Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, March 24, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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    - -'--'I
. The Democrat.
"The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a
week; in advance fur one year, 14.0V
My mail, in advance for one year $3, at
md of year l.&U.
The Weeitiy Advance per year $1.25.
at end of year J1.50. After 3 yei-m at
Portland proposes to give Col.
'Theodore Roosevelt a strenuous day
. of it when he arrives on April 5. From
,. the minute he reaches the union depot
until he leaves by the same gate, he
. will be driven about, dined, welcomed,
grasped by the hand and made to talk.
There is no let up in the program as
. -now mapped out. Even such a strenu
ous character may be expected to
heave a genuine sigh of relief when he
. leaves the city.
Upon arriving at 2:30 p. in., Col.
. Roo.sevclt will be whisked away in a
waiting automobile for a ride about
town, giving him a chance to note the
changes that have taken place since
he was last here. At 3:30 he will lay
the cornerstone of the new Multno
mah Club home aud he will make
dedicatory talk. : He will then be tak
en to the East Side where he will
greet scFiool children of the city who
will parade.
The Colonel will then be brought
back to the West Side at 5:30, when
he has an invitation to attend a re
ception to be given by the New York
Society, lie may, however, decide to
give Ibis hour up to resting, in case
he is sufficiently fagged to require re
Col. Roosevelt will attend a dinner
in his honor at the Commercial Club
at 0:30, whi-.:h v.'.' last until 8 o'clock,
when he will !;: ;ai;cn to the armory
lor a public address. 1 his talk is ex
peeled to last for two hours, with the
preliminaries, so he will be free again
at 10 o'clock, when the Portland Press
Club has spoken for the famous cx-
prcsidcnt during the remainder of his
time in the city. He will go to the
Press Club rooms and meet the
newspaper men until time to take the
strain at :r.idnight on hisr,vay north.
A caiMioii shows the Trusts, Rail
road .Monopoly and Big Interests per
unniticd, pTrirrr oil on the alleged war
cloud. War helps the trusts and big
interests, and there arc men in them
.so heartless they would be willing to
sec .the country in the throes of a
contest for the sake of material finan
cial benefit. This should not be the
spirit that dominates people. War is
absolutely unnecessary and is inex
cusable. There is no more reason for
countries to light than for people.
If '
men have t 1 erenri-s. 1 lev wl . ill
reasonable, settle them amicably.
There was never a fight yet that
bellied a dispute. On the contrary I
thev always aggravate whatever case
connected wiih. That is human
. pcriiMiec. Tli
nations, with
cause tlifrc is
era t ion on tlic
applies to
' . rt.
liine lor tlelilt-
The Citribti
eonle of the world
.shnulil have kl enough
innuence )
to ahsolntely )iit a uietu:
, (;Uk whenever it arises,
lO war
The Commoner:
Mr. I.orimer hold
seal by a 1
he had any
vmn that damns him. If
sensitiveness on the subject ol official
.honor, he would not be content to as-siK-'inte
ilailv with men who have voted
to expel him. Membership in the sen-
ate might to require higher crcden
. lials than a verdict of not guilly by a
divided court. When it is remember
ed that the senate is strongly repub
lican: when it is remembered that
Loriiuer is a republican of long serv
ice in the house and of great influ
ence in his slate, it is conclusive proof
of his guilt that so many of his own
party and some of its strongest men
should vote to unsea him.
-- 1
n-on. v,,Mft qtvit? cumi; a
" . , , ...
l"hc niaiiner in which the Albany ,
. stores ate combining in arranging for
general style
show :it this city on
Thursday, Friday and hatuiday ot this
.week, is roiumcnuaiiie. u displays
spirit ol fellowship that will mean a
goon ucai lor ine cuy. in- i i
the kind that helps build up a city
into a permanent commercial center.
When the merchants of a city no to-
. grther in an enterprise of this char-
actcr it is going in count tor Aiiiany.
Of course very properly the different
stores will strive to make displays
that shall excel all others, and each
uill work f"r business. 'The point is
that by uniting in this way many more
people will conic here, from a vider
. territory, making il an event for the
.city, which will lcnctit all the stores.
