Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, March 17, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, 10 rents a
qveex; in advance fur one year, 4.01
3y mail, in advance (or one year $3, at
Hid of year 1.50.
The Weekly Advance per year $1.25
At end of year $1.50. Alter 3 ye--a at
Daily Democrat:
The death struggle of the 61st con
gress was tumultuous, yet the closing
iftcen minutes were a love feast.
Trouble had been in the air all week
jnd both houses were lh ahr.ust con
tinuous session. "The representatives
had no recess for twenty-seven hours
before the close. I had been in the
senate mostly, but 1 wanted to sec the
close of the lower house so I went tu
7:30 this morning to get a good loca
tion. We were in the capitol last
night, but there was such a throng of
people that it was not possible to be
When I first went in there was com
parative quiet. A few western men
were discussing water rights for irri
gation. Speaker Cannon was yawning
and trying to keep awake and some
representatives from non-irrigated
.eastern states were making light of the
whole subject and interrupting the
Colorado member who had the floor.
However, he persisted and pressed his
points until they had to give him at
tention. He claimed that each state
should have a right to its own water
Ihe water that falls upon its own
mountains, but rivers flow into, other
states which aho --.-o use for its wa
ter for irrigation .' id navigation a so.
The users of water in one state are en-
joined from the use of their own water .
by other parties who have been grant-
ed certain rights in the same rivers by
the general government. The matter
gcncral government. The matter
was closed by the appointment of a
-....:,.... Af .1 ... !. .1.. ...1. ..I. I
ui unci; iu iiinc 111c wuoie j
nuMjuci 01 w.uer riguis anu report to,
the next congress. Rpnrps,.iiiniivp I
Jawlcy of Oregon was made chairman '
ml Oral cr nnuttee. This committee
will itest his mettle and caliber during
Ilhc recess. If his work in this matter '
is done thoroughly and wiscly'it will
jjivc hii i lairing fame and the grati-
I tub of a!! western states though
the c :t.'rn pp.rt of the country will
never appreciate its importance.
T.'-.c taiif. bill was to come td
a vote in the senate at 8:30. It had
passed the house but so many amend-1
juciits have been added that it must,
needs repass the house. The demo
crats were determined to choke it olTt
if possible. The Republicans had de-'
lexoiineil that it should pass though
the time would be very short. To se
cure, this the committee on rules or-'
xereil that when this bill should reach
the hoti'c from the senate it .should
lake precedence over all other busi
ness, should not be subject to amend
ment or debate and the vote of ,tlie
house should he taken immediately
I his was called a iratf rule pure and
simple and aroused the democrats till
llu-y were ileteruiined to ikieal it even
if the sundry au-l other appropnalion
bills should be : cted. It came in
about y:.lll and i. . ..'.:i bcxan. '
l'irst olijeetious were raised against
the rules half a dozen or more clam
oring for recognition at the .same time
Sjnaicr Cannon beat the desk and
'nept saying he would obey the rule.
All this took time and there only re
mained two hours and a half. Then
win-it Ihey did get to voting every
possible way of delaying action was
tried. There are three ways of voting,
vivi voce, standing till counted and the
-cas and nays with roll call. There
arc three hundred and ninety-one
:iames to call, and the roll is called
over twice, so it takes time when the
room is uiet. A continual hiiliul) was
kept up so it was slow work. Many
-drnioerats had stepped out or re
trained from voting and at close of the
Toll call claimed they had not voted
ami asked to be recognized and their
vote recorded. This they could do in
their rights and they were slow as
possible about voting when rccog
..I.,,.. I Tl-ic mac truimr in tlw f-vlri-lllC
- '.,' .1.11 n 1, n.l
clcvcu-.'nlv one more hour. It was
in this excitement that the member
said he would throw a brick at a'
voiinircr man. There was tremendous '
excitement on both sides. Speaker
Cannon pounded with all his might merciiani aiw.i.vs noes ni n ins -m-ihe
democrats back to vertisemeuts to stick solidly to the
tl,..,r , :n mwl ordered the sergeant-
at-arms to charge upon tncni witn tne
.. ... ..
"mace," the svmbol of authority,
which he did iu a timid sort of way.
The democrats got into their seats and
laughed ami clapped their hands. All
this was taking the precious time
precious to the republicans who would
be out of power in sixty minutes.
