Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, March 10, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    If your dorse has
Stone's Heave
Drops. Price $1.
For sale by all drug
gists. Dr. S. C. STONE.
Salem Oregon.
Ready to
Start from
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, the duly appointed, quali
fied and acting guardian of Hugh Mc.
Cullough.'a minor, will make sale of
certain lands, pursuant to an order of
the county court, duly made and en
tered of record on the 6th day of Sep
tember, 1910, authorizing and direct
ing the undersigned to make sale of
the lands hereinafter described belong
ing to said minor. -
Now, therefore, in pursuance of said
order of said court, I will on the 15th
day of April, 1911, at the hour ot 1
o'clock p. m. sell at public auction to
the highest bidder at the front door of
the court house in the city of Albany,
Linn county, Oregon, all the right,
title and interest of the said Hugh
McCullough, a minor, in and to the
following described lands, to-wit:
Bccinning at a point on the south
boundary line of Block No. 4 in Hack
lcman's Second Addition to the city
of Albanv, Linn county, Oregon,
which is 67.58 feet easterly from the
; W corner of said Block, thence
running easterly on the south boun
dary of said Block 40 feet, thence
northerly and parallel with the east
ern boundary line of said block 111
feet'more or less to the north line of
the south half of said Block, thence
westerly oarallel with the south
lnrv line of said Block 60 feet,
thpni-e southerly oarallel with the
eastern boundary line of said Block to
the place of beginning.
Terms of sale: Cash in hand on the
day of sale.
Dated this 7th day of March, 1911.
Guardian of Hugh McCullough,
a Minor.
Portia id Journal:
Salem, March 4. Attorneys for the
Oregon Electric railway company will
go before the city council of Salem
next Monday with a proposed ordinance
for a franchise granting the Oregon
Electric the necessary right of way in
this city for an extension of its line
south to Albany and Eugene. Officials
of the road have decided to make the
extension this summer, the route out
of Salem to the south has been decided
upon and the extension will be rushed
to completion as t-oon as present rignt
of way matters can be settled. From
the present depot ot tne uregon Electric
company at High and Trade streets,
the ordinance for the franchise will pro
pose to grant the Electric railway
company a right of way in a south
westerly direction, along Mill street
and alone the physical demarcation
following South Mill creek toward the
Willamette river by trestle crossing the
south Commercial street line of the
Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.,
on the south to Commercial street
bridge that spans Mill creek, thence
southerly following what is known as
the slough road up the river. A con
crete sea wall will be built by the rail
way company between its right ot way
along slough road and the Willamette
river in order to protect the grade
from likelihood of damage from the
flood waters of the Willamette. For
the Dast few davs six or eieht engineers
have been at work on the proposed
right of way for .ho Albany extension.
In the County Court of the State of
n-frMi fnr tlio Cnnntv of Linn.
Tn the matter of the estate of
Alpheus Nordyke, deceased.
N'ntlrp is herebv sriven that the un
dersigned, Administratrix of the above
entitled estate, has heretofore, on the
6th day of February, 1911, filed her
Final Ar-rount in the above entitled
estate; that the above entitled court
has made an order and decree setting
and fixing the 13th day ot Marcn, iyu
Hon. L. H. Monanye. Hon. L. H.
Montanve died of heart disease, at the
home of hisdaugter, Mrs. Rev. McLeod,
in Mill City, Saturday evening.
He was born in Switzerland county,
lnd., Nov. 8, 1840, going from there to
Louisiana, where he was educated and
admitted to the bar. He came to Alb
any in 1S74, making this his home until
a few months ago, when he went to Mill
City to reside with his daugnter.
Francis Harinan. On Sunday after
noon, at b o'clock, at the residence of
and by Rev. Geil, Mr. Bert Francis and
Miss Mayme Marinan (Collins) were
united in marriage. It was private.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis left by carriage
for Jefferson, where they took the train
for Portland on their bridal trip. They
escaped a couple of would bo kidnapp
ers, by some fast driving.
1 he groom is a son ot County Ireas
Ha was prominent in the affair of 1 urer Francis, a plumber and popular
Albany and Linn county, was city
recorder in 1877. a member ot the city
council, justice of the peace for a num
ber of years and represented the county
in the state legislature in 18S5.
