r c- DR. M. II. DLLIH. Physician and Surgeon - Albany, Oregon Calls muck-Jin city and country. Phone Main 3S. Painless Dentistry l onr prid-rmr bobby onr mtndj tor Trm muA bow onr .ucct, n J aun it th tt plaJe work to fonn-i caywhtro, no msttw kai aadkm tJ- Coutyuxv uux PrlCM. PftittlCM OXtriCtOK free when flte or bridge work it order d. Coniullatioa (re. fcliui... e nn 22kBridi.T..th4.00 GoM Filling 1.00 Entail Fillinn 1.00 Silver Fillinn .50 Good Rjbbtr . - Pl.t. i 6.00 Boit Rid Ratbtr- Pliui 7. 50 ft. W. i. Will, Puinm in Muuti Ptlntill Extr't'on . 6 0 tutt inmiuu u riinul BEST MKTHODS AJU Tfork fuUy ruarantd for flfta.il yean. Wise Dental Co..ie. Painless Dentists finint Bulldlni. Third and Washinxtwi PORTUtriO, ORE.' OUlco Hsira: a A. U. to S ?. JC. luaaari. IU1 GUARDIAN'S NOTICE OF SALE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, the duly appointed, quali fied and acting guardian of Hugh Mc Cullough, a minor, will make sale of certain lands, pursuant to an order of the county court, duly made and en tered of record on the 6th day of Sep tember, 1910, authorizing and direct ing the undersigned to make sale of the lands hereinafter described belong ing to said minor. Xow, therefore, in pursuance of said order of said court, I will on the 15th day of April, 1911, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. sell at public auction to the highest bidder at the front door of the court house in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, all the right, title and interest of the said Hugh Mctullough, a minor, in and to the following described lands, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the south boundary line of Block Xo. 4 in Hack leman's Second Addition to the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, which is 67.58 feet easterly from the S. V. corner of said Block, thence running easterly on the south boun dary of said Block 40 feet, thence northerly and parallel with the east ern boundary 'line of said block 111 feet more or less to the north line of the south half of said Block, thence westerly parallel with the south boundary line of said Block 40 feet, thence southerly parallel with the eastern boundary line of said Block to the place of beginning. Terms of sale: Cash in hand on the dar of sale. Dated this 7th day of March. 1911. NELLIE McCULLOUGH, Guardian of Hugh McCullough, a Minor. Scott's Santal-repsin capsuios A POSITIVE URE For Inflammation orCntarrt of lo manner ana uiseaguu g,w yd. HO SURE NO PAY, LuriM iiu-kly and iierniatipntly th orBt cases of WonorrhOfD ud Gleet, no matter of bun linrmtPia Snt.1 IV drUffeistA- Price Sl'.rtt. or b7 mail, poat paid, 51.00. 3 boxes, $2.75. THE SANTAL-PEPSIk CE. Bcllelmtaine, Oblo For Hale bv"Borkhrt A Leu The Riverside Farm KO SCHOVL. Proprietor Breeder and Importer of 0. 1. C. HogB S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W. P. Recks, Lijht Br'ahmas, P.. C. Rhode Island Reds, White Cochin Bantams, v. II. Turkeys, Whir rt 1 den Geese, l" i i Ducks, l'e I Guinea" Winner of '7 prizes and 22 on Poultry at the Lewis & Clark Fair. Eggs ii Season Stock for Sale Phone. Farmers 95 - - R D No rTromilly obtained, or FEE RETURNED. THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or sketch fop expert nearch and free report on patentability. INFRINGEMENT Btilta conducted before all TISED and SOLO, free. TRADE MARKS, PEN SIONS ana BgriHienia tfiK.tj u Opposite u. 8. Patent umoe, WASHINGTON, E. u. I ..,. nrrrunrn Sendroodel.l 55"w."&"-".!reirert .rch and free report, tf F-Vce aTnoi ho to ootain patent trade mark, J I copTTUaca. ear-. N iu couniKita. I Bmintti dirrtt w ir It amtngloM i nar, i nnry anj qui ur patent. Patent ind lirfrlrjtnwiit frlrtlM Eiclollnljf. SU Klath Blra. app. tftdttd ttata, Fatast Ofaa. WASHINGTON, P. c. A II MM Id TJ,' KWIH II Kan m wwici rjrrwntr wsmm i n THURSDAY. NEW HOMES. Carpenters and builders say there will be more residences go up this ear than last, which was a very busy season. Several fine ones are reported: Dennis W. Merrill will have one of the best of the year, plans being pre pared for an elegant home for