A reward of $1S(I altogether
been oll'ered for the apprehension
conviction i-i the murderer of Uarhara
lloV.-iuan. H should be made many
lime- larger. At the Mime t:me every
big hearted citicn of the i-n-in'ry
should j.ike a person;-.! pleasure ill do
ing e ei thing possible to apprehend
t!:e i!!;ou and brute who did the deed,
without pay. '1 here .ire thousands ot
pe ytc u ho w ould like to string up
the ii'llow if il was known lor certain
he did the deed. The law should he
allowed to take its course: but in a
case of this character the Oennvrat
' oh-erves a sentiment so strong in
favor of quick iuslice as to brook no
delay common to the average court
of justice. The public is properly in
censed. Evon up on that '"at Hill" by buy
Ing a M in Central Addition a-"' build
you a little heme ibis f8r. and
sve ' relit. For particulars consult
'Collin & Taylor.
Pmf. and Mrs Cthrta tha ainffinff
of rare merit, and Mrs. Guthrie is an ideal
and also has a sweet alto voice.
Interest Increasing. Big Meeting
Sunday Night,
Three good meetings were held Sat
urday night. Sundav afternoon and Sun
day night. The public is learning that
Dr. Kilcy is worth hearing, and that
thev get something for their trouble,
without being abused for their sins.
Besides this no one is singled out,' and
any one may leave the armory without
being waylaid; but the perBon converted
win not wisn to ao so. rne meetings:
Satuidav evening. Subiect. The En-
duement of Power, splendidly treated
under the heads of the person, the
promise, the purpose imd the possession
of power, obtained only through the
Holy Spirit.
The singing under Prof. Guthrie and
wife is inspiring and helpful.
Sunday afternoon. A fine audience
greeted Dr Riley, after a stirring song
service by Prof. Guthrie, the choir and
audience, the books used are new
ones: Hymns for His Praise, No. 2,
Rovised, Compiled and Edited by Wm.
toward Bio"erwolt. !he evangelist.
A solo by Prof. GuJirie revealed a
voice full of symathoy, clear and sweet.
uic umji;t;v ui ui. ivi.i-y wua. .mill
heing a Church Member Moans.
In scriptures the sheepi'old is the
' tno ehurch, It is for the pro-i
lc'" m lna young against mo ueasts
of the world, of all kinds, all :tbout.
I he chureh is for men and women.
They need it, unublo to stand alone,
like the members of a mountain climb
ing party.
A good many sheep are lost in chang
ing pastures.
The ae,vi id to Go(j not tho
fhn Phm. h
Several i .ii"j their hands for prayers,
and an ea e.- t testimonial session fol
Sunday c- ning. Tho body of tho
nrnwv wnt illed nnd tho audience had
to take to t;.e gallery, which was soon
Dr. Riloy spoke with his usual vigor.
entirely devoid of sensation, on the
Ui.,.u v..u, ....
livory church that grows has as the
center of thought the infallibility of
the Bible, and no church can prosper
that comes snort ol tne stanoaro, wun-
out compromise.
Skepticism will make a bad church.
A revival only can come from God,
both in nature and spiritually. .
The live church will he one of givers,
while the stingy church will be a dead
I ,. The church must have an hdministra-,
lion of Spirit lead men. I
uNo rc'"ed P"W3 ,n Dr- Kl'ey 8 crTn
The rich and the poor must be on tho
asmo level. , ,
The live church will be dominated by ,
prayer. I
nr. Rilnv will nrasent the following
subjects this ween:
Afternoon ac 3:80 o'clock:
r,iAa.JnUThn Slnooinl (ifta nf the'
Spirit-lst Cor. 12th chapter.
Wednesday 1 he Supreme liitt oi
t,0 Spirit-lst Cor. 13th chapter
Thursday The Smallest Gift of the
Spirit 1st Cor. 14th chapter.
Friday Tho Second Coming of Christ
1st Thoss 4:13 18.
Saturday The Certain Resurrection
of Saints-lst Cor. 15::;" .n
Evening at 7:30 o'cIuck:
Tuesdir- I t'f H.n:! an Individual
or an lllusi i '.'
Wednesday - Is tho Devil in tho Mod-
ern Drama?
Thursday -Is the Devil In tho Modern
Friday Is the Devil in tho Easy Di
Is the Devil in the Modern j
I'rofcssvr Guthrie's Great Choir, with
Miss Sox and Mrs Guthrie attho
pianos, will provide a pr
r.igramol music.
Kussleville. ,
Will Dickinson and wife have gone to
Weiidhng, Wash., to reside.
Mrs. S. J. Keeft.aver, of ..ibnnor,
visited with old fnen. s and neighbors,
soveral days last week.
