WE ARE NOW READY TO MAKE IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES AT ANY TIME OF ... r, , 1T . t. r j. 1 at our Albanv Powder Magazine, three miles east of town, on Albany-Jefferson, road, on Agent, Salem, Ore- ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE. , To All Whom It May Concern: 1 Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the undersigned administratrix of the estate of Henry C. Henness. deceased, has tiled her final account in the matter of said estate in the county court of Linn . countv, Oregon, and said court has 1 fixed the 8th day oi May, 1911, at the hour of one o'clock p. in. of said day 1 as the time tor the hearing and set tling of all objections to said account, therefore all persons having any ob jection to said account are hereby no tified to file the same in said matter in said court on or before said last mentioned date. Dated this 7th dav of April, 1911. GEXIVEIVE STAFFORD, Administratrix of said estate. W. R. BILYEU, Atty. for Admx. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned was this day bv the county court of Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed Administratrix of the estate of Lydia Settlemire, late ..of. . Linn county Oregon, deceased. All per sons having clains against said estate are hereby ' required to 'present the same to the undersigned at her resi dence at Tangent, Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated this the 8th day of April, 1911. GEORGIAXA FORSTER, Administrator. W'EATHERFORD & WEATHER FORD, Attys. for Admrx. . NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned as administrator of the es tate ot Henry Stephens, deceased, late of Detroit, Michigan, has filed his Final Account with the clerk of the county court for Linn county, Ore gon, and the court has hxed the loth day of May, 1911, at the hour of 1 o'clock for hearing objections to said account, if any, and for the settlement of said estate. J. K. Weatherford, Administrator of the Estate of Henry Stephens, deceased. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been by the County Court for Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed administratrix of the estate of John T. Grate and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tne same to the under signed at her residence near Jefferson, in Linn county, Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated this 31st day of March, 1911. L. A. GRATE, Admrx WEATHERFORD & WEATHER FORD, Attvs. for Admrx. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE CREDITORS. TO Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed bv the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Linn county, executor of the last will and testament of L. H. Mon t.inyc. deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to me. properly verified, as by law required, at my orlice in Albany. Oregon, with in ix month? of the date hereof. Dated this March 24. 1911. J. P. ROIiERTS. Executor. C. C. BRYANT. Attorney. Date of first publication March 24, 1911, last publication April 21, 1911. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the ex ecutors of the will of V. H. Caldwell, deceased, have filed vith the County Clerk of Linn County, Oregon, their final account as such executors of said estate, and the County Court of Linn County. Oregon. ha appointed and fixed Monday, the 17lh day of April, 1911. at the hour of 1 p. m. as the time for hearing objections to said account and the settlement thereof. Date of first publication, March 17. 1911. GEO. W. CALDWELL and WIL LIAM CALDWELL. Executors of the will of V. H. Caldwell, de ceased. GALE S. HILL, Atty. for Executors. W. H. Truax Farm. W. H. Truax, Magazine Keeper Home Phone 3625 (MONDAY.) $5,000, FOR THE COLLEGE. Albany College todav received $5. 