Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, March 31, 1911, Page 1, Image 1

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NO :5
For Honest Information and Courteous
Call at the
Office 106 K. 1st St., Albany. Or.
See' Ben
nmnn t k 11'IIVTfi-
or phone 3692 blackHoroe, 456-Y Facifie.
Easter is Coming !
We have a fine line of Easter Cards
and Novelties, Chicks, Ducks, Rabbits,
Baskets and Eggs from One Cent up,
Come early and get the cream of the lot
Opening Days
Spring Nineteen Eleven
Your Inspection Invited
1 1 ill W' 1
- , .7 j ir",'i vL
' Me," "Showers of Blessings" and other
', hymns were sung with feeling, lea by
I Prof. Guthrie. Kev. Gordon, who has
: been kept at homo by illness, was
j present and gave the scripture reading.
Rev. Douglas offered the prayer of the
' evening. Suecinl music was that of a
male chorus.
Dr. Kiley spoke with judgment on
the subject of the Devil in the Easy
Divorce, a matter of every day concern.
This was treated under three heads:
the Devil's plan, the divine way, and
Most divorces are bepun bv women.
; The devil wants people to marry and
t eparate as often as they like.
Under the divine appointment man
nnd woman are made one upon marriage,
equal, and they love the other as them
selves. There is only one cause that
justifies divorce.
A good many apt illustrations were
given upon the subject to establish the
fact chat the devil is at the bottom of
most of the divorces.
! More of God's love is needed in mar-
, ried life, making the interest of the
nome supreme.
Unless divorced on scriptural grounds
marriage Bhould not be performed by a
unnsuan minister.
This afternoon the subject was the
Resurrection of Saints. Tonight it will
be Is the Devil in the Modern Doubt.
Tomorrow there will be meetings at
12:00, 8 p. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Will Have New Hotel and Another
x Brick.
With ttoodworth Drug Co
p m. scroggin, s. m. Garland, s. p. i Year Contract.
Bach, J. C. Mayer and Alex Power are .
back of a project fur a new hotel, to
be three stories, concrete, 60 by 140 One of the largest factory contracts
feet and have 60 rooms, modem ever consummated in the Willamette
throughout. Valley was closed last evening, when
The county Sunday School convention the factory traveler representing the
was held this weak, 25 schools being S. W. Miller Piano Co. of Sheboygan,
represented. Good programs were Wis., quietly stepped off the 6:40 train,
rendered and reports showed the county walked into Woodworth's department
work prosperous. The following officers drug store and closed a deal fliat rep
were elected: J. H. Mears, Shedd, pres- resents hundreds of pianos and a sum
identj M.W. Williams, Lacomb, vice of money running well up into six
president; Clara Weber. Brownsville, figures. Albany will be made a dis-
secretary ana treasurer. Ihe next con- tributiiig point for a large territory by
vention will beheld at Brownsville. ,Mr. Woodworth's securing exclusive
J. C. Devine has contracted to sell control of this well known piano and
the old St. Charles corner, 66 by 159 player piano, his contract dating ahead
feet, to Dennis Cormier, a well known ten years, to 1921.
drummer, for $12,000. A deposit has With a tone as pure as the voice of
been made on it. and all when sub the lark, the artistic S. W. Miller piano
mittedtoMr. Cormier s attorney. Ho has conquered the entire coast terri-
on it, believing in Lebanon's future. j Less than two vears aeo the S. W.
Miller Piano Co.' enlarged their fac
tory at Sheboygan. Wis., to more than
' double its former capacity; and to help
take care ot this increased output,
Col. Mercer, a Eugene man, lectured opened up the Pacific coast territory.
in Corvallis Thursday nnrht. and cot it niacins their exec cut hue of nianos
in the head. The G.-T. Bays that about and player pianos with the best known
two hundred people attended and were and best rated business men of this
repaid by the singing of Hallie Parrish section. The success of the S. W.
mnges, mai - unless voi. mercer Miner i'lano Co. lias been so great
The Col Made a Hit.
Prompt service at the Imperial.
Bolt again at the Holt corner,
A neat place. Holt's Meat MarKet.
Fresh herring and smelt at Holt's.
Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery.