Before this vote was announced a
motion was made to reter this lull laeK
to the committee on ways and means.
There was a great struggle to get
.-recognition for this motion and a de-
leriinnation not to permit it on the re-1-nblieaii
side. It was in the resulting
contll-ion that the speaker a second
time directed the sergeant-at arms to
march through the ai.-lcs with the
inaee puh it against some per
sistent members. Finally the speaker
rt-ecoguied a republican who made a
point order that ihe motion to re
submit was not iu order. The speaker
made the mi-take of recogni.iug
liis member and hearing his point .-s
there va- no escape from hearing also
the claims oi the democrat who made
the motion in support of the proper
orderliness of his motion. While this
was in progress with all sorts -if con
fusion and counter charges, the
speaker's coach was busy with bis
books and piling them on The speak
er's table. Speaker Cannon then an
nounced that his decision was ready.
All became quiet and to the surprise
il'.!lie galleries at least he decided the
motion to be in order and read prece
dents so clear that everybody under
stood he could not do otherwise from
bis own previous ruling. Great glee
was on all democrats' faces and the
republicans slipped down into their
srhairs. This was voted on acelann
tion, standing till counted and th
roll call. The democrats were happy
lor there was not enough time to finish
the vote. The republican leaders ran
up to the speaker and down to little
groups of stalwarts in hasty consulta
tion. At just 11:45 Sareno Payne
called "Mr. Speaker," and was imme
diately recognized by the speaker and
the whole house and galleries became
as quiet as a church. He said, it is
evident to us all that this vote cannot
be completed in the few minutes that
remain and asked that those who like
him favored the bill should unite in
asking unanimous consent that this bill
be stricken from the calendar. The
republicans thereby acknowledged
themselves to be whipped and a great
democratic cheer went up. Then all
was lovely as May. The clock was
turned back halt an nour and Kept
turned back. Many bills returned
from the senate were acted upon in a
jifty great appropriations appeared
and work done in half an hour that
could not be done in a week early in
the session. In December I heard this
same house wrangle an hour over pay
ing a girl stenographer one hundred
dollars for a machine she had worn
out in service in a U. S. land office,
:ind now millions ran through their
fingers like water. Finally they sent
word to the president that' they were
through their business and ready to
adjourn and received prompt word
that the president had no further mes- j
sake, ing Assn. agt. .11. A. Wright. 1
Then Speaker Cannon called Mr. i Indictment agt. Jesse Willoughby !
Underwood of Alabama to the chair, was ordered dismissed because of
handed him the gavel and walked j chataeter of complaining witness,
down and out in the midst of great ' In Or. agt. Harry Lexow the parole
demonstration from both sides. Then , was ordered revoked.
Champ Clark arose and offered the Default was entered in Oregon El.
resolutions of appreciation. These . at. R. S. Shaw et al.
were adopted by a rising and cheering 1 Judgment was ordered, it liuloert
vcite. Champ Clark and Monn of I II. I 01ji'.n Co' agt" R- J"
were appointed to inform tne speaker Gilbert 1,0. agt. Geo. Anderson et al.
anil to return him to the chair. Ihey
went out to find him and soon returned
while all arose and clapped or cheered.
Champ Clark made a very pleasant
speech and Cannon read a written re-
ply i good spirit. Then he raised the
gavel, swung it around, and pronounc- ;
gavci, swung 11 around, ana pronounc-
'K "c Ol st congress adjourned with-
r.,,1 ilnir lt ttroi'L tlw ili.ulr :,l nil
- " .'..-... - ...... i
"" w.,.
