edwards to Andrew Olson i IS acres , ' . , D. H. Leech to A. Olson small is the nan e of a Boseburg tract Will his patrons hare kaws for Lillian Warmoth to G W. Hanson I & wf 6 lots hrownsvilte There are murders that never get into court, professional ones. Crow barber, kicks. Circuit Courts : New Suits Fred W. Kowitz j Julius Kowitz to register title. 10 10 10 10 10 1450 and As irnnd as the nrocrrum of the Chau Carnegie Hero Fund tauuua Assembly at this city last year side. 425 .people have been was, tne program for the coming as-; In roism. Some just re- snmtily will far excel it. It, as being s, but many have also re- arranged, will be clean and high-class, sums for personal aid of in keeping with the' character of the fur education. One man Chautauqua assemblies generally. 1 Beside:, nome men, me principal 1 snpnlfprt will hp Ryr-tlovernor J. Frank I Hanly. of Indiana; Dr. Gabriel R. Ma ' The Dittrict Convention of the Degree Medicine simply helps s person so guire, the Irish orator, a remarkable 0f Honor convened here this afternoon, nature can do the rest. After all na- Deeds recorded: speaker, and De Witt Miller, a popular with Frances B. Clsen.chief of honor in ture has to d the real business of it. Alfred C. Smith to W. S. Gordon orator. the cnair, and the grand lodge officers - & wf 2 Jots Knmont. S C..H.U cs:u nn..:n n :,... . ' t I 1 in;AS fr.nm ... . . . s. -s J r cuuu oiiiitu iovis, a s-i,tsTt w.vi presents, over one iiiuimm i,i.ii: Nearlv three mi es at Davintr in ' niary oaitmarsn to fii. J. it 1J. M D. OF H. I celebrations, and some even suggest sane affaiis: I 1 I Second and Broadalbin is due to be 1 come the busiuess center ot tho city, j : Or will it? " I j Probate: Final accounting set far May 29 in I estate of Otis Maxwell. Also in estate ! of Fourlott Crobtree. Inventory filed in estate of Frances Unity Lee. Value of prepertv $1402.93. District Convention. speaker of fame will occupy the forum outside being present, as fine a looking lion thai Ihe catalogue nouses .ue rtally the philanthropes their adver tisements proclaim then to be. and d . not seem to Mop to ci.nsnlcr lint 11 is big dividends and not philanthropy that prompts them to seek the trade i,f the farmers. The aterage 'inner i : a pretty smooth individual. 4iut ihe catalogue house customer, whil: he thinks he is the stnooiiiest 01 the bunch, is really getting the wool pulled over his eyes practically every lime he sends his money awav. Hut i: is evident the Wall Strct !,aivni who own tl'c stool; and control the management have 110 notion oi con sidering the mail ord 1 business in the light of philanthroi v. hour one dav Tho entertaining attractions will Tho Willamette district convcnl'on Degree of Honor will meet at this city Wfinesdav at 2 p in , an 1 hold after noon und evening sessions Wednesday and lhursday at the A. V. u. , ball. Frances B. Ols n. chief of honor, and all other grand officers, will be nresent. lot of women as ever gathered be any. This afternoon was being Alb- given Albany this year. 1 business was begun, ready. paving It is about time All winter to get 10 2500 A Good Thing. T" ' ""S-k 1 1 1 1 'vi-.sv, F. J. PagO, of Salem, is preparing lo establish a cenf al heating plant for everybjdy, furnishing not water for house heatinT, and is asking for a franc liotv 11 1 will agree to maintain uniform temperature of 70 negrees, it there 18 autheient radiation, down iu ;:ero w-' illi.T out-M.le. SlK-h a plai.t is a groat thing, and if Salem can make one go Albany ough". to Iw equal to the occas ion. of n hitrh order: William Sterling Battis. nnmthiiliminM.4 nf the convention. an interpreter of Dickens; the Apollo Tonight there will be a big banquet and: ,.',, Concert Co. and bell ringers; Williams feed I The Bulletin thinks lothing can pre Jubilee Singers, the best in the U. S.; I vent Bend-beimr the largest town in ur. Sadler's Company, of Chicago, in . Eastern Osegon. Nothing like seeing medical and surgical demonstrations . . ; tue bright side of things. by one of the ablest physicians