GUARDIAN'S NOTICE OJ? fcLE- Notice is hereby given that th dersigned, the duly appomted, qttsL lied and acting guardian of Hugh Cullough, a minor, will make sale &( certain lands, pursuant to an order of the county court, duly made and en tered of record on the 6th day of Sep tember, 1910, authorizing and direct ing the undersigned to make sale of the landrhereinafter described belong ing to said minor. Now, therefore, in pursuance of said order of said court, 1 will on the loth " Jay of April, 1911, at the hour of o'clock p. m. sell at public auction to,and Albany will do wetttomi ye a couple, the highest bidder at the front door ot the court house in the city' of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, all the right, title and interest of the said Hugh McCullough, a minor, in and to the following described lands, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the south boundary line of Block No. 4 in Hack leman's Second Addition to the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, which is 67.58 feet easterly from the S. W. corner of said Block, thence running easterly on the south boun dary of said Block 40 feet, thence northerly ana parallel J.1" . i Grub Clelan first soprano, Merle Nim ern boundary line of said block m ' mo sscond soprano, Madeline Rawlins feet more or less to the north line of , and Ei,ie Bai first and second aitos westerly parallel with the south boundary line of said Block 40 feet, ; They realy sing well and their instruc thence southerly parallel with the tor Mis' bee Ireland who is the prima eastern boundary line oi saia much. 10 tne place or oegnuuuB. Terms of sale: Cash in hand on the d.-iv of sale. Dated this 7th dav of March, 1911. ' NELLIE McCULLOUGH, Guardian of Hugh McCullough, a Minor. REFEREE'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that by vir- tue of an order and decree of the cir- cuit court of the state of Oregon, tor Linn county, duly made and entered of record in said court on the 17th day of July A. D. 19U6 in the cause pending in said court wherein rerry Ti,nmjt Smith. A. I. Smith and Lillie Smith ana iviyrue oimu , ma Smith his wife, Geo. S. Smith and , Emma Smith, his wife, W. M. Yank, George Yank and Ida M. Yank, his wife, and Charles D. Yank, George E. Yank, Vera T. J. Yank and Russell C. ..k;,,,taj fnr TTIlpn V.nnkV xaiiiv v3""31-'1"1" ' - . ," ni;nt:ff. nnr Sarah T. Smith.1 Geo. D. Feebler and Julia Peebler, his Telephone and Telegraph Co. is just off , ft Brodie, now one of Portland's E- H- Rhoades left this noon tor Mc wife, William Long and Eliza J. Long the presses of Churchill the Business suburbSj went to Brownsville. Minnville,. near which city he owns, his wife, Chas. E. Scott and Cecelia Scott, his wife, Charles tnsley and susau linsley, lus wne, j. u. ouiim and Mary Smith, his wile, c. M. . Smith and j. J. . J"e Pa"2crT5 I QCr LUC mill u.mii: ui uum u. ju.., S. E. Young, Nellie F. Smith--and P. M. Scroggin are defendants, the un dersigned, as referee in said caue, will on the 7th day of April at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day at the front and mam' door of the court house in tne c.ty o AlDany, l-nin county, jcgun, cn ai nil u tii,i iiir ipct nifir rr tor cash in hand, tne louowing (de scribed real estate, to-wit: Thact No. 2. Beginning at the northeast corner of Sec. 31, in Town ship 11 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon, and running thence west on the north boundary - iine of said section 44.68 chains to the southwest corner of the Donation Land Claim of P. Baltimore, same being Claim No. 61, in said Township and Range,- thence south 2S.29 chains to the north boundary line of the Donation Land Claim of James Tallman, same being Claim No. 63 in said Township and Range, thence east 3.40 chains to the west boundary line of the east half of said Sec. 31, thence south 11.44 chains, thence east 38.20 chains to the east line of said Claim No. 63, thence north 12.25 chains to the northeast corner of said Claim No. 63, thence east 3.08 chains to the east boundary line of said Sec. 31, and thence north 27.90 chains, to the place of beginning, con taining 171 acres, mors or less, all in Linn county, Oregon. Tract No. 3. Beginning 4.00 