Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, March 24, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    T.v - - -
bR.M. 12. KLLK
Physician an J Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calls madefin city and country. Phone
Main 38.
Painless Dentistry
li oar pride r hobby oar Mady for ;Mn ud
bow oar iqccom, and ours U Uia bt alai work
to be fcnod an.nrhere, no matUar kow mooti jo
pi?, Cooipurtt our Price.
ixfmw'j V.gJ'HWjl flniih plat and
JbrUework lor out-riTT.Ml:-
fs. 3 of. town patroni In
i:-rv4; JinlaJeM extraction
- -i r-.j fn-e uben pi aire or
Lav- i5Ja lridse woVk i order--.T"
' ' T1. Consultation tret.
S- W3CrM 55.00
v Hijem riiiinn 1.00
VIVS Hl EumI Fiiiinn 1.00
Silver Fillip .50
E'W!:xf'.. j Pit 5.00
ahJ nti 7.5u
ML W. A. WW, PnrammMiuiu Palnltu EitrMion .50
U tuo tniruiau n rtinin bkst METHODS
All work fully guaranteed for fifteen yenrs.
Wise Dental Co.,nc.
Painless Dentists
ritllnsBuildlng. Third ind W.shlnjttn PORTLAND, ORE.
OUdloui: I A. at. ttuidk?!, IU1
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Linn county.
In the matter of the estate of Con
rad Scheubel, deceased.
To the unknown heirs at law of
Conrad Scheubel, deceased, and all
others interested in said estate, greet-1
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required to
appear in the" County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Linn, at the court room thereof, at Al
bany, in said county, on Monday the
6th day of February 1911 at 1 o'clock
in the afternoon of that day, then and
there to show cause, if any there be,
why an order should not be made
authorizing and directing the admin
istrator of the above entitled estate
to sell the real property of said estate
at private sale as prayed for in the
petition of said administrator on file
herein, said real property being de
scribed as follows, to-wit:
Lot No. twenty (20) in block No.
four (4) in Barton's Addition to the
city of St. Johns, Oregon, according
to the maps and plats of said Addi
tion on file and of record in the office
of the county clerk in and for Mult
nomah county, Uregon, ana lying anu
being in the county of Multnomah,
state of Oregon.
Beginning at a point four hundred
and fifty feet (450 ft.) south, and three
. hundred and thirty-five feet (335 it.)
west from the northeast cornet1 -i the
northwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of section 19, in Township 13
south, Range 11 west, Willamette Me
ridian; thence south two hundred and
ten feet (210 ft.); thence west two
hundred and ten feet (210 ft.); thence
north two hundred and ten feet (210
ft ) thence east two hundred and ten
feet (210 ft.), to the place of begin
ning, ' containing one acre, more or
less, in Lincoln county, Oregon.
Witness, the Hon. J. N. Duncan,
judge of the county court of the state
of Oregon for the county of Linn,
with the seal of said court affixed this
14th day of December, A. D. 1910.
(Seal) T. W. MILLER, Clerk.
By W. L. MARKS, Deputy.
In the County Court of Oregon for
Linn County.
In the Matter of the Estate of I. L.
Aflnver. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have filed their final account
as executor and executrix of the above
entitled estate, and that the County
Court has fixed Monday the 20th day
of February, 1911, in the County Court
ronm iii flie Court House in Albany,
Linn County, State of Oregon, as the
time and place for hearing objections
to said final account, and for the final
approval of said account and the set
tlement of said estate.
LAURA L. AMBROSE, Executrix.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the estate
of Conradina Arnold, deceased, has
filed her final account in said estate
with the county clerk of Linn county,
Oregon, and the county judge has set
the 20th day of February, 1911, at 1
o'clock p. m. and the county court
room as the time and place for hear
ing objections to said' final account
and the settlement thereof.
L. L. SWAN, Administratrix.
Atty for Admx.
THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or sketch for
expert iwvreh and Ire. report on patentability.
INFRINGEMENT ilt. eondueted before aU
conrt. Patents obtained through an. ADVER.
SIONfi and COPTRIOMT quiwj u-
Opposlto U. S. Patent unice,
M OC U C D A N D O E T t H D E O .
FVe a-lTtoe. ho to obtain paunta. trad, markj,
eopyrljhta. etc N ALL COUNTRIES.
