Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, March 24, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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We participatejn
Albany Style Show
March 23-4-5.
While beneath this roof you are our guest and must be -treated accordingly.
There are two things we try to maintain in our merchandising EXCLUSIVE
These elements are the JEWELS and the GOLD of the business. All would be
useless without them.. We never lose sight of that fact Of course we cannot mon
opolize local retail trade don't wish to. Competition is good. We welcome it for the
stimulus it provides prevents us from growing self-complacent. If we didn't have
strong, vigorous, constant fighting we'd stagnate. NO FUN IN THAT.
Albany Democrat
"Entered at the post office,;Albany.Or
MK.rd cImb miil rrattir.
F. P. Nutting.
Our Wants.
WANTED. At once, waitress at tho
li.OVED. Tho harness shop of Chas.
Wagner, to Kerry street near Second.
Cnli there for Rood work in badness
and saddelry.
FOR SALE. - Indian runner duck eggs
F. M. Mitchell.- Homo phono 2704.
FOR SALE. A work maro, weight
about 115U. Independent phone
MOB. 121
DRESSMAKING. Fashionnhlo dress
making lit reasonable prices
Boll phono 2U-R Lyon St.
DAIRY COWS.-loO cowa and heifers
for sulo, Sumo fresh. H. Bryant
FOR WENT. Well located atoro room
Sea E. H. Rhodes. tit
tinnoers. Call or write for dates.
Ollico at Moores Feed Store. 121
EGGS. For setting, single and rose
comb Black Minorcas, $1 BO a setting,
Buff Orphington $1 00 setting. W.
E. Baker, Sunrise. Home Black 2981.
MADE IN ALBANY, Show" cases,
counters, and other store fixtures,
first-class goods, by tho Union Furni
lure Factory. Order of them. Keep
money at your home.
DRESSMAKING. Work guaranteed.
Evening gowns, tailored skirts, shirt
waists a specialty. Suit alterations.
Mrs. Tyler, Bilyeus, Baker bot 2nd
Srd. 9t
EGGS. Brown Leghorn, cheap in in
cubator lots. W. 11. Curry, U. D. i.
Phone Homo 3455. 1-U
HAY. Somo nice cram liny, and seed
oats (or salo. C. R. Widmer, 1! I).
4. Phone HameaSOl. 2;it
COOP BEDS and absolute cleaniness
at Walton's Rooming House. New
and modern. Schultrnew brick, next
door to opera house.
FOR SALE 8 ft. cedar posts and
anchor posts at the Shingle Mdl. It
tree line you are in need of call nnd
see W. A. Ledtiettcr, he hs a nie
lot of apples, peaches and walnuts for
your Inspection. At the corner of
11 1 Washington St.. Albany. Oregon,
PIANO TUNING.- Leave tinier tor
piano tuning at Davenports House or
Woodworth's Drug Store. C. M.
Henderson, Tuner,
WOOD FOR SALK. -Short slabs. Call
at Shingle Mill.
CHEAP LAND. Large list good farms
mailed free. K, W. Tripp, Browns
ville. Or. lot
GARBAGE. If west ofLyon street 50c
month. S B Pennv the garbage
man. Home pho SttoS.
GABRAGR Fred Rainwater knk
tt garbage. Phone Home 230R.
GLASS.-AII sure ami kin.. for tale
at the Albany Plsntnv Mill, crteappr
tmw! sy where rim in 'Albsny. Skill
h set, If desired.
OUR SPRING OPENING is not a formal function. The merchandise is not
made subservient to the OCCASION. Such things belong to the cobwebs of Ancient
School. Were we to organize one of the old classic "OPENINGS" we'd be running
behind the age instead of AHEAD OF IT.
"SPRING OPENING" here implies that the new goods' are in the shelves and
on the counters ready for you to see perhaps to buy.
We invite you to examine them. There is no obligation attachedto the invitation.
Should a clerk urge you to purchase he violates one of our established rules. HE has
been instructed to show things to you courteously and efl'ectively and under no cir
cumstances attempt to press or persuade you into a trasaction.
FOR SALE.-100 bushels of cood
I small Beed potatoes. J. V. Pipe, 203
! Wet 2nd St. 18t
: EGGS. Braham eggs for setting. X.
I W. Boom, 734 Lyon street. t2I
' FOR SALE at a bargain, two lots and
: two nous s on third and Railroad sib.
I Price $2700 00. by owner. G. W.
Simpson, 403 Commercial Block, Port
I land, Oregon. ltit
LOST. Long" breast pin. gold, with
i specimen on end. Return to Demo
I crat olhce. t21
FOR RENT.-Slcooine rooms, at Mrs.
Bilyou's, between Second and Third,
i Baker St. 15t
! FOR RENT.-Store room, now, See
K. 11. Schultz. lot
, or Wileona. nt $2 per 1000. Q. B.