R. Frater ai.d ("lay Frnzor.of Dallas,
weio up for a few days.
Mr. and mrs. Clydo Vannlocc, hve
re'.uned to their Dakota homo. They
h'iv.1 been spending the winter months,
wiu her mother. Mrs, ). B. Marsnall.
If ihn (Viinian is mined renott to
Ben i.' eun at once and you will get
evantrpliata. Pmf. dithriA has n vmee
accompanist, playing for the singers.
The CorValllS Council Frightened
Dumb. .
Tk. ., T. 4,h Tt u '
w. ordinances. Molasses is last, comparea
Railway company wants a franchise wjth it.
over the streets of Corvallis. Just what '
it would do with a franchise is a ques
tion, therefore it got as far as the first I Albiny will have to establish some
reading and no further, This ia the turkish bath parlors to get in the- Cor
third franchise asked for during the past vallis class.
two or three years. The Albany comp-1
any wants a 25 year layout, agrees to There are men who can talk more
begin work in twe years aud to have a
car in operation wicmn inree years, it
agrees to give a 5c fare and after five i
i "'" "v""" "t "'" Bilr- I
woo a year alCer me eievenrn year,
S'S 7 TV r"f:r 'T'V,,";'.
cash forfeit
.- I
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bilyeu, of Port
land, have been in the city today on a
visit at the home of Mr. Bilyeu's fa.
tner J. ni. v. isuycu. Mr, Bilyeu
month or two ago established a real
estate company of his own, under the !
name of the Monarch Investment Co.,
with oflices in the Behnke-Walker
building, and is already doing a splen
did business, handling some important
Portland additions. He has about thirtv I
young men in the office selling lots
throughout the city. Mr. Bilveu cot
on the inside of the business in some of
the big oltices of the city before start-
ing for himself. .
Alban has furnished quite a number .
oi real usuhiu uuaiers ior rorciana. ine
ti, ; .! Rt....
years ago who has a fine business and
Z f h
since then a number have taken an
city. Among the most, successful has :
... r " . . .
been E. L. Thompson, of the Hartman
tnompson Lo.,. almost a millionaire.
R Saltmarsh is doing a fine business,
s stce, of the Brong.steele Co.t
ha3 built u a fine business, lives on
Portlanu Heights and is deservedly pres-
, . w , ..
JCIO weaotng.
A notab,e S(M0 weddi was that of
f. n VKra nf tho s,.in hnk hmih.
er of Hop. Jeff Myers, of Portland, and
Miss Audie Shelton. daughter of Riley
Shelton two natives of Linn county
X'e7pU rno? thS live, at
gcj0 ev. Esson of this city per-
formed the ccremo-y. Mrs. Esson ac-
csmpaning him to the wedding. Splen-
did young people they have the best
wishes of a large circle of friends.
We Have the Goods
A. G. and J. W. Richardson are here
fiom Oklahoma and are delighted with
the appearance of things. People told
them tho stories about green grass
and flowers hero in the winter were
jokes, and they a-e sending the goods
back to show them that there is no
joke aDout it but a fact.
Pis Name Harry Hughes.
The young man in the r.ospi'al, picked
up this aide of Hnlaev, was conscious
this morninir. and stated that ho was
walking hp the track, when struck by
No. 13, going south, not Hearing it
coming. no reporteo neing on me
Sower gnng, thr.t run the tne from
pringfie d and gave hamo as Harry
Hughes nnd and his former residence
New York state.
Lyons Wants a Depot.
Attorney General Crawford is about
to begin mandamus proceeiiings ag linst
tho Corvallis and Eastern to comp.-l
the road to build a depot at Lyens.
Tho complaint is being gotten ready.
A waiting room with 160 square feet
and a freight room with 250 square feet
are demanded.
Shoes for the whole family. lk
neat. Don't develop corns and bun-
it' ton-
Go to Burns Shoe Mora.
Don't lead a cultis life.
Hear Dr. Riley on the deyi!.
In their hearts
all men respect the
The devil will need to
this week.
hunt his hole
Arizona may now go ahead,
velt says so.
No one singled out in the big meetings
at the armory.
As we get older we find out bow little
other people know. .
Disgraceful acts are sometimes
formed by graceful sinners.
Have you sowed your sweet peas,
The city should be filled wichthem.
1 A few Albany men continue to get on
j sprees; but they are private ones.