BHta &'" ' WiUmfUn Mi limt,
Pattat lufrfnfwrt fTietle. Eielwlnly.
tttnt or com to aft
U But MnaL It CUta. Malta fakta H
Albany's third big and very liberal
rift is offered today, reported with
o easure: a blocu in the Central addi
tion, to the city of r- lbany for a new
school building proposed by the district
tt is bounded by ashington, 13th, Cal
apooia and fourteenth streets, a good
"ite. Only this morning $450 was
offered for a single lot. Messrs. Wea
therford and Shaw this morning pre
sented their offer, without any strings,
except that a suitable builiing is elec
ted upon the place. It is said it will
probably be accepted.
The Royal Sons Won,
Recently the Royal Sons, of the
Christian church, with J. C. Holbrook.
as teacher and leader, had a contest
with the Philatheas, Mrs. Helen Perry
teacher, for new numbers, attendance.
etc , which was won after a successful
campaign by the Royal Sons. The
losers had to give the winners a ban
quet, and this was done last night in
the new dining room of the 'church,
with about eighty members of the two
n.iu .v...v.o i
classes present, oesiaes Kev. ana Mrs.
t,sson, bupenntenuent ana Mrs. fowell.
sson, bupenntenuent ana Mrs. fowel . "j" " '.. . :
Thespreldwas agoodone. w"JZ tX
by toasts, with Mr. Holbrook as toast- iw10r" eignior ten times wnar. u , co. , anJ r , prospects of a big crowd
master. The speakers were Rev J Mr-, Leonard has been doing bridge , anu reP"3 P"P-c a oig crowu
t. j . j ir. n ii t. work for a pood manv vears: but too
was one of the best affairs ever held in .
.i. - - ,
tne cnurcn anu was greatly enjoyea.
In the City.
A. S. Weddle. Sweet Home.
Chas. A. Fox, Eugene.
S. B. Finnegan aed wife, Eugene.
C. E. Pugh, Gresham.
Jas. H. Hart, Dallas.
R. E. Lice, Portland.
F. J. Claxton, Salem.
S. F. Judd, Centralia.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 58-33.
The river is 4.2 feec.
Prediction: fair tonight and Friday.
2500 ) colonists are due to arrive in
Portland today.
Mrs..Fisher returned this noon from
a visit with her! on Ralph.
W. A. Ledl?tter went to Junction
this afternoon on a big fruit tree deal.
C. C. Hogue, of Klamath Falls, re
turned this noon from a Newport trip.
Mrs L L. Swan and son ent to Eu-
irene this afternoon for a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Blumbere re
turned to Harrisburg yesterday from a
fortland trip.
Gov. West passed through the city
for Philomath, where he will deliver an
address tonight.
E. B. Piper, of the Oregonian yester
day lectured before the students of the
U. u. on journalism.
W. Z. Knighton, of Portland, has
been selected to design the work for
the new state building j
An ordinance at Portland provides
for a censorship of plays presented at
the theatres there, something needed. :
Down at Globe, Ariz., one man yes
terday pulled another's nose and got a
bullet in his heart for the diccourtesy.
Farmers needing help should tele
phone the commercial club which will
he triad to assist them without cost. Ai
good many will be here soon wanting
One of the most brutal murders in
history has been discovered in Portland,
that of little Barbara Holtzman, five
years old, found on a bed in a rooming
A hay rack load of high school students
last night took a ride out the Corvallis
road by the light or a full moon, having
a joyous time. Prof. Carlyle officiated
as chaperone.
TheTebault Real Estate Co. have
just gotten out a fine paper, The Cornu
copia, a fine booster lor Linn oounty.
Clarence Tebault is the editor. It will
be issued regularly.
The members of the Powell Real Es
tate Co. are right up With the pro
cession They have a fine Hudson
automobile, secured of J. L. Irvin, for
their business at the Hub.
Mr. and Mrs. L. -. Wood and nine
children arrived yesterday trom Orland,
Maine, and expect to settle here or
near here, very much pleased with ap
pearances. They were six days on the
There was a good sized crowd on the
train this noon, of colonists, just arriv
ing from the east, delighted with the
Willamette Val'ev. Tbey were bound
for different points all the way to Med
ford. A fashion expert says all the women
will be wearing harem skirts of some
j kind. Some of the more modest ones
attract no attention, Mrs. Whitney
I says she wore one in Chicago with
out attracting attention.
I At the inquest over the body of R. H.
! Mahan, at Roseburg yesterday the
judge held that McClallen was justified
in fearing that Mahan might take his
life, but that he was not justified in
firing the fourth and fatal shot.
