S. E. YOUNG & SON S. E. YOUNG & SON A ' J ' i - V v- V ,v PRE-EASTER THOUGHTS. This store Is full of new spring offer ings for the joyful Easter time. The Millinery Department of course will attract the largest crowds. Every woman must have her new SPRING BONNET tor Easier wear. We are prepared to serve you and to show a most beautiful assortment of styles newest creations in lahies hats. LARGE HATS, LITTLE HATS. MEDIUM SIZED HATS please your own taste. Fashion is not par ticular about the size, whatever be comes you most. The LITTLE MISSES must also be remembered. We have a splendid stock to meet the oarticular demands with. A beautiful assnrtmmt of stvlish little bonnets. ' Then there are Waists. Lingerie Waists, daintily and neatly made of filmy Knt.ctn Haint!1f trimmprl witli cmhrni rlpi-ipc :mH larpc pinnie have a bit of color, coral or blue, atthe neck, orl worked in the front. Long and short sleeves. ctt v axnrvTMfic Vm,r v.onm mnr n r.occitw thnn n Inxnrv where the duiiids and low Oxfords arei worn. The kind with the reinforced heels and toes of Lisle or Linen will give wear and satisfaction. GLOVES The best of cloves. The onlv kind worth store space. We hav: quit experimenting. Only the tUf.irtior from our Glove Department, :SL" ' L"" L ,a VStt s nnFRWEAR. NECKWLAR. CORSETS, HANDKER- CHIEFS, ETt. You will hnd us amply preparea to snow you tne seasons musi Don't let the week slip nearly by betore attending to your taster snoppmg. S. E. YOUNG & SON S. E. YOUNG & SON THIS MORNING NtWS from Albany's t Six Early Trains. Quite a crowd went to Browrsville to attend the Presbytery and the Presby terial of the 1'resbyterian church, among them Mrs. Gesolbracht, r'ra. Dr. Franklin, Mra. George W. Simp son, Mrs. Boulev, Mrs. Winn, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Rev. Knotts, the Misses Pratt, and Miss Olmstead of this city, and Ctpt and Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Homer and others, of Corvallis. Also, the renowned Rev. J. R. K. Bell, of Corvallis, went to Brownsville. On account of his coining trip to Mt. Morinh Palestine, he is aire idy becom ing famous. He and Prof. Horner ex pect to sturt in May. Hon. W. R. Bilveu. Councilman L. C. Marshall, R. K. Ohling and George Taylor went to Corvallis to attend a session of the grand council of Royal Arcn Mascr.i. Corvallis is mnKing Dig preparations for the easter service next bunduy, when several hundred Albany people will go over on a special train. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kirk left for Brownsville on a visit with Mr. Kirk's folks. Mr. Kirk recently sold his bar ber shop at Hoquiam, Wash., and ex pects to locate somewhere in Oregon. Why not in Albany. AT THE COURTHOUSE. PERSONAL Probate: Personal property ordered so!d in estate of John T. Grate. Now Suit: John Schlosser agt.Chas. W. Godwin, to foreclose mortgage. Notice of appeal filed in case of city agt. J. D. Kennedy. Marc (age license J. L. Klamer, aged 30, and M. E. Harrison, 32, both of Lebanoii. Deeds recorded : Lydia A. Carpenter to Maud E. Holland, 3 lots, Scio ; J. C. DeVirje to Dennis Cormier, 62 by 159 feet, Lebanon Tillie A. Watkins to Fannie M. P. Wood, It) aci es A. M. Acheson to S. E. acres and 3.7S acres , S. E. Young to A. M. 10.22 acres L. P. Terhune to H. G. & wf, bl 4 H's 3rd ad Young. .2 Acheson, Hastings Supt, Briggs went to Corvallis thin afternoun. Mrs. J. K. Iiaight went to Halsey this aflernon. J. C. Cooper arrived from Independ ence this noon. H. H. ewitt returned this noon from Mc.Minnville. . E. C. Brandeberrv returned this noon from a business trip north. J. C. Lowe, cf the Home Telephone ollice. Corvallis, was in the city today. li. R. Com. K. J. Miller arrived this noon to attend the city council tonight. ''ntt Shipp, the powder man, was in the city today looking after his new magazine. I Ms. Elmr r Warford, left this morn 500 i!K for Desmoisnes, Iowa, an a severul ' weeks visit with his folks. 1; Mr. Langmack returned to Portland this afternoon alter a two weeks Linn 10 county visit. J. A. Lynch went to Eugene this afternogn. In a few weeks ho will i leave for Philadelphia, where ho form 10 ! ir!v rpMult it. 10' I'M ! Rev. mid Mrs. Esson and John G. Prizes to School Children. W. W. Ashby, the pavement man, came over from corvallis. Mr. Geo. Loveall arrived from Leba non. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Hackleman went to Lebanon for a visit with their daugh ter and lamily. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ritchie left for their home in Alberta, after a visit I with the former's brother, Wm. Ritchie. I Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Langdon left on a Portland trip. A little cash wil. handle on of the best "BUYS'' o' the season in Centra Addition. Strictly a resident district Ask Collins & Taylor about them. Your shoes made Burns Shoe Store good as new at Minton went to Euirene tnis afternoon to attend the state S. S. to convene there this afternoon. W, Elroy Chuich, recent' of Me forp, has moved nere ti rest t, and il To the stndents of the 6th, 7th and help his brothei Frank Church run the 8th grades of the public schools: ! Church farm near this city. All the Will give three 0 ish prizes, consisting f Churchos are musicians. 2. 50, $1.50 and U for the best ten I Fred Anderson, of the Arcade shop, advertisements, to consist of not under j will take a several months lnv-off. dur. twenty words and not over 50 words, i jng the time seeing some of the North Call for particulars at Fred Dawson's. I west. He will ro to Portland in a few i days, and is contfmplatinir a triD to the The Weather. Range of temperature 43-32, The rainfall was .12 inch. The river is 4.5 feet. Prediction: fair tonight, with heavy frost, Thursday fair and warmer. Violin Concert. 1" "' ' ' ' ' THE GOOD OLD FASHION of considering honesty the best policy still prevails here. We had rather have the respect and good will of our neighbors . than anything, ejse we know of. ' SO WE SELL TOILET ARTICLES of the kind we can recommend to you and you can recommend to your friends. Want, any? BURKHART & LEE Say! You Gardeners j and Everybody Else, come and see the NEW j lot of Garden Seeds. "Mind you not left overs" at "The Sign of Quality. The Albany Bakery 216 W. First Street. Both Phones. BUY AND SELL Second Hand Clothing, Shoes,. Guns, Jewelry, Furniture, Stoves, Racks, etc. Will pay 4c per lb. for old i rubber, 5c for copper, 75c per 100 lb. for cast iron. E. ROGOWAY, Home phone 13?9 120 East 1st '' ' t28 At North Albany, Friday night April 14, and at Tangent Saturday night, April 15, beginning at 8 o'clock, by Prof. P. E. Thomas. Admission 15c and 25 cents. tl5 Even up on that "Meat Bill" bv huv ng a lot in Central Addition and build you a little home this year, and thus Bave rent. For particulars consult mourns Si Taylor. Yellow Stone Park. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Williamson last night entertained the members of the Epworth League at their pleasant sub urban home in a delightful manner, greatly appreciated by all present. hoy Parker and Roy Nutting of the Hamilton Store, returned this morning from San Francisco, where they spent several days. On their way they proved up on some timber claims at Redding, Calif. While gone Mrs. Parker and son visited relatives i Roaeburg. Miss Whitaker, mentlnned in the Democrat yesterday, proves to be a cousin of Mrs. William Bain, and is her guest. She has been a msiunury at Rangoon, Burmah, for siq years, and is now on a year's vacation. While here Albany people will probably have an opportunity to hear her at lima H. E. meetiug. John Forrar.- I Shoes for the whole family. Look. ian anyone give ma the neat. Don t dcyclope corns and bun- name of the hoir or heirs of John Farrar who livod in this county in 1879? Please phone me. Owen Beam. tl9 ; COW FOR SALE. Fresh milk. Mart Miller, Farmers 28. Mrs. tons. Go to Burns Shoe Store. A sure relief from that, corn, cure at Burns Shoe Store. and JERSEY DAIRY MILK DEPOT Pure milk and cream. Her tubercu locum tested. All bills of regular patrons payable at the store after the tenth of each month. W. C. SCHULTZ, Proprietor, 831 Lyon St. CENTRAL ADDITION "A Shur-on Eveglass may be worn where other eyeglasses cannot. Where a Shur-on eyeglass may net satisfy a Shur-en spectacle will. With Shur-on eyelasses and spectacles in stock you can satisfy anyone " E. C. Meade, Optometrist. 829 West Second Street. F G. Will A fine line of Jewelry, Sil verware, Cut Glass and Novelties to select from. An Electric Washing Machine will rr.:.kc washing easy. 2c per hour is the cost. Let electricity do the hard work while you rest. It docs every thing but hang out the clotiics. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 West Second Street. STONE Has again been placed upon the market The owners of the addition having ar rangea for the installing of a complete and up up-to date sewer system wmcn will be installed as as soon as the work can be done. This beautiful addition offers the best investment in the city for the the money, in the way of residence property, being only five minutes walk from the business center tood sewer age and restrictions. Tbis addition will be "THE" residence district of the city within a short time. For partic ulars call on COLLINS & TAYLOR, Agent. 132 W. 1st St. Albany, Oregon. If So, Look Up These Bargains and , J ' -Donlt Wait Too Long. 1 NEW REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. ! 7-room house and lot, situated close I in. West Albany. Price $2000.00. . 7-room house and large lot, situat ed close in. 2 blocks from Lyon St. Price $1900.00. Also have a good piece ot property situated on Lyon St. A bargain. ! 65 acres of A-No. 1 land, all in cul-! 'ivation, 3 miles from Albany. This is j tlie best offering in farm land on the market today. Good liberal terms for ! purchaser. . j 552 acres, all in good land, two sets ' of good buildings, . all in cultivation except 40 acres which is in timber. This would make a good farm to di- , vide. Price very reasonable, and terms can be made to suit purchaser. ' 20 acres, 3 miles from a R. R. sta- j tion. Unimproved. Price, $30.00 per acre. 1 Beautiful 5-room bungalow, inside finish can not be beat; plate rail, beam ceiling, fireplace,- just the prettiest little home in West Albany. Price very reasonable. tor terms upon the above places call personally at my office. No in formation given by phone. I have a large list of properties in farm or city property and I know it will pay in tending investors to call and see what I have to offer. Sec the old Reliable Real Estate Dealer. J. V. PIPE, 203 WEST 2nd St. Albany, Ore. HARD TO EQUAL CANT BE BEAT MISSION HOME-MADE GANDIES and ICE CREAM. Phone Your Order Mission Parlors Delivery promptly attended to. ForruiMing. ornamental purposes, rip rD, fillinc. ete. , Ssmri.- Vt. Senders & Co iter. W.L. U-BB, R Home no D Phone, 1. H WF. V0UR CLOTHES CLEANED 4ND PRESSED The Pantatorium, GILBERT 4 HUSTON M W Ut St. Bell Phone black 27S Home phone 196 HO AG & SON'S POULTRY YARD AT SUNRISE j All thoroughbred chickens. Eggs for setting. Black Minnrcas, Barred F'lvm : outh Rocks, Black Orphington, White ! Leghorn, Rhode Island Reds, Fiver olles, White Plymouth Rocks, Lsng Ban. Cut bone for sale. Home phone Red 2983. Bell 28C-J. JAP. A. HOAG & SON. At Holt's Market 3 Cans good Milk $ .25 1 Sack Johnson Flour .. 1.35 2 Cans Sliced Peaches (Royal Club)' 25 1 II). Crescent Baking Powder .25 1 Gal. Can Ideal Syrup 50 2 Cans Minced Clams 25 Some thoroughbred Rhode Island Red Roosters cheap. Oranges '. .25 Watch this space for real bargains. Ot nd 2 and 3 acre tracts which you can buy own for the price of a single lut in town. This addition is one mile from the court houre and is the highest, dryest part of A!ui.ny. Phone or call nt ofllce for anto to Sunrise. 2 3 2 Gold Monograms For Watch Fobs, Brooches, and Purses. These monogrems are new and very attractive. See them in our Show Window. F. M. French & Son Our Wagons Are at your Service. Whenever you want us to call for a package of soiled linen, our wagon will do it promptly. Whenever you want your laundered linen returned to you at a speciaf time, we wil! be glad to accommodate you. Our two wagons and their drivers are at the service of our customed whenever they have a request for special service of this kind to make. We are glad to go to some little trouble to accommodate a customer-) we realize that the faor will commend our service to them in unmistakabl. terms. , Can we serve you? MAGNOLIA STEAM LAUNDRY The Laundry of Quality. Both Phones. OWEN BEAM, 112 Ferry St. ATTENTION! BARGAINS I iu' .n twenty Imh rear I.emke's ritire. in Wrilit'n addition, nnd some hits, hlof.-kn ar.M irrH(?e in ' Hxzelwood j artfliiien urich I will installments. i.'ll fur csnh or . ORDINARY LAUNDERING is not ko"J enough for us. Wa 'In the best laundry work in the city. Send us your Linen this week and sec what we call perfect work. Note the finish we give, the entire absence of frayed edges or torn buttonholes, the fresh sweet cleanness of the linea itself. They tell the talc. Our Model Work on lace curtains u the talk of the town. ALBANY STKAM LAUNDRY, WYATT BROS., Props. Bull 93. Home 439. Winy rD coal WAIT MEADE. For tale by Alkanv Fuel Co. A. W. DOCKSIEADER. Prop. Ei 1-77 J. Home Black 176. WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 S::or.U Strce', Between Ferry & troadalbn