NAIW GARB 1 W T Mil l'.Orf. MKisM VHCA CLOTH IS CUT IT AIGHT Ai WELL BE CUT RIGHT. OUR ALRZAbY TAILORED Gj4RMET ARE FROM THE SAMPPIET MODELS. OUR STYLES ARE 1EYER MSHIOrtS, BUT UP-TO-THE-AOACAT, Atib ALWAY& POSSESS TIL4T LITTLE "SOAETHWG" WHICH IAKE& THEA DIFfEREAT. OUR STOCK .IS FULL CT "AICK-MCKS" IAAUAERi4BLE At& DRESS MTERMLS, PROPER IA SMDE FOR THIS SESOA. VE HAVE WHATSOEVER YOU WISH. LINGERIE WAISTS MiMDn t dispute If the momentous question arises: Where are the most beautiful Lingerie Waists to be found?" and the answer comes quick as a flash: THE HAMILTON STORE-don't argue. If you are a woman .??,e and Judment. and if you've looked 'round YOU'LL NOT TAKE ISSUE. Prices ranging up to $5, and the garments are works of art in filmy materials and trimmings. SPRING SUIT; The materials call for old names, but there are odd and pretty effects never seen before. Worsteds in dainty plaited basket weaves; plain and two-toned, unfinished hairline striped fabrics, men's suitings refined for women's wear, crisp voiles, Scotch homespuns, frizes and crashes that celtic fancy has brightened with delicate tints. The coats have the jauntiness of Eton shortness ranging from 23 to 26 inches. Semi-fitted styles that you'll hear referred to as "FRENCH BACK." Some of the fronts are straight others swerve "cutaway." The seams have been changed since last season. They now run full length of the garment. The first freshness about skirts is their high girdle tops. Not only "smart," but sensible, too. Plain flare, box-plaited backs, open at side. Other suits show other marks low lapping rivires, shaped slashing, peasant sleeves, others continuous with the shoulder; braiding and piping or bare of trimmings. We've written a few lines, but remember, we've HUNDREDS OF NEW SUITS from which to choose. Let them get before vou and thev will change your mind about WAITING. THE HAMILTON STORE Albany Democrat Eritbrod at the post oflico,;Albany,Or, tucid di le n nil it nlti r. F. T. Nutting Our Wants. DRESSMAKI.sG.- Work guaranteed. Evening gowns, tailored skirts, shirt waists a specialty. Suit alterations. Mrs. Tyler, Bilyeus, 3U6 Klsworth St I'hone 550-J 9t TO Mil. HOME SEEKER. Do you want a fine subu rbun homu joining tho city limits, consisting of nine acres, with good K room dwelling, large barn, all well improved, easy terms, if so see either of Iho following SartieB, Collins & Taylor." J. V. Pipe, . A. Howard, t' M. French. 21t 1. OVED. Tho harness shop of Chaa. Wagner, to ('"erry Btreetnear Second. Call there for good work in hitdness and aaddelry.' DRESSMAKING. Fashionable dress muking at reasonable prices BURKHART & BURNETT. Bell phone 2U-K Lyon St: tl3 EGGS. For setting, single and rose como mack nlinorcas, 1 60 a setting, Hult Orphington $1.00 setting. W. E. Baker, Sunrise, Home Black 2981. tMl FOR QUICK your property with Gray & Feebler, Real Estate Agents, 2nd and Lyon Sts. 16t foO.OOO.-Do you want a loan, or to make a loan, see J. u. (. nnsly, Atty. 1 ot MADE IN ALBANY, Show" cases, counters, and other store fixtures, first-class goods, by the Union Furni lure Factory. Order of htm. Keep money at your noma. EGG3. Brown Lechorn. chcuo in in. cuhktor lota. W. 11. Curry, U. D. 5. Fhone Home 3455. 14t HAY. Some nico grain hav, and seed oats for lo. C. R. Widmer, R. D. 4. Fhone Home 2301. 23t GOOD BEDS and absolute cleaninosa at Walton's Rooming House. New and modern. Schultmew brick, next door to opera house. FOR SALE. 8 ft. cedar posts and anchor posts at the Shingle Mill. It IF THERE IS ANYTHING in the fruit tree line you are in need of call and sco W. A Ledbetler, he h .s a nice lot of apples, peaches and walnuts for your Inspection. At tho corner of 414 Washington St., Albany. Oregon, FIANO TUNING.-Leave orders for insno tuning at Davenports House or Woodworth's Drug Store. C. M. Henderson, Tuner, FIRE INSURANCK Best companies, Low rates. C. C. Bryant. WOOD FOR PALE.-Short slab. Call at Shingle Mill. CIIF.AP LAND. Large list (rood farms mailed free. R, W. Tripp. Hrowns ville. Or. lot GARBAGK. If west ofLyon street 60c month. S B I'rnny the garbage man, Home phone 30.1. j GARBAGE. Fred Rainwater look I ' after garbage. Fhone Home 2308, GLASS. AR war and kinds, for sad at the Albany 1'laninf Mill, caeayer Uum aywWa nice In Albany. Sk li ft U imlrvA. FOR SALE. A couple acres, close to North Albany school, one acre in fruic. Price $750. Mary E. Perfect, R. D. 4. Home phono 2041. 27t WANTED. Experienced hounekeeper. GI2 Mnple. 