Scoville and Taylor, of Salem will
have their airship on the O.A.C.
grounds tomorrow, and will endeavor
to make a High:, but as they have not
done so in Salen to amount to much
mav fail to go very far. But it will be
worth teeing.
A 1 .'ge de egation of Masons and
ntiit-rs vit rduy attended the funera.
n( Diur Hodges, at Palestine church
Hen'on i-ounty. The attendance wa
bi.', people trending trom a long dis
ta ce t ) nay their respects to lh
memry of a pupular man and rood cit
The girls debating team of the U.O.,
to eo against Washington, will be Misf
Carrie Di'germark. of Portland, who in Albany reeentlv on a visit with
ses Dunstan and Humphries, Mist
l.ila Chrk, of Portland, and Miss Bir
die Wise of Astoria, who makes hei
ome wh'lo at the U.O., with nrs.
K i'e ( a 'i ff, formerly of this city.
It transpires that the Inez Peterson,
ne Mrs. Farrelly. arrested at Oakland,
charged with attempting a $10,000 real
estate swindle, is undoubtedly the Inez
Peiereon, who at one time resided in
this city oeeral years, in the Young
residence at Ken y and Third streets
and whose mother now resides at Tun
zent. She has other relatives here.
Her maiden name was Davidson. The
descriptions confirm this, and Tuesday's
Examiner, which Eives her picture,
leaves no doubt of the fact. The name
of the son, Raymond, who went to
school here, is the same, and the age
The affair has caused quite a sensa
tion, and the outcome will be watched
witn interest.
According to the Examiner she has
beeen a stenographer, actress, medium
and fortune-teller. She denied her
News From Albany's Six Early
Jack Leonard returned to Woodburn,
after an Albany visit. He owns a one
rmnrlrprl o,.ro fn,mfiorr,;itVr,mrr,PrP .
. . .. t. t
"j" " : :
much rheumatism made it necessary to
ntnn thnt kinrt nf hnsineRB. Not heincr
. stop that kind of business. Not being
used to farming he will probably sell
his place and retire from that too.
Willis Peery, of the O.A.C-
' over to make arrangements for the ex
cursion tomorrow night to the big
electrical display at the O.A.C, which
he declares an exhibit worth any one's
attention, and Albany people who go
i will be well repaid for the trip. The
' rain win leave nere at b:au,
at 11:30.
I W. V. Merrill, manager of the Pa
cifie Co. here went to Brownsville to
complete the arrangements for the new
exchange there, under which Pacific
natrons will he connected with everv
fnrlBnpnrlent nhnna in that -nuntrv.
lndependent phone, in that
about 600 in all.
Bishop Scadding, of Portland, re-'
turnea trom t-oryauis, wnere ne is
giving a series ot nve lectures, aunng
Mrs. Keef . of Portland, returned from
Lebanon. I
Commissioner Butler went out to
look after bridge work.
Prof. Wilson took the motor for some
violin lessons.
Managing Editor Piper, of the Or
gonian, returned to Portland after lec
turing before the U.O. Students.
Letter List.
" "
1 i
The following letters remain in the
Alhnnv. Ore., nostnffice uncalled for '
March 15. 1911. JPersons desiring any of liminary work in an effective manner, i It transpired that there was a wreck
these letters should call for advertised and our people are (.repared for tho between Portland and Salem, stopping
letters, giving the date: actual campaign. the trains, whereupon Dr. Riley came
Martin Anderson, Beaulah Ballard, Kev. W. P. White will have ckarge of to Salem by the Oregon Electric, readi
ly R Rprlin Mnnrp RirH. Dplin Rrnwn. fchp nprannnl wnrlc. I. E Hnmiltnn will Inir thpra nt fi. betnir met bv .ToS. H.
Will Carter. William J. Castello. Marv
Chambers, Mrs. Frank Cheney, Sam
Crane, Chas. Course, A. C. Cochran, J.
Gassett; W. L. Harris, Mrs. M. Hard-
ing, Jno. N, Kapp, M K. Kelso, David
KiDbey. Gladys Lumsden, M. Looney, ;
I.iicio Larkln. K. H. Lee. Mrs. Ida
Mnnpa flnv Mptenlf. Art Meeater. P.
A. Miller, Elsie Meyer, Etta McClure,
Mrs. Chas. L. Masterson, J. O'Brine.
I Mrs. Ella Perkins, J. V. Perkins, John
F. Rott, Mrs A. O. Rankin, Lizzie
Richard, Mrs. Emma Schafflty. Alfred
bchuBter, . U bchmiat, u tvi . snarp,
Edith Smith, Mrs. Mollie Whitney, Lin
wood Young.
