GUARDIAN'S NOTICE OF SALE. , Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, the duly appointed, quali fied and acting guardian of Hugh Mc Cullough, a minor, will make sale of Certain lands, pursuant to an order of the County eourt, duly made and en tered of record on the 6th day of Sep tember, 1910, authorizing and direct ing the undersigned to make sale of the lands hereinafter described belong ing to said minor. Now, therefore, in pursuance of said order of said court, I will on the 15th day of April, 1911, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. sell at public auction to the highest bidder at the front door of the court house in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, all the right, title and interest of the said Hugh McCullough, a minor, in and to the following described lands, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the south boundary line of Block No. 4 in Hack leman's Second Addition to the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, which is 67.5S feet easterly from the b. W. corner of said Block, thence running easterly on the south boun- dary ot said Block 40 feet, thence; northerly and parallel with tne east- em boundary line of said block 111 feet more or less to the north line of , the south half of said Block, thence westerly parallel with the south boundary line of said Block 40 feet, ! thence southerly parallel with the eastern boundary line of said Block to of sale. i llatprf thic 7tli rlnv nt March. 1V11. NELLIE McCULLOUGH, Guardian of Hugh McCullough, a Minor. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn. In the matter of the estate of Alpheus Xordyke, deceased. Notice is hereby triven that the un dersigned, Administratrix of the above entitiec, estate, nas cro.u., u .... , estate; that the above entitled court I t,n mnAo an order and decree setting and fixing the 13th day of March, 1911, 1 at. the hour of two o'clock in the after noon of said day, in the County Court room of the County Court of the Stafe of Oregon for the County nf Linn, which said court room is in the County Court House at Albany, Linn County, Oregon, as the time and the place for the hearing ot said Final Ac count and any and all objections, if any there be, and the settlement there of. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to be present at said time and place and make objec tions to said Final Account, if any they have. Dated at Albany. Oregon, this 10th day of February, 1911. AXXA M'ARY NORDYKE, Administrator of the Estate of Al .pheus Xordyke, deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned was, on the 6th day of Feb ruary. 1911. by order of the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, duly made and entered of record, duly ap. pointed administrator of the estate ( f Katherme Miller, deceased. All per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased arc hereby notified to present the same with proper vouchers within six months trom thz date of this notice to the undersigned Administrator of said estate . at his office, in Albany, in Linn County, Ore gon. Dated this 7th day of February, 1911. H. H. HEWITT, Administrator. REGISTRATION TITLE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. In the: matter of the application of Laura Ej Pirtle and R. W. Tripp to . register the title to the following de scribed premises, to-wit; Beginning at a point which is four feet south and twenty-five feet west from the northeast corner of Lot. No. Two in Block No. Nine in the town of North Brownsville, in Linn County, State of Oregon, and running thence south one hundred and one feet to the south boundary line of said Lot No. 2; thence west eighty feet to the south west corner of said Lot No. 2; thence south fifteen feet; thence west fifteen feet, thence north one hundred and sixteen feet to a point four feet south of the north boundary line of said Block No. 9; thence east ninety-five feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, all situated in Linn County, State of Oregon, against A. A. Tussing, S. P. Barger, W. S. Hoicomb. R. Henderson, Lester Craw ford, YV. W. Bailey, and M Reine and U. S. Rider, partners under the firm