Albany iLBANY. OREGON FRIDAY, MARCH J7. 1911 VOL Si V FARMSSOLD If you want your farm sold call at the Pacific Real Estate Co., 106 E Ut Albany, Ore. We don't ask for exclu sive right. If you have to give exclusive right, get money down, an exclusive right, is an option. Yours for Business, PACIFIC REAL ESTATE CO. Opposite Russ House, Albany, Or. WOOD SAWlNQRoezeHe! or phone 3692 blackHome, 456-Y Facific. NEW BOOKS We have just received a shipment of New Popular Fiction. Some of the'late $1.50. Bookt now.?w55c. 10 for $5-00, MEISER & MEISER Albany Style Show March 23, 24, 25 Agents for Gage Hats. W. B. Corsets and Red Cross Shoes Women are Buying Suits Early Over 4oo Garments in Stock Your Inspection Invited. New arrrivals Every Day in Womens', Misses' Suits and Coats POPULAR PRICES, $15 to $30. It will be to your advantage to in spect these suits and compare styles, quality, make and prices with others. Better values at such popular prices are not to be found- elsewhere. They are up to the standard in every detail. Coats arc shown in the popular shprt stvle, with shawl or notch collar. Skirts are made in several styles with high or regulation waist. Shown m solid colors and novelty mixtures in all the newest fabrics. LONG COATS POPULAR FOR SPRING. A complete showing of women's and misses' Spring Coats. The su periority of these garments over oth ers at the same price is almost un believable. Ask to see them. They are exceedingly stylish, with shawl collar, square or round effect, also plainly tailored, with notch collar. IN THE NEW PIECE GOODS DEPARTMENT. A showing- that far surpasses any thing ever shown heretofore, and as for values, you will be unable to dupli cate them elsewhere at these prices. It is a showing that will appeal to every one interested in Ginghams, Prints, Percales, Muslins, Curtain Nets and Scrims. NEW MILLINERY OF EXQUISITE BEAUTY. With the first welcome flash of the glorious Spring sunlight have come beautiful 1911 Millinery creations to. greet alike the new season and the wintcr-wcary women! Exquisite beauty, chic, dash and good taste characterize this great Spring exhibit. rc,.., ; rrownprf. women throughout the East are demanding Coronation Hats. Gage immediately copied the London patterns and we are one of the first agents to receive the new "Coronation Tur ban," Empire Bonnet, Helmet Hat and Louis XIV Turban. Chambers & McGune Albany 's Leading Cloak and Suit Store. ALBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confection try, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden uate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices befjre buy ing. Cash paid Tor eggs. Foot Ferrv Street. Albany. Phones. M&in 6 Bell, 3 Home. M. Senders &Co5 Both Phone3 48. 435 West First St. Hay, Grain, Flour, Seeds, SaltTPoultry Supplies, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Roofing. DOINGS OF THE WORLD AT THE U. 0. WON, COURTHOUSE. Albany Fourth in Stateontest. Deeds recorded: W. H. Hoean to Wm. H. Fehmer ling, 2 lots. Tangent Samuel Nelson to L. T. and M Higbee, IS acres Patent Robert McFeron , M. 700 Heavy tax payments: Uaiapooia Lumber Co. $130.37. L. W. Kinzer $128.90. Emma Dyer $152 23, viit..v. until, a J .- s.ifu . , Ij;L. fl A , 1(1. Ui.tflhn, l feter Kiley $283.54. Milton Hale $166.59 . io.. dm o'. . xV:" irti' ii- 77 T'v vZ ri7 no Nevfhn. Pacific, Mille J. $141.30. Mary M. Chambers lu- "?es HK.UH, M. U 'three other, on the latter? One indite a.nesiOb r ish & Hodges J193.So. t him 8econd on delivery nn-other ?6 tmattJ3i' u- M-,'.V'-i thM and the other sixth. Wooddy mLm8' KWn1C w w ?8- m 2'93' ood highest in delivery', with 7, while -t Sh il36-Jf RAayer,1) Spen;er, was next with 7. One judge fM6-59.; ,lyrfu ,fl08-4.?' -tei- put McCain first on delivery, another o u,Hi ., a. u. orr a.ffl. , ,;xtu the other fourth, showinir the a3a wide rai'.ce of judgment in such mat- tors. Spencer who won was given first place on delivery by one judge, second In eaUte C. E. Fox, final hearing set' by another and 4.5 by the other, for April 17. j The judges on delivery were Rev. In estate or Uuv McCartney, a guard-, ninson ot roruano, n. a. dooui, cu- Alameda Caldwell $14G.47, $181.50. The cruiser Boston is to be sent to Oregon. Nine people were killed near Carson, Nev., yesterday by snow slides. President Diaz was reported dead, then ill, but as a matter of fact he is said to be all right. Stayton will not pave this year, but will spend $15,000 for the extension of the water mains. The Scio News is offered for sale. Editor Dugger declares he wants to take a rest. Albany people have been startled by the size ot their Newport assessments. 