Albany Democrat ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY, ArRIL 21 11 NO ::S VOL .M.V1 HOME SEEKERS For Honest Information and Corteous Treatment Call at the PACIFIC REAL ESTATE CO'S Office 106 fci. 1st St., Albany. Or. WOOD SAWINQ4S nhnno 3fifl2 hlackHome. 456-Y Facific , , Smart Styles Rarely has there been auch an In terest in style in shoes. The pre vailing skirts have made them as im fortant as hats. Women who have never been able to endure dresa shoes, can put on thqr Red Cross models and begin wearing them at once. The Red Cross Shoe has done away with untold cases or root sunermg. It fits at every point, supports the foot perfectly so as to remove alt , strain. Its sole beruis with your foot, entirely prevents the Biiiarting and burning stiff soles cause. The Red Cross Slice r--r red3 " breaking in.' You can pi'.:i:on in our store and wear H home, easv to walk in. Oxfords, $3.50 and $4. High Shoes $4, $4.50 and $5. Tht ioh It tanned Ij tht Sptcial Rtd Crou Protm, Thii frottil prtttrvtt all the Uatntr' t natural lift and elastiiity, makti tht Rtd Cmt Shot riot withyur foot jutt likt a glovt movtt uttb your "Btndt with jiar Get just the style you , want and add the Red Cross comfort i nk si il ' i II Chambers & McGune Albany M. Senders & Co, Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. Hay, Grain, Flour, Seeds, Salt, Poultry Supplies, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Roofing. W louse Gleaning Time For all sizes of Brass Curtain Rods go to Meiser & Meiser. Buby is the Best 30c Gof fee. . at A FULL SHOWING OF THE CEL- EBHATED . W. B. CORSKTS IN AT.T. THE NEW MODELS ONCE YOU WEAR THE W. B. YOU'LL ALWAYS WEAR IT. WHY? SIM PLY BECAUSE IT WILL GIVE YOU THAT POISE' YOU CAN HAVE ONLY WHEN YOU FEEL YOUR BEST THESE CORSETS I ARE ON SALE AT THE MODER ATE PRICE OF $1.00 TO $3.00 A PAIR. IS W7' LET US SHOW YOU The Prettiest, Nobbiest, Styles in Footwear Ever Dis played in Albany. Four Experienced 1 Properly. Ever Pair of Shoes Guaranteed Een to Patent Leather 's Leading Cloak and Suit 1 " - g LINN COAL & FUEL CO. , Coal delivered to any part of the city, i PRICES RIGHT. McCourt & Prettyman, Managers 0!H;e: Cor. Fi-at and Biker. DR. VIRGINIA I.EWEAUX, . Osteopathic Physician. Schmitt Block, Albany. Phones: Office Home 359, Bell Black 2751: Residence 394 Home, black S63 Bell. Get your Easter Tors and Shine along with your Sisters and Wives, when the season is new. WE HAVE the right thing and the Bright Things to wear gathered from all sources'and resources of FASHION-KEEN MERCHANDISING MEN. Our Spring Suits arc here, unusually stylish in cuts, cloth and contour, a hit in advance; Full-Chested,,el rolled; and Free-skirted, but not foppish. We have models a-plenty for men, who's tastes have stayed STAID. All of thenare all-wool all through. All of them radiating Ease and Elegance, and possessing the "SMACK' 'of the "CRACK" tailor. Help yourself to a look. MEISER & MEISER iiMiiii'iiiiiiMiiMininmiiMiiiiiiiiiiiinnmiuiuiiiiniiiiiii No burning I no smarting The wonderful comfort of the Shoe is specially de lightful during the not neatner hen the heat keeps your teet bo lenntive. Ita mle ia of regular thickness, yet you can bend it double when sole, no cushion of felt to make vour feet oerspire. I ' -j . the Red Lome iu wiu u' Cross Shoe. Walk in it. Learn how it moves with your foot. This is what gives the leel ing of ease, of comfort you can not imagine until you have worn it. Uxtords J.uu ana 3. uigu Shoes $4, $4.50 and s. Thetok is tanned by the special Red Cross Process. Tnis process preserves oil the leather' NAT URAL life and elasticity, moles the Rid Cross Shoe maoeuithyoar foot just like a ghee motes loitn jwar hand. Store. Home Phone 3063ell Phone 131-9 For sale by Albany Fuel Co. A. W. DOCKS VEADER, Prop Bell 277 J. Home Black 176. Buy now, BIG IMPROVEMENT ANNOUNCED. Five Story Bank Building, 3 Story Young Store and Savings Bank Building A real estate transaction of first im portance to the City of Aibany was con cluded today by