? Albany Democrat Entorod at the poBt office, J Albany, Or, Kcond tines nmil iralli r, F. P.-Nutting. Our Wants. DRESSMAKlNG.-Fashlonablo dress making nt reasonable prices BUKKHAKT& BURNETT, Bell phono 211-K Lyon St. 113 LOST. A yearling heifer, dark brown, 4 m lies south A limny. (toward. 11. S. ISIiss, Tangent. DAIRY COWS.-1()0 cows and heifers for sale, Somo fresh. 11. Bryant FOR SALE A t'omoriun Spitz dog, pup. 610 W 11th st. t'J FOR HENT.-Well located store room See E. H. Rhodus. Gt FOR HALE. -One black maro, 6 yrs. old. weight about 1,(100, Inquire of Robt. Langmack, ' mile Se. of Tall man, tic MOORE & WESTKALL. General Auc tinncers. Call or write for dates. Olfiee lit Moores Feed Storo. tzl t LUGS. r or setting, smglo and roso comb Black M morons, $1 60 a setting, Bull Orphington $1.00 setting. W. E. Baker, Sunriso, Homo Black 2981. tMl DRESSMAKING. Work guaranteed. Evening gowns, tailored skirts, shirt waists a specialty. Suit alterations. Mrs. Tyler, Bilyous, Baker bet 2nd 3rd. St EGG3. Brown Leghorn, cheap in in cubator lots. W. H. Curry, It. D. 5. Phone Homo 3465. 14t i HAY. Some nice grain hay, and seed' oats for sale. C. R, Widmor, R. D. i 4. Phone Home 2801. 23t GOOD BEDS and absoluto clenniness at Walton's Rooming House. New pud modern. Schultznew brick, next door to opera house. FOR SALE 8 ft. cedar posts anil anchor posts at the Shingle Mill. It IF THERE IS ANYTHING in the fruit tree line you aro in need of call and see W. A. Lcdltuttcr, he h.8 a nice lot of apples, pnichcs and walnuts for your Inmiection. At the corner of 411 Washington St., Albanv. Oregon, PIANO TUNING. Leave orders for piano tuninR at Eilera I'iano House or olworth'a Drug Store. C. M. Henderson. Tuner. MUTUAL KIRK INSURANCE - Ore gon Kho Relief of McMinnville, mid Northwestern Mutual Fire of Seattle, two strongest companies on the coast. C. C. Bryant, agvnt, WOoD FOR PALE.-Short slabs. Call' at Shingle Mill. CHEAP f.AND.-Lnrgo hat good farms . mailed frco, R, W. Tripp, Browns- ' ville. Or. lot J GARBAGE If west ofLyon street 60c i month. S B Penny the garbage man nome pno.,e iMU3. GARBAGE. Fred kainwater looks (tr garbage. Phone Horns 2303. GLASS. All wail and kinoa. for sala t the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper 1 than aywhere ! in :Albany. Skill-1 W Mi, if desired. This Store Participates In The ALBANY FASHION SHOW THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MARCH, 23, 24, 25. This is the best news in the paper, news of the BIG FASHION SHOW .that is coming off on the above dates i here in Albany under the direction of the LEADING STORES OF THE CITY. Four of us hold our Spring Open ings on these dates, combining them by common consent into this big FASHION EVENT. The captivating new styles you will see are created by the foremost garment makers and milliners of the country. We trust that the inteerst will be great in this supreme STYLE EVENT. In every line the newest and most fascinating, the richest and most stunning things will be lavishly exhibited in all of these different houses. The stores participating will be most elaborately decorated on these opening days and one and all will welcome you on this occasion. THE WANTED.-Girl to do general house work, small family, highest wages. Call at llomilton Store. FOR SALE.- Two lots at the corner of 10th and Willotta stroets, with side walk and barn. Price $800. Inquire ut tMts ualapooia street, lit j FOR SALE. The undersigned will receive denied bids for the seven room house, locator" at the cornor of 7th & Ellsworth streets, until March 20. h, 1911. House to be removed from premises by April 10th Rights re served to reject any or all bids. J. P. WALLACE. DAIRY COWS. -100 head cows and heifers for sale, somo fresh H. Bryant. EGGS. Bull Orpingtons, incubator lots. Six dollars per hundred, hra. M. W. Dresser, Red 207, Home. tl4 EGGS FOR SETTING. Columbia Wyandottos $1.60 a setting of 16 eggs; Silver spangled. Hambergs, Brown leghorn, Rose and Single Comb White leghorns $1,00 a setting. M. Ackorman, It. D, 5. Home phone i;i02. FOR RENT Ollice rooms, well loca ted. Inquire at bank of J.W.Cusick & Co. Kit FOR QUICK SALES lUt yourproporty with Grav A Peebier, Real Estate Agents, 2nd and Lyon Bis. Kit 50,000.