PUT ON THE WHAT A eOAFORTBLEI rCELIAG IT TO "CT OFf THE OLD"' Am "PUT OA THE rtEW"! THIS IS ESPECIALLY SO ti THE SPRI AGTIAE, VHE A BRI2HT, GMBSOAE COLORS IAVITE US TO PUT ASIDE THE SOMBRE WlrtTER SHADES. OUR STORE IS fULL OF CHEERFUL SPPIAG CLOTHES - CLOTHES IT VILL MAKE YOU HAPPY TO WEAR. VE IAVITE YOU TO COME AAD SEE THEM, REMEMBER, OUR REPUTATION WAS AOT MADE fi A MOM EAT, BUT THAT IT IS THE RESULT OF TREATIAG OUR PATROAS RIGHT EVER SIACE VE HAVE BEEA IA BUSIAESS, Misses9 New Spring Suits & Shoes The Style Show March 23, 24 and 25. THEY ARE READY Coat Suits as never before. The coats are short full of chic and snap the skirts are plain or pleated. You've never 6een charminger materials soft mix tures, herringbone stripes, serges, shepherd checks and light grounds showered with silky boucle yarns. We can't go into the styles. Some defy description because they are so plain and simple ; others because, they are enhanced with touches of novelty that words can't properly photograph. Every Suit is the materialized dream of an artist. Rare, beautiful. WE WARN YOU NOT TO WAIT! If you would avoid foot troubles in hot weather you must buy those new shoes while it's cool, because it is almost impossible to fit feet properly when they are swollen and perspiring from the heat. Even if you don't want to wear , low shoes now buy (them anyway you'll be better satisfied because you will have shoes that fit you, and you'll have them ready to wear the very first warm day we have. Surely you must see that it is to your advantage to do this come in and look over those beautiful new models we recently received. THE HAMILTON STORE Albany Democrat "EntcretTaTthe post oflice,;Albany,0" lit cond dags nail matter. i F. P. Nutting. Our Wants. WANTED. -One woman in each county who desiroB employment in home town. , FOR SALE A Pomerian Spitz dog, j I pup. 616 W Uth at. t9 FOR "ENT.-Well located store room' See E. U . Rhodes. 6t ! FOR SALE. Block, 42 Sunrise. Call 1039 Wost li.th street. tl4 GOOD HOME COOKING 25 cents a meal at Mrs. Gjuld's 332 Ferry street. til WANTED. Shingling, new or old builnings. All work quickly done. Prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed by an expert workman, lome phone black 400. t!8 MUST GET READY FOR THE NEW COMERS. PERSONAL Slfi.OO ner week. Be independent FOR SALE OR TRADE A 6 passen- and BolI-supFortinK. u. o. Company, Como Block. Chicago, 111. MOORE & WESTFALL. Genoral Auc. linnnora. Call or write for dates, Ollico at Moores Feed Store, t21 WANTED.-Gonoralhouso work. Call , for Rusa Muths, at Ruas House, til j cor Buick automobile, as good new. Will trade for city property or small tract close in. John T. May W 2nd St. Bell phone 301. 4t ' HOGS. -Poland China, full blooded pigs. A. B. . Marshall, R. D. 6. Farmers 24 Pacific. WANTED. -Girl for general house-, work. Fhone 177-J Pacific. PflH PENT. Tn nnrmnnnnk rpntpr. iirro i!. .ottino ulnaln and rose! good 8 room, hard finished house. comb Black Minorca,, $1 50 a sotting, i ' AMi- , Butt Orphington $1.00 Betting. W. . EGGS.-Full blood Ancona eggs for E Baker, Sunrise Home Black 2981 sale. Home phone lb8. t4 tMl FOR SALE -Pure Died, Barred Ply nnsqM AKIiNG.- Work guaranteed. mouth Rock eggs for setting. $1 per D Evening Tgwns tailored skirts, shirt' IB at the yard. Mrs. Frank K.tchen waists a specialty. Suit alterations Salem Road. Phone Home Blaok Mrs. Tyler, Uilyeus. Baker bet 2nd, 3r(j 9t FOR SALE. 8 room modem house and EGGS.-Brown Leghorn, cheap In In-, lot. close in. Inquire at Democrat cubutor lota. W. H. Curry, It. D. 5. 1 ofllco- 2 zlt Phone Home 3455. 14t FOR SALE. S6cd cleaner, for storage pnn SAt.R Rft acres Kood Santiam ' $80 0 Machine $12.00. clean oaU and In a few days there will be a rush j ot new comers from the east, many coming out here to reside. Some will . come to Albany. In fact correspond-1 ence indicates a eood many. 