2ot FOR SALE. A good 4 by 6 folding camera at a bargain by Ralph Mc Kechnie, 317 E Fourth St. tl FOR SALE. A Jersey cow, fresh. Mrs. Mart Miller. Bell phone Farm ers 28. 25t FOR SALE. - Indinn runner duckegga. F. M. Mitchell. Home phone 2704. FOR SALE Lot 67 bv 111 on West GO) atreet. See W. F. PfeifTer. 3-2t FOR SALE.- 1 lot. 1 block north of Hospital on Ellsworth St. See D. Busard. 23t FOR SALK Thoroughbred black Orphington cockerels. Jas. A. Iloag & Son. All nay, box 205. FOR RENT.- A new 7 room house on 2nd Ht. Bath room, hot and cold wuter. electric lights. Inquire of F. M. French. HERE IS THAT TYPEWRITER -A Visible Underwood No. 4 at $40 00 ana r ay tnoles Ne. 7 at $25 00. Both I machines in A l condition. See them at Rawling8. ' WANTED -wld setting hens that aro j wuiniiiencing to sot. Jas A. Hoag & Son, Albany, Box 205 Good j price will be paid. 14t i FOR RENT. Housekeeping andsleip- k luuuia. uira orycu, Bauer, Det. 2nd and 3rd. FOR SALE,-Five room, new modern bungalow, rooms light, fire nlace, china closot and dutch kitchen. See owner 516 West 11th St. 20t FOR RENT. - 32 acres pasture land juai nsi ot tiacKioman a Grove. Write A. M. Williams, McMinnville, Oregon. ' cnR L' 1 1 i. i . . . i-v anuc in a nargain, two lots and two ho-js s on Tbird and Railroad Sts. Price $2700 00, bv owner, G. W. Simpson, 403 Commercial Block, Fort land, Oregon. lot , FOR SALE. Farm of 20 acres, one and a half miles from Albany, new 7 room house and barn, running water all year, give immediate possession with crops. Terms, half dowr. and balance in easy payments. Inquire at 330 S. Mnin. t2 PLANTS FOR SALE. Red and white currunts. Loganberries, Dowberr'cs, Lvberg blackberries. Address: Iver C. Duedall, Albanv, Oregon. Hmc i IIOIIU I 11'. 1 It SOMETHING WORTH READING, A valuable aid to the voters of Ore gon in sizing up their servants in the legislature is furnished by a book just published, "Behind the Scenes at Sa lem." It was written by Carl Smith and H. P. Edward, correspondents for a Portland newspaper during the ses sion. In this book, attractively ar ranged and pleasingly phrased, things are told of intrigue and log o!ling that have never before been printed. supplementary to the story of the session, which is told by giving a chapter to each important bill, strik ing comment on the result, or lack of result, of the lawmakers' work is found in contributions by prominent members of the legislature of both parties and by four ' newspaper cor-, respondents, aside from those' who publish the book. That politics marred the session is the nearly unanimous view. Speaker Rusk, Representatives Eaton and Hrownhill, Senator McCul loch and Col. E. Hofer arc among the contributors. Xot less interesting than fiction is the hitory of some of the legislation and attempted legislation at Salem. Indeed, this book shows that some of the most interesting things transpired in connection with bills that failed to pass and the secret ramifications of the political game, played by seasoned veterans of standpatism. Important roll calls are given, so each voter can tell where his senator and represen tative stood at a glance. "The Old Guard in the House," "The Senate and the Oregon System." "Hid liowcrman Play Politics," "The' Mat balary mil, Ihc speakership Fight," "How Selling Won." "Amend ing the Initiative Laws," "Rural Sus picion Kills Good Roads," "What the Corporations Killed," these chapter titles give a good idea of i4e meat that lies within the 80 attractive pages, which arc printed on good paper and carry half-tone cuts of Governor West and prominent lawmakers. The closing feature of the book is a personal estimate of each member of the house and senate with regard to his fidelity to progressive ideas and his value as a legislator. Here is found some pointed comment, for it i the habit of the writers to deal with plain English. It is a book the voters will relish, for it gives information they cannot otherwise obtain, and it tells the things they want to know about the men sent to Salem to repre sent them. PERSONAL John Leary returned (his noon from a Portland trip. ! Mrs. Nona Williams, of McMinnville, ' joined her husband, Kev. A. M. Wil liams here today to look after their ' new addition, named after Mrs. Williams, , Winona Park, which was recently sur : veyed. i Bert Westbrook, of Cottage Grove, is here today after a visit with his mother in Salem He has sold the hotel Cottage Grove. He continues to like Albany and thinks there isn't anything better. He hasn't decided where he will locate yet. D. W. Myers, of