DR. HI. SI. HLLIS. Physician ani Surgeon Albany, Oregon Calls madejin city and country. Phone Main 33. Painless Dentistry It our price or hobby oor ttody for ;un and now oar meet?, and nun ii the txt palaiet work to be found Rnr"here, no matter how mash, joa pi J. Coxuyarv our Price. W flnlth plt d liriiifswors for out- ' . .- f pur..' Painlesa oitra.-tinn i-'3r-.3"tf rf" fl-vl1- Coaiullaliw Iret. ''1 MH1--- VvHBl,rC""1 $5-00 ' K 'PfJ , ll(.'i22kBtil,.T..Ik4.00 v'-'-Sj- - 3Mdniifoi 1.00 I, V"" : TSItniiOTlFillinn 1.00 r''JLiv?" ' . a sii Fiiiinn .50 R, W. A. Wilt, Pmvmt iu Muun Pitntaii EttrMfm .50 ti iuii tnuuwu u rutun IUT methods All work t ully guaranteed for fifteen yean, ! Wise Dental Co.tic. Painless Dentists Pinlni Building. TMrd and Washington. PORTLAND. ML OfUccEout: I A. at. to 8 P. 11. Boodaya, 9tal CITATION. i In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Linn county. i In the matter of the estate of Con-' rad Scheubel, deceased. To the unknown heirs at law of Conrad Scheubel, deceased, and all others interested in said estate, greet ing. In the Name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the" County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Linn, at the court room thereof, at Al bany, in said county, on -Monday the 6th day of February 1911 at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why an order should not be made authorizing and directing the admin istrator of the above entitled estate to sell the real property of said estate at private sale as prayed for in the petition of said administrator on file herein, said real property being de scribed as follows, to-wit: Lot No. twenty (20) in block Ho. four (4) in Barton's Addition to the city of St. Johns, Oregon, according to the maps and plats of said Addi tion on file and of record in the office of the county clerk in and for Mult nomah county, Oregon, and lying and being in the county ot Multnoniaii, state of Oregon. Beginning at a point four hundred and titty feet (450 ft.) south, and three hundred and thirty-five feet (335 ft.) west from the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 19, in Township 13 south, Range 11 west, Willamette Me ridian; thence south two hundred and ten feet (210 ft.); thence west two hundred and ten feet (210 ft.) ; thence north two hundred and ten feet (210 ft.); thence east two hundred and ten feet (210 ft.), to the place of begin ning, containing one acre, more or less, in Lincoln county, Oregon. Witness, the Hon. J. N. -Duncan, judge of the county court of the state of Oregon for the county of Linn, with the seal of said court affixed this 14th day of December, A. D. 1910. (Seal) T. W. MILLER, Clerk. By W. L. MARKS, Deputy. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING. In the County Court of Oregon for Linn County. In the Matter of the Estate of I. L. Mtoyer, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have filed their final account as executor and executrix of the above entitled estate, and that the County Court has fixed Monday the 20th day of February, 1911, in the County Court room in the Court House in Albany, Linn County, State of Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account, and for the final approval of said account and the set tlement of said estate. JEFFERSON MYERS, Executor. LAURA L. AMBROSE, Executrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the estate of Conradina Arnold, deceased, has filed her final account in said estate with the county clerk of Linn county, Oregon, and the county judge has set the 20th day of February, 1911, at 1 o'clock p. m. and thev county court room as the time and place for hear ing objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. MINNIE FROMM, L. L. SWAN, Administratrix. Atty for Admx. ZD YtBMS t.r.nitn... v. ' - THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or iketch for INFRINGEMENT aulla conducted betoro all eonrt. Patent obtained thrtraRh as. .OVER TISED and SOLD, free. TRAOE-MANK., PEN SIONS and corTKiunia 'i"--J Opposite u. a. mTerrc winvi WASHINU I uw. r" Tt?c how to obtain patenta, trade mark. coprrlgnta, o, N. all couNTnia.9. BuMnta dirrtl milk Walking! tavti Umt, momry and cftr Ikt patrnl. Pitairt tnd