About one hundred or more do not '
return and the leave taking from the j
Kaiicry was raincr paiiicuc. 1 siucnea (
J'10 faces. They sang "My Country 1
tis of Thee," and "Auld Lang .iyne,"
!lml "oll Kentucky Home." 1
1',e scenes in the other end were
"early its exciting. I am sorry I could
,:Ht lc 111 '"c senate at the same time,
People are universally agreed on the
;ilvant,iKe.s of a Rood education, and
there are practically no enemies of a
higher education ; but there is a dif
ference of opinion as to who .shall font
the bills for the finishing touches r.i
.'in education. Everybody is o.f the
aiiir opinion iu reference to the statj
paying for the education of its boys
and Kirls up through the hiMh school,
and 01 doing
iiiicrauy; oui mere is
Uriik'dly a dilfereni
ol opinion as to
wlii'llicr it is the hit
mess ot a state
,,, f,,t n,e , for makiiie; lawyers,
,, doctors, etc., and those who
:,y j, s m,t muy ,c jnst as mucl, the
friends f the higher education soukIu
;ls tli c other.;. There are splendid
seliools c er v.-lu-re for securing such
education:, I v those having Ihe gump-
lion, in Ore :o- Willamette, Mc.Miiin
ville, the c mi .im Reed Institute, Al
bany Colic . ; 'id others: in California
Stanford, I' '' east Harvard. Yale,
Cornell, l'i. ton, Dartmouth, Brown,
Williams, iherst, and technical
schools of ; :l kinds, kept up by the
people, witln ut taxation.
Truth is a splendid asset in any
business. It counts large to get a
reputation of being reliable, depend
able in one's statements. This is
true, whatever the business. It is
best from a business standpoint, and
it is the only tiling ironi a religious
view noinl. Anvway the man who
lies is almost universally found out,
and the reputation he gets is a hard
one to shake oil'. It hurts his busi-
hurts linn, and smites his con-
,'il-n-l Hl lllteSll't fool inailV in tllC
long run and the result properly is
All people make mistakes and nti -
tueroiis errors daily, but no one needs
', to deliberately lie as a policy. lhc
truth, the real estate man
will gain
.i ... i... .....I ; ......
uie oiom i-j ii p,.m., .on, n ,.- juj
as true
id every other business and
, prolessiou.
A M P f Q
IV V a- 1 1 L, I U
H A V "- 5 5 ' VNhll
1 1 r0 I - U 1 ll L 1
o . vT . .1
Siatesman:-Kola Ne s, a local bop
dealer, wno nas oeen in r.urope inu iusi
louneen 1110111113, reiuriuti ji-siunwy
and last night was f von a receptioi oy
HIS lill-llua tit (ll'.Vl ,,,
The partv met Mr. Neis at the union
station, three automobiles and n Ger
man b'ind forming tho procession.
Among th.iso present at the banquet
wero Hal llolani, Oscar McClellan, Mie
'Duke of llirsehberg." Juiius Hineus,
George Dorcas. Ralph Dorcas, .loo Mc
NetT. Tim McNcff, Frank Johnson. Al
llolden. A U .-.-llnr, George lienedirt,
G.orgo I win, 11. Whitman, Joe Krebs,
Canrad Kiels and Judge Metzier.
Uange of tempo' ature 64-29.
The riv- r is 4 feet and falling.
Prediction: fair tonight and Wednes
day, light t.on.
Born to vr. and Mrs. Chester Porter,
in Soittlo, Sunday, tha 12th. a girl.
Their llrst child. Chester has been
with tho t ettle National Bank ttr a
nuniner ot cars, having a fine position.
Juuge P. R. Kelly Begins His
First Term Mere.
Judge Percy K. Kelley this morning
promptly on time began his experience
a a circuit court judge at Albany, pre
siding with the grace of a Chesterfield,
with courtesy and good judgment.
W. C, Tweedale and w. H. Warner
were appointed bailiffs, old-timers, and
the following lawyers were in court:
Messrs. Vt eathertord, Hewitt, Wright,
Johnston. Sox, Swan, Bryant, f-tites,
Risley, Deputy District Attorney Hill,
of this city, Garland of Lebanon, Tuss
ing and Martin of Brownsville, and
Btown and Reilly of Salem.
The following cases were disposed of:
Continued: Or. agt. Buchannan,
Rice agt. Calapooia LumberCo., Thomp
son agt Groshong et al., May & Sen
ders agt. Davison & Coleman, Black
agt. Hurst, Or. agt. Fred Senders,
Wilhelm agt. Davison, Williams Bros,
agt. Mills & Wood, McVeagh &Co. agt.
N. W. rrnit Assn. with 30 days to ans
Reported settled: Chance agt. Milli-
gan, Albany Land Co. agt. Johns, S. E.
ifoung agt. H. T. Froman, Salem Brew-
7.' ....""s.V'
A. L. Ball agt. R. A.
Moore et al.
