The Democrat. Tbe Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance fur one year, M.OV "Jy mail, in advance for one year 13, at, inci of year 4.1.50. The Weekly Advance per year $1.26. At end of year $1.50. After 3 ye. -b at 12. EASILY FRIGHTENED. Willis Moore, at the head of the nveathcr bureau of the U. S., says more people are killed by giving warning of coming tornado than die from the tornadoes themselves. That is, many .arc frightened to death by the pros pects of the tornado that may do them no harm. It doesn't take much to scare many people in this world. Just a lit tic thing may set them going like a wild man. WOST KIND OF MILITARY ROT 't appears that the distinguished .military experts oi l'rancc and Ger many i-re strenuously at work to show that the United States and Japan must light. The argument of the 'German experts is that the conlr-jl of the Pacific is essential to the com mercial existence of Japan, and tha: in order to maintain this supremacy Japan must have the control of Guam and Hawaii as coaling stations and bases of supply. Hut can Ja.iau con trol the Pacilic? Will not- hngiund, Germany, l'rancc, Russia and other luirtipean powers have something to say with reference to the control of the racihcf Great lintain is easily five times as powerful on the sea as Japan, and yet she does not pretend to control the Atlantic or even the Mediic-r.incai . i which she holds lioth the gates Suez and Gibraltar. the Mediterranean is an open sea. Japan cannot control the Pacific. It is doubtful if she could control the inland sea of Japan, to say nothing of ine rcllow sea, tlio sea ot China, and other contiguous waters. The Pacific is by odds the biggest of oceans, and no nation or nations can control it. "V.NT A BUSINESS Ba'SIS. Here is a good expression of the value of a Northwest sales agency: hi seeking to control the distribu tion oi lIicii- crops through the organ isation of a central sales agency, I lie growers of the Northwest have no in Iciillou ui an attempt to corner the apple or peach market. Their sole aim is to put the orchard industry fn a business basis; by eliminating some -of the speculative uncertainties that j, re vail today. Such an organization A-VHild operate in favor of liie legiti mate dealer today. Such an organisa tion would operate in favor of the le gitimate dealer and the consumer as well. The greatest obstacle to be overcome is to make the powers themselves appreciate these facts. Many have feared that the proposition iti loo large to handle. To them the sitting oi a $IO,(XXJ,()tlO eroo looks like .a stupendous job, because they don't slop lo consider that I hero are many far larger business entei prises successfully c nduclcd ill the country today. How;, er, there arc enough districts far-.. fouled enough lo see that the proposed organization oilers hope for heller conditions and there is every probability to believe Ihat' it will become effective this year, even if not all the Northwest districts do i'ome iii al the start. il... . . 'WHY SO MUCH FUSS. TUESDAY. AN AFFIDAVIT WEDNiH5J5aV"s That Tells a Story in Real Life. A striking piece of literature is the affidavit of the plaintiff in the divorce suit of Isaac N. Watson against Mary E. Watson, in the application of the dofendant for suit money, which Judge Galloway very properly denied. me planum is ox yearn vi ago, auu the defendant, who resides In South Dakota, nearly as old. In onoosinsr this auDlicat.ion the plain tiff swore that he was in the civil war five vears. being; wounded five times and has a pension of $24, that he owns 25 acres of rocky land near Sodaville, of which two acres is cleared, that he lives in an old barn, and has besides a small stable and hen house, with torty chickens that are not laying, two pigs three monts old not worth over ;z.tu, a horse seventeen years old he could not give away, a buggy 27 years old and an old harness to match, and no other property; that it takes every pound ol meat ana every egg tne nens lay to keep body and soui together, with the bare necessities of life, that he left Dakota twenty years ago after Ins wife deserted him, after giving her their homestead of 100 acres, now worth at least $10,000, starting with $72, all he had, coming hero ana securing za acres upon which to end his days, stripping