Spring B Garciens lossoms from Fashions Lingerie and fancy chiffon voile waists and dresses for Spring and Summer an abundance of daintiness that would take the pen of a spring poet to do full justice. The sleeves this year again come in the short lengths so much favored by all. Imagine a dainty white chiffon voile waist, a Dutch neck with a small band of coral trimming, an em broideried design in front and below a square effect set off with four buttons all in the coral shade. The sleeves and from the shoulders are finished in pin tucks, the sleeves have a very rich lace band at the ends. This is only one of the many that a look will gladden any woman's heart. A display can be seen in the window, or for sale on the second floor. The beautiful showing of Spring tailored and street Hats are causing lots of favorable comment. Every woman enjoys looking at new hats. We are especially proud of the large assortment we are showing this season. Don't hesitate about coming up and looking. We will make you just as welcome as a looker as if you came to buy. Get an idea of our exclusive styles before deciding elsewhere. We have the hat for you here. Come and see it on second floor. S, E. YOUNG & SON THIS MORNING AT THE News from Albany s Six COURT HOUSE. trams. f H. V.Stone, of Corvallis, wont to Portland after some cables for his new gravel and sand plant. Tho mill work is being done in Alb mv. Hu is anx ious to get the plant started ready for ' ayruig uemana lor gravel ana sand .lpA .Qnftloma n.n.. .l 1 made Woodburn, returned home a her spending the m'sht in Albany. Mr. Settlemire is at the head of the famous oeiuemire nurseries. R. 0. Thomas, 4 of Turner, returned home after an Albanv visit. Mr J Thomas has the distinction of being the uiuest rauroaa agenc in service along the line, since the road started. He is a fixture at Turner. Capt. Harry Elkins, of Lebanon, re turned home after an Albany visit. He was down last evening to see the an nual inspection of G Co. Besides be ing prominent in military matters Capt. Elkins has taken a live hand in base ball. Hon. J. M. Philpot arrived from Priceboro, on the Springfield road. The Misses Powell came down from Brownsville. C. M. Giddings left on a Salem trip. C. A. Miller, of Heppner, after a visit with Conductor C. C. Kiley, left for Plainview on a visit with his folks. He is a former C. & E. man, now a Heppner farmer. Heavy tax payments: Daniel Roth $115.25, Peter Paulus $152 57, Santiam Power uo. $:'24.9i:, Klizilieth Miller $153.05. S. F. bludgett S137.76 Chas. Grislum $118.68, G. M. Geisendorfer $130.44, Niagara Timber Cn. MQ .1 A MiHrMa lxl JO L'j. iG. M. McBride $107.75. J. Orchard S134, K. H. Uourley $100.02. Albany Lumher Pn. SIS9 S3 .Inhn WilUtlQl )! j Vm. Bogue $130 99, W. H. GoltVii 1953.78, J. O. Goltra $194 19, Anna id. ,scniosser $201.43. - Final account in estate of Browns ville Creamery Assn. sat for April 10? Demurrer filed in Ada Compton agt. E. A. Easton by J. K. Weatherford. Deeds Recorded: G. W Cochran to Tri State R. R. Co. right of way $ 30 Vim. McLeod et al to First Pres byterian church Brownsville 60 by SO feet.. 300 C. L. Ransom to Smith B. Holt lot Mill City 10 Will. R. E. Co. toS. G. Robertson 2 lots Halsey CO Jaa. E. Brooks by shff. to R. E. " Banta and wife 2 lots Craw fordsville 447 THE 2500 Ten Years ' Old, MaKts Fine . Showing. The annual maotins; of the 25'JO took place last evening with large number of members present. J. J Collins of the well known firm of Collins & Tay lor, was elected a director for the live year term, and Nels H. Wheeler, of he Albany Lumber Co.. to serve seven yeara The Secretary's annual report showed the Society to be in a good, . healthy condition, financially and other, wise ThA OKHn haa haan .1.. . ten VAArR hlW huH fill Boaoaw..w.n ..t 9 1 each, and has paid out to beneficiaries- L. Hill was re elected President and W. M. Parker Sec-Treas. for tho en suing term. It is Bolid, sure and plain. RntTlA Ann nfflltA frinma mnll l...... l ....v v. ...... .uv.lID, ncii are these in the new Schmitt block. Steam heated, with hot and cold water, conveniently arranged, they offir many advantages for business. G Co's. Inspection. it w YOU'RE UNDER NO COMPULSION to have your prescriptions filled atjthis pharmacy but you'll be wiser if you do. You cannot afford to take chances with prescriptions. Better by far come to a drug store like this where purity of ingredients and accuracy in compounding them are the invariable rule. BURKHART & LEE Say! You Gardeners and Everybody Else, come and see the NEW lot of Garden Seeds. "Mind you not left overs" at PARKER'S 216 W. First Street "The Sign of Quality. The Albany Bakery Both Phones. JERSEY DAIRY MILK DEPOT Pure milk and cream. Her tubercu locum tested. ' All bills of regular psfrons payable at the store after the tenth of each month. W. C. SCHULTZ, Proprietor, 331 Lyon St. G Co. made a fine showing last night in the annual inspection by Lt. Fates, U.S.A. A gallery of Albany people appreciated the maneuvers, particularly the-interesting one of unpacking and packing their rolls. The Compauy is made up of a fine crowd of young men, and with the splendid armory is feeling decidedly good. II Trovatore TooK. Packed hntlqpn crrpAtArt fl Trrtuotnro at the Empire, last night. The famous opera of Verdi was given a very realis tic showine-. accompanied by a fine piano rendition of the music by the ac complished Miss Crosno. Rich cos tumes, pretty Beenery and good acting made the performance almost equal to Mia nricrinal Ft ia tuncrh n ..;... .a nuiiti DCVII.u mill hearing, a t;ood film performance. Ship Ahoy. Fred Carlyle, of Berkeley, arrived yesterday and at once made arrange ments with the high school to present Ship Ahoy, a musical extravaganza, at me opera nouse on March 24 and a. mr. carlyle heretofore conducted a couple of performances here that made good eminently, and may be depended ujuu ior annmer. ill cast is Doing arranged and rehearsals will be nushed. Mr. Carlyle recently put a performance ud who success, at aieaiora. CENTRAL ADDITION Has again been placed upon the market. The owners of the addition having ar ranged for the installing of a complete and up up-to date sewer system which will be installed as as soon as the work can be done. This beautiful addition offers the best investment in the city for the the money, in the way of residence property, being only five minutes walk from the business center Kood sewer age and restrictions. This addition will be "THE" residence district of the city within a short time. For partic ulars call on COLLINS & TAYLOR, Agent. 132 W. 1st St. Albany, Oregon. Shur-On and Defiance Mountings. Kryptok and Toric lenses. "V. 'V Latest methods used In testing eye and fitting glasses. E. C. Meade , Optometrist 329 West decondStreet. HARD TO EQUAL CANT BE BEAT MISSION HOME-MADE GANDIES and ICE CREAM. Phone Your Order 1 Mission Parlors Delivery promptly attended to.- j Man from Italy, I Don't fail to see The Man From i Italv. in nicture and stot-v nfc'thA Fimt ' Methodist Episcopal church tonight at 7 :45 o'clock . This stereopticon travelog will illustrate Italian life on beth sides ' of the continent, giving a glimpse of peasant lite in Holland, Germany and ; Switzerland, also a sojourn in Venice and Rome. Emicration-Immfffratim. Out of the Old World into the New the Italy of America. No admission fee will be charged but a silver offering win oe iBKPn. It' S "OUND.