S, E. YOUNG & SON S. E. YOUNG & SON LP,aNY STYLE SHOW March 23, 24 and 25 The SPRING OPENING DAYS are here. Thursday is the first clay of the Style Show. You should try and at tend this bisr opening the first day if possible. We want you to FEEL AT HOME in our store. A REST ROOM has been prepared so any time you feet tired just make yourself comfortable in this cozy corner on the 2nd floor. The Spring Suits,' Dresses, Waists, etc., are on display in the Suit Department. The Millinery Department is overflowing with the manv new stvles of Spring. There are NAPOLEONS, GAIN SBOURGHS, TURBANS, HELMETS, ENVELOPE EFFECTS and EMPIRE BONNETS a grand assembly of the season's newest shapes. On the 2nd floor. The Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Goods Embroideries, Corsets, Gloves, etc., on the 1st floor. Some beautiful effects in the popular Foulard Silks. The showing of Shoes in the Shoe Department will interest you. Stylish Shoes are most important to the dress of stylish women. TAKE YOUR TIME in this store. We want you to feel at home here. Don't think of deciding on buying until you have seen the different displays around town. We know our goods will prove themselves, their rtyle and price. BON'T MISS THIS STYLE EVENT. HOTEL PROSPECTS. THIS MORNING News from Aibanys Six Early Trains. A meeting s prominent business men H.CV. ano Jirs. ituaensemesa, nw nwnt rnr h hnMi (t evangelists, who have just closed a ' jre this sear, and a hatet eompitty series of meetings of about a month, at was ordered incorporated at oaee. Ar Corvallis, passed through (he city on ticl wilt be fifed in a few days, wati their way north. The Corvattu record something will be doing. The Worrell was given as 10ft. The real record corner, opposite the Hotel Revere sill of such meetings is the general good be sefe-.ted, a splendid place for araod theydoacity. The record of convex-ern structure. The talK is for a buikt stons is often a good deal of a farce. j ing with ahou- 80 rooms, coating ap- . ! proximafiiy $60. 00ft, with the grounds Mayor A. M. Reeves, of Lebanon, ' somewhere neat $St,009. left on a Portland trip. He reports liueh a structure will rate1: a big de prospects of a hotel there this sum-'mand, and undoubtedly business is mer. At present rooming houses and :i:eaat. the restaurants are taking care of peo-', pie m good shape. ) S. E. YOUNG & SON S. E. YOUNG & SON AT THE COURT HOUSE. M. B. Craft left for Portland to look up the matter of new machinery for the new meat market on Second and Ferry street, as soon as the brick is put up. j K. F. Shier left for the Gold Creek Dee?s ,eorfed: , , t mines. He reported the Black Esgie Mjy L. Masson to John Roberts putting ina power plant. About fif- . " acres...... ...... .. f teen men are at work, and by the first A Bellow to E. G. Balschwerd or the month ir -ktwm1 are wm oe w "a. soippea to me i ncoma smeiter. Hufft 10 Annie Troxel to J. M. acres Chas. Hoedle to Fred Rock Mitt City lor 329 10 Mr. Beekley, of the Union Furniture Co. went out to Lebanon. He recently returned trom a trip through soutnern Oregon, and reports a good business In estate of Hugh McCuilough, t for the factory. Albany furniture is minor, petition to erect building grant having a fine safe, through Western ed. Oregon. j Final account in estate of Peter Pow elt set for Wavl. In estate of L H, Hontanya J. P. Roberts was appointed administrator. Estimated value $1200. Bev. Knott left on a Marion county trip, Mr. Westerf eldt,the baker, who makes bread at both Coryslits and Lebanon, returned to Corvallis. Frank Barrett left on a Portland trip. 1 Last of heavy tax payments before , tne ran:-. I J. J. Graham $153.63. Lebanon Eiee- . . I trie Light Co. 245,12, Morgan Wasscm This year ts going to see a lot of im-! JU5.44. A. TriDD SR5.34. S. M. Uar- provements m Central Addition. And' tanitsm m fc.r Ren. R. 2hmhd j B u auvaut: lu values toerc. DHr ' Kl yuu a uis mis spring iium iahhos ; rayior. the mvivs personality; At the afternoon session yesterday Dr. Riley matij it plain that the church tnat is going toprusper must se govern, i d by spirit ted people. Not only