lofriitnmeirt PnctiM Eelrfly. Write or coma to na at t nuk tM, . Vtrtal ttaM Mart Mba. THURSDAY. THE DEVIL IN DRAMAS. Another good sized audience faced Dr Riley, at the armory last night, this lime from the east. The platform was changed from the side to the end, hav ing a good many twists of the neck to reach the audience. SnmP trnnri mucin n,itk it.ia, h.. Prof, and Mrs. Guthrie, opened the uyeiimir a prugram. Dr. Riley spoke very plainly on the subject of the devil in the modern drama, backing up his statements with many experiences of people active in the world. He declared most actors and actresses immoral people, dissolute and sensual, living bad lives off the stage, and that the influence of the average play is never for good, the exceptions being few. This afternoon he spoke on the Smallest Gift of the Spirit, and tonight his theme will be The Devil in the Mod ern Dance. Whether you dance or not go and hear his view of the important subject, presented without sensation. me nuurs ior me meetings at the armory are 3:30 and 7:30 p. m. There will be bo change in this time at any time during the meetings. The Musical Kindergarten. Miss Houck's class in Musical Kin dergarten, of Albany College Conserv atory of Music, will give a program marking the close of the second term's work in the studio at Tremont Hall at Thr"e o'clock Friday. Important feat ures of the entertainment will be some regular class drill work, a patriotic drill, and a short musical sketch entitled "The Walking of the FlowerB." This program will be of great interest to parents of young children, revealing to them, as it will, the excellent oppor tunity that Albany College offers for primary musical training. All persons interested are invited. The Musical Kindergarten will take up the work of the third term on Monday morning. Ic will be a good time for new members to enter the class. Letter List. The following letters remain in the Albany. Ore.. Dostoffice uncalled for March 22. 1911. Persons desiring any of tnese letters snouid call tor advertised letters, giving the date: W P. Breckenndt, W. f. Chase, Theo Covert, (latlie East. Wm Fox. Percy F. Freeman, George Geiwick, Wm. R Grout, Mrs. Eva Lekavee. Jack Miller, lha. Paterson, Williams Store. I J. S. Van Winkle, P. M, More Pine Birds, Jas. A. Hoag will return in the morn ing with a fine lot of prize birds, se cured at Pctaluma, White Wyandotte?, Black Minorcas and Baired Plymouth Rocks. They will be exhibited in the show window of W. F. Ffeiffer, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Geo. Prichard, of Portland, has been in tne city. The weather prediction is fair tonigh1 and Friday. Oregon's penitentiary is full and running over. Miss Watson, of Portland, is visiting at tr. fl. Xoung s. L. H. Fish and son Henry, left this noon for Norton. Hard to beat auy where, the Chambers & AlcLune show windows. Beginning March 27 1000 mile books will be issued by the b. f. H. H. Hewitt went to Corvallis this noon to attend Judge Harris court. Don Nevergall and family are here from Cuba, ill., wun a view oi locating Tom Richardson will leave next Mon day for Baltimore to boost for that city at a Dig salary. Harry Curran has retured from Salem, and has accepted a position in Conrad Myei'a bakery. $80 3 being raised at Corvallis to buy a lever chair for Riley Lobaugn, .and $65 25 ho9 been secured, Dun't fail (o See Chambers & Mc Cune's windows during the evening The electrical effect is beautiful. Beam-Fletcier Co., next door west to store, while same is being improved Call there for groceries and produce. A sistef of Mrs. Hugh Cleek arrived this noon from Puyallup on a visit. Sht recently returned from California. Portland has another tragedy. Yes terday in the Turn Halle Cafe, in the presence of a crowd, Owen Ogden shot his wife, killing her. If thislteeps on it will be impossible to touch Corvallis with a twenty foot pole. Ben Lindsey is to be there April 10 and Joe Folk April 12. That's a big ad. of the Blain Clothing Co. on the 4th pag. They have a tig stock back of it. and some fine show windows to show the goods. E. H. McCune has just received from Boston a blooded bull pup that will now set the style among the dogs of the town. He is