SILK PETTICOATS SPECIAL AT $3.75 EACH This is a special you will appreciate. A new lot of $5.00 .etticoats, made up of fresh, goed we.i:in(j silks. Made in the rt j. ulur wuy with bund at the top, or with (he adjustable woist that will fit without alterations. Comes in black, n ivy, brown, green, gray, and a number of changed combinations. Flood's Agents for & Q. Corsets. Stoves, Stoves, Stoves. H albur t-Ohling Hardware Co. BUFF ORPINGTONS i Eggs $2.00 per 15. A few hens and pullets tor sale at $2.0:) and $3.00. C. L. ROWLAND, Albany, Ore. TANNER & CONWAY Civil Hydraulic Irrigation Engineers and Surveyors. Estimates, plans and Supervision, Land Subdivision, platting and Map ping. Knnms 7 and 9, over J. W. Cusick & Co. Bank, Albany, Oregon. W. F. JONES, Veterinary Surgeon. Office nl Farmers Feed Stables, rhoncs 200-R. Bell: Home 1285. J. LIS ROY WOOD, Mec! r;ical Engineer. Foundations -o;s, Iron and Steel Structures, l'u..r Plant designs ana specifications, Power Transmission, Drawings made and checked. -Albany Iron Works. Office, JAS. F. POWELL, Real Estate. I Forty years residence in Albany, Or. i Financial agent. Collections made for non-residents. 130 Broadalbin street, Albany. Hell phone Red 1401. TOM YOUNG, House and Sign Painter, Agent for the demand Gelsenitc roof paint. 122 Ferry Street, Home Phone. 3211. Pacific. Red 3092 COI L1N2 ft TAYLOR, Real Estate and Insurance, Buy and sell property. Insure property and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans Sc Collections. Have money to loan in smsll and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. I will bond you. Property handled for non-residents. A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Will ft Stark Wock - Albany DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albany Staff Bank Building. Bell Black 482. Home 275 H. A. LEININGER, Dentist, Clan-lord Block Albany DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, Will & Stark Block Albany HENRY BRODERS. Dealer in Choice Meats of All Kinds. L'lil West Sroiinl Sir-rf BRUCE & ANDEiiiON, Opposite the Postultice. Fuur chairs. Prompt and etlic Irnt earn of the fnee and hair. VIERECK S BATHS, 217 West First Street. (".rat-Claaa Work Guaranteed. M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St.. Alban, First class meals ot all kinds tnim delected stnck T. J.STITES, Attomevt Law Notary Tublic Legal lusino of al! kimls in all the tnurts promptly attened to. Bell phone 106 J. Store Agents for Standard Pattern We carry a full line of Round Oak, Universal and Cole's Heaters that out-class all others. Also Monarch, Majestic, Univers al and Round Oak Ranges at prices to suit your pocket Look. "Best Ranges on Earth." Our stock is complete. SHOES AT COST FOR 30 DAYS Beginning April 1st end ing April 30 th, I will sell my entire stock of Men's, Ladies and Cliil drent shoes at cost. Come and see for your self. C. H. Prochnow, 433 West Fir3t Street. BUY YOUR OF The M;. berry Transfer and Fuel j Company, Old Growth Fir from large i trees. I Prices Per Cord. One Cord Four-Foot, delivcrcd.,.$575 . hive Cui'u.-. Four-Foot, delivered.. 5.50 'Ten Conls Four-Foot, delivered.... 5.25 hi Car i.oad Lots 5. JO I Asn i& 75 per cord, dry alau $4, block or mill ends $3 50 per load. All first-class wood, and if you want I it sawed in stove length, add 50c per 1 cord.' Telephone your orders to the Linn & lleutou Realty Co., or to my resi lience. Keep in mind our Quick Transfer ' System, Baggage and Piano Moving. See our Card below for Telephone Numbers. R. B. MAYBERRY. ' MAYBERRY TRANSFER & FUEL I COMPANY Office with The Linn & Benton Real i Estate Company, Both Phones. Office Phone Home 178, Bell 143-J. Residence Phone Home 3S2; Bell, Mam 4. We meet all trains for Baggage. I Furniture and Piano Moving a spccial- , ty, ami Wood for sale. Telephone orders to oftice between the hulirs of 7 a. ill. and 6 p. m., and lo my residence at meal times, morn ing, nonu and ninht. My teams stand at First and Broadalbin streets. ; We will use von right. K B. M.WBKRRY. 