Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, March 31, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, 19 tenia a
week; in advance fur one year, M.O?
3y mail, in advance (or one year $3, at
inJ of year 1.54.
The Weekly Advance poryear$1.25
ftt end of year J1.&0. Alter 3 yei'B at
Here is a very good story, con
densed: A rich Chicago man dreamed that
he went to heaven, that St. I'etcr met
him and took him to the house pre
pared for him. They went past many
beautiful mansions, one of them an
elegant affair, licing the abiding place
of his former washer-woman. They
kept going, the houses looking poorer
and poorer, when they came in front
of a shack, and St. Peter said: "Merc
is your place." The rich Chicago man
objected, remarking that he had lived
in a much fiw-r house in Chicago.
'Well," said St. Peter, "this is all
you sent up here."
lfe awoke with a start, appreciating
the lesson. He had been living for
himself and the pleasures of the world
lie at once began living for others,
building for the future and eternity, in
good deeds and bencvolencics.
An Albany merchant once told this
story to a minister, who used it in a
sermon, ami at least one conversion
resulted. There is a lesson in it worth
Albany is to be congratulated upon
the sentiment which prevails among
her citizens in fnvnr of improving her
streets as ast : .. .1 is consistent un
der existing conditions. Everybody
seems to fully realize the importance
of paved streets. From every direc
tion in cilies where the civic spirit
rnns high and progress has been rapid,
comes tnc report that properly im
proved streets have had the lion
share in the credit therefor Alhnnv
;ii. nerc'.r-, u'lnf
docs not propose to be behind in such
n atters, as is evidenced by the liberal lgave especial attention to educational
plans oinlmcd for street improvement alair8 nd adv0C!lcy of the flat Baary
work l.iis year. bill for the state urinter.
I' or the benefit of those who may, j, yy. Miller Ho voted for Thomp
not be informed the Democrat desires Bon for speaker and stood with him
to state that the matter of paying for frequently. He brought in a minority
the paunr contemplated will be ar- 'report from his committee against the
ranged o Unit no one will experience right hour bill. Ho favored economical
any hardship. !apiropritions.
In the firt place, it will take the C. L. Shaw. He is a democrat, hon
balauce of the year to complete the est 'in principles and stood for economy
work. The Bancroft Act steps in at and progression.
the end of that period and provides M. J. Simpson. Ho generally otcd
(for those who wish it) twelve months as Thompson told him to
longer, making altogether nearly two Here is W. Lair Thompson's formerly
years before the lirst payment for of Albany. Leader of tho old guatd.
paving is due from property owners. mis rs a une one on dunes, uruimr
The amount due at that time is one- of .Virs. O. D. Austin: Ho wis n clran
teuth ol the total assessment, or from cut, square dealing progt ssivo.
$1(1 tn.$.1i) on each fifty-foot Int. j
Deserves to He KcaHed,
A Dispute : After o.iening tin ad
ministration in the role "f a reformer,
Mayor Ladi-nuii w.:!i Ivi.a Neis, Con
rad KrolM, Ju':'.'' Pmeus, of Salem,
and men givim- innnus of (Joorgo
Wilson, und A . .. AnJerson. of Port
land, wuro taken out of the Marion
hotel bar at 1 o'clock in the morning
byJChiof of Polico Humil'on after they
had been warned a number of times by
Patrolman Cooper to leave. The ordin
ance provides that saloons shall close at
12 o'clock midnight. I
No definite action has been instituted
by the chief of police in relation to their
case?, and after he had ordered them
fom the saloon ho allowed tnem to
leave for their homo-. Considerable
secrecy was maintained in regard to the
affair. It whb with the greatest
reticence that the chief of police was
porsuuded to tell of the occurence
It is Haid thut the men weru singing
and enjoying a rovelry which caused
me poneo uiiicer uthl io ruimiinirui.u.
They paul no attention to Patrolman
:u uuicur iiitsi. luiimiinuttw.
Coopor and again ho remonstrated after
b.m'Ssss.-1 chicf
1 i"ul . . -. f,
".' .V'" Ti,r .;
Imvn nut. vnL been dealt with. 1
The Riley Meetings.
Sol vices were resumed this afternoon
at tho armory, Dr. Riley speaking on
Jonah In a Fonrful Storm. Most of this
week afternoon will be spent to dealing
with the groat Jonah question, which
has always excited intense interest.
Tonight tho subject will bo a multi
tude of sirs, and sins will bo tho sub
ject also Wednosdny anil Thursday
Tonight members of H. Co , aro duo
to be prefer t in uniforms in a body
line lot oi young men,
who can also
Howard Won First Prize.
