Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, March 17, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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DK. ill. IB. ULLlK.
Physician and Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calla madein city and country. Phone
Main 38.
Painless Dentistry
is our prlde-or hobbr-oor tdy for yMn ini
now oar tucce. and our. U th txt plaio work
to bo fcmnil awherp, no matter bow moot ion
PJ- Compare uur P-rlco. '
Kj..,-i.StN. . nnUfce narli for out.
. ilfree when plate of
sV3 briJso work I order.
4 tM.larCrn. $5.00
4r J&S eM Filling! 1.00
.W. : " tnuul Fillinn I.UU
X a wr Filling! .OU
a Plitei 5.00
k. JBMtRtd Rubber,
- A-ScJl Plato 7.50
M.W.A. WW. PictitiiT ud Muau Painless Extr'tton .50
nut oritLUHio ii rsiHiu bkbt methods
AH work fully guaranteed for fifteen year.
Wise Dental Co. .Inc.
Painless Dentists
rilling Bulldlni, Tlilrd and Waslilnrttm. PORTLAND, ORE.
OtflctHoiri: S A. U. to S F. H. Sandayi, 1 1. 1
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Linn county.
In the matter of the estate of Con
rad Scheubel, deceased.
To the unknown heirs at law of
Conrad Scheubel, deceased, and all
others interested in said estate, greet
ing. "
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Linn, at the court room thereof, at Al
bany, in said county, on Monday the
6th day of February 1911 at 1 o'clock
in the afternoon of that day, then and
there to show cause, if any there be,
why an order should not be made
authorizing and directing the admin
istrator of the above entitled estate
to sell the real property of said estate
at orivate sale as prayed for in the ;
oetition of said administrator on file
herein, said real property being de
scribed as follows, to-wit:
Lot No. twenty (20) in block .No.
four (4) in Barton's Addition to the
city of St. Johns, Oregon, according
to the maps and plats of said Addi
tion on file and of record in the office
the rnnntv clerk in and for Mult
nomah county, Oregon, and lying and
being in tne county ot luuunuiuaw,
state of Oregon.
Beginning at a point four hundred
and fifty feet (450 ft.) south, and three
hundred ami thirty-five feet (335 ft.)
west from the northeast corner if the
northwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of section 19, in Township 13
south, Range 11 west, Willamette Me
ridian; thence south two hundred and
ten feet (210 ft.); thence west two
hundred and ten feet (210 ft.) ; thence
north two hundred and ten feet (210
ft.); thence east two hundred and ten
feet (210 ft.)to the place of begird
ning, containing one acre, more or
less, in Lincoln county, Oregon.
Witness, the Hon. J. N. Duncan,
judge of the county court of the state
of Oregon for the county of Linn,
with the seal of said court affixed this
14th day of December, A. D. 1910.
(Seal) J. W. MILLER, Clerk.
By W. L. MARKS, Deputy.
In the County Court of Oregon for
Linn County.
In the Matter of the Estate of I. L.
Moycr, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have filed their final account
as executor and executrix of the above
entitled estate, and that the County
Court has fixed Monday the 20th day
of February, 1911, in the County Court
room in the Court House in Albany,
Linn County, State of Oregon, as the
time and place for hearing objections
to said final account, and for the final
approval of said account and the set
tlement of said estate.
LAURA L. AMBROSE, Executrix.
Notice is hereby given that the un
fWsiwneri administratrix of the estate
of , Conradina Arnold, deceased, has
filed her final account in said -estate
with the rnuntv clerk of Linn county,
Oregon, and the county judge has set
the 20th day of February, 1911, at 1
iVlnrk- n. m. and the county court
rnnm as the time and place for hear
ing objections to said final account
and the settlement tnereoi. -
L. L. SWAN, Administratrix.
Atty for Admx.
Promptly obtntne-1, or FEE RETURNE
... wraDliVVPrBIIMCI. onrCHARGtS A
.ur null, Rend moileL nhotO or Sketch f'
eipert inarch and free report on patentability.