tae minister but thechotrsnd all the officers 5f the church should be genuine t'hrisv tians, not otib-iievers or the unfaithful because of their talents or wealth. There was a good attendance at tf- .'ening session, but there ts roont for. many more rrot. outline conducted an inspiring" song servtce. The special music was by a quartet, Hes-ra, Guthrie, Ra3ton, uu-iter stiu namraer. Then Dr. Riley made the devil as issue, without sensation, bat with a force and earnestness that were im pressive and convincing. Nothing pleases the devil so much as a denial of him. There is no picture of batan m toe rJiofe, nut the language is plain in reference to his personality. Sin rentiers hideous those governed fay it, and therefore the devil must be a ' creature of , horrible appearance. ineuevtt leu irom a mgn estate, God made him right and he rebelled and - teit, iae IHoie names are all personal .ne3v tie nas beer getting worse, . more hardened, rebellious and devitishv . bin is in the worlo and there has to -be b personal devil. In connection with it the speaker -paid two respects to the modem philos ophy, "Ail is God and God Is jroed," siander on bod, when the crimes of . .the werld are reviewed. How can there be evil without s devil. If you don't need a physician r-eeaase of no disease then you don't need judges because ot no ate. Inei dents ot struggles against the wiles of the devil were given with grannie, power. A number asked for prayers, .This afternoon Dr. Siley speaks etc the Supreme Gift of the Spirit and to night the subject wilt ba la the Devil si. the Modern Drama. Just look at the beautiful creations n Laiies Hats at the New Band Box. A sure relief from that corn, and cure at Bums Shoe Store. JERSEY DAIRY MILK DEPOT YOU'RE UNDER NO COMPULSION to have your prescriptions filled atthis pharmacy but you'll be wiser if you do. You cannot afford to taae chances with prescriptions. Better by far come to a drug store like this where purity of ingredients and accuracy in compounding them are the invariable rule. BURKHART & LEE Pure milk and cream. Her tubercu locum tested. l All bills of regular patrons payame a the store after the tenth of each month. W. C. SCHULTZ, Proprietor, 331 Lyon St, Your shoes made good as new at Barns Shoe Store. FOR RENT. A suit of front rooms fn the Brenner block, Fannie Brenner, 32? W 3rd St. t2T No better meals than at thft Imperial, 2nd street. Some fine offices in the new Schmitt block, steam heated, hat and cold water, modern in every respect. FG. WILL, lorVfatchej OR RENT. A light front room, down stares, suitable for two gentle men, with board, also a single room, at 332 Ferry street. t2 Say! You Gardeners and Everybody Else, come and see the NEW lot. of Garden Seeds. "Mind you not left overs" at ARK 'The Sign of Quality. The Albany Bakery 216 W. First Street. Both Phones. E. C. Meade, Optometrist 829 West decond Street. F fi. Will A fine line of Jewe!ry,SiI- verware, Cut Glass and Novelties to select from. CENTRAL ADDITION Has again been placed upon the market. The owners of the addition having ar ranges for the installing of a complete and up up-to date, sewer syrtem which will be installed as as soon as the work can be done. This beautirul addition offers the best investment in the city for the the money,, in the way of residence property, being only five minutes walk from the business center good aewet age and restrictions, '''his addition will be "THE" residence district of the city within a short time. For partic ulars call on COLLINS & TAYLOR, Agent. 132 W. 1st St. Albany, Oregon. HARD TO EQUAL CAN'T BE BEAT MISSION HOME-MADE GANDIES and ICE CREAM Phone Your Order Mission Parlors Delivery promptly attended to. It's Shoes. Wiii Be Splendid Performance.- - The reserved seat sale for the esctrsr- -agBnza "Ship Ahoy" opens tomorrow ' morning at Woodworlh's Drug Store, The rehearsals are going in first class shape and a splendid performance silt ne given o expense is being spared! so maae ens aitair a success, iv.eeies trieaf effects, special scenery imported ! costumes and other accessories go to- msgijuiceni. prooscuon, ine songa are catchy, the comedy refresh ing, the stage business unique asdf they have been taken advantage of to make a complete success. Friday and Saturday are ihe dates ami the Aibwre opera house the place. Coming to Albany Cei!ee, A dispatch in tha Oregonian from Forest Grove states that Rev. William - r r i.'