chains west and 16.88 chains north fro mthe intersection of the east line of the Donation Land Claim of James Tall man, same being Claim No. 63, with the south line of Sec. 31, in Township 11 South, Range 2 West of the Wil lamette Meridian. Oregon, thence north 6.07 chains, thence west 4.00 chains, thence south 5.75 chains to the north boundary line of the right of way of the Lebanon Branch of the Oregon and California R. R. Co.; thence south 65 degrees and 30 min utes east along the north boundary line of said riglrt of way 2.61 chains, thence north to a point due west of the place of beginning and thence east to the place of beginning containing 3.00 acres more or less in Linn county, Oregon. J. N. DUNCAN, Referee. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Administratrix of the estate of W. J. Crabtree, deceased, has filed her final account in the county court of Linn county, Oregon, and that the County Judge of said county has appointed Monday, April tenth, at one o'clock p. m. as the time, and the . County Court Room in Albany, Ore gon, as the place, to hear objections thereto, if any. and for the final set tlement of said estate. ' Dated March 7, 1911. ELLA CRABTREE. WRIGHT & JOHNSTON, Admrx. Attornevs f'-'r Administratrix. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned atbriinistratrix of the estate of C. E. Fox, deceased, has tiled her final account in said estate with the Comity Clerk of Linn County, Ore gon, and the County Judge has set llie 17th day of April, 1911. at ten o'clock in the forenoon and the county court room of said county, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement Ihereof. ANNA FOX. L. U SWAN, AttV.' for Admx. Admx. (MONDAY.) ANOTHER PARK. j an d W. C. Burkhart propose to prent the eity f Albany, with four teen acres f th "ne Bve just east of Geary street rii' lne Willamette, for a nark, with the toft.''0" that SI, WW a ' vear for five years M spent for im il.nupm.nt. rho fiirHr r a fine one, takir.u both the BrvanC and thS Burk hart parks. It is also said the Burkhart Brothers are contemplating presenting, the city with a block for a new school bouse. Manv Novelties. " ill be introduced in the extrara ganzy "Ship Ahoy" next Friday and Saturday nights. Among otheis will ! be the first appearance of the- nlbany MiRti scnool Treble tjieit quartette. ticirg dilieentlv to make a great hit. donna ot the play is to be compliment' ed on their fficiency. The rehearsals this week will be held in the Opera ' house instead of High School. Every i thing is readv now and only waiting the (date. Th advance sale of seats opens ' on Thursday morning at Woodworths. It Was Time to Hurry. J. C. Hammell and son Merrill. two Portland drummers, left on early train this morning for The Dalles to file on some desert land claims they recently located in Crook county, south- east oi rrinevnie. iney nad neara ini a lownsuo was oemg una ouiciose ' -F.w, - , ... " time to get their filings in before the mayor caueu tne council to oraer, A New Directory. . . n -c A new directory from the Pacific rruiwr, iieai jou. it .covers mmi, , Printer, a neat job. It covers Linn, ijiuuui. u,,. iuu .j - - u 1 V "k p fi 1 hv"V 1rT,n th w hiif. nS . ters to the Nye Beach. well reaches those at home. Long or short distance the Pacific is on the spot. The Commercial Bank of Vancouver has been declared insolvent. JNye i,re?K nas Deen cnangea to-iye u. uiaz is organism gnmc re.orois inai mnv nrinf naaoo ir iu rimn . Born, on March 18 to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lucas, a girl. All doing well. The Astors, of. New York, has given Astoria 510,000 for its centennial show. $30,000 is to be spent booming Doug las county fir. Linn has some tine fir likewise. The Democrat begs Miss Lael Brad ely's parden for -calling her Earl, a "typographical" mistake. The Tebault Real Estate Co. have opened a branch office in Lebanon in charge of Roy Fitzwater. W. H. Anderson and family, five in all, arrived yesterday from near Denver, intending to settle near here. J. C. Devine, of Lebanon was in the city today. Mr. Devine is contempla ting another hotel. The recall will be used on at least one Portland councilman, Ellis. The whole cou.icil ought to be