himself of everything for nor. HILL'S OFFER. A letter addi eased to President H. f . Crooks, of tbe college, was received to day from J as. J .Hill, formally making the offer of $50,000 of a 250, 000 endow an'nt fund for the college, t be paid whenever the first- 1200,000 has been subscribed, without any strings as to time. It is for investment for general purposes. Tnee is practically 8140,000 now to raise, and a bit; effort will be made t- secure it, this gift being a splendiJ leverage for the purpose. DOINGS OF THE WORLD T. R. SPOKE AT ALBANY, While Hc-re Seven Minutes. The Shasta Limited arrived wi.h Ex-President Roosevelt ahead of time this noon, remaining seven minutes. An immense crowd was out to see and hear him, but only part of them were successful. He appeared at the froot of the rear car on tne south side of the train an unexpected place; .ut the Democrat man was there, at the steps, and got a good view of the dis tinguished statesman and lion hunter, tne man of character, tut erratic. After the noise had subsided he said: Ladies and gentlemen, it is a pleas ure for me to be up in Oregon again and see you, I understand there are soma .twins here. That suits me. I like tbe Oregon stock, and am glad to see it kept up, which I have observed as I came down this winding and beau tiful valley, seeing your people. You have such a state and people as will make a great commonwealth out of it In leadership you are looked to to set the example to all of ub. Fundament ally we need just the fidelity and hon esty you have shown. It is not genius but the spirit displayed by the old soldiers, with their staid qualities, car rying bis share in government, that counts. You don't have to look over your shoulder to see him, and hejis worth tying to. I don't care what a man hi, whether a bricklayer or what, what we want is true manhood. Theright stuff is not only good tor citizenship bnt we want developed the same qualities in reference to matters of state." And the tram sped on towards Port- MISFITS. ahecw your ceeth. Teddy is comiig. Wby all this Roosevelt gush anyway. That first $200,000 is going to be pull. the Honest Injun, what are you anyway, Theodore? after C H NEWS Ihe optimist is a man who enjoys a J tning ne aoesn t like. Circuit Courc. New Suitai-r Applications Carl Unite and Richard P. Grobe to register title. Garland attorney. Ames Mertantile Agency agt. Robert Tassell et al to foreclose mortgage. Haiford attorney. - Lincoln Overton agt. Francis M. et al, to quiet title. A. A. Tussing attorney. , Well, we wonder what the Oregon Electric is going to do anyway. Albany can at least sit on the fence and see the great lion hunter pass. Give Albany College an endowment of $250,000 and it will be beara from. The Chicago election is so hot they have been trying to vote 2700 dead men. Why not get Teddy to settle the city hall site. He is settling everything else in sight. iJemurrer filed in Or. agtC. &E. Some people live an if they thought thev were going to take everything with them when they die. Tom Johnson doesn't like jail feed. He wants just a chicken leg. He de serves some bread and water straight. The development of character is more important than the increase of a bank land, where a great receotion has been ' account; but not many see it that way. prepared for the celebrated man, most ) conspicuous ot an Americans today. Deeds Recorded: J. R. Rainwater to A. Jensen lot H'sad $ 400 Mary E. Rhoades to Nellie Myers lot H's ad 2000 Sarah Vanaken to Cnas. and Frank Thompson 19440 Winona J. William.' to Sarah Van aken 160 acres , 10 J. O. Oster to Elien J. Wilson 2 lots Lebanon 2200 W. A. Salhouse to Wm. Grobe 120 acres 1 Elvira Saitmarsh to Wm. Grobe 120 acres 1 Or. to J. D. Bor.nett 66 acres. . . . 1000 W. H. Stamer to A. B. Snider 80 acres 500 Melinda Clelen to John Spooner 1 lot bl 37 H's 2nd ad 1050 N.-P. Co. to F. H. Pf riffer 160 acres 13 2 K 1320 W. H. Hogan to J. J. Collins half lot bl 6 E. A 15 D. E. Junkin to L. V. Junkin 24.80 acres 1 i E. N. Tandy to O. B. Long lot ' Harrisbur....' 