J. S. Van Winkle, P. M.
The Lorva'lis Knights.
G.-T: The Corallis Knights Tern
plars, who are members of Temple
Commandery No. 3, at Albany, are
making elaborate preparations for the
annual Easter Sunday service, which
will be celebrated this year at the
Presbyterian church in this city, the
commandery having accepted the invita
tion recently extend d by Dr. J. ft. N.
Be 1 to woramp nere on mar. aate.
There is a large contingent of
Kniphra in this citv and the plans they
are now making for the coming devo
tional exercises include not only a large
attendance from Albany, but all here.
It Will TaKe
'Shin Ahov" the High School ex- is without a doubt the most
ambitious undertaking ever attempted
hv thesDians. With the assistance or
some of the alumni, several members of
the faculty and singers outside ol high
school affairs, the cast is the strongest
ever brought together. The choruses catchy and exceedingly i retry, me
dialogue brisk. The comedy is very
clever and the ensembles a credit to a
professional organization, r riday and
utnrriuv Murrh 24th and 25th are ti e
dates and a grand success is predicted. '
L'p-to-Uate Pictures.
A set of moving pictures that will be
unique has neen necurea recently
:hrouin tne eiruris t,t me fiurtimaii
i.ies tor prenei.talion in the East. The
i,ii!turtts show the harresi of the crop
uf smelt in the Cowlitz rivei when the
recent run of fish was nt hh height.
Fishermen dipping the small finh frum
ihe water in countless thousands and
eining them in with big nets are shown
in tiie moving picture tilma.
R. L. Taylor, of Corvallis, was in !he
it yesterday. He has opened turktih
islhs, with prospects of fine
22 births
Health report for February
ind 17 deaths
Not being satisfied with the attendance
jfa thousannd students and three tim
as many Corvailisites, tho managers of
.he Sfi-un.i annual O, A. C. electrical
show have invaded Albany with such
Hashing posters, and so many tales of
the electrical doings, that a special
i rain has been arranged fur to carry
the crowd to Corvallis tomorrow night,
leaving Albany at 7 p. in. and Corvallis
at 11 p. m.
The show last year was a great suc
cess. This year's show will be the re
sult of a year's plans,' and the exper,
diture of a considerable sum of money.
It was instituted to let the people of
the N. W. know of the first-class
engineering school at the O. A. C. It
is no stage show, bnt covers the entire
Hoar space of the mechanical hall and
college power plant. Most of the N.
W. e'ectrical houses will also have dis
plays. There will be a good roads demon
stration, a living machine exhibition,
automati.- teleuhone. wireless tele
graph, moving pictures, a St. Patrick's
day transformer, steel cutting, mercury
vapor lamp display, electric fortune
','? electr,c """"J h'?I?; P.
Kpe.ral P.hsics. electric foun-
iin. E.uison snocKing niaL-nuie. meter
reading, civil engineering, mining engi-
neenng. etc. Q
Wilson Peery is here selling tickets 1
neenng. etc,
y. J U, at ttalsey.
. J
The Woman's Christian Temperance
Unions of Shedd. Halsey and Plainview
held an all day institute at Shedd March
10, to discuss plans and methods of
work. Why the mothers and young
women should belong to the W. C. T.
U.; Why the boys and girls should be
long to the L. T. L.; What department
can be worked best in our own section:
returning and Finance how raise money to carry
on our work were the subjects dis
cussed with profit. "The Local Union
a f actor in municipal Attain ana
"Organized Temperance Work a Neces
sity" were ably presented by the Shedd
pastors, Kevs. Acneson ana tiocKing.
. "solution was passea to ouy luer-
ature concerning aMtrines ana princi-
pies of the W. C. T. U and to canvass
thf tnwnn nnri rliqrrihntA litprnttlrp.
A ilvr moHni rmimt m hnlH in
the evening, Miss Ella Stockton winning
the meJal.
The Riley Evangelistic Meetings.
At 7:30 o'clock to-night tho long an- wood, as clean as water from a spring
ticipated evangelistic meetings under 1 A large platform, tuilt for the oc
Dr. Riley, Minneapolis, will begin, in casion, held a chorus choir, lead by
the armory, especially arranged for the Prof. Guthrie, and the ministers of the
Dr. Riley is here ready for a four
week's campaign for righteousness. Prof
Guthrie and, wife made their first appear-
lance lust night in the prayer meeting.