INFRINGEMENT Buits conducted before u
court. I'atenta obtained throntth na. ADVER
SIONS and COF-YRICHT. quickly obtained.
Onrjoslte U.
. 8. Patent umce(
, D. C.
I l.n n innx
n at A km p . am ekw m
mm u la ma i. ei a-r I
. Ojrvt mrvieL
,f.rht ete aai a, I COUNTRIES.
Bmttnen dlrrrt m-Ui Watktmeun m$
PatMt mi lofrlpitat Ptsctle. EJclaslnlY.
Write or eomalouiaa
X BUI ttr-A, Tt "
To Be at Lvon and Fifth Streets.
John R. Clelen yesterday afternoon
s.ld his three lots at the corner ot Lyon
and Fifth streets to one of the Albany
representatives of the Oregon tlectnc,
as will be observed by the real estate
sales el ewhere, and lots 6, 7 and 8
Eastern addition will undoubtedly be
the location of the passenger depot.
This was the site wanted by the com
pany, and is a splendid one for a depot.
9 Uirls.
Miss Belle Thompson entertained
eight of her girl friends at her home,
on 527 East 4th St. last evening, games
were played, after which a dainty
lunch wab served. Those present were
Aenene Munkers, Sadie Groshong,
Vernita Froman, Madeline Rawhnes,
Roberta Veal, Pearl Baker, Ethel
Green and Belle Thompson. The guests
departed at a late hour, after enjoying
me evening very mucn.
A Big Curbing Contract.
The Albany Cement and Concrete
Company yesterday were let the con
tract at Corvallis for 6,000 feet of curb
ing, at 34 and 85 cents. There the city
lets the contract and the property
owners pay tor th work. Here every
man is for himself in the curbing work.
The Comnanv's office in the Cusick
block wili be kept open and Albany
rmcinnoo V,o offnnrlorl in 1 Hanoi III h In
business be attended to as usual while
the Corvallis contract is being filled.
A New V. S.
Di. J. W. Jackson, recently of
Souris, N. Dak , has located in Albany
and now has his office with Taylor
Collins. Mr. Taylor is a former Dakota
friend. Dr. Jackson has bonght the
residencs property of M. Gray, at 1014
East Second, and proposes to make
Albany the home of himself and family.
Chas. Vernon is here from Nampa,
B. F. Benshoof, of Lebanon, has been
in town today.
Eugene will have a special colonist
day tomorrow.
H. H. Rasmussen, of Victoria, B.C.,
has been in the city. ,
Lawyer Allen, of Eugene, was in the
city today on a legal trip.
Mr. Everett, a Portland real estate
dealer, was in the city today.
S Corvallis lias begun arrangements for
a'great 4th of July celobration.
W. R. Hoover came up from Port
land today and went to Newport.
iv;r. and Mrs. Bert Francis returned
on the 4:18 train this morning from
T. O. Hanson, of the street cleaning
department, went to Corvallis this
The U.S. has sent some trooDS to the
border in Texas. A fine place for ma
Prof . Ciidihv. of the Medf ord schools.
has been fined $5 for beating a scholar
and has been asked to resign.
No. 16 today had a third section filled
with fruit, about thirty cars, bound
for Portland on passenger time.
tJCoos Bay proposes to have a building
of its own at the Panama exposition,
and will try to raise $100,000 for it.
R. F. Outcault, the celebrated artist,
is preparing to move to Bridgeport,
Wash., where he has a big orchard, to
Ashley M. Payne, with the Walter
McKerr wholesale grocery store, Port
land, arrived thic noon on a visit with
his cousin, Mrs. Robert Torbet.
The Lorimer affair is a good thing.
It has made people hot, and they will
keep demanding election of U. S. sen
ators by the people until they get it.