Ail the cases in which Judge Kelley
ferre(j t0 de
be heard Dy
is interested as attorney were trans
1 department number 2, or will
by Judge Galloway in deDart-
1 Judgment rendered in C. H. Murphy
!...,., - r
age. l,. rfc. nenuerson.
T A,l r ,- Ei a
rtomnrroi-woo aro-norl n,iH nor,io,l
Admitted to citizenship Nicolas Cey-
mer and Carl Ludwikg Falk.
The jury was called this afterneon,
all being present but H. Bishop. W.
E. Gilbert and R. McKechnie were dia-
charged because firemen.
The jury were discharged until to-
morrow morning
K 5a !?C ? MCfe;
John W. Miller foreman. F. M. Barr,
Earl Fisher, E. 11. Holloway, J. L.
Irvin, Jos. Owens, Albert E. Randall.
Other attorneys present: W. R. Bil
yeu, J. J. Whitney, of this city, A. O;
Condit, Salem!
juuge iveny nrsr. court nere is a
short one. Business has been disposed
of with neatness and dispatch, with
little left.
The crand iurv considered onlv two
cases, that or Harold tndi. of Har
risburg, charged with assaulting Arthur
vvuneim witn a nat iron handle, ann
not a true bill was found. That of
Walter Spruance, charged with stealing
some saws and files of Fortmiller Bros,
and some hinges of Tomlinson 6z Hoi-
man, a true bill being found. ,
He waived time, plead guilty and was '
sentenced to one year in. the peniten-;
tiary on each charge. j
i All the N. W. Fruit Association cases )
were continued, an 4 some may be set-'
tied. !
The case of Oregon sgt. David West,
under bonds to keep the peace, was dis- i
missed and West's bendsmen released. ;
, Chas. Gehlen agt i. H. Griffith, was
; continued.
I In Letty Hanis agt. 0' Gustafaon et j
al., sale was confirmed. I
: Standard Liquor Co. agt. Al Peacock
was reported settled. 1
M. L. Kline agt. G. E. Metzgus and
Atlas Brass Co. same were
coutinued, March 28 being given to
answer complaint.
Admitted to citizenship: Albin Uol-
enry a. uoiezei
C. W. Tebault agt. S. W. Bishop et
al, was continued, plaintiff having 6
days to reply tn the answer.
Ada Compton agt. E. A. Easton was
,ha uoi,. in nkink ln-la IfJIu m.. in- 1
juage uauoway presiuea 10 consider
i Oregon Electric agt. R. L. Eurkhart
; et al was continued and may be settled
out of court
Judge Kely at S o clock will take up
Judge Kelly at 3 o'clock will take up
the two uregon biectric cases Bgt. K.
a. ohaw and J. w. Barton et al. The
jury will probably be discharged this
nunnini, wnnniir a trim
-- r, - ......
Erstort Sued Aiin.
It never rains but it pours. E. A.
I Easton, tho Crablree man who was sued
by Miss Ada Compton for slander, last
. night was again sued for slander, this
I time by C. H. Lin-lemann, of Crabtre-i.
wno c iargcs urn. casom siami -rea mm
uy c.uuiig nun me uiaeseni. v.nue roan
1 1,8 ev,,y w. by reporting that he was
I run out of Portland and by making
! La.stoa will ihereiore be defendant in
iwu sianot-r c -sea aim win ue a Dusy
mini cuuruiii; lur awiiiiK. inc. iomp-
ton case is now atissue. tne court having
I W-Vl , HIVV, SIS ll-u- ...... ..... v,i,,-ta,ilfc
I 9
Afiernoon Tea.
Another ol those enjoyable after
noons will be given by the Civic Im
provement Club on Thursday of this
wecK. Mrs. r-Yed Dawson has open-d
her elegant home to the club and the
commutes will spare no effort to make
the function attractive.
Miss Emma Sox has tho program in
charge and those who have heretofore
attended her high-class recitals will
appreciate another opportunity to hear
a program prepared by her. We un.ivr
stand the music will be interspersed
Miss Mason will have charge of the
refreshments, which insures something
dainty and toothsome. All ladies, and
gentlemen too, aro cordially invited.