the purchase of the First National Bank of the corner now occupied by S. E. Young & Son's Store. As soon as the premises can he vacated by S. E Young & Son the old building will he removed and the Bank will be gin the erection of a new five story home. Tnis will gjve'Albnny one of the finest distinctive bunk Buildings in the State. The lot ul the corner of Second and Broadalbin, formerly purchased by the First National Bank as a building site, has been transt'eired to the First Savings Bank, upon which in tho near future a new building will be erected for that institution For banking pur poses these two locations are surpassed by done in the city. It is the intention of S. E. Young & I Son to immediately orect on their prop erty at the corner o. Second and Broad albin Sts a new store building Cor their own use. This tiuild'nsr ill cover the full cor-ne-. DO x io.' uut. und it is intended to make this ihe most modern, up-to date store building South of Portland. The Illinois Society, About thirty five persons met at the home of W. S. Weaver last evening and organized the Illinois Society. The object of the society is to pro - mote fntnelv and social relations, and ! keep alive an interest in the oldv hjme I r . i. . . 1 stiita and its inatorv. as wen as tnac of our later adopted state, Persons born in Illinois or have made it a home at any time are elagible to membership. All such persons ate urged to give or send their names and addresses o Mr. J. G. Shrader, Albany, Oregon. Following are the ntUcers: J i B. Leathcnniin, president; Mrs. H. M. Palmer, vi;e president; Miss LouUe Blackwell, sec; Mr. J. G. Shrader, treas. help Wanted A boy 18 or women help. LauhdJy. 20 years Call at of the iigc, and Magnolia ALBVNY opera house Friday, April 22 WIFE IN NAME ONLY . dollor show for 25c. One pleanes everybody. BRICES 35c, 25c and 15c, that At Murphy's Seed Store Is the place to buy seed. We carry a complete line of fresh Deitile seed in hulk. We make a BDecialty orBeed and ask you to assist us in demonstrating the fact that a little money carefully in vested at planting time yields the largest returns at harvest time. We have a fine line of early seed potatoes, Early Sunnse, Early Amer ienn Wonder and Kenuty of Hebron. We carry a full lino of Fertilizers, sold in any quantity. 225 W. 2nd St. LAIN CLOTHING CO. BENSON DEAD. Ex-Uovernor and Secretary - State Passes Away in Calil of Secretary of State, and ex-governor F. W. benson. died yesterday at Ked lunda, Calif., after an illness of several years, at the age of 53 years. Ho was born in ban Jose, Calif. H.1 graduated from tha University of Sun Jose und moved to Roseburg in 1382, where he taught school for several yoaia, and was elected county school superintend ent. He was ulso clerk in the land of fice, President of the Drain normal school, deputy county clerk and county clerk for severul years. He was ad mitted to the bar in 1S1IG and practiced for ten years, when he was elected secretary of state, and became governor by virtue ot tho resignation of Jjovcrn or Chamberlain. He was quite popular. He was mar ried in 1883, and leaves a wife and iwo sons, Clifford S. Benson of Gardiner, and alter, a student in the U. U The faithfulness of his wife during his illness has attracted attention. Willamette to Be improved Washingtbn, April 14. The secretary ox war submitted a report, to in a nnuse today witn a reviseu pian ana esumaie ! ff ihe improvement of the Willamette ' river. Oregon from i he ci'y of Eugene, in which an appropriation is recom- mended for J40.0IW an annually tor I wr Ha-iin-ntm unri nnrmQtliinr dragging and hk. "'"'"f- wotks. The report further suites that the river above Harrisburg is not worthy of improvement at this time by tho government. l: led. Edward Hulburt died last evening at i the home of his father, A. A Hulburt, 1 ; nrin.,r.a npi-ini'i. at the Hue of 31 I years 9 months H-i was n native of ' Linu county nndle:wrs i wife. He was a member of tin- iviit'.vuli-es of this city, i The funeral will ii