1 ! Report of Rev. S. A. Doaiglass of the . marriage of John J. Bino, of near Sheiburn, and Miss Lucinda Albers. of PARCEL POST FAVORED Just so he can get him the rest of the ! near Albany, on April 1st, at the resi I time the dtvil doesn't care how much a dence of and by Rev. Douglas, j man attends revivals and other religious i i While there are fifteen cases for divorce on the docket of the circuit I court not half will be granted this term. ' , Already several have been dismissed. . j Marriage license: C and Lorena Look, is. G. Wassom, 2S, 258 hunters licenses and 217. anglers licenses with the latter gaining. By the Grange in Linn County. I Merrv Widow, while only a handful The meeting of the Linn County turned out at half the price to hear a Council P. of H. last Saturday at ma.n national reputation lecture on a Brownsville under the auspices of soiw suDject. CalaDooia and Ash Swale Granges, was i a very pleasant and profitable one, with " the following granges represented: Charity, Crowloot, Jrairmount ! Prairie. Holley, Oak Plain Western Star, with Ash Swale and Calapooia. S. Lindley of Crowfoot1 Grange presided Medford people paid $1000 to hear the' I" 0,f J- Main.e fi.le $1 is left to J. H Maine Jr., Sarah F. Maine $25, all the rest to their daughter Mary M. Maine, Tha estate consists of real property valued at $1500 and $150 in money. Sarah F. Maine is appoint ed executrix. ys? CIRCUIT COURT. Eugene's Election. t Why so much fuss over the arrival of Ex-President T. K. Roosevelt in Oregon? It is probably plain enough, lln has done things, the most con spicuous man in the world for several years. When he retired from tin nresidencv. after an eventful adminis tration, he did lint retire to some se .qucslcred spot and go to farming; but lie kept in the public eye, making speeches and hunting lions. 11c may have ben lost sight of fur a few weeks, but he emerged more conspicuous than ever. He docs tilings, and then some more, and keens everlastingly at it, a man of enormous energy. 1'cr bans the most erratic man of them all, v.iiii,. times floinir irreat things, some times fool things a school boy would nut do. but always something, and tli:il strikes the Dllblic. When he arrives in Albany there will be tbe same crowd out to sec him ih:ii ureeis him everywhere else. all have the same spark of curiosity and human interest. ALBANY COLLEGE. "(lb, Albany College will not get that linl SXI.OXl," some one says l,i ,-,h:,iw it will all the same. It i: . ..ri i:.iiilv verv emphatically honed it will get it. II it docs it will mean in sn.-.ess of the college, giving it ; standing among colleges of the slate of a high order. Whenever a college gets a line endowment it alway im-.ins nunc, for the spirit of the age ; i.i ;ve in those that have, and tin is peculiarly true of colleges. Men with nniucv like to help advance the interests of schools that have already done big things. With $-'50,tHW endowment it will be easy lo net money for new build ings and equipment greatly needed Instead of a student body of less tlnn a hundred it will mean one of four or Jive hundred. Corvallis V.ill Ultbrate. CorvallK Or.,'April 8 In order lo t o assured of a succesfvl r-'ourthof Jul celebration the lire department of thu iity is starting work now, four month? ahead. An Hetoplant contest. i'Ulnrm ibilo races, speakers, paiades and lir.i works are lh- subject of grave discus sion at the Ot.v '-all Money will ll frely from their hands toward aeeom iplishiiig the end nt having a celebration. Thi-ro wa no observaneM h-rt'last c:ir I'orvallis having j,.imid wdh A hny at the latter plate, and the year before the celebration that had been prepireo was spoiled l.y rain, so loo li.eoin it their w.ira will be mating up (of twi year of pcicc and quiet. The Dunbar bell ringers will be in Eugene tomorrow night. Carter Harrison was elected, mayor of Chicago again yesterday for the fifth time, beating Prof. Merriam. Next Friday the N. W. league team of Portland, will play the O.A. C. team at Corvaliis and a hot game is promised. The receipts of the Corvallis water commission tor tne nrst quarter ot l'Jii were $5,284.19, the disbursements $1, 825. ' Several Eugene high school students have beon accused of drunkenness. The devil and the blind pigs have formed a partnership m feugone. '. . , Roosevelt yesterday at Sacramento Eu,,r, vesterdav had ono of the hot- , spoKe ror government oy me people as test elf i'nB in the history of the city. well as tor the .people, ne is gradually The retu was a victory for the admin- becoming an Oregonian. istration candidates, a vindication of j Congrefs met again yesterday upon the Maii iCK administration and the the call of President Taft, who will policies for several years. 