Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, April 14, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    pit. n. ii. aaa.
Physician an1 Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calls madejin city and country. Phone
Main 38.
Painless Dentistry
it trar rrid-or hofabj-onr ttady fer 7Mn M(j
Bowonriui-eei, tad oun U th bm palate, work
to bo found ta where, no mnr tow tnmrh. torn
kkv a"Vkrlt HAr.i iiiip Pita...
We finish pHt tad
$,Cm 55.00
E.&i fas fjii. 1.00
K&P&W? r E.l Fillin,, 1.00
fc:;'.i-iifsita,,Fiiiinf, .50
A .i; I r-ii'J r i:9 Good R-jhh,
Good Rabbet
iiA.mUA.My pit. 7.50
R.W..WI,PiiiitnnMBMMMii ftlnlcn ExtrMlon .60
i mil inmuiii m miiiuu iibt yrrMoni
AH work fully guaranteed for fifteen yean.
Wise Dental Co., Inc.
Painless Dentists
fining Bulldlni, Third :nd Waihington PORTLAND, ORE.
OUlct Hoara: f A., u. to 1 p. la. Saodaji, I to 1
acteoa .CJearaer i
The Ihorov.h cleaning; of your
3".o:r.e beco.aes a cltuiy pleasure
when you use the R:;nno!irr Suc
tion Cleaner. It is so light
txu-'. tell pounds that
you taa take it from room to
Tooru -up and down stairs yith
out ef:ort. It is so efficient that
at draws all the dirt out of the
carpet and rugs. With its six
special cleaning tools you can
clean anything in the house
clothes, hangings, upholstery,
walls, etc. And you can do all
tl:!s cleaningwilhoutaspcck of dust
all the dust is drawn by suction
into the cloth bag, to be ejected
at leisure. You can use the
2&liH2iL with or without 5iose
attachment it is always portable '
; 'ways operates simply and per
fectly. Try it in your own home
no exynre or obligation,. Just
Scott's Santai-pepsin capsules
For Inflammation orCntarrhof
tbe Bladder and Dif eased Kid
neys, no vivju. iitj r&i. urna
lukkly and permanently the
worst cnnes of tiouorrhoe
and Gleet, no matter of how
Inn? Rtuniiitin. A hnnlwtnl
harmless. Sold by druggist!.
Price Sl.00.or by mall, poffc
paid, 91.00, 3 boxee, 2.7S.
Bellefontalne, Ohio-
For sale brVBnrkhnrt & Len
The Riverside Farm
KO SCHOF.L. Proprietor
Breeder and Importer of O. I. C. Hogs
S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W.
P. Rcks, Li?ht Brahmas, R. C.
Rhode Island Reds, White
Cochin, . II.
Turkeys, Wun o i.
den Geese, r. ,
Ducks, i p i
Winner ct )7 prizes and 22 on Poultry
at the Lewis & Clark Fair.
Egg in Season - Stock for Sale
Phone. Farmers 95 - - R p. D No
1'romi.tlr obtain!, or FEE RETURN ED.
THE LOWEST. Solid mwlel, photo or sketch for
export aciu-ch and free report on patentability.
INFRINGEMENT suits conducted before, all
courts Patent obtained throuph UR, ADVER
SION. and COPYRIGHTS qutcklr obtained.
Opposlto U. S. Patent Oftlco,
5riw;5s o Jkoto. f..r e ipert eeardi aad free report. I
Tree aTrlce. how to otxala pauota. trade marka, 1
eoprriioia. vu, m ulu counTHiaa. I
fjuiiuii Jirtet wtik Walking ton ttrtrt limr, I
monry md ejun ue pauw.
httrt mi Mrttftmui Pnetic Eieluilnty.
Ill HUk IM . VwUni Dalai Tl
fetfi of ,w Rtront in
E-tSt" .' V. oxtrtction
F'TsCJVr v v" 'Sfrv whflnv p.1" or
1$ j
During last night Special Nightwatch
Al t-ay lor, wile at Second and Ferry
streets, heard a noise at the Baltimore
Gun and Bicycle Works, opposite the
Democrat office, and hurrying over
there discovered a stranger inside, just
j bout to help himself to tbe things in
iirht.DerhaD9 a new bicvcle. The thief
heard him coming, and skipped out the
tack door, which he had opened from
me insioe, having gotten m tnrougn a
winuow he ha) pried open. Mr. Savior
fired twice at him. unfortunately the
bullets not taking effect. The fellow
hined rapidly down the alley and out of
A man was arrested on su&picion, but
clearly proved an alibi.
