r Albany fOt X LVI ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY, APRIL T. mil NO 3G HOME SEEKERS For Honest Information and Courteous Treatment Call at the PACIFIC REAL ESTATE CO'S Office 106 IS. 1st St., Albany. Or. iimrkrv e a vi7iTr;sce Ben or phone 3692 black Home, 456-Y Facific. 3t 5 Easter is Coming ! We have a fine line of Easter Cards and Novelties, Chicks, Ducks, Rabbits, Baskets and Eggs from One Cent up, Come early and get the cream of the lot at MEISER & MEISER Albany Agents Gage Hats,Red Cross Shoes, W.B. Corsets King Waists, Geisha Waists, Siegels Tailored Suits TAKE A LOOK THIS WEEK WE DO NOT ASK YOU TO BUY We do want you to see the season's newest style nov elties. Note what the fashionable women in the large cities are now wearing. And examine carefully the most' com plete array of spring styles and fabrics ever offered. OVER 500 NEW SPRING SUITS IN STOCK at prices 25 to SO per cent lower than large city stores. In fact, everything of interest to the woman who wishes to be fashionably and well dressed this season is here shown. So don't under any conditions miss this attractive and in teresting display. We want you to see the class of Silk shown at this store. They are from the best tailors in America, such makers as Siegel, Schwartz, Barnett and Rosenschein, suits as sold in every high class store in all the large cities of the United States. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY OF NOTE. By such famous makers as Gage and Litchenstein. Their original and exclusive Pattern Hats, Shapes and Trimmings, recognized by all fashionable women in Amer ica as the best and most correct in style, can only be had at this store. We handle all their products and the price is no more. than other lines not so exclusive. Women tell us every day our Hats are most reasonable in price. They must be right as our business is double that of any other season. WE WANT YOU TO LOOK AND FEEL YOU ARE WELCOME. Chambers & McGune Albany 's Leading Cloak and Suit Store. FOR A SALES AHENCY. Before adjournment last evening the following delegates to the Northwest Association'slconventiou to be held, were appointed: W. K. Newell, of Gaston; J. O. Holt, of Eugene; F. W Wallace, of McMirnville; H. C. Atwcll, of Forest Grove and Frank Groves, of Corvallis These will meet with a like number of delegates elected in the other districts, the object being to establish a general sales agencv for the Northwest. It is said the Wenatchte district has refused to enter the compact, but this may not stop it. H. C. Atwall. J. O. Holt and H. U. Rumbaugh weie appointed a committee on constitution ui.d by-laws for an Association for the Westorn Oregon district, and for a Western Oregon sell ing agency if the general agency fails. I Mr. Atwell is at the head of the movement, a great one. following plans ot the California exchange which has proven a success It is an experiment in the Northwest and has met with some opposition, but whether with enough to defeat it is not yet known. Besides the delegates present at this meeting there were other fruit men, interested in what is a very big thing for tho fruit business. DOINGS OF THE WORLD The Biggest ot All. THEP. 0. Postmaster Van Winkle Ends Four Years Service. Otto Ringling, of Ringling Bros, died "LB"'.T"ur. rr,V"r v:" ST I A church in Los Angeles will show emcient executive, administering the , m,n"Aclu'e! " a cr0.wd draWer- . office in the interest of our people. lna fu.wo.uuu marK was passed Yesterday he received his commission Muring March, in Portland, in bank lor another four years, with an increase clearances, themoutof any month in the of salary to $2600. Deputy Postmaster history of the city. r . M. Powell will now receive luOD. Uppman & wolf, of Portland, are The event was celebrated last night preparing to errct a $050,000 building with a banquet at the Broadalbin, with lor their business, not to be outdone by a splendid service. The following j the other big stores. twenty-ona employees were n.esont: A lot of Lincoln high school students P atmaster Van winkle Deputy Pow-1 caused a sensation by appearing in very el , W. H. Worrell, Robert Torbet, . oud (ocka and stockings. Last year Wm. Myers and J. A. Humphrey, of: the Albany high school students did the olhce force; Roland Hnckloman, lhis a year ahead of Portland. Iivin Cady, Wil and Dave Patterson I i,i , a rvr.,,. f tk. and LoftBilyeu, carriers; John Dour- cJ0auVt jfNew YoTk vestetdy SnoefeneSr w'FMdem' ! Selected U. S. se7atorof Tat state" bom, joe Warner hnd (. W r iuJemnn f. , i : mu;u d ri rnm tr..,.,i niter a ong ana ugly contest, in which frZBi Jm?;JZ T..mm.n Jttemp&f to dominate the clerk at the depot. Judd Ross messen-, """" "; n , L . . . , i , , 'i L. get and Stanley Van Winkle janitor. The U. ,0. last night defeated both Chan. Serlling was unable to be pres-' Stanford in California and Washington ent. at Eugene. The ship subsidy question The total receipts of the office for whs debated, Oregon having the affirm the closing fiscal year were $20,651.24, 1 Blive at bomc and tna negative in Call an increase of 3.084.31 over the pre- j forma. vious year. The receiptB of the quar- Jefferson Review: Lynn Humphry, ter were $5,724.28, an increase of S.P. agent at M areola and youngest $l,0U2.1o over the corresponding quar- heir to tne vast weaitn ot the Keview The-Modern Woodmen of American has been running 28 yeais, and the last yeara8.the;best of all. It has 1,166,207 membeis. The receipts were $12,180,. 