The travelog entertainment at the
M. E. church last night was a pleasant
affair The pictures of Italy were
good ones, instructive and enteru 'ng.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill, of near
Moscow, left for home this afternoon
after a visit with Mrs. Hill's sister,
Mrs. Brennan, who accompanied them
to Portland.
Hugh Kirkpatrick of Lebanon won
second prize in the Journal bargain day
contest, getting $100. He secured 278
subscribers, $461.95 in cash for the
Corvallis Gazette-Times: Sam Dolan
has been selected as O. A. C. b foot
ball coach and naa accepted me oner
made. Dolan is the favorite hers and
hn selection will piease immensely. jjU8t on Our Legal Machinery.
It might be well to placg your orders Grover C. Birtchett, Albany, Nation
early for spring hats as the New Band al Conservation.
Box is now and will be rushed. Low i Carroll H. Wooddy, McMinnville, The
prices and latest styles in millinery is Salvation of Democracy,
what coun s. All are invited to feast C E. Ward, P. U , Optimism and Op
your eyes. portunity. ,..,
Mrs- O. D- Austin and Mrs. S. G. Vena Rickaro. O. A. C, Our Duly
Simons yesterday afternoon at the Towards the Theater,
home of Mrs. Austin entertained the The judges . w.i I by: On c "position
' -c u- du..i,o i o .,;,, -Prof. Truobloocl. U. of Mich : Prof
ui, ln The refreshments
were specially good.
Amo'ig those who will be in the
neuver campaign in ItXas will be
Lieutenant Clifton Butler, Bon of Com
missioner Butler, of this city, now at
Ft Mcl'herson, Ga , who will leave
with his company this week.
Watt Shipp, the well known bicycle
man and de ler in sporting gooas,
Wn in the citv building a powder mag-
azine near the Jewish cemetery. He
will make this city the distributing
point for powder for this part of the
The iUhland high school basket ball
f.m the chamDionshio of South-
ern Oregon; but as a matter of fact
Albany high are the champions, easily
defeating both Ashland atirl Medford.
and they could do it ten times running.
Present Mayor, recorder, marshal.
street supt. and Councilmen Marshall
Chambers, sneu am i.uri.
Bills were allowed as follows: Ore
gon rower Lo. i4 su; n. u. nsner,
$133.25; J. A. Warner, $25.00; Merlin &
Stuart, 199 87; Fred Hockspier, $30 09;
w. A, Van Alien,; rreo wooti,
$2.00; P. C. Stamp Works. $1 2;; E
r . Box. $J.z.bu; reter xney, iiw.w;
Chas. Hwes, $26.25; Geo. Simons,
Fred Walls. $28 75. Tanner Bros .
$46.10; Walter Hillard, $2.50.
Further time waf granted the icom-
m ttee on a sewer througn tne irair.
Remonstration filed against paving
3rd street Lyon to Baker. Continued.
Petition of W. A. Sharp and 19
others, covering 23 lots asked, for the
pavement of Mrst St., Montgomery to
Main. Referred.
An ordinance was passed providing
for paving Ellsworth St. and advertis
ing for bius for same.
A resolution was passed providing for
the pavement of Washington St., 1st to
9th street. Estimated cost $27,455.57.
City's share $7,026.07.
A large crowd of business men were
Present in the interst of the park,
udge Hewitt presented the proposal
of Mr. and Mrs. Bryant to present the
city of Albany 44 acres across the Cal
apooia for a city park, with a petition
signed by two hundred twenty-five
troininent citizens asking that the pro
posal bo accepted. The gift reserves a
72 foot strip along the north side of the
nark, excent for Dark Durooses. Pro
vision is made for use by the Chautau
qua, for a roadway and bridge to be
kept up by the city, that no liquors be
sold on the grounds, that it be called
Bryant Park, tha. it oe run by a park
board of seven, that $1000 a year be
nnpnr for five vears and that the Chau
tauqua assembly spend at least $500 for
JUUge rtewtlt, uittuo a
b lendid presentation of the case, pay-
iug a tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Bryant
ard was followed by G. W. Wright.