A few small articles were taken, and
some tools used to get in left. An
effort is being made to learn if they
were secured in Albany.
In the City.
Edith French, 'Ihe Dalles.
Byron Wolfe, Portland.
E. G. Perkins, Springfield.
J. H. Johnson, Portland.
V. W. Gilkey & wf, Roseburg.
S. Appleton, Bremerton, Wash.
J. M. Lewis, Corvallis.
J. H. Booth, Roseburg.
Another Store.
The double store room in the new
Scnmitt block is reported rented to W.
T. Binklev, proprietor of the Fair Store,
at Woodburn. He has a dry goods
store, with numerous departments. Mr.
Binkley is said to have three daughters,
who clerk for him, and bis wife is also
an experienced clerk.
C. Meyer went to Corvallis this after
noon. Roy Knox was in Eugene yesterday
on a business trip. ,
Robert G Allen, aged 29, is the new
post master at Silverton.
Medford will have twenty miles of
paving by the end of this year.
Corvallis' street cleaner has quit
work, declaring there are too many
Mrs. John Cooper, of Portland, re
turned home this afternoon after a visit
with her daughter
M. Bussard ana family left this noon
for a week's outing in the Bussard cot
tage at Nownort. Miss poenck, of the Hamilton Store
President P. L. Campbell, of the U. left on a Portland trip in the interest
O., returnen fr0m Portland, where he of the minllinery department.
had been with Col. Roosevelt. Mrs. Grant Pirtle left for Coburg on
Mr. Clodtelter, formerly of Clodfelter a visit with her son, now in business
& Simpson of this city, and family, and there.
E. G. Perkins, all of Springfield,are in M. McAlpin left on a Portlandjtrip.
the city. Bert Davis went out to Brownsville
Mrs. A. W. Bowersox has returned to tune pianos,
from a visit with her folks in W heat-1 . Harl,X Winkloy, of Corvallis, returned
land, leaving her father gradually im-; hoTme after a Linn county trip,
proving I. R. Schultz, the insurance hustler,
. t . , . left northward.
At Eugene yesterday a stranger gave j W- Burkharti 0f Lebanon, went to
a young man named Anderson a good portland
job with .the Home Telephone Co,, and Dave Keller left on a Portland trip,
then borrowed $10 of him, disappearing , w jj jenkina, traveling passenger
Rev. Geselbracht went to Lebanon agent of the S.P., went to Corvallis.
this afteJnoon to oticiate as moderator, J. R. Flynn left again with his pa
at a meeting for the call of Rev. Mc- per samples.
Cully as pastor of the Presbyterian , Mrs. Alex Power came down from
church of that city. ; Lebanon.
Misses Elsie Bain, Gerty Taylor and
Margaret Monteith went to Eugene this
afternoon to spend several days the
guests of the Kappa Alpha Theta
The Twilight League games have been
-inc iwingm league games nave oeen
tl Si Li t oh,,in
be played according to schedule one
week later. Tuesday the games will
begin, High School vs. Merchants.
C. A. Kneppler and R. R. Krapf, of
M. Byllesby & Co., Chicago, have
been in the citv looking after the inter
ests of the big Company, which has
plants all over the western part of the
The supreme court yesterday decided
that the owner of abutting property
owns half ot tne street, tie certainly
has to put up enough for it. Never
theless he practically doesn't own it. A
city runs it entirely.
J. S. Rankin has sold his fine residence
property in the third ward to John
Reiher, who recently arrived here from
Iowa, coming on the Colonist arrnngo
ment. Mr. Rankin has had to move
and has rented at 927 . E. 7th. The
place he sold was a new one, a modern
J. H. Hamilton arrived this noon from
Thornbury. Ont., stopping in Portland
on the way. Miss Hamilton, who came
with mm, win De nere later ana tney
will make Albany their home. Mr.