Ogden, 2353 Home phono. , I
! FOR SALE. Farm of 20 acres', one
j and a half miles from Albany, new 7
room houBo and barn, running water
I all year, give immediate possession
with crops. Torms. half down and
I balance in easy payments. Inquire at
330 S. Main. t2
! PLANTS FOR SALE. Red and white
j currants, Loganberries, Dewberries,
Iceberg blackberries. Address: Ivor
' C. Duednll, Albany, Oregon. Home
Phono 7102. 13t.
FOR RENT. 6 rooms for house keep
i ing, only $10 a month. Call at Dav
enport's Alusic Store, lit
FOR SALE by the owner, a six room
house and two lots, center of to.n,
I hnlf block from'High school. Apply
1 on the premises 322 East 4 h street.
I H . Barns.
Corvallis, under Benton County Na
I tional Hunk, open after Monday,
! March 20. Ladies day. Tuesdays and
Fridays. R. L. Taylor & Son, pro
prietors. Home phone 4105 tlfi
DAIRY COWS. -100 head cowa and
heifers for sale, sumo fresh H.
' Bryant.
FOR RENT-Ollico rooms, well loca-
ted. Inquire at bank of J.W'.Cusick
Co. lot
FOR QUICK SALES'liat your property
with Grav A Peebier. Real Estate
' Agents, 2nd and Lyon Sts. ltit
JM.OOO.-Do you want a loan, or to make
a loan, see J, C. Christy, Ally. 1 5t
farm property and homestead relin
(luishmeiils and government liiml
opened up for ei.try, close to rnilroir.l
in Crook county, write to Bruce
Hood, Madras, Or., real estate agent
nnd home stead locator. 10
FOR SALE. two lots. Call
1S2S Santism Road. St
rOR S ALU. Linn County ranch. 864
acres. B. M. Payne, owner. Albany,
Oregon, (Both phones.)
ger Buick automobile, as good as
j new. Will trade for city properly or
I small tract close in. John T. Mav
W 2nd St. Bell phone 801. 4t
I FOR S.M.E Pure bieil, Rarred Ply
mouth Rock eggs for setting. SI per
lo at the yard. Mrs. Frank Kitchen,
Salem Road. Phone Home Blaok
21. 26t.
leghorns from best of stock. Eggs
delivered In or near the city. For
prices Inquire of R. N. Torhet. Sun
rise. Home phone flick 4711. BJOt
Millions of dollars a year will be
lopped off the bills for electric lights
by an improvement made by an ob
scure inventor in the lamps or bulbs
which are used. Durability has been
combined with the production of high
i candle-power light and with, a small
I consumption of current. The fragile
I tungsten lamps which were hailed as a
great improvement but which proved
impractical because of the short life
! and high cost of the filament pro-
duccd more light with the same
amount of current or the same light
I ivith less current. What the effect
of the durable lamp will be upon the
revenues of lighting companies can
nut now be foretold, but the increased
number of users of electricity hereto
fore have made up for diminished rev
enue per patron. .The rapid adoption
of electricity for the lighting of farm
homes makes this invention important
in rural districts because the voltage
of the hcHnc-made current is usually
low and especially adapted to the new
lamp. Tile filament used in the new
bulbs is made from wire and has been
found to stand as much rough usage
without injury as the carbon filament
which for ten year's has been in such
universal use.
The Mexican revolt is fundamental
ly and essentially inspired by the same
causes as the revolt in the United
States against the control ot the gov
ernment in the interest of large aggre
gations of wealth. Diaz has con
trolled the machinery of the Mexican
goveriinu'iil in the interest of those
who desired to exploit the Mexican
people, to gain control of their natural
resources, and to create conditions
against which the progressive forces
in the I'nitcd States are now ram
pant. Mexico, with which nature has
dealt with lavish hand, has been a
rich prize tor which capital combina
tions have striven and arc striving to
day. Mexican reforms will be more eas
ily achieved when the press of the
United States ceases to treat the Mex
ican revolution as a joke. The strug
gle of an oppressed and poverty
stricken people for freedom and jus
tice should not be regarded by the
I essential') ridiculous. Yet the press
associations have conveved dispatches
which iiierred to "the opera bouft'c"
war. It Htriiishcs an additional reason
why the American people are turning
more ar.d more to the mag.irines.
John I' 1 atlirop, in April l'aci:ic
FOR REM" -Six seres, with good
house ami Imrn and small fruit: one
mile from Mmlisen school Inquiie
3:1:1 Sii.'h JctTerson. Home Phone
Black 123.
TO SEF.KER.- Do you
want iifine suburban home joining the
city limits, consisting of nine seres,
with gosl H room dwrllmg. birge
bnrn, all well improved, easy terms,
if so see either of the following
parties. Collins & Taylor. J.' V. Pipe.
J A Howard, r. M Trench. 21t
tV ANTED.- Boy with bicycle, to carry
Ortgonians See Hen Clelan.
