5 Albany Dem ocfa VOL XIV ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY, APRIL H. 1911 NO 87 HOME SEEKERS for Honest Information and Corteous Treatment Call at the PACIFIC REAL ESTATE CO'S Office 106 E. 1st St., Albany. Or. tTfrT L7 A HIWfi See Ben VYUUU ;VYVinuRoirr or phone 3692 black Home, 456-Y Facifie. Ob Easter is Coming !j We have a fine line of Easter Cards and Novelties, Chicks, Ducks, Rabbits, Baskets and Eggs from One Cent up, Come early and get the cream of the lot at MEISER & MEISER Agents for W. B. Corsets, Gage Hats, Red Cross Snoes The Best Values of the Season in Women's Ready-to- Wear Garments 111 If you can equal these values elsewhere, we want to know it, for we are confident as we can be that you can't. You may find garments that look like these, but not the undoubted style, the superior fineness of material and the artistic designing and tailoring of our garments and we know we're quite safe in leaving the rest to you. Come tomorrow and share in the big vslues. WOMEN'S SUITS $14.S0 TO $25. The best suit values of the season! Tomorrow we will offer a selection of new, stylish Spring Suits in a pretty range of colors in all sizes. These suits, For quality of materials and tailoring, are unsurpassed. Made of fine French serges, men's wear worsteds, Scotch homespuns, imported English basket weaves and novelty materfals. - Some coats are artistically trimmed with self and contrasting colors of satin and braids, others are strictly plain tailor made. You must see these values to appreciate them. LAWN WAISTS AT $1.00 TO $5.00. A very choice offering of about 25 dozen new Spring Waists, made of excellent quality lawn and neatly trimmed with combinations of embroidery and lace, long or short sleeves. Well made and neatly finished. You'll, profit by seeing this showing of moderately priced waists. SILK DRESSES AT $12.50 TO $25.00. We want you to see our line of beautiful new Silk Dresses. They arc well made of the best of silks messaline, foulard and pongee. Prettily trimmed with fancy nets and bands. The assortment of colors and styles is too varied for a full description. You cannot realize their real beauty till you see them. A BEWILDERING EXPOSITION OF UNTRIM MED HATS. OUR EXCLUSIVE HAT SHAPES FROM "GAGE." Our showing of untrimined hats is the most pretentious we have ever made Women look to us to show them everything that is new in shapes. our millinery department Our hats represent styles that are authentic and accepted and are taken from imported hats and made our special order. There are no materials used that fashion represents that are not found in our millinery hat ection. In shapes shown today we exhibit some wonderfully attractive untrimm ed hats, one and two of a kind only SPECIAL $1.00 SALE of Untrim med Hats. See First Street Window. Select your trimming to suit your taste and purse. Chambers & McGune Albany 's Leading Cloak and Suit Store. M. Senders & Co, Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. Hay, Grain, Flour, Seeds, Salt, Poultry Supplies, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Roofing. POPULATION OR. CITIES. Complete census returns have been received. Here are the other Linn countv cities: Lebanon lS.il, Btownsvillp 9i9, Har risourg 453, Halsev 337, Scio 29b. Sweet Home 202, Sodaville 111, Water loo 83. Corvallis is piven 4558. Philomath 505. Marshfield 2930, North Bend 2d7S, Bandon 1S03, Coquille 1398 of Coos county towns. Crook.-Prineville .1042, Bend 536, Madras 3b4. FINED $100 For Running a Blind Pig Nuisance. Recorder Redfield this morning nt 9 o'clock rendered his decision in the case of the City against J. D. Kennedy, charged with running a nuisance down Second street. Mr. Redfield gave a written opinion, directly to the;point. He showed the evidence to be very plain that tne defendant had been running a place where liquor was kept, that men frequented it, one witness Bald in crowds, that a itood manv men had been i seen to leave it intoxicated, and that it A BONANZA. Some of Our People to Become Wealthy. r, r?M o v, 1 r. i uougiaa. KoseDurg 4isa. iiienuaie , , w s u;T, " 1 ,- " 646. Oakland 467. Myrtle Creek 429, Drain 335. Gilliam. Condon 1009, Arlington 317. Canon City is tne biggest in Grant, with only 364. Burns, in Harney has 904. D.