'The rail- : roads are assembling air the equip ment in the cast to be secured to bring people to the Northwest, both the Hill j and llarriman lines making special cf-. forts to meet the demand for cars. I When they come to Albany what are we going to do with them. People, who come very properly will wish to look around a few weeks before in-1 vesting, and that is the proper way. I They will have to have houses in which to reside, at least rooms. A j large number of furnished and un-1 fuurished rooms will be wanted. Our , people should put themselves out to i meet the demand. All who have i rooms that can be spared should tele- j phone the commercial club, which will-! keep a list in the interest of inquirers. J This is an important matter, and our , people should come to the rescue. Al- J bany must be equal to the occasion if it will keep on growing as its advan tages and situation are bound to make it improve. ' Oscar tl3 bottom land, at $G0 per acre. Hale, Thomas, Or. HAY.-Somo nice grain hay, and seed oats for sale. C. R.Wuimer, R. D. 4. Phone Home 2801. 23t I GOOD BEDS and absolute cleoniness wheat. Inquire Burns'a Shoe Storey 21t EGGS FOR SETTING.-S. C. brown leghorns from best of stock. Eggs delivered in or near the city. For prices inquire of R. N. Torbat, Sun rise. Homo phone Black 4711. 20t t w ton's Rooming House, new house CLEANING, trees pruned. ind modern. Schultz new brick, next , lawns mowed, wood chopped, and all door to opera house. other kinds of work ' promptly done. FOR SALE 8 ft. cedar posts and Hugh Dennedy, California .Rooming anchor posts at the Shingle Mill. It 1 House. Home phone 208. 16t IF THERE IS ANYTHING in the fruit EGlS.-Puro bred Buff Orpington's tree line you are in need of call and $1 a set'ing. Call at 430 Vine street, see W. A. Lcdbetter, lie hus a nica ot lot of apples, peaches and walnuts for FOR SALE.- Two lots, house and barn, your Inspection. At the corner of chiceen house and park. C. S. 414 Washington St., Albanv. Oregon, : Emory. 120 S. i'ino. Home phone PIANO TUNING. Leave orders for , 404 rep. 20t ;iano tuning at Eilers l lano nouso or ram sale. unn county rancn, bm pu W C. M. Woodworlh's Drug Store. Henderson, Tunor, MUTUAL F1UE INSURANCE Oro . gon Fire Relief of MeMinnville, and Northwestern Mutual Fire of Seattle, two strongest companies on the coaBt. C. C. Bryant, agent.nv'r-. WOOD FOR SALE.-Short slabs. Call at Shingle Mill. CHEAP LAND.-Large hat goodfarms mailed free. R. W. Tripp. Browns ville, Or. 1"' FOR SALE. -Here is a chancn of a life time. 1 will sell at a great bargain my large fruit oichard on easy terms or take part in city business proyerty; 271 E. 11. Rhodes. GARBAGE If west of Lyon street 50c . month. S H Penny the garbige man Home pho..e 2313. GARBAGE. Fred Rainwater looki attar tirbage. Phone Homo 2303. GLASS. All ixe and kimta. for sale at the Albany Planlnf Mill, cheaper than y where nlsa in JAIbaay. Skill hr Mt, if dwtrcd. acres. B. M. rayne. owner, Aiuany, Oregon. (Both phones.) PLANTS FOR SALfc.-Red and white currunts, Loganberries, Dewberries, Iceberg blackberries. Address: Ivor C. Duediill. Albanv, Oregon. Home Phone 7102. 13t. CEDAR POSTS for eale 10 to 12 cents Scott & Conn. EGGS FOR SETTING. Columbia Wyandottea $1.50 a setting of 15 cgirs; Silver spangled. Hamhergs, Brown leghorn, Rose and Single Comb Whito leghorns $1.00 a setting. M. Ackerman, R. D. 5. Home fhone 1302. FOR RENT-Oflice rooms, well loca ted. Inquire at bank of J.W.Cusick & Co. 16t FOR QUICK SALESJlMt your property with Grav A Peebier, Real Estate Agents, 2ml and Lyon Sta. 16t 60,000.-Do you want a loan.or to make a loan, ie J. C. Christy, Atty. 16 JIST OPENED Second Hand store 236 W 2nd St. Socond Hand Clothing, Shoes, Guns, Jewelry, Furniture, Stoves, etc. BOUGHT and SOLD. Phone (Bell) 6-30 R. tl5 Mrs. G. T. Hockensmith went to Halsey this afternoon. Bishop Scaddihg was in the city thiB noon on his way te Corvallis. P. M. Scroggin, of Lebanon, re turned tbis noon from a Portland trip. J. C. Christy, the lawyer, went to Shedd this afternoon on a short pro fessional trip. : Grant Butcher and family left this afternoon for Grants Pass, their former borne, to reside. Rev. T. J. Wilson, of Eugene, was in the city last evening on his way home trom fortiana. E. E. Warford is out again after his serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. t-'all, of Benton Co. are visiting at Mr, Wat -ford'B. J. A. Howard, the real estate man. is being kept home by the illness of Mrs. Howard, whose father recently died in Amity, and whose brother is seriously ill in ualitorma. Rockey Willis returned last night from a visit with Herman A. rwiller. a former