NEW SPRING SHOES In All Styles of Boots, and Pumps Oxfords Women's Metsl Oxfords, in foot form shape , very nobby and serviceable, at $3.00 pi Women's Gun Metal Boot, in new i, spring last, extra good, at... $3.00 pr Jast received, a full line ofcolors, in D. M. C. embroidery cotton. Flood's Store Agents for & 0. Corsets. Agents for Standard Pattern We carry a full line of Round Oak, Universal and Cole's Heaters that out-class all others. Also v Monarch, Majestic, Univers al and Round Oak Ranges at prices to suit your pocket book. "Best Ranges on Earth." Our stock is complete. Stares, Stoves, Stoves. I-Lilburt-Ohling Hardware Co. TOMORROW'S DOINGS. Tomorrow night another general ex change of pulpits. Who will be at your church. United Pres yterian W. p. White, Pxsn.r. The usual Sabbath services at 10:30 a m. and 7:30 p. m Grace Presbyterian. Morning sub ject Loyalty lo Christ. Some one of t'ie city pastors will preach in the even ing. Christian Science. Sfc'fVie'sS 11 a; m. The subject is: Substance. Ex perience meeting Wednesday 8 p. m. All are welcome. Baptist.-S. S. 10:15 a. ra. Preach ing by the Pastor at II a m. and 7:30 p. m. B. Y. P. U. 6:30 p. m. All are cordially invited. Methodist. 3rd & Ellsworth St. Rev. W. S Gordon, Pastor. Preaching 10:30 and 7:30. The work on the church will not interfere with heatimr it. I First Presbyterian. K. H. Gesel ! braeht, Minister. Morning service 110:30. theme: A Pre-Revival Theme: . The Call of God. Evening Service 7:30. ' S. S. 11:45, with a large orchestra. C. ; t. 6:30, A most cordial invitation to everyone. I Christian. Bible School 10:15 a. m. Christian Faith rind Modern Thought will be t e subject of the morning ser mon. Junior Endeavor 3 p. m Senior Endeavor 6:30. Evening sermon A new preacher will appear in u ev-.i i ing, but we know not why ft" . oe. Come and sample him. .-. cial music. A cordial greeting. St. Mary's (Catholic). Rev. Arthur Lane, Rector. Kev. John Van Neyel, Assistant. Tomorrow Low Mass at 8 and High Mass at 10:30 a. m.. Vespers, sermon and benediction 7:30 p. m. The Rev. Father Smith of Corvallis will officiate at all the services. At the High Mass the sermon will be on the 27th veriie of the 5th chanter of the letter of St. Paul to the Hebrews. The subject of the evening discourse will be: "Why are not all Christians?" Ail are cordially invited. MISFITS. Albany needs six councilmeu all the time. When the politician runs things means graft. It's a tedious job, splitting hairs, a foolish one. that and Mexico end the terms, each loaded, U. S. are on good Portland id about to have the agony of a mayorality contest. What about that new city hall. Not a mention of it in the last city council. Ed.tjrs are the best of all boosters, declares the Portland Commercial Club. . Tnere ought to against frandulent kind, be special laws promoters of any Washington his passed some road law 8, the roads to be built by politicians, which of course will mean tanure. Between $11 and $13 a foot for 42 feet of pavement in a decidedly high price forroad making as good a thing as it is wnen one gets it. Harrisburg. The Clelen corner suits people for an Oregon Electric depot. With a double track on the street the whole street really ought to be paved. An inquiry was phoned into She Dem ocrat ottice today for a pattern of a harem skirt. Th'f was one case where the Democrat office was not equal t the occasion. Brownsvilie. r " ?r"E MEETINGS. ' The K. O. hi. every Saturday even ing. The Woodmen of the World every Friday evening. L. Vicrcck, clerk. Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays- j Mo'-crn Woodmen meet every 2nd and 4lli Wednesdays in Bussard's Hall. Grant Kroman, Clerk. Royal Neighbors meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in Bussard's Hall. Alice Kirk, Recorder. J. LEROV WOOD, V "" Mechanical Engineer. Foundations. Roois, Iron and Stec Structures, Power Plant designs and specifications, V ?T Transmission, Drawings made : checked. Omee, Albany Iron V....;. REAL ESTATE. acres 7 miles out, $4700. Condensed from the Bulletin: Newt warmoth has sold the McLullocn farm or 2UU acres to Daniel Crop, or i Hubbard for $65 an acre; A. M. Pryor j 60 acres to l.ydia Hostetler, of Hub bard, for $80 an acre. Bob White is in town, taking excep- new He 55 acres 7 miles out, $4700. New $1200 house, Q- rooms, fair barn and oiit-huildinirs. vouuir orchard. eo;d water, well fenced and cross fenced I tion to the prop-wed building oi a with woven wire. On main road, R. I road on the west line of his fajm, D. and Tel. All under cultivation, wants a road but not there, giind soil, no white laud. Investigate Mis Alice Jackson, daughter of Ex this. 1 Sheriff Jackson, died March 3, at the .SO acres, three miles from town, $40' age of 29 years. She was. an invalid all per acre. All good river bottom land, her life, the result of scarlet fever fair house and barn. 15 acres