shipped. Elbert Warford left Astoria this morning on the Bear on a trip to San Francisco, to be gone only a few days. Mr.and Mrs. P. A. Young have returned from their California trip While gone they had their outo for a ride over the golden state. Judge W. R. King, recently of the supreme court, has resumed the prac tice of law in the Chamber of Commerce building. Portland. Mrs. W. F. Heckman has retnrned from a business and social trip to Port land and Seattle, in the latter city hav ing a vi it with her sister, Mrs. Curry. On account of the trouble down in Mexico the Nati nal Guards are being filled up. The yellow journals also see trouble with Japan, but it is all in their noodle. A Taxpayers Protective Association has been organized at Eugene. Th object is to fight unequal taxation, and , Mrs. Dr. Howard. Brownsville, preai it is proposed to have every precinct in i dent; Mrs. G. T. Hockensmith, Albany, the county organized. i vice president; Mrs. Hugh Cummings, The Oregonian today contains a pic-1 Halsey, secretary, ture of prominent officers down around I Brownsville was selected as the place Ban Antonio. Texas, among them heme Lieutenant mutton butler, son of Com missioner Butler of this city. Judge C. E Wolverton. of tho U. S. court, Portland, was in the city Satur day evening. The Judge owns th property a' the corner of Second and i """Z"' tuul,"ua"y '"creasing in ' ' . . ,. . I Exhibition in the evening. After Today is the frolden anniversary of spending four hours in studying the ex Mr. and Nirs. R. M. Robertson, of hibits they great Iv enjoyed a moonlight Spokane, formerly of Albany. They walk home. They reached Albany have many friends here whose contrrat- nh.( 9 n'Mnoir on. I r.,,l ,1,. .i,i ulations and best wishes they will hav, The Eugene commercial club wanfe train out of Portland earlier in the afternoon, about 2 oc'clock instead of 4:15. If granted it will bring th" local to Albany about 5:45 instead of 7:45. It s doubtful it any such change is granted, J. J. Flynn, a nrnminpnt PnrtlonH real estate man, and three or four other ,en or :,'." of the -it . "l prominent Portland business men, ar rived Saturday evening in their for a Sunday visit at the home brother of Mr. Flynn, at Ellsworth and f ourth street. , S. C. Worrell expects to begin in a few days to move his two residences from the Third street property, near the electric light station, to his lot, , near Ferry and Eighth streets. The ! Oregon Electric is getting things ready ' for work on the Albany part of the Salem-Eugene extension. I HOME FROM CALIFORNIA. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Morgan and Mrs. ljr. Kitchen returned Saturday even' ing from a three months California j trip. A month was spent in Los An- geies, ine rest ot tne time at sanoiego, Lon" Beach, Oakland and five days at Ashland on their way home. They had j a good time, but appreciate Oregon more than over. In the Sacramento Valley they saw more water than they had seen in the Willamette Valley in a life time. For about twenty five miles on both sides the track it was all water, reaching far back. When it rains down there it rains and the snow in the mountains melts early. r J J i lu u j j splendid orange and other orchards and the winter sunshine of Los Angeles, "h.n cnmniul lha nWa tnno (ha I but. Oh you Oregon. t News from Albany's Six Trains. Early : I Jack Callaham. with the Warren Construction Co. for some time, re- turned to Corvallis, where the Com-i pany is completing three contracts. ' After leaving Albanv last vear he went to Cottage Grove and then to Baker City, where some excellent work has been done along the eighty foot streets ui bile eity. . "General" Crawford went to Port-; land to make arrangements for an en-! eine for his flying machine, which he expects to set going at this city this ' summer. John Burkhart, the origina tor of it, is now interested in a ma and chine shop in Portland. pev w B Rjiev t' iny.tiA t. the evangelist. friend, Thoueh called an evangelist . visit with here, as a matter of fact he has been a- pastor o some church for 27 years since a t theological student, without intermission. Editor and insurance agent H. Y.. Kirkpatrick came down from Lebanen.. Prof, Hudson returned from Cor vallis, vA r-M,, fr cMit Fred Kerr returned from a Corvallis. r rea ri-err returneu iron, tt urvtuiia, f.; Tne Misses McKnight and Dunlap returned to Jefferson. ' ijawyer j acn iatouretie returnea 10 f.rt!an(U. atter attending tne Sigma ball in Eugene, and visiting Albany j . The jjigseg Reckmierj of Portland, returned home of ter a Lebanon visit One of the young ladies is an S. r. stenoirrarjher. I Al Gordon went out on the Santiam . to wor.. vn s tesum 1 stuthe O.A. 7. t., , M nn hV( an active part in athletics, probably the fastest sprinter in the school. 