-ewsey is next with only 82. Hood River has 2331. In Jackson county besides Medford and Ashland Jacksonville has 785, Cen trat;Point 761. Grants Pass. Josephine, 3897. Klamath Falls 2753, Klamath's oniy city. Lakeview 1258, Lake's only city. Lane Countv Snriiefield 1838. Cot tage Grove 1833, Junction 759, Creswell 367, Florence 311. Lincoln comity. Newport72l, Toledo 541. Malheur. Ontario 1248, Vale 306. . Mariu.v -Woodburn 1616. Jefferson Lawyer W, that he would circuit court S. Kisley gave notice appeal the case to the to London, and occupy lor some time 410, suverton loss, stayton ua, tiarvais iims summer, bpurgron a church, But Dr. Riley's Last Day in Aibany. The Doople of Albany have a prophet of renown in their midst in these days, and but one more day will they have opportunity to hear his faithful utter ances, as the meetings will close Sunday evening. Dr. Riley is an intimate friend of A. C. Dixon. D. D. the pastor of Moody church Chicago, Mr, Dixon has been with the Spurgeon Tabernacle this spring, and while there sought to have Mr. Riley tane charge of the Moody church. He was also requested to go London, 276. Hubbard 283. Aurora 191 Polk nounty. Dallas 2124, Fall City 969, Independence 1160, Monmouth 493. Others -Heppner 880. Wasco 386, Tillamook 1352. Pendleton 4460. Milton his engagements are in.de at least one year in advance, and thus Albany people nave the services of ono of the eminent ministers of his denomination. There will be three great services at Additional reports to those heretofore received of the rich strikes made in the Mexican mines came yesterday to soma ot tne omccrs. A wonderfully rich vnin is being worked with astonishing . results. The stock holders are feeling happy in the hope of receiving a return . tor meir investment in the near tuture. Thn officers have taken all stock off the market. They say the finishing strol now being made and thev are satis- lied every one who put money in the mine will be bountifully re paid for (he risK. 1 he manager writes "1 am tak jng out ore that is very high grade and if it contiucs this way it will soon be a bonanza. He further says: "People hero are watchiug our progress with great interest and are applying for purchase atocK it the company will per mit th? sale." Whs l money from this famous mine begum to come this way it should be Suite an assistance to the financial con itions in our community,, for the mine is almost entirely owned and operated by Linn county people. The ofheers are Linn county residents except one or two. The activity and reported economical management that has been displayed in carrying on the stupendous work for the past three years speaks volumes for the business ability of some of our Linn county men. It only shows what good judgment when accompanied with untiring zeal can do. 12o0, LaUrande 4843, ShaniKo47, bigin the armocy, 11 m, o clock, 3:30 p. m 1120, Union 1483. Enterprise 1242, i and 7:30, the chorus will sing at each of Joseph 729, Wallowa 793, Hillslwo ' these services, and there will be special 2016, Forest Grove 1772, Newberg 2260, j music also. Sheridan 1021, Amitj 407, 'jatayetce 412. 1 In the Uty. An Editor Mavor. LINN COAL & FUEL CO. Coal delivered to any part of the city, 'K'iM PRICES RIGHT. McCourt t&lPrettyman, Managers aaome fhona SJ6;;Bal Phone 131-9 Office: Cor. First ani Baker. WANT A TYPEWRITER: See kawlings about a Rebuilt Under wood that is good as new and guar anteed for one year, also other nakes for sale or rent. Buy on iinnthlv payments. DR. VIRGINIA J.EWEAUX, Osteopathic Physician. Schmitt Block, Albany. Phones: Office Home 359, Bell Black 2751; Residence . 394 Home, black 863 Bell. At the election in Brownsville this week F. M. Brown, editor of the Times, was elected Mavor. Putting a news paper man into such an important po- ! sition is certainly rure, the average newspaper man generally getting soup. W. S. Holcomb was elected recorder, C. E. Stanard treasurer, R. A. Sanders marshal, H. E. Hilliary, Geo. Hume, j M. C. Carolin and W. W. Robe council- j men. I Brownsville's new mavor has estab lished an excellest record as an editor and a citizen and deserves the honor. . G. F. Rowell, Loomis, Colo. O. C. Hoff. state labor commissioner. M. W. Winston. Durham, N. C. Jimmy Jerry Doran, Easton, Pa. Ray Frantz. Erie. Penn. Edward B. Killian. Medford. Mrs. Helen Huskini, Medford. An Immense Popcorner, T. J. Kaniff today received what is probably the largest pop-corn and pea nut wagon in the valley, an immense eatablishm nt, complete