Albany man, of Cottage Grove. With its 25 saw mills in a small radius that citv is a live business center. It has eigHt blocks of pavement and fome good business men. The commandery of Knights Tem pl.irs list night held a session of an in teresting character, with a big attend ance, among other prominent Knights fiom other places, Salem sending a larg delegation, H. B. Theilson, Floyd and Paul Houser, C. H. Hinees, Thos. Wilson, J. S. Wyant, P. A. Turner. A. L. Fraser, A. B. Huddleston, F. E. Shafer, S. Sargent and i. D. Frizzell, and Eugene about 20, headed by Prof. Dunn. A splendid banquet was served. DON'T DELAY YOUR TEETH ARE YOUR FRIENDS READ AND REFLECT Have VOU ever stnnnorl tr. thinlr i,. i' ,good teeth are to you? S'IRAWBEKRY PLANTS. Magoon or Wilsons, at $2 per 1000. Q. B. Ogden, 2353 Home phone. FOK SALE. Farm of 20 acres, one and a half miles from Albany, new 7 room house and ham. running water all year, give immediate possession with crops. Terms, half down and balance in easy payments. Inquire at S30S. Main. t2 FOR S ALE Gasoline launch and boat houip. cheap. Call W. O. Sims, S. P. otlioe. (6 EGGS R. I. Reds. $1 a settirg. mam moth blackberries and Loan lirrries. Homo phone 7001. tl7 WANTED. Experienced stenograher Call at office Oregon Power Co. FOR ALL KINDS OF BARGAINS in farm property and homestead rehn flui'hments and government land opentc up for ei.try, close to railroad in Crook county, write tn Bruce Hood, Madras, Or., real estate ugent and home stead locator. iti HAY. -Cheat hayfor sole C. W Walker, Fry Station. Homo nl-nno 2561. no FOK SALE. House and twolols. Call IViS Sant'sm Road, 1. FOR SALE. -One black mare. 6jrs. t o!d, weight atxiut 1,600. loqaire of num. ljuiik niarK, mile Se. ot Isll- mn ,i6 In the City. j Do you know that many of the diseases of the body are caused by decayed teeth? "Do- you know that nrnnfr mnctitmn .u -r- L nuii Ul LUC 1UUU means a good stomach and good digestion ? Do VOU know that harl rpprh ..r -w.. itinjr taaco ciic me cause of throat trouble? j Do you know" that bad teeth, especially the uppers, do affect the eyes? ; i . Did you ever stop to think that nature intended the first, part of the digestion of food to begin in the mouth? What is going to happen if you continually swallow the poison from decayed and broken-down teeth? I will examine vnnr rppf-ti TTPTTT? .ti i j ..ku ouu itn vuu ine ex act cost for first-class work GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS My terms are cash, so I can give first-class work at a moderate price. DR. W. A. COX, PAINLESS DENTIST 225 W. FIRST STREET. ALBANY. OREGON. E. G. Perkins, Springfield. D. Clifford, Scio. Walter Cline, Cottage Grove. Lafe Hammell, a cousin of J. C, of Portland. J. C. Brosius, Hood River. F. K. Hunt, Eugene. Letter List. The following letters remain in the Albnny, Ore., postotfice uncalled for March S, 1911. Persons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised letters, giving the date: Adlnir crrbtree, Mrs. H. C. Danrals, Mrs. C. C. Dentler, Mary Edwards. D. 11 Ferenn. C. O. Foste-. A. U. GUI Hand, Mabel Gove. Mrs 'lis. D. Johns ston, F.. S. Merrell, H. Vorgsn, Mrs. C. McDonald. Mrs Susie Nicewood, Mrs. A O. Knnkin. Mrs Alice Rich mend, Mm. Ethel B. Ron.sdell. W. M. Stou , Aif Thompson. T. E. Willton. J S. Van V inklk, P. M. ruu uui two tons ot vetch hay at '10 per ton. Call Black 2&SJ time phone. FOR SALE Lot 67 by 111 on West 6th street. S.-e W F. Pieilfer. 8-2t FOR SALE Three very choic one acre tract! at S inrise, close In. In quire of H R. Schultx. :8t ; STORMY WEATHER is sure to come. It comes in finance as well as in climate. We aim to conduct, not only a fair weather bank, but one that will withstand the ' storms. A bank's assets and liabilities always balance. We have $1.33 for every dollar, that we owe de positors. Our aim is to be safe, rather than big. We conduct no other business and have no preferred depositors. ; J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY. OREGON. HAIR GOODS Puffs, switches. pompadours, etc., made from comtv. ings. Mrs. B. F. Purdom, 135 E. First street, Albany. MADE IN ALBANY, Show cases, eountenu and other str-- fixtures, first-rlsss grods, liy the Union Furni ture Factr.rv. Order of thm. Keep mnney at yojr o.oi. I