name of Reine & Rider, and all whom it may concern, defendants. To all Whom It Mny Concern: Take notice, that on the 7th day of February, A. D. 1911, an application was tiled by said Laura E. Pirtle and R. W. Tripp in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County for initial registration of the title tj the lands above described. Now, un less you appear on or before the 13th day of March, A. D. 1911, and show) .A ...i... ....i. n....i:n: i..,it iiiU3 ii 9ui.ii !'ini.a i urn sunn mil be granted, the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree will be en tered according to the prayer of the application, and yon will be forever barred from disputing the same. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Circuit Court, this 7th day of February, A. D. 1911. (Seal) ' W. L. MARKS, County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Circuit Court of Linn County. ' Oregon. HEWITT & SOX. " Applicant's Attorney. ,-A gentleman was hunting for Judge Kelly yesterday forenoon. He was told that he was holding court at the courthouse. "iVell I was up in the court room, and loooked all around among the lawyers, but couldn't find him." He bad failed to look on the bench, having forgotten that the judge was presiding. PICTURED In the Portland Papers. Albany was well represented in pic tures in the Portland papers yesterday, as luiiows Mr. and Mrs. Hub Brvant. with a couple pictures of the park, a splendid expression of appreciation of the mag. nilicent gift of a park to the city of Al bany. . The new Schmitt block, characterized as "Albany's finest brick block," con structed of pressed brick with modern plate glass front. The Albany high school basket ball team, champions of the Willamette valley, in high school work, really of Western Oregor, i. Southern Oregon .and . Northern California, showing Prof. Marquam, Morris Bigbee. Lyle Bigbee. Verne Beeson. Chas. Kennard, Carson Bigtee and Olin Douglas. Four generations of former Albany people, showing Mrs, M. Westfall, Mrs. C. W. Crowder, Mrs. I. H. Curl and Dorothv May c'urli now- of Portland, Red Rupert, formerly of this city. now a portand policeman and manager 0f a base ball team, Rupert's Rubes, that have attracted some attention, c. E. Ross, of Silverton, has been in town ... ' , ., , . uowwhimumuw vti ui i.wvu- burn today, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McCune went to Portland last evening. Robin Nelson, house calender clerk, has returned from Salem. Prof. Luck, of Portland, was in the city yesterday on a short visit. Senator Aldrich is coming west to consult us about monetery matters. Mr. Bob Miller, of Halsey, was here to atend tne funeral of Mrs. Pratt. jrs. M. Sternbe:g. of Portland, is A. Archibald, the monument man of Ashland, formerly of Phi'omath, was in the city today. hues oeaince uuiy, ui ruiuaiiu, lias been in the city, the guest of Miss Dunstan of the high school. J. T. and E. F. Peterson, of Portland, spent yesterday in Albany the guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Gox. There was a large attendance at the funeral of Mrs Pratt yesterday. Rev. Mochel preached the sermon. , Isaac G. Thompson, a prominent res ident of Oakville for many years died yesterday at the age ot 83 years. While cranking a machine at the Bar rett garage yesterday Will Dawson had an arm broken by a cranny craak Medin & Stuart have been let the contract for the heating of the M. E church and the a.mory, big contacts. Mrs. Frances French Williams and daughter, of Poitland, are visiting at tho home of F. M. French this week. This week the big bowling tourna. ment at Spokane takes place, with bowlers there from all uver the North west. w. m. uresser has returned from a trip through California, New Mexico and even into Mexico, glaa to be back in ilbiiny. In eight years tho average price of larm products in the JN. w. las ad vanced 81. 