He was a member ot tno m. e..
church, the G. A. R. and the Odd Fel
lows, of this city. Mrs. olontanye died
less than two years ago.
He leaves two children, Baynard, of
Seattle, and Mrs. McLeod, of Mill
The body will be brought from Mill
City and the funeral held tomoorow at
this city.
young man, and the bride a daughter
of Mrs. J. J. Co'lins, a charming young
lady, bright as an elocutionist and per
Pomona Organized.
Linn County's first Pomona Grange
was instituted Saturday at No. 10 by
Past i aster B. G. Leedy, with the
following officers: A. O. Miller master,
J. H. Tcott overseer, Winifred Ohling
lecturer, H. C. Harris steward, Ira
Custer assistant, L. F. Markhanv chap
lain. H. C. Powell treasurer. F. M.
Members of McPherson Poit No. 6 Mitchell secretary, D. F. Newland gate
G. A. F.. are requested to meet at the , keeper, Maggie L. Kisley Ceres, Carrie
Post hall on Tuesday. March 7th at 1 Bussard Pomona, Amy Sturtevant
o'clock p. ni. to make arrangements for Flora, Mrs. E. E. Allen lady assistant
attendance at the funeral and burinl ' steward, E. R. Allen, D. Bussard and
services, of our late comrade L. H. : Sol Lindley executive committee.
Montanye. I mese cover most ot tne lirangeaoi tne
By order of Rufus Thompson, Com-. county.
mander. 9
Getting Ready.
News from Albany's Six Early i
Mrs. Myers' Funeral.
There was a large atttendance yes-
ltaH.atfhafl,na,al f M o XV I-
bCUCt U U HIU lUUblM IH UllOi ... V. .
ine noral guts were many
Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Lacey, of Leba- 'A beautiful,
non, lelt lor lndianola, Iowa, their tor- . Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Hackleman and
mernome, on a montns visit. Alter Mr. W. G. Myers take this means of
an arduous work of building a new conveying their heartfelt thanks to all
church was needed, and as well a visit those friends who so kindly helped
desired to their former home. Rev. them in 1heir bereavemont. They de-
mcey was lormeny a lawyer, giving a,re particularly to exDress their-so
up tne business lor tne ministry, a man reciation of the svmDathetic kindness
Last year the Twilight Leaerue fur.
nished Albany people some splendid
amateur base ball, and they will be
glad to know we are to have some more
this year. Last night at the Alco read
ing room representatives of the Phi
Alpha Pi', Postal-Bankers, Merchants,
S. P. and Methodists met and organized
for 1911. with Prof. Hans Flo as nresi-
dent, Neal Bain vice president. Geo.
Dooley secretary and Hi Torbet treas
urer, with this executive committee:
Dave Patteison of the Postal. Bankers.
Tom Stevens of the Merchants, Prof.
Marquam of the Methodists, Clyde
Roberts of the Phi Alpha Pi's, and H.
Birtchet of the S. P
The opinion was that a better schedule
can be arranged with four teams and it
is possible one of the clubs will be
eliminated, leaving four in the league,
and having two games a week. The
executive committee will meet in two
weeks and make arrangements for the
from Albanys
Six Early
Mr. and Mrs H. Bryant propose to
donate 44 acres, across the Calapoola.
the present Bryant Park, only larger,
to the city of Albany for -park pur
poses, which should most certainly be
accepted, a very liberal gift, and a
monument to their generosity. The only
condition is the spending of a certain
amount for a number of years and that
the Chautauqua Association have the
debt to its use.
The gift is practically one of $20,000
or $25,000.
A park n Albany's crreat need, and
the location of this one makes it the
most desirable of all, regardless of high
water in winter. The gift means a big
thing to the city and the council should
act at once, without delay.
Mr. A. Welch, ot the- head of the
Portland, Eugene and Eastern R. R..
returned from Corvallis, where he hud
been in connection with the recent pur
chase of the Cervallis and Alsea road
by his company. Ho stated that the
road would tie electrified and extended
to Eugene. When asked about the
building of the Portland, Eugene and
Eastern between Salem and Eugene the
statement was that it will beeventually
built, but When cannot be stated now.
and the assistance rendered by the
Triple F Club and the other societies.