000 from El'en S. James, of New York, on tne endowment tund. Ibis is very encouraging. It is said there are splendid prospects of gradually increas- ing the endowment fund until it meets the requirements of J. J. Hill for the additional J50.000. When this is done the cmlege will be on its feet. Easter in Albany The churches of Albany were filled yesterday morning, when special easter services were presented, with beautiful uGeiiut.iuM9. kuuu music, iiuu strong resurrection sermons. Albany's musi cal talent is high class, and the city has a foice of ministers who. present the gospel with force. . In thfi nrt-ornnnn n artrn fivnmA manf on a special train to Corvallis where an elaborate Masonic program was pre- sented at the Presbyterian church, The decorations ate said to have been '.te'ie' W"h the " """ A false fire alarm wa 9o,,nHrl torenooml . . ..www President Tatt is to pass through Al- bany in August. Born in Portland on April 10 to Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Beam, a girl. All doing wen Portland defeated Oakland twice yes-1 terday and is now in third place, climb ing towards the top. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Nevins, of Portland, were in the city yesterday. u o vi-it wibu Aiuany inenas. nev. a. j. . DaococK arrived tnis noon with his vionin to assist in a concert at uicoit was to be anpointed Dwictwy ui siaie 10 succeed c. w. Benson. The appointment is a good one . I Leland Gilbert !eft this afternoon for Portland, where he expects to remain, either in a wholesale house or the news-j paper business. I Albany will undoubtedly pave forty- ent plans, making 83 blocks, with what is already paved. Mrs. A. E Bloom returned this noon from Portland accompanied bv her .., ..... oeeuiuinB to p-"es-. a.f?Aa"Z..?- a' K,CK.cy 8n?. Miss Dioom. oi ues Moisnes. Iowa. It will take seven hours to make the run irorn roniaro to tsend when the j s,wK, i unn. i eiMiipieieu. ra?penger trains hegan running as far as Culver ronrari iiycr has just ad 'ed to his . "u'Pment nal. '0 he : the finest scales in the city, A Toledo. tlectnc w-iehing machine, with ro serines, giving honest weight, the neatest thing out. Judge Fiowle3, of Wallowa county has decirii i tha- towns in dry counties cannot be madr wet under the home rule. This is what the Democrat con tended from the start. The wording is plain enough. W. P. Hawley. a prominent stock holder in the Lebanon paper mills, and also interested in numerous water rights up the Santiam, and family, were in the city yesterday in their au tomobile, while on an inspection trip up the Willamette. Wallace R. Struhle. formerly of the Albany Commercial Club is now at Port Angeles, whore he his charge of the promotion of Olympian Peninsular De velment League They wish him to re main permanently. Supt. Yoder, of the Woodburn schools, charged with hugging one of his girl pupils, Saturday, was held for the grand jurv. Yoder declared it was a con spiracy to get him out of the schools, and produced evidence to prove that the girl was not truthful, and as well his own good character. Yoder is a cin-iid te for tae superintendence of the Albany schools. !dr. franklin AN AUTHOR. 'The Sunday Oregonian gives a picture of Dr. Frank George Franklin, of Al bany college, with a review of a book by him entitled: "The Legislative His tory of Naturalization in the United States." It savs: It id a timely and able contribution to the sparse literature on the subject at issue. It is also a learned and pains taking presentation ot a topic wnicii should be more understood than it is today, and is a faithful mirror of many Congress debates. Professor Franklin has consulted quite a mass of authorities in preparing his book, which starts at the revolution ary war and continues to the opening of our civil war. The book consists of Soil nacrp- nnH nne-ihlv Ihp Tnnnt inter- estina- oortion consists of the descriotion . and legislative work of knownothingism. ; ' The chapter heads are: The Revolution-' arv Deriod: tne convention ot list: me , acts of 1790, 1795, 17S9, 1S02, and 1S13; 1.-- . i I V . . , " . lonwi, , act oi 18Z4: me Deginning yerioa ami h.HnUa,i..Amiiiim hevdav Ihere is no fireworks in tne dook, just scholarship wedded to plain legal facts. Professor Franklin has been at Albany College for two years, as professor of the past year. Dr. Franklin has teen ! dean of the college, and while President . H. M. Crooks his been in the east ' working for the college, Dr. Frankliu iu.-i.i-i .uf. :..:tti has managed its atfairs with consnicuous I ability i . i, , . , News From Albany s Six Early ; . Smith Cox and John Barrett, U. S. 1 jurymen, returned to Portland, where thev are serving Uucle Sam with pros-1 Jecls S bew Lp? there iuntU JSS. SOTJfg? 