The u. uul 25 cts. will be charged for
the p.nk fund
The Mexican
patched up.
trouble iheuld be
Heavy tax payments j
J. M. Schlegel $115 73; ST. J. Cameron
$177 56, M. J. Cameron JWS.54, C. H.
Davidson $118.02, barah Coooer $116.60, i
T. B. Cooper $117.18, U. M. Payne
15 27. John Jacobs $236.08,- Est. N.
L. Coon $100.71, Maun riollaiitf$106, C. i
L. & S H. Goin $i37 16, Est. Cynthia 1
Johnson $273.59, Hulbert-Ohling Co.
$243 62. Halsey Bank $160.86, C. L.
Falk $208 70, A. Stark $112.45, Carter
fc rtobson $190 i.24, J. W Miller $209.11,
C. kJ. Stein lln 34. M. H. Donnely j
$131.40. J. Ogle $232.73. Margaret Mon- j
te'tli $196 3, Est. Ina Monteith?126:s3,
Will. Land Co. $122 94. H. Hewitt
: $165 95, E B. Ho-n $109 07, Clarissa
Blount $156.86, J. L Hill $505.55 J. W
Cusick & Co. $1411 05, Hibler, Gill &
Co. $150 35, A. L. Randall $115 86, D.
D. Hacklemao $259 54. Est. J. W.
Cusick $409.67, C. S. Harnish $111.38.
Lebanon State Bank $534.35, S. J. 1
Archibald 1628 50, M. V. Koontz $404. 15, :
E. Sherby $lb8.91.
In estate of V. H. Caldwlll the
settlement was set for April 17.
Marriage license:
Roy Humphrey. I
aged 20, and Daisy Schemeo, 18.
Deeds Recorded:
Maude E. Holland to W. S. Car
penter & wf tract Scio $ 1750
Elenor J. SommerviHe to R. E.
Morris 276.70 acres 10
N. H. Cummingsto N. Needhem
100 acres 14 4 W.... 4500
C. K. Spaulding to Crown Colum
bia Pulp & Paper Co. and it to
Chas. R. Sligh various tracts .
M. J. Monteith to Chas. Mausolf
lot Albany 10
L. Cohen to J. L. Needham 50.C9
. a. Bona to d. u. BerKey 160
Heavy tax payments;
A. H. Langdon $114.85, Sarah H.
Strahan $135.70, 0. R. Keebler $I4ft75
iauruau ioo. ju, yj. n
P.?"3" .: eeek istdi.iu, mairy-B,. Jenks
$160.38, Macy E. Driver $142 69. Hen.
rietta Brown $182.63, P. P. Nutting
$203.27, Mrs. M. J. Train $24rt.Oo. EeU
M. Hoag $182 35t H E. Arnold
$102.23, Lillie Foley $130.01, Jas. A. :
Smith $103.51, Mabel Simpson $397.58,
J. H. Simpson $745.60,. W. L Walker
$113.13, Avery Green & Rihardaon
tiiifio or r it" 1 1 : Aiwr.rtr n-. n
$101.36, D. Simons $124 20. Ne Bros.
c Ca)laghan$i3i;.b0, Win. Bam $126. 7,
Albany State Bank $760.97, G. A. Burt
$176.57; S. P. Bach 3190.95, M.- A.
Miller $134.71, Reeves & Clark $110.96,
Mayer & Lusher $155,0, Margaret
Irvine $213.00, Chas. Wesely $190.74,
C. J &. F. L. Howe $203.45. T. J.
Nicholls S104 9D, J. W. Pugh $151.43,
Pullman Co. S162 12. S. M Pennine-ton
Howard at lireen S109.1S, W
J. Turnidge
$305.92, Chas. Frieti
10U S'J.
Deeds recorded:
John VV. Wilson, 4 lots Sodiiville. . t 650
E. L, Bogart to i. B Paris, 2 lots
Lebanon ... 1200
J. B. Nanney to P. A. Blackburn,
half lot bl 21, Albany 10'
G-. C. Richards to A. A. and Anna
Mickel, 1 lot City View ai 2325-
Plat Riverside Audition to- Leoanonv
filed by A. L. Geddes.
Articles incorporating the- Unwm
Furniture Co. filed, increasing stock to
$7o-.00l. A. H. Sandstrom. & S. Sand-
stEoro, A. D. Beckley, E. K. Molfait io-
In estate of Mary Hoag, R. F. Yates,
. W. M. Parker and C. C. Page re
appointed appraisers.