: the hour
Union prayer meetings will be begun of fine attainments.
on Thursday night and held nightly at
the Presbyterian church and the Evan-1 Jack Latourette, a rising young law
gelical church, in preparation for the yer of Portland, returned home after
union evangelical meetings to begin a couple days visit in Albany, which
Thursday night, March 16. hae its attractions. Mr. Latourette is
Last nigst with the meetings in view, not only famous in foot ball, but he
creating a feeling of fellowship, the has his experiences in politics too.
muereiiL ministers excuuiiKuu puipits,
the pastor of the Christian church I
preaching in the M. E. church, the
Metnooist minister in me .u-n". i eained fame as a fireman, being pretty tion. The Comnanv has been makimr
church th rZnwWt to,r"tTwW'tl,l,J,l!,,ta Kinr he 8Pecial PPon important
the Baot st churcng he G?ace minis" I is an electrician anf a busy man. event, and it isexpe.ted.SS men will b.
... i i nn rha tim-ii I no tnma ara iirnpr. in
Commissioner Butler went out to reference to attendance by members.
W. C. Peterson came down from
Will Be Inspected.
The annual Inspection of G Co. 4th
infantry, will take place tomorrow
night, at 8:30 o'clock, at the armory.
tienry M., nrst infantry, U.S.A..
Dr. J. L, Hill went to Lebanon on
professional business, and also to at
tend a meeting of stockholders of the
Mexican mines, tonight ne will be
home for a meeting of the 2500, of
which he is president.
A. to. Templeton, last November
prominent as a candidate for sheriff.
arrived from Brownsville, also Barney
Lawyer S. M. Garland came down
from Lebanon.
Commissioner Butler went to Leba
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Green, of the
Oregon Power Co., went to Portland
tor a couple days.
ter in the Evancrclical church, and the
le urn uav ui ivmn-, i., - . " v: .
of two o'clock in the after-; Baptist minister in the Grace f re?Dy
noon of said day, in the County Court
room of the County Court ot tne
State of Oregon for the County r,f
Linn, which said court room is in the
County Court House at Albany, Linn
County, Oregon, as the time and the
place for the hearing of said Final Ac
count and any and all objections, if
any there be, and the settlement there
of. All persons interested in said estate
are hereby notified to be present at
said time and place and make objec
tions to said Final Account, if any
they have.
Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 10th
day of February. 191! .
Administrator of the Estate of Al
pheus Nordyke, deceased.
Notice is hereby- given that the un
dersigned was, on the 6th day of Feb
ruary, 1911, by order of the County
Court of Linn County, Oregon, duly
made and entered of record, duly ap
pointed administrator of the estate t f
Katherine Miller, deceased. All per
sons havinir claims atrainst the estate
of said deceased are hereby notified
to present the same with proper
vouchers within six months from ths
date of this notice to the undersigned
Administrator of said estate at his
office, in Albany, in Linn County, Ore
gon. Dated this 7th day of February. 1911.
Poultry Yards.
terian church. l'allman, to look alter the painting ol ine puouc is invueu.
tne urowieit Dnage. mougn it oniy . -- w
crosses the canal it is 74 feet long,, ' . V. .
: having a diagonal cut in its course, ft ' ?.w ne r0 .a "P n
...:nu..i 6. u-'.u j i i Willetta Street, in Wrights addition,
wm Uc 6c a u. , . ThomD30n . who recently
. ... came here trom Koscounr. at loin
, , . I Jos. Hume of Brownsville went to street and the other bv u r Yoder
There are some fine poultry yards in portiand. furtheV south
the western part of the city, neat, well , Rev. C. C. Poling left for the north.
kept up places. Among them are those i T.nwvor rims Rtni-nhnro- nf Portland. ' T"i itcrr r
of F. C. Dannals' Barred Plymouth : returned to that citv. I ivi-Juni.
