Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, March 10, 1911, Page 1, Image 1

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If you want your farm sold call at
the Pacific Real Estate Co., 106 E 1st
Albany, Ore. We don't ask for exclu
sive right. If you have to Rive
exclusive right, get money down, an
exclusive right, is an option.
Yours for Business,
Opposite Russ House, Albany, Or.
or phone 3692 blackHorae, 456-Y Pacific.
We have just received a shipment
of New Popular Fiction. Some of
thellate $1.50. Book now 55c.
10 for $5-00,
and Grand Spring
Continues All This Week
A visit here at the present time will disclose the fact that the atmosphere of the
place has undergone a great change. , A, , .. . ,
Not lone aeo it was a Winter store. Now it's the where the loveliest of the new
4-i,, ai- mcnAPtmn no such i uiaumv ji
rvuw is im- Lijinx- xw jujyv-v..v.. , t A 11 WT
MUSLIN UNDERWEAR was ever made Dy mis or any ouiei siuic m rviua... v m
are ready to meet every requirement with the largest ana most compile m uw ...g
Table Linens, NapkinsTowels, Lace Curtains, Curtain Nets, Bed Spreads, Sheets Pil
low Cases and other White goods of every description that we have ever gathered for
nr rm-KstrWarinn. Now don't delay your visit, tor were anxious to nae juu
judgment on our selections when we are looking our best.
The "Case" Hats are here in all their new, original styles and shapes for early
0 . . i t i 1 . -1 ,1 i- ilioco matt?
Snrino- Wear. Ingenuity and skill comDinea nave wuiku wuimua iu ..v...
Hats, and they will certainly appeal to an women iuuu u. uic uuuum. m
Come, and get the first look at the new Spring styles. : ,
ew York for weeks planning our first Show-
in o-of .Win Suits and Coats has sent hundreds of new garments by express makingi
our stock most complete. Women are buying Suits every day for they realize from ex
nerience that to get the beautiful imported materials their Suits must be bought early.
It will be to your advantage to inspect these Suits and compare styles, quality,
mnkp and nrices with others. Better values at such popular prices are not to be found.
Don't Fail to Visit this Store During the White Fair and See the Most Beautiful
Display of White Goods ever offered the Shopping Public ot Aioany.
Chambers & McCune
Albany 's Leading Cloak and Suit Store.
Wholesale Dealers
In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts,
confectionary, wrapping paper, twine
and paper bags.
Cash paid for all kinds of poultry.
We also have the agency for Pyramid
and Golden uate cement, Olympic lime,
Arden plaster. Get prices befjre buy
ing. Cash paid for eggs.
Foot Ferry Street, Albany.
Phones. Mitn 6 Bell, 3 Home.
M. Senders &Co,
Both Phones 48. 435 West First St.
Hay, Grain, Flour, Seeds,
Salt, Poultry Supplies, Lime,
Plaster, Cement, Roofing.
Myer. On Friday afternoon at 4
o'clock, at St. Mary's Hospital, .Mrs.
Eva Hackleman Myer, passed away
after an illness of some time.
She wns born near this city Aug. 5,
1SS5 and spent her life here, a young
woman of splendid character and attain
ments. She was a member of th;Grace
Presbyterian church. She was married
about two years ago to W. G. Myer, of
the nostoffice. She was the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Denver Hackleman.
The husband, parents and other rel
atives have the sympathy of all in their
The funeral will be held at the home
of Mr. Myer on East Sixth street, to
morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, to which
ail friends are invi'ed.
Akin Saturday morning March 4,
at his home on Jefferson street. Dr. J.
L. Akin, at the age ot 73 years. He
was born in Iowa and came to Oregon
many years ago. He loaves a wife,
son, John Akin of Toledo, and two
daughters, Mrs. Will Hoflein of the C.
& hi., and Miss Alice Akin.
The remains will bo buried at Bell
fountain, Benton county, probably
Monday, witq the. funeral there.
Heavy tax payments:
Est. Perry Hyde $216.19: E. G. Cox
S197.&5; H. She ton ir $116.66: H. A.
