Standard Patterns and Fashion Books Can be of great h-lp to you in your Spring sewing. The Designer for April at 10c copy. The Standard Fashion Book, for Spring including a free pattern, only 20c each. Aoril patterns and faBhion sheets now ready. Flood's Agents for ! & G. Corsets. Stoves, Stoves, Stoves. "r!ulburt-0hling Hardware Co. -SE MEETINGS. The K. O. M. every Saturday even ing. The Woodmen of the World every Friday evening. L. Vicrcck, clerk. Mauzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mon days. "Mo-i-rn Woodmen meet every 2nd and '.1th Wednesdays in Bussard's Hall. Grant f'roman, Clerk. Royal Neighbors meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in Uussard's Hall. Alice Kirk, Recorder. -f, J. LEROY WOOD, Mechanical Engineer. Foundations, Roots, Iron and Steel Structures, lVwcr Plant designs and specifications, T'-cr Transmission, .Drawings made 1 checked. Office, . 'Albany Iron V. w... JAS. F. POWELL, Real Estate. Forty years residence ill Albany, I .(Financial Agent. Collections made , -non-residents. . .130 IBroadalbin street, Albany. V' Well phone Red 140i. TOM YOUNG, House and Sign Painter, Hgeiit for the Clc-dand Gclsentte roof paint 122 Ferry Street, Home Phone. 320. Pacific, Red 3092 COI LIN3 TAYLOR, Real Estate and Insurance, Buy and sell property. Insure 'property and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. J. M. RALSTON, Tn.nrnn.-a. Loan! & Collections. Have money to loan in smill and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought I will bond you. Property handled for non-residents. A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Will & Stark Block - Albany DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albany State Bank Building. Bell Black 4M2. Home- 375 H. A. LEININGER, Dentist, ( Claw ford lllnok - - Albany DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, Will it Stark Block Albany HENRY BRODERS, IValcr in Choice Meats of All Kinds. 2111 West Second Sircct. BRUCE & ANDERSON, Opposite the l'ostolhce. Four chairs. Prompt aiyl etVtc ient rare nf the f:u-c rind Intr. VIERECK'S BATHS, 217 West First Street. Ptrtt-Class Work Guaranteed. M. B. CRAFT. 242 West Second St., Alban, I First-class meats of all kinds ifroin selected stuck. T. J.ST1TEP, Attorney at Law. Notary Public Legal I Uflnrss of all kinds in all the tourta pn mptly attened to. Bell phone 106-J. Store Asnts for Standard Pattern We carry a full line of Round Oak, Universal and Cole's Heaters that out-class all others. Also Monarch, Majestic, Univers al and Round Oak Ranges at prices to suit your pocket book. "Best Ranges on Earth." Our stock is complete. REAL ESTATE. 120 acres 4 miles of town. All in cultivation. Fair house, two barns, and out-buildings. Good soil. $S0 per acre. 100 acres 2j4 miles of gcod town. 50 acres under cultivation, rest pasture and timber. Well improved. A line dairy farm. 125 acres 3 miles of good town, Vi mile of R. R. station. 105 acres in cul tivation, rest pasture. Well improved. 05 per acre. Also a large list of other good (arm, timber and fruit lands, large and small tracts. The CLAY TAYLOR REALTY Co., Salem llrcwery Flldg. - 9th & Lyon. WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT : but sonic ot the finest buildings tr. , town are equipped with our plumbing I work. We make a specialty ot high I class sanitary plumbing and will be giau to nave you examine samples ui our work. We have moved and are now at 1 18 West Second street. - fr-nf k Mrt MFlIlN & SIUAkI. Public Stenographer AND NOTARY PUBLIC R. T. YATES First National Bank Building. Home Phono 879 Shingles. Mado in Alb.inv t:v. .no. 1 EJg Grain tho BEST in .he markot. Various grades and prices from f 1 . 