Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, March 31, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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    8. E. YOUNG & SON
Just Now as the New
Spring Millinery
With all their finery and delicate shades, the Spring
Suits, Dresses, Waists, etc., are uppermost in the thoughts
of the fair sex. You must not overlook the small hut not
less important articles of wearing apparel, HOSIERY, in
Cotton, Mercerized, Silk Lisle, Pure Silk, etc., the kinds to
suit vour particular demands. A splendid Lisle number
for 25 c the pair. Better see this one at least.
GLOVES in Silks and Kids, long and short, plain and
delicate colorings to match the dress. Prices 50c and up.
EMBROIDERIES in all widths and qualities a large
line to make your selection from.
and COLLARS. Irish crochet collars up to $7.00. The
Tabots also of the genuine Irish, $2.50 to $5.00. Then there,
are the Lace Jabots, Embroidery and Lace Trimmed Col
lar's, 25c, 50c and 75c. .
Stocks, tailored and fancy, 25c and 50c.
Rucheing and cords, all colors, 25c to 50c the yard.
Keep in mind that our MILLINERY and SUIT DE
PARTMENTS are prepared to supply your particular
News from Albany's Six Eai y
R. R. McKinney, of Holley,
Hero is the subitanoeof Dr.
sermon on Juii ili:
Jonah traveled a thousand miles west,
hen the Lord had sent him live nun
dred miles east. Men go Iwico the
distance to keep fiom doing the Lord s
work thut it would take to do it.
When a miin is running from duty, it
ss ea.iy to conclude thut a shin
Ralph Cooper, a graduate of the com" is a call to some other city. Ofhcial
mercial department of Albany Colltge. members often oppose God,by forcini!
returned to Portland, where he has a a preacher to leave the Nineveh where
good position with the Pacific Light & G .d has a work for him to do.
PowerCo., oneof Portland's biggist;..v They make the honored term.
companies. It has sixteen plants al- seiueu pastor a misnomer, ine,
snouiu can nun a suunueu pusior n
home after a conference with tne o!li
cers of the Albany lnterurban. i r.
McKinney is working for tho Company
securing freight estimates and con
tracts, necessary to placing bonds.
ready. G. W. Talbot is general mana
ger and G. F. Kevins, formerly of this
city treasurer.
they do not give him time to gel
"settled." He is pulieu up oetore ne
can bear much fruit.
Every great church has sometime had
long pastorute. One of my deacons
He has inuugni my wori was uoik-,
uuiiiik my iniiu yw.u in Miiiiii-uuuiin,
Will Anderson left for Bridal Veil,
near Portland, after a visit at the home
of his father P. C. Anderson.
- 1 l.i ...:.L .1.-
T ... ,,,,,, could move easier than I could and not
S. I. M Daniel, the marble dealer left interfere ith GoJ's worksomudi.
on a vnp 10 ueuanon aim owier juices Jonah is a type of all who run i;am
By the Man bout Town,
The new two story cement warehouse
of the Fortmiller Furniture Co. on
Water St. is about completed. It will
have a basement for paints and oils,
muking in all approximately 9,000 feet
of Boor space, in addition to what the
Company already has on First street.
An electric elevator is being put in.
1 his will givs room for spreading out
the furniture for display, greatly r.eed
ej in the business, and also to add to the
s:ock, making i' one of the largest
of its kind in the valley. J. A. Mc
Chesney has been doing the wood work.
J. B. Cougill, with a largo force of
men is enlarging the M. E. chinch,
piitthig in a large basem. nt, us well as
adding to the floor since, giving several
new rooms for S. S. work. With an
attoidance at S. S of 251) to 340 more
om is im?.r..Uvu.
duty-laymen as well ts preachers.
on monument business.
Rev. Geil left for Sweet Home lo see
for some H" A larfco audience greeted Dr. Oey
W G Bnllork and amtor-in-la-v iUiss al tmJ Uory '"st including a
HuTburt, we1oa"ndm representation of the members of
Dr. Shinn left on a Drofessional trio
to Jeiterson.
An inspiring
song servico lead by
rt ...u-; - : I. ..j .J fcU- o
Dr. Trill, of Scio. returned homo f"- u.ul ?lS'r
after a Portland trip.
J. A. Archibald, of AsEland, form
erly of Philomath, left for Lebanon.
Prof. Wilson made his regular weekly
inp 10 Brownsville
tory, suggestive of the prospects of the
meetings for spiritual growth.
Rev. Geil read the scripture. Rev.
Douglas off e'ed prayer and Mrs. Flo
gave the special song.
n, j. ,.. !.,: ui. itiiey spoKe on a aiuiiuuae o:
w l? E.nnlnH 1 t r n tains.
Work ia being pushed on the basement
of the new Craft-Miller block at Second
mid Kerry. On this proposi ion it was
business from the day of the purchase
of the lot, a good example to builders.