cleared. ; while young. ,K peach trees. The best peach land ; Rev. V. W. Clark died on the tth at there is. Largest peach orchard in j the age of 54. valley close to it. See this before it is : . sold. We also have a large list of farm,; urjii -: - timber and fruit land, large and small' "'" rtuL"on- tracts and city property. Lome in aim see us anout them. The Clay Taylor Realty Co. Condemned from the Times: G. W. Hector, recently in the second hand store business at Albany, has moved to Brownsville. A base ball team ha been organized with J. B. Cooley as manager, W. P. Yates captain-. The Pacific Howndsmen'a Association' will meet here next week. S. C. Heater, of Myrtle- Creek, has decided to locate here. The Guarantee Optical Company have a large and new stack of all styles of spectacles aad eye glasses, also a va riety of Hair pins and Ear loop chains and chain holders. We guarantee ac curate fitting of lenses and frames. Stock at Dawson's Drug Store. Shoes for the whole farotiy. Look neat. Don't develope corns and bun lone. Go to Burns Shoe Store. Careless Use of Matches Caused 1089 out of 5976 Fires in Chicago last year. This illustrates one of the reasons why insurance com panies advocate the use of Electric Light in preference to all other forms of illumina tion. This is one of the many reasons why your home and your place of business should be Electrically Lighted. It is true that defective wiring has been known to cause a fire, but where ordi nary intelligence is used in handling electricity Safety is Certain. ' Our New Business Depart ment plans lighting installa- t tions free. Electric Light Co. 128 West First Street. BEN ALARM CLOCKS F. M. French & Son FIRST NATIONAL BANK Assets over $1,000,000.00. Strictly a commercial bank: ' If the Oregonian is mitseci report to i BemC'clan at once and you. will get it. JAS. F. POWELL, Keal estate. Salem Brewery llldg., 9th &: Lyon. years residence in Albany, Or. cial agent. Collections made for y Forty Financial agen iion-rcsulcnts. UO Broadalbin street, Albany. i Bell phone Red 140i. TOM YOUNG. j House and Sign Painter, ! Agent for the Clc-cland Gclscnite roof paint. 122 Ferry Street, ' Home Phone. 320. racihc. Red 3092 COILIN2 ft TAYLOR. j Real Estate and Insurance, . I Rnv and sell property, insure property and transact Large or small timber mm ,-1 W. A. Westfall, the auctioneer, has roturned from Newberg to Albany, to I reside. He is one of the best auction- eers in the valley, a rery elhcient man in the business. Mr. westian will nave charge of the sale at the Variety Store and those who attsnd will alway be well treated. F G. WILL, lor Watchei, Crawford & Rulston havp sold to Dr. Davis and the Tebault Real Estate Co., each a Model T. Torpedo Ford Roaodi about. Dr Davis has received his car and the Tebault Real Eslato Co. will receiver their car April Is... loans. tracts. J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mort gages DOUglH. 1 Will UO"" J Property handled for non-residents. 1 A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Will & Stark Block - Albany WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT but some of the finest buildings it. tnwn are emiitmcd with our plumbing work. We make a specialty of high j class sanitary plumbing and will be ' glad to have you examine samples of our work. We have moved and are ! now at 118 West Second street. i MEDIN & STUART. The W. O. W. held their 9rst meet ing lust mgni in ine new nan. a. cat enation of the Ladies of Woodcraft surprised them with a fine lunch, a. social time was had. DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albany State Bank Building. R.ll mark 482. Home 275 H. A. LEININGER, j Dentist, Clawfonl Block - - Albany Public Stenographer. AND NOTARY PUBLIC R. T. YATES First National Bank Building. Homo Phone DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, Will Si Stark Block Albany HENRY BRODERS, Dealer in Choice Meats of All Kinds. 210 West Second Street. BRUCE & ANDERSON, Opposite the 1'ot.totlicc. Four chairs. Prompt ami etlic ient rare of the face and hair. VIERECK'S BATHS. 21" West First Street. FUM-Class Wo'k Guaranteed. CRAFT, Shingle Made in Albapy my No. 1 J.r lirain the UEtT In the Various grades and price irom $1.25 upwards Every bunch branded with my name. Look tar it. Examina these shingles before buying elsewhere. t. A. THOMPSON. We uso no dry kiln. C. C. WRIGHT, M, D. VETERINARIAN i Authoiizeil To Do Tuberculine Testing I Phone Albany Stables. I I he Market. Wheat $.80. Oats 35c. Beef 4 -2c;vcaldressed 11c Pork dressed 11c: on foot 8.Sie Lard 15c. , EggslSc Chickens on foot Mc. Hams 18c to 20c, aides IS to 20c shoulders 15 to 18c. Butter 30c to 3ac. Flour $1.50 to S1.75c a sack. Potatoes 85c oer bu. Hay, from $10 fnrsome clover xo $14 th" best timothy NO. REPORT OP THE CONDITION! J of ALBANY STATE BANK at Albany, i J uregon, in me acate or mregonv ai uie close-of business,. March' 7, 1311. RESOURCES. Loarsa and discounts $ SI.744.0C Overdrafts, secured ana un secured Bonds, securities, etc Banking house, furnitureand fixtures Due from banks (tfiot reserve banks 2,089.41 4,482.97 14,979.58 IF YOU were to sit down and think the master over, where- would you open ycur bank account? WOULDN'T You open it? with a suc cessful Bank; one whose: record has been of aontinucd growth;: one that is making money for its stockholders; one that has built up an aixrple surplus to protect its depositors? ON THS BASIa of Forty Years of public service, a surplus exceeding its capital stock and strict economy of management, this Bank invites your account. 