6 per cent according to an estimate made. President Taft has refused to pardon W. L. Jones, of Portland, and he will have to go to jail four months and pay a uue ui $j.,uuu. The big suit of W. J. Furnish, of Pendletjn, who once run for governor, against Dr. Coe, of Portland, for SI02, 000'has been settled. They nave patched things up. Today is the 81st birthday of Mr. At. Thomas, an old-time Albany man. ' He is after nineteen more years and pro poses to make it an even 100, and we hope be does. S. Mishizaki. of the O.A.C. is in the city, and under Albany College will rais money for the Chinese famine vie timB. Any sum however small will be appreciated. The big department store of Olds Wcrtman and King of Portland, has been sold to Max Holtz of New York, it ia said tor aoout $3,000,000. Tim includes the building. A fight has been begun on Boss Murphy of New York. He ought to be killed out in the interest of decent politics. Tammany has been a dis grace to New York City. J as. n. Hoag & S n have just re ceived: some mure poultry from Peta luma, some fine Langshns, and othei oraers nave been placed, ihey will bi ready for anything going. John Spangler, of Corvailis, returnee from Portland this noon, where hi uought a ten ton second hand roac roller, used only a few times, for $2500. an -8u0 reduction. It is for Corvailis' C C. Hoguc, of Klamath Falls, ar rived in Albany yesterday morning rtlnle here he will go to the Bay ant then to Portland for a few ('ays. Ht is the truest of hi- brother in-law. Judin Kniley. In making up the Senate iournpl it has been db :overed that a botch wai made of the Senate records and the ap propriation bill lacks the necessari record to mane it safe. A i-pecia, session may oe necessary to correct it M. D. Brandeberry and family ar rived in Albany Saturday from Mary's Peak, where they have a homestead Mrs. Brandeberry and children expect to remain, while Mr. Brandeberry will rpturn to look after the farm. ' Mrs. Robert L, Farrelly has beei. arrested in San Francisco charged with securing $10,000 under false precenset. and is in jail there. Tne Oregonian says it is believed she is Mrs. E. E. Peterson, formerly of Portland. Also of Albany. She had alorgnett with the name Inez, Mrs. Peterson's first name. Walter Clark, inspector ef pavement in Medford, passed through the city last night on a trip to Seattle, where he resided for a good many years. He wan a boyhood friend of the Democrat man, whom he had not seen for over thirty years, and in response to tele phone message they had fifteen min utes visit, greatly enjoyed, i OBSERVED By the Man About Town, A new bridge across Pennywinkle on Secoud street. It is a good one, wall nnt in with narnant niAi Kv th rnu pnnminl-i i trniiu tn nr- 8ent many problems for settlement in tne tuture. as the eastern part oi tne city developes. 200 cords of wood piled up near the Wiilammette, just est of the city, property of K. L. Burkhart, recently cut. It is fir and fine looking fuel. Just south is the route of the Oregon Electric's two lines. The freight and passenger lines wia diverge near Will Rainwaters', the passenger with sixty feet: right of way hugging the S. P. road for nearly two miles, while the freight, with one hundred feet right of way ffoes straight for Water street. About seven acres will be required out of the heart of a fine field. The station is to be on the Hiutt lots, and will un doubtedly mean a big thing for that fine suburban section. A number of new houses of modern architecture in the eastern part of the city. Water and Bewerage are needed to make home life complete. News from Albanys Trains. Six Early Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pfeiffer went to Portland, where they will look after their Portland taxes. Mr. Pfeiffer re- ports the tax just about double what it j was last year. Mr. Ed. Schoel left for Salem to',. Editor Brown of the Brownsville meet with the chicken people of the I Lebanon E. A. Messrs. A. F. and Times, and Editor Newport of the Leb state fair board. He has again been W. M. Goohrend, two brothers of anon Criterion, arrived on county seat appointed superintendent of the poultry aepartmenc, ana tne wont or geLiing the list ready win oe begun. T.nnrirora firlnnH nf Lphannn . Riirl TWini- f Rmwnciuilla .riert tr. ot. tonj Z.., TkoiV .m,nt'n c.t iita ic.iu cuii. i, are frequent ones, both Wing large practices. , ZTV v i t-i Mr. and Mrs H. Y. Kirkpetrick came down irom i.coanon. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Crawford re turney from a trip to Bonnie Doon, ' Lebanon. J Miss Laura Waggoner, of the Leba non schools, returned from a Corvailis visit. Mrs. Harvey McBride, of near Knox Butte, rturned from a visit at her former home, at Corvailis. W. D. Barnes, of near Bend. Crook county, left for home after being in Albany a few days. Richard Landis returned from a days visit in Corvailis, which is said to con- tinue to have strong attractions for mm. ' Bah. a Salem Chinaman, left for hnm nfl-or snpndino Sunday in Alhnnv. A Beginnei's Musical. The beginner's class of Mrs. S. C. Worrel Saturday evening gave a re delightful affair, showing the splendid .i.5n,.iiHi.-i,.,,.6,.j cital at tne nome ot Mrs. Worrell, . Z, LiX'ri pL. selie played a waltz and melody, Louise Collins Tiny Tim, Catharine Bain Grandfather's song, Nellie Burns Little Things, Muriel Blume Ducklings and a Ray of Sunshine, Laverne Hollich Car nation, Jean Welch and Lural Burggraf Sweet Williams' Ball, Dorothy Lee The Return and evening prayer, Ruth Rawlings Little Fairy Waltz and a duet with Mrs. Worrell, Helen Hockspier Happy Hours, Wilma Junkins Hunting Song, Singing Sweet Heart, Lural Burggraf the Hobby Horse, Iantha Smith Ripples, Violet Vutting The Limpid Stream, Elepha Cummings Agreggio Etude, Marciel Austin Will o' the Wisp and Camilla Kroeschel Ghosts in the Fire Place and Valee, Those Oranges The Democrat recently mentioned the receipt of a box of choice oranges from uamornia, not knowing at the time whom they came from. It transpires tney were sent Dy air. and Mrs Horace T. Powell, former Linn county people, but residents of California for nearly twenty years. For a number of veaii" they havt been raising oranges atuiaire mont, but recently Mr. Powell, an expert in citrus fruits, was secured for a hundred acre orchard of oranges and ither fruits, ac Highland, which will now be their home. Mrs. Powell is a dster of Mrs. Judge Wolverton. Her sister Mfs. C. F. Lafallett. resides only two miles from her new home. Will Have a Poultry Show. Albany will have a poultry show next fall or winter. Pqultry men expect to have a meeting in this city, in u few days, to begin preliminary arrange, ments for it. This is proper. The city is the poultry center of the valley, and some of the finest lowis in Oregon i re here, all kinds. A few years ago we had poultry shows, but they died out. Now they will start again in earnest. Or. fclectric Men Coming. Harrison Allen, the Oregon Electric lawyer and G M. McDowell, right of way man, will be in Albany tomorrow to look after the cases of the Company An effort will be trad i to settle them. and it is hoped is successful, that the road may be brought into Albany with out delay. The Weather. Range of temperature 62-30; Th? river in 4 I feet. Predietirm::fnir torttfrht srlrl' Tiim with light frost tonight. DEATH OF D.J10DGES. Drury Hodges, one of Benton's best known ploneer;citizens, died this morn ing at the age of Si. He was born in Indiana, Sept. 8, 1S25, and came to Oregon in 1847, set tling in Benton county, i ear Wells, his homH for at.out sixty years. He was a member of the Baptist church for a great many years, a man of sterling ; character, prominent in the upbuilding of Benton county, a frequent visitor to Albany. I He leaves em-ht children: Mrs. Katef- Vanderpool, Mrs. M. Huey. M. D., R. D., and C. P. Hodges, of Benton county; I J rs. Geo. Davis of Burton, Wash.. Mrs. Clarence Reed, of Washington and Dr. A. J. Hodges, of Albanv. He was a member of the Masons for many years. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 12 o'clock at the Palestine church, under the auspices of the Masons. Walking on Wager. G. Rodrigues, a famous walker, both in Europe and the U. S today started at 9 a. m., started on a walk for a ah r e. mi., oioueu on a want iur a. wager from Portland to Medford, 829 miles, in ss miles under the direction of the Portland Telegram, travelling. uajr .iHioo uc ia prUCeueU Uy Ull El. M. F. 30 h. p. i il it car. which nro- poses to make the trip regardless of the present conditions of the roads. I Rodrigues will reach Albany just about iu. iuiuuiiuw auernoon anu win v 