' Marrlla?.e licenw: Roy Ho'veo 19.
Springfield, Gladys Lynes, 18, Albany,
Heavy tax payments:
Jas. B. Nanney $130.15-S. E. Yournt
$2209.10, Mrs. IX. A. Young $508 M. S
K. Yonno- & Son liasft in v
Goodwin $440.73, Elks $317.07, P. A.
i Goodwin $105.27. S. J. AI'houae$12S.S3.
3. W. Althouse $150.93, BurkhartA Lee
$164 88, Urew Timber Co. $3421.40,
i Scroggin & Washburn $107 Oft. P. M.
'Scroggin $197.49, T. P. Hackleman
$285.68, A. Engel $135.74, Lebanon Lum
her Co. $235.82. A. Sternberg $594.14,
Lena Sternberg $154.69, J. C. t)avis
$102.85. Port. fl. Co. $454.05, Ed Kell-
enberger $179 97. R. L. & E. A. Ran
dall $103.14.Curtis Lumber Co. $5713.83,
Hammond Lumber Co. $5405 14. Davis
& Ueneen $183.09. K. R Templeton
$u2,55 Hi & Anderson $131.90. Geo
b h-h 17
Dtnnov WJi. Tomlinsm
Holmn $114 89, R. Veal & Son $461.65.
p jr Porter $159 90 M Bussard
51153; Ruth E Barrett $710 23 S
Freerk3en $212. 6S, S.U. Simons$l20 90.
M. Hulburt $250.71, Sarah A. Rebelin
$103.32, H. M. Goulard $103.40, H.
Arnold $102.00, M. h.elly $13S.2i, Geo
W. Wright biS. 1 1.
In giving tho taxes of Dr. Hill the
Democrat should have stated that
$505 50 was a half payment.
e-ds recorded:
J. A. T.-ornton to J. C. Hard
man, 2 lots H's 3rd ad $
C. H. Cable to John Harrison,
part lot Brownsville
J. K. Tr.isk to H. M. .Mercer,
rOacres9 2E
L. M. Smith to J. E. Needha:n,6
lots. Tam-cnt
Levi Hulburt to W. G. Ballock,
J 2 '5 feet bl 55 Albany
" "aooclf, 59 oy.4oIi
Registration title W.W. Green ?72.98
acres. '
Rot. West has also been over on
Siuslaw tide lands taTeatigatir-g things,
Spring is here, the genuine article.
Good evening, have yon paid your
- -
Get ready for the big meetings at
the armory.
Praipects of a big hotel down street.
BunZ " on and UP-
Albar.7 is the natural distributee
point of the valley.
v j
Not may people
come to thfnlc none.
without fault!,-
Fortunately the fruit isrt out
enough to be nipped.
There are two' sides to personal touch,
the good and the bad.
. , . ,
, ,..,,....,. . .
come a grandfather in April. ;
Koes; shovels, base ball bats and
tennis rickecs are now m order. Take
your choice.
The'man who knows everything1 and
nobodyelse anything, is a prettygood
fellow 5s- sit down on.
Things5 we eat are getting down' with
in our reach, helping ou5 pocket-books.
but it doesn't help the pur?e of the
Americans ao well t keep their
hands out of the Mexican? trouble.' It
is hardly a case falling formixfng with '
the ureasem.
A woman writing here f roos Okfohoma '
wants to know if the negroes and white
people use the- same schcoh. Not in
Albany Not a negro in the Albany
scnoois. one- also wants to Know 11
there is much-drinking of whiskey. Not'
in Albany, though some, and too mach;
but it is not at all like Salem or The
ine naiary u romano policeman' is
only part of b;sincome. It is said that
many policemen there make most of
their money by letting people Ro-for a
consideration, almost any one bein(r
willing to pay $5 or S10 rather than en
to jail. One of thorn recently raodn his
boast to that eiteat. A new polieemun
was making more- arrests than anv on
when an old tinrertook him to one side
and put a pointer in his ear. After
that the arrests never reached as far as
police court, and the bank aaoount
A Roseburg Tragedy.
