L T O N' STOCK REDUCING H M OWING TO NECESSARY ALTERATIONS IN OUR STORE, ROOM IS NEEDED. TO GET THE ROOM WE MUST REDUCE OUR STOCK. PRICES REDUCED IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. THERE SHALL BE NO RESERVE EVERY ARTICLE SHALL SHOW THE CUT PRICE. 49 AT 9 A.'M. THURSDAY, APRIL 20TH, THE SALE OPENS AND FROM START TO FINISH YOU WILL FIND ATTRACTIVE " MERCHANDISE IN EACH AND EVERY DEPARTMENT WAITING YOUR CONSIDERATION. DAILY VISITS WILL AID YOU IN KEEPING TAB ON THE BARGAINS OF FERED. THE HAMILTON STORE ANNEX (A NEW FEATURE) WILL PROVE ATTRACTIVE AND BENEFICIAL; DON'T MISS A SINGLE DAY. GET BUSY, URGE YOUR FRIENDS TO DO LIKEWISE, JOIN THE HAPPY THRONG OF PURCHASERS FOR, AS YOU READ IT HERE, SO'SHALL IT BE. YOURS ANXIOUS TO PLEASE, Albany Democrat Entered at the post office, JAIbany.Or, ttcord diifB rrail mattr. F. P. Nutting. Our Wants. FOR SALE. -One cottage and lot in W Albnhy. Good sized garden, chicken park and different kimla of berries. Inquire at 931 W Gth St. t28 PIGS FOR S vLE. A'lso 1 6 year old horao weight about 1300. Call Bell lGxl or see G. B. feebler. 27t CARPET CLEANING. With new vac cuum cleaner, beat used. Operated by C. M. Westbrook, Albany. Phone Homo 7001. t4 DRESSMAKING. Work guaranteed. Evening gowns, tailored skirts, shirt waists a specialty. Suit alterations. Mrs. Tyler, 300 Elsworth St. Phone &50-J 9t TO MR. HOME SEEKER. Do you want a fine suburban homo joining the city limits, consisting ot nine acres, with good 8 room dwelling, large 1 barn, all well improved, easy terms, if so see either of the following parties, Collins & Taylor. J. V. Pipe, J. A. Howard, P. M. Prench. 21t . S OVED. The harness shop of Chas. ; Wagner, to Kerry street near Second. Call there for good work in hiidness and saddelry. I EGGS. For setting, single and rose comb Hlack Minorcas, $1 50 a setting, Buff Orphington $1 00 setting. W. E. Baker. Sunrise, Home Black 2981. . tMl J 50,000.-Do you want a loan.or to make a loan, see J. C. Christy, Atty. 1-St MADE IN ALBANY, Show cases, counreis, sad other store fixtures, first-clasa goods, by the Union Furni ture Factory. Order of them. Keep money at jour home. EGCS.-Brown Leghorn, cheap in in cubhtor lots. W. H. Curry, U. D. 5. Phone Home 3455. 14t G001 BEDS and absolute cleanineaa at Walton's Rooming House. New xnd modern. SchulUncw brick, next door to opera house. FUR SALE S ft. cedar posts and anchor posts at tho Shingle Mill. It IF THERE IS ANYTHING in the fruit tree line ynu are in need of call and sco V. A. LiMbetter, he h.s a nice lot of apples, peaches and walnuts for your inspection. At the corner of 414 Washington St., Albanv. Orejon. PIANO Tl'NING. Leave orders tor piano timing at Davenports House or Woodwork's Drug Store. C. M. Henderson, Tuner. FIRE INSURANCE-Best companies,' Uiw rates. C. C. Bryant. WOul) FOR SALE.-Short slabs. Call at Shingle Mill. CHEAP l.AND.-Lnrgel.ft good farms mailed free R, W. Tripp. Browns ville. Or. 101 GARBAGE. If west of Lon street 60e month. S 1'n'nv the garbage man Home pho..e 2103. GARBAGE. - Fred 1 sinwater looks after garbage". Pnone Horn 230R. GLASS. AA sui and kirma, far raJe at Mm Albany Plauwg Mth. chper rtiaii fwr else m INiy. SkfiV hr , if desired. UNIQUE VALUES IMPOSSIBLE TO NAME PRICES, BUT OUR AIM SHALL BE TO ADD THE LOW PRICE ATTACH MENT TO ALL MERCHANDISE. COME, SEE, AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. WE BELIEVE THE OPPORTUNITY OF THE SEASON AWAITS YOU. DAYS - OF THE FOR SALE Farm of 20 acres, one and a half mi'ea from Albiny, new 7 room house and ba'n. running water all year, give immediate possession with crops. Terms, half down and balance in easy payments. Inquire at 330 S. Main. tl7 FOR SALE. Pure bred, Barred Ply mouth Rock eggs for setting. $1 per 15 at the yard Also incubated Barr ed Plymouth Rocks and Brown Leg horn chickens. . Mrs. Frank Kit hen, Snlom Road. Phone Home Black 2&J. 26t FOUND. A Women of Woodcraft pin. At the Democrat office. COW FOR SALE. Fresh milk. Mrs. Mart Miller, Farmers 28. FOR SALE-Horso, 5 years old, weight 1400. Enauiro Driver, Wells Fargo wagon. FOR SALE;.