Have your feet attended to by Mrs.
Driver 230 Lyon, both phones.
needs the money, unless a matter of
bread and butter with him. there can be
no good reason for his continuing on the
lecture platform." He principally ex
cited sympathy according to the G.-T.
Same Old Game.
that even with their enlarged plant
they have found it a big task to fill Ihe
orders they arc constantly receiving.
A large shipment of the well known
S. W. Miller pianos and player pianos
lias just heen received by the Wood
worth Drug Co.
Magnificent Array of Spring Apparel
tjowns, presses, emts, vjoats, w&isxs
Exquisite Beauty in Paris and American Millinery
100 Celebrated. Gage Pattern Hats
See the Unbroken Vista of Opening Show Window
Chambers & McGune
Prof. Jackson has set July 0 to Aug.
19 for the regular summer review term.
There was a runaway on Lyon street
yesterday afternoon just as the Riley
meetings were closing.
H. F. Meader and wife, of Medford,
have been in the city on a visit with S.
G. Simcns.
Miss Bessie Shepherd, of the Carlton
schools, wvlved this noon on a visit
with Miss Eakin of the Albuny schools.
Mrs. Allan B. Seavey arrived this
morning from California to attend the
funeral of her father, W. B. Shannon.
A silver wtch was stolen this week
out of the building of the Greek sec
tion men near tho railroad track, and
the police are afthr the thief.
ft. Rogoway & Sons have leased the
new building of Chas. Fox, across from
the Wigwam, for a second nunc! store,
and it wiil be opened in a few days.
The window at Chambers & McCune's
is undoubtedly the finest ever put up in
this part of the state. The Portland
store that equals it will have to get a
hump on.
The police are after a man who 1 1
I temp'ed a criminal assault on Frank
) Bussard, con of M. Bussard. Tha man
I on a bicvcle. asked the boy to ride with
him, when the attempt was made, the
man using a revolver, according to th
story of the boy.
Shoes, for the whole family. Look
neat. Don't deyelope corns and bun
ions. Go to Burns Shoe Store.
St. Petersburg. March 24.--Russia is
on the point of addressing to China an
Ultimatum nxing the date tor entiro
satisfaction of her demands. The Chi- :
nese replies to Russia ssucucssive notes
dealing with the demands of Russia in .
Mongolia nave described by the Russian
government as counciliatory, but the
text in each case has been uns itistact-ory.
Wholesale Dealers
In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts,
tonfectionsry, wrapping paper, twine
and paper bags.
Cash paid for all kinds of poultry.
We also have the agency for Pyramid
and Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime,
Arden plaster. Get prices befjre buy
ing. Cash paid for eggs.
Foot Ferry Street. Albany.
Phones. M&in 6 Bell, 3 Home.
We are now prepared to do
Mill feed in large quandities at re
duced prices.
WM. BAIN. President. P. D. GILBERT. V. P
H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. .
Great Oaks of Financial Success grow from very
small acorns a small sum opens an account in our
bank but, to have a big, healthy financial tree, you
must be persistent in your depositing.
Systematic depositing is the root of financial in
dependence. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank
ing, then you will branch out into better things and be
safe against any ill wind that blows.
Dollars are financial-acorns plant them in our
bank and watch them grow.
M. Senders & Co,
Both Phones 48. 435 West First St
Hay, Grain, Flour, Seeds,
Salt, Poultry Supplies, Lime,
Plaster, Cement, Roofing.
Osteopathic Physician.
Schmitt Block, Albany.
di ... Office Home 359. Bell
Blark 2751: Residence 394 - Home,
black 863 BelL
Coal delivered to any part of the city,
McCourt & Prettyman, Managers
Office; Cor. First ani Bi:er. Hme Phone 335Bell Phono 131-9
The Weather.
Range of temperatnru 51-30.
Kaintail .us inch;-
The river has continued to rise and is
5.2 feet.
Prediction: fair tonijht, with frosts
Sunday mornirg.
ChaB F. Pendla to Linn Co. Or
chard Colony. 160 acres $
Ed Meeker to Henry R. Kirsch, 20
Ernest M. Uoo ilin tu T. E. Mc
Kemsjn, 6 acres
The Student Engineer.