himself and wife, with some of the latest South ern California ideas in the design. Dr. B. Russell Wallace will erect a home at Ellsworth and Seventh streets, costing $5,000 or $t,000, that will be an ornament to the city, modern, with the very latest conveniences. Mrs. J. W. Cusick will put up a fine cottage on her lot between the home of her son, C. H. Cusick, and Post master Van Winkle's, first moving tno bungalow on it across the street. Mrs. Amelia Miller Intends erecting a residence just south of Judge Hewitt's, a modern structure. Already others have been started and there will be many all over the city. Among the best boosters of a city are fine homes. Letter List. The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for April 12, 1911. Persons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised letters, giving the date: Geo. A. Abbott, Chas. Galloway (2), J. D. Hart, Roy Lane. C. B. Lance, C. E. Leitzel, R. M. Lewis, I. A. Mosher, Milo M. Shier, J. H. Sidwell. J. B. Stevens, Joseph Stuber, J. Warner, U. W. Watson. J. S. Van Winkle, P. M. Big Farm Sold. Jos. Hecker is reportdd to have sold his fine farm of 290 acres, in Benton connty to a newcomer. The considera tion is said to be about $20,000. Mr. Hecker, father of the Hecker Brothers of this city, has owned the place for a long time, a splendid farm well situa ted. Mr. Hecker is now at North Yakima. J. A. Hoac returned this neon from Portland. John Akin of Toledo, retur ned home this afternoon. The U. O. has won five out of six debates, a fine record. ' S. E. Minnick leturned this noon ! from a Portland visit, j U O. defeated Vt hitman yesterday . 5 to 4 at Eugene, on a wet fit:.d. Miss Minnie Send-.-is, of Portland, formerly of ihis city, is lying critically ill. D. P. Mason has been called to Boise, Idaho, by the sndden illness of his sis ter. This is the birthday of Thomas Jef ferson, and all the T. J.'s should shout today. Three Carnegie Trust men have fail ed for $13,500,000. Nothing small about them. The Twentieth Century Book Club will meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. L. L. Swan. Ex-Governor Hanley. of Indiana, who lectured in Albany, will be at the Ash land Chautauqua this year. Miss Ida McKnight, of Portland, arrived this noo on a visit with her brother, Assessor McKnight. Gus Lowitt. a Portland merchant yes terday committed suicide at Denver by jumping from a six story window. Dr. Prill, E. C. Peery and other prominent Scio men were in the city yesterday on a business trip Fred Anderson left this afternoon for Portland and thence into Yellowstone Park country, where he has been before. A tornado, or cyclone, yesterday swept over Kansas, Missouri and Ukla homa, killing fifteen. Come to Oregon. Miss Vesta Eastburn, in the Eastburn grocery store for several years, has ac-1 copied a position with W. B. Steveus & Co. Ed and Walter Abbey, of the new Hotel Abbey, Newport, returned from Portland, where they were after furn iture for the hotel. Clark & Stubblafield have eleven Percherons at the Bear stables, and twenty more are expected, when a big sale will be had. Gov. Folk yesterday noon in address ing the students of the O. A. C. con gratulated them upon having the finest armory in the U. S. H. Roy Saltmarsh, a prominent Port land real estate man, Albany College graduate and vet of the Philippine war, was in the city last evening. Harry Winkley, of Corvallis, was in Eugene yesterday afternoon and saw the U. O. -Whitman game, a ragged affair on a slippery ground. Dr. Steiner.of the state insane asylum vesterday passed through the city for i Redlands, Calif., where Secretary of ' the State Benson is said to be very ill. Crawford & Ralston have sold two more Fords, making thirteen for the season, a good start. Dr. Bennett of t unroe, and John Middlestadt of Crab tree, were the buyers. F, M. Powell went to Eugene toda in the interest of his candidacy for thi aelegateship of the Woodmen o: America to the supreme camp at Buffalo. He deserves to get the block. The Democrat is glad to report that Rev. S. A. Duui'lits will probably re main in Albany. He has withdrawn hi-, resignation, and the South Bene rhuirh will he asked to relieve him nl ih-- t-.