of rnaQC a mountain I rip 10 10 50 All local 111 ..inherit are rronestiV. In h nicago, wun assisiania aim rcaucrs, 1 ne aennocra tic congress immediately All local memoera are requested 10 oe . ,.hi,. r ..j nrhoatm th ht . .. '..i.i:i, eisn 000 ..u . r, , ,ki P.rM.enU By order of the president, ",""; The G. T. of Corvallis gives graphic 3rKr5 taTT c.miiy u. oioan. rars. icina sear. sec. , ThB ... .uhIa nuartet -count of a trip last Saturday oy aiar ",-",Xh,. J . v . oinbint nt tlioi- i- tv. with a Keo auto- r 1 nss oeen asxeu to sing. ..s-, - ,, a mnminn- nt th. htd ... k.m 1bi mobile, of eighty miles, with Manager Ur. Lowe, the well known op- ,ht and arraoLremenU for the erection R F. Shier and two others into the tiold On the first Sunday in May the Salem booster ! Unham lot bM4-E A. Jas. R. Shaw to Curtis Lumber Co. tract 93 E J, R. Shaw to C. T. baseman 2 lots Mill City John Weart to Chas. Springer lot Helley S. H. Sheats to Samuel Thomas wf lot Lebanon 1000 J. N. Fitawater to J. B. , Savage 40 acres v 100 C. E. Clark to B. F. Raines 40 acres 500 L. A. Tucker to Dieie Bower 4 lots Eebanon .- 533 C. W. Walker to-J. W. Arehart lot Lebanon 2300 t.cian and optometrist, will be of the tabernacle and program further- leeK mines attempjeti oy ministers are going iu .preicn JOTr 1 L. A. Tucker to M. Gob) & wf 2r-; n a ihonu Anrii 9t un.i 9i tin. j m. : : iK h fmlmf Mr. Kickard not only sermons on Sa em. with a nrize for the . . . t r t-B' ot wi & ,,.s...j ., w .,vi s. m. 1 nu cnaini ut inu ttriuoiv uiewhiuie .- - . , . . .r . r . . not forget the dates. Portland's Conlmmat'on Stit. The si'. for the condemnation of block S for a site for the new post otlioe liii iiing at Portland i. now boin! tried in the II. S. court be or Jtidg. iVolverton. Among the jurymen art John llarrett and Gus Stelhnaeher o' this county. The government wants to secure tin" bl-jek for $2iW.iihi, whi'e the property owners sr.. demandinc nearly twice as mueh. The jury wil' have the tix;ng of the tirieo flectrical Supply Catalogue The Ralston KleYtric Supply Co . hi: just gotten out a 12S page catalogue for its wnoleaale business, which ha alrettfy been well developed covering this part of the stale. It shows a bi list of the latest in electrical appliances Outside of Portland this is prabatdy th only one in the state. WEDNE3DAY. AT THE COURT HOUSE. i j 1 u. Moiri a Keo car to tne oiac& &kio nest one. wnatever maKes a citv Detter I A secretary and manager were order- Mining Co . but also a Kelly truck for js a booster. ; ed secured. bringing the ore out to Gates. . 1 Names for the streets on the grounds j j are wanted. Send them in. Annlhr IMw Town ' Juat now Kasterr Oregon is getting a I Albany people should begin early to Miiuiner good many new comers. It is about (.,... . . rmrwwxwn l n Lr ., tnm A u t a lima f..r ilnrinn I V, a mot ion Baon tha IIUVI. IIIU IU(,imu ...anu ...b uass, - .Ill's., a-'. u. itn s. aas svu j s s. s..s. . m a u t CL UCI1 popular. j Tlev sudden growth town is North pcpolatbn of all that part of the state kt Lebanon lots Lebanon 650 Lee Bilyeu to S. L. Dart 2 lots 7 ,s. Lecanon 1 Henry Goerlicb to Goeriich Hoerr C. 360 acres n 000- A. P. Blackburn to Geo. McKilii- (mn lot I.f.h9nisn Margaret Uenine to C. H. Barrett Deeds recorded : 11. Bryant to Henrietta Geske, 23-100 acres ..$ Jas B. Shaw to Archbishop of Or., 2 lots Mill City II. Bryant ti Frank Uhlman, con tract for deed to 20 acres at i2000. City Hall Site. Ptains. in th Tualitin Valley, west of increased only I0.OOO. Forest Grove. Sixty days ago it had 1 Editor Democrat: An Utegon City paper claims that that 1 350 C. A. Arehart to J. W. Arehari 22 acres 10 Thos. J. Smith to C. A. Arehart 22 acres 2SZ0 aiarriagc license: Hairy Clement, 23, and Bertha Mills, 1G, both of Albany. The Coming State Orange. g The state grange will be held at Corvallis. beginning May !). Tho com mittft'S have just been announced Following aro the Linn county members of ttutn: Credentials. Fred Harrison of Brownsville. Mile lire anl per iliem. T J. Kisley, Albany. By-laws, J. F. Ache. Aliianv Goo.1 of the order Mrs. Marjare' Kislev. Albany. Dorm nt grange. T L. McClinns, Lebanon. Appeals. Harriet Mitchell. Albany, mr.uan ttiuc.uon. airs. m. j. Agricultural College. arritun. Hrownsville. Leg- i.'