Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, April 07, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    T. R.
DR. M. 11. KLLK
Physician and Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calls madejin city and country. Phone
Main 38.
Painless Dentistry
I oor prido-Kwr hobb ovr ttmdj for jrn and
now our mcc4a, arid our I th txrt paIuJm work
to be found anywhere, do matter kowmaehrea
pj. Compare our iTlocts.
We Cnlih plat ud
bride 5 work for out-of-town,
patrona in
one day If deiri.
Fainle&a extraction
fre when plt: or
bridge work is order
ed. Consultation (ret.
Hclir Crjnj $5.00
. . . - ..j n n
' 1 Enamal Fitiinrt 100
K. ' - -i' - .JV... ..... en
-;'? '?. VS &l niimn iOw
r"; -i--'-; ,f'uooa e nn
BR. W. A. Will, Piitnm lit Muuau PalnleM Extrtlon .50
All work fully guaranteed for fifteen Tears.
Wise Dental Co.,inc.
Painless Dentists
faltlaz Building. Third and Washington. PORTLAND, ORE.
OMc, Hoar: a A. tt. to a T. U- Saadija. iUl
Tn flip Cnnnrv Court nf the State of
Oregon, for Linn county.
In the matter of the estate of Con
rad Scheubel, deceased.
To the unknown heirs at law of
Conrad Scheubel, deceased, and all
others interested in said estate, greet
ing. In the Name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Linn, at the court room thereof, at Al
bany, in said county, on Monday the
6th day of February 1911 at 1 o'clock
in the afternoon of that day, then and
there to show cause, if any there be,
why an order should not be made
authorizing and directing the admin
istrator of the above entitled estate
trt c-.ll flip rial nrnnprtv of said estate
at private sale as prayed for in the i
petition of said administrator on file
herein, said real property being de
scribed as follows, to-wit: j
Lot No. twenty (20) in block mo.
four (4) in Barton's Addition to the I
city of St. Johns, Oregon, according'
to the maps and plats of said Addi-!
tion on file and of record in the office
of the county clerk in and for Mult
nomah county, Oregon, and lying and
being in the county of Multnomah,
state of Oregon.
Beginning at a point four hundred
and fifty feet (450 ft.) south, and three
hundred and thirty-live feet (335 ft.)
west from the northeast corner of the
northwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of section 19, in Township 13
south, Range 11 west, Willamette Me-
ridian; thence south two hundred and
ten feet (210 ft.); thence west two
hundred and ten feet (210 ft.) ; thence
north two hundred and ten feet (210 .
ft.): thence east two hundred and ten
feet (210 ft), to the place of begin- :
ning, containing one acre, more or
less, in Lincoln county, Oregon.
Witness, the Hon. J. N. Duncan,
judge of the county court of the state
of Oregon for the county of Linn,
with the seal of said court affixed this
14th day of December, A. D. 1910.
(Seal) J. W. MILLER, Clerk.
By W. L. MARKS, Deputy.
In the County Court of Oregon for
Linn County.
In the Matter of the Estate of I. L.
Moyer, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have filed their final account
as executor and executrix of the above
entitled estate, and that the County
Court has fixed Monday the 20th day
of February, 1911, in the County Court
room in the Court House in Albany,
Linn County, State of Oregon, as the
time and place for hearing objections
to said final account, and for the final
approval of said account and the set
tlement of said estate.
LAURA L. AMBROSE, Executrix.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the estate
of Conradina Arnold, deceased, has
filed her final account in said estate
with the county clerk of Linn county,
Oregon, and the county judge has set
the 20th day of February, 1911, at 1
o'clock p. m. and the county court
room as the time and place for hear
ing objections to said final account
. and the settlement tnereoi.
L. L. SWAN, Administratrix.
Atty for Admx.
I'romptiy ooiuim-u. r i-tfc n c i n it t w
ZO TEAKS tArlKiiniii. w..-.. ----THE
LOWEST. Send model, pholo or ekefciu for
expert iwarrn ana irw rviui j ;
INFRINGEMENT milts conducted 'before all
Courts, i aKPnia uuiwuvu - -
SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly oWalned.