Rocks, Asa Hart and Fred Ries, the rov Yates, the stenographer went to "
same, J. lammen anf Carl J; aber. ' Corvallis on court house business.
Rhode Island Reds and E.G. Snyder buff ; R.E.Mason left on a commercial
leghorns, some tine birds being seen triD jn the interest of the wholesale
North Benton
Citizens of Wells pool their orders,
and send to Porrland and have smelt
shipped in large quantities, costing the-
consumer - i-4 conts per pound.
Miss Belle Crabtree of Albanv, is
spending a few days at the home of her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas Crabtree of
Miss Jessie Delancy was the guest of
Miss Belle Crabtree Sunday.
Mrs. Helen Rooldedge received a
dispatch Saturday of the sudden death
of her father at Tscoma and left at
onei.' for that point..
W. G. Williamson left Saturday for
Twin Falls, Idaho, where he will re
main (or several months looking alter
his realty holdings in that locality,.
North Albany Telephone Co. have
extended their consolidated line 1 1-4
mile westward.
Mr. John Wallis is setting out severs
acres to English walnuts.
Drury Hodges, who has been con
fined tn his bed for soveral weeks, is '
reported no better.
Vim, Rodgers of Palestine is getting
the material on the ground for a new
and up to-date barn.
Fruit Inspector Rumbaugh went out
to Lebanon and beyond. He reports
several orchards, diseased, cut down
and a eood deal of interest in crettincr
the trees of the county in shape for
cican worn.
Two ot
Our Women
bull Pen.
Get in a
In the City.
among them.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County.
In the matter of the application of
Laura E. Pirtle and R. W. Tripp to
register the title to the following de
scribed premises, to-wit: Beginning
at a point which is four feet south
and twenty-five feet west from the
northeast corner of Lot. No. Two in
Block No. Nine in the town of North
Brownsville, in Linn County, State of
Oregon, and" running thence south
one hundred and one feet to the south
boundary line of said Lot No. 2;
thence west eighty eet to the south
west corner of said Lot No. 2; thence
south fifteen feet; thence west
fifteen feet, thence north one
Boyd Bridges of Oakland, was in the
city. i
Edwin WoodcocK, of Corvallis, was
in town yesterday.
The weather prediction is: Rain to
night and Tuesday.
Coburg, a place of less than a thous
and boasts of nineteen twins.
Champ Smith, a prominent Crook
county man, has been in the citv.
Hawley's Siletz bill, a good thing,
passed and was signed by the President.
18 Vancouver hens laid 330 eggs in
February. Let's hear from Albany's
A Titian picture, once gorgeous in
colors, sold in London last week for
N H. Hheeler left this morning for
Smith's mill up the C. &. E. and Nels
jr. for Lyons.
The building for the new dye works
at 2nd and Bsker is up and will soon be
ready for use.
Mrs. Curry, Bister of H. W. McEl
murry, returned this noon from a two
weeks visit in Polk county.
Jas. Crawford, of Portland, has been
in ihe city, called here by .he illness of
hit brotber-in-law M Acheson.
Mrs. L. O. Coates left yesterday for
Snohomish, called there by the serious
illness of her niece. Zylpha Carson.
Chas. Horner and Leona Savage were
married at this city Saturday and lefc
for their future home at Marion.
A Portland dentist has been sued for
$250 damages because his son run into
a pet dog and killing it while coasting.
Harry Holman, of Salem, ye terday
kicked at a dog, slipped and fell re
injuries. The dog
anaKmonf rtf the T,Volln,r Mfl.nn "
Drug Co. !
Rev. Chambers, of the Episcopal i
' church, Portland, returned to that city. I
The Misses McKnight returned to
Dr. Leweaux left for Corvallis.
Grace Jenks returned t Albanv Mon
day where she is at'ending high school. !
Judge Victor Moses came over from
Corvallis Sunday for a short visit with
Misses Mamie Beeson and Beulah
Beeler left Friday evening to spend
Suturdty and Sunday at their respec
tive homes.
After four weeks absence, Hattie
Blevins is again able to be in school
Tangent has a new depot agent,
Clarence Scott having resigned for the
position of road supervisor.
