Of- sv.-t1" Democrat Albany VOL XlVJ ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY, MARCH 2t. 191 L HOME SEEKERS For Honest Information and Courteous Treatro ent ' PACIr Office 106 K. Call at the C REAL ESTATE CO'SI Z 1st St., Aioany. ur, pr phone 3G92 blackv. i HiiMfi See Ben VYinUR0Zell 'lome, 456-Y Facifio at NEW BOOKS We have just received a shipment of New Popular Fiction. Some of the late $1.50. Bookt now55c. 10 for $5-00, MEISER & MEISER DOINGS OF THE WORLD AT THE COURT HOUSE. THE Y.W.C.A'S. ALBANY YLE SHOW MARCH2 will Exquisite Suit and Coats Jacob'A. Riis is to lecture in Eugene April 3. He was to lecture in Albany once, but did not. & hir Ri O on the hutte at Eugene. St. Patrick's day morning was found to be verv green. Who did the painting. Gov. Hawley. of Idaho, has vetoed eicteer measures, lhat doesn t loucn Gov. West s record 01 ti. A Walla Walla printer came near being whipped this week. He printed a program for an Irish entertainment in orange. Thn Sonata Journal has at last been completed and numerous botches have hppn rmtenen uu. 1 ne rnu can iui uc hi I is missing, cut mere is enuugu u" the Journal's page to avoid AU extra session of tQa legislature. Eugeno Regi3ter:-C. E. Demarest, itn mmiinva of Hvlleshv comoanv who I has worked in Oklahoma, came in from R rime. Michigan vesteraay to ian a position as accountant fortsqfaWS 41ter a few week's wirW In. the koal office, he will go ta Albany' ta look after tne commercial urt or the business. Th r.nhinnt was iriven two fine ad- Idieasos last night, by President Camp l iwn thn nar,ii,itinn in a Btudent com- j . e munity from the standpoint of the Heavy tax payments made before the w;tluytion and by MisS Gage, the 16th: - D. C tlolt 1161.48. Esther Wood- etTv? from -he5 standpoint of the worth S123.60. Woodworth D " ociation, followed by aYecep'ion $177.bO. M' H. Oreen Sal. IT. . h ,on thu morning Miss B. Pugh $160.28, Lebanon Paper Co. hopUill8i the N. W. student sec- $3489.66. D. w. Rumbaugh J101.1-S. ri , ed Biblo atudy an(j $125 83, Geo. J. and Cecil Wilhelm oe; vi UJilhJm X, Hill 126.40. J. E.. .Vow.xu, ............ - - !. a- k. 1 1. watnertiuu , c. ej E Unm ai'J.l u Wm 4nnrlin 1 tl.ZS. W . U ' "J"K T if", ei n sr. Nichalson sViza.o?, i. "' .- Z. T. Mountjoy Slo Ul, wm. . $338.19. J. W. Grimes $134.08, H. L. Grimes $122.45. B. E. Grimes $112. M. n Goodwin $120 67, F. & S. Dempaey there was a committee conterence, Miss G.ige speaking on finance and mis sions, visa Anna una i " ..v on Bible study and religious meetings. Miss Hopkins on mo social aim mem bership aire. Brown of the U.O., on intercollegiate and extension. This noon there was a fine breakers luncheon at the dormitory, with Bomo 15, Goodwin $101, c of a. ' btiKht toasts, the O.A.C. responding $138 97, R. K. Burton J29 roW. (J Snti,ipatiana, Uollas to friendships, Bros. $102 31. Marriage license; E. B. Myers the Scio Bank, a '. " Shelton, diusier oi nuwy, ouvv"-. LADIES AND MlSSk. TAKE PARTICUL' DELIGHT IN EXQUISITE AND COAr MAN-'AlLdnE . NOONrXHIE2ff 1. SOTX" .DEPr. " OLIVER DAY At Stcwait & Sox rldw. Monday, March 20ih. Deeds recorded: W. D. Washburn tq Petolf Pau'iusi 6ofeet U13 B.A.. .,,,...,.,'.. IL. D. Chamherlam to Lli.n Co., I tract ls-2 VJ...... W. A. Bwing to ft. v, vet9' 4 acres Scio Etuma Kelly to DrinkardStandlsh, Brownsville property G. W. W. Drinkard to J. N. Neil,2 I'n'c lts Brownsville I Da-ill . Univrrsitv tn rdmmlSCCnCCS, Willamette to the breal'ers' spirit anoV of Albany to AU through the jenr. W- ' This afternoon M'.g Hopkins led the EGageon mege to Indfll, 1 10 10 Rebels Whipped. We extend a general invitation to all . and see the GREAT OLIVER PLOW AND CULTIVATOR. Mr. Butdett: and Mr. Gorman, of tho Oliver Chilled Plow Works of Portland, will be with us and assis in bringing be fore the people the merits of Oliver goods. ; The Oliver plow and cultivator need no introduction in Oregon, being now universally used over the state. Oliver plows are adopted to our soil and the farmer making the BEST crops uses the Olivpr Plow to turn his soil. We will have a full line of our ma chines on display. STEWART & SOX HOW. CO. Suspicious Surveyors NEW TAILORED HATS Several new shipments of rich tailored hats have just arrived by exprts have been in once you should come again and continue to call until yoir find w.hat you want New models arriving daily. , 13. A, During the past two of railroad aurveyora wnplrd n nutM i !' . r , . haveruh' a &! ; " ciffliSS SutH- SantiatrV vuffey fc. ' . V t not Sweet Home.and Wifl1 Wlllrs. . on across- the rmwHrliih. . Iknown by which coaparty tcy'a,f9 H piiyed, but it is- ihouglit they av I runninc a- V.na for th tninn nt tHo' T yoilfjl Lebanon hranch of tho Southern-PaiMfio1 ALBANY Snn Dieiro. March 17. With their . I loader, Luis Rodriguez, and seven of 300 his followers dead on the field of bat tie I at Tecate, Mexico, and remnants of t e J band scattered to tho four winds in the mountains; witn Mexican federal in I fnntry holding the passes and hamlets. I the revolulion on the west side of the I mountains in Lower California received ih severe blow today. The federal PfnimNl ootwii. oi tha Imnerial. 1 forces lost l3 men. Holt again at the Holt comer, A neat placo. Holt's Meat MnrKOt. Fresh herring and smelt at KP't'8, I ' Choiee lunshes at the! Vienna Bakory, 'f hete Is a lady ct6k a6 tho Imperial, Have yoilt feet ftMf-ndod to' by Mrsi Driver 230 Lyoit, both phone. No belter meals than at tti Imperial, 2nd street. It might be well to nlaco voni rilvfeJ early for spring hats as the New Band1 1 . V18, Mountains." A Box is now and will be rushed. Low I ""'lnt,' Vitagfaph drama with pretty prices ano latesc styles in millinery is' I me usual vita, what coun'a. All are invited to feast , Br,.?,'? . , your eyes. otansi jueter. lhis romance p 0. WILL, lor Watches mpire Photoplay Theatre "The GIrT of the Mountains." A A hunters license, granted today, was to Mark O. Sullivan, aged 2, weighing 72 pounds. The Albany stylo show has been splendidly advertised in all the papers of the county, the way to reach the people. The Oregon Power Co. RED-CROSS SHOES Oxfords, Pumps and Sandals Unsurpassed in Style, quality and fit. ing in They Bend with the Foot. No Break- Chambers & McCune Albany 's Leading Cloak and Suit Store. Idaho's- Farrrfs;. What av ilfferbnce in tMtr v?e!rtertf countryfrwa'the east The number of nt at Eugene. 1 at Albany oW -eta cotapttfi) k is very goou, inc scenery being ex ceptionally good, and the photography excellent. "The Water oCntest." A scenic picture of unusual beauty. "Sleep, Gentle Sleen." A comedy, presenting the case of a man who wants to go to a smoker, and hl I wife who is determined he shall not. mo a uig gas .aiiu puis sleeping powder in Ins wine, Why doesn c it put neio e some other It is bound to come. An Editor in Albanv, The editor of th. " BiB?tot S"V , . and he. to cet awav. nuts Hip e.nm powder in her tea. Of course they . both fall asleep. Watch the tramp ma nun m uie wine, j ne laugli begins at the first and continues to the end. ' I Complete change tomorrow. Admission 10 cents. " in the city recently re go. larniB in idtuio'in icn1 years mereasea1: any inu-'mnmn ib a si ' tte noticed me at. ra . r'i ear and thought it funny for I0"0 to find fault at little things. -hurait He Baw many new residences go. "oaV and heard of several blocks. A I He met a man who complained of the ' dirt -jn the pavement, and our streola from1 BT.4VI' to'36.741. the acreage from 3,205.000 to 5,269,000, the valile per acre from 518,20 to $46 39. The iiilrBer' of farm freoxrom debt is lB.'ll.'iv mort gaged s,ai'8. The average acres per farm is m, a- decrease of 12-acres m ten years. LBANY SIPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confection L'ry, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden uate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices bef jre buy ing. Ca3h paid for eggs. Foot Ferrv Street. Albany. Phones. M&in 6 Bell, 3 Home. LINN COAL & FUEL CO. Coal delivered to any part of the city.' PRICES RIGHT. McCourt & Prettyman, Managers Olfice::Cor. First and Baker. Home Phone 306Bell Phone 131-9 Meiidota Coal M. Senders & Co, Both Phones 48. 