-i: to that city. Tnc oase ball season began back east yesterday. ihe prediction is that Chicago will "gain win in the national leauue and Philadelphia in the Ameri can league. The Democrat predicts neither will win. L. F. Knowlton. a former S. P. oper ator of this city, has been promoted to .he position of city ticket agent for the North Bank, in the new office to be ooent-d there. Knowlton has been the railroad business sixteen years. He wai formerly ot Cottage Grore, where he started in the business. CITY COUNCIL. Bryant Park Accepted. Three Pavement Ordinances. Present, all officers and councilmen. Bills were allowed as follows: Ore gon Power Co., $-120 50; Mavor and co-incilnnn $3S.00; Meals jail $2, wit ness fees Kennedy case, &y$0; J. W. Cusick & Co., armory fund, $5,534 19; H G. Fisher. $S2.50; office supplies $7.50; H. Bonnett, $3.7fi; F. E. Hepner, 1 W. V. McGhee was elected moderator $16.25. Albany Planing Mill, $2 55, G. of the former and Mrs. Parke of Salem V. Wright, $7.40. Peter Riley $85.00; president of the latter. Revs. Babcock E. H. Haley, $3 50; Geo. Simons, $8.75; and Whittlesey were elected delegates Fred Wolz. $9.00; H. R. Kirsch, $38.50; to the national assembly, with S. G. C. H. Winner, $20.60; Ed Reed, $6.75. Irvine and Capt. Crawford as the eld Continued: Pest house bills for ers to accompany them. $99.82. I ti, th ...,jorr,nH irom. 1 J. A. Archibald, the tombstone man. I urer for the quarter showed the follow V: U,K . Receiyed: Cash on land $ 2,250.29 City taxes 11,564,44 Streets 2,367.65 General licanses 363.50 Recorders fees 56.00 Fines 105.00 Armory fund ; 2'SHJ Library fund 939.60 8undnes 1' s.m $20,700.53 Paid out: On warrants .$ 4,228 53 Present net indebtedness.... 133,128.51 Report of Marshal for quarter: dls- orderly conduct 2, runaway boys 4, drunk aud disorderly 6, fast driving 2, fighting 1. Total 19. Hobos 382. Total 401. The amendment of the nuisance or- dinance is recommended so as as to provide for search and seizure, making it a misdemeonor to interfere with it, also a nuisance to have liquor on the streets or alleys. The street superintendent recom- mended Bidewalks north side lot bl 102 H's ad. 5th St. bl. 15; 4th St., E. A.. bl 6; Main St. bl 5 H's 3rd ad; 2nd St. bl. 105 H's ad Curb Calapooia St, block 25. The remonstrance against paving 4th street Washington to Main was dis missed. It lacked 422 feet of a majority feet. The committee on a sewer system in season tonight with a game oetwfcen the eastern part of' the city recom- the Postal Bankers and the 3. P., bo mended sanitary sewers from the Will- ginning as Boon atter 4:30 as possible, amette to Salem road and the S. P., It will be a good one. also from the Willamette on Geary St. h I tliZ't. r vrn, S the city limits are extended. The committee on ordinances recom- mended the passing of the ordinance providing for a city site at Second and Ellsworth fats. The special committee on the Bryant Park gift reported that legal advice had been obtained and that the gift mav be acceDted with its conditions under the present charter and included a resolution providing for its acceptance, Adopted. Aye Chambers, Marshall, iVlillerand bimpson. No-Curl, Snell. The committee on the Ellswrnth pavement was given more time. The Elm St. grade was again dis cussed at random. The committee recommended the re building ot the sewer in the Train block. Adopted. The city attorney and ordinance com mittee were directed to prepare an ordinance covering the recommenda tions of the city marshal. . The city surveyor was asked to have his estimates ior 4thstreet paving ready tor the next meetings ' Remonstrance of Mrs. E. G. Wash - buarn et al against navinc Washinton street was read and ordered dismissed. ine city attorney was directed to pre-1 pare an ordinance for the $io,000 retunoing bonds. The recorder was directed to advertise for bids for arched culverts on Kllsworth and Washington streets. G. W. Wright offered to sell the ci y four' lots in Schmeers addition, Penny winkle, for $250. Referred. The city hall ordinance was continued. Ordinances were passed giving estim ates of cost of paving Washineton street First to Ninth, Ferry First to w ater, and oca street Ua apooia .to Baker. The bridee at H. Bryant's was or dered raised at the west end. A saw dust wagon box was ordered built. A code was ordered boueht for the recorder. Do ou Care for Style. If not, you do care for comfort: you can get both in any one of thelOOstyles of Oxfords, Pumps and Sandals dis played at Chambers & McCune's. thev cost no more and in many cases the price is ieBs and every pair guaranteed even to patent leather. Nobby Smart Styles for Babies, children and Misses in any style, price or kind of leather. Rarely has there been such an inter est in Footwear, The prevailing skirts have made them as important as hats. Take a walk this evening by Chambers & .iicCune's windows and see the new Spring footwear and you will enjoy seeing the beautiful display of Spring Apparel, with special attention to the Easter Neckwear .and the famous Gieaha, Waists. In the City. L B. Davis, Portend. Preston Hammer, Monroe. C. A. Bevier, Gates. Chas. A. Fox, Eugene. S. R. Mosher, E. Whattam, Rhodes, Eugene. M. L. Meyers, Salem. G. T. Wilson, Medfnrd. H. F. Illin:is Society. EverV Derson hnm nr havino- hor-n A citizen of Illinois, is urgently requested to meet at vv. s. weaver , 824, Wash ington street. Fridav. Aoril Hth. 7:3 n. m. for the put pose of organizing an Illinois society. iajmui n b. iNews 'rom SixEar,y Trains. Gov. Folk, one of America's best men, presidential calibre, after sleeping at the Hotel Yandran during the night, left on the 4:18 train for the north. He lectured to a big audience in Corvallis yesterday, and was introduced by Gov ernor West. A large crowd returned from Browns ville, where they had been to attend the Presbytery and Presbytenal. Rev. left for Corvallis on a selling trip. He has aonointed Perrv Conn aslusAlbanv aBen' - J. S. Van Winkle, Adolph Senders and Will Cook left for Portland to at- tend the grand lodge of Maccabees to convene there the rest of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huston re- turned ,0 Lcbanon. J. M. V. Bilyeu went to Lebanon. Rev. and Mrs. Knight, of the S.D.A. church left for Brownsville and Leba- non. H. N. Cockerline left onan insurance trip. Gen. J. A. Waddle, who sells liquor in dry and wet places, left for points north. R. R. Com. Miller returned to Salem. Among the Presbyterian ministers leaving were Rev. J. F. Lyon, of New- berg, formerly of 'the Brownsville church, Rev. C. T. Hurd, of Newpo.t, former state president of the Y. P. S... E., and Rev. Babcock, the athletic pas- tor of the Salem church. Hon. J. K. Weatherford left for Dallas on business before Judge Gallo way, in an adjourned session there. base Ball, xhe Twilight League will open the Tomorrow afternoon beginning t 3:45 the Abany high wj1 playBthe Corvallis high, and there will be a game worth seeing. Our people' should give their hearty support to these, contests. The Albanv team consists of Sanford Archi bald c, Lyle Bigbee. Olin Douglas and Chas. Kennard pitchers. Gordon Ryals first, Noland second, M. Bigbee third, Carson Biebee ss. Douzlas. Mcaliey. Carnegie and Kennard fielderB. Ad- mission 25 cents. The New Si D. A. Church. April 23, at 11 a. m., has been set for the dedication of the new Seventh day Adventist church, near the ceme tery, and the program is out for it. It will consist of singing, convocation by N. C. Erston. song by quartet, scripture reading by Elder Pettit, financial report bv Elder Knight, song by duet, sermon by Elder P. A. Hanson, nong. dedicatory noo, ..... htr IT.Irln. Polrit nnlhpm nnrl Rpneriiction bv the local nastor. , -Kxceot the Lord build the house they iabor ; vajn that build it." 1 l- Holy Week Services. Special services coniniemorativo of T-lV.