Hamilton is father of L. E. and Miss
Hattie Hamilton. Miss Hamilton has a
new residence partly completed at Ferry
and Twelfth street, wnich will be their
home. '
Speaking nt Rev. Marsden's address
at Corvallis the G.-T. says: Mr. Mars
den is a Virginian and a '07 graduate of
the famous old William and Mary's col
lege in that state, an institution dating
back to the earliest co onial days. He
s an enthusiastic college fellow, thor
ongh athletic, rizht at home in every
college sport. Each member ot the O.
A.(J stu lent body is cordially invited
to I. ear him tonight.
A correspondent from Utica N. Y.,
compares that city with its steadv
p-rowth and sanity, with Portland with
feverish boom, and Utica is the center
of insanitv, including an asylum. He
s-ay.-i Portland's police force is a joke,
land there i some trnth in that. Alto
'gether. though, the fellow was a col
I lossal liar, who would mke Annanias
ashamed of himself.
A salaried commission at Chicago
finds thai poverty u at the bae of th
"cial evil of the world. Men are a
he bottom of it. Hotels that ask
questions are great contrbutinir
ans to reckpd girlhood Want n
nec'H of life, craving f ji
ixury, hi K n promises, iifnutance,
it of - '. tn chief of all poverty,
t'i r::- . r hp fall of girli.
The usual enjoyable sons service
pened the service, with a solo by Prof.
Dr. Geselbracht spoke for the minis
ters, referring to the number of church
utop;e he had met. not coming to these
meetings, evidently afraid of the
evangelists appealing to their emoiions;
out the history of evangelism speaks
powerfully for this method of conver
sion, many great revivalists being re-.-erred
to. Albany people not here are
missing a great deal.
The College Glee Club was heard in
the good old hymn, Jesus Lover of My
Dr. Riley delivered a very impressive
sermon on Excuses. ,
Some men make the excuse that they
are not sinners; but the truth is not in
Some make the excuse that Christ
may not be divine, but this was refuted
with striking argument.
Another excuse is the hard sayings
in the scriptures and hypocrites in the
church. The hard sawngs are in favor
of the word of God, an easy thing wnen
understood. Infidelity is not a term for
The man who makes the hypocrite an
excuse can be written down himself as
the Hggest hypocrite in town, general
ly rotten within. There are hypocrites
in everv profession, shyster .lawers,
quack doctors, etc., as well as counter
feit money, but all the same wc employ
lawyer:- and doctors and use money.
A meeting was held this afternoon
as usual. These afternoon meetings
have real v been the cream of the ser
vices. Tonight the subject will be
"What Men Say on the Streets." Go
and learn about it.
News From Albany's Six Early
Trains. '
George Martin, of the Western Land
Co., returned to Portland after a trip
to Lincoln county, where the property
of the Company is being; surveyed. It
is the pnrposo to put it off in small
tracts, and to colonize it, with people
from the middle east. For stock pur
poses there is nothing better anywhere,
and there is no reason why Lincoln
county should not be prominent in the
stock business.
Rev. Marsden, of the Episcopal
church, returned from Corvallis. where
he spoke last night at a meeting at the j
cnurcn. r or some time addresses nave
been delivered every Wednesday night,
Bishop Scadding delivering a course of
i four.
Nuisance Charged.
The case of the city of Albanv against
j D. Kennedy was called before Re-
border Redfield this forenoon, City
torney L. L. Swan appearing for the
plaintiff and W. S. Risley for the de
fendant The charge is the conducting
a nuisance on property run by him in
block 15 Eastern Addition to Albany.
by permitting men to resort there and
keeping liquor on the premises. The
special offense charged was committed
I on April 4. when a raid was made on
' the place and several bottles of beer
and a bottle of wine confiscated
Tbe case was continued until 9 a. m.
tomorrow. The witnesses subpoenaed
for the city are M. L. Dawson, who
has a woodworking Bhop next door, J .
. Swank, Jas. Driver and James
Kin;. Other witnesses are wanted but
there is some difficulty in finding all of
Letter List.
The following letters remain in the
Albany, Ore., postofBce uncalled for
April 6, 1911. Persons desiring any of
these letters should call for advertised
letters, giving the date:
Will AdamB, Geo. A. Abbott, Frances
Anderson, Mrs. S. G. Cline. A. C.
Cooper, M-ore Cushman. J H Dunn,
Mrs. E. Dunmvan, J. H. Edwards, Mr.
Caddie Ebenor, Dr. H. E. Ferrin, Geo.
