W e Want to Show You UVC 1 YOU'RE UNDER NO COMPULSION to have your prescriptions filled atthis pharmacy but you'IT be wiser if you do. You cannot afford to take chances with prescriptions. Better by far come to a drug store like this where purity of ingredients and accuracy in compounding them are the invariable rule. BURKHART & LEE Say! You Gardeners and Everybody Else, come and see the NEW lot of Garden Seeds. "Mind you not left overs" at ARKE "The Sign of Quality. - The Albany Bakery 216 W. First Street. F fl. Will The Duntley Vacuum Cleaner The Modern Way 350 in use in Portland. Demonstration at our show rooms or your home. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 West Second Street. STONE For luilding. ornamental purposes, rip rap. filling, etc. Sum-i. at M. Senders & Co'sster. W . L. t-OBB, R Horn p5 D Phone, 4. 1C5 111 Everybody must be interested in Shoes at this time of the year. The sun-shiny days call for low shoes. Ladies who want the best in shoes call at our store. Mr. Stalnaker who has charge of the shoe department has made a special effort this season to have the newest shapes and most fash ionable leathers for your choosing. The style man says the strap effects are good. We are prepared to show you sev eral numbers of these. For example a four-strap all-patent with a six-strap effect, a neat shapely last and a spike heel that puts style in your walk. Or an all Suede with two straps and a neat little bow of suede; you will like this one $4.00. The suedes and velvets have been very popu lar in high shoes and will also' be very popular with well dressed ladies in the low shoes this spring and summer. This one will appeal to you: An all velvet with a single strap and a small corded silk bow with a stylish spike heel 34.00. Also a patent oxford with a velvet top, 3-but-ton effect, good stylish heel. We expect this shoe to please many who want the oxford styles. There are many more that we cannot go into detail about. Many of them come in the welt soles, also a few turns. Tans,' suedes, velvets, patents, kids, etc., as you de sire. You are insured a fit and satisfaction at this store. Any prices you may care to pay. Shoes for Everybody. S, E. YOUNG & SON R'S Both Phones. Shur-On and Defiance Mountings. Kryptok and Toric lenses. Latest methods Used in testing eye and fitting glasses. E. C. Meade, Optometrist 229 JWest Secondtreet. A fine line of Jewelry,'Sil- verware, Cut Glass and ' Novelties to select from. Have YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED 4N0 PRESSED The Pantatorium, GILBERT A HUSTON JU W Ut St. Bell Phone black 273 Heme photic 196 1 uuiwcdi JERSEY DAIRY MILK DEPOT Pure milk and cream. Her tubercu locum tested. All bills of regular patrons payable at the store after the tenth of each month. W. C. SCHULTZ, Proprietor, 331 Lyon St. CENTRAL ADDITION Has again been placed upon the market, The owners of the addition having ar ranges for the installing of a complete and up up-to date sewer system which will be installed as as soon as the work can be done. This beautiful addition offers the best investment in the city for the the money, in the way of residence property, Being only rive minutes walk from the business center good sewer age and restrictions. This addition will be "THE" residence district of the city within a short time. For partic ulars call on COLLINS & TAYLOR, Agent 132 W. 1st St. . . . Albany, Oregon. HARD TO EQUAL CANT BE BEAT MISSION HOME-MADE GANDIES and ICE CREAM, ' Phone Your Order Mission Parlors Delivery promptly attended to. We Guarantee the WHITE QUEEN To be the best hard wheat blue stem flour in I he city. The price Is moderate and the quality uniform. Call us up for a trial sack, and we'll prove to you that our assertion ib correct. Sold on absolute guaranty. 