1578 votes push the matter of reciprocity with were cast F. G. Berger receiving 782. Canada. Champ Clark was at once W. M. Green 728. M. S. Barker 39. , made speaker of the house. A demo- The councilmcn are: F. R. Wetherbee. Icratic congress is a new experience for W. J. Warnock, W. A- Bell, and A. IN. a long time. Stryker. R. S. Bryson was elected : princville Pournal: George Paul, recorder, Frank Reisner, treasurer. aea- died iast evening at the Home The charter commission carried by Hospital, in this city, from dropsy. He one vote, sewer bonds By 706, and an had lone been a resident of this county improve i unauciai syauMii. iu uium- and was ill some time previous to nis ance was passed forbidding dogs to rtin deuth. His son is here from Albany to at largo, lor io,euu oioenio .,v,imo. attend tne luncrat, wnicn will taice Une providing for increased salaries tor Dace tomorrow. .1 ...... H. ...... ....... .1 f I ml tno mayur uuu tuuiit 1 1, " "o umv., also for a commission oi water ana light. As between the local papers it was a victory for the Guard. .TnnVp Galloway this afternoon heiyjin Reports from grartges were for the WOrK in department number two. The most part veiy encouraging. following cases were dispased of: A series of resolutions looking to im- Continued: Smith agt. Smith, Eliza proved laws in the matter of securing Hamilton agt. Gaven Hamilton, Toud good roads, were presented by George agt. Roush. Sutherland of near Scio and were re- Dismissed: Mary E. Shares act. ferred to the council committee on Richard Sharpe, Eliza B. Brinson agt. legislation, with instructions to carry the same to the Linn Count; Pomona thai meets at Grand Prairie Grange hall Saturday April 29th, and from that Anna G. Jones et al. Chas. Witham, Jesse Cassie Kelsey. Sale confirmed in Arehart agt. Ida Witham agt. G. Kelsey agt. Arc- meeting to the State Grange that meets hart. at Corvallis May 9th, for final action. Default and decree in Carter Lee agt. A opiendid literary program was ren- Zoe Lee. dered during the aftsrnoon open meet- Default in Viola Keeney agt. Henry ing, one number being a spicy original Keenev. roem by D F. Newland of Ash Swale. , j. L. Swan was appointed examiner une. irarceis rosi" was oiscussea; of tittle in Poland ag.. Tweedale and Deeds recorded: W. E. Bowers to Alice Benson 140 acres $ 10 Matiie E. B'ace to E. O. Grimes et al 80 acres 750 Jefferson Mill Co to E. O. Grimes 160 acres 10-1 E 1633 John Boyri to John Ehrenrcich 60.62 acres 10 Ohas. Mausolf to Lyman E. Ham ilton 6 foot strip and easement 10 Stuart L. Noble to Lottie A. Hen derson 207 acres . 1 W. H. Moore to A. W. Ingram 1G9.24 acres 1800 A Sweet Homer Fere. Hop contract W. C. Gantz to Jalius Pincus, 15,060 pounds at-15 cents. but a decidedly one Bided affair, most if not all, the speakers favoring the same. Dunne the noontide hour a royal renast was enioved. served in a unique manner the more appreciated on ac count of the unusual 'sociability it promoted. The next council will meet with Morning Star Grange Saturday, June 3, next. For near 40 years the above Council, the only grange council in the United Miller agt. Linp county. Tuesday. The important suit of Maggie S. Sull ivan agt. Griff King, in which the court is asked to set aside some deeds, the ot- john T Grate and has qualified as plaintiff alleges her late husband was interested id, was oegun tnis atternoon. In Hattie Cruson sgt. Lebanon, ten days was given the plaintiff to reply to the answer. C. C. Bryant was appointed examiner States has accomplished a helpful work ti , . ' be app,icJtKio0j o Laura E. nnlv tft thi Orpcron State Grange. ' ... .jV . .n , w. Uted at the County Farm. Mrs. Cora Stone. Sweet Home's lead infv hmielnr urn in thn citv tnrlnv. and RusSlevllle. iwasoneoftho first to shake hands with Teddy. Mrs. Stone came from . , Oklahoma four years ago, driven out Rilev Washburn, luat rotumed from h rh. nilnnn Unr fnthnr hrnthnr a few days trip to Gilliam Countv.East- and i3ter were swept into eternity by em Oregon, and says thoy are having a cyclone, and she would have been but very cold, disagreeable weather. Farm- fur hav-ng left home the night before on ing had just begun. 