1 WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT but snnte ot the finest buildings ii, town are euuipped with our plumbing ' wurk. We make a specialty of high j class sanitary plumbing and will be ' lad to have you cx.umuc samples of nur nork We have moved and are now at US West Second street. i AtDlN & STUAPT. ' Homes (or HomtseeKers. Go direct to H. Bryant and savo com rriiiion when you buy. He has 1000 cim ''liferent kinds of land. Will ilivi 1 1 up lund and sell In small tracts, on emy terms to suit purchaser. K:V-VVV The Democrat. To Daily Delivered, 10 eeats a veek; in advance for one year, $4.00 3y mail, in advance for one year $3, at tnd of year $3.60. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. Kt end of year $1.50. Alter 3 yei-ra at TOMORROW'S DONGS, Baptist. Will meet at armory at 11 a. m. S. S. 10 o'clock. Christian Science. Soivices 11 a. m. The subj-ct is: A'eSin, Dijeaso and Death Real? Experience meeting Wednesday 8 p. m. All are welcome. Fi'st Presbyterian Rev. F. H.Ges elbracht. Minister. 6:30 p m. Senior C. E. Leader Louis Jones. All other services are mercred with ih union ' Brmnrv meptinvR Christian. Eible school at 10:15 fol lowed by communion aervice, offering and gospel invitation. Will then join the union service at armory. C. E. 6:30 p. m. United Presbyterian. W. P. White, Pastor. S. S 10 o'clock instead of the usual hour. No other services at the church. The lesson will be exceedingly interesting, and the Pastor will com ment upon it for 20 minutes. Remem ber the hour 10 o'clock. St. Peters (Episcopal). Rev. Henry H. Marsden. Minister. Hnlv comnun. ion 8 a m. Morning service and ter-1 mon 11 a. m. Evening address 7:30. There will be a three hour service Good i Friday, beginning at 12 o'clock and con-! tinuing until three. .Meditations on the . Passion will be given by the Rev. H. Lebanon lacks just a-few of having D. Chambers. Christians of every doubled its population in ten years, name are invited to come and partici- i u w Q.,, . ,. , . , pate in this service. ! H. E. Hilleary hM' been reelected , . ,, .. . ... president of the Brownsville commer St. Marv 8 (Catholic. Rev. Arthur i.,u - a T..n. l)tn, - K TI, V- ,. Assistant. Palm Sunday. Services at 8 and 10:30 a. m. with the blessinsr and distribution of Palms. Father Lane will speak on the Pontifical Decree con- cercernini; commmumon. At the even. ing service the subject will be the 19th General Council and the Tridentine Catechism. Holy week services will be held daily with special services on Holy from 1872 to la 6. Thursday, Good Friday and H ily Sat-1 The Bankers Life Insurance Co. of urday both morning and evening. , Desmoisnes carries $8,772,000 insurance Methodist. 3rd & Ellsworth St. :'" Oregon, an increase of $872;00O Rev. W. S. Gordon, Pastor. The Sun- during 1910. The total insurance car day will meet by classes and make the ried is $451,148,000, an increase of usual reports at 10:30. Miss Smith, I 141,168,000 during the year. Mrs. Littler, Mra. Cowles. Miss Brown Speaking of ministerial names- the and Mrs. Canfinld will meet their classes bright Armenian pastor of the M. E. nr. the parsonage. The boys classes E. church, at Brownsville, recently in J will meet in the basement and the other Albany, Rev. M. B. Parounagian, will ' Glasses in their usual places. It is im- have to give place to u more desperate j portant that every teacher and pupil one to pronounce, Rev. M. P. Dommer' : be present on time, in order to adjourn anaes, of Eugene. j for the eleven o'clock service at the ! Ciff Roots, a cow hov near Billinm.. , armory. !AT THE ! COURT HOUSE. Plat of Sunrise acres filed by Owen I Beam. County court: Road viewers were appointed as follows: Bird Rose road, W. C. Stellmacher road, C. N. Grimes road nd . L. Marsh road. T. M. Holt, W. L. Wallace and A. L. Geddes. Application hi. D Knapp for a road, was continued. Deeds recorded: Lou N. Allen to Al. Nelson and wife. 2 lots Shedd - Cordelia Smith to Vim, T. Smith, 100 acres. i. i. Baker etal to N. W.Windom, 1 aore Harrisburg TEACHERS' SUMMER REVIEW TERM. Begins at Albany College July 10 and will continue to Aug. 19. All branches for state certificates will be taught by the best instructors. 