--Four room cottafle and one lot, also small barn and some berries, L. F. McClain 1150 W. 10th Street. lot FOR RENT. Two acrea with house and barn, in suburbs. John Chance, 516 E. 6th. tG PLANTS FOR SALE. Magoon straw berries, Phenomenal, and Mammoth Blackberries. J. li. Gibson. Home phone 4054. FOR SALE. A couple acres, close to North Allany school, one acre in fruit. Price $750. Mary E. Perfect, R. D. 4. Home phone 2041. 27 1 FOR SALE. -By the owner, new, modern bungalow, and lot, Wright's ad. Call 1138 W 10th. 30t FOR SALE.-Indian runner duekeggs. F. M. Mitchell. Home phone 2704. FOR SALE Lot 67 by 111 on West 6th street. See W. F. Pfoiffer. 3-2t FOR SALE.-l lot. 1 block north of Hospital on Ellsworth St. See D. Bussard. 23t FOR SALE. Thoroughbred black Orphington cockerels. Jas. A. Hoag Sun. Ah any, box 205. FOR SALE.-Five room, new modern bungalow, rooms light, fire nlace, china closet and dutch kitchen. See ow.-er 516 West 11th St. 20t FOR RENT. 32 acres pasture land just esst of Hackleman's Grove. Write A. M. Williams, McMinnville, Oregon. FOR SALE at a bargain, two lots and two hoja s on Ihird and Kmlrond Sts. Price $2700 00, bv owner, G. W. Simpson, 403 Commercial Block. Port land, Oregon lOt FOR SALE by the owne', a six room house and two lots, center of to.wn, j half block from High school. Apply on tho premises 3-2 East 4 h street. I 11. Barns. I FOR SAl.K Linn County ranch. S04 acres. B. M. Payne, owner, Albany, j Oregon. (Both phones.) ! F.G. Will ior watches FOR SALE. 14 lots and 2l acres in Elk ins Addi tion cheap anil on time, if desired. We have owned this property longer than the banking law allows rnd are com pelled to sell at once. Ak ua to show you the prppertv. J. W. CUSli X A CO., BANKERS. VERY LOW PRICES-49 DAYS HAMILTON STORE THE PRICE OF PAVEMENT. "Hie city council advertises fur just j one kind of pavement put down by , just one tirm, though there is provis ion permitting others to put it down, li a man having a brick block to build was to advertise for bids from John Jones alone people would think he was ready for a trip to Salem. Bi tulithic pavement is all right; but it costs loo much tor residence districts. d a city council has no right to force it upon the people so long as there , burg. are other kinds of hard surface pave-j ' Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Green, of Rising iiients, costing much less, which men, i Sun. Ind., are visiting their eon, D. C. who have investigated them, declare" Gr-?en, ot the Oregon Power Co. are as good. A city council should Engene Guard: Jimmie Lynch, a look out for the interests ot the peo-j former employe of The Gusrd, went to pie of the city whom they serve. If j Portland today to obtain a good position nearly $1,000 a block can be saved ' there. property owners it is the business of Mr. nnd Mr9- w. M. Curtis, of Bal the city council to see that it is done )ar(j are visiting at the home of their if it dues take time. They should at , cousin, J. R. Hulburt. Mr. Curtis is a least investigate concrete pavement, prominent hardwarj man in Seattle's Others who have done so declare it is big suburb. a good one that though hard it does 1 Walter Pugh, the Salem concrete not slip like bituhthic and that Us last-1 rjavement maker, will be in the rite nn ing qualities are tirst class, concrete improving with age. Besides it is a pavement that can be mended at any time. Pavement at the best is an expen sive affair, but it is great lor a city and the people will back the improve ment; but they simply act in self defense when they demand contracts at reasonable rates. There are sev- l .r.lin.i.