Hecker $111.81: John Sommervillo
$198.04; Chas. K. SpauWing $1384.21:
Peilip Swank $186: Wheeer & Rust
$321.55: E. H. Rhodes $550.59: R. E.
Morris $105.51; Mrs.O. Morgan $704.72;
Mary Hardman $105.75: F. A. Hackle-
man $144.43.
Deeds recorded:
H. V. Pendleton to Sherman E
Smith. 30 acres $
Albany Beat Columbia 22 to '2.
Before an audience nackinir the Alco
gym to the door AH-nny high school last
nignt aereatea tne unbeaten Columbia
team of Portland 22 to 12. Splendid
team work and superior training did it.
Columbia looked like a foot ball aggre
gation, weighing fifteen or twenty
pounds to tho man more than Albany;
Dut Ainany nad the speed and the long
hard passes of the boys were too much
! f U...l 1 i-.
I iui mu 4 ui uiiiiuers vurson Digoee
Lebanon Realty Co.. lot Lebanon 4D0 I K" " lT . T i , y acKua.'2?'
D D . t ci r i . .
KmnMiovfiin son state, circling bis man, and then
Marriage license: J.
and Ida L. Petersen, 50,
V. Smith,
In estate of W. J. Crabtrce, April 10,
set for final hearing.
Easton. Miss Gladys Easton, a grad
uate of Albany College, class of 1909,
died at the home of her parents in
Canby, Oregon, on Thursday, of tuberc
ulosis. She has been teaching since
her graduation until the present winter
when Bhe wns compelled by the state
of her health to give up her work in
the Scio M'gh school and enter a sam
arium. Miss Easton was a very bright,
attractive and canable voune woman.
and the hitrhest honors She was'
A Home Coming..
active in Y. W. C. A., Christian
deavor and church work.
Grand Hoir.e-Oominif and Reunion cf
States, a brilliant affair is scheduled
Wednesday evening. March 8. One of
the most unique entertainments ever)
given in Albany is being planned by the i
ladies or tne first rresuyterian church.
This entertainment will be in the form
of a States' Reunion and will be held in
the Woodmen's Hall, in the fine new
Schmitt Block, which hall which has
already donned gala attire for the
occasion. A captain has been appointed
ior eacn state ana eacn captain is
The Evangelistic Meetings.
At this season, when throughout the
world Christian men and women of all
denominations turn their thoughts and
aspirations toward the spiritual rather
than the carnal the membeis of the
Albany Protestant Evangelical churches
are cailed together in great union ser
vices during the mission of Dr. W. B.
Riley of Minneauolie, and lay aside
these things of worldly or social nature
whicn detract from the contemplation
ot the life and death and resurection of
our Lord Jesus Christ. Special evan
gelistic meetings from M.r. 16 to Apr.
9 in the Armory.
Albany Ministerial Association.
to the Albany goal for a trv. suceedin?
sevoral times, while Lyle Bigbeo, like
a watcn aog, guarded the Columbia
basket, and the expert forwards of
that team could do nothing. Beeson
and Kennard did great work at forward,
and Maurice Bigbee held his own
against a much taJor mau at center.
The firit half wuj 8 to 7 in favor of
Albany, the second U to 5, with the
best basket in front.
Tho new intercollegiate rules, not
familiar to the Albany boys, were used.
Ross Cooper of the O. A. C. referred
Impartially, calling only one foul on
Columbia and three on Albany, Colum
bia throwing two of them. Altogether
it was a clean game.
The Columbia lineup was Fitzgerald
capt. and Kirkland forwards. Reed cen
ter, Finuegan and Kelleher guards,
At tho close the enthusiasm was
great, as it made the Albany high
school champions of Western Oregon.
A game is wanted with PenJleton for
tho state champions lip.
After the game thern was a social
session at the gym with a dance.
rustling to secure the largest delegation
Everybody is invited to come and help
his native state win the prize offered
by the ladies to the state having the
largest registered attendance. If, like
Topsy, "you" never was bo'n but juBt
growed, come anyhow