Oppoflfte U. rowni vmw,
....unrr. Sendnindal.
Business dirrft iih WatklngUm sevts ttauA
Patul intl lafrfnrtnitnt Pnttlc Excludnly.
U Mlatk ItMi n. Oilto
r u. u i
A good picture of a regular attendant at the Riley meetings, afternoon
and evening, sitting down near the front, intensely interested In everything
said.bearing a great affliction bravely wiili Christian grace. Tommy Beard,
his triend, drew it.
At the armory meeting last night
eood s;ng service nad as a feature
a I
a '
solo by a lady in the audience and a
duet by Mr. aim Mrs Guthrie.
Dr. Riley's throat had cleared well
and he spoKe witii ease, and
with an earnestness that was inspiring.
Heb. 12:1-2 was the text. Ke.u it.
A cloud of witnesses, our upsetting
sins, and a forgiving Savior were the
beads used.
We have to beg the Minneapolis
papers for space to speak for Jesus
Christ; but foot ball, which is a devo
lution not an evolution, gets two pages
for every game.
There will be a good many people in
The sin that was in Adam was atoned
for by Christ.
A sin in good social standing is a
besetting sin. There are three promi
nent ones nbst-ucting thfc church, cards,
dancing and theater going.
The stream that is narrow turns the
wheel, the broad one breeds miasma.
A religion that counts requires en
durance for Cnrist's sake.
sin is, different witn aitterent people. 1
It should be discarded. After you have
defined your besetting sin and discarded!
it, then disregard it. forgetting it and ,
turning to the great purposes of a j
better life.
.. f ... .
Thn a nhiofir Inia QfrArnnfin R
, iVj-i j , VK." iu n.
Jonah in a Wicked City. Tonight Dr
Riley will speak on The Unpardonable
Portland won the second game from
Los Angelea 1 to 0.
A meeting of the Chautauqua board
will be held this evening at 4:45.
San Rafael yesterday, trapped and
slaughtered like rats.
The Thorne truck is due from Oor
vallis this afternoon on its way to the
Gold Creek mines by road.
Mr. and S. G. Ruit-r have returned
frum a visit with relatives at Roseburg,
Mrs. Ruiter's former home.
Senator Bourne is slated for the
chairmanship of the committee on post
offices, which doesn't suit Taft
Mrs. Albert G. Magers died at Salem
j Monday night of typhoid fever. Mr.
; Magers was once a resident of Albany.
M. Cel, a French aviator was killed
yesterday while attempting a trip over
the Seine. He lost his nerve and his
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Giddings are
again at their home on E. 6th St., Mrs.
Giddings having returned from Cali
fornia. F. G. Stearns, father of H. A.
'Stearns, is here from Webster, Iowa,
and J. P. Andrus 'and W. L. Pray,
from Ft. Dodge.
Eugene Guard: Miss Aletha Lons-bi.-rry
returned hon e last night from
Allntny. where she attenrit d the wedding
of a friend, Miss Verna Kelly, to Leon
A millinery store has been opened in
the room recently vacatt-d by a. u.
Anderson, th jeweler, in charge of
Mrs. Parsjns, neatly (in el up and well
It his jilit been l?a'nerl ih.,t
C. Gil'S-ifi, -upervio .ti the aslum
i:i?'.-h r-.r-d h cau4-- he told the
ruth r.f .ri ihe invesM ai g commit
ee Ir i. n lining ventilated
H A. K.i ' r lug no d his property ,,t
Sihand .lvie--n aire -is to a Norih
D k"ta nvin who re nrly arrived.
Kuiter n I farni'v wiM c ntinue to
de in Al " y f r aw i anvway.
4.000 - njur-i' -. i-iH in the
Krench safe v uli, wh-n loor wai
me opetvd in'-'ting event!