-tll 1. Ur,lA .1 ( MntM.'o ; Holy;Week are being held at St. Mary's tnH-H.ilv Thursday and will be ; held on Good Friday and Holy Saturday, These services commemorate the in- ! stitution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper and the 'Betrayal and Passion of Christ. At 3 p. m. on Good Friday a relic, of the Holy . Cross, which the church possesses, will be exposed for public veneration. The hours of services on tliese days are 8:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Married in Portland. Dr. C. V Littler last evening re turned from Portland, where yesterday he attended the wedding of Mrs. Littler'a brother, Mr. Ralph Robinson, and Mins Anna Rrmdp, a popular and aceomp ih. tl young l-dy, "I Portlnnd. The groom, former!) ot Eugene, was in business in Albany for awhile, a gradua e of the U. O . and a fine young man. He is now bookkeeper at Ihe Imperial Roseburg Site Selected. The si'e for the new pos oficc build ing at Roseburg has been rtnected, bung lots 130 by 135 feet at !a and Stevens Btreets. The government allows $10,000 for the site, and adjoin- ng property owners will put up i).uou ii order to secure theHite there. Rose- buii: will have a post oliice in two or three years, about the latter, according to gtneral experience. Big Mortgage Foreclosure Eui:et.c Guard: Frank J. lllor, of Albany, trustee for the Albany Iron works and the p.ir Limi Flouring Mills company, today iii-.iii utt-d ?uit in the circuit court aeiiii.it j. W. Hurd, L. M. Hurd and the Uifgon & i-alifo-nia Lumber com ,nnv tu foreclose a mortgagi for $6,- 210 The Weather. Rar.ge of temperature 41-2H, it being the. coldest this morning for several months. There was another heavy frost. The river is 4.6 feet. Prediction: fair tonight with heavy fiost, Friday fair and warmer. , Makes the most nutri tious food and the most dainty and delicious. : POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal G. ape Cream of Tartar No fussing or fretting over the biscuit-making. Royal is the aid to many a cook's success. Royal Cool Bool 800 ReetipttFrte. Stni Name and A Una. ROYAL BAKINO. POWDER CO., NEW YORK. FIRSTQAME, Won by the Postal-Bankers. The first game of the Twilight I Mr. and Mrs. "arrv rrnw,. of PorC League tournament for 1911 was played land, formerly of this city, Mrs. Craw last night on the college grounds, and being the daughter of V r. ind Mrs. contrary to expectations proved a one- Geo. Willis, will leave Monday on sided affair. The Postal-Bankers won very interesting trip, a conductors ex 15 to 4, due principally to the errors of curnion given by the railroads over the the railroad men. The P B's made 7 Suited States. Two conductors and hits and the S. P. 6, but the former their wives will go from Oregon, join only made 5 errors to 16 for the S. P. Ing others at SanFranciaCo, with passes Smith and Beard pitched for the S P., on four een prominent roads in the U. 4 men taking bases during the seven S. They will go to Florida and thence innings, while none went to first off up through the northern states, visit Dooley, who pitched six innings, and ing promirent places of interest, in Potterson one. eluding the white house at Washington. Dave Patterson was the star sluggor of the day, making 3 hits in 4 times up. Wvnia. a new man from Eastern Ore gon, who will play with the Colts, made 2 hits, Torbet 1 and Dooley 1 for the P-B's. For the S. P. H. Birtchet made 3, W. Birtchet 2 and Cox 1, Syra cuse precinct getting all the hits tor the railroaders The weather was too oold for good playing. The lineups were: Postal-Bankers D. Patterson c. Dooley p, Marsden lb, W. Patterson 2b, Torbet 3b, Wynia bs. Bain, Fessel, Viereck fielders. S. P. Shaw u. Smith and Beard p, uiarquam id, yy. mrtcnet u, ncaru and Smith 3b. Bakor ss, Mickel, Cox, H. Birtchet heldcrB. Conrad Mycr and Carte" Lee um pires, w. Ij. Marks scorer. Ihe next game will be luesday night r.i ,,,, ,,. t i. between the Merchants and S. P. ' ?h? f ?t dawnTfv,rom ..Loba' Starting the games so lae is a " ",l h " ' "dhifr?8- e oil con doled nuisance in theeyes of the fans. TtakesS.OOO sink a well and get the first oil. out of- Mrs. Gilson arrived this noon from , lho Bround. Salem. Mrs. Dr. Kelly went to Lebanon this noon to attend the Pythian convention. SJT" M. gon Power Co. at Eugene has been in the city today. ,i r . Pi .1 ' . - ., r-. 