Roy McClalleiv late Monday night at
Roseburg shot Dad killed.R. A. Mah'ani
a plumber, both prominent, McOlallen
being a son of the proprietor of the
McClellan House. ' The Oregonian ver
sion is that McClallen was walking with
Miss Speichev, when Mahan app-oached,.
pat his hand to his pocket, and called
McClallen a name, when McClallen
drew his revolver and fired, killing
Mahan. The other version is thai of
eommercial men in the city at the time,.
who have since arrived here, that Mc
Clallen was waiting outside for Mahan,
and was not with-the young lady as re
ported, that when- Mahan put ) an
appearance he began firing. It was
said there was talk of lynching, but
that is douotiui.
According to the Review though- a
large number of. people were on the
streets, on iheirrway home fromi the
Elks show, where both McClallen and
and Mahan had been, none of them
saw the prehmrjsine McClallen was
with Miss iSpeicher; a divorced .woaian,:
who had formerly, been Mahan s book-
keeper, and to whorn. it is said he was
tS.-i.n "'.u'l'Sec. 31, thence- south 11.44- chains,
father of a 12 year on boy, was living
apart from his- wife. Miss Spakher
swore at the inquest that Mahan threat
ened to shoot McClallen, and that on
this occasion he-made a move too hie.
hip pocket, af tar McClallen had warned
him not to advance further, muttering chains, to the place ot beginning, con
something she did not understands taming 1 1 acres, more or less, all in
Mahan is 3i sears 01 age and Me-j1-1"" cuum, uicsuh.
Clallen 36. ! Tract No. 3.- Beginning chains
; west and 16.8?f chains north fro mthe
intersection of the east line of the
Donation Land Claim of Jasnes Tall-
E. J. Frauier and Lawyer !3. H. man. same bxng Claim No. 63, with
Greenman', oil Eugene, were in the city the south lina of Sec. 31, inr Township
on their way home from Lebanoe, where n South, Range 2 West of the Wil
they had beoa to took at a thousand lamctte Meridian. Oregon, thence
acre tract they are talking of buying orth 6 07 chains, thence west 4.00
and colonmng. All eyes are cr Linn. chainSi thence south 5.75 chains to the:
Prof. Hsifc principal of the Eugene north boundhrv line of nhe right of
high school,, has ordered the tempera- way of th Lebanon Branch of the
ture of all the rooms in the building Oregon and California R. R. Co..
kept down. to 6a degrees, warei enough thence south 65 degrees-and 30 min
for health. Hug doesn teareif hisown tcs east along the north boundary
omce is aown 10 00. ni is auKing a
specialty of ventilation.
Notice is hereby given riiat the un--lersiinied
administratrix of the estate
of C. . Fox. deceased, has tiled her
final account in said csrarc with the
Conutv jCIerk of I. inn County, Orc-
gnu. and the County Judge has set
the t7th day of April. 1911. at ten
o clock m flic lorenoon and the county
I court room ot said county, as the time
and place for hearing objections to
Is-id final account and the settlement
thereof. ANNA FOX.
I .. 1.. SWAN. Atty. for Admx. Admx.
Notice is hercbv given that the cx-
?-jtors ot the will ot V. H. Caldwell,
'. .-ceased, have tiled with the County
..'ierk of l.inn County, Oregon, their
::.! account as such executors of said,
t:'.te. ami the County Court of Linn
--.:my. Oregon, has appointed and :
-:d Monday, the 17th day of April,
ill, at the hour of 1 p.. in. .as the
ti-.rc tor hearing objections to saidj
account and thcseulcmcnt thereof.
Date of unit publication. March
". l'.n.
GF.O. W. C.M.DWF.l.I. and WIL
of the will of V. H. Caldwell, de
ceased. G.U.U S. 1UUL, Ay. (or Executors.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Linn.
In the matter of the application of
J. S. Ireland to register the title to
the land in said application described
as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point 325 feet south
of the northeast corner of the D. L. C.
of R. S. Coyle and wife, Not. 2333,
Claim No. 63, in Tp. 12 S. R. 2 W. of
Will. Mrr., in Linn County, Oregon;
thence northwesterly to a point 206
feet west of the northeast corner of
S.ll'll Claim IS.V tl,t1,-. n-ac, K7.I
-.....,.-.3, in . ' 1 iiuiiunsjuunier 01 salu
claim Xo. 63; thence south 18 degrees
west along the west boundary of said
cjjiim 38.30 chains; thence east 30.69
chains, to the east boundary of said
claim no. 63; thence north 31.45 chains
to the pkice of beginning, containing
89.83 acres, more or less, all in Lir.n
I county, Oregon, against Emma Watts,
J and all whom it may concern, defend
; ants.