' Prof. Guthrie leading the singing, Mrs.
nmhrip nertorminir on the ninnn. enna
ble neoule in the imnortant nart of the
work. A large chorus will asssist. '
Rev. Doucrlas has conducted the Dre-
be head usher and J. L. Tomlinso-i will
look after the finances. '
Dr. Riley is a speaker of rare ability,
and Alban people who hear him will be
given a season of profit.
The city is ripe foi a revival and the I
neonle of Alhanv should come to the !
trnn in nrivuncincr the interests of this
', effort. '
LiKes the Neighborhood,
John Clelcn is bound to retain his res
idednce in the neighborhood in which
hp ha. rpairlprl Inr an mnnv vpnrn nnrl
yesterday bought the residence of Mrs.
Winn, which she has owned for a great
many years, in the next block north,
which he and his family will make their
! home. There is one lot and two bouses
on it, and Mr, Clelcn owns the adjoin
ing lot.
Big Log Dnvi.
J. R. Metzger left yesterday, with
his outfit, for the South fork of the
Santiam, for a big log drive, with 12,-
000,000 feet. It will take him from 100
to 120 days. The logs are the property
of the Spaulding Logging Co. and will
be used in their aifferent mills down the
C. R. Dobbins, of Waldport, was here.
Tom DaviB, of Kapouee, Wash.,' was
in the city.
J. W. Green, of Paonia, Colo., is
registered at the St. Charles. '
Miss Nancy Zan, the charming daugh
ter of Dom Zan, of Portland, arrived
this noon on a visit at H. A. Nelson's.
Prof. J. B. Horner, of thf O.A.C,
passed through the city this noon for
.Shc-dd to deliver one of his illustrated
State Superinicndent Alderman nnd
Prof. Jone", of Sale:r, went to Lena
non this afternoon to attend the educa
tional institute.
Jack Shea, operator for a number of
years, has accepled a position with the
Oregon Power Co. and his many friends
will tie glad to see mm dsck in niuany
Mu.-t Luna last night appea'ed with a
i van dr lhat would make a Paraian
fHtdii n if ailtr envious, all the colors of
the rainbow being displayed, withal a
verv nretty spectacle.
An. and Mrs. Ira liibson and little
on, accompanied by Mr. Gibson's r nnd brother, arrived in the city
Ustnigh:. 'I hey are gueits of tl eir
courui. J G Gilnun of North Albany.
The wildcat business is reported
'.,nnH I.a.r nkhl C. L. nulen brought
! ii.or scalps down from the Sweet Home
I ccunir. and today A. D. Ames ten of
the reKs of the varmints, getting, $2 a
I scalp.
' That Peculiar
Lightness and Flavor
Found in the finest biscuit, rolls, cake,
etc., is due to the absolute purity,
fitness, and accurate combination
of the ingredients
Royal Baking Powder.
The best things in cook
ery are always made with
the Royal Baking Powder.
Hence its use is universal
in the most c jlebrated
restaurants, in the homes
of the people, wherever de-
licious,wholesome food is appreciated.
Royal Baking Powder
Is sold , in every civilized country,
the world over.
It b tli only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar. ,
Royal CmK BooiSOO RtctiptiFrtt. Stni Namt and Addrtu.
A large audience gathered at the
armory last night, taking Beats income
new chairs made in Albany of Oregon
city, able to be present. Revs. Douglas,
Esson, (Jeil, Ueselbracnt anu mocnei.
Many songs were sung under the di
rection of the able leader, who has a
way of his own; but Dr. Riley came
not. Finally it was announced that he
would probably nut reach Albany until
about 9:30 and the meeting adjourned
after an hour's song service, certainly
a ffood becinnine.
Ralston and Rev. White in the Ralston
automobile, hajtening to Albany for
the meeting. Near Jefferson a tire
blew up, causing a delay in fixing things
so the trip could be comploted.
Dr. Riley is here now, for sure, and
tonight at 7:30 there will be a meeting
and everv afternoon and evening after-
wards for a month.
from Albanys
Six Early!
Governor West returned from Philo- j
math, where last night ho delivered an I
address on popular government. Ho is
already in big demand for talks, and is
developing into quite a speaker, mora
popular thun ever.
Ex-State Treasurer Phil Motschan,
now of the Imnerial, Portland, returned
from a viBit at Mb hopyard at CorvalliB. j
He is just back from a trip to Los
Angeles. Metschan is always conspic-1
uous because of his portly appearance
and prominent beard.
.1. S. Cooner. the Independence bank-
er, returned from Los Angeles where
he nasrwen tor some time, ana wnere
Mrs. Cooper remained for a longer stay.