25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Iiok for it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON. We use no dry kiln. C. C. WRIGHT, M, D. C VETERINARIAN Authorized To Do Tubercullno Testing Phono Albany Stables. SECOND HAND STORE, 318 WEST SECOND. Phono Homo 4?G. Second hand goods bought and sold. TANNER & CONWAY Civil Hydraulic Irrigation Engineers and Surveyors. Estimates, plans and Supervision, Land Subdivision, platting and Map ping. Konnis 7 and 9, over J. W. t'lisiek Sr (" Bink. Alhanv, Oregon W. F. JONES, Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Farmers Feed Stables. rhones-AV-R, Belt; Homo 15. TOMORROW'S DOINGS. The Sabbath should be a great day to all the people of Albany. - All the churches will hold their regular morn iog eerv.ce at the usual time, and two great union services at the armory. At 3:00 p. m. the ihemo will be, The Me..nin of Church MemhtrHhtn Tt will-be worth while to hear this address ! presented by the g eat soul winner, Dr. Riley, who f r fifteen yeirs has enjoytd a constant revival in the First Church of Minneapolis, in addition to holding numerous revivals in many of our largest cities. ' Sunday evening the subject will be The Revival of a Daad Church. There is no slang nor sensationalism in the utterances or methods of the earnest preacher, but you will feel that his soul is a flame with divine truth. The music is first class Albany is nntpH , for her many good s.ngers, and Prof. Guthrie has the large chorus in splen I did form, a delight and inspiration to all. ! It is planned that all the people of ; the city may get into these services , tomorrow, the , first Sabbath of the scries, and the armory should be filled , to its utmost capacity at both afternoon and evening services. Come thou with us and we will do ; thee good. . Baptist. -S. S. 10:15 a. m. Punch ing by the Pastor at U a m. B. V. p. U. 6:30 p. m. Union service in the . armory in the evening. I Firet Presbyterian. F. H. Gesel- bracht, Minister. Morning service i 10:30. theme: A Preparatory Theme, i Our Lerd and Master. S. S 11:45 with I orchestra. C. E 6:30. Union services , in the armory at 3:30 and 7:30. I Christian. Bible School begins at j 10:15 a. m. Let every teacher, office i and pupil be in place on time. Com munion service and morning sermon I follow the Bible school. C. E. 6:30 d. : m. Services at the armory at 3 and 7:30 I p. m. . St. Peters (Episcopal). -Rev. Henry 1 H. Marsden, Minister. Morning ser-' ice and sermon 11 a. m. Evening prayer 7:30. S. S. 10 a. m. Evening j subject The Church of the Apostolic Age. Lenten service Friday evening , at 7:30. The Rev. P. K. Hammond of Eugene will preach. I I Methodist. -3rd & Ellsworth St. . Rev. W. S. Gordon. Pastor. Preachincr at 10:30 by Dr. Gaylord H. Patterson, Dean of vvil)amette University, Salem. S. S. 11:45. E. L. will meet promptly i at 6:30. Topic: "Equiggage for Ser vice," leader, Everett Willard. Even ing serviccin the armory. United Presi yterian.W. P.White, Pastor. The usual morning services at 10:30 and S S. 11:45 a. m. The great meeting of the day, for the church, will . be the armory meeting at 3 o'clock in fie afternoon The Pastor desires that all the members attend the afternoon meeting, even tho they may not be uble to attend any other. St. Mary's (Catholic). Rev. Arthur Lane, Rector. Kev. -John Van Neyel, Assistant. Third Sunday in Lent. Services at 8 and 10:30 a. m. Father Lane will officiate at tho First Com munion services in the morning and will preach in the evening on th? subject ot the 19th Gcnernl Council of Trent in its relation to tho Reformation. The pub lic is cordially invited, Thi Event of the Season. Soecial efforts are being made to make "Ship Ahoy"tho event of many seasons. Tho participents are practically perfect in their parto now. The only thingnow is to keep at rehearsals so that use will make the amateurs more like Drefssion- ais. ine comeoy is in competent nanos ! and will cause screams of langhter. ; I Miss Bee Ireland and Miss Laura Tay- I lor are the prima donnas. Miss Mar-! ' garet Montcith is tho suubrette. Miss! .,onB. .nA wi came much hil'aritv. - rho other parts are well cast and a arenl show will be produced. Next Friday and Saturday are the dates. t I This year is going to see