Foutch, Frank Gross, H. S. Hoyt, (2),
Chas. H. Hoyt, Geo. M. Holt, J. O.
Hovland (2), Mrs Lane, Mrs. W. E.
Lacey, Gertrude Lulay.Mrs, MaudeMoss,
Mrs. L. retree, Mrs. u. u. rorter, viar-
.jorie Poul, Mrs. Althia S mpson.
Shapirv, Mrs Mary Schack,
bmtth. Airs. c,. A- Vincent.
J. S. Van Wihklp., P. M.
The Roosevelt Reception.
At the commercial clhb har.q tet in
Portland, tbe scene was laidin ajunc).:.
and there were many novel feature,
suggested by the African hum; rttji
what suitefl.ledny the most ofanyihirt;
was a stotk. He did not a ttrecia"
the jests on thin subject, declaring that I
bearing a tamily is the h'jli"st and hes
thing in human life. Severa1 acts were
presented suirgeted h- recent evenU.
including a hit at the Lorime trial.
The following former Albany men
have become sutncientiy distinguished.
with the required $10, to have been a';
tne banquet: Judge C. E vVolvrton, .
8. B. Piper, Flovd Bilyeu. E. I,
Thompson, G. A. Westgate ard R, W. :
jchmeer. I
TilE P. 0.
This dispatch appears in this morn
ing's Oreironian, from Salem:
Word was received at Represent
ative Hawlcy's office in this city, todaj
from A. Piatt Andrews, assistant sec
retary of the Treasury, that sketches
for the new post office building at
Albany. Or., have been completed, and
together with the nreliminarv estimaie
of cost will be sent to the cabinet offic
ials in a few days for approval. The
working drawings will be taken up this
month and plans and specifications, tht
letter states Simula tie complete:
in time to advertise for bids by August.
And then a lot of more red tape.
A Booster Folder.
A new post curd 8 page folder ha
just been gotten out by the commrcii
club, a good one. The pictures are
general view of the valley, a herd i
Jersies, the court houso and the riev
high school building.
Ihe population of Albany is given a
7,000, it is the railroad center of tin
state outside of Portland.
In manufactory it has a large chai
factory, a big. furniture factory, two
saw mills, two planing mills, shingle
mill, two iron workers, two tanneries,
ice factory, brick yard, two flour mills,
C. & E. shops etc
It is the Chautauqua center of the
valley, it has a $20,000 post office bus
iness, is a truit center, nas a pro
itable dairy business, is the place I r
small tracts, an ideal location for II
homeseeker and the climate is splendi
Land values range from $25 to $40 i
the foot hills, $60 to $85 closer in, an
$150 up around the city.
Ic is the natural outlet of a vast
timber belt.
It is a good one to Bend east, pnd
Albany people should send thousands of
them to friends.
On Elm Street.
Elm promises to be the street beauti
ful in the western part of the city, in
keeping with its name. It is being put
down on grade. It looks some as if
they were digp-ing down into the bowelB
of the earth, but when completed it
will undoubtedly greatly add to the ap
pearance of the street, presenting a
fine appearance from the Oregon Elec
tric cars as they glide westward and
eastward along Fifth street, ihere are
some fine homes along the boulevard.
This morning life was added to things
on Elm St., by the St. mary's ambu
lance arriving with the Horses on a run
It was reported there hud been an ac -
cideDt; but this wss a mistake. Watch
the born notices for further particulars.
Thj Powder Center.
Albanv is also the nowder center 0f
,e vaTy:9 Las "night. Jack "Hammeli
the valley. Last night
CUIIjpiCieu lUr Wait OUipp, ICUnfjrUl
amoun t on firm "'a ZZLtTf
Ml. nLtcnnJj8S"lmM.tfrSL,tl!t
way. as required by a state law, and
far from any residence. It ib 15 by 20
feet andlabout 15 feet high, made of
iron and brick, with a steel roof. The
capacity is two or three cars of powder.
The first car load is expected tonight.
Making Albany the corker for the
powder trade of the valley will mean
some, the sale of ammunition being a
much larger one than people appreciate.
This has been done on account of our
shipping facilities in all directions.
Married 53 ears.