5RSgSf"' pasfled through - ,i . I wircru no is uue lunignc. Mrs. H. A. Loveall and son, William , John D. Guiss, drug drummer, ac Mack, of Lebanon, returned home this rived.- He continues to be a baa datn afternoon. I fan. Miss Gertrude Jewell, of Independ- Mrs. Rialto Weatherford arrived': ence, arrived this noon on a visit at from Harrisburg. her father's. Mr. and MrB. Weateerford left for- Dr. Sumption, extensively interested J?.allaB bv wav of Salcm and th FaU in the Linn Colony property, has arrived City motor. in Albany with his family, and will now .M- RoX Wo"l on Portland make this city his home. V'8'1- stopping at Salem on the way. ? B::BL!e!LihilAt" Z Toledo, where the new eight room school building, for which he has been the architect, will bo formally accept ed. ! Frank T Morgan, of Fondulnc. Wis.. ! and Geo. Veitch and S. S. Doherty of Fargo, N. U., arrived last meht alter! farms. Also J. R Weimer of MatherH ville.all after getting Albany literature. Mrs. Judge Whitney will leave to night for San Jose. Calif ., called there hv the illnesB of her fn'hor, Cyrus Wo tlake, now 88, a former prominent 1 Albany and Linn county man. i Wait Shew and familv have returned from Kansas, whera they wont several months ago, determined to remain; hot they got enough of it and are back for i good Oregon is all riL'ht. Crops were in had shpe through Kumiaa. The ancient play of Bread in the Waters was prennted at Bellfnntnin. Kenton county, a tew days ago The Democrat man when a boy did the part of Butts tho constahln and the plav al ways has a boyhood interest for him. The following new Elks nfiieinV wern intalk-d last night by Past F.xaltnl Ruler G S Hill: L. M. Curl, E R : A. W. Bowermx, E. L. K.;.I. N Chambers, Lec. Kt.; W. V. Merrill, sen ; H n. "usick, treas.; H. T. Shea, Esq. ; W. M. Parker, chap., R. C. Waller, I. G.; 'leo. B. Simon, tvler. An interesting social event wag in fternoon function given by MissMayme Stevens, in which the engagement of Mr. Byrou Taylor, local agent of the O. C. T. Co., and Miss Evah French, daughter of F. M. French, and nativn. of Albany. Msy 3 has been let as the time or tno consummation - tno happy event. I OR. TOFLA. A Conductors' Excursion Over i theirs. News from Albany's Six Early Trains. Fifty odd looking bundles piled on the platform belonged to some Greeks who came down from Detroit, where thev had a strike and left in a bunch. Won- dor if Demosthenes looked any like these fellows. I Mrs. J. A. McFeron, wife of one of Linn county's sheriirs and Albany's f,,rmnr u,,.i t.. ij,;u visit with relatives. Mr. McFeron is now selling on advertising clock and doing well. Ho was recently east three months in thoir interest. Mrs. L. E. Moe left for Lebanon ta attend a district convention of Pythian SKStllaiir by:automo, F. E. Yoran, grand chancellor of the! .ISPIi&SS PVnt. arrived from Corvallisr Lawyer C. E. Sox left on a Salem- trip. This is Good Friday. Tho weather prediction is: fair and? warmer tonight aud Saturday. OrchardiBts generally have been using Bmudges, which havo saved muny ti tea. Burn on April 13, to Mr. an Mrs. W. R Dumbeck, a daughter. All doing well. Tho Albany Colts and Salem will piny at this city Sunday atternoon. Ai-mi-Hion 25 cent. The State S. S. is in convention at Eugene. O. O. Bryant is down for a paper on "What Is Good Citizenship," at 2 o'clock this afternoon. I). P. Mishler has sold his milk busi r.eivB to John Huggins, recently from North Hebron, N. Y., who ' has taken "h in;.- of the wagon and is now running Furniture thieves aro reported crrm mon in Eugnno. Prof Straub lost two picking chain. J. M. Shelley a valuable ug. lrs. Minnie Washburn another and seveial other rugs ai d other things. Three modern rciilenees, of excellent architecture, gointf un in the eastern part of the city, are those of Council man R. D. Snell and R chard Wamer. " pint street, and S. T. McFeeley on Water street. Jas. Brown, a briik-o foreman on the Corvallis and Eistern this week met with an accident a the west end of the road. Though h fell nn'y two or three leet it was in sucn a way. that one ot hit logs wai broken.