45 by 50 lots, with cheap cottages, are assessed as high as $900, and the rate if up. The state oritorical association yes teraay at Eugene elected Leslie Hope, of P.U. president, Ray Culver Mcilinn ville, secretary, and Victor Reese P.C. treasurer. Clarence D. Hillmann, the townsite promoter has been found guilty of using the mails for fraudulent purposes, and his bail hss been placed at $100,000. There are Li counts against bim. General Finzcr. it is said has had many offers of National Guard men to go to the Mexican border. They want to do something. Men do well to want to keep out of war and war out of ex istence. A Company has baen organized in Portland to manufacture bitumass pave ment. Judge Lionel Webster, the good roads man, is one of the incorporators. I Rev. and Mrs. Geo. T. Pratt and It can be laid for $1.50 a yard, with the daughter Catherine, arrived this noon same guarantiee as to lasting of the to atteid the funeral of Rev, Pratt's other pavements. grandmother. Rev. Pratt has been ap- Strange, but, at the state oratorical pointed to take charge of tne Interna contest, a Methodist judge marked a ! tional ss- work ot Western Washing Methodist orator first, a Baptist judge 1 ton Bnd they are now on tne'f wy t0 a Baptist orator first, on delivery. The Seattle, which will be their headquar other judge, governed purely by judg-1 tcrs t0 reside. Kev. Pratt is a gradn ment marked the U. O. man first re ate ot Albany College and is making an gardlessof his church orwhetherhe had : excellent reputation as a minister. ' any, the Baptist third and the Metho dist sixth. Several auDointments on the general military staff were made vesterdnv hv governor west, uoionei samuel wnite r nnoninuiuu, u, v,, nmruii n. has received the aDoointment of Judee- McMinnville's population thirteenth cen Advocate lieneral and Major Creed C. I Bus- 18 in - law u was i.iiu, )n Hammond, of the Fourth Infantry, j ISO" 1,368. Captain Hiram U. Welch and Captain E- Dana Durand, Director. Loren A. Bowman, of the Third In- j tantry, nave al been commissioned on the general staff. The state oratoricalcongest at Eu gene last night was w.on W Carlton E. ! Spencer, of the V- OV Carroll H. $700! Wooddy, of McIinnviU,e college was second, Miss vena KicKaro, u.A.u., third and Grover Birtchet, Albany col lege, fourth. Three inferior to Birt chet, three better according to the judges. The total markings were: Spencer, u.u., u.o; vvooaay, mcminnvuie 10; Albany 37. Birtchet was fourth both in composi- jtion and delivery, though tied with Man was ordered appointed after corneal. Circuit court Monday. live gene, and A. 0. bchmitt, Albany, while those on composition were f rot. bnur ' ter of the U. of Texas, Prof. Trueblood of Mich., and fror. Penrose ot vvnit- Rev. Pratt's New Work. McMinnville's Popu'ation The Newport-Siletz Road. S. G. Irvine, of Newport, was in the city this noon on his way to Portlard in the interest of the proposed Siletz R R. He reported it practically assmed. The plan is to build the road by 1915. Upon the completion of the Panama canal it is expected there will be an immense demand for lumber on this coast, and i' is proposed to bave the magnificent bod7 et timber up the ailetz go out by way of Newport. A Medal Contest Post Cards May Se Boosters,, I mere is no not card tor sendingeast that equals the actual picture. A good one is n booster. J.G Crawford has A class of seven youny people, mostly .I . . 7 , . t house, Bryant s parK and other prom an oratorical silver medal contest Tue?- :n.n(- ;.,.M r y day,?. March 14th. at the high I ,.n- ,,, nipt,lro ,rnm ,u rt I turn Empire Photoplay Theatre TONIGHT "; "The Bolted Door." A beautiful story of unrequited love, with a pretty sentiment running through it. The acting is past reproach, with artistic stage settings, making an altogether fine picture. The Dead Letter." A love story of Must taken a n imber of Albany, numer-1 i:.i . i...: ,i ,r i.,r..i ous fine views from the top of the court 1 the colonial days having a dchghtful LINN COAL & FUEL CO. . Coal delivered to any part of the city, PRICES RIGHT. McCourt. & Prettyman, Managers Office: JCor. First and Baker. Home Phone 306BeU Phone 131-9 Mendota Coal is fast paining in favor, always clean fre trom suot, kindles easily, burns readily, free from clinkers, makes but little ashes. These good qualities