The fifty-third anniversay of the
marriage of Rev. and Mrs. P, A. Moses
was remembered at Corvallis yestcr-1
day. They were married at Van Buren, '
Ark., and came to Oregon in 1875, re-:
siding io Linn county tor a good many
years. Rev. Moses was pastor of the i
m. c. CUUICII np-uiu nolo miiu av atwi-
gent, was county school superintendent
M. ci. cnurcn sputn nere anu ac inn
and at one time principal of the Albany
pchools. He has been a preacher 58
years. He served in tho civil war
three years as chaplain, and was at one
time a member of the Arkansas senate.
He has been president of Whitman
College. They have six ' children,
one Judge Victor Moses of Corvallis.
Sensational Testimony
Springfield. Apri! 5.-Clarence C.
FunK. general mannrrer of the Interna-
tional Harvester company, before the
state senate br-bery investigation com
mittee early today exploded the bip-tri-it
sensation of the Lorimer bribery lobe.
Funk testified that Edward Hints of
Chifamt a millinrnira liimhfff- nputar
aaked him as manager of the harvester
company to contribute $10,000 to reim
burse the men who had put up fl'iO.COO
slush fund, to elect William Lorimcr In
the United States senate. The har
vester manager testified that Hints
named Ktlwind Tildcn, a wealthy Chi
cago packer, as collector of the fund.
The Weather.
Rangf of tcmperoture fil-HO.
w.ik another frost this morning.
The river is 4.5 feet.
Prediction: fair tonight nnd Friday.
P.-..f. A. II. You'er. of the Woodhurn
htt'h school h is been arrested charged
with huygirtr onr? of the girls of the
school, l.yiiia Siumticck
Rv. A J. Ware, a U i. minister nt
Oregon -'i'y h ts dentin unit for divorce,
after a marri tir.' of ntnetei-n years.
False char!' of in! imacy with other
women is the cause of the trouble.
Nevada's new divorce law puts tha
tamo of shame on the state, altcadv
steeped in digrico. Six months res
ioence, with all Ihe aliencedesired, and
no quntions as to future residence, are
toe principal features. Th. law Is juit
going lotu effect.
Absolutely Pure
more tasty, cleanly
and wholesome than the ready
made found at the shop or gsrecery.
aaf JVaaM aVtcf jlMntBt
"I could sing forever," "The Glory
Song," "Marching on to God." "ILove
to Tell the Story," were among the
songs in the introductory service at the
armory last nignc.
The special music was a song by the
high school girlB chorus of
Rev. Mochcl spoke for the
His concern was for those lost. Hang
ing on the ede of a church will not
: save one
One must seek to do the will of God.
1aj .u.... n Annc.n, i.nn
to make excuses," was the text of Dr.
'I don t know whether I want to bo
led" is one excuse. Some people seem
to think they are not elected to be
! ,?"' , L?1. .,H h,'
. . nf fnQlinrr lint if ImlinP
Liiuiiiieu til vmiBL. its uuivmtmi. it in
i One person's experience is no criterion
I "I amafraid I restart lest I shall not
?.?'e..t h"'d.
is another cxcuho.
But any one can hold out aided by tho
grace of God.
Tonight tho subject will
be The
Preacher and the Politician.
Tomorrow afternoon the meeting will
be for women only. Tho subjtct The
Ideal Sister of the Lord.
Knox Haight returned this noon
from a wost side trip.
J. R. Wyatt, of Portland, is in the
city, attending court
H. T. Wcntworth, of Ashland, is in
the city on a few days visit.
Mrs. Laura Jordan, of Eugene, is in
the city visiting with relutives.
15 Klamath Falls hetia laid 256 eggs
in March. Albany hens can beat that,
M, if nin Moi of SnW. haa hen In
i wit. n-ym hcid, v. uuivtx, .o n,
' the city today looking after Albany in-
terestB. I
S. Shupp returned yesterday from
Portland in a Moline automobil
bought there. I
Senator Albert Abraham, one of the!
Bowermen crow.', pa Bed through the
city for Yaquina Bay.
The Democrat neglected to mention
that C. G. Rawlings printed that ' new
eight page booster folder, a good one.
A move has been started for a valley
i aZSW 'woott
and Portland.
,,., , !,; i,t,
What a the use of having : "elth.
J. B.. Llppincott, Phdadelphia
r T'r., ' "-
YYOO ilicu ui mo.
John R. Penland has been out with a
crew surveying for the
lliany Inter-
urban, working up the south and middle
fork of tbe Santiam.