'Ad vanced work in high school subjects. Primary and intermediate methods a specialty. Interview SupL W. L. Jack son or President H. M. Crooks. Complete change tonight. )ue 'mTsetYngsT The K. O. hi. every Saturday even ing. The Woodmen of the World every Friday evening. L. Vicreck, clerk. Mauzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mon- Micyiorn Woodmen meet every 2nd dllU Till ll buui-auaj a ... j Hall. Grant Froman, Clerk. Ruval Neighbors meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in Bussard's Hall. Alice Kirk, Recorder. 1 he Market. Wheat $.80, Oats 35e. Beef 4 I-Zc; veal dressed 11c Pork dressed He; on foot SSic Lard 15c. Eggs 18c Chickens on foot 14c. Hums ISc to 20c, sides IS to 20c shoulders 15 to 18c. Butter 30c to 35c. Flour $1.50 to $1.75c a sack. Potatoes 85c oor bu. lluy, from Sit) forsome clover to $14 th" best timothy We Guarantee the WHITE QUEEN To be the best hard wheat blue stem tVmr in the city. Tne price Is moderate and the quality uniform. all us up for a trial sack, and we 11 prove to you that our assertion is correct. Sold on absolute guaranty. 11. A. MUKPHY 225 Wt 2nd St. MISFITS. Dogs and lions growl, not. people should The people who are always for tomorrow never do much in waiting life. '. The democrats in congress v.ill at1 least make a showing on the tariff ' qusstk'D j Wc.ndpr if Jim Hill wil' have to pay I that $50,000 by the time his R. H. gelB ' i:er. 1 The woman who really we irs a harem skirc for keeps in a city the size of Albany will know what a strenuous life That bacteria are not the cause of disease, but rather the product, is the assertion of Dr Vanderwalker, of Pendleton, now a Christain minister. He is probably about right. i According to the census returns just ' ; received tm-ee of Linn county cities ' have gone backward in ten years: Har risburg from 502 to 453, Scio from 346 to 205 and Sodaville from 178 to 111. ; DOINGS OF itlt WUKLU! .'""'. A crew ftf Oregon PnWpimpn nrp nur- ' ing in a transmission line from Halaey to Brownsville, where the' Company re cently bought the local light plant. E. N. Tandy, a pioneer resident of Harrisburg, is now residing in Portland, at an old people s nome, one or. 23. mates. He was county jndge-of. Linn Mont., yesterday, killed four Deoule.. including his wife of only a few weeks, , and then committed suicide He had been married before. It is thought he I has killed several others It was one , of the worst tragedies on record. ' i F 0. WILL, lor Watches Choice Homes Of 5 to 80 acres each have just come into our hands through the office of the Pacific Coast Information Bureau. All the best sections of the Pacific Coast are represented in this tremend ous list of choice homes, and easy terms are given if wanted. Listen: We have a good 8-room house, full lot, city water, etc., situ ated on- Calapooia street, this city, $2,100 buys it. It's very cheap at the price. fir Sale It's not business or courtesy to run you down on the street, but we would j gladly have a talk with you at our of- ' fice, and will furnish you the best of j references that we will use you right, j We have a large list of farm and city property in this section of the I ' valley. j Office at 236 First Street, Albany, j Oregon. i THE LINN & BENTON REAL. ESTATE COMPANY. i FOR SALE. Pure bred, Barred Ply mouth Rock eggs for setting. $1 per I 15 at the yard Also incubated Barr- I ed Plymouth Rocks and Brown Leg- horn chickens. Mrs., Frank Kit -hen, Salem Road. Phone Home Black , 283. 