1 r v i sary. Miss Gertrude Reeves, of Lebanon, returned to Willamette after an Easter visit home. Willamette is making V . , j !fi,.H do, with a good owment, without what a school can equipment and an endowment, any state aid, I Mr. Roy Rabur, of Corvallis, returned frnm a rpal pstntp trin to Mvrt.lft reek Rabur was one of the first men the Democrat man met in 18S0. uoou com- ing up the Willemette. That was also his year for stnkirg OregDn, ami he and he continues a prosperous resident of Cor - a ls- , Kev. b. A. Douglas lett on a Portland trip. Mrs. J. G. Crawford returned from a trip to Donniebrook Editor Kirkpatrickcame down from sbano. Lebano. Pnl .T R FHriv rptnrnpH frnm m inspection of his Lebanon farm. Lawyer J . Fred Yates, of Corvallis i. id . Mr. Beckely, of the Union Furniture factorv left on a week's commercial trip to Portland and elsewhere, selling furniture eisewnere, selling . A-D,Anderson left on a Portland iriP. t .. n j rl.,j ttii:.- lnf.n Roy Worrell and Claud Ellison lelton 1 Portland trip. ' '""'S" .1"tiuV!"1u"f.,,u' rtunnrmw Will HK LIIK UIV UUII tTUlUK. i S:.. v.... n.i,t j S Halsey. i Miss Burch, of the Jefferson schools, walked three miles from the home of ner iuiks, uuu wuii tiiv missus iuc Knight took the train for Jeffirsoh. North b.nton. Mr. and Mrs. Filbert, who have been ! guests of Mr and Mrs. L. W. Delanrv i . , u county relatives. " a. it. Dourn was looaing alter nis Tampico farm Thursday. Mr. Waymire returned Friday from few days stay at Independence. James Johnston while at Corvallis Saturday bought anew automobile, Mrs. Isaac McElmurry of Albany came oui Friday and is visiting her aaugoier, airs, vviuarn uautnorn. Mrs. Cora Gibson, of near Salem, is visiting at the horns of her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Goff . If the city folk wants to see some thinir beautiful let them ke I dri ,h ! to.i h,in oj a' over the big stee bridge and meander n:t thrnno-h Mnnk Alhan. ..J -1. I Grove and behold ur good roads, beau tifui kept homes and surroundings. u..c..uw uwucv; ii. o mau-cape a" now in full bloom fillinir ihp iinui. . . " 1 aj- now in full bloom filling the atmos pnere with that arona. which, when enhaled. makes the recipient feel that ne is sureiy neanng me promised land, In the City. J. E. Moon, Ellensburg. E. G. Morse, Billings, Mon. G. E. Pusey and wife, Oregon Citv. Van XI. Kemerv, Eugene. R. B. firm-arris, Toledo. Ben Giibeth, Eugeue. J. A. Floyd, Oakland. Dr. Andrew A. Soule, Salem! Mrs. F. D. Wheeler, Cottage Grove, K. L. Oswald, Salem. C. C. Baker. Salem. Tuesday The We.ther. Range of temperature 66-S4 The river is 4 3 feet. Prediction, fair tonhht, cooler. T j The store of D. O. oodworth 4 Co ' Isst night was badly soaked by a faucet ! being Ie6t running up stairs the nihtl before, and keeping at it all night, li.' spread out over different psrta of the tore, several hundred dollars d image, Things are being gotten out of ibe water as fast as possible. i DATH OF M. V. KOONTZiBOETTlCHER. Prominent Halsey Man. Bussiness Martin V. Koontz, a leading Halsey busines man for many years, died St urday evening, after an illnese of some time, ana was buried this afternoon. The Albany school board met last He was born in Ohio ir 1S2T, after- evening and elected some of the tench wards living in Illinois and Iowa, com-, era for the next school year, th only k.ui uitKi across me plains in io, ,dmus up a umm ai naisey. waa tiaiii ,wTei;uu lor wiwe uui returned to Halsey and went into bus iness, first as clerk, in 1S7G on his own account, in 1879 establishing the firm of Koontz & Lame. A wife and one son Cly e, who con- tinues in charge of the business, survive , hlm M'- and -Mr3- H. Rudd and Mrs. J. j i funeral. u--6 ?SUUrU Mr. Rudd and Mrs. Haight were menus Were inenas tram childhood. Mrs. : . . - - - - , . - , v & . "iv- family before her marriage, Married. Thomas Smith. At the home of the bride a parents on Fourth and Broadai bra St. Saturday evening at Eight .ck-Kosco' -Thomas of JacKson " Smith of this city, Hey. W. S. Gordon officiatinsr. ine Driae is theelr-est dauRhterof our UJunty snerm u. t. smith and his estimauie wife.andhas a host of friends here, as she has lived in Linn County . .ail her life. au enjoiiig an elegant iiincnron the happy couple took the train for their new heme at Jacksonville where! jjboma. is engaged ill the mining -"r;r , , . ,. ml8S "nnle Minsey piayea me weo- dinR raarch. ad the bride was pretty aB Amon? the crupaLt wern Mr. ni Among the guesu were Mr. and Mrs. . T. B Cornell of Grants Pass, Mrs. 0. A. Sykes of Salem. Mrs. Clvue Thomas nf .iBfF..rsnn nnH Mica xir Mnm.i eoraerv of Sheridan. 