A Correction,
W. H. Raymond, the insuramce man,
again left looking up his agencies.
Mrs. John Neeley returned from a
visit with her folks in Lebanon.
to have your prescriptions filled atlthis pharmacy but you'll be wiser if
you do. You cannot afford to take chances with prescriptions. Better by
far come to a drug store like this where purity of ingredients and accuracy
in compounding them are the invariable rule.
Say! You Gardeners
and Everybody Else, come and see the NEW
lot of Garden Seeds. "Mind you not left overs" at
Second Hand Clothing, Shoes,
Guns, Jewelry, Furniture,
Stoves, Racks, etc.
Will pay 4c per lb. for old
rubber, 5c for copper, 75c per
100 lb. for cast iron.
Home phone 1389 120 East 1st
Pure milk and cream. Her tubercu
locum tested.
All bills of regular patronB payable at
the store after the tenth of each month.
Proprietor, 331 Lyon St.
"The Sign of Quality.
The Albany Bakery
216 W. First Street.
Both Phones
Has again been placed upon the market.
The owners of the addition having ar
ranged for the installing of a complete
and up up-to date sewer system which
will be installed as as soon as tne worn
can be done.
This beautiful addition offers the
best investment in the city for the
the money, in the way of residence
?roperty, being only five minutes walk
rora the business center tood sewei
age and restrictions, '''his addition
will be "THE" residence district of the
itw mithin a ahnrf. lima For nartir-
I nlnrfl pall Ml
132 W. 1st St. Albany, Oregon
E. C. Meade, Optometrist
829 West Second
F. fl. Will
A fine line of JeweIrySil-
verware, Cut Glass and
Novelties to selectj from.
An Electric Washing Machine
wili make washing easy. 2c per hour
is the cost. Let electricity do the hard
work while you rest. It does every
thing but hang out ilic clothes.
Ralston Electric Supply Company,
312 Wett Second Street.
Forruildiog, ornamental purposes, rip
rap, filling, etc.
Samples at M. Senders t Co't store.
W . L. tOBB, R Home
05 D Pboae,4.
The Pantatorium,
!j0 W 1st St, Bell Phone black 273
Home phone 196
Phone Your Order
Mission Parlors
Delivery promptly attended to.
All thoroughbred chickens. Eggs for
setting. Black Minorcas. Burred Pit in
outh Rocks, Black Orphingtnn, White
Leghorn, Rholo Island Reds, Favor
olles, White Plymouth Rocks, Lang
saaii. Cut bone for sale.
Horn i phoneJF:ed;29S3. Bell 282-J.
Though laboring with hoarseness he
made himself plain. Albany people are
being specially favored in the presence
here of Or. Riley, one of the ab'.est
preachers in the country. A deep Bible
student, broad and comprehensive,
which those who are hearing him night
after night and afternoons are appreciating.
the best men In tne bible contessed
. Died.
The little daughter of D. E. McNeill.
residing at 625 West 12th Btreet, died their sinB, and they had a multitudo of
yestenlay afternoon of pneumonia, them-David, Peter, John, Paul-all
one was a months of age. freelv confessing them.
If we were to start to put the sinnerB
TMo u .rnir,,. . ooo o inf t im out of the church we would never know
provements in Central Addition. And w BSfL' fi"i, j . ,
a big advance in values there. Better i Te man who ho doe8 not 8m 19
" 'ol """ 0,,""B lIum " " A man has a right to investigate his
J Bible, but not to reach conclusions that
r.rtn . ., .," oiii" k I.,.., are not conclusions, higher criticism
in A lli??n Ponfrnl AWilinn onrt hmS 11 i3 C"inK the foundation OUt
ing a lot in Central Addition and build nfJr;hrlatittnjtv Thn h!hr eritin h
lime home tms year and tnus , dii!zin(!8g hia h(Ja Bnd Uoe8nt
vou a
save rent. For
Collins & Taylor.
particulars consult
A sure relief from that
cure at Burns Shoe Store.
Yoit shoes made
Burns Shoe Store
good as liew at
F G. WILL, lor Watches
FOR SALE A good second hand U.
S. cream separ'or, Mnst be sold
Suick. Only $20. In good condition,
all at 415 E. 9th. F. T. McTim
monds. Homo phone 260 t24
know where he is at.
You must think straight if yo i would
. act straignt.
corn, and The crooked thinker Hvcb crooked.
A m&n is his brother's keeper if ho ib
Christian Science is a parasite living
off the churches and it is the business
of the Evangelist to speak out and warn
tne people aiminst taise teachers.
1 he man who goes wrong makes a
leak in his church.
The man who bothers people about
their soul is their friend and has a right
tn BpeaK. .
Tho man who has been the means of
helping to convert a fellow man is
This afternoon the subject was Jonah
in a Fish's Belly. Tonight Dr. Uiley
will speak on Onr Besetting Sins.