26t I - pQR SA.LE. II lots and 2 2 acres in Elkins Addi tion cheap and on time, if desired. We have owned this property longer thaw the banking law allows and arc com pelled to sell at once. Ask us to show you the property. J. W. CUSUK&CO., BANKERS. 28t HERE Is THAT TV I'EWRITER A Visible Underwood No. 4 at $40 00 and Fay Sholes Ne. 7 at $25.00. Both machines in A-l condition. See them at Rnwlings. If your horse has HEAVES use Stone's Heave Drops. Price SI. For sale by all drv" gists. Dr. S. C. STONc.. Salem - Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Xotice is hereby given to all whom it niav concern that the undersigned. Jas administrator ot the co-partnership ; estate of 1-Vx &- Cuuiniiiiirs. doing business as merchants in the citv of All.anv, Oregon. C. F.. Fox ot 'said ! tirm n'.nv deceased, has tiled his Final Account with the clerk of the county court for Linn countv. Oregon, and con set the Sth dav of Mav. ,,, . thc hollr pf , 0-(hKk p m f -., ,:I. ,., i,, m,;....,:,,,,. V, ;.i ' .. ,nv . , ,' R estate ' Administrator. WF ATHF.RFORD S WEATHER- FORD, Attys. tor Admr. ELECTRIC FANS COST VERY LITTLE TO OPERATE They are a convenience and a comfort in the home. At the store or office where . the comfort of patrons is de sired the Electrician is a ne cessity. For the business or profes sional man who will install three or more Electric Fans we have a very liberal propo sition to make. Ask the New Business De partment about Fans. Electric 128 West FIRST NATIONAL BANK I Assets over $1,000,000.00. Strictly a commercial bank;. i IF YOtT were to sit down and think T the matter over, where would yau1 i open yonr. bank account? WOULDN'T You open it with a sue I cessful Bank; one whose record ha X been of continued growth; one that is- making money for its stockholders; X one that has built up an ample surplus to protect ir depositors? ON THE BASIo of Forty Years of f public service; a surplus exceeding its capital stock and strict economy of management, Jiira Bank invites your account. FIRST SAVHNG8 BANK Assets over $340,000.00. Interest on savings accounts. WM, BAIN. President. H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. ALBANY STATE BANK Great Oaks of Financial Success grow frsm very small acorns- a small sum opens an account in our bank but, to have a big, healthy financial tree, yotr must be persistent in your depositing. Systematic depositing is the root of financial in dependence. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank ing, then you will branch oat into better things-and .be safe against any ill wind that blows. Dollars are financial acorns plant them in otar bank and watch them grow. GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS We are now prepared to do CUSTOM CHOPPING Mill feed in large quandities at re duced prices. M. SENDERS & CO. Shingles. Made in Albany my No. 1 hdg irain the BEST in the market. Various grades and prices from $1.25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Look tor it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. fc. A. THOMPSON. We use no dry kiln. 1 Edg A fine lot at our yard at this city, just burned. Phone Home 431. ALBANY BRICK CO I I BRICK. Light Co. First Street. P. D. GILBERT. V. P 4LB4NY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers j In fruits, vegetables, sugar, rata, TOnfection Ty, wrapping paper, tfline and paper bags. ' . Cash paid for all kinds of poultry, We also have the- agency for Pyra-nid and Golden Gate cement, ulympic Irne, Arden plaster. Get prices befjre buy ing, i Cash paid for egjs j Foot Ferry Street, Albany, i Phones, Main 6 Bell, 3 Home. ! NOW IS THE TIME TO SPRAY. We have the genuine lime and sulphur solu tion. See us and get Prices before placing your orders. LASSELLE BROS.