1 a visit. Mrs. Stone wants the lawB The manv friends of Riley Frazor and enforced, and is tired of the bootiegg- family were glad to see them return ing business up ber way. home. Little Clara Tappor is quite ill at her home. Mrs. M. E. Jordan, of Lebanon, is quito ill. fighting for Business The Oregon Trunk road has reached i .j t VranU Pnwnllnf AHmnv culver junction, lust over tne nms east visited with their parents and friends of Albany, and will soon be at Crooked i. .;.. u. ..!., river, where a big bridge is to be built. .. I ii n i if - ' There is already a live competition Mrs. Jessie Maxwell and infant son Ivieen the Trunk and the llarriman visited at tno homo of her broker, Roy not SQ f(r K, but far cnou(,h Johnson, thu past wcck. t l. .....kinir huainess. An O.W.R.N. Nathan Sumpter has bought a liome man j Princville alter contracts fcuad Pirtleet al. and d. Holloway et al, to : register title. Demurrer was overruled and ten days pivea to answer in L,. A. Crandall agt. J. C.P.Mary. Decree foreclosing mortgage was rendered in August Scholl agt. F. B. Weber et al. In Mary MeCart agt. George McCart $100 suit money, to be paid t before the 24thy was allowed the plaintiff. G. S. Hill was appointed examiner of title m the application of A. M. Hammer to register title, ti. ri- Hewitt in appli cations of J. W. Keller and Carl Unke, ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been by the Couuty Court for Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed administratrix of the estate .- such. All persons having, claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the.- under signed at her residence near Jefferson, in Linn county, Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated this 31st day of March. 1911. L. A. GRATE, Admrx WEATHERFORD & WEATHF.R FORD, Attys. for Admrx. SCHNEIDER'S VETERINARY CHANGE. Former Albany People. near Salem. Apple Scab. In the bulletin for apple scab issued this week the foimula for hrst (1) spraying was ommitted. Take one and gallons l.ime bulpliur oil de grees Haume test, adding enough water to make (50) gallons. Ll. W. KUMUAHUU. Fruit lnspeclor for Linn Co. nearly all of them taken up by the Trunk people. Princville people sug gest a road from Metolious into Prine ville to head olt the advantages of the Hill people. WT Practice. Mrs. Ellen Stewartdied at the county infirmary yesterday evening, of paraly sis. She was born in Chester. Deogo county, Ohio, Sept. 26, 183T. She leaves a husband, who is at the county home, a son. Frank Stewart, of Chica go, and two daughters. Mrs. Lydia rentier, oi oieuo. unio, ana . airs, i r. u iwi in nniniin, f Rixnarrf Jennie Mills of Independence, Or. jp Grobe. The son, who i a manufacturer ot i i thl mam. nf Flva Martin airt. oleomsrgerine, is said to be quite the elty ot Brownsville, for an injunct- wealthy. ion restraining the eity to open streets I through the property of the plaintiff, dedicated to the city for the purpose many years ago, judgment was rendered ' in favor of the defendant, each party to Cottare Grove Leader: . Day its own costs. Mrs G. L. Keese of Portland, who- In the three cases of Linn and Lane with her husband formerly resided at Timber Co. against Linn county, askir.B this place, was the guest of her brother . for an injnnction against the collection O. C. Dubruille and family of this city of special road taxes in district 22, 23 last Wednesday. Mr. Reese, we were and 28, a demurrer to the complaint recent very severe illness and is now at ten days in which to answer sieaside in nope mat me sea Drcezes will hasten his recovery. I ' of the 67 cases on the docket 15 are TEACHERS SUMMl.RKti.VltW partitior) of property, eight for injunct- TERM.