1 They were remembered with a Krge xncj nciciciiiciuucicu tvnu n iigu. number of beautiful presents, and are f0n0Wed by the best wishes of their , many friends. Base Ball A decidedly one-sided game of base ball wa played at Rambler Park yes - terday between Albany ar.d Salem.1 . Th f i t..i,-,i,.' 1 tne ball- wlrnnfr 15 t0 j.. Bill Patter- son pitched fir Albany, and the visitors .could do nothing with him, while Alb- any knocked everything brought out I from the box. The Colts are the best, aggregation of amateur hitters ever gotten together in the city, and the team is strong at every point in the field. field. " I Tha k-:i,i.-. tri A,.,u,,,f ,n iJveha Corvaflis Cubs a series of Liayea tn& .LiOrValllo bUUS B Series OI 8' on "."o8"19 at Alton? : 1? ..S ,'. neL A'La" i 3 1 " e sorIe.oemB 10 w 4 oth won b Ab y. Lln0 u , wcre lo."?: AJ. r If U t D..IKP rtuani as, uuwsuii u, nuuser ci. ouiiu rf Abany:Chas. Warner c, Louis I s-u,.if, Clintnn ArohihnlH 1h I.nrnn Schultz n, Clinton Archibald lb, Loren , UaviB 2b. Arthur McChesney 3b, John I i-ii , . i it t e r ! u"""1 s3- ole "01B '"eneiee ci, Walter Cummings rf. The High School and Postal Bankers thnt is the age to give the younger man . will play ball tomorrow iiigtit, the sec- a chance. On Thursday afternoon cf this week ond game of the tournament. This will! Senator Bourne is about to occupy thB civic Improvement Club will enter be a pod one. The game is due to be- the rooms in the capitol at Washington tain at the homo of Mrs. John Simpson, gin at 4:30 p. m. Admission 10 cents. , occupied by Aldrich. Nothing happy This , one of the moat beautiful homes Encourage amateurjbase balliby going, 'abouc that. in the citv. The rooms are soacious and Boosting Oregon. Mr j . . Gib. .. n MnrHi AIW who hav. been visiting in leave there the 20th for home. They write: "We will be glad to gt back to Oregon. We don't Ike Pennsylvania climate, it is so changeable. rne day pleasant, next day cold and the wind is so sharp and cold it freezes a person. We would not live here if we could get a farm given us. The climate of Or egen is fine, and we tell people here ir tney were to ao to uregon and live awhile thev would never live here again Some of our relatives will go to Oregon to make their home, among others, W r. Myers mother." Arrested for Theft. T .1 Mrarllat, Drhn hal haan WAvtf n 0n the power line, was arreaied yester L.- -v.. j .;,i. .k i . , mi hid wwci nil,:, was niicainj jcsvci aayt charged with the larceny of $40 rrnm Pr.ni, uii.mon ' who has been working on the Central addition sewer, Hitvsman, who has room at Mrs Bo g's. was taken sick Saturday, an ) Bradley helped take car.; of him. One purse with i l'J and nn ' other with a less amnurt ami a watrn ! -lisappeared; Complaint was mad enc j Bradley was arrested by L'hiuf . Po!ii:e i Munkers, the purse with ?10 Leinif 1 found on the defendant. Tne other roi 1 1'Hen found. Bradley was taken hefory ; Justicp Swan todav, waived i-xnmins tion and was hnld for the grand jury. In Honor tf Mi.s Train ' At the h 'me of E. W. Lungdun Sat : unlay afurp'.on and evening, Misrf ; Grace Lingijf n. Francs Nelon arc I Georgia D-iwwn entertained in h-:mr 'of Miss Arlcne Train, who is to bocorni J Mrs. Sam Dolan in a few weeks ' Twenty-two were present Hart d'e orations prevailed. Onp. could atmim i hear the hn-irt thrli of -Annie of tlu-m. pretty creatines of the modern artin A ,ocial f""n " held with the feasi "f the fternoon' delicious affair. ' ' ' Th Ancient Order of Spearhead' yp-irrv held their annual banquet, given ny the retiring held spear, W M Worrell. George Rolfe was electee to the office for the coming year. TUESDAY. AT THE HEAD1 Of the Albany Schools, Prof, Loyd Marquam Principal, ones now public being the superintend eni ana principal Prof. C. W. Boetticher of the Silver- ton schools, was elected superintendent aim rrui. ioyu .narquam oi tne Aiuany i schools principal of the nigh school. j Prof. Boetticher comes with a snlen- did reputation as a progressive and livj j teacher. He was formerly of the Ohio schools, is about 45 years of age and has had an experience that counts in .tuooi un. The election of Prof. Ma rquam to the mtMrtnnr ivw tmn nf nr nMn la o ""f --; " tr. "AT V -. - io - ouiu .