Mayor Wallace Bald the proposition
should be accepted and Councilman
Curl endorsed it. Referred to council
as a committee of the whole with a
view to the acceptance of the proposi
tion. The allev between Baker and Mont
gomery Second and third streets was
ordered, cleaned up.
The Central addition sewer lesolution
was recommended and again passed
without provision for catch Dasins
and inlets.
The Elm street sewer wa3 discussed
and cussed,
Engineer Fisher recom mended a sep.
arate sewer system in the east part of
the city in preference to storm sewers
Sewers; up Oak and Geary streets
should be built for the two sides of
Pennvwink e. usinsr 16 inch pipes. Ke-
ferred to committee on ordinance to j
prepare a resolution.
News from Albany's Six Eariy
Bishop Scadding, of Portland, re
tnrnprl from Corvallis. and was accom
panied to Portland by Rev. Marsden, of
this city. Next Sunday at that city
Rev. Marsden will be formally ordained
as an Episcopal minister. He has been
pastor of the Albany church for several
months, doing good work.
S. V. Hall left for Detroit, and soon
will resume the work of getting out
logs at Granite Mountain. Last year
he was at work there when stopped by
the forest fires
R. F. Shier and others left for Gates
and the Gold Creek mines. This year
promises to be an active one in the
Black Eagle mines.
Miss Maud Laughead, of the public
schools, left for Portland on a visit
with the schools of that city, making a
study of the primary departments.
George Clark, of Lacomb left for
Harrisburg, where he has a couple of
A P Rlnckhurn. Oscar Ingram and
! W. O. W. Shepherd came down from
i Lebanon
Mrs. T. J. Butler of thiB city, and
Mrs. Bowes, an old friend, of Gates,
went to Salem. , .
S. A. Lasselle left on a Portland trip,
j W. W. Allingham started out on his
! regular commercial trip.
Lawyer (J. ri. Sox went 10 roniana.
State Oratorical Contest
The state oratorical contest will be
held at Eugene tomorrow night, when
the following will participate:
Harry G. McCain, Willamette, on
Liberty. Law and Present Day Prob
i Claud Newlin,
PApifif. fiollepe.
Ministry of Poetry.
I Carlton E. Spencer, U. of O ,
Shurter. U. of Tex.. President Penrose,
Whitman. Delivery
Portland, B. Le Paget
Alfred C. .-chmitt.
Rev. Hinson
Portland and
Moved to Ferry Street.
, .
ness shop on Second street, just oppo-
t-nas. vvatrner. wno ran nan imr-
site "he Democrat office, has moyed to
Ferry street lust around the corner,
where he will be found in good quarter.,
permanently established, a dependable
harness man.
""JfS XZt
Place 10 new bnck tne ,"8-
A recall is being worked on Council
man Ellis, of Portland. Several of
them need one effectively.
One of the best social entertuinmems
ever given in Albany was the reunion
of states, at the W. O. W. hall, in ih.
new Schmitt block lust night, attendeu
oy a nig crowd of Albany pe iple, giver,
by the ladies of the Pr sbyterianchurcl
for the organ fund. There was a livi
and good nutured contest in gettint:
together the most native residents ui
the different s'.ates, Oregon being
eliminated. Illinois carried off tht
honors and did it well
The program of siates was full of fun
and good nature. F. H. Pfeiffei, i.t
Uncle Sam, presided, accompanied by
Miss Gerty l'alor as Liberty.
Ohio opened the program, headed bj
W. H. Marvin as President Taft, aim
an elephant labeled G. O. P., with tht
Ohio contingent.
Mrs. McCullough and her little boy
were the only ones from California.
Dixio was sung for the south, with
Mariam Bradley at the piano.