We have given the newcomers some
weather that has Deen appreciated.
I Every man does well to weigh his own
character ana see wnat s wanting.
Ex-Secretary Ballinger is on his way
to Seattle from Washington, trozen
Onnalla.l annA none ia fflaaa nflnfV
It is crushed glass, which is better than
,Bana -
Albany is mighty slow passing paving
religion in a few minutes than they
practice all their life,
The yellow journals will see a war
preparation m every move made. They
p to stir "es "P-
Foitland is to be congratulated upon
Mayor Simon's decision that he will not
be a candidate for reelection.
It looks as if Albany is to be pretty
well parked after all; hut one thing at
a time and that done well is a very good
: rule to follow.
The Southern Pacific pays about a
tenth of the taxes irt Linn county, the
big timber men about another tenth.
Linn county people about & fifth.
A big eastern man says
the talk of
He is rierht:
war witn Japan is silly.
but the yellow journals have got to have
something with which to excite people.
It is rumored that several Albany
men will be subuoenned to San Fran-
Cisco to identify Mrs. Inez Peterson,
charged with attempting a $10,000 real
estate fraud, and also with forgery.
XT -u: M. rrt
Numerous things are claimed tor
alcohol. But actual experiments prove
it is an illusion. Instead of making men
raure active they simply think they are.
lAotnor ms dprtva nnn rnr Ma rp nme n
Attorney General Wickersham in a
speech at Cleveland, O., yesterday de
clared that the average citizen is not a
law maker The average citizen is just
as much of a law maker as the average
man sent to the legislature, and more
so in some respects, because more diffi
cult to corrupt, because of his bulk,
than the legislator.
Carnegie proposes to give to the
world a telescope that will be a power
in the science of astronomy. It would
make the Panama canal, if possible to
see it, look within a sixth of a mile of
Washington, and would bring Mars to
within three or four thousand miles.
The lena will be 100 inches in diameter.
If the world wasn't round it might
cause a good deal of trouble.
Are your radish see 's ready.
Numerous eye-sores that ought to go.
any way,
all this Rjosevelt gush for
Winona Park sounds
names help a city.
good. Pretty
Every old shack that gives pliccto i
brick is a lootser.
If anyone thinks there isn't a person
al devil he should study the Pullman
A few months ago people said Roose
vpIi cv.-ia n ripad one. His oresent trio
indicates a mighty live corpse on exhi
The jingoists and nasly yellow jour
nalisis who talk Jap war ouht in b - i
indicted for disturbing the peace. The.-e ,
scrubs are a menace to tho ceuntry. '
For downright tall that of the New !
berg toskel ball team claiming to t1'-
champions of Western Oregon, af t r
being defeated by Albanv.46 to 14.,
tnk-s the whole Dakery. it is suiy ami
childisn Because New tier g beat At- !
bany before it got into tho game, also
McMinnville, and Newberg neat Me
Minnville twice it i asserted. Now
herg should first do some playing. Eu
gene. Cottage Grove, Medford and
Ashl nd can all beat Newbcrj. and
Albany won from all of them.
In tree injunction suits of the Linn
&,Lan- Lumber Co. agt. Linn CDiinty,
the plaintiff was allowed to file amend
ed complaints, defendant to answer by
Aprn a. judge Kelly presides lor
Judge Galloway. r
In estate Marshall Clark, leave to sell
New suit:
Maggie Dodge agt. John Dodge, fori
divorce. Charges cruel and inhuman I
treatment, threats to kill. $100 fees
and 5u0 a month alimony are asked, in.
M. Newport attorney.
C. B. Soule aet. H. H. Hern, to auiet i
title. N. M. Newport attorney. J Paul Lange, a globe trotter, is on hi
Henry Knepper agt. A. O. Sturm and way north between Albany and Rose
Lydia Harris, to recover $2-i0. N. M. burg, all the way from Atlantic city.
Newport attorney. ; He wears a certain brand of shoes and
Anna L. Buchannan agt. Harry Buch-
annan. For divorce. Charges, assault
with fist, threat to kill. W. R. Bilyeu
Marriage license, W. B, Lefferson 25.