-i.e ct-ii-t.xl i . . il- Whpil the bids are asked for they should call for hartl surface pav rface pavement, not sim-! ply bituhthic, and property owners have a right to insist on this. Ladies of Albany and Linn to. Please keen in mind The Band Box Millinery Store on Ferry street next to Davennort's Music House, the very latest creations in Millinery. Ladies', ; Misses and Childrens Hats. Uouot tai to look over these beautiful goods be- tore During eisewnere as you can ?ave from 50c to $2 50 on every hat. Don t : forget the place. Even 'id on that " ieat Bill" by buv- inn and hui'ld ing a lot in Centrnl Addition and build vou a little home this vear. and thus save tern. For particulars consult Collins lay lor. l.rTl'Ul'R II, .mi. ..un lit tho A banv Floral Slort, Brjadablin St. I SrVes for t!e whole family lok noat. Pun't ltvotopt corns and bun ion;. Go to Hums Shoe Store A sun rtfiii'f from mat cure at Uurna Slue Store. W AN rt.i. -Exprien-.v d general housewo.-k. Call uttice. :irl t do ' Democrat BUY OF. OWNER AND SAVE COMMISSION. IO acres. 5 miles jfiom Albany, but will be cut in two; by Hill's new electric line. 1.1 acres ; . in crop; purchaer gets 1-3 delivered : ,111 Albany: balance pasture. Hone. barn and orchard on farm. Only $60 , per acre. Will sell in 40 acre tracts, j ! Land ageirt need not apply. Ad dress Box 364, Albanv. Home phone ; I.V8. " t5 I PERSONAL L. L. Potts went to Lebanon this afternoou. Rev. W. P. White returned this noon from Newport. Budge Stewart, of U. O , is spending the Easter holiday at home. A Becker, of Portland, formerly of i this city passed south on a trip to Rose- this evening's train, and will be glad to 1 meet Albany business men tomorrow i forenoon. He will make the Albany Hardware Store his headquarters. . A Jiggerbob Lunch. The book club with a long name, last evening gave Mi s bvah rrench a 1 ifrbob lunch, at 6 o'clock, enjoyed ii inemarrieu ae-i uers oi il, anu b live time was naa. ! Each one took something to eat, not I known to any of the others, making a! superabundance of some of the things. ) mere was also a napxin snower lor Miss French and Miss Arlene Train. ' . SPECIAL. Brand new high-grade organs $40 00 to $50.00. ftillv truaranteed. Saturday I , this week only. Big bargains in pianos. ! SPECIAL. Thii week Saturday (onlvl, Daven- Port s Music Store will sell all popu-1 'ar sheet music three copies for 25c. ! . Albany Heights. When Albany Heights w.".s opened and thrown upon the market about a year ai;o the choice lots of the tract were held in reserve. Owing !o the constant demand for these hieh-clajs corn, and lots. Mr. Smith, the . wrer. h;i con sented to let them go. I. R. Schultz ;'has the exclusive sale of this bunch, " ! and will be nlea-cd to show nnv pros pective buvv-r. The Oregon Eleetne's tirst depot south of the city will be within two blocks of this tr;ict. Now is the time to buv. ' poK SALE. Lirg clean feather hed, anil table rad. Phone 08. t23 FOR SALE CH"AP. -Fight room house, com. r lot. small fruit. Inquire of A. Strom, Democrat office. FOR SALE A rive passeneer Buick mu:. eh a; if taken soon. Inquire a' this odice or call up Bill phone 301. ISt OF SUPERIOR WORTH YOU WILL FIND THE BARGAINS WE OFFER. ALL ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE CLASS OF GOODS WE CARRY. NO JUNK HEAP TO DIS POSE OF. AN HONEST DESIRE TO DISPOSE OF HONEST GOODS AT CUT PRICES. 44d v 1 fcOr A SATISFIED PATIENT IS THE BEST ADVERTISEMENT. HERE IS WHAT HE SAYS. Albany, Ore., April 10th, 1911. MR. COX, DENTIST, Dear Sir: I my self being a stranger in the citv and having a mouth-full of teeth to be extracted, tried several dentists here, you being the last one I visited. I am thoroughly convinced that you are the best extractor in the city. STORMY WEATHER is sure to come. It comes in finance as well as in climate. We aim to conduct, not only a fair weather bank, but one that will withstand the storms. A bank's assets and liabilities always balance. We have $1.33 for every dollar, that'we owe de positors. Our aim is to be safe, rather than big. We conduct no other business and have no preferred depositors. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY, OREGON. H.S, RICHARDS Violin Maker and Repairer Bows rufil'ed. Old and new vlolie for sale. Violin instructor, 32 yean exper ience. 1023 S. ?th ctreet, Albany, Or,. Dr W A CW i PAINLESS DENTIST PHON.ES: f Bell 2475. t Home 261 225 W lsLAlbany.lOregon ELBERT W. STEVENS, , Albany, Ore., R. F. D. Xo. S. CEMESITWIM iistimati s given on PlsjteringSide W .he and Cemt-r.t Work. J. F. TRAVER. r4th 1 Crlticoia