Illinois had a crowd, and the statt
song was given enthusiastically.
Missouri shone in orutory, with Mrs
Dr. Tracey, Supt. Jackson and G. W
Wright as the representatives.
Iowa had a song. Prominent mem
bers were J. C. Way, Mrs. A. S. Hart,
Mrs. Weaver nnd J. W. Ellison.
Indiana presented the long and tht
short of it, W. F. Heckman, F. .V.
French and h. R. Weaver, with iVir.
French as the orator.
Nowell Bouley was the whole thing
for N. & S. Dak. , and a good one,
Michigan was one of the best, a
dandy, with Prof. Bradley and his class
of girls, including Misses Ireland and
Carol of the high school faculty.
i?red Cailyle sang a Bung tor
Henry Volstedt orated for Neb,
The Democrat man was called
for New York.
Mr. Fred Biers made a good talk for
Wash., backed by Mrs. Judge Hewitt,
Mrs. G. E. Sanders and Miss Emma
Wis. with its beer bottles, was well
represented bv W. G. Ballock. J. E.
Hulburt, Mrs. Bouley, Prof. Franklin,
Earl Beeson, Mrs. Flo and others.
There was a fine crowd of Canadians,
nmonir them Mrs. C. E. Sox. who sang
the ivy Leaf song, L. E. ana tiatue
Hamilton, ueo. rav or. Mrs anaw,
Mrs. Holbrook, J. V Pipe, Mr. Wears,
Wm Stover, and Mr. and Mrs. Bain
Prof. Flo trave the Norwav act.
A. C. Schmitt, Prof. Wilson, Earl
Fortmil'er and W. F. Heckman took
first prize with their leedle German
The Dowd orchestra were heard in' a
fine selection, everybody was given : an
ice cream cone, and the splendid affair
adjourned with a good taste in the
Next year there will be another one,
The Maccabees Trip.
A live crowd of Muccabees last night
went io Jefferson, where they helped
initiuto atiout forly now mombcrs into
the Jefferson longe, presenting some
stunts that made tho new Knights
know they were real Maccabees when
the seesion adjourned oarly this morn
ing. Those going from Albany were:
Adolph Senders, W. A. Cox, H. L.
Upham, C. A. Wilson, C. N. McKey,
G. W. Goff.C. E. Shoe), G. B. Simons,
J. S. Soooner. Walter Fuller. Dan
Molver, S. A. Crowder, Wiliiam Cook,
Cooper, A. V. Smith, Mr. Bown, C. A.
Curran, Chas. Dnnnals and Kasper
Krnnn. .
Albany expects to nsve a nig class in
a tew weeks, when the Jefferson boys
will be given an opportunity to make
Albany Man find Moriah
There will be something doing in
Palestine next June, when Prof. J. B,
Horner and Dr. J. R. N. Bell of Cor
vallis and Dr. J. L. Hill of Albany, ar
rive. These well known men are ar
ranging to make the trip there to
gether, and if there is anything left of
the old templeB and relics the forces
there will have to watch closer than
usual. They will probably leave in
May, well equipped for picture taking
and seeing the world. ThiB will be
Prof. Horner's second trip, and he will
in a measure be the guide.
One of the events talked about Is a
session of the grand lodge on top of
Mt. Moriah by the three men at the
exact time the Oregon grand lodge
meets in Oregon June 14, when Dr.
Bell, chaplain of the Oregon lodge for
thirty-six years, will offer the lodge
On Account of Three Special
Road, Taxes.
Three important suits were begun
today by tho Linn and Lane Timber
Co. agt. Linn County, to prevent the
countv from colled ing tpicial road
taxes'of 3 mills in districts 22 and 23
and 6 mills in district 28, amounting to
the sums of $792 06, t48 and $689.29
respectively. It is alleged that in
voting the taxes tho requisite number
of voters were not present The law
is not definite on the subject. Judge
Kelley was asked for a temporary in-
junction ana toon me .uund J"
Died in Pennsylvania.