Mr. Hays went to Corvallis Thursday
on a business trip.
The school entertainment came oft the
24h with good success.
A butcher shop is to be opened here
Friday was "clean-up" day at the
Tangert school. The last couple of
weeks have been so nice the teachers
and scholars have caught the spirit of
spriug and spent the latter part of the
day in cleaning the school bouse and
Mr. and Mrs. Hays soent a couple of
days last week visiting their daughter
near Jefferson.
A surprise party was given Monday
mgnt at tne urimtns in nonor
G. W. Moss, Shedd.
Will N. Bloch, Portland.
. G. G. Bailey, Alsea.
H. B. Seeley.'Corvallia. .-:"
E. R. Seeley, Woodburn.
L. N: Stewart, Portland.
C. A. Bevier, Gates.
J. H. Creighton, Portland.
A. Silverstone, Santa Rosa, Calif.
Tom Chatterton. Point Arena. Calif.
T. L. Stitt and family, Point Arena,
Calif. . . , v
Inspection Tonight.
Lt, H. M. Fales, U. S. A., arrived
this noon from Portland, and tonight
will inspect G. Co. of this city, in a
puhlic inspection to which all are in
vited The Company is now all filled
up, and it is thought there will be almost
sixty on the floor.
This will be the first inspection in the
new armory.
Henry Freerkson came down from
M. J. Monteith left for Corvallis,
J. Rand Davis and wife, of Shodd,
arrived on a business trip.
Earl Russell, of Shelburn. left for
home after a visit with his brother
Rufus, deputy county clerk.
hundred and sixteen lect to a point ceivmg serious
four feet south of the north boundary escaped.
line of said Block iso. y; thence east Dr. Aked. the great preacher, has
ninety-five feet, more or less, to the q0lt KuCkefeller's church because it is
puce ui ucgiiiimiB. oil siiuaicu i" ;not one oi tne peopie.and cn have no
Linn County, State of Oregon, against
A. A. lussing, h. P. Uarger, YV. b.
Holcomlj. P.. Henderson. Lester Craw
ford, V. V. Bailey, and M Reinc and
U. S. Rider, partners under the firm
name of l?cinc & Rider, and all whom
it may concern, defendants.
To all Whom It May Concern:
lake notice, that on the 7th day of
February, A. D. 1911, an application
was filed by said Laura E. Pirtle and
R. W. Tripp in the Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon for Linn County
for initial registration of the title to
the lands above described. Now, un
less you appear on or before the 13th
day of March, A. D. 1911, and show
cause wily such application shall not
be granted, the same will be taken
as confessed, and a decree will be en
tered according to the prayer of the
application, and you will be forever
barred from disputing the same.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of
said Circuit Court, this 7th day of
February, A. D. 1911.
(Seal) W, L. M'ARKS.
County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of
the Circuit Court of Linn County,
Oregon. !
Applicant's Attorney.
Sam D .lan has been offered the pos
ltitijn of conch of the O. A. L. foot ball
team, the OcJt man they can get for
the place.
A, Frer.?h, a brakeman on the
Junction freight Saturday eveninu,
while making a coupling with a club
was hit with the brake bracket and
hadly bruised, so he had to be taken
Harry Parker, of Dustin. in the
Bohemia mining district, in a letter to
his sister states that the snow is 1
feet d e in his front yard. As Harry
is only 5 feet 8 he is not taking any
ront yard walks these days.
Prof. E. L. Wilson, the violinist, an
nounces that, on account of his time
being fully taken up wfth instructing
in Salem, Albany, Brownsville and
Lebanon, in the future will not
accept any engagements for dancing
Mrs. J. C. Hammell and daughter,
Miss Blanche, were in Pprtland yester-
Chailie Griffith's birthday. Dainty re
freshments were served, and every one
reported an extra g ud time.
J. M. Hawkins has returned from
The hens of O. T. Porter during Feb
ruary lay S90 eggs.
Emit Schulty, the hotel clerk, has
returned from Southern Oregon.
The receipts of Sheriff Smith yester
day lacked 6 cents of being $47,000.