a dandy. Coming from Boston why not call him lieans. Col. W. D M. Mercer went to Cor vallis to lecture tonight on Abraham Lincoln He is ?. tugene man. Mrs Halhe Parnsh Hinges will sing, ant President Kerr will do the introducing. At Sjl m yesterday Homer Daven port bv in suit for divorce against his wife. H-. alleges cruel and inhuman treatment. They have three children who arr- receiving $100 a week for their support, which be is willing to continu to pay. District Attorney D. V. Kuykendall, a former U.U. athlete, has a recor.l At Klamath Falls he secured the con victionof thirteen out of fifteen men nn for crimes, that unlucky number being aent to the penitentiary. That if evidently a tougn country, it uxes a rood many years for Linn to send thir teen men to the pen. CITY COUNCIL Bryant Park Accepted. Move ment for Cheaper Pavement. Present All officers and councilmen. Bills wore allowed: I. Keinhart S2230. C. G. Rawlings $21 65; Wood Bros. $2 22, E R. Cum- niings tl 7o, Burknait & Lee Jl zt. Watson Bros. $7 41, O. S Rowell $1 20. H. R. Kirsch $S 75, Albany Lumber Cr. $110.49, Albany Sand & Crave! Co. S4.00, Port. Fl. Co. $14 00, Peter Riley $85.00, M. Senders & Co. $58 35, Bnr- rett Bros. ,50c. Hulbert Online Co. $9.19, F. W. Horsky$1.35, R. D. Snell SDb.oO, r. reterwan 8.4o, t-J McLunn $12.40. C. Mosier $11 25. Geo. West $11 25, Fred Wolz $20 00. Chas. Hewes $7.50, Geo. Simons $28 7o,Hera!d $31 00. C. M. Holt $4 00, John (Jatlin $2.50. Superintendent Sies recommended the following: Sidewalks 5th St bl. 14 E. A.; 4th St. bl. 6 E. A.; 3rd St. bl. Ill H's a-; 9th bl. 71 Curbs-9th St. block 68, each side Ellsworth 3rd to 9th. Parties on alley batween Ellsworth and Lyon 1st and 2nd were ordered to clean same. The Chinatown discussed. nuisance was again The city attorney and recorder were directed to prepare resolutions for the e xorcement oi oroer ior cement stue walk at the College, north side. Craft & Miller were granted permis sion to erect a brick building 24 ft. 9 inches by 80 feet, 2 stories, at Second 1 & Ferry Sts. - ; Remonstrances were read against ! paving 3rd street Washington to Cala-; pooia, and 4th street Washington to Main. Referred. Bid for pavine Ellsworth street was opened. There being one by the War lenCo. ; $2.05 for bitulithic, 75c for excavations, 20c filling, 40c headers. n bu basins, $iz.ou inlets, vuc pipe. . Continued. I An ordinance was read providing for a city hall, on block 7, on property 89 by 103 feet, to cost not over $11,000. i 1 his is tne livery staple corner. Re ferred to committe on ordirances. , Resolutions were passed providing for paving Ferry St. 1st to Water St. ' Estimated cost $ib.Y ara at. uaia pooia to Baker. Estimated cost $17, 337 10. Resolution was passed providing for plans for sanitary sewer or sewers in tiacKieman s znd and a.o addition. Referred to committee on streets and public property and city engineer. The matter of the acceptance of the offer of Mr. and Mrs. Bryant of 44 acres for a city park, to be known as Br -ant's Park, was considered, dis cussed, and a resolution waB passed accepting the same. Ayes - Marshall, Simpson, Miller, Chambers. No Curl, Snell. Under the resolution the charter is to meet the emergency under -the direction of a committee of three and city attorney. Mayor Wallace appointed Councilmen Simpson, Marshall and Chambers as such committee, to confer with city attorney Swan, in securing the proper amendments to the charter. r The ma.ter af the Train sewer was continued, after discussion. Councilman Miller reported a very sa'isfactory concrete pavement in Salem and Portland made for about $1.10 a square yard. A good thing for the residence portion, more durable than any other, and just as good as any other. Complaint was made of a pool of water near the Franklin House. Re ferred with power to act, to Superin tendent RieB. The Elm street grade was again dis cussed and cussed, and again referred. The street car was again whacked. News from Albanys Trains. Six Early Bishop Scadding returned from Cor vallis, where he gave his fourth lecture, this one on Newman, the Cardinal. Mrs. Finch, mother of the late Jame, Finch, a woman of splendid character, went to Brownsville on a visit with