. . . ,'
. J. G. Gibson has received a tele-
announcing the death of her
Mr Sentt. in Pennsylvania,
, u u..:-
Scott was well known here, hav ng
, made t vo trips to the coast to visit his
' Till
t.,,i,,Kiae H wrh n veteran oi tne
dvilwar.' serving three years in the
Penn. volunteers.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 63-37.
Rainfall .10 inch.
Tho river is 4.4 feet. .
Prediction: fair tonight and Friday,
coler tonight, with light frost.
Absolutely Pure
The official Government tests
show Royal Baking Powder to be
an absolutely pure and healthful
grape cream of tartar baking
powder, and care should be taken
' to prevent the substitution of any
other brand 1 1 its place.
With no ;ther agent can bis
cuit, cake and hot-breads be made
so pure, healthful and delicious.
Royal Baking Powder costs only a fair price per pound,
and is cheaper and better at its price than any other baking
powder in the world. It makes pure, clean, healthful food.
Royal Cook Book 800 RtctiptsFrtt. Stnd Namt and Aiirt$$.
Mrs. Sarah E., wife of S. D. Pratt,
died this forenoon, at the horn of her
son, N. D. Pratt, at the age of 87
years. She was born in Connecticut,
cumins: to Oreeon in 1890. She was a
member of the Presbyterian church for
fifty or more years, of the Grace Pres
presbyterian chuich here, a woman of
many cnrisuan virtues.
she leaves a husband, now 89 years
of ago. with whom she lived happily
for 65 years, and two sons. W. B. Pratt
of Burt, Iowa, and N. D. Prntt, of thiB
The funeral will be neid Sunday at i
p. m., at the family residence 1161 San
tiam Road.
Maurice Winter arrived this noon.
Homer Davenport is in Oregon on
Douglas, Alaska, has been destroyed
by lire.
H. H. Fisher, of Eugene, has been
in the city.
J. J. Lownd, of Independence, was
here today.
O. W. Pape, of Springfield, has been
in tne city.
A big flood is prevailing in- the San
Jose valley
A good price for prunes Is predicted
lor tnis year,
T. S. Johnson, of Walla Walla, has
been in tie city.
Grant Pirtle and family are on their
way home from Honolulu.
Hugh Cummings, the stock man, re
turned thiB noon from Portland.
W. M. Vloehan, of Woodburn, was a
business visitor in Albuny yesterday.
No, 10 arrived this noon eight hourB
Into, due to a freight wreck in Northorn
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stew
art, in Lebanon, on March 8, a girl,
thilr third daughter.
The First National and the Ladd &
Tilton banks of Portland each has over
$13,000,000 deposits.
Mts. Cook arrived this noon from the
middle east on a visit with S. P. Wil
liamson and family.
Mrs. Frank Froman'and Bon-in-lnw.
Pete Rich, returned this noon from Los
Angeles, and report a fine time.
Suprlntendent BriggB left this after
noon for Springfield to officiate as a
judge in the Springfield-Lebanon do
T. J. Anderson. J U. Bennett, and
numerous other Harrishurg Flks, were
down lost night to help harnesB the
Elks goat.
The American Cigar Storn has moved
Its who.eaale department from Ferry
street to the Graham block at First and
Baker ftrcets,
Vrs. Donahue, of Thomas, tins been
in the city today nn a visit with her
daughter, of the Hamilton Store, and
on a business tiip. -
Commissioner Huff was In tho city
todav, going to the wept nide. Deputy
W B. Chance, afteratripto tho Alaea,
loft for points south.