Dr. L. M. Jones, of Lebanon, was in
the city today looking after his taxes.
Kola Neis, who has been In Germany
several months, is expected home this
Scott Hart and Willis Peery, of the
U.A.C. ca,t a over this noon to attend
of inspection tonight,
Will $e Good Base Ball
The Albany Colts today are raising a
subscription for the promotion of a
first-class amateur base ball team here
this year. Last year they made a fine
record and have better prospects this
year. I. R Schultz has been elected
manager and Dave Patterson captain.
There will be in the team the Patterson
Broi., battery,' wich Tom Stevens as
sub pitcha , the Dooley Bros , Bert
Stevens, Birtchet at third, (.'arson
Bigbee, r.lso probably Carter Lee, ft
first-c'aii shnrt step; Alton Coates, a
splendid fielder, fast base runner and
good batter; nnd 1. R Schuliz, one of
the best fiielders around A decided
addition is E. E. Mickel. the S P
tgeut, who was a m mbei of the Tri
city League last year.
Abe Ruef was to be taken to San
Quentin today, lt may look tough,
but it is justice. Inure are others wno
ought to go with him.
S. P. Mackey, of Portland, and S. G.
Irvine of Newport are at the heed of a
movement to build a railroad from
Newport up into the Siletz.
Geo. F. Craw, a prominent Eugene
man, died yesterday, at the age ui 70
years. He was the Eugene agent of
tho Uregonian for sixteen years and
held various positions of trust.
Dr. Olive Beer?, who has been super
intendent of one of the Elenor Cluos of
Chicago for several years, is on her
way to Albany to spend the summer.
On her way she will visit in Hood River.
M. B. Crafc and I.ce v.illtr have
bought :he 2X feet front at Fsrry anil
Second street, and will rucc u two
story brick, the lower floor for the
Craft meat market, the second floor for
Dr. C. C. Wrigth, votorianarian. has
moved to Lebanon to practice his pro
fession. He will be the only one there.
Albany has three. Dr. Wright is an
able veterinary sergcon and a reliable
man in his business.
The funeral of Hon. L. H. Montanve
Ihe &00 will be nine years old next was held at the M. E. church this a'ter
Tuesday. It has made good. It doesn't I noon at 2 o'clock, with a good sttend-
take any ngunng in the &j00, and the I ance of old friends. Kev. w. a. uor
Mrs. Milt Cornelius is just recovering
from a long spell ot illnee:.
Everything humming sinca we hear
tne buzz of the Marshall-Uopeland saw
Everything is going smoothly at Lake
view school since iurs. Marshall IS t
the helm.
G. M, Smith, lately returned from a
visit to Eastern Oregon, doesn't like
batching so well.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McKechnie and
Ross McKechnie. of Albanv. snent Sun-
day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
wm. Mcnecnnie. .
Miss Alice Mlllor of Corvallis and Miss
Maud McLaughlin of O. A. C. visited
at the home of Miss Hazel Smith Sat
urday and Sunday.
John Mver. of Crabtree. now workine
tor tne Marshall-Wells Hardware Uo.
of Portland, was up to attend
funeral of bis brother Will's wife.
Long Beach, Calif., March S. Mr.
and Mrs. John Morgan, Mrs. Dr.
Kitchen and Mrs. Frank Froman, who ,
loft Albany the middllo of December,
are now here, one of tho prettiest re
sorts for tourists in California. After
spending some time in Lps Angeles
they went to Orange County, to the
Anaheim Fullerton olive and orange
orchards, where everything but banan
nas grow. Mrs. Fioman visited at the
home of L. W. l'eyoe, at one time a
partner ot Mr. 1' romrn in tno Aloany
gun store. From there they went to
sanuicgo, where the men should all live,
for they never have to build fires.
There tht-y visited tin wonderful caves
ot Lianoia, men to roinc Lioma ana
Coronado, where the millionairoB live,
and alBo down into Mexico, where Mrs.
Fromun and Mrs. Kitchen got in the
bull pens, lhen to National City and
Sweet w ater Dam, visiting the battle
ships. Taey came back to Pasadena
and Long Beach, Mr. Rich joining them
ror a few davg among tno mermnius
and speckled beauties. Los Angeles
atreot cars lost all charm for him after
reading of Albany's new affair.