friends, after a visit here at the home of Mrs. Shea. John Clelen left for Plainview on a trip to his former farm, which he sold a few months ago. Mr. Clelen, now seventy years of age, has pretty well cleaned up his property and is in a po sition to take things easy after a busy life. Lawyer J. Fred Yates, one of Cor vallis' most succesful attorneys, re turned to that city. G. A. Phipps, traveling missionary for the S.S., went north. Mrs. Frank Reiner returned to Port land after a visit at Mrs. Wagner's. Bert Stevens went to Portland. A. B. Banta went to Salem on a col lecting tour. m iss Myrtle Pease returned from a trip in the country, looking after some of her 300 children. Several young fellows left for Mill City to work in the mill. They keep coming and going. JeBse Sawyer, wife and six ctiiMren, just from Nebraska, left for Browns ville, where they have rented property ind will remain until permanently lo cated. A drummer, leaving, remarked: wife gives me hl when I smoke, don't do it at home." Rev. Hunsaker returned to Stayton, where he is now residing. Myers, a suburbai banker down at Portland, is being chised by angry d praitors, and is in hiding. Myers file articles of incorporation for a bank n Albany several years ago, hut f i unalely kept out of Alb tny He w., mown to be a wildcatter and P'op vero f jolish to trust him. ALBANY'S STYLE SHOW. Albany's first annual style show be .an today, with much interest in the hue decorations and displays of the four stores making it a specialty; but there is also a general fixing uo, in keeping with the spirit of the event. Thedieo rations are rarely excelled even in the big metropolitan stores. What counts more is the fact that the goods are here, the ve.y latest in styles that are sensible. There may not be harem skirts, but there is everything up-to date in millinery ami suits for the women, as fresh and smart as ii would find in New York itself. Albany hRs reason to be proud of its stores. The fact that neoDle come here I from all over this part of the state to : truiie, maKing Aioany a center, speaKS forjtself. Visit the stores and see for yourselves. MARRIED. Kelley Spink. -In Portland on Sun- day, March 19, Mr. Geo. H. Kelley j and Mrs. Mary E. Spink were united in marriage. They arrived in Albany this , noon on their wedding trip and to visit I Albany friends. Both are former resi- dents of A'bany, the formei being in the employment of ths Southern Pacific for soaij time, the latter prominent among the pioneer residents of the city. They reside in Portland, I Mrs. Petersan Held for Court. Higher Mrs. Inez Peterson was held by the court at San Francisco yesterday for the higher court and last night was spent in jail. He declared the woman a dangerous criminal. Her bail was placed at $10,000, which is prohibitive. tu im-iueiit. was me receipt ui la letter read telling how Mrs. Peterson once tried to blackmail H. W. Corbett for $100,000, sent by F. C. Middleton. j Albany people who knew Mm. Peter son are watching with great interest the progress of the caBe. There are those here who went to school with her, and many who knew her well. Death of W, B. Sharinon. r ou a.,, . ar l. hanr.on, an "B Id resident of North Albany, died this forenoon. He as in the gardening busines for many years. Mr. tahannon won the gold medal at the St. Louis fair on Fran-! quette walnuts. He' leaves a wife, son Herbert of Bremerton, and daughter, Miss Cora. i Mr. Shannon was 82. He was a member of St. John's lorltre. and will h hri,i n. , vices at the undertaking tmrlnra at 2 n. m. Saturday Hunting an Excuse. Presidio. Texas, via Marfa. Mr. 22. Shortly after the crossing of sur plica from Presidio intended for Mexican troops besieged in Ojinaga on the op- nosite bank of the Rio Grande had been stopped- today, bullets from federal rifles feel among a detachment of United States troops guarding the American side of the river. An expla nation has been demanded of general Luque in command of the Mexican troops Died at Harrisburg The funeral of Mrs. Ella Mendenhall, of Harrisburg. took place yesterday afternoon at that city. .Mrs. Menden hall wa3 a daughter of the late Enoch Holt, a resident of Harrisburg most of her life. She was 54 