a lot of im- nmvnnittnla in Panlfal dlditinn Anil I. 1- I : ...l .i 'o.. UIB nuvunce ill values mere, dbuci get you a lot this spring from Collins & .Taylor. Some fine offices in the new Schmitt block, steam heated, hot and cold water, modern in every respect. If So, Look Up These Bargains and Don't Wait Too Long. Beautiful 5-room bungalow, inside finish can not be beat: plate rail, beam building, fireplace, just the prettiest little home in West Albany. Price very reasonable. Fine suburban home, modern throughout, small amount of acreage. Parked for chickens. Plenty of fruit and (lowers. A bargain. Price $5.tXK. Farm oi SO acres, 00 acres in cultiva tion, 2 acres in grub oak timber, bal ance of land in pasture, well watered by creek the year round; 12 acres in young orchard. This is all A-No.-l i.uul. most all rolling, good drainage, buildings not large hut good, situated 3 miles from Albany. A bargain. Price $7,5W.OO for a short time only. For terms upon the above places call personally at my office. No in formation given by phone. I have a large list of properties in farm or city property and I know it will pay in tending investors to call and see what I have to offer. See the old Reliable Real Estate Dealer. J. V. PIPE, 203 WEST 2nd St Albany, Ore. MISFITS. A Ibany has taken a southward move ment. The boys are swim. getting ready for a The Oregon hen is getting ready easter. for Some people knock as easily as a duck swims. Mr. Newcomer, how do you like our spring climate. A revival in a dance slippery business. hall is rather The absolute need of a fifth school hou.e speaks for Albany's growth. A banquet for Teddy Roo-evelt at $10 a plate will give the Portland lions a show. The North Bank R. R. is mortgaged for $120,000,000, but that's a small matter to Hill. Newberg, so easily beaten by Albany, wants to play Pendleton for the charop ionshipof the state. Rats. The whole state would like to get a , rope around the neck of the brute who ; murdered the five year old Portland gin. Mayor Lachmund says there shall be no more prize fights in Salem. That's right. Albany doesn't allow such fakery. Only such places as Roseburg and Marshfield permit the disgraces- . Albany College. The tryout to select debaters for the league debate with ttcMmnyille college will was held at the college yes terday afternoon. . Professors Irvine, Flo and Franklin acted as judges and selected men for two teams as fol lows: Reade Dowlin, Arthur Jones, Louis Jones and Alexander McLean. Mrs. J. K. Weatnerford read a paper entitled "A Trip Thru Sicily" before the meeting of the Avant Couriers, the college girls' literary society, on Thurs day, very interesting and instructive. Mr. R. Sheldon, an attorney of Port land, anu an authority on forestry, a rormer presiuem or. me Oregon Acau emy of Science, was in Albany Thurs day evening a -ranging' plans for the annual meeting of this society April 28 and 29. , farrisbunj. Bulletin: Mrs. J. L. Norwood died Tuesday at tne age ot Zi years. Warner & Coolman have opened an architect office. The home seeker is beginning to come. As usuiil Harrisburg need not look for many until after they have grown tired of the high cost of liytng in the larger places. ' The first home seekers to- arrive in this vicinity with the advent of the col- i' onist rates are Mr. and Mrs. Josh Har get and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Cal Watley, of Charleston, Mo, Mr. 1 Harget is a brother of Peter Harget, Ulgll to taWblJEk Ul unlock. County Fruit Inspector Rumbaugh arrived today and is making things in - teresting tot some of the tellows who have not attended to their old trees. He says the conditions here are worse man any omer part or me county ne , uua viatieu. rirst Lommunion Services. A class of twenty-three children will receive their first holy communion at St. Mary's church tomorrow. The usual procession and ceremonial will be observed and the communicants will make their profession of faith at the evening service and renew before the altar the sacred promises of their bap tism. Father Lane will address the class both morning and evening. A musical program suitable to the oc casion will be rendered by the tholr. In the City. F. A. Rhoten, the Homestead man. Ralph Worsted, Roseburg. J. J. Kirby, Cottage Grove. G. J. Rowland, Scio. A. J. Wirtz, Sandiego. F. (. Frink, Eugene. E. F. Avers, Olvmpia, Wash. G T. W'il.