-Do you want a loon, or to make a loan, see J. C. Christy, Atty. 1 6t FOR SALE. Either one or two fine lots on Moin St.. A good barn on one. Terms of 1 S cash, balance in mohth'y or quartorly installments if desired. Call at 1017 E. 5th St. t tl8 FOR SALE. Cream sepaiator, second hand, and Indian runner duck eggs, F. T. McTimmonds, 415 E. tlth. Home phono 2G0. tl7 jOK ALL KINDS OF BARGAINS in farm property and homestead rclin- nuishments and government land opened up for ei,try, close to railroad in Crook county, write to Bruce Hood, Madras, Or., real estate agent and homo stead locator, to FOR SALE. -House and two lots. Coll 1628 Santism Road, 3t EGliS. Puro bred Buff Orpington's $1 a setting. Call at 430 Vine sfeot. fit FOR SALE. -Two lots, houso and barn, ehiceen house and park C. S. Emery, . 12fi S. i'ino. Home phone 404 rep. 20t FOR 8ALK. Linn County ranrh, 804 acres, B. M. Payne, owner, Albany, Oregon. (Both phones.) FOR SALE OR TRADE A 5 passen ger lUlick automobile, as good as new. Will trodu for city property or small tract close in. John T. Mav W 2nd St. Bell phono 301. 4t HOGS. -Poland China, full blooded pigs. A. H. Marshall, R. 1). 6. Farmers 24 Pacific. FOR SAt.E Pure Died, Barred Ply mouth Rock eggs for setting. $1 p..r 16 at the yard. Mrs. Frank Kitchen, Salem Road. Phono Homo Hluok 2S3. S6t. FOR SALE 8 room modern house and lot, close in. lnquiro at Democrat ollice. 2 21 1 EGGS FOR SETTING. 8. C. brown leghorns from best of stock. Kegs delivered in or near the city. For prices inquire of R. N. Torbet, Sun rise. Horn phone Black 4711. Alt rl ' ' I 1 1 ii i - n ii i ' 1 HAMILTON STORE RESTORING POWER TO THE PEOPLE. Editorial in the Examiner: The people of Arizona have adopted a constitution which is .designed to restore to the people the :powor seized or absorbed by the special interests. It includes the initiative and the ref erendum, an amendment to the con stitution by a majority vote of the people upon the initiative of 15 per cent of the voters; the recall of all elective officers; direct primaries; a direct advisory primary for United States Senators', an anti-lobbying clause; non-partisan election of the judiciary; a juvenile court, with the age of criminal responsibility fixed 'it eighteen; a rigid corporation regula tion, with a provision designed to abolish "wildcatting;" the physical valuation of railroads as a basis for rate regulation; a corporation com mission, with wide powers; an em ployers' liability provision abrogating the fellow servant doctrine, and the elimination of probate courts. This constitution is as thoroughly progressive as that of any state in the American Union. And the majority of the people of Arizona had a perfect right to adopt it, because no part of it is in violation of the constitution of the United States. The effort to halt the march of the progressive idea in American poli tics will fail, as it ought to fail. Neith er presidents nor party majorities can stay it. The people of this country arc in favor of progressive policies, and they are going lo express them in govern ment. The people have a right to rule, and they are going to rule. President Taft cannot refuse to ad mit Arizona on this ground without insulting over twenty states which are already committed to this doc trine, including Maine, California, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Montana and Illinois. Neither in Oregon nor in California nor in any of the recall states has the righteous principle been abused or strained. All the states of the Union have heard the call of the people, and their constitutions are changing to answer the people's demand. The republican majority of the sen ate has faded out of the possibility of thwarting the will of the people in these states. The republican senators who are going out are tt'llowing the rebuke of the progressive people of their states. And the president of the United States, if he is wise in this important matter, will consider carefully before he dashes his political aspirations against the thick bosses of the popu lar ballot, which is the people's shield WANTED A girl 'or general house work. Call at 14 6th. FOR