'tilZ-"'; ,7"'"??' tt" -n-..,, Invested in Lebanon Property. i Aberdeen, Wash., spent a few days in ucuai.o,, wren, nu wnue nere purcnaseu me a. o. crown larm or ia( acres west or town; also a block in mountain view AUUIllon to L.eoanon e unaerstanu mat tne price paid for ihrhborhood of the farm was in the J15 000 butthecroo stock and imnla- i'"? iL1 . . Th M fjnohnH k . turned to Aberdeen, but will dispose of their intorooin t iu, i .....t ...;ii eome t0 Lebanon tu mate thir hnmna. An Electric Show. A big electric show is to be given a the u.A.C. Corvailis on the 17th and ::w" .:r, u"' " "1" i l" in it. Imvinir hw. t r,.in rain,ni leaving Corvailis at 11:30, offering n bany people a splendid opportunity not onv t0 aee tne eleetric show worth the while, but also the O. A C. graunds and ! j: mi n 1. - ,u i' surruunuings, ineu.A.o, is a gcnQOl : " MARRIED. Humphrey -Schemen. - On Mondav , morning, March 13, at the residence of and bv Rev. A bvn Eaann Mr. Rnv Humnhre:and Miss DaisvlSchemen wr united in marriage in a private cere-, mony. i The groom is a son of Mr. Thomas Humphrey, mail clerK on the C. & E.. i a prominent young man, and the bride, formerly of Crabtree. has been em oyed at the Suss House. They have the best wishes of their many friends. 1 UCoUAY, Frank Thrift, of Mosier, is homo for a few days visit ai i i.h ' i a a ' h. if 0f IndPcndence- has i y" B. S. Norwood, of Harrisburg, was attending court today. Hear Miss Bailey at the High school building tonight J. A. McCain came up from Salem today for an Altjany visit. Chas. Wesely, a prominent Scio merchant, was in town today. The college grounds have been cleaned up, and look the best yet. Hon. M. A. Miller, a leading member of the last legislature, has been in the city. The Pension of Rufus Thnmnann of tnis city, nave been increased to $!4 a montn. uipsy bmith, the world's greatest evangelist will speak in Portland two weeKS in rnovemcer. ' Miss Khoda of Eugene will sing at ine lueum contest, wnicn is to hp htalri ai tne nign scmol building tonight, Miss barah-Neelcy and Miss Shields leturneo to fortland after a Sunday visit at the home of the f:rmers's par ents. S. H. Singleton, who came hnr snv. oral weekB ago from Oklahoma, is ex Meeting his family tonicht. He is a Mntractor. and is already at work. Kred Carlyle received a di patch to iiiy lrom San Francisco asking him to leiurn as soon as through here and nut an extravaganza on there for a big doings. Two men were killed and several just escaped death by a slide at the Acme, Lane county quarries thi3 week. The men were getting out rock for the Florence jetties. At Corvailis an invastigation by Post master Johnson, ur.d r direction nf ihe post office department shown 4 01'J pat rons served in the city limits hy th carriers. 921 houses is the record. The Albany board of directors met last night and discussed teachers tor next year. The annual election of the faculty will take place later. A good many applications are on file for places. The Pendleton high school basket ball team, it is now said is anxious to play Albany high and a game is being talked of to be played in Portland. Pendleton has not been beaten this year. Butthv basket ball season is over here, and the ooyi are all playing ban ball nere. DEATH OF JAS. DANNALS. James Dannals. a pioneer of 1S5I, died this noon, at bis home in this city, at the advanced age of 85 years. He was born in Rochester, N. Y., in Aug. 1S25, and came to the coast during ihe gold excitment, coming up to Ore-: gun in 1S51, settling in Linn county, ! near Harrisburg, coming to Albany in ; 1876, for many years being in the furni-1 ture business. Ho was a man of exemplary habits, a splendid husband, father and citizen. He was a member of the city council thirty years apo. he leaves a wife and six children, 0. P. Dannals. Mrs. Worth Huston, Mrs. Daisy Allen, Mrs. June Follak, F. C. Dannals and Chas. Dannals. The funeral will be held at the dence of the iamily on Thursday at 2 ' p. m. News from Albany's Six Trains. Eaiiy I. R. Schultz left on trio. He ia maktnc a an ellfirann? i special r V Yi Oregon insurance, keeping the money " ' " " . i . ua-uhci ih uuu. itiiiio ivi. iui muu- rss. the