. tiy. l"i enou i .e. The gov-.
rrnment wi tinliahlv mKe a r.bate
upon proof n' be accident 1
, , ... ,
the'state inenit'entiarv , assed throuirh
tne state penitentiary, 1 assea tnrougn
the citv on his wav home from Corvallia
where he addressed the students of the
O. A. C. on criminology. Air James is
called the "old woman" by the convicts,
In hia school he has men all the way
from the college graduate down There
: - ,l . 1 t
is not a woman in the pen now, and has
not been for two years. There are five
hundred men in the penitentiary and it
takes about forty men to look after
them. Prisoners are allowed to smoke
pipes, but not cigarettes, and the sack
is the medium of exchange. Moving
pictures are shi.w.i on holidays. The
indetermediate sentence ard the parole
system are givivg men a chance to be
gin over again if they will.
The Democrat cabbages these things
from a good review of Mr. James
lecture given by the live G. T.
News from Albany's Six
Marshal Hill, of Hood River, came
down on the Springfield train from
Brownsville, and left for home. He was
the son of a Linn county pioneer and a
member of the first Baptist church
organized at Brownsville, in 1852, one
0"e o the other, fiye 18 A- W Mana,
former county clerk, and once mayor
Albany, now old and not well,
! C. Clement, postal inspector, re-
turn'ed'north, after spending the 'night
in Albany. He covers the Willamette
. . . . . ...... .
; valley, out is also detailed for longer
t- J '., f. p!c,0 H.i. j
letailed for longer
Boise, Idaho, and
r, t Vo n n' a i,n.o
; Alaska bricks were stolen from the
mails there were several pouch rob-
beries, evidently incited by it, but the
robbers got a different kind of gold
brick, some yellow journal or love let-
ter- "r. Clement is a very efficient
Bf vant of Uncl? and la Julte PP"
Bishop Scadding returned to Portland
after delivering his fourth Wednesday
night lecture at Corvallis, a series of
interesting discourses to his people
mere and college students. He was
accompanied by Arch deacon Cham-
bers. I
Mrs. William Robnett. of Salem
formerly of this county, returned home
- A. B. Miller went to Brownsville.
Prof. Nichols, come down from Leb-
anon. He is kept busy after
thn hands nf ShnHrl nnrt Thannti
C.;9 HowaHdlooJisins of
the Albany Howards, left for their
home near Spokane. Tbey have been
in California several weeks on a win-
ter trip.
S. A. Lasselle went to Salem.
R. L. Tracey left on a Portland trip.
. . r. .
Narrow Skirts Demand Pretty
To think the foot would be given so
much attention, when it comes to dress
would not seem possible until one
looked at the enormous Block of. beau-
tiful footgear that is shown at
Chamber & McCune
for women an
misses to wear. i'hey are showing
over 100 styles of Oxtords, Pumps and
Sandals from one to eight straps in
ever conceivable Kind of leather and
cloth, even to burlap, which will be
worn with Pongee -uits and dresses.
The childrens' one. two and three
strap sandals are swell for little tots.
They carry tne best lines of shoes
made and make a specialty of selliug
the cime brands for 50c pair, less than
otner stores and a warrantee for every
pair, even to pantent leather.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 75-41.
The river is 3. ( lee',
Prediction: air tonight and Friday.
Eugene got in on the ground floor
and secured an agreement from Col.
Roosevelt to ston and talk ten minutes
while the engine is petting water. The j
train will arrive here April 5 at 11:40, j
and Albany people will at least get a
sight of the celebrated statesman, lion
hunter and progressive. j
Eastern S. S. People Coming.
The itinerary of the three Pullman
cars of delegates to the S. S. conven-1
tiun at San Franciso June 20 27, to pass i
through Albany, has been made out ani 1
reported, the cars will be on tne ret! ;
' ular train, each holding about twenty, !
from Chicago. St. Louis und Canada. (
I'lhey will arrive in Portland on the 15th
, and come south on the morning of the
i ltith, arriving at 4:18. remaining in
Albany by ipecial invitation of the
1 commercial c'ub until 12:25. From 10
tu 11:30 a meeting will be held at the
armorv n the interest of adult Bible
study, with talks by the visitors.