years and 8 months of age. She leaves two sons, both resi dents uf Harrisburg. Mrs. Mendenhall was a cousin of Mrs N. A. Blodgett of lis city. In the City. G. D- Burdick, Salem. Land Hamilton & wf, Portland.' Eva Quinn, Lyons. Fred T. Bi'yeu. Scio. W. I. Clodfelter & wife, Springfield. M. M. Hamilton, Portland. John H. Shewry, Portland. Prof. E. F. Carlton. Salem. Roy Case, Paul and Jos. Chatterton, Newport, FRIDAY. F. F. Folsom is here from Kent, Wash. G. T. -rt ilson, of Medford, has been in the city C. R Daniel, of Lethbridgo, Alberta, is in the city. Mealey Bros., the Foster s w mill -nen, came down last night. Mrs. L. E. Hamilton returned yester lay from her California trip. E D Hnrgan. a leading Coryahis at orney, has been in the cily. Ashland may be the second city that lecures an armory. It is di:n its part well. Mrs. Chas H. Stewart has returned from a visit with relarive3 in Southern California. Mrs. F. W. Watson, of Electron, Wash., is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Hale. Rev Geselbracht went to Eugene h's aftprnnon to deliver an addrrse ni.i.l i before the Y. l C A. Mr and Mrs. Herb Shannon, of Bremerton, nrrived this noon .o attend th'." funTi I of Mr. Shannon's father. l)- rront Church, of Walla Walla, wat in ih cily this afternoon on a visit with his cousin, "tss Anna riinn. Mr. I. W. Starr and daughter, Miss jcorgia, and Mrs. J. F. Venner and lauvhti r Leonia. prominent Browns l lie ladies, have been in the city today. Mrs Harry Craw, of Portland, left for home this .fisrnoon by way of the West Side, Mr. Craw now ruining in that road, her mil her, ml: Geo Will's accompanjing her to Corvallis. ) ffvi wo n 0 BAKING POWDER Absolutely Puro Makes Homo Baking Easy SAVES FLOUR BUTTER ESGS And makes the cake lighter, finer flavored, more sightly, and Insures Its freedom from alum. Royal Cook Book 800 ReceipttFnt. StniName mi Aiinu. ROYAL BAKINO POWDER DIEDAT87. Mrs. Hannah J., wite of the late John Bilyeu, died at Lebanon this morning, nt the home of her son, at the age of 87 years. She was a pioneer of the 40'b. a woman of sterling worth, prom input in the early life of the county. were full of Interest, Prof. Guthrie con The following children survive her: ducting a vigorous song service. Rov. J. M. V. ISilyu, of Albany; v,j)iam, E.on read the scripture and Rev. Geit oi jeuerson; ueo, oi ocio, jbk oi rvi- berta, Len of Labanon. Mrs. Geo. Wil- fonc of California; and Mrs. Lydia Curl Washington. -- Five from Oregon. . . . . u oc, n j Washington. March 23-Apportioned among the states and territories ... Cording, to their militia Btrength their militia Btrength, 200 national guard officers will be sent to San Antonia and thirty-five to San Diego, Cul.. on April 5 fir two weeks' .r..tn.tsr.ni rUi with thr, rfitrulni-. T.U- J,tf ,r.n,o tr. onn.l o total of 1000 militia officers to the man- covers at federal expense. The number officers apportioned to Idaho is 2, Wash ington 4 and Oregon 5 All will go to Sun Diego. ' m Attention, Particular Feet " To the class of Oxfords, Pumps and Shoes displayed in Chambers & Mc- Cune's opening windows, they are - the highest class novelties evor shown in Alhany, and the best lines of footwoar manufactured in America don t let the beauty of the other things attract vour attention from the shoes. A Jersey froni N. -Y. Henrv Stewart, of near this city, has just received from Pembroke Farm, N V.ua fi,!lCrJerry bU u d?6D 1 , ii of the Meha Ams. He is a fine fellow and will make a great addition to' h. IB growing herd of pure bred Jersies. The Weather. Range of temperature 57-41. Rainfall ,05 inch. The river has risen and is 5 feet. Prediction: occasional rain tonight and Saturday. D. O. Woodworth has bought Cadillac automobile of Barrett Bros. John R. Swinton, a prominent Portland insurance man, committed suicide yc terday Some Greeks at Eugene upon being accused of being thieves offered $500 to anyone who could prove it. The Kev. P. K. Hammond of Eugene will nreach at the Lenten service at S'. Peter's Episcopal church tonight at 8 o'clock. - Don Nebergall, who just arrived here I from uba, HI , has accepted a position with Holt as meat cutter. He is an ex pert and a genial man. U. O. will play foot ball with Willam ette Oct. 21, Washington tho 28ih, Whitman Nov. 4, Wash., Nov. U. Idaho the 23rd and Multnomah tho 30th, with O. A. C. nit. Piof, A. C. Schmitt and others wil go ,o Portland tomorrow to inspect tho . Sunnvsido Presbyterian church, for n .mtApi rt. , n j nun, a it'ino ennrr-n in go np at Ferry and Ninth this summer. Tho stvie Bhows yesterday afternoon were crowaea witn peupio irom neru - , J - I" I ind outside towns viewing the splendid display of spring goods, and as well nd - miK!le.C: ... tiro U. Eight years ago Mrs. Morgan sold her mm ui 8, o.o ........ " , ncing abunt fi! an acre, imtirny the farm was again sold to a tuw comer, and the price paid was $1 25 nn icre, $11,75,0 a decidedly big in;retso Chis. Robinson, the boy wh hit S d ney Pitman, at Medfurd, with a shovel, raining him, has been given his libit ty, he grand jury refuting to indict him Young Pitman had cau,e f'ir aniier. 'itman was in Aibanv a few dy teforo the U uole, with Robinson'! mother. o CO.. NEW YORK. jTHE DEVIL IN THE DANCE. ! There was a fine audienco last night at the armory. The opening exercisea ouereu piayer. j. no special music waav a song by the United Presbyterian choirquartot. I Dr. Riley spoke on tho dovil in the ' modern dance. 1st John 2:17. "Love no', the wjrl.l, neither the things in the world." ! This is not a sensational subject, but , a practical Christian topic. The card table, dance and theater UIU HII (II ufpunibiuii IU mc uuvviiiild ""? . , , , c ah poopio are not oau wno approve the modern dunco. T 'e arguments are not good onesj , that of producing grace. A good bird dog 18 graceful. l'llVSlCOl CXOrCIBQ IS a11 riKht, , Ireful movement is all you want lot the men and women dance It is claimed it is in social favor. The Biblo tenches temperance in all i:ood things, and total abstinence in evil, things. Social tavor indicates nothing. It iB deleterious to the body, injurious to the mind, destructive to. the soul. The modern danco was born in a low- ! dive in Southern Europe, it went to 1 Paris, and thence into the society of the world, Anything that stimulates passion is injurious to the body, and the exercise is excessive. The danco is not conducive to intol- ' lectuality and the soul is absolutely in leonurdv Human nature is the same in the parlor as it is in the public dunce hall. Three-fourths of the fallen women of the big cities got their start in dance halls. The charm of life is not in these things, but in doing the will of God. I The Second Coming of Christ, one of ! Bt iri,oroa, , PgrUHnn r,r,r.i rl Ihis afternoon Dr. Kiley spoke on Ktcui luiuietu iu uiiriBtiuu uuumo, mm . inn;L U;D n,,t,;nnt n,ill t.a TUn D..II 1 1 r. 1 - i . . uiiiiji... .. it. u .. u f -... ' .u Li n: nit, Kduay Livurt:o. News from Albany's Six Trains. Early R. F. Shier, of the Black Eagle ; Mines, went to Oorvallis to make ar ; rangements for one of the Thorpe gas a bline trucks, which will be tried out I between Gates and the M Ines. If it works well eight or ten will be needed for hawling ore. They will carry twolve tonB, but not over five will be hauled over the rough mining roads. Dall Perry, of Berry & Perry, com edians and acrobats, left for the Sound, to remain until Berry's leg is well. ' . ',,;"' L.liL They will probably then go east. The I.Mfn..'" succesB oi tneir Col. J. B. Eddy, right of way man oa the S.P., left for Priceboro. When Col. ! Roosevelt reaches Oregon there may i be a reunion of the Cols J. T. Wentworth left on a Portland trip. Harold Hobbs came down from Leb non. ' Prof. Resslor, of the O.A.C., arrived uii mi, wn, iiuiim Kiley Waller went out to Lebanon to : . , ,B7; 1. U. 11 A. . Hull loft on a Drownsvillo real . . . I ,:; ,, ;!ii ;n tt ifl , ' w; 1 hance' m, 'pector, left for K.'Weatherfordwentto Corvallis. , to attun(, j til,,h Cronise, left with his sample - case ior pointB norm. E. K. Cummings went to Lebanon. Also Mr. Keck ley, the furniture man. Dr. C. C. Wright, V.S., camo down from Lebanon on a Jefferson trip. He reports a good business in his new field. Henry Hays, of Kings Valley, re turned home. Harry Shea returned from Eugene, where he had been after hides for the tannery. J. M. Hawkins left for Portland. W. A. Barrett went to Portland.