1 H . IhOSe Here. Amonj those present in'Albany last r ridav and Saturdav in attendance UDon the x. W. C A. conference were: Dallas College. Inez Ridgway, Helen Gurney; Philomath College, Agnes Mor gan, Madge Thomas; O. A. C, Anna Bell Lee, Vena Rickard, Lila Dobell, Clara Wollan, Charlotte Huff, Alice Shepherd. Marie Cat iff; U. of 0., Mrs. Ida Brown, Elizabeth Bush, Olive Zim merman, Miss Miller; Willamette, Helen Pearce, Alma Haskins, Ethel Casebear, Esther Plummer, Jessie Yonng; M,ss Gage, Executive Sec. for the North west and Miss Hopkins, Student Sec. for the Northwest. In the City. Chas. Niccclson . wf, Mill City. w. t. Burnett, Portland. Bird Rose & wf, John Warner, Har risburg. G. V. Simpson, Portland. N. I. Taylor, Roseburg. E. Moller. Devils Lake, N. D. Chas. G. Porter, Corvallis. J. T. Weart & wf, Hood River. L. Anderson & Wf, S. A. King & wf, Corvallis. F. A. Watrous, Fjrest Grove. The Rebekahs. The Rebekahs of this district ad journed Saturday evening after a de lightful session. During the afternoon the following nfficpm wprn elpptpil- OI lne nexl meeting. Some Walkers. A party of five from Albany College waiKeo to corvallis saturdav atternoon for an outing and attended the Electrical trip a most delightful one. May Stop at Albany. On June 16 an eastern crowd of Deo- R,e B'g to the national S. S. at San Francisco will pass through Albanv. ' ''ney nave been invitea lo Bt0P here for a half day and have a picnic party with the Albany friends of the S. S., and it is said will accent. Committees have been appointed and the event promises io oe a good one. The Weather. Range of temperature 71-34. The river 4.3 feet Prediction: fair tonight and Tuesday. THE P. 0. BUILDING. A dispatch in the Oregonian states gressmau Hm ley an order will be made soon for the clearing of the site of the vt.i.'uKu iuu intervenncn oi zon new AioBny post otlice at Booadalbin and Second "streets, preparatory to securing bids for the S60.000 buildine to be erected. The annmnrmtinn ia sun. wi. I he buildings are being left on as long as possible in order to give the owner of the buildings the advantages of the for them. Died. . ........ ... Jeoian ttutctnns died at his home in Eikin8 addition last night, at the age of about so yearg He wba9 0,d mfdieri a man well spoken of. His aged wife survives him The funeral was held this afternoon ''jj bmrial under the auspices of the Another Harrisburg Bank. Harrisburg is to have a necond bank, articles having been filed incorporating tfl9 Farmors nrl larahani. Honk there, with J30.000 capital stock, John Sommerville, Dr. W. H. Dale and George McCart are named as incorpor- ubuia. TUBSDAY. Kola Neis is in the city. X. W. Boom went to Corvallis this afternoon. Fred Ellery, of th ! O.A.C., was in town todav Tom.L. Johnson has been seriously ill at Cleveland, O. Florence is to have a big rhododen- dron festival May 24, Dode Craw, S.P., man, is up from roruana on a snort visit. MplVTmnvilln iimnAana t. nnva fni fifty blocks. All the towns are waking up.. Dudley Clark has beon elected captain of ths Multnomah oase ball team, a d one . nnl3 nna good one property. March 3L wiUi he rose planting day in pugeue. Aiuan snouiu ao somepiuni- mg right along. , A new case at Portland is M. C W';lls agt. the Corvallis and Eastern to recover $10,750. Miss Myrtle Pease, of the boys and girls home, Portland, has been in the city, in the interest of the home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Milne and Mr. and Mr3. Geo. Brown came over from Corvallis this afternoon in their ante, i The revival at Uorvalhis under ltev. ; Haudenschiold closed Sunday, with a 1 record of 1U0 c?nversions, which