hul l a: the Or- leans chapel tomunow un. 2 p. m Members" of tnc Marciliees aru re questcd to meet at tliu lull tonight to intendent Alderman was present. Pres make arrangements for attending the ident Crooks was made a mombor of a funeral. committee of live on permanent orga- . ! nizntion. Your shoes madii Burns Shoe Store (rood us new at i Empire Photoplay I Theatre ! TONIGHT ' I "The Bucanecrs." A private story I of the liigh seas, with thrilling situa- tions, and an intensely iiitcrcstiii story throughout, "Rice Industry in Japan." An in dustrial, illustrating a little known business. This picture gives one a perfect idea of the production and harvesting of rice in Japan. Beauti ful outdoor scenery. , "The Slav;'; Revolt' This is an, Egyptian picture, and a thoroughly good piece of acting through the com plete story. The coloring is perfect and the acting excellent. "Two Valentines." A unique film, presenting a curious niixup when Val entines exactly alike produce the wrong impression when received. Ex cellent comedy, by the popular Edi son company. MiBs Crosno, singing "rm Going Back to my old Girl." Admission 10 cents. STETTER'S M OR GKOCIIES JL ii ALBANY Prompt service at the Imperial. Holt again at the Holt corner. A neat place. Holt's Meat Market. Choice lunches at tho Vienna Bakery. Fresh herring and smelt at Holt's. Have your feet attended to by Mrs. Driver 230 Lyon, both phones. Sterling silver picture frames very reasonable in price. F. M. French & Son, Jewelers. This year is going to see a lot of im provements in Central Addition. And a big advance in values there. Better got yuu a lot this spring from Collins A Taylor. A well equipped vulcanizing plant una uvcii uuueu io irvin s garuge, enabling them to handle all kinds of work on casitif-s and tubes. All work guaranteed. t!8 The Guarantee Qnticnl Pnmnnnv hnva a largo and new stack of all styles of spectacles and eye glasses, also a va- neiv oi nair pins and rJar loop chains and chnin holders. We guarantee ac curate tilting of lenses and frames. ocock at Dawson a Drug Store. The man who has mohair is it. ' Pres ent price 33 cents. Tho report is general that the harm by the recent frosts to fruit is light. See the latest in Jabot Pins and Eas ter Hat Pins, at F. M. French & Son, Jewelers. Special Conclave Temple Command ery No. 3, K. T. Saturday evening April 16. By order of the Temple. E. iTusiiuvru, recoraer. Ben Clelan. Oregonian agent, re quests a prompt notice if the Oreironian is missed. Carriers are particularly apt to miss new ones until used to the places. The Oregonian says there will be no fig, orange and lemon crops in Oregon this year. There will he lemons and tigs, at least, grown in Albany this year, just a few. ' 0 o'earas nas moved Ms Variety .jiu.a i.u uiu iviiuuua uiuck, wiiere ne has neat quarters. He opened this morning for business, and expect to be here permanently, a reliable business man. A College Conference. A conference college meptintr was ; held at Newberg last night. Dr. Franklin and Prof. Flo attended from I Albany. President Homan, of illam i cue, was elected president for next year and Dr. Franklin secrotnrv. The - new school low was discussed, Suner- WANTED. Shepherd. A small young pup. No Call 514 L Pacific. 15t II REAMLAN THEATRL D J " " TONIGHT. 1. The Deluge. A Biblical drama, performed 3317 years II, C. A picture of the destruction of the world by a flood. For powerful scenic effects, thrilling magnificence and strong characterization, this portrayal has no comparison. 2. Scenes Ancient Rome. 3. The Missing Bride. A very line drama, intensely interesting from start to finish. This is a hand colored film. 4. Review of the Chilean Troops. An interesting military picture show ing that Chili has a most effective army. , 5. Illustrated Song. 6. The Petticoat Sheriff. The new woman may be all right, but a man is still useful in arresting desperadoes This is an excellent comedy with something doing every minute. Admission 10c. Mutinee 2:30, evening 7:30. AND CROCKERY 3 T