Dilley, Washington county, arrived last night on a Linn county visit. Mrs. Myers has been here several davs visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary F. Rhoades. at 1037 E. First St. They have soldtheir Washington county farm at a profit of $2300, and after school is out expect to come here to reside. In the City. GOOD TEETH Are Necessary To Good Looks Good Digestion Good Health b- "t Chas. M . jSendelback. Marahfield. M. A. Wyall. Corvallis. G. H. Corner, Giants Fass. Carl A. Peterson, Springfield. W. C. Allingham. Sisson. K. R. Stowards. Toledo. L, B Davis & wf. Portland Geo. J. Wi'.V-ilm, Harrisburg. H. H. Fisher. Eugene. Walter E. Bliss, Portland. 1 -w "V3 fVTv 1 -L. -tjfc 1 vjf Tfcj Dr. W.-A. COX i The Gusranlee Optical Company have ' a large and new stsck of all styles of spectacles and eye glasses, also a va riety of Hair pins and Ear loop chains and chain holders. We guarantee ac curate fitting of lenses and frames. Stock at Dawson's Drug Store. More than one thousand satisfied patients have been treated for tooth troubles in my office since I opened September 15th, 1910, and WHY? BECAUSE they have all received the best work which is GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS, and at a price that was within the reach of all. My terms arc cash when the workis finished, but an examination and estimate COSTS YOU NOTHING. DR. W. A. COX, PAINLESS DENTIST 225 W. FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. FOR SALE by the owner, a six room! u. i -im iwnioij. rontrt of to.wn, pr o a T T" half block from High achool. Apply f UK O ALL. .... i'"--"'") o r.iiffi n sirevl. II. Harns. TURKISH AND RUSSIAN DATilS. Corvallis, under Htnton t'i'untv Na tional Bank, open after Mondav, March 20. Ladies day, Tuesdays and Fridays. R L. Taylor & Son, pro prietors. Home phone 105 tlii FOR ALL KINDS OF BARGAINS in farm property and homestead rehn Quishments and government land opened up for ei.try, close to railroa.1 in Crook countv, write to Bruce Hood, Madras, Or , real estate agenl and home stead locator. It! FOR SALK. Linn County ranch, 861 acres. B. M Payne, owner. Albany, Oregon. (Both phones.) 14 lots and 2'a acres in Elkins Addi tion cheap anil on time, if desired. We have owned this property longer than the banking law allows snd aro com pelled to sell at once. Ask us to show Vou the propertv. J. W. CUS1 K &CO , BANKERS. J St FOR SALE- A good eight room house close to two schools. Cheap. See or address, Owner, Democrat office. j WANTED Dining room and kitchen help, at the Broadalbin. EGGS. Full blood brown Leghorn, full blood Buff Orpington, $5.00 per hun dred, also some brown Leghorn lay ing pulltts for sale, Mrs. Dresser. : Bell phone Suburban 6014. tl ; FOR SALE. One cottage and lot in W Albany. Good sized garden, chick- i en park and different kinds of berries. ' Inquire at 934 W 6th St. , t28 ' FOR SALE. Pure bred, Barred Ply mouth Rock eggs for setting. SI per 15 at the yard Also incubated Barr- . ed Plymouth Rocks and Brown Leg-; hi rn chicken:-. Mrs. Frork Kit hen, Salem Road. Phone Home Black. '-'S3 2tit WANTED.-Gill to do gi neral home work. RtW 4'h st. and Jackson. Phone Home 1145. t4 PIGS FOR S vLE -Also 1 6 vear old horse weight about 1300 Call Bell 16x1 or see G. B Peehler. 27t j FoR RENT. A suit of front room, in j the Brenner block. Fannie Brenner. 327 W Srd St. 127 l.O I S l OR SALE At the corner ot 7th and Main streets. Well drained. Sewer connection. Five minutes walk to Madison street school, to three stores, meat shops and barber shop. One block to chair factory, and five minute' walk to Albany Lumber Co.'s mill, the Union Furni ture Factory and car shops. Two blocks from the proposed electric line. These lots are in the center of manufacturing district. Home Phone 1107. or call on T. P. Hackle- STORMY WEATHER is sure to come. It comes in finance as well as in climate. We aim to conduct, not only a fair weather bank, but one that will withstand the storms. A bank's assets and liabilities always balance. We have $1.33 for every dollar that'we owe de positors. Our aim is to be safe, rather than big-. n 'e conduct no other business and have no preferred depositors. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY, OREGON H. S.RICHARDS Violin Maker and Repairer Bows refilled. Old and new violin for rale. Violin instructor. 32 years exper ience. 615 E. 6th etreet, Albany, Or. CEMENT WORK Eatimates given on Plaittering,(6ide rilk and Cement Work. J.F. TRAVER, 4th A Calarool man. t27 J