in all the de tales. It has among other things eleven electric lights. He will run it in Albany. I" Shoes for the whole family.' Look neat. Don't deyelope corns and bun ions. Go to Burns Shoe Store. A sure relief from that corn, and cure at Burns Slue Store. Attention Orchardists Death ot R L. Smith. I We carry a stock of spraying mater ials The right, stilt at right prices. The season for sprajing is hers. Call and sec "s nd get prices STA WART & SOX, HDW, CO. LETTUCE. Hume g'nwn, at the AN bany Floral Slor, Broadablin St. Robert L. Smith, a pioneer resident of Linn county, died at the homo of a son, at Mountain View, Benton county, on Thursday, at the age of over 70 years. He resided near Oakville for a good many years, a man of integrity and worth. He was an old member of the Grange. He leaves five sonc, residing in different parts of the North west and one daughter. The funeral will be held Sunday un der the auspices of the Grange. Empire Photoplay Theatre D REAML THEATRL D Ceo McMillan K Med was pass G. W. McMillan, of Portland, killed yesterday while trying to between some box cars, not wishing to wait until the train had passed the street. His feet caught in some way "The'ma." A dramatic portrayal of Marie Corclli's famous novel by that name. The scenes arc laid in the Norse country and arc very attractive. The acting is exceptionally good and the ending beautiful, j "Cast up by the Deep." This story t shows how destiny, or fate, works in ' our lives. The strong Vitagraph com ' pany are in sympathy with an unusual ly good subject, anil your interest in creases to the very end. "A Woman's Voice." That n wn. man's voice over a telephone from I laugh and lots of fun, an unexpected quarter miuht cause consternation is plainly evident ill this TONIGHT. 1. Her Chum's Brother. This is a romalic story of the Southland down among the oranges in Floridat starting there, and the story ends in Cuba. It is very pretty and certainly is "an idyl under southern skies." , 2. Scenes Ancient Greece. 3. A Western Courtship. This is a story that is different from the usual Western stories. The girl takes a hand in this one and the way she (brings it to a close is startling in the extreme, nut very cneclive. The Axoiotl. A valuable education al film, representing the life history of an axoiotl a frog-like animal of pe culiar structure.. The development from the egg is clearly shown and forms a marvclously attractive biog raphy of a little known animal. 5. Illustrated Song "When Can dle Lights Are Gleaming." 6. Davy Jones in the South Seas.. Always doing something new and ex citing, always treating us to a good Davy and his and he fell down upon the rails under comcdy. Mighty funny I wis " uvlOi iHbHiiiiau rv u a lauiuuo parrot arc at it again, is still his best friend. and the parrot 1 his him is by I the Vitagraph Company and is the .li . , r . i en vvoras lor i wenry-nve ents. , t-i.mcuy ctci i,ui win ui mc an athlete, for several years being the A humorous possibility shown where 1 Jones scries. Davy Jones can't be capwiu ui me . . ... j a tdca,,), operator is the offending , beat as a laugh producer. Help Wanted The laugh is on someone, but "In Those party. who? Illustrated Song- Old Country Days. In the altering department. Only HAMBEKS & MCCUNB. experience people need apply. CF A little cash will handle on of the best "BUYS'' o' the season in Centra Addition. Strictly a resident district Ask Collins & Taylor about them. F.G. Willior watches Admission 10 cents. Next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the biggest feature ever Good shown in Albany Buffalo Jones and , his Cowboys Lassoing Wild Animals in Africa. Admission 10 cents. ' Admission 10 cents. STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKHRY WHY Get your Easter Togs and Shine along with your Sisters and Wives, when the season is new. WE HAVE the right thing and the Bright Things to wear gathered from all source-, and resources of FASHION-KEEN MERCHANDISING MEN. Our Spring Suits are here, unusually stylish in cuts, cloth and contour, a bit in advance; Full-Chested, Lapel rolled, and Free-skirted, but not foppish. We have models a-plenty for men, who's tastes have stayed STAID. All of them are all-wool all through. All of them radiating Ease and Elegance, and possessing the "SMACK" 'of the "CRACK" tailor. Help yourself to a look. Buy now. LAIN CLOTHING CO.