In order to correct published state
ments as to probable cause of the tire
early Sunday morning, we wish to
atate that the m n ingaged in finishing
the new building were old and ex eri
enced painters whj well knew the dan
gerous properties of certain materials
uaeu; mat no paints, mis or ony rags
were kept in the building deHroid and
that care was used in disposing of the
same; that we are su e that the fire
was not caused by any carelessness of
the workmen,
Levi Hulbert.
W. G. Ballack.
Resignation of Rev. Douglas.
A. dispatch in the Oregonian of this
miming from South Bend, Wanh.,
statea that F. W. Wight, of that city,
has resigned his pastorato. and will oe
suueeeded by Rev. Stephen A. Douglas,
of A Ibany, a fact the Democrat records
with regret. Rev. Douglas, who has
done splendid work in tno Albany
church, will not go lo South Bond until
May. He has been hero seven years."
Something New.
Tho Elite has a new machine, a Ham
ilton mixer. It mixes all kinds of
drinks with consummate easo. It takes
some milk end eggs and makeB them
ono in a manner that would put to blush
a justice of the peace when a couple are
wailing for a train. It does it com
nlotelv. ' Ptinnln nrn entehino. nn. nnrl
now tho hens have to hustle to
ahead of the Elite mixer.
Letter List,
The Farmer Latching On.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L, Holmes of North
Albany, were in the city this afternoon
in their niW Ford car. Mr. Holmes is
catching on to the management of it as
a duck learns to swim. The farmers of
the country are appreciating a good
thine, finding tho auto a particularly
big thing for coming to town in short
The following lottcrs remain ii the
Albany, Ore., postoflice unculled for
March 29, 1011. Persons desiring any of
these letters should call for advertised
letters, giving the date:
Frank Archer, Henry Boone, C.
Ebener, J. ft. Dodge, Ellin Elg (S),
Mr. Uoeluche, U. A. Gundlach, J. O.
Hovland, James Johnson, Mrs. Ida
King, Mr. Keeton, Sr., Hurb Landon,
L. M iniiBkp, Carl Magnusnn, Jas. E.
McCaulcy, Frank Parker, Mrs Emily
1'hii pe, James Powers, Royal Hotel,
W. H. Seymour, Herbert Smith.Charley
Snider, Meitsrn. Tostuvin & Sons, Emma
Warnock, Williams' Store. "rT.
J. S. Van Winklr, P. M.
Froah herring and smalt at Holt's.
7-room house and lot, situated close
in. West Albany. Price $2000.00. j
7-room house and large lot, situat
ed close in. 2 blocks from Lyon St.
Price $1900.00.
Also have a good piece of property
situated on Lyon St. A bargain.
65 acres of A -No. 1 land, all in cul-1
tivation, 3 miles from Albany. This is ;
the best offering in farm land on tbe ;
market today. Good liberal terms for
purchaser. j
552 acres, all in good land, two sets
of good buildings, all in cultivation
except 40 acres which is in timber.
This would make a good farm to di
vide. Price very reasonable, and terms
can be made to suit purchaser.
20 acres, 3 miles from a R. R. sta
tion. Unimproved. Price, $30.00 per
acre. - I
If So, Look Up These Bargains and
Don't Wait Too Long. i
Beautiful 5-room bungalow, inside
finish can not be beat; plate rail, beam
ceiling, fireplace, just the prettiest
little home in West Albany. Price
very reasonable.
For terms upon the above places
call personally at my office. No in
formation given by phone. I have a
large list of properties in farm or city i
property and I know it will pay in-.
tending investors to cill and see what
I have to offer. See the old Reliable
Real Estate Dealer.
J. V. PIPE, 203 WEST 2nd St j
Albany. Ore.
EM 7i
F. M. French & Son
18 Wj
Last of Goltra f'aik, in one, two
or three acre trucu, on rasy tern s,
splendid place for a home, for gai
dening, chicken raiairg, etc.
112 Feiry Streat, Albanr, Ore.
Our Wagons Are at your Service.
Whenever you want us to call for a package of soiled linen, our wagon
will do it promptly. ,
Whenever you want your laundered linen returned to you at a specia
time, we will be glad to accommodate you.
Our two wagons and their drivers are at the service of our customei
whenever they have a request for special service of this kind to make.
We are glad to go to some little trouble to accommodate a customer
we realize that the fnor will commend our service to them in unmistakably
Can we serve you?
The Laundry of Quality.
Both Phones.
is rfti'ii the cause of unnecessary
work and wasted energy. Docs it pay
to '.crub your health away for the
sake of trying to save a few cents?
Our Laundry will relieve you from
all worry. We will takeyour entire
wash, make it snowy white, launder it
ail only experienced hands can, and
return it to you, charging only a reas
onable price. Otu work on shirts and
.llar.-i i acknowledged to be perfect
Why not try us?
('all our wagon for your work,
liill S3. Home 439.
329 v:o:tl Street, Between Ferry & Broadalbn