R. R. Howard, of the Pacific Monthly
won tho lirat prize of $1000 offered for
tho best article on Oregon in an eastern
paper lhcro were contestants from
nil over the U.S., tho reselt being an
immense amount of free advertising.
His subject was "Railroad Fight for an
Kinpiro." One prize camo to Albany,
A. 11 Kanta, of the collection agency
getting $10 lor an article in o Kansas
paper. U'.ihhi was given uy tne l ort
laud l oinm rcinl Club.
In the City.
J. II. Kelly, Porthui I.
11. J Karwell. Shedd
C. II. Nutiage, Snoknno.
C. r'. Mallerv, t'aiihy.
J. M. Ilulin. Berkeley.
P. A. (iushuist. Lead, S. Dak.
11. M. Myer, Scio.
K A Zimmerman, Twin Falls,
Mox A ( ohen, Portland.
V. E Moses, Eugene.
Mrs. Nina Prinzler, Eugene.
J. W. Surry, Corvnllis.
In order to get Hack on tho map
Salem h had a man arrested for kill
ing little llnrbara llolz-nan in P inland.
Such arrests may now bo expected all
ovor Oregon.
Albany appreciate) the bouquet being
is now ready for the building.
behind the Scenes at Salem, referred
to elstwhere, speaks of the Linn county
I members as follows;
Milton A. Miller. Political discussion
Mb second nature to Senator Miller. He
, ",0 """" """" , u . '
Oregon system, and the bills com ng
fr ,hi h, t,t t.
Tichtnor's Twin,
A ., . i
recent verv striktntr event in Port- 1
land was the birth of twins to Mr. and
Mrs. F. H. Tichenor. the former beino-'
II... 11 I... HI 4I 1....- .....I
quol. pitcher. Ho sent out a neat curd I
with two storks on it, carrying baskets j
and a nurse mishimr a third from the
door. J he physician s name is shown
on a medicine case. The names aro I
given: Mnriun Walker and Anna Con-
gor. Mr. Tit l.enor is billed to pitch
quoits at f-.u coining state fair for the
champion: :i p of tno world, and thero t
is no uci'..-.i : no but mat no win win.
Tne Champion Jagger.
Denver, March 27. In her statement
to District Judg ! Riddle just before he ;
gruntuil her a divorce, MrB. Mattie v.
v ork raid:
"I mn!"! -' llnvid U. Work on Jan-'
uiuv 1. i.i.'K and' during the entire
puriod of our married life, up to the .
time wu separated six months ago, ho '
. .
" . ' ;. -f .i,
teen years, six months and eeventeen
d"ys of their married lifo at
l;s" a week.
Stanley Got Seven Years,
John J. Stanloy, who went from Al-
bnny to Corvnllis and raised a chock
from $8 to $80, yusterdav was given
seven years in the state penitentiary,
Adam Torre, wno was Willi mm, plead
guilty to an attempt to get money
under false protonses and was given
one year in tho penitentiary, with a
Tho world continues to know mon and
women by tho company they keep
Tho average excuse is as thin as a
: pano of glass and more transparent.
Some people spend thoir lives getting
excited ovor everything that occurs.
If it keeps on there wou't bo any one
left in Albany without on automobile
but li e cdi-'ois.
Now we feel better. Accorling to a
prominent Americnn who has just re
turned from Japan one American in
equal to four Japs
Thero are parents In Alb.ny who are
keeping mighty poor track of their
daughters, some of them going to tho
devil cross lots. It is surprising how
many of them permit them to run
around nights without knowing what
they are doing.
Akniici Orchardisl-.t
Wo carry a slock of spraying mater
ials Tho right stuff at right prices.
Too si'xfon for spra ing is here. Cill
anJ see us and get prices.
It nvo j our feet attended to by Mr?.
Driver 2o0 l.on, both phona.
presented us by Uncle Sam, and
This is the 101st birthday of Grandma
Todd of Eugene.
. . '
InlW. SbT.ffft fn 8n
initiative petition effective in Oregon.
New York state continues to be dis-
graced by the old system of electing U.
S. senators, .
Yesterday Roosevelt paid his respects
to the muckrakors, particularly the
Ananias kind.
Chicago' is about to be afflicted with
a Chinatown, always an undesirable
quarter of a city.
Min.i. i..';.,.! .,
Minnesota has just adopted the re-
call, excluding state ludtrcs from the
pflfprf nf th Ii
Nat Goodwin is again divorced, and
iuu io uj Buijp umer iooi woman will
want to marry him.