Eilers Eight Story Music House.
The Eiler Piano House of Portland
tomorrow will move into its new eight
story building at 7th and Alder streets,
said to be one of the finest stores de
voted to the music business in the U.
S. Besides the Portland store the
Company has forty branch stores on the
coast, doing an enormous business.
Eilers Music House is a great adver
tiser, which has placed it in the front
on the coast, perhaps the best known
business house in the Northwest, one
the newspaper appreciates doing busi
ness with, sure of a square deal without
any hair splitting.
The Stayton Bank Failure.
The assets of the Stayton bank con-
sist of $33,000 in real estate, $66,000 in
loans, $(5,000 in cash and $5, OOOinbonda,
while the liabilities are $95,000 deposits
and $11,000 borrowed money. The
banking laws do not allow large real
estate investments and the report of
the bank examiner drove the bank to
the wall.
Other Darties have been wanting to
Bet into Stayton with a bank and it ia
., ... .
In the City.
F. W.Treanor, Creswell.
A. C. Closterman, Seattle
J F. Hadley, Newberg.
J. A. Thompson, Sweet Home.
Thos. Hedican, Spokane.
F. Reader, Salem.
Geo Martin. Portland.
A. J. Irwin, Burns.
Frank Holmes, Salem.
L. Rayburn, LaGrande.
E. W. Bucklev, Portland.
J. D. Watts, Portland.
The Elccirical Workers.
A sub-station, under the Portland
Union, of the International Brother
hood of Electrical Workers was organ
ized in this city. There are now twenty,
two men here in the busiress. The
following officers were elected.
Riley waller, president.
Glen Elkins, vice president '
Louis Allen, recording secietary.
Dan Molver, inspector.
Arthur Purdom, foreman.
A Modern Box Kite,
General Crawford has made a kite
that is modern in every respect, a tnil-
less affair of the box character. Yes-
ferday he let her go, and sne went up
1:1. u:-J un ......
hke a bird He is making arrange-
ments to attach a camera and take a
ments to attach a camera at
snan shot of Albanv from a few hun-
dred feet in the air, so our people can
see how the city, looks on top.
Found in Winona Park.
Whilp RiirvAvinor thia fnrpnoon. nrena.
ratoiy to making the plat for the new
w inona r ara aoamon, Kooyn neison,
who has charge of the work, struck a
box, in digging for a corner. Upon
examination it waB found to contain
about $5 worth of Star tobacco. This
u uvigeiwy uu uaww uj
"n0 "no stolen it.
The Base ball Scores.
The Home Telephone Co. every even
"g. a soon as the const league games
the following Places: C,aSleS MCAl-
pinjiand Ande ryoo'j where they will
be posted on bulletin boards and may
be seen, or they will telephone them to
I The capitol building at Albany, N.
Y, yesterday had a big fire, causing a
damage of probably $5,000,000. His-
torical documents of great value were
A big storm has been raised at Pull-
! man, Wash., by four young men enter-
ing the rooms of Rome of the gins and
' tipping their beds completely oyer, in-
tending it as a hazing, inev n;ight as
well say good bye and skip for home
Mis Muriel Mahew, of Eugene, haB
a violin, discovered in the attic, which
is thnuizht to be a genuine Cremona
bearing the name of Cremona, u
needs to be 8"en by an expert first. A!
eood manv imitations havo the names
of great makers.
j0hn VcDonald, a laborer, and Wil-
nam Look, a hotel keeper at Natron,
djed yes.erday, as the result of drink -
ine ome bootlegging whiskey. Any
wnj9Key . , poison, but thiB was more
. pni uiltv of consortinir with
bootleggcra should be prepared to take Woodburn Independent: J. II. Set
their medicine. tlemier attended the funeral of his
The Linn County Council Patrona of sister In-lnw, MrB Henry W. Sottlo
Husbandery meets next Saturday at mier, at Tangent Saturday. Mrs. Sct
Brownsviile. The meeting will be an tlemier died at the family homo ncn'
open one. The Parcels Post is to be Tangent March 24. She leaves a hu
discussed. A large attendance is de . band and children. They have bi.vr
sired, not only munbers, but business 0!d residents of that section for year
rncn who oppose the proposed Postal Bnd for a time conducted what is knj jvn
law. las the Tangent Nurseries.