Anglers licenses are being issued in
anticipation of the opening trout day
Ap:il 1.
Heayy tax payment: O, A C. R. R.
Co. $4449.37, being ono half on land
gr-nt property.
Stop and Look this Over.
Two beautiful M acre tracts, nnn h
a small houte on. You can buy these
;a uLiu trueis on too installment plan,
Leroy C. Fulifson, of tho O. . C.
has been in the city today in the inter
est of the Student Engineer, insued by
r.hfi sehnrtl. Thin ! n vnru nv?t.lttalt
periodical, speaking for the splendid flll ; u n down and monthlv puymentB
work of this department. It is issued to rued your own convenienca. For
regularly in largo numbers at a cost of Particulars phone to owner, Bcll6M-L.
18 cents a copy, selling for 15c. or $1 a r. :i,f ,, . TT"";
year. The extra expense is made up .n ' J mf'R br hif" pJl yoMur orudoe5
advertisemers. and Mr. RulifBon was fp"n5 .V?,',8 Is tho e,w B.and
' ,- uu 1 J.BI1UU. LOW
here securing some from general
Empire Photoplay
"By the King's Order." A picture
of medieval France, with the men at
arms, the castles, and all the ancient
things of interest with a thrilling
"A Sin Unpardonable." The scene
of this play is laid in the Canadian
lumber camps. A strong story that
appeals to all.
"The Misses Mncn ana mny. un-
ly is a second "Peck's Bad Boy," and
his aunts are all old maids. There are
many complications, of course, and
lot? of laugh.
Miss Crosno, singing "By the Old
Mill Stream."
Admission 10 cents.
The fnneral of W B. Shannon will
be held Sunday at 2 p. m. at the Fort-1
miller undertaking parlors, instead of
tomorrow. I
prices and latest stylrs in millinery ij
what coun s. All are invited to feast
your eyes.
.VArtl. A J i-JiWKt lliK: See
Snwlings about a Rebuilt Under
wood that is good as new and guar
.mteed for one year, also other
makes for sale or rent. Buy on
monthly payments. '
ig srcna
is fast gaining In favor, always clean
irec null, atrv.t niiium iuaiij, uuimb
readily, free from clinkers, makes but
little asnes. 1 nese gooa qualities wane
an ideal coal, best on the market for
the money. Sold in any quantity,
prompt delivery Order from.
Bell 277-J. Home Black 176.
120 acres 4 miles of town. All in
cultivation. Tair house, two barns,
and out-buildings. Good soil. $80
per acre.
100 acres 214 miles of good town.
50 acres under cultivation, rest pasture
and timber. Well improved. A fine
dairy farm.
125 acres 3 miles of good town, Yi
mile of R. R. station. 105 acres in cul
tivation, rest pasture. Well improved.
$65 per acre.
Also a large list of other good farm,
timber and fruit lands large and small
Salem Brewery Bldg. 9th & Lyon.
1. The Scphomores Romance.
This is a comedy, by the Esscny Chi
cago Company, and is the best of their
recent comedy productions.
2. Scenes Home, Sweet llriinc.
3. In the Days of Chivalry. A
sumptuous production dealing with
the time of brave Knights and lovely,
but hapless, maidens.
4. Illustrated Seng "I Like You
Just Because."
5. Sea Birds in Their Haunts.
This is an exceptionally tine hand col
ored film and one that was taken at a
great risk to the photographers. The
birds are all shown at close quarters
with scenes of bird life that very few
people have the privilege of seeing.
6 The Tables are Turned. A
comedy in which Hetty for once gen
the hot rf her dad. You can't liclr
but laugh it's funny.
Admission ICc.
: Most women prefer to plan
and do their own sewing.
The task of operating a
- sewing machine hy foot soon
grows wearisome some
times dangerous even to
robust women.
A small electric motor may
he placed on any sewing ma
chine the power and speed
is controlled by the foot,
leaving both hands free.
The cost of operation is
about equal to that of an or
dinary lamp, but the sewing
can be done in half the time
it would lake hy foot power.
The Electric' Sewing Ma
chine Motor makes Ihe Sew
ing Burden a Pleasant Occu
pation. Electric Light Co.
128 West First Street.