prob- j ably means twenty or twenty-tiye church workers. To w. O. W. members. The big j initiation has been postponed until the ?r'day n Anr''- All neighbors ' w"' P'?ase talte aol,ee- BH oruer of Wt w vuuua r vjj, Crawford & Ralston have sold one of the new B'ord cars to C. R. Widmer, of Benton county, and it is meeting the demands of Mr. Widmer 's large family in splendid shape. One of the finest houses to be built in Portland this vear will be for Bishop Scadding, to cost $20,000. It will be on I rortland Heights. It will be ot uricK and English, half timber. Russia has delivered her ultimatum to China and is massing her troops to make the big bulkv nation ot ignoram uses in war matters yield. But China is learning some things too. Jefferson Review: Al Hatdman has tendered his resignation as city electric ian and accepted a position with the Albany Electric Co., which he says has an exceptionally fine plant. A few years ago a man named Mallory took up a homestead down the Willam ette. Recently 27 acres of it were sold for $80,000. It was at Portland and Judge Mallory was the man, Nelson Wilber arrived this noon di rect irom Madras, which be reports a live town on the boom. Among the business men is W. F. Hammer, bard ware dealer, formerly of this city, L.E. Moe has been appointed general manager of the street car line, suc ceeding Russell Welch, who will go elsewhere. Mr. Moe may be depended upon for reliable service and coutteous treatment. A p.cture at the Empire was a strik ing one: True Friendship. It not only told a pretty story, but showed some fine sky scraper pictures, men coming down from the immense buildings thev were working on. ' Coroner Formiller this morning was notified to go to Hnlsey at once, as a man ha been killed by the cars, and, with his sop, gut as far a Jangtnt, when informed that the man had been brought to Albany. , X. W. Boom, of this city, 26 yours ago atKirksrilln, Mo., heard Dr. ftiluv, then just starting out in the ministry, nreach, and remembers one or two Illustrations the Dr. continues to make good and effective use of. J. W. Harr and family are moving to their farm near Shedd, which will be their homo hereafter. They will rent their Albnny property. Jliss Nellie will come to Altidny twice a week to look after her muic pupils here. A Lebanon paper rcportel a fiht be tween H. H. 1'refton ami i ii:i,-t.!i-..r over a fence, after an arguir'nt m. l ih calling of liar by each. Mr. I'reaiuii says he bod no argument, didn't kn" the man, liar was not used and the fel low had no excuse at all. How easy to make mistakes on other people's words. Al thou ill trains have been running tn Madras for some lime mail continues to be sent by stage and will bo for two or three wexs. such ia the rd tnnn nvi tem of the U. S. alow at everything. In m nou i me expreas enrrpany hi-1 i service clear through, end Uie Oreg -i. ian was getting into Madras the nex uay. WINONA PARK. A New Addition to Albany's Suburbs. Surveyors began today to lay off the ground tor a new addition to Albany, to be known as Winona Park, which has a splendid sound to it, being a famous name in Chautauqua gatherings, in In diana; but not named after it. Instead it is in honor of the owner, Mrs. Winona Irvine Williams. It will consist of fifteen acres, just south of the 0 & E. round house, running from the Jackson street extension east five blocks to what will Le the Hill street extension. There will be about one hundred lots in all. The north and south streets will be the same as in the citv. Jefferson. Thurston, Lafayette and Madison, while the east and west streets will be Hackle man and Josephine. The lots will have a frontage of between 50 and 55 feet. The land is high, laying well and the addition promises to become a popular one. Rev. A. M. Williams is in the city looking after the preliminary work. It is said the lots will sell for about $300, but the price has not been settled upon for certain. The Oregon Title and Trust Co. will have the handling of the property. News From Albany's Six Early Trains. Dudley Clark and Jack Hixson, two celebrated foot ball men of former days on the U.O., and Messrs. Shea and McMurry two other prominent Portland boys, left for home after