After being in the undertaking bus
iuess al Lebanon for thirty years U.
G an has sold to Hayes Temple, who
will run tho business,
A New York widow of 60. with no
gray hairs wants a hu-diand at Salem,
Or. She evidently doesn't know any
thing about Salem men.
At St. Mary's Hospital there was
born to Mr. and Mrs. .Steiluwicc's yes
terday afternoon a boy, which died
soon afterwards, and was hurried with
f hort services by Father Land.
Jus. H. Ralston yesterday dmve his
automobile to Portland and back, the
same day, the first time repotted to the
Democrat. Ha was accompanied bv C.
K ox and P. A. Younf. A. C. Schmitt
j went as far as Salem,
'The ball game with Halsey has been
' ..all,.,l .ml lha ral.f tonm nt
1'nrtland will open the season with
tie Colts at this city Sunday. Dr.
Davis of Albany will pitch 'he first bail
over the plate. '
An operation was performed upon
Rolia Ralston yesterday . fternoon by
Drs. Davis and B. K. Wallace, at tho
hospital, for appendicitis. The appen
dix wa-i found in a bad ihape, and .here
was a'so a rtpture. e Is doing w II
and It promise! to be a fine thing
H P VIV 1 La I El
Light Biscuit
Delicious Cake
Dainty Pastries
Tine Puddings
L laky Crusts
and the food Is finer.
By the Man About Town,
George Richards, who is building a
now residence in the Central Audition,
at Ninth and Maple streets, has set a
good example by putting a cement wutk
down in front of the house, and also
i one leading up to the residence, doing
thiB before the frame of the house was
The Young-Goodwin block Is beim?
greatly improved on the interior by
some choice coats of paint, that addri
greaiiy to appearances, i ne man gomir
, UP t0 80"th.e recorder wi" Pass through
pleasant hall ways.
i ,
The former Gratlwohl block, hist
! west of the Domocrat ofllco, is being
inM Tom YounK- ! !? fr0!,t
was nn insurance sign put there by
Frunk Adums, now of Lebanon, an
artistic affair, and the pride of Mr.
Gradwohl while alive, but that and the
sign on the west showing the establish
ment of the Gradwohl store Bince 18.',.;.
will be things of the past, obliteration
of familiar monuments.
A crowd of men on Fitst street, upon
i investigation, were found to be deep in
a discussion of the graft prices charged
for automobiles, much more than the
consumer ought to pay. The same
might be applied to a good many other
; things tnat pass through many middle
I men and sub-middlo men.
when a mnn takfl9 a amt case to
Salem for Just a short trip it always
carries its own suggestion, according
to the observations of the Man about
, Town.
I Water street, Ellsworth to Ferry.
ordered placed on grade many months
ago, continuos to be down in a hole.
ome day it win nave to come up, anu
?omB otnor iningB
along the way.
from Albany's Six Early
1 A man who had ccme in on tho early
train, wanted to know if the business
part of the city was opposite the depot,
a mistake aometimeB made from tho
PJW-n?.tf.l5B l,.0.teLa"d,i"n,cht..ho""lBA
d-n street to seejvhat was doing.
i , , .
ur. witnycomDe ano i-roi. rotter oi
the O.A.C., went to Salem to officiate
a jud in tho annual gtock show at
that city today and tomorrow. P. C.
in,,nun from A
Anderson went down from Albany to
see tho animals. This is one of tho
best held in tho state.
Mrs. Frank Purdom went to Portland
to visit with her daughter.
Mr. Arch Blackburn and family came
down from Lebanon for an Albany
K. M. French left on the motor to
humect rail road watches.
Grunt Pirtle went out to Brownavillo
fur a visit with his former neighbors.
N. D. Conn left for JellerHon, where,
lie owns property, a man there wants
to buv.
G. ll. McLeod, of the Curtis Lumber
Co., left for Portland.
William Ehlert, one of Lebanon's
most prosperous citizens, arrived on an
Albany business trip.
The Weather.
The range of temperature was Co
yesterday down to 28 this morning. The
frost was the heaviest one yet; but be
ing dry it may not be serious.
The river has been falling and is Xti
Prediction: fair tonight and Saturday.
Hobson, back in congress, continues
to veil vellow Deril. The rea' oeril ian
for manlike Hobson everlasting v yelling