Lebanon, and Eya A. Mehisner, 16,
Lacomb. '
Deeds recorded: -
... , . T ,', !
tins. iamiBis iu iaura j. rouaK, i
part of lot bl 32, city $ 150
C. Calloway to Jos. Hardeastle.
2 lots, N Brownsville 2000
F.. Henness to Harry Dunlop.tract
9-E3 , 10
J. F. Powell to E. W. Langdou,70
acres 11-3 W 100
Worth Huston to I. D. Stephens,
8.13 acres 10-
Tax payments before the 16th: C. V.-
tsarr $105 W. White & jtna' p S170.29,
L. E. & H. J. Hamilton $710.23, Geo.
Finley $170 41, Brownsville) 'Woolen
Millf $217.38 Dora Coggswetl $130 S3,
C. E. Wolverton $137.98. J. D. Chelde-
lein $147.32, Eveiett Kyle &' EoDorly
$271 bO. Walsh & ft haley $281 .05, Oren.
?'r?tt?n$'27-4,S' , " !' i- &- er9-
?257.0o, Home Tel. Co. $585 95, Wm.
Brenner $20b,39. Est. W L. Vance
$519.78, A. H. Hayes $130.17, Henry
Kunths $154.44. N. H.Bateman $160.29:
A' T ?2UeIL $145": Lewia Mont"
gomery $541.65, McCully Bros. & Co.
$152.05, R. A. McCully $113.68, First
National Bank Lebanon $91& 65, J. M.
Philpot $103.12, May & Senders Co.
$417.10. May & Senders $252.47, Chas
& Albee Grimes $128.80, F. W. Seeck
$181.92, W. T. Cochran $276.32, G. W.
Brittain $112 04. J. C. Devine $263.45,
Owen Beam $122.27, Chambers & Ale
Cune $317.07, H. D. Mills mSi. S. V.
Barr $105.20, White & Knapp$570.23.
Deeds Recorded:
Jas. Dannals to Louisiana Dan-
nals 44 by 75 feet bl 32 Albany $ 1
Wm. Ehlert to S. L. Kent 205
acres " 13,000
E L. Pitchford to D. A. Chilson
lOacfes 2500
Ella C. Pearson to M. E. Miller
lot Harrisburg
F. H. Blanchard to R. G. Harri
son 00 acres
Geo PecJitel to R.
G. Harrison
160 acres.
J. FttzwatertoGorrlich-Hoerr Co.
4 acres
Sale by J. Fitzwater to Goerlich
Hoerr Co. timber on 116 acres, e-tcept
maple and ash, for $600 and $100 more
if 1,OU9,000 feet.
J. L Bennett was anDointed cruardian
, of Guy McCartney. Appraisers Wm.
h ii Nivnn .
Cook, Ed Nixon, S. Leach.
Sal& confirmed in estate of
J. D.
Application J. W.
Keller to register
title filed.
Demurrer filed by J. K. Weaiher-
ford, ijndeman agt. Easton.
. Marriage license: Milo M. Shies. 25.
and Bmtna M. Joost. 19, Gates.
Pretnpt service at the Imperial.
Holt again at the Holt corner.
A Beat place. Holt's Meat Mar net.
Fresh herring and smelt at Holt's.
Citoice lunches at the Vienna Bakery.
There is a lady cook at the Imperial.
Have your feet attended to by Mrs.
Driver 230 Lyon, both phones.
It, might be well to place your ordser
early for spring hats as the New Band
Box is now and will be rushed. Low
prices and latest styles in millinery is
what counts. All are invited to feast
ycur eyes.
The weather prediction of Mr. Beals
- fair tonight and Thursday.
City council tonight. Tho Bryant
Park proposition will probably be
75 cents is all J . W. Bently chai ges
for half soles, 0c for women's shoes.
He deserves your patronage.
The civic improvement club met this
afternoon to consider the park improve
ment and means of raising more money.
Crawford & Ralston today sold a
- 1 "odei A rord, 1VU car to f.L,. Homes,
; North Albany, and it will now be aa
easy mmg tor Mr. noimes and iamny
to come to Albany. The Ford is taking,
1 he Market.
Wheat $.80, Oats 35c.
Beef 4 i-2c;vealdressed He
1'ork dressed, 11c; on foot S.c
Lard 15.:.
Ejgs lSc
'hickens on foot 14c.
Hams lSc to 20c, aides 18 to 20c
s,.oulders 15 to 18c.
j Buttei Sue to 35c.
' Ktour$1.50to$1.75cauck.
iVitatoe Sic per bu.
Hay, from $10 forsome clover to (14
lst un:otiy
Circuit court is in sesssion at Cory -T.lis
tcday in charge of Judge Harris.