spending the night at Albany. They got left last night, the Democrat bus pects on purpose. Clark has just been elected captain of the Multnomah base oau team ana reported prospects oi a splendid aggregation this year. . W. A. Bndine went to Plainview to top graft the Whealdon orchard with Northern SpyB. This will produce an up-to date orchard ot a popular truit, Dr. Hill and Wm. Ehlert went up to Detroit on a short business trio. They are jointly interested in the Mexican mln? a'80,- .Vr- "! is getting ready .for his Palestine trip. He has bought bran new Bible and will post him' self before reaching Mt. Moriah. Kasper Kropp, the carpenter, went to Portland to build a house for August Webber. . S. M. Garland came down from Leb anon. ' Dr. Withycombo, of O.A.C., went to Porrland to see tho fat stock Bhow. Lawyer C: E. Sox went to Portland on legal nusiness. B. K Owens, of Lane county, an old- timer, was at the depot, inquiring about a fellow soldier of years ago. The Ship Ahoy Cast. T1.P nnat f lha D,t,flunvffnn,u 1 "Ship Ahoy" is not made up exclusively of St. Mary's Hospital, where i Dr. ' Kav high school students. Miss Laura nnaugh attended him. Both feot were Taylor, as Mdlle de Cognice is of the alamni, Miss Bea Ireland and her sister of the faculty tako the parts of Mdlle de Kakiyak and Miss Jones respectfully. Margaret Monteith is tho soubretto. Blanche Hamm I and Zona Height the lieutenants are the only students among the principals. Fred Curlyla as Col. Blundett Mapleson is the coach and stage director, while Earl Fortmiller us f .,..;,, I. ,v... nmnari, hnu haa nnitn a little comedy. Glen Taylor is the boat- swain. Morris Higbee plays the role of Capt. Juggins of H. M. S Cuckoo is also the only student. Tho chorus ia made up of the students and members of the alumni and vocalists of the city. Punishment for Lebanon School Boy. Lebanon has a peculiar case. A sort of A. G. Williams has his body covered with pin prcks made by fellow students in the Dublic school, and is under the care of the Dr. It is said to have been done by order of the teachers as a punishment for the boy, who had prick - ed numerous other students with a pin. that the boy WAS sent down through the aisles followed by the superintendent, his fellow students pricking him on tho way. The father, it is said, has an - pealed to the board and alBO the state school superintendent. xnis certainly is a new metnod ot punishment, one not to be commended in this civilized age. ' . . . . . . . . . 1 In the City. W. W. Flood. Portland , C. V. Leonard, W. H. Ireland, Mon mouth W. H. Dancy, Salem. J. L. Lewis. Corvallis .1. A. Thompson, f.eet Homo. A. Blair, Portland. C. O. Gates and wife, Portland, C. E. Pugh, Oresham. H. T. George, Niagara. F. H. Colpitis, Gates. B. Fuller, Shaw. D. I. Debertfall and family. Hobson. Mont. Jack JohnBon will leave America and fight foreigners for several years. He has beeu slyly preparing for a fight. uood riddance The Governor of California has ap proved the bill providing for tho Ore gon s'3tcm of direct legislation in Cali fornia. It is spreading regardless or the obstructionists in our own state 1300 people called on W. J. Bryan at his home :it Lincoln yester day and gave him a banquet. They think as much as ever of him. Thev ought to think more of him on account nf his fearless character in declaring ft r prohibition against tho wishes his party, A move is to be made to have the city extension of Salem, bringing the asvlum and penitentiary in the limits, 01.I Th'S was done to swell the pop-ih-ii.. of the city about 3,000 and il did it, Salem getting the credit of that number man than it really has. COM CLUB field a Short Session. Not Much Doing These Days. The Commercial Club met last r.n.hc with President McCune and r'ssrs. Cusick, Van Winkle, Churchill, Davis, Eagles. Ellis, Hammer, Hamilton, Hul. bert, Johnson, Marvin, Senders, stew art and Taylor present. a communication was read from President J. U. Lee of the Academv of Science, giving April 2S nd 29 as the inie lor mo convention at this city. R. H. Raymond, of the Industrial Bureau, Portland, reoorted a man wanting a locution for a foundry, ma. chine and boiler Bhops. J. m. utterest, of P oria, 111., wanted to know