435 West Firpt St. Hay, Grain, Flour, Seeds, Salt, Poultry Supplies, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Roofing. is fast gaining in favor, always clean tree from soot, kindles easily, burns readily, free from clinkers, makes but little ashes. These good qualities mak an ideal coal, best on the market for the monev. Sold in any quantity, prompt del very, uraer irora. ALBANY FUEL A. W. DOCKSTEADER. Prop Bell 277 J. Home Black 176. CO, MAYBERRY TRANSFER COM PANY AND WOOD YARD. Office with Linn & Benton Real Es tate Co. All kinds of transferring, baggage work, furniture and piano moving a specialty. Dry wood for sale in any quantity, cord wood or cut any length ordered, 12 or 16 inch, for cash only. Special rates on carload lots. All phone orders, baggage checks, shipping receipts or freight bills left at Linn & Benton Real Es tate Co., or my residence, will be promptly attended to. R. B. MAY BERRY. Proprietor. Office phones Home 178. Bell 143-1. Residence t I Home 382, Bell Main 74 It Was a Good One: Several Albany ceoDle attended the electric show at tae U.A.O. last nichtJ mere was a Dig crowd present. - ims oftering was a striking one and worth the trip and expense, a splendid thin? ror ine u.A.u., a Demonstration ol the superior work being done there that at. tracted attention. McCart's Answer. An answer was filed today by J. K. Weatherford, in the case ofMary Me Cart agt. Geo. McCart. for divorce and a big alimony, in which the defendant charges that the plaintiff stated that she didn't ma ry him because ehiked him, but for his money, and de nying most of the allegations of the plaintiff. REAtob.n THEATRE V. r..TONIGHT are Kept the cleanest or any ol tlie V'" waier jar-An lnfluir paved towns life i.V.'nyeil' by ihc Vitngraph Co., . He met a man from Illinois, who was illustrating trie Indian belief in divine told by a Kar from the state of Wash- forgiveness and a Great Spirit that ington, in Portland, that men in this control Jhc soul's future. . One of the vallov Irave to wear bio mbber bootn . mnt fimf.Minrffv mnir,iifirinf' n;rs almost the year round and was sur- ever shown in Alhanv. d none 2. Scenes Street rnr iriL in Philadelphia, .showing actual scenes taken during the recent trouble in that city. 3. ' The escape from the Tuileries, An historical drama of intensive ami lasting interest in which a king makes his escape by the aid of a friend. This picture is full of thrills and is an ex tra line one, the photography being first-class. 4. Illustrated Song "All the world in love." S The Poor Sick Men. A comcrlv by the peerless Biograph Company and a good one too. The men try to prised: to find none The Rebeltas. The district convention of Rebekas, including delegates from seven lodges, about fifty, was cal.ed to-order at 2:30 this afternoon by the District president Mrs. Geo. Drinkard, Mrs Grout, the state president, arrived this afternoon from Junction: This afternoon was devoted to lodge work, and tonight tltera will be-asocial session. Stop and Look this Over, Two beautiful X acre tracts, one has a small houte on. Yon ran buy these 6 acre tracts on the installment pan, small sum duwn and monlhlv paytiifnis V uieec your own convenience Fur ) particulars phone to owner. Bell 514-L. ; Even up on that vk-hi Bill" by buv' ing a lot in Central Addition and build you a little home this year, and thm save rem. For particulars consult Collins & Taylor j Crawford and Ralston have sold to Charles Ashtnn a fine Ererht 30 towing ta. They expect a good year for th Evcritt also for the Fords, which are going fast. , ; Shoes for the whole family Look neat. Don't develnpe eoni and tun ions. Go to Burns Shoe Shirn fool their wives by playing sick and tnen going to the Uuo and they al most succeed until complications set in and then their troubles start and come fast. It is certainly a fine liigli class comedy. Coming Nevt Week Lassoing Wild Animals in Africa. Admission 10 cents. STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY , aw Md Jf.l Hurry and Get Some of those Bargains at .. The Variety Store A beautiful $10.00 Chocolate Set will be given away, Saturday, M rjh 18 313 W. First Street.