We can t sell ALL the goods, but if ability in organizing, planning and executing
count, we should distribute up to our phys.cai capacity. We ask no sentimental fa
vors. If you can beat us, don t hesitate t'0 j0 so. If the service, the merchandise, the
prices elsewhere are more to your hkm'g than ours we dont expect t0 receive your
patronage. , -
Ouf appeal is to all to worr,en of the Gingham and to women of the Velvet
Gown. This store is the PALACE OF EQUALITY. N
They say that kind of 'Retail Dynasty can't be sustained. We'll see.
George Fin'ey returned from Port
land thisnonn
G. H. Markesbury, of Eugene, has
been in the city.
C. E. Wood and wife arrived last
night from Genesee, Idaho,
Mrs. Fed Veal and daughter have
bten visiting Scio relatives this week.
e illiam Frazier, former sheriff of
Multnomah county, a big horse buyer,
has bten in the city.
Detective J. F. Reilley, of the S.P.,
was in the city today looking after an
Albany case.
Rev. Gordon, of Seattle, U. P.
synodical missionary, was in tne city
this afternoon to see Rev. White.
Rev. hittlesey, of Eugene, formerly
of Albany College, was in the city this
afternoon on his yvay home from Port
land, i
W. H. Palm has returned from Leba
non, where he has had charge of exten
sion Home improvements there the
past month.
Clayton Dow and family have gone
to Albany to live, the migration taking
place today. Last evening about eight
; een of their intimate friends met at the
I Dow home on Ninth and Adams streets
i and gave them a farewell party. Cor
i vallis G.-T. Mr. and Mrs. Dow are
prrents of Mrs. Ben Roze'le.
A little cash will handle one of the
best "BUYS'' of the seasou in Central
' Addition. Strictly a resident district.
Ask Collins & Taylor about them.
LOST. large belt pin with stone in it.
I ' Return to thiuliics. t28
LOST. A fur muff, black, Saturday
evening, in the city. Call 117 J, Bell
! Phone or leave at Democrat office.
' FOR RENT.-Hou-ekeeping andslccp
I ing rooms. Mrs Biiyeu, Baker, bet.
I 2nd and 3rd.
j LOST. -Somewhere in the city, a mink
fur. Please retuin to Albany Stables.
I Reward. 21t
FOR SALE Three very choice one
acre tracts nt S .nrise, close in. In-
quire of H. R. Schultz. 2St
FOR SALE. Five room, new modern
bungalow, rooms hunt, fire nlace,
j china closer and dutch kitchen. See
! ow. er nil) West 11th St. 20t
'FOR RENT. 32 acres pasture land
just esst of Hackteman's Grove.
! Write A. M. Williams, McMinnville,
i Oregon.
I Visible Underwood No. 4 at $40 00
and Fay Sholes Ne. 7 at S2o 00. Both
I machines in A 1 condition. See them
i at Rawlings.
j WANTED vld setting hens thst are
just commencing to set. Js A.
Hong & Son, Aloany, Box 205 Good
price will be paid. 14t
FOR SALE Thoroughbred black
Orphington cockerel. Jas. A. Hoag
S.n. Al asy. box 205
FOR RENT. - A Smith-Premier type
writer. Call at Western Union. 121
FOR SALE. -Nice lot with 4 rom
hcu-e and barn. Call at 440 K 1st
street 9t
FOR SALE Lot 67 t.v 111 on WKt6'h
street. See W. F. Pfeiffer. 3-2t
Have you ever stopped to think of how much value
good teeth are to you?
Do you know that many of the diseases of the body
are caused by decayed teeth?
Do you know that proper mastication of the food
means a good stomach and good digestion ?
Do you know that bad teeth in many cases are the
cause of throat trouble?
Do you know that bad teeth, especially the uppers, do
affect the eyes ?
Did you ever stop to think that nature intended the
fr4- .n4- C 4-1, A 1 t r r i.i ... . .
in ai put ui me ingestion oi iooa to oegin in the mouth?
What is going to happen if you continually swallow
the poison from decayed and broken-down teeth?
. I will examine your teeth FREE and tell you the ex
act cost for first-class work
My terms are cash, so I can give first-class work at a
moderate price.
is sure to come. It comes in finance as well as in
climate. We aim to conduct, not only a fair
weather bank, but one that will withstand the
A bank's assets and liabilities always balance.
We have $1.33 for every dollar that'we owe de
positors. Our aim is to be sale, rather than big.
Wc conduct no other business and have no
preferred depositoVs.
J. W. Cusick & Co.; Bankers.
HAIR GOODS Puffs, switches,
pompadours, etc.. made from comb.
ings. Mrs. B. F. Purdom, US E.
First street, Albany.
e-n Kire Relief of McMinnville, and
Nor hvtcstem Mutnal Fire of Seattle,
two stronger! comuaniea em the coast.
C. C Bryant, sj.-ept.7