.. ,..S. U -. ! neeted with the Pacific University, will new come to Alhasv ta work a endowment for Albany College, after which he wilt have charge of the ehait" of Biblical literature. GENTLEMEN: The Duntley Vacuum Cleaner The Modern Way 350 in use in Portland. Demonstration at our show rooms or your borne. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 We'll Second Street. STONE For hoilding, ornamental purposes, rip rap, Riling:, etc. Samplr at H. Senders & Co'l (tor. W.L. tOSB, k Home $6 D PhM,S. 11 WE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED 4N!) PRESSED The Pantatorium, GILBERT & HUSTON 'J0 W 1st St. Bell Phutie black 273 Borne pooue 196 We Guarantee the WHITE QUEEN To be the best hard wheat blue stem flour.in Ihe city. The price ts moderate and the quality uniform. Call us ud for a trial sack, and we'll prove to you that our assertion is correct. Sold on absolute guaranty. It A. MURPHY, 225 West 2nd St. HOAG & SON'S POULTRY YARD AT SUNRISE f All thoroazhbred chickens. Eees for setting. Black Msnorcas, Brrd f lym outh Rock, Black Orphin? too. White Leghorn, Rhofe Island Reds, Faver olles, White Plymouth Rocks, Lan-ssan. Cat base for Home sue red 2983. Bali 282. S. 3 AS. A, HOAG 1 SOX. A great stock of shoes for spring, largest, handsomest, all styles, can fit your foot and please your eye. Shoe room is crowded, so will sell winter shoes at wholesale prices. All styles from a 16 in Loggers to a heavy Dress Shoe. Wain Clothing Company Vn fl, - f l. i I . i . s large and new stack of all styks of speetaclee and eye glasses, also a va riety of Hair pina and Ear loop chaise and chain holders. We guarantee ac curate fttttsg of lenses and frames. Stock at Dawson's Drug Store. SUNRISE ACRES Last of Goltra Park, ta one, twi sr three sore tracts, on easy terms, splendid plcc for a home, for gar dening, chkScen raising, etc. OWEN BEAM, 132 Ferry Street, Albany, Ore. We are bow prepared to do CUSTOM CHOPPING Mill feed in large quandities at re duced prices. .,: i-HS&rO LOTS FOR SALE At the corner of 7th and slain streets, wen oramcu Sewer connection. Five minute walk to Madison sireet school, t three stores, meat shops and barhc shop. One hlock to chair factory and five minutes' walk to Afhanj Lumber Co.'s mill, the Union Furni tnre Factory and car shops. T UfCKs iiran the proposed electrit line. These lots arc in the center of manufacturing district. Home Phone HO?, or call on T. P. Hackle man. '27 DR. VIRGINIA f.EWEAUX, Osteopathic Physician. Schmitt Bkck, AHiany. Phones r Office Home 359, Bell Black 27S1; Residence 394 Home, Mack 863 Bell. P.O. Will for watches Our Wagons Are at yourService. Whenever yen want its to call for a package of soiled1 linen, our wagoav will do it promptly. Whenever you want your laundered linen returned ts you at a special time, we will be glad to accommodate you. Our two wagons and their drivers are at the servke of onr customer whenever they have a request for special service of this kind to make. We are glad to go to some little trouble to accommodate a customer we realize that the favor will commend our service to them in unmistakable;-, terms. Can we serve you? MAGNOLIA STEAM LAUKDRY The Laundry of Quality, Both Phones. THE FAMILY WASH is &flen the cause of, unnecessary wsrk and wasted energy. Does it pay t scrub yuur health away for the -sake of trying to save a few cents? Our Laundry witt relieve you from . alt wrry. We 'witt t;rke your entire wnh. make it snowy white, launder st' as mily experienced hands can, and return it to yon, charging only a reas onable price. Our work on shirts and collars is Acknowledged to be perfect, laundering. Why not try us? Call our wagon for your work. Bell 93. Home 439. ALBANY STF.AM LAUNDRY. WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 Se:orl 5ff', Between ftrry & tlrmAdbn