11. A. MURPHY, 225 West 2nd St. HO AG & SON'S POULTRY YARD AT SUNRISE All thoroughbred chickens. Eggs fnr setting. Black Minorcas. Barred Plym outh Rocks. Black Orphineton, White Leghorn. Rhode Island Reds, Faver olles. White Plymouth Rocks, Lng saati. Cat bone for sale. Borne phone Ecd I!93. Bell 28C-I. JAS. A. HOAG SON. THIS MORNING News From Albany's bix Earlv Trains. Mr .Tn Hiiw-sril nf fv,rt...li;.j on.. on his way to Portland. Thirty years ago Mr. Howard was an Albany drav man, working for Perry Spinks. tie moved f.om -ere to Portland, where he resided until two years ago, when he moved to Corvallis, to send his four bovs to the O.A.C. W. K. Newell, former president of the state horticultural association, left for home. Yesterday he was o'. ,o Linnhaven with the crowd of Minnesota people, who examied the property there and were very much pleased with the situation and outlook, and it isprobuble most oi mem will stay and settle here. Hon. M. A. Miller, of Lebanon, left for Salem. A member of the Senate I for twelve years he is familiar with the j doings in it, and was not surprised at me jumuie oi tne senate journal. Too much politics in selecting clerks. Mrs. H. K. Lugger 8nd daughter, Mrs. Dr. Kavanaugh, went to Portland for a visit at Neil Hurry's. Miss Helen Crawford, of Bonnie Doon, aud Miss Keed, of Lebanon, came down this morning. Mr. and -Mrs. Cyrus Whitney went to Lebanon. J. H. Scott returned to Portland. J. A. McCain returned to Salem. J. S. H. Mathews, the directory com piler, went to Lebanon. Sheriff Smith left for Salem with Walter Spruance, who goes there for a couple of years residence for helping himself to property of other people. . Waling to Medford. Godfried Rodrigues, the pedestrian arrived in Albany yesterday afternoon and left early this morning on hia trip to Medford. Previous to the present trip Rodrigues was at Medford doing vaudeville work- This trip is made un der the auspices of the Portland Tele gram, Rodrigues to have 83 hours to make the distance of 329 miles. He is traveling on a regular schedule and is bound to be on time approximately. Rodrigues is a a good walker all right, and his reputation in walking contests is a good one. He is proceeded by an E. M. F. Car, which is making the trip on some rough roads. Your shoes made Burns Shoe Store. good as new at GENTLEMEN: A great stock of shoes for spring, largest, handsomest, '' all styles, can' fit your foot and please your eye. Shoe room is crowded, so will sell winter shoes at wholesale prices. All styles from a 16 in Loggers to a heavy Dress Shoe. Blain Clothing Company We are now prepared to do CUSTOM CHOPPING Mill feed in large quandities at re duced prices. M. SENDERS & CO. LOTS FOR SALE At the corner of 7th and Main streets. Well drai.ied. -Sewer connection. Five minutes' walk to Madison street school, to three stores, meat shops and barber shop. One block to chair factory, and five minutes' walk to Albany Lumber Co.'s mill, the Union Furni ture Factory and car shops. Two blocks from the proposed electric line. These lots are in the center of manufacturing district. Home Phone 1107, or call on T. P. Hacklc man. lZ7 DR. VIRGINIA I.EWEAUX, Osteopathic Physician. 1-3 Hrcnner Block, Albany. Phones: Office Home 359, Bell Black 2751; Residence 394 Home, black 863 Bell. F.O.Will for watches MEDAL 'WON BY MISS CURRY An interesting medal contest, under the auspices ot the W. C. T. U , look placo at tne hiu'h sohoil audi'.ormm I. st night, with a large erowd present. Mrs. Bhiin, president of the Union, presided. Superintendent Brings read th scripture and olfer'd prayer. MissClara Murgan recited Old Soapy and Marguerite Hammer, A Teirui e Crime. Then Miss Rhoda, of Eugene, w., heaid in u vocal solo, showing a ver.. sweet and pleasing voice. Kutn Lyons recited A Little hila Shall Lead Them, and .Myrtle Curry The Result of Treating. Miss Worrell sang with goodeffeci. Beulah Hinckley recited The Parting of ths Ways and Cora Curry The De yelopment of Citizenship. Prof. Finnerty and Mrs. Bigbee were nearo in a duet, well presented ami Miss Bailey in an interesting reading The decision of the judges was an nounced in favor of Miss Cora Curry, Kov. Mochel making tho announcing speech and the audience adj.- -ncd pleased with tne entertaining pro, ml, and as well taking home some ex .lent lessons in temperance given by ome bright young ladies. A Business Change. W. A. Eastburn has bought the inter terest of Frank Caldwell in the Albany Supply Co.. and the business will now be run by Messrs. Austin & Eastburn. Mr Eastburn is one of Albany's best business men, and will wke a Bplendid addition to the business. The Albany Supply Co. has built' up a fine trade in this part of the valley, a fine thing for the grocers of Albany and the central Willamette Valley. Reliable and prompt me company deserves a big patronage City Has Some Money. Recorder Redfield this morning re- ceivea a neat payment trom the county treasurer, ior