.tHin. F M. Mitchell, Albany. Tran-nortatinn, II. C. Harris, Leban-n ohtirmsr. Forestry, Mrs. C. L. Mc 'Jiintis, Lebanon. i.O the Western and Southwestern parts of 10 the City. Wright's addition, as well as tne aujacem aaumons or Aoumain View, Albany Heights, City View, i Linnmont, Hazelwood, and Central. , hav increased t-o in populaL'cn during' the past year, that it is claimed a ma jority of residents will be west of ; F.rry atteet, making t. e lot on StCond 1 street now owned bv the city about the center and a convenient piace tor a Lity 1 games Halt. SsjB, Contract vV. B. Robertson with Cartis ot way. less than a dozen persons, one frume oui ning. a tent no tity with a population of about 5,000 water tower. Now t has a population djn ceDSU3 haa $1o nOO.OOO It annears that no part of Albany is .tiu.-wter.-irVd lichtine invested in tactories ana tnat it employs ' "niracs . o.Kot club, witn tne eunor as secret .r.v. - - I is in the midst of rich land;and valuable some- j l,mber- . i Ballinccr after getting back to Th.-.A c- and nundolin c ub Seattle declared that the direct election f wl." Ke 8 eoneert at Corval of U. S. senators is a conglomerate e.cir.uan ti ch. Albanv HI M a. Fred Mar Next Sunday the Albany Colts play Capt Swan's All Star Team of Corval- J lis. at Rambler Park. Swan is one of! the best second basemen in the business J and he has a picked team from Corvallis j and the O. A. C. Last Sunday Swan's team defeated the much talked of Jefferson team 6 to 2. I See Riley Lobaugh and get a Satur day Evening Post. There is a new story jjst starting that is a good one. Next Saturday the Ladies Home "Jour nal will ha out and it will be well to call on Riley for ene early in the morn ing. It will be t fine number. You wil' find Riley around almost anywhere. The ladies of thh Catholic church will serve a chicken dinner at the W, C. T. U ball Satutday, April 29th. A 7a-7aKnrt compounu OI populism unu sueiaicni, a 7 sample of the character of ttke man Sam Do an has begun practice with kicked out of the Tan cabinet by de- his foot ball equad for next tan s macd of the people. ! games. The G.-T. says: "Dolan is I the grsat Zazaboo, the idol of the foot I ball fiends at the college and they are. ,U3t because Gov. West has appoint- expecting great things nsxt season. . r(j 0cott 8tcrt.tary of state the charge April , fal lowed BS ones at Alhann asvs rttho. places. It is said that Mrs. Homer "Daven port will fight the suit of her husband for divoice. The Weather. Range of temperature 54-3S Tne river is 4 3 feet. R.infa l OS. ,. Prediction: fair tonight with light frost. Ihursdav. fair and warmer. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Notice is hereby given that the u:i dvrsfgned executors of the last will and testament oi John Foshav. de ceased, have filed in the county court of Linn county, Oregon, their final at - is made bv vellow journals that it is compact and a scheme to reelect West four years hence. The average news- ' paper can figure out almost anything ' from almost nothing. 1 I A social will be given Wednesday count as such executors and that said evenirg the 19th at their hall in Sehrnitt court has fixed Monday the lth ".1st. Block for Modern Wodmen, Royal nf M ,v ion ,. th. .- " H your horse has Neighbors and their families . Program pVIock"in the afternoon of said dav H E A V E S use and retreshments. Come and have a ,hf ti,ne for ,he hcarjne of Stone's Hea e . . . .. I s to said final account and the set- DroDS. Price tl. Mra. Boggs has rented the room next , tleim-ut thereof. For sale by all dm- he Beam-Vteteher store and will move ISAAC WHEALDON'. is.rs7 I rer restaurant there, her present plce AM ELIA A FCKH Y Dr. S. C STONlw, "K JnVhe AJby HEWITT 5: SOX. Ex"ecVtor's, Salem OrejoB, ,r"t Bin M1 ain- Auorneys (or cxecutQt.