Tho case of Guy McCartney, of Hnr
risburif was before Judge Dnnc-n to
., An rrnrt np Imino- made tn hve
, 0 KUnr,iJn appointed for McCartney,
1 with the chances against it.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Knott last night
entertained the Christum Endeavor
Society, of the Grace Presbyterian
church Ht their beautiful homo on the
banks of the illamete. where sevcrul
h ur. WPr, ereatlv enjoyed .In gameR
j 80cjally. A line lunch was served
i .:
wiin respect to tne Bii.-L-mi uiceiing
I .,''"r , r helri' in ,hfl -Uv. the
Modern Travelers have nrrangot their
mcc,tm" " !Ji'l'",iLT 'ii. ",'
. . . ...s.l.
u,nrl The next meelinir wll be Sat-
j nriliiy. March 11, at the home of Miss
Elizabeth Irvine.
There were three very live initiations
In the Elks lodge last nivht. Dr. O B.
Long and Mr. Wright of Harrisburg and
Harry Moe, clinginR tn the goat in sp
proved fashion Dr Long la an old
foot ball mi-n. once enp'air of the Wll
Ismettes The initiation ss remind
er of old V iilamstte days.
The big Riley meetings were begun
last night, a week before the arrival of
Dr. Kilov. and will bo held nightly by
the churches of the city, at the Presby
terian church, and also at tho Evangel
ical church, The meetings will be pre
liminary to tho big meetings, a prepar
ation for them, and a large attendance
is desired and needed if tho Riley meet
ings aro to be a success.
Kev. Gordon presided last night ana
spoke earnost'y along the line of tho
power ot personal contact. A Christian
commercial traveller once was the
means of the ennvorshn of a m-.' chant,
the merchant of a colloge student and
he of another one, who was John F.
wott, now a power in the cause in the
U. S.
Rav, White, chairman of the personal
work committee, made an appeal for
personal workers for the Riley meetings,
volunteers, consistently right them
selves before asking others to be. It
is not proposed to make the armory
meeting one just to secure nominal
conversions.. PeopU who go will not
be disturbed by workers unless thoy
become genuine inquirers. It is the
desire to gut people interested who will
stay with it, not to make a big showing
of conversions, where nine? tenths back
slide within a few months.
At the meeting at tho Presbyterian
church tonight Rev. Mochol will preside.
News From Albany's Six Early
Henry Kitsch, flro engineer, wont to
Portland after a new heater for No.
l's ougino, such as is used in the Port
land engines. It is a modern affair.
arranged so that a fire is started by
simply pulling a chain, without s
match, and thiB may bo done after th
engine is started. Mr Kirsch propose)
to nave tho Albany engines In II ret
claBs condition.
Dr. O. B. Long, the benedict physi
cian, of Harrisburg, wont to Portland
to investigate automobiles. He pro
poses to have ono for the business of
the coming year, but isn't decided on
the make.
Hon. C. L. Shaw went out to tho
Froman farm to plant a new apple
orchard. Tho old one, now about fifty
years of age, is about worn out and
will bo cut out.
Butler went to Tall-
man agiun.
it. W. Tripp
came down from
Dr. Prill, of Scio, returned home
after a Portland trip.
Chas, Mctlin went to Portland.
MiBS Vira Stuart went to Portland
for a couple days. She expects to
spend the summer at home.
Bert Moo roturned to Springfield.
Father Lane took a trip down tho
J. F. McCartney, of Portland, an old
time Harrisburg man, returned to Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cotton, of Leba
non, went to Portland.
John Bray loft on a Jefferson trip.
Dr. M. M. Davis, of Eugene, come
over on his way Bayward.
Mrs. II. A. Nelson left on a Portland
C. II. Frost went to Corvallis.
The Wealher.
Range of temperature 59-33.
The river is 4.3 foot.
Prediction: occasional rain
and Saturday.
An exchange tells ot some hons whose
product was $9 a piece. What other
thing in tho world cn do that well.
H. Bryant, of this city, has been ap
pointed a member of the advisory board
of the Oregon pure food commission.
In a fight at Casus Grandes, Mexico
yesterday 300 revolutionists were killed.
36 Americans with the insurgents were