-lScgins at Albany College five fr, foreclosure of mortgages, the others of different characters, lulv 10 and will continue to Aug. 19. " All branches for state certificates will j be taught by the best instructors. Ad. For barrenness, mares or cows, raise a perfect colt, have the mare in perfect condition before' service. You will raise a coult according to the condition of the organs before service. Do not spend all summer before you know whether you will raise a colt or not. " Mares will do, better all the year after feeding this medicine. Raise a line horse. Help nature of the marc. You will not hope in vain after feed ing this medicine. Only seven days feeding necessary for each mrae. $3.')0 per box bv mail. Wrrt Schneider, R. D. Xo. 1. Box 25, Albany, Ore. Pictures Were f ine, Those who saw the program at Dream land yesterday, pronounce it without a mint, one of the finest ever shown at Dreamland. Tonight is the last oppor lUiiuy to seo It. 1'lie mxniig-mcnt is to bo congratu 'ated on the excellency of the pictures a luwn at this popular house. Srpt. 11-16 inclusive, will be the date oi ihe next stale fair, the semi centen- n al of the fair. It will be the greatest Militia of the state will undertake a series of maneuvers for coast defense at the mouth of the Columbia Kiver early in August, the entire strength of the National Guard will bo mobilized and the war game will consist of move ments against theoretical force at tempting to take the Columbia River ioriineauons. In addition to the maneuvers, an infantry officers camp will be held at the rille rango al Clackamas Station early in July. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO , CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the tin- ,ti.riiTin(l lias hpen dnlv nnnnintpd liv pleased to learn, is recovering from his was overrulled and the defendant given tnc County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Linn county, executor of the last will and testament of L. H. Mon tanyc. deceased. All persons having claims againsi said estate are hereby required to present the same to me, properly verified, as by law required, at my office in Albany, Oregon, with in six months of the date hereof. Dated this March 24. 1911. J. P. ROBERTS, Executor. C. C. BRYANT, Attorney. Date of first publication March 24, 1911, last publication April 21, 1911. vanced worK in Ingn scnoot suniccis. Primary and intermediate methods a . specialty. Interview Supt. V. L. Jack son or President H. M. Crooks. I Complete change tonight. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Xoticc is hereby given that the '.'ii dcrii;ncd executors of the last will i-.iul testament of John Koshay. v'.c-c.v-cd. have filed in the county eo'irt lit I. inn county, Oregon, their tiua1. ;u cor.i-.t as such executors and that nd c-mrt has fixed Monday, the 15th day o; M..y. 1H11. at the hour oi one o'cl'-ck in the afternoon of said day. as the tunc tor the hearing of rjee Some one savs the socret of success is to discover what you can't do and leave it alone. dISnisTratrix' NOTICE." To All Whom It .May Concern: ! Notice is hereby given to all whom 1 it may concern that the undersigned administratrix of the estate of Henry C. llenness, deceased, has tiled her final account in the matter of said estate in the county court of Linn comity. Oregon, and said court has fixed 'the 8th day of May, 1911, at the hour of one o'clock p. in. of said day as the time for the hearing and set ' tling of all objections to said account, therefore all persons having any ob . icction to said account arc hereby no- I titled to file the same in said matter nn ITdnnnHv aua vrpolnl las! nvnn no .hunt :Sii hv Chief of pnli,.o! tions to said final account and the set-i in said court on or before said las Munkers. charged with violation of the .-.lenient thereof. , r mentioned date .,,,, local option law. His place raided and I ISAAC W UE.U.DON. Dated this 7ih day of April. 1911. several bottles of beer was secured. He AMELIA A. FOSHAY. 1 GE1NIVE1VF. STAFFORD, was held under $100 bonds to appear j HEWITT & SOX. F-xecvVois.i Administratrix of said e.t;U tomorrow at 9 a. m. before Secorder Attorneys or executors. Y. R. BILYEU. Atty. for Admx. Red field. . EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the'ex ccutors of the will of V. H. Caldwell, deceased, have filed with the County Clerk of Linn County, Oregon, their final account as such executors of said estate, and the County Court of Linn County. Oregon, has appointed and fixed Monday, the 17th day of April. 111, at the hour of ,1 p. m. as the time for hearing objections to said account and the settlement thcrei. Date of first publication, March 17. 1911. GEO. V. CALDWELL and WIL LIAM CALDWELL. Executors of tbe will of V. H. Caldwell, de ceased. GALE S. HILL, Atty. for Executors.