-A lady's black kid glove acout new. At Democrat offica. tl4 Shoe c GENTLEMEN: F. fi. Will A fine line of Jewelry, Sil verware, Cut Glass and Novelties to select from. The Duntley Vacuum Cleaner The Modern Way 350 in use in Portland. Demonstration at our si; :w rooms or your home. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 Wut Second Street. We Guarantee the WHITE QUEEN To be the best hard wheat blue stem flour in I he city. The price Is moderate and the quality Call us up for a trial sack, and we'll Prove tO VOU that nnr nmupHnti ia i ... - " MM1GVI. Sold on absolute guaranty. R.A. MURPHY, 225 West 2nd St. STONE For ruildiog, ornamental purposes, rip rap, filling, ete. Sample at M. Senders & Co'f store V- i- lUDB. It (i V i. Phone, l-.omt HAVE V0UR CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED The Pantatorium, GILBERT ft HUSTON J) W 1st St Ball Phone black 273 , .Horn phoue 196 NEW . BANDBOX MILLINERY STORE 1M-H6 FERRY STREET, HETTIE O. BURKHART, PROP. A new stock of the latest and bet creations in millinery. Prices reas onable and satisfaction guaranteed. Hats trimmed by Miss Burkliart who has had a long experience, well known to Albany ladies. A great stock of shoes for spring, largest, handsomest, all styles, can fit your foot and please your eye. Shoe room is crowded, so will sell winter shoes at wholesale prices. All styles from a 16 in Loggers to a heavy Dress Shoe. Blain Clothing Company A Good Place to Buy Groceries. because here you will find a. complete line and nearly; every thing new stock. We: carry the Preferred Stock? line of canned goods and if you have ever used this you. will always be a user of it. We study your wants and' will always supply you at prices that will save you. money. We have just received "a shipment of the Famous Blue Ribbon Flour and all wc aslc of you is that you try one sack and we will always have, your flour trade. . '. Yours to please, Reagan & Laughead at 212 W. First St.. We are now prepared to do ' CUSTOM CHOPPING Mill fppd in Inrcre nuanditiea At rfl. duced prices. M. SENDEP.S & CO. H. S. RICHARDS Violin Maker and Repairer Bows refilled. Old and new violin tor oale. Violin instructor. 32 years exatr lence. 615 E. 8th atreet, Albany, Or. EGGa.-jorettin(r, barrd r-yro.,utb Serflinfr, 842 E 4th. Horce phona LOTS FOR SALE At the corner of in aim Alain streets, well drained. Sewer connection. Irivc minutes' walk to Madison street school, to three stores, meat shops and barb? .shop. One block to chair factory, and five minutes' walk to Albany Lumber Co.'s mill, the Union Furni ture Factory and car shops. Two blocks from the proposed electric line. These lots are in the center of manufacturing district. Home Phone 1107, or call on T. P. Hackle man, i t27 Our Wagons Are at your Service. will dohknpromplyWant US ' " package o soilcd lincn our Whenever you want your laundered linen returned to you at a special time, we will be glad to accommodate you. jw.mi Our two wagons and their drivers are at the service of our customers whenever they have a request for special service of this kind to make We are glad to go to some little trouble to accommodate a customer terms" -r commc,,d our vice to them in unmistakable. Can we serve you? ' , , . i MAGNOLIA STEAM LAUNDRY 1 ""f The Laundry of Quality. . ' ' " Both Phones. ' How About Those Curtains beVyZrttdeaniiirbl. " '"C ' "'Cm avnidinr mnnv l.,r. n,l l.,t,. i ,1 . '.,.Z -.T';i " uv,:n "CK, ' V- .7 in KltK IlJIUilU. DR. VIRGINIA J.EWEAUX, Osteopathic Physician. 1-3 Drenncr Block, Albany. . Phones: Office Home 359, Bell Black 2751: Residence 394 Horn, black 863 Bell. ..., .B UIIVI III lllf modern ones and our prices arc right. can our wagon ior your work. Our patent stretchers are Bell 93. ALBANY STEAM LAUNDRY, Wyatt Bros, Props. Hone 439. F.G.Will for watches WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and RNE REPAIRING 329 Secor.d Street,; Be veen Ferry Broaddlbn