Absolutely Pure
The Only Baking Powder Made from Royal
Grape Cream ol Tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Chemists' tests have shown that a part of the alum from
biscuit made with an alt in baking powder passes Into
the stomach, and that dkjcsllon la retarded thereby.
Read the label and make sura that your baking
powder Is not made front alum
Mra fnn Knllivnn has anld h r Rirjlt
street property, through the Linn &
Benton Real Estate Cu., to Carter &
Robson, for $12,000. It consists of 44
feot 9 inches, frontage, now occupied
by W. M. Parker, the grocer, and F
w. Schultz' meat market,
At a meeting of St. John's lodge this
week it was decided to make extensive
improvements on the property of the
th. Mm. nn nmnnlM nn tha u-round
the lodge, now occupied on the ground
floor bv Fortmilltr Bros. A second
story is to be erected over the under
taking parlors, for a banquet hall and
ante looms, while the old-fashioned
tower will be torn down and the whole
bo eiven a modern pressed brick front,
transforming the appearance of the
Portland beat the Angels yesterday
U to l
President Crooks ia expected home
this week from New Yoik.
134 new corporations have been
formed in Oregon during March.
That noisy street car will havo to take
a back seat for a new auto tooter.
G.W. Taylor, the Eugene well driller,
returned this noon from a Portland tiip.
Born, in Benton county to Mr. and
Mrs, A. A. Bender, this mornimr, a
Dr. Olmstead, United Artisan lec
turer, went to Miirrisburg to apeak to
nivht. The Barbara Holzman murderer has
now been discovered in a lumber camp
near The Dalles.
John Burkhart is up from Portland
to look after the flying machino here,
which it is propoBeo to make go. V
Ihe population of Hillsboro is 201G.
ten years ago 11 was 980. That of
Forest Grove is 1772, tenyeara ago 1090,
Scott Ferguson, of Salem, yesterday
re9taurant engaged in immoral prac-
Uce8 " 6 v
was nned $ou tor naving women in nia
About two hundred Salem Chinamen
threaten to leave the city if rents are
raised on them. Why not say good
Dr. Hill, T. L. Dugger. Ch.B. Cham
bers and others went toj Lebunon this I
afternoon to attend a Mexican mine
' meeting.
' r . ij. inamDers is me neaviest mui-
'. vidual tax payer in Eugene, and one of
. the city's best boosters, always doing
Superintendent Jackson has returned
( Irom aweet Home, wnere made ar
( - .B garet ion ior Biuem lor a snort visit.
Ing in May. 1 Jack Mayo, former superintendent of
I H. Snook of Salem, and Mr. Fisher, 1 the C. & E. left for his home at Spc
, of Brownsville, prominent in the con-1 kane after a visit with his son on the
' structinn of the armory, have been in i Mayo farm, up the C. & E.
the city today. A. H. Hinshaw, of the freight de-
The Thorn gasoline truck, exnected ' partment of the S.P. loft down the
in lbany last night, on its way o the
!." .
hrZ IsToZ
city and broke down.
Mr. and Mrs E. N. Beach, of Spokane,
are in the city the guests of Mr. Beach's
Bister, Mrs. George, while on their way
home from Lot Angeles, where they
Bpent over three months.
Mrs. J. W. Cusick has bought the
lot of A. M. Hammer, on Seventh
street, opposite her present home nnil
will move the little red bungalow upon
it, and then in the place vacated build
a residence for herself.