200.00 Due from approved reserve basks 33,898.06 Exchange for Bearing bouse 673,35 Cash on hand 11,483.02 Expenses 63.83 Total $149,014.22 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 30,000.00 Surplus tuna guu.uu Undivided profits individual deposits suojeci.. to check 73.6J5.65 Demand certificate of deposit 2,937.45 Time certificates of deposit. 37,175.47 Certified checks 452.86 Savings deposit 4,612.79 FIRST Assets Interest on savings accounts. SAVHNG8 BANK over .54U,uuu.uik Total $149,614.24 State of Oregon county of Cinn ) ss I, H. N. Bouley, Cashier of the above named solemnly swear tnat the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. . H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of March. 1911 J. J. COLLINS, Notary Public. Correct Atteit: Wm. Bain, P. D. Gilbert. C. G. Rawlings Directors.. WM. BAIN. President- p. D. GILBERT. V.. P H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. ' ALBANY STATE BANK Great Oaks oS Financial Success grow from very stoall acorns a small sum opens an accouat in our bank but, to have a big, heafthy financial tree, you mast be persistent in your depasiting. Systematic depositing is the root of financial in dependence. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank ing, then you wiE branch out iato better things and be safe against any ill wind that Blows. Dollars are financial acorns plant them in our bank and watch them grow. M. B. 24? Wet Second St.. Alban, First class meats o( all kinds from selected stock. T. J. PTITKS, Attorney at l.w Notary Public Legal business of a'.! kinds in all the tourta promptly sttered to. Bell phone 166-J.: SECOND HAND STORE, 318 WEST SECOND. Phono Home trd. Xeeend hand goods houirht anilsol.l. TANNER & CONWAY Civil Hydraulic Irrigation Engineers and Surveyors. Estimates, plans and Supervision, I. and Subdivision, platting and Map pini;. Koniiis 7 and , over J. W. Cnu-t; eV r Hank. -!'n:inv. Oregon W. F. JONES. Veterinary Surgeon. Oft'ic at Farmers Feed Stable, rhones 200-R, Bell; Home 1285. If So, Look Up These Bargains and Dont Wait loo Long. Beautiful 5-room buniMlow, inside finish can not be beat: plate rail, beam building. Iire(i!uee, just the prettiest little home in West Albany. Price very reasonable. Hue suburban home. modern throughout, small amount oi acreage. Parked lor chickens. Plenty of trttit and tlowers. A barii.iin. Price $5.tXX). Farm of SO acres. ' aeres in cultiva tion, acres in grub oik timber, bal- i ancc of land in pasture, well watered I by creek the year round; 12 acres in 1 young orchard. This is all A-Xo.-l land, most all rolline:, e.ood drainage, I buildings not large but good, situated :,1 miles from Albany. A bargain. t-:... ? Cin,vi (... n .!.... : ..i.. i iiiv v ,.-s.,-v. .-in.,, mm: . For terms upon the above places call personally at my office. No in formation given by phone. I have a large list oi properties in farm or city property and 1 know it will pay in tending investors to call and see what I have to offer. See the old Reliable Real Estate Dealer. J. V. PIPE. 203 WEST 2nd St. Albany, Ore, NOW IS THE TIME TO SPRAY. We have the genuine lime and sulphur solu tion. See us and get Prices before placing your orders. LASSELLE BROS. GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS City Lots. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6. 7, 8, 9. II. and 12 in Block 40, Albany, are now offered fi.r sale and range in prices from 5250.00 and $500.09 to $700.00. Payable 10 per eem down and 2 per cent per month. These lots face 5th and 6th St. and are onlv " Jblocks from the Court House, tvrry lot is in the city limits and has fi the city convenience, including city aier. OWEN BEAM, Agent. Stark Building. If your horse has rt E. a v u. a use Stone's H a v e Drops. Price $1. For sale by all drug gists. Dr. S. C. STONfc, Salem Oregon, Oysters Fre.n OlympU at Holt's '"ANT A TYPEWRITER: See tiawlings about a Rebuilt Under r..od that is good as new and guar anteed for one year, also other makes for sale or rent Buy on monthly payment!. A fine lot at our yard at this city.just burned. Phone Home 431. ALBANY BRICK CO GemeutWork Estimate given oa Plastering, Side walk and Cement Work. J.F. TRAVER, 4th & Ctlspooia