if there are anv in ducements here for a nail and twire works. The securing of W. E. Pears to look after newcomers at the depot, was properly endorsed;.' Mr. Pears is doing a good work. By the Man About Town, A Dond of Btasnant water on the Hogue lot between the Franklin House and Bert Crawford's barber shop. Some saiu it was tne result at a bursted watet pipe. Mixed up with it are the relics of the board in front, a dirty looking mess, a regular breeder of disease. The ny council should get busy. The old frame at Second and Ferry street, on the property just bought by Craft & Miller is being torn down after a service of many years, used mostly as a harness shop. They are getting rtady for lne new two Btory brick, which win oe a nnn aaaition to tne rapidly improving Second street section of the city. On the hotel registers quite f sq ent ry the 8in1.ures of drummers are Kiven the residence of Soap Creek. Perhapa because they are slippery. George and Ralph Dorcas left iu their own little auto on a trip m far south as Klamath t ails, selling scales. Big good natured fellows, they aro also hustlers. W. F. Chace and a crew of four men have begun work on the seeding of the depot park. It will all bo spaded and ploweoup, dragged smooth and then well Beeded to blue grass and white clover. The trecB and plants have gotten a good start and the whole will soon be a place ' people passing through take notice. I , , t. , ' A Logger LOSeS aFoOt aud a Half. The engineer of the Junction freight early this morning discovered a man lying close to .the rails, abouc three ' miles this side of Hulscy, and stopping the train the man wns picked up and turned over to Hie Eugene local, arriv ing hero at 7:30. His clothes showed him t be a logger. He Was taken to crushed, ine loic eg nan to oe am- pulated above tho ankle, and half of the right foot, the n an was unconscious ! and continued so this aftornoon.but will soon be himself. 1 he indications pre that he was intoxicnted when tho nccid- ont happened. Just how tho accident happened is speculation, until he comes to. His said that a loggor at Eugene was wnit- inir for his nartner. to arrive on No. lo. passing through here at 4:18, but hedid not arrive, and it is thought this was the man, that ha fell from the train, in some way. Hib face is badly bruised, indicating that he had a fall, ' , 4 ,- 1 WprKtafl for Peace. I El Pasco, Mart!: SWAfl ' I truce" will be established In unarmed northern : Mexico as soon as developments in I Mexico City warrant, and Francisco . ivfadero, revolutionary president, will establish himself at a point in field to ho enniiiilorprl nniitral territnrv. thnrnh. receive any peaco propnsals whioh may come sb a result of tho return to the ' Mexican republic of Senor Llmantour. This was established today in messages brought bv a courier from Madoro. who is about 150 miles south of here at the head of 1000 insurrectos. , . ' A Linn County Stump Puller N. P. Slate, of Tangent, recently patented a steam stump puller. The Albany Iron Works has just made one of them for Mr. Slate for a practical demonstration, and It is said to have jerked a stump out on the first trial as reHdily as a Nebraska cyclone. Mr. Slate, w(jj) has made a successful busi ness of j . rking wells out of tho ground will be in Uie field for clearing land of old stumps, an important one. Life at the Go'lege, The prcparatoiy boys of tho college est night put (heir flag on the college I ole, discovered this morning, by th class boys, and this noon there was some thing doing. The flag was torn down and tiken or: on the carnuiis, when that ' preparatory bovs rallied and tne dig whs loin to shre'ls It v 11 11 c'asS victory, A Siletz Tragedy. Another row it reported on the Silet; reservation, which suits the average Indian, for it will mean some fat wit ness fees in the trial at Portland Layal (. handler, a white homesteader, is charged with shooting Jim Warner, an off'ndian, through the head striking Warner over the right eye, parsing out through the ba k of his head. After the ball struck Warner walked abiut. More shooting w s heard a ound Ch nd Inr's cabin, and e is still it large, with a posse after bim. . The devil has Increased to metauest for fact.