SALE. A work mare, weight about 1450. Independent phone 84o5 Vji FOR RENT 6 rooms for house keep ing, only $10 a month. Call at Dnv enport'a Music Store. nt WANTED. Homes for two girl;, aged 9 and 11. Inquire at Democrat of fice. ,17 PERSONAL Fred Dawson returned thip noon from Newport. Pratt Holverson, of Springfield, has been in the ctty. H. B. Moyer and wife, of Browns ville, were in the city today. Mr. Rinnan, of Reagen & Laughead, left this noon on a Roseburg trip. J. W. Baker has returned from a two weeks visit with his Portland sons. Judge M. C. George, of Portland, has been in the city today, the gutst of W, H. Golira, F. M. French. Dresident of the State Jeweler's Association, went to Port land yesterday to begin arrangements iur me next state convention. C. H. Walker has returned from Douglas county, where he organized Granges for several weeks, putting the grange on a good basis in that county. Rev Marsden, of the Episcopal church, returned last night from Port land, where he was duly ordained as a minister of the Episcopal church. Bishop Scadding performing the ceremony. He gives promise of a successful and bright worker in the field. At Prineville. Princville Journal: E. M. Shutt, S. N; Steele, Horace Steele, W. G. Rich ards ana J. E. Engel, representing the real estate firm ot Brong & Steele Co. of Portland, were in Prineville yesterday. This firm anticipates doing a big Crook county business this summer and are looking for a place in which to establish a branch office. Dr. Lowe, eye sight specixlst, at Mar. 17 to noon of the 18th only. A little cash will handle one of the! tet "BUYS'" of the season in Central I Addition. Strictly a resident district. Ask Collins & Tavlor about them. Don't forget the Silver Medal Contest ' at the High school building tonight. j A sure relief from that corn, and ! cure at Burns Shje Store. Some fine otliees in the new Schmitt block, steam heated, hot and cold water, modern in every respect. FOR SALE. Indian runner duck eggs. F. M. Mitchell. Home phone 204. LOST An opal stick oin on thestree's in Albnny. Return to Democrat ntfice and receive reward. ! WANTED. Pantry and third girl at St. I naries Hotel. 117 CURTAINS WANTED. 1,000 pair of cur'aina ti be laundried at 714 ttioail alhin st. Call ome phone 1353. 1 16 FOR SALE. Nice lot with 4 room house and barn. Call at 440 K 1st street 9t FOR SALE-Lot 67 bv 111 en We t 6th street. Sea W. F. Pfeiffer 3-2t FOR SALE. Three very choice one acre tracts at S mrise, close in. In quire of H. R. Scholtz. iSt DONT YOUR TEETH ARE YOUR FRIENDS READ AND REFLECT Have you ever stopped to. think of how much value guuu iccui ate to your Do you know that many are caused by decayed teeth? Do you know that - l x "wwvuuvu tllC 1UUU means a good stomach and good digestion ? Do you know that bad wo. uiiuai uuuuici I a D vou knw that bad teeth, especially the uppers, do I affect the eyes? Did you ever stop to think that nature intended the ' first, part of the digestion of food to begin in the mouth? I What is going to happen if you continually swallow the poison from decayed and broken-down teeth? I will examine your teeth FREE and tell you the ex act cost for first-class work j GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS j My "terms are cash, so I can give first-class work at a moderate price. DR. W. A. COX, PAINLESS DENTIST 225 W. FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. " STORMY WEATHER is sure to come. It comes in finance as well as in climate. We aim to conduct, not only a fair weather bank, but one that will withstand the storms. A bank's assets and liabilities always balance. We have $1.33 for every dollar, that v.e-fcwe de positors. Our aim is to be safe, rather than big. We conduct no other business and have no preferred depositors. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY. OREGON. HAIR GOODS Puff, switches, pompadours, etc., made from comb ings. Mrs. ,W F. Purdom, 135 E. First street, Albaajr. ilJlliS DELAY of the diseases of the body teeth in many cases are the MADE IN ALBANY, Show cases. cunte.s, and other st-n-e fixtures, first-class goods, bv the Union Furni ture Factory. Order of them. Keep money at oor home.