city purposes, as follows: $6,495.36 for general purposes, $1221.94 for road work, $1623.84 for the armory. $527.70 for the city library. It will all be needed, though the last has not yet been settled by Mr. Carnegie. Just look at the beautiful creations n Lames Hals at the New Band Box It' s Shoes. Our Wagons Are at your Service. Whenever you want us to call for a package of soiled linen, our wagoa will do it promptly. Whenever you want your laundered linen returned to you at a special time, we will be glad to accommodate you. Our two wagons and their drivers are at the service of our customers whenever they have a request for special service of this kind to make. We are glad to go to some little trouble to accommodate a customer we realize that the favor will commend our service to them in unmistakable terms. I Can we serve you? MAGNOLIA STEAM LAUNDRY The Laundry of Quality. 1 Both Phones. How About Those Curtains Are they dusty and discolored. Now is the time to have them laundered before your houseclenniiig begins. We make a specialty on these particular articles and want to show you b ow well they will look. In washing they arc put ill a close woven net sack, avoiding many tears and brakes in the thread. Our patent strctcherj are modern ones and our prices arc right. Call our wagon for your work. ALBANY STEAM LAUNDRY. Wyatt Bros., Props. Bell 93. WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 Se:or.d Strtt, Between ferry & BroarUlbn GOOD CORNER. Some Interesting Pacts About the Depot Corner. The Oregon Klectric will occupy 8S by 8S feet at the corner of Lyon and Fifth streets, just enough fnr a modern, depot building of good architecture, for passengers alone. The rest of the mree lots bought wili be owned, by Messrs. Taylor & Collins, representatives of thtt Company here, 22 feet on Lyon street, when the alley is done away with, as it is said will be done, just enough for a luncli room or store, and 110 feet on Fifth street, which will be valuable property for business purposes. The halt lot bought of W. H. Hugan on the corner opposite, is entirely private, and the Oregon Electric has nothing to do with it, as some have anticipated. SINGER ARRIVED. Prof, Gut rie, who is to lead the sing ing in tne evangelistic meetings, to begin at the meeting at the armory to- ' morrow, Thursday, night, at 7:30" o'clock, arrived last night accompanied ny Mrs. uutnrie, ana will nave rooms at Rev. White's, where Dr. Riley will' also be located. The latter will come tomorrow. Preparations have been completed fur the important event in the interest of righteousness, and there is no qnes tion as to the beneficial rsuhs of the meetings. ThoBo in charge are after permanent things, nut a mer snowing oi numners, under excitement.. Brass band methods will not be used. and it is not intended to shove people into tne cnurcnea ot tnn city before they are ready. 1 he person really con verted doesn't have to be urged by a- posse ot socauea workers. Prof. Outline wishes to meet the singers of the city tonight immediately after the pra' er meeting at the Pres byterian church. LOST. Long breast pin. gold, with specimen on end. Return to Demo crat oft.ee. til .. OVED.-The harness shop of Chas. Wagner, to Ferry street near Second, (rati there for good work in h.iJneas. anil u-ddtlry. FOR RENT.--Sleeping rooms, at Mrs, Bilyeu'p, between Second and Third. Baker St. y 15t WANTED. A neat girl for general housework. $4 a week. Inquire at Democrat Oflke. 121 FOR RENT. Store room, new, See R. H. Schultz. lOt STRAWBEKRY PLANTS. Magoon or Wilsons, at $2 per 1000. Q. B. Ogdcn, 2353 Home phono, FOR SALE. Farm of 20 acres, one and a half miles from Albany, new 7 room house und barn, running water all year, give immediate po: session with crops. Terms, half down and balance in easy payments. Inquire at 33(1 S. Main. t2 ' UGGS R. I. Reds. $1 a setting, mam moth blackberries and Lopan berries. Home phone 7001. tl7 PLANTS FOR SALE. Red and white) currants, Loganberries, Dewberries, Iceberg blackberries. Address: Iver C. Duedall, Albany, Oregon, Home Phono 7102. 13t. BUFF ORPINGTONS Eggs $2.00 per 15. A few hens and pullets tor sale at $2.03 and $3.00. (J. ut KUWijAisu, Albany, ore. JLST OPENED Second Hand store 236 W 2nd St ' Second Hand Clothing, Shoes, Guns, Jewelry, Furniture, Stoves, otc, BOUGHT and SOLD. Phone (Bell) K0-R. tl5 Home 433.