057 45. Disbursements $10,929,477.60, Your shoes made Burns Shoe Store. good as new at Empire Photoplay Theatre ter. The showing speaks growth. ... editor. Dassed Saturday with us. bointr for Albany's ' en route to San Francisco to receive .1 treatment for a throat trouble. .1 7 (T . Ml I 1 II . ' vvuvicon neview; Micnaei ii.eiiv College Notes ' waa at Albany Monday. Mike has the 1 minfnrhine tn he AMlirtari with n inninr . j on his neck, but his friends (and that'i J. M. Hodge, who has had the' care everybody) will be glad to know that of the buildings and grounds for the his physician says he can surely cure it. "Marguerite's Birthday."-A lively - Trmont Ha"- mixup caused Dy a ourgiar conveying the articles he has stolen from one flat into another where, a woman dis covers them and thinks they are birth day presents. past two years, is about to return to his home in Coos county, a very faith ful employee., t ... .., The college gives a picnic this after noon, going by team to Knox's Butte. The Conservatory of Music will give a student recital Monday at 4 p. m. at Postmaster Van Winkle has orders to close the post office Sundays if the peo ple want it. If done the general de- 1 lie controversy ends liverv will not be open from 1 to 2 as by the discovery of the burglar. "Saved by Her Prayers." The srenie nnrt of tliic nirtnrp r.mnnl he 1 excelled and the pretty sentiment up- "The Rival Sculptors. A classic drama, portraying the wonderful worlc rtf art in Anrient frppri' A beautiful picture. "Too Much Mother-in-Law." A comedy with a moral lesson. A very ! pretty ending with excellent acting: nnd:'lhe story .throughout holds your i heart interest. Miss Ci'osno, singing "Down in ' Honey Jungle Town." ' Complete change tomorrow. Admission 10 cents. now, giving the employees two or three hours away from the post office at that time. Ralph Watson, who has been in Port land for a number of years and who is now selling East Moroland. .and Wost Moreland real esUte in the Vicinity of the Reed institute, is here for a week or two looking after that business. Eugene Register. In civilized Oregon last night ' ot Klamath Falls, notwithstanding a strict law against prize fighting there was a contest botween Frank Edwards of Oakland and . F. Tucker of Portland, Tucker was done up, bleeding through out the contest, and the Klamath Falls officials allowed the fight. The recall ought to be put into y&' diwn thnt way M. Senders & Co, Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. Hay, Grain, Flour, Seeds, Salt, Poultry Supplies, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Roofing. LINN COAL &1FUEL CO. Coal delivered to any part of the city, PRICES RIGHT. McCourt &3Prettyman, Managers Office: Cor. First and Baker. Home Phone 306;;BeU Phone 131-9 WANT A TYPEWRITER: See i?wlings about a Rebuilt Under wood that is good as new and guar anteed for one year, also other makes for sale or rent. Buv on monthly payments. DR. VIRGINIA J.EWEAUX, Osteopathic Physician. Schmitt Block, Albany. Phones: Office Home 359, Bell Black 2751; Residence 394 Home, black 863 Bell. D REAMLAN THEATRE. D TONIGHT 1. The Intrigue. A beautifully hand colored historical play by M. De Morlhon, acted out by the foremost of French actors. The piece is a care ful study and scrupulous regard to de tail has been invoked. This is a treat for all lovers of good acting. 2. Scenes Shaniko. 3. The Argonauts. A dramatic story depicting the struggles of the early settlers in the far West. A young man and his sister start west in search of gold and after many troubles, suc cess smiles upon them in a way that is both unique and original. This is a good one. 4. Illustrated Song "Baby Days." 5. The Widow's Choice. Jack and Harold arc madly in love with the widow, but both are called away on business and the pretty widow is left in care of their father and when the boys return the widow had married the father and was their stepmother. Father may have seemed slow at first but when he got started he was a reg ular human comet. There is some thing doing every minute in this com edy. , This ii an extra fine nrocram ami one of the best shown at Dreamland for some time. Admission 10 cents. The fishing time has conic. It is lawful to catch trout and the Albany boy will be on hand with his hook and line. Tommy Heard has given his idea of the matter in a poetic and artistic way. STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY m h mm it a ft Get your Easter Togs and Shine along with your Sisters and Wives, when the season is new. WE HAVE the right thing and the Bright Things to wear gathered from all source.-, and resources of FASHION-KEEN MERCHANDISING MEN. Our Spring Suits are here, unusually stylish in cuts, cloth and contour, a bit in advance; Full-Chested, Lapel rollcd, and Free-skirted, but not foppish. ' We have models a-plenty for men, who's tastes have staved STAID. All of them are all-wool all through. All of them radiating Ease and Elegance, and possessing the "SMACK' 'of the "CRACK" tailor. Help yourself to a look. Buy now. , BLAIN CLOTHING CO.