present terminous of the Hill trunk line through Eastern Oregon. Mr. White has some interests there he is looking after. r' "a M. Koy lor romano. on meir uriani trip, iney will then return to Albany to make their home. Business. Miss Emma Sox returned from a visit with the Nolan family at Corvailis. P. M. Scroggin, the Lebanon saw mill man, returned to Lebanon. Mf8- ";atne"orlit " Arlington, mother of Mark Weatherford, the law- Airs. Weatherford, of Arlington, yer, went to Brownsv e, after a visit with her son. gradually recovering from the typhoid fever. Surveyor Geddes went up to Mill City, where he has been at work for a week or two. Mrs. Elizabeth went to Lebanon. Hale and daughtor Arrive to Investigate the Linn haven Orchard. The first colonists under the low rate, going into effect March 10. ar rlved last nleht from Minnesota, from in and around St Paul, to investigate lne Lmnhaven orchard. Some have already bought, and theoihnrsprornbly will uihan thau avi.miiiii itiiiHii.a Than , ' " . J. . V . . r' ' are a substantial looking lot of people ' and are here to sottfe among Ore Igonians, aa a rule. This morning they ' were taken in the tallyho to the orchard, the roads hardly being ready tor auto ' mobiles; ' The orchard k being planted and tnree nunorco acres win soon oe started flve. varieties of apples under the , Direnc. J0"" f !dnc . .. 1 following are the members of the Minnesota party: Mr. and Mrs. Leslie. Mr. and Mrs. Stein, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller. C. O. Lauretzen, Alma Lauret zen Mrs. Peterson, G. C. K'llkev, A. M. Tqrbet, O. W. Falck, F. M. Geors, F. C. Buehring. Miss Hocktnsmith's Recital, A recital was given last night atttho home of Mrs. S. C. Worroll by Miss , !La ,,Hw?ns,n!th; a ""P" of MtB- Worrell. Miss Hockensmith executes I well, giving promise of a bright future as a pianist. The Persian March was presented with Mrs. Worrell, then Beethoven's Minuet, op. 49, Mendols- sohn's Hunting June by Tsch- ! aikswsky; Berceuse, from Jocelyn, Godard; Firefly, Durand; Value, Kern: Spring Song, Liebling; closing with a duet with Mrs. Worrell, Zampa Ovr ture. Herald. A number of friends were present ana greatly enjoyed the excellent pro gram. Medal Contest. The entertainment at the High school building this evening will be of more than usual merit, The participants in the Silver Medal Contest have been carefully prepared. t the close of the contest Miss Bailey of Liberty College will give a reading and Mrs. Frank Powell and Miss Allio Worrell will sing. collection to defray expenses will be taken. ' A big Skcr ca. uuenner a lew nays ago sold to M.IL.r a afnnr t... ..,1.;..U kn ....... Lee Miner a steer lor wnicn he was paid $140 10, at 8 cents a pound, which means tnac tne animal weigned over 1860 pounds. This is said to bo the highest price paid for a steer in the valloy just for beef. It was certainly a whopper. The Knlem Statesman Suva four Ihnn. nnd men will be put to work on the.8'"' extension or the Oregon fclectric to Albany, which will mean an electric line into thiB city by August. The exports of the U.S. during Feb ruary were ?lio,(K;,()iJi) breaking nil reco.'ds. Business is evidently good. Our country is sending steel rails across the Atlantic and selling them for $18, here I'M is demanded here, and elfc. trie bulbs for 1U cents that are sold for zi) cents nere, etc. Corvailis G -T. W)..,rt drlvintr tn. ward Albany yesterday afternoon and when near that city, a carriage load of Deoole being driven by Dr. Foster wa. overturned through the team becoming Irigntned at an auto neionzmg to the Iccmu Idyll &t.i: e,.n,r-y. No was se! was quite tMdly shaken up, GOV. WEST INJ0WN. Governor Oswald West was in the city this noon on his way from Corvnllis. where he has interests, to his home u; Salem. In reference to a special session of the legislature he stated that had it been necessary to call one for want of the missing link in the the senate's record, fortunatlev found, he had made up his mind to do' so only under the specified provision that every member ttend at his own expense, without clerks and for the special purpose signi fied. As the journal has been patched up this