Diaz is reported to have said he will
resign, which alone can bring peace.
We await his denial. j
The O. A O. has a swimming club
with R. E Duncan of Portland mana-'
j ger, and Ueo. Hess of Coryallis presi-;
dont. . j
Jack Johnso i yesterday at San Fran- j
Cisco was sent to jail 25 days tor speed
in,; his auto. Served the law breaker
'right. I
I W. Lair Thompson, attorney for the
i . i.m i iiiiniinvii, abLwiuvv iui my
.niA i 1 1 i . t i : t i
ousted from the office and T I fn
""I'T" the 0mCe anU U J' I
state inna uoara at LaKcview, has been
' I '
AyL'. 'J'ti, SE!Lj1, i ? i
C?,8'01"0 n . . S"i "Vi
e"e ..anJ,Euena .W1 loa0 a 8Plendld ,
" " . " r , "
"Rich, Raro and Racy Items from
Democrat," is the heuding of five items
n the Corvalhs Gazette Times, taken
from the Albany Democrat.
R. R Howard, who won tho $1,000
prize oitered by tno Portland commer
cial club, is a graduate ot the U. A. C.
I A big score for that college,
j Portland was defeated by Los An-:
I geles yesterday in the first game of the
season b to i; but tne probablity is
Portland will end the season on top.
Kansas City has passed a sharp anti-
hat pin ordinance. There is a big field
for tho invention of a button on the
end of the pin, and this will probably
The Oregon Power Co. has bought
the electric light plant at Brownsville,
and will rebuild it. Power will be
furnished from the power lines running
from Springfield to Albany.
252,621 is Portland's directory census.
two Only an actual count can count cor
j rectly. Estimates are vicious. As a
: matter of fact, though, Portland comes
I pretty closo to the figures.
There has been a goneral rising up
against the old commission robbery
business oi tno past, and now it is re
ported that onlv 25 ner cent ct the
shipments are made on consignment,
! It might be well to place vnur ordser
oarly for spring hats as the New Band
: Box is now and will be r.ihed Low
t prices and latest styles in millinery is
. what counts. All are invited to feast
your eyes.
The five RU;.r.l officers assigned to
Idutyonthe Mexic n border are Maj
May of Portland Capt ll vinnin l of
I e-ugene, Uipt AItuhis of h (.i-ni. t.apt
- viiauiu-i .i ui ijuytiin.' mill L.11 li; iiotcn
'kiss. They will leave for Sandiego
Aopointment as chiof chemist at tho
U. S. Naval Yards at Seattle has been
givei K. V. Williamson of Wells
graduate of th i Ureun Agricultural
College in 09, who his been df pu y
fo id commissioner since teavincnlieire.
He is a brother of Clyde Williamson
ot tms city.
The Stayton Bank.
The State Bank examiner, Wi.
V riht, yesterday took charge of the
May ton Uank in the interest of depos
i'.ors It is said the bnnk has been in
v jived in real estate deals too much.
A Strong One.
Ti.e Kmpiie hv one of tho stronges
pr.igrums on ever seen in the eitv
T reo pjc. ed houses last night. Do
no: f 'll to we this exceptienal program
lonignt ana tomorrow mgni only.
A little cash n ill handle on of the
bot BUYS' ' o' the season in Centra
A Idi inn Smelly a resident district
Aik Collins A Taylor about them.
Deeds recorded:
D. U. Pierce to J. S. Milne, 6
acres $ 1
Gilbert B. Goff to Gilbert B. Goff
Jr, et al several tracts 1
Sarah E. .Tuttle to U. W. Van
Tuyh4S. 58 acres 10
Ralph Robertson to W. H. Kirk,
0.63 acres and the same back. . . 1
H. J Ruiter to Geo. Wicks & wf,
4 lots bl29 H's2nd ad
Edward Holloway to W. C. Ailing
ham, 81.48 acres 1600
C. E. Warner to Claud G. Wassom,
90 acres 1200
Gilbert Peterson to Hannah Han
sen, 5 acres 700
Final receipts filed in estate of David
In estate of Geo. B. Rohertaon, peti
lon Kind foi administrator of estate
valued at about $500,
Marriage license:
and Etta Butler 18.
Gus Schemen 26,
5765 tax receipts issued.