Up norto,l n .rnriin- flmnitnt nf
rain for that cou..try. .
Dr. C. W. Lowe, the oculist, went to .
Dr. Sheldon, of the U.O., arrived on
his way to Lebanon to speak at the 1
educational meeting. i
Mrs. Tom Kiley came over from Cor-,
vallis. ;
Mrs Claud Wood and baby of Cor
vallis, left for Salem to join Mr. Wood
and reside. Mr. Wood was one of tho !
builders of the Schmitt block.
Mr. Sackott, formerly of North AI-!
bany, returned to bhcridun, where he
is in business. . . .
Miss Foshay returned to P ainviow. j
E. A. Johnson left on a Portland trip.
Prominent commercial men leaving i
were Maurice Winter and Jack Curry.
W' H' ",'yJ"V.'A&,Cr..Albany;
Mrs. J. A. Nimmo celebrated her
birthday, the same as St. Patrick's, by
inintr to Ibnnon on a visit.
. , I
Mr. and Vrs. W. J.
Ribelin arrived
from Halsey.
There was no wreck between Albany
and Portland, as reported, but one up
the Columbia.
The ferry at Corvallis stuck this
week, holding up funeral pr jcossiun
f 75 people for two hours. Moral,
mild b bridge.
William B. Turner, of Portland, yes
'esday, in Wisconsin, paid S1000 for
iiyhbied fancy cow, which he will
oring to Oregon.
of the fSSSllSii
By the Man About Town",
Work has been begun on the second'
bunkers of the Albany band and (iravct
business. The Company are kepi busy
delivering gravel and sand, both of
which have proven a great thing lor
the cement and concrete work of the--city.
The Pomona left down stream this-'
morning about 10 o'clock. Among the
shipments were tho auto of J. B. Har
rison, recently in tho picturo show busi
ness here, going to Portland.
An occasional talk about tho proposed1'
new eighty room hotel; but it has not.
assumed a shape that means business. -
There is said to bo another hotel
proposition that is decidedly interesting
one at the Rhodes corner. First ant
Ferry streets. The plan is to put it on
the corner, three or four stories high,
and reaching west over the present
Hulburt-Ohling block and Dreamland,.
giving plenty of room for sleeping.
apartments, with all the modern con-
, veniences of hot and cold water, baths,.
etc. It is a good locution and promises
plenty of backing.
Heard a man toll about an acre irV
Sunrise selling for $1,000. A popular
suburban section all right.
The Colts are having the base barf
ground beyond the denot rearranged,
with all the seats in the grand stand.
well covered. They expect some fast
games the coming seasoc.
The Weather.
Rhnge of temperature 64 84.
The river is 4.4 feet.
Prediction? fair tonight and probably
i Saturday. Liirht frost toniirht
I a .
RooaEvelt ..,. ,,- , Ari,nn!
.,.,: lMnt.,b,-r:,
,l" " ,hVLi
to beat the band.
100 Reeves pheasants are to be liber
ated next Septmper, birds recently
bought of Gene Simpatn. The Reeves
is the larrrcst of al the pheasants.
Frank Work, a well known New York
broker, died yesterday, leaving a fort
une of $20,000,000 for his family to
quarrel over. He was 92 years old.
Eugene Elks propose to bnild a block
on their lot secured last year. It was
Intended to make it 9ve stories, but
that la given un. Too much money.
They are taking for competitive plans.
At Lebanon recently P. 11. Preston
, ,iml Arhur Hardy got into a dispute
over tho openint of a street. each culled
th8 otiu,r jiir, when Hardy kmcked
iriiStoo down, He got up but became
a,.mi.Unconsc io'us afterwards and has
(,,. 9mco,
Hoy McClallen, of Roseburg, who
kilifd Muhan. has been released on
37500 bail The prosecution admits he
was justified it, firing the first shots.
hut not the mm, t ridiculous contention.
In a tryout for an orator to represent
the U. O in the triangular state con
text, between Or., Wash, and Idaho,
Chas. Robinxon was given the place.
though Carlton Spencer was a tie ana
. ahead on percentage. Spencer has pro
I tested and there will bt another tryout.
; It has caut-ed considerable feeling.
I Dr. Roland D Grant, formerly of
foriiana, passea tnrougn in. city from
I San Francisco to Portland on a visit.
, coming from the Atlantic. This ws.
nis 54th trip across thecontinent. Grant
I has lectured In Albany a number of
1 limes, ones on the Yellowstou. Park,