makf an ideal coal, best on the market for the mo nev. Sold in any quantity, prompt delivery. Order from. ALBANY FUEL CO, A. W. D0CK3TEADER, Prop. Bell 277 J. Home Black 176. MAYBERRY TRANSFER COM PANY AND WOOD YARD. Office with Linn & Benton Real Es tate Co. AH kinds of transferring, baggage work, furniture and piano moving a specialty. Dry wood for sale in any quantity, cord wood or cut any length ordered, 12 or 16 inch, for cash only. Special rates on carload lots. All phone orders, baggage checks, shipping receipts or freight bills left at Linn & Benton Real Es tate Co., or my residence, will be promptly attended to. R. B. MAY BERRY, Proprietor. Office phones Home 178, Bell 143-J. Residence Home 382, Bell Main 74 school bunaing. Part of this class have been assisted cmlinir. Very beautiful. "The Closed Gate." Brass buttons a good many heads, and this housn shows the Tnrea Sister the best of anything yet taken. Another is a nn fl np Ihnniflt frnm I. ho,r TiH,., Pn . . .... an elocutionist from Liberty Ladies Col- iegt, iJioeny, rao. Miss Bailey win also give a reading at the close of the contest. Mrs. Frank Powell and Miss Worrell will be heard in vocal selec tions. An offering will be taken to defray expenses. A rare thing i.-i an actual pictuie of a rainbow, recently taken from his studio window, a rare thing in photography. The Weather. .. u . Range of temperature 47-87. Police Matters. The rainfall was slight, only .04 inch. I Prediction: fair tonight and Sunday... -u-.-.j... ,.! colder tonijht, with light frost in tin. was arrested for using abusive language to an officer and fined by Recorder Red field $10 and costs. This forenoon E. G. Perkins, of Springfield, was arrested for using abusive language to an officer, on the charge of drunk and disorderly conduct and for roaming the streets after mid night, and was fined $2U and costs. A policeman is said to have walked into the wrong door by mistake, this week, in First street place, finding several men drinking whiskey. It is sa:d the grand jury will be asked to in vestigate it. young mother lenrns a good lesson, when she nearly loses her little girl, by the way, one of the prettiest and daintiest little toddles ever on the canvas. The scenes in this picture are absolutely grand, with good acting. "The Phantom Rider." Did you ever see an automobile or bicycle ride or drive itself? Sec this and take a good laugh. Miss Crosno, singing "Killarncy, My Home o'er the Sea." Complete change tomorrow. Admission 10 cents. , morning. Stop and Look this Over. Two beautiful acre tracts, one has a small houce on. You can buy these acre tracts on the installmtnc plan, smull sum down and monthly payments to meet your own convenienca. For particulars phone to owner. Bell 514-L. D REAMLAN THEATRE. TONIGHT D SUNRISE Poultry Yard All thoroughbred chickens. Eggs for setting. Black Minorcas. Barred Plvm outh Rocks. Black Orphingtnn, White Luhorn. Rhode Island Reds. Faver ollvs. White Plymouth Rocks, Lang saau. Cut bone for sale. Home phone P.ed 2933. JAS. A. HOAG & SON. A grocery drummer was arrested at Corvallis this week just as ha was start ing tor Aloany, and nued tzu tor carrying a revolver, which he had flourished on u ocal groceryman, says the KepubHcan. Atenlior Orchardistst We carry a stock of spraying mater ials The right stuff at right prices. The season for aprajing is here. Call and see us and get prices. STAWART & SOX. HDW. CO. . This year is going to see a lot of im provements in Central Addition. And a big advance in values there. Better get you a lot this spring from Collins & Taylor. 1. The Old Home. A story of a young man and his sweetheart, and their saving of the old home. 2. Cain and Abel. The well known story taken from the Bible. 3. Scenes. India. 4. Her Indian Mother. A swell In dian play showing some very pretty scenes. 5. Illustrated Song. 6. Girls Will Be Boys. The Ess any Eastern players present here a decided novelty in farce comedy. Mother brings her girls up as boys, and thty are perfectly satisfied until they meet three horrid men. The climax comes with most amazing and thoroughly amusing results, for the girls will he boys no longer and there is a most convincing intimation of x tripple marriage at hand. .; Admission 10 cents. Complete change tomorrow. STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY Hurry and Get Some of those Bargains at The Variety Store A beautiful $10.00 Chocolate Set will be given away, Saturday, March 18 313 W. First Street J