Harold Wint. the thirteen year old
. .,;. : j: eoi I
n ' r- J'u',!'1 '
W4th street, V"u.?.aIt.e.ini.bT! ajLV.e
- e-Pe yesterday "eening about j
4.30 He was attempting to go down:
the cliff between the ice works and'
Bryants bridge, to fish, and had gone a
short distance, when he fell the rest of
the distance upon the rocks below, '
twenty or thirty feet, striking on his
right hip, beaking bis thigh bone. He
was on'y foot ?r tw from th? Pe?e
wa,teri below. It was a marvel that he
"' not " on "is head, ins boy
screamed and soon had assistance. A
boat was secured and he was taken to
l "r l "rT' V i.
H1B noma, wnere ur. ammmugu mieuu-
H hin. nnH na tt,A Vrra I
People have often wondered what
would hapten if some one tell down
this cliff. Nine times out of ten the
result would be fatal.
Prompt service at the Imperial.
Holt again at the Holt corner.
A neat place. Holt's Meat MarKet.
Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery.
. ,
The weather prediction is: fair to-
night and Thursday.
The Empire photoplay house was
packed last nigh. The His Trust Pic-
tuies made a hit. one of the finest
things ever given here.
Apple Scab.
Appie scab is the most serious and
most generally distributed fungus dis
ease of the apple known, and in the
Northweil is particularly severe in
favorable seasoas, west of the Cascade
mountains. The summer spose stage
develops on both foliage ard fruit. As
with all fungus diseases of this nature,
rather than CURATIVE. In any case
the trees should be given at least three
(3) sprayings during the spiing. The
first (1 application Bhould be made as
the blossom buds begin to separate in
the cluster and show cjlor: the second
fijwhnuM ho nnnlied iust as the PETALS
b'ALL, and to this spray should be
added two (2) lbs. Arsenate of Lead, to
each fifty (50) gallons ot Lime-sulphur,
for codlin moth. Be sure to get above
and spray djwnwith heavy preesure in
order to hit and cover all parts thor
oughly; IOI10W mib W1LU n vuuu o
application ten days or two weeks later.
should tnere oe prolongs nm
fourth application may db necessary
and also profitable, as any one of the
diseases of the fruit family renders
them unmarketable.
D. W. KUAlDAUutl, -
Fruit Inspector for Linn Co.
Shoes for the whole family. Look
neat. Don t deyelope corns anu oun-ions.-
Go to Burns Shoe Store.
If your horse has'
Stone's Heave
Drops. Price $1.
For sale by all drug
gists. !
Dr. S. C. STONK, j
Salem - Oregon. '
TERM. Hcgins at Albany College
lulv .10 and will continue to Aug. l'J. !
All' branches for state certificates will
'c taught by the best instructors. Ad-'
vanced work in high school subjects. '
primary and intermediate methods a
spccialtv. Interview Sttpt. V. L. Jack
sun or 'President 11. M. Crooks.
-- "
We Guarantee the
To bo the best hard wheat bluo stem
dour in the city.
The price Is moderate and thequal ty
uniform. . , ,
Call us up for a trial sack, and we II
prove to you that our assertion is
Sold on absolute guaranty.
225 West 2nd St.
,11 HndlM tttUnpOm
Easter is coming gloriously.
The hens should
get busy. Easter
Fortunately man
is not the final
Senator Bailey should
and some more.
re-ign again
v.Mr. Taft is playing golf while his
army plays war.
Not enough whitewash left for Ball
inger after Lorimer had used it all
Mr. Misfit never hils any one
home just talks in general terms.
Getting a right of way is pretty near
equal to an initiation or foot ball game.
A man name Booze is a candidate for
office in Maryland. In Albany he is on
the run.
Teddy, under whose administration
the Trusts flourished as never before,
grills corruption fiercely.
Wonder if the film maker is down in
Mexico. Hope so. Save going down
there to see how it is done.
These days the great men all get on
Chauttuqua lecture courses Cur cwn
George is in the swim this year.
God understands man's weakness as
well as his strength. Men understand
their own strength and other men's
There are men in I he world who seem
to think their particular province is not
only to keep down themselves but to
drag as many others as possible down,
! A gentleman was wondering why
. Main street is called that when iTirst is
really the main street; but Main is the
main street at the east end and is a
good one. When it is paved look out
for some live doings
The meeting of fruit men at th:s city
next Friday m really an important one
not in numbers, but in object. It i
: the purpose to provide for a selling
1 agency for the entire Northwest, thi
' great need of the fruit busines3 of I hi 5
Suction Cleaner
The thorough cleaning of your
home becomes a daily pleasure
when you use the picQfr Suc
tion Cleaner, It is so light
weighing only ten pounds that
you can take it from room to
room up and down stairs with
out effort. It is so efficient that
it draws alt the dirt out of the
carpet and rugs. With its six
special cleaning tools you can
clean anything in the house
clothes, hangings, upholstery,
walls, etc. And you can do all
this cleaning without a speck of dust
all the dust is drawn by suction
into the cloth bag, to be ejected
at leisure. You can use the
jUicHMOHcr with or without hose
attachment it is always portable
always operates simply and per
fectly. Try it in your own home
no expense or obligation. Just
write a postal.