Williams J. Cummins, head of the
Carnegie trust, is accused of stealing
$335,000. Is that all, then let him go.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Jack
aon, of Portland, formerly of Albany,
a 7 pound boy. Orandpa and grandma
Freerksen are rejoicing.
John Dodson, of Marion yesterday at
Salem, was lined $25 by Justice Web-
ster for catching trout out of season.
Couldn't wait until Aoril 1.
sells cards.
Bishop Scadding went to Corvallis to
day to fieliver his fourth Wednesday
evening lecture. The subject will be
John Henry Newman, a ereat English
A Benton County Fruit Growers
Union has been organized with W. S.
Brown president, L. Steyenson yice
preswent, J. a. Kerr secretary and
Frank Groves treasurer.
F. D. Wagner has sold the Ashland
Tidings to Bennet Bros., and wUl retire.
Mr. Wagner has been on tne paper
nearly thirty years. The editor of the
Democrat beats him a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hopkins, ot Eu
gene, recently celebrated their golden
wedding. They are parents of Prof.
H. L. Hopkins, formerly of Albany
Colli ge. They were married at Rieh
ville, N. Y.
Kid McCoy tried to come back at
Philadelphia last night, but made- a
poor show of it. They never do com8
back. The prize fighting business is a.
sort of a saloon annex, and the fighter
universally becomes a boozer, wmcni
knocks him for eood every time.
The case of the citizens of Cottage
Grove against tho county court of Lane-
county on the road tax questioo is to
fee heard by Juage Kelly at Eugene
SOOm An' outside iudse, taking no part
is the Cottage Grove-Eugene squabble
wanted, hence the choice of Judge
Marion S. Fletcher, a resident of
Linn county for a good many years,
rooming to- Carlton, Yamhill county,
died at that place this week. The re
main? were taken to Shedd today for
burial. Mr. Fletcher was an excellent
citzen, and leaves many to mourn h.s
Jack Berry, brother o' Joe Berry of
the Fetmiller Co., has been in the city,
going to Eugene this afternoon. Since
leaving here he has been acros3 the
continent twic, playing vaudeville.
Recently in-Eugene, while performing
he injured. a legr requiring a rest for a
few days.
The trial of Inez. Peterson, at San
Francisco,.was begun yesterday. Mrs.
. Peterson' continued to maintain that
she was Mrs Henrietta Farrelly. though
Mrs. Farrelly herself was in court.
Only one witness was examined the
first day. Albany people who have
seen the picture cf Mrs. Peerson in the
Examiner,.and also photographs sent
Chief of Police Munhers for identifica
tion, are positive it is she.
Atenlior Orchardistst
We carry a stock of spraying mater
ials. The right stuff at right prices.
The season f or spraj ing is here. Call
and see us and get prices.
Stop ami Loofc this Over.
Two beautiful acre tracts, one has
a small house on. Yeu can buy these
acre tracts on the installment plan,
small sum down and monthly payments
to meet your own convenience. For
particulars phone to owner. Bell 514-L.
Violin Maker and Repairer
Bows refilled. Old and new vlolin
for sale.
Violin instructor. 32 years exper
ience. 615 E6tlt street. Albany, Or,
If your horse has
Stone's Heave
Drops. Price $1.
For sale by all drug
gists. Sgt Dr. S. C. STONi.,
Salem - Oregon.
Xoticc is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of the State ot Ore
gon;, for Linn county, executor of the
last will and testament of L. H. Mon
lanve, deceased. Ail persons having
claims against said estate arc hcrebv
required to present the same lo r.ieT
properly verilied, as by law required,
at my office in Albany. Oregon, with
in six months of the date hereof.
Dated this March 24. 1911.
.1. P. ROI'.ERTS. Exeeitor.
C. C. BRYAXT. Attorney.
Date of first publication March 24.
1911, last publication April 21. 1911.
Xoticc is hereby given that the ex
ecutors of the will of V. II. Caldwell,
deceased, have tiled with the Comity
Clerk of Linn County, Oregon, their
final account as such executors of said
estate, and the County Court of Linn
County. Oregon, has appointed and
hxed Monday, the lth dav of April,
1911, at the hour of 1 p. m. as the
time for hearing objections to said
account and the settlement thereof.
I7D?9U of first publication, March
of the will of V. H. Caldwell, de
ceased. ,-. V ' u
GALE S. HILL, Atty. for Executors.