, Tmllhv sTcIotv of the
; r.unr. k.i,.i, ini,iinn h .n.i
i M. p... .ml Mr. Inru n. h,.,..
nnns.wcnt to Cnrvallin to hear Miss Mav
Eckert, a noted Philathea. on the work
of the ociety. They report a fine trip.
Four Pendleton lawyers, W. M Hot' r
son, Hmcr I Watts, D. W. Hailoy and
jJ. B. Perry are to be lnvcsligattd frr
1 alleged unprofessional conduct. The
mismanagement of a largo estate is
charged. Watts is a U. O. graduate,
prominent when ill colleae. '
Maine. J. H. Maine died Thursday
afternoon at the home of Henry Albere,
across the ualapooia, wli-re ho had
b?en living for some time, at his own
expense. He was P5 years of age. He
was born in Maine, going from there
to Minnesota, and coming from there
to Albany ahout 1870, residing here a
good many years, then going to New
port where he resided until about four
years airo, when he returned to Albany
to reside.
He was at one time justice of the
peace here.
He leaves one son, Henry, of this
city, and an adopted daughter, MrB. U.
W, Humphrey, of Jefferson. '
Potts. Mrs. Mary E. Potts died
awhile before midnight last night, after
an illness of some time. She was a
memher of : the Christian church, a
Christian woman of sterling character.
She was born In Montgomery county,
Ky., April 25, 1851, and came to Albany
in 1890, since residing here. She leaves
a husbwd and one son, Leslie, who
have the sympathy of all in their loss.
The funeral will be held at the Chris-
tain church tomorrow afternoon at
2:30 o'clock. ,
News From Albany's Six Early
1 Trains.
Uncle Billy Wright, the veteran horse
radish man returned from Corvl.,j,
where he shnrpened the appetites of
the people of that city; and will now
turn his attention to Albany. Uncle
Billy is the father of seven boys, all
doing well, two as veterinary sur
geons. He will bo in Albany several
days with his hot stuff.
Nelson t Wilbor aftor several days
Albany visit left for Boise, Idaho,
where ho has relatives and expects to
make hia headquarters. Ho has pretty
well covered the coast, and ia now
ready to settle down to business.
There are not many mornings without or two O. A.C., professors being at
ths depot. This morning it wub Dr.
! nrfol22'",tera1 L?,,rhr,f,8W
?,n;r'0.C?L'.,w5?u?'u?.? 10 Cor"
unto uivvi n piiui v iiuntijr viip. -
John Wesley Kirk, a pioneer resident
of Brownsville, after a visit with hia
Bon Bon, of the Combination shop, left
for Portland to see a couple of hia
daughters, Mrs. Metzler, and Mrs
M aggie Parker. 1
X. W. Boom left on a CorvallfB busi
ness trip.
E. C. Roberts, the fruit expert, left
for Salem.
Mias Eulah Wright, of the recorder's
office, left for Portland on a visit with
her cousin, Mibs Kay Uedmond, a for
mer Albany college student, while Miss
Carrie, her sister, 'ef I on a Brownsvillo
New Millinery Store.
The Hamilton Store Millinery Annex
Is the name of the millinery store, just
opened in the room recently vacated by
. . O. Andorson, the jeweler, a tem
porary place until the work of recon
struction of the Hamilton Storo in
Juno. It will be in charge of .Mrs.
Parsons. A fine stock of mad ) up hnta
will he on sale, none selling for more
than $5, a bargain store.
W. L. Krerca, cashier of the Stayton
hank, says it will pay evory cent due
depositors, that th bank will reorgan
ize and be ready for business within a
F. A. Elliot, of Salem, has been elec
ted Btato forester, under the new law.
Mr. Elliot, has been employed by the
Spaulding Lumber Co. and has been in
the lumber business for thirty years.
Sclo News: Thrco funerals, in which
citizens of Sclo were nteresled, occured
on Tuesday; yet neii her of the deaths
occured in or near here ( has. Carjr
died at Lafayette. Mrs. Hannah Bilveu
in Lebanon and Mrs Marion Alexander
in Albany.