O. S. Mathews
Where all diseases of mind and
body, acute or chronic, are success
fully treated without the aid of either
drugs or knife, by a natural and scien
tific treatment such as Chiropractic,
Mcchano-Tlicrapv, Electricity and
Suggestive Therapeutics.
We make a specialty of Electric
liaths Dry Heat; no vapor or steam
We know and understand our business
irom long experience.
Mrs. O. S. Matthews in attendance
325 LYON
Both Phones
I. H
"Richmond"! i
Marriage license: Clinton A. Hear
ing, 27, Corvallif, and Verta C. Kelly,
22, Albany.
In estate of Mahara Warner inven
tory filed. All property $1505.30.
Will of John M. Barham filed The
two daugheters each received 3 10 of
estate, to the two sons each 15, all
properly to be reduced to money. .
Deeds Recorded:
K. K. Krieus to O. Morris part
of acre $
D. F. Robnett to G. Reynolds &
wf lfiO acres
L. li. Kent te Wm. Ehiert part of
acre Lebanon
Win. Ehiert to J. E. Springer lot
Wm. Ehiert to Winnie Washburn
part of acre
m. J. Turnnidge to Edward
Myers lot Lebanon ; . ...
Wm E Muller to Linn Co. Oreh-
a- d Co 163 acres
Lonar B. Zell io W. E. Muller SO
acres. . ... ...........
Linn Co. Orchatd Co. to H.' H.
Hewitt, trustee, several tracts
Articles filled incorporating the Alb
any Investment Co., with Geo.
Taylor, J. J. Collins, F. J. Devine and
Gale S. Hill as (incorporators. Capital
stock $10,000.
A much needed improvement being
made at the court house is a big rack
for the heavy tax rolls, which will alt
he filed in it according to age. Now it
takes five books a year, where only a
few years ago one or two books covered
the field.
Deeds recorded:
W. C. Hale to E. A. Hale." 480
acres $ io
J. S Rankin to John Reiher, lot
bi 47 H's 2nd ad 10
M. F. Turner to J. L. Ntrdham,
50.09 acres i
J. L. Needham to J. W. Schla--
voight, 50 09 acres 4000
fJ. H. Helm to Elmer B. Barns &
. wf, 120 acres 1
filed in estate of L. H.
Is made easy at our store with the
largest stock of high-grade pianos
ever exhibited in Albany to select
from. $190.00 buys a high-grade piano
at our
Out Sale
with a ten year guarantee from the
factory. Ordinarily a small dealer
pays that much at the factory and
then adds his profit.
sheet music, two conies for ZSc, AH
small musical; instruments at cost, in
cluding fixtures.
402 W. First St. Albany. Oregon.
For barrenness, marcs or cows,
raise a perfect colt, have the mare in
perfect condition before service. You
will raise a coult according to the
condition of the organs before service.
Uo not spend all summer before voti
know whether you will raise a colt or
not. Marcs will do better all the year
after feeding this medicine. Raise a
hue horse. Help nature of the marc.
You will not hope in vain after feed
ing this medicine. ' Only seven days
tccdmg necessary for each mrac. ?3.0O
per box by mail. Wm. Schneider, R.
D. No. 1. Box 25. Albany, Ore.
Xoticc is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Linn county, executor of the
.ast will and testament of L. H. Mon
::in'C. deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate arc hereby
cquircd to present the same to me,
jropcrly verified, as by law required,
at illy office in Albany, Oregon, with
in six months of the (late hereof.
Dated this March 24. 1911.
J. P. ROUERTS. Executor.
C. C. BRYANT, Attorney.
Date of first publication March 24,
1911, last publication April 21, 1911.
Xoticc is hereby given that the ex
ecutors of the will of V. II. Caldwell,
deceased, have tiled with the County
Clerk of Linn County, Oregon, their
linal account as such executors of said
estate, and the County Court of Linn
County. Oregon, has appointed and
fixed Monday, the 17th day of April.
1'I1, at the hour of 1 p.'m. as tkc
time for hearing objections to said
account and the settlement thereof.
Date' of lirst publication, Marc:i
17. 1911.
oi the will of V. H. Caldwell, de.
GALE S. HILL, Atty. for Executory
I ca Kl