-i:ut;iiiiiuu ui ma uoiiuy miu popularity. He began here in grade work and has made good in an eminent manner. He is not only an able in. ermi-tnr hut knc r.,H ..i;,.. 0hii,i and is thoroughly in touch with the " ! students themselves, entering into all. Dr. J. R. N. Bell, of Corvallis, one , their athletic contests with zeal, as of Oregon's most noted Presbyterian 1 into all the work of the school room, a ministers, passed through for Vancou . man of clean personal character. ver, where ho will deliver an Easter j The other teachers will soon be an-1 address at a Masonic service. Thirty - nounced. There will not be many seven years chaplain he is kept busy changes, it is said, though there will be B few. Some have not applied for reelection, having other things in view, and others are not desired by the board. , : Dr. Lowe April 2S and 29. Al Gordon went to Harrrburg this atternoon. Washington defeated U. O. yesterday at Eugene 3 to 2. Dayton mm man,', BKK . f. ' . . . t ne Dasi ball season was due to open ,n 1 oiana lnls auernoon. Mm. W. P. VnUf nf T.phnnnn ma an Albany visitor todav. I A. H. Lea, n. Liea, or me tl portland. was m the city I R- w P Whit ,i. . P-' ''Vm.' of the Hazelwood Co., today. . vesterdav left for a tew days outing at Newport. , fSnyv m ZST ,a ..c.amPaiSn ui c mvfvw i. i. uuuuiii l I .. Jaa- Godfrey is a candidate for 'he P3't'on of corporation clerk at Sa- . lem- . Mis Mae Montgomery has been in the citv on Women nf Woodcraft buai. ness. Mrs.A.C Schmitt and son Lawrence went to the Hay this afternoon for a few days outing. MUa T.nnn. wnn,nr,.,i nf milch,, ' nrPlu.j ik:. nnnn ,. Vla i,i, Mri , jj jj fjronjSpt ', ' ' , G?rad ' Gorad Ulackburn, nicht hnggage man ' at the depot. WPnt to Lebanon this i afternoon for a week's vacation, Roo'ovelt eot back to New York yes- , , , , , , . he '(ase to ' now does talk anv. m'y- , The Mexican federals yesterday were beaten In a fight, with the rebels at Agua Prieta. At least got the worst o Prominent old timer drummers in town today were W. F. Jeffries. L. A. Cruickshank. C B Pruitt and Wm, . . . iMnon John C. Stubbs. the ereat railroad . magnate has retired at 65. He savs J, H. S' flley and family, of near Drain, returned home this noo.i after a visit at the former's father H. H. Safley of North Albany ' Mrs. Stearns, of Roseburg, returned home teis afternoon after a visit at the hame of her brnther-in-law H. A. Stearns, of tne Variety Store. I !.,,. . ,'.., ' E""Z npt Pridv nl and will go farther to advertise -Ubany -tBKth H. 7. ,!i iS.. .'than anything that could have been , ft'jEE " TIll n? Ln. "one. as 'first impressions are Hating," I " B of rep- and the change about the depot should ""u- . . , ,. , be a cause for rejoicing to every cit- Hettie Green is about to put the little jztn. jum of $100,000,000 into a chain of , a cordial invitation is extended to ! "J"?" reaciiinii ucruss me couniry irum the banks of the Hudson to the banks of the Columbia. S. G. Dorris, deputy game warden, with headquarters at Bend, was a Prlne ville visitor the first of the week, and' paid the Review office a very pleasant visit, Prineville Review. A former Albany printer and editor. J. W. Barker, a St. Johns teamster, wants $10,000 damages for the theft of his wife. Perhaps tie treated her as if ; . .... .....w u.i -- . . she was worth about thirty cents when they lived together. The total deposits of all the Ur-gon banks is $100,676,882. total resources $142,954,764. a gain of ovi-r -6.000 000 The number of banks in the state is 238, a gain during the year of 20. Gateway is the name of a new town established over the mountains in Crook unty, east of Albany, on the- Des chutes road, called the O W. R. & N I he suge brush country will fi:l up with mushroom towns. Eugene Register: O, P. Cohowl Sr., who lias been with his daughter, Mrs J. M. Howe for the past six months. went Home to Hrownsvillu Sunday. while here he suffered a broken hip ami has been laid up a go-d portion of tli time. There being no quorum "he commer 'Mai club did not attend to any busines U,t flight. Not much doim; now an wy but considering communications o' 'Utle importance, propositions for ad vi-i tiling space an ! ihe sending of d. K .'hi i s to this an that. Cf. of the churches in Portland had a chorus of canary i irds last Sunday, mil it is referred to as a novel affair, iiit it is not novel. Over thirty year iuo in Rocheiter, It. Y. one of tin hurcne had twenty or thirty caget 'ol canury birds singing every S'bbi n -h ,u r rim. id, audennary tnrdp n churt . ir-iiead of beingrovel are r- lly common Uniis. GOOD JOB OF i COLLECTING. Counting the rebate Sheriff Smith has collected $364,889.21 of the $422.