won't be necessary. Gov. West is making good, and from a'l over tho state is receiving commen dation regardless of party. The Spec tator, of Portland, whch supported Bowerman, now says the peonle did the best thing in electing West. Obituary. At the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Conner, near Jefferson, on Conner, aged 11 years, 6 months and cl daVR. rifl A'".y27' l fin VS. Ha war hnrn The funtral service was conducted by Rev. Douglas, of the Baptist church of Albany, at the family home and the re mains were laid to rest in the Miller cemetery near Jufferson. Roy was a kind and loving child and leaves behind him a father, mother, one sister and numerous friends to mourn his departure. Precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is still; A place !b vacant in our homo Which never can be filled. God in his wisdom has recalled, The boon his love has given; And though the body moulders here, The soul is safe in Heaven. A Friend. Lecture Recitals. The Musical History class in Albany College Conservatory of Music this semester is taking the form of a week ly lecture recital, with talks by the di rector, Mrs. Flo, papers by members of the class, and music illustrating the topic in hand by other members. A lesson is given to each of the principal classic composors. Some of the other Tu tr;i: n . oiiujciiia a i u Alia v mini, iwiuaiiviu 1 Opera, Italian Opera. The Art Song and American Music. The class meets early Wednesday mornings. The next topic is Beethoven.. There will be three papers by students presenting a sketch of his life, his sonatas, concer tos and other music, after which three students will each play n-Bonata, In the previous h sson on The Violin six brief papeiB were read bv the students.. Funerai Notice All membora of St. Johns Lodge No. 17 A, F. and A, M. are hereby notified and required to be present at the Lodge riom of said Lodge in Albany, Ore., on the 16th day of March, 1811, at the hour Of ten o'clock a. m. shnrp, for the purpose of attending the Masonic burial services of our deceased Brother Drury R. Hodges, to bo held at Pal estine cemetery, five miles north of Albany, at high twelve noon, on Wed nesday, March lGth, 1911, Of this order tuko, due notice and govern yoursolves accordingly. G. E. Sanders, W. M. s E. Washrurn, Sec. ' Newport Kicking. There is a live kick at Newport over the assessment in Lincoln county. Newport property has been valued at an enormous figure. Albany people who have received- their statements have beei startled by the figures, and Newport people themselves are now up in arms. The high assessments are really due to fictitious values people have put on their summer resort prop, erty, and it is probably their own fault. Missing Link Found. The missing link in tho Sonate jour nal was found yesterday and an extra session of the legislature has been made unnecessary, a matter for con gratulation, as the regular session was enough of an affliction. The manner in which the Sennte lournnl was taken care of was not at all creditable to the politicians put in to run things. Rumors Are Easy A man was in the citv buvlnc si n plies of different kinds, to be taken to Black Rock, arrl Immediately the storv got out that he was getting them for the pvtnnninn nf fhn Wath rnnrl a n matter of ract they were probably for .1 17.11 Hi.. . t it. T. . . f ... the Fall Citv road In Polk cnuntv. imilil. ing in tho vicinity of Black Rock. The Salem Franchise Granted. After a live contest the cily council of Salem last right passed thR Orcsi-n ucciric rrancnise ry a vote of 11 to 1 tne roan win now push uma.-i: Albanv and fcuifene. It was claim,.,! that tho Sou i hern Pacific was fighting the franchise; but this is very doubt ful. Carrying a mossage from the Evening Telegram of Portland, to Mayor Canon nf Medford, Gottfried Rodrigues lefryes tnrday morning at 9:15 a. m. on his 329-mile tramp. He should roach Al bany at 4 p. m. today, leaving tomor row morning at 4 o'clock. He expects to pass through Eugtne and Cottage Grovo Wednesday and make Roseburg by 9 a. m. Thursday. Grant's Pass by 8 p. m. Friday and medford at noon Saturday. Rodrigues has a reputaticn iSUtaraiSLrfTta hi.