Mrs. Osterhoudt. formerly or Albany.
will join them on a trip to Redlands
and Riverside
They will start from Long Beach
soon by way of Frisco for dear old
Have a DrinK.
Tomorrow W. C. Schults. of the
Jersey Dairy, will open a milk depot at
.131 Lyon street, in connection witn nis
dairy business. Beginning in April all
bills for milk will be payable there
aften the 10th. Mr. Schultz will also
run a store, having confectionary, can
ned goods etc.
Un the opening day all visiting the
store will be given a drink of milk as
an introductoty treat. ,
The Home Coming.
Grand home coming aud reunion of
the states, by the ladies of thu Presby
terian church in the new dchmitt block
tomorrow night. A reeiatrai ion fco of
'Joe will be charged and a prize given
tor the state having the biggest num
ler of natives present. There will be
rmuic. refreshments nnd something do
ing tvery minute.
Buttei Makers Unite,
Commercial Club Record.
At tho preliminary meeting of the
Commercial Club last night the report
of "iss Harkness was filed tor the
month of February, showing the fol
lowing: inquiries received tnrougn the
Portland commercial Club 0112, postal
folders 108, miscellaneous 129, depart
ment 14. Total G353. Distributed 618
rook eta. 983 folders. 178 colonist fol-
d.Ts. Total 1.680 Personal hitters
written 382. Collections 360,
During nine months 16,050 Inquiries
were received 18 823 pieces ot literature
mailed, 2,637 personal letters written,
W.ouo o4 collected.
.n-ifMRi foriirna Tnmnrnm-Rmn
von tion, the Chautanqua, Know Your
uwn bounty trip, apple lair, lnontniy
g.t to gother luncheons.
The 2500 All Right.
day to hear the celebrated Josef Hon- money paid out at death Btays right at don preached the sermon, and Hon. T.
man, one of the world s best pianists, home among those we are interested in I J. Stites, E. A. Johnson, J. A. Mc-
nu were uchkiivsu wiui urn uueriiig. and are glad to help. The insurance is
He is a marvel as a performer, as well cheap too, less than sn average of $7 a
a very bright young man personally. year on nearly $2,000, a Uttle more now.
Cheaney. W. p. Small. C. M.
brook and Jas. Minard acted
s pall
A creamery association is being or
ganized , covering the Northwest,
lictMii.-e of diitcrimination against thi
eae-irneries of the state in favor of thi
creameries at Portland. Chas. Bark
man of BrownBvillo was elected pros
ident. C. B. Gwinn, Oaklan i. v:ce
presidentV. H. Kent, Albany, socretan
and treasurer, and J. L. Murdock, of
Monmoufh, C. U. Gwinn of Oakland,
E. J. Moore of Creswell, V. H. Kent
of Albany and Chas. Bark man of
Brownsvil'e directors.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 67 37.
'I he river is 4 feet,
lihinfall .16 inch,
('reliction: occasional rain
nii Wednesday.
Albany College
The college board o' tie presbyter'
of the U S., has assumed all debts o.'
Albany college up to March 1st, reliev
ing the college of a big burden. Th
noard is also paying $1500, equal to 6
iter cnt on the proposed $25,000 endow
ment promised by the national board.
Other things add to t e excellent proB
p cts of the collcgo and its absolute
icrmnnency. Always a credit to the
iiy it will grow and eventually becom i
,i college ul iiijjjui lhjvii.
The Oregon Eiectric.
Sulem, fire., March 6. Thn city
council tonight passed tho Oregon
Electric franchise to its second eadmg.
Final pansage will be next Monday.
Everything points to easy passage.
Right-of-way Agont McDowell sa' 3
construction work on the southern ex
tension will commence as soon as the
right-of-way deals are closed.
Free Trip to Jefferson.
A crowd of Albany Maccabees will
go to Jefferson tomorrow night to as
sist in the initiation of a class of about
fifty now members. Reduced rate
have been secured and transportation
wil be furnished free by the lodgo. ,