- 8S7.02 of the 1911 tax roll, which n-. 1 been turned over to the treasurer, with . the exception of a few dollars. Last j evening J. G. Bryant, who did a good job of expeft accounting, completed his j work, and tne record is a clean one for the sheriff and his clerks. The balance is $57,947.31. Several of the big com panies paid only half their taxes, which , accounts for q lite a sum in this. Col- f ,ha mnnth i..m hm.t .im f. the work. News from Alhanv Siv Fariu J 1 Trams.- 515 Oregonians arrived on the 4:13 'raj" from Portland for Ben Clcian, the u-uir-ll- HIUI1K UIU Hue. l-uuilllfcr up earlv for breakFnat has iriven the Ore. r. . . :t . -, , Roman a big circulation in the valley tow,ns- A special campaign is Deing mde .n0 an(1 ovcr, hfty have been added in the past week at this city meeting demands, including a call to Mt. Aloriah. Maurice Winter left with his seven big trunks for points north. A neat little act was the presentation cf some sweaters to a couple of the baggage ; boys for numerous favors. Rev. H. T. Babcock. of Salem, left li " , r,,u V"" j H. Glos of Co ra H with 1., cr ' fine tenor voice, after giving a concert 'night. A program of minister and lawyer may be an odd one: but this one just tne same was a good treat to the east end audience. Father Van Naviel left for Mt. i Angel on a short Easter vacation trip. BCIore coming duck ne may cbkb in one of the biir ball crames at Portland. ' not having lost his taste for good base ball, worth any man's time. , Rev L of Lebanon left on a short Portland trip. 1 Will Cook went to Brownsvillo. i J. N. (Sam) Chambers left on a Port- lnnA h,',.i,,Uca tri Mrs. Whidby, a prominent Benton county Grangcress, arrived from Cor- vallis. Mrs. Bates and daughter leu tor I Portland on a visit with the former's i parents, Rev. and Mrs. Morrison, and I to attend the N. P. board meeting, Geo. P. Warner, of Scio, returned home after a short visit at the homo of his son, Jack. A. J. Guldwell, the sock maker, oi ""a"",.! Sm. down : Lawyer Garland came down from ir.nhi.nnn : Jim. A Bilyeu loft for Scio, though he is about ns much ut homeat Albany." I Barney J, Hocker left for Portland, ; with his eye on the ball park. j Surveyor A. L. Geddes, left for , Priceboro, on the Springfield, road, to n, , uo some W9TK, Anotlwr Park Tea. 'elegant and will accommodate a large I number. The committee in charge will I arrange special Japanesedecorations for j the dining-room, and the program will be very attractive The Ladies Music club w" render several selections which should linsure .a large atcendauce. I The park has been seeded and will I very soon be a beauty spot in our town ooth adie and gentleman to atti nd the afternoon gathering and help swell tho paric fund. A free will offering of 25 cents is asked. Help on a good invest ment for the "Hub of the Valley." MARRItD. Peterson McCreery. v. Tano Pe terson and Miss Isabella McCreery ci ro up from Portland yesterday and were married by Rev Esnoo at his home last evening. Mr. Peterson is a brother of Mrs. Dr. iox. Dr and Mrs, cox took the youngsters in hand and attended to their wishes. Mr. Peierson for many years has had charge of the cl im d. pa-tment of the Northern Express Co . in Portland. Miss VcCreery is one nf the most valuable emplo; cos of the l.inp man 4: Wolf Store, oi Portland, having t'hnree of one of the largedeuartments. , Owing to tho pressure of hurtinpss in J'ortl-ntl tho newly. wpds returned to u.eir nome town at 4:18 thin mornin' . : r. Ferr.uion 11 r Dr. Fercuson arrivpd this nonn from i-'o et Grove to begin his work in tlw it'KTPBt of Albany College He will conduct a camp- ign for the endowment fund, with $250. (Kjo as the goal, tnl will alo hav - charge of the chair of Biblical His ory in the college. He it an experienced educator and -n inde fatigable worker, coming splendidly rocommended fur tho work. The Weether. Range of tetupprature 64 ".3. Rainfall .5?, inch. The prediction as: fclr tonight Wednesday. .ml