"Sake notice that on the 6th day of
rCiruary, lyn, an application was
nlerf. by the saUI j. S.' ireiand in the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for LinnXounty for initial registration
of the-title to the land above described
Now. unless you appear on or before
the 13rli day of March, 1911, and show
cause why such application, shall not.
be granted, the same will be taken as
confessed, and a-decree will be en
tered actording to the prayer of the
application, and you will be forever
barred irerm disputing1 the same.
vvl 1 . tbb my hand and the seal of
'trlc sa.;u Circuit Court,, this 6th day of
February, 191 1.
(Seal) W. L. MARKS;
County Clerk and ex-othcio Clerk
the Cirmrit Court ct Linn Countv.
Applicant's Attorney.
Notice is hereby given tnat by-vir-rca
of an order and decree of the cir
cuit court of tha state of Oregon, for
Linn county, duly made and entered
of record in said court on, the 17th
day of July A. D. 1906 in the cause
pendiner -in saidi-court -wheKin Perry
Smith and Myntle Smith, his wife,
Thomas Smith, A. J. Smith and Lillie
Smith,. his wife.. Geo. S. Smith and
Emma Smith, his wife, W. M. Yank,
George Yank aud. Ida M. Yank, his
wife, and Charles D. Yank, Gaorge E.
Yank, Vera T. J. Yank and Russell C.
Yank (substituted: for Ellen Yank),
"e P'amtins.-.aaia saran j amun,
ti'..f!!:ebl,-;r and Ju',?,,?ee,ilcIr' h,s
w,le' v lll,am LoaS and Lllza J- LonS
his woe, i.ts. i. oeoii aim Helena
Scott, his wife, Charles Ensley and
susan Ensley. his wife, J. D. Smith
and Mary Smith, his wife, C. M.
Smith and J. T. Jones, partners -under
the tirm name of Smith & Jones,
S. E. Young, Nellie F. Smith ad P.
M. Scroggin are defendants, fhe. un
dersigned, as, referee in said caue,
will on the 7th day of April at the
hour of one o'clock in the afternoon
of said ,day at the iiliit and main
door of ihe court heftse in the city of
Albany, Linn coraity, Oregon,, sell .at
public auction to the highest bidder
lor cash in , hand, the following de-
. scribed real estate, to-wit:
Thact No. 2. ' Beginning nit the
northeast corner of Sec. 31, in Town
ship 11 South, Range 2 West of the
Willamette Meridian, Oregony and
running . thence west on the; north
boundary line of said section 44.6S
chains to the soirtivwest cornerrof- the
I Donation Laud Claim of P. Baltimore.
same being Claim No. 61, in said
Township and Range, thonce south
28.29 chains to the north boundarv
;ne c tile Donation Land Claim of
james Tallman, same being Claim No.
& m said Township and Range,
thence east 3 40 chains to the we5t
boundary line oF tlie east half? of said
thence cast 38.20" chains to t&e east
line of said Claim No. 63, thenae north
12.25 chains to the northeast corner
of said Claim Nix 63, thence east 3.08
chains to the oast boundaryy line of
said Sec. 31, and thence north 27.90
1 nf m r;i nl -m chains
thence north to a point due west of
the place-of beginning and thence east
to the ;iihce of begiiminr; containing
3.00 acres more or less in l.inn countv,
Oregon. J. N. HUXCAN.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned Administratrix of the estate
of V. J. Crabtre-;. deceased, has tiled
her final account in the couuty court
of Linn county. Oregon, ' and that
the County Judge of said county has
appointed Monday, April tenth, at one
o'clock p. n. as the time, and the
County Court Room in Albany, Ore
gon, as the place, to hear objections
thereto, if any. and for the final set
tlement of said estate. -
Dated March 7, 191 1.
If your horse has
Stone's Heave
Drops. Price $1.
For sale by all drt)(
gists. Dr. S. C STOtfo,