-.i, Medford. Paul do Champlain, Centralis Wash. J. L. Sturges. Imperial, Calif. J. O. Wedel. Pre'Cott, Ariz. Atentior. OrChardistst We carry a stock of spraying mater ials The right stutt ut right prices The season for sprajing is here. Ca'i and see us and get prices. STAWART & SOX, HDW. CO. The Optical Company hav a large and new of all styles o: spectacle? nnd eye glasses, also a vp riety of Hair pins and Ear loop chain? and chain holders. We guarantee ac curate fitting of lenses nnd frame? Stock at Dawson's Drug Store. A little ca-di will handle one of th l-e-t 'BUYS'' of tho season in Centn .Vdi'i.-n Strictly a resident district Ask Collins & Taylor Bboutthem. CURTAINS WANTED.-l.OOil pir o cur'ains t" be laundried at 714 Broaf albin st. Call .Home phone 13$3. tlt H.S. RICHARDS Violin Maker and Repairer Bowa retired. Old .and Dew violin for sal. Violin instructor. 32 yean exper leoee. 615 E. 6th street, Albny, Or, WE WOULD JJKE TO SEND YOU AN INTERESTING BOOKLET This booklet pictuis and describes some of the "ew ways in which Electric t oW" er can be used to advanta in store, office, small factory and shop. It is not dry, technical reading but interesting and practical. . It is of special interest to the following: Office Managers Merchants Bankers Butchers Grocers Hotel and Restaurant men Hardware Dealers Drop us a card or tele phone us for a booklet, or call in and get one. Electric Light Co. 128 West ALARM F. .Dills, :t Jb'lKST NATIONAL BANK Assets over $1,000,000.00. Strictly a commercial bank: IF YOU were to tlic matter over, open your bank WOULDN'T You open it with a suc cessful Bank; one whose record has been of continued growth; one that is making money for its stockholders; one that has built up an ample surplus to protect its depositors? ON THE BASIo of Forty Years of public service, a surplus exceeding its capital stock and strict economy of management, this Bank invites your account. ; i ; X FIRST SAV11NG8. BANK Assets over ! J Interest i WM. BAIN. President, p. d. GILBERT. V. P H. N, BOULEY, Cashier. , ALBANY STATE BANK Great Oaks of Financial Success grow from very small acorns a small sum opens an account in our hank but, to have a big, healthy financial tree, you must be persistent in your depositing. Systematic depositing is the root of financial in dependence. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank ing, then you will branch out into better things and be safe against any ill wind that blows. Dollars are financial acorns plant them in our bank and watch them grow. GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS City Lots. Lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 5, 6, 7, S, 9, II, and " in Block 40, Albany, are now offered or sale and ra.nre in prices from $250.00 ind $500 09 to $700.00. Payable 10 per ut down and 2 per cent per month. " lots face 5th and 6th St. and are niv 7 Iblocks from the Court House, very lot is in the city limits and has 'I the city conveniences, including city aier. OWEN BEAM, Agent, Stark Building. Oysters Fretb Olympia t Holt's "ANT A TYPEWRITER: See ..awlings about a Rebuilt Under rood that is good as new and guar nteed for one year, also other makes for sale or rent Buy on monthly paymenta. Jewelers Ice Cream Manufacturers Liverymen Dentists Hospitals Physicians Repair Shops First Street. CLOCKS French & Son sit down and think where would you account? . $340,000.00. i savings accounts.. . BRICK. burned6 Ur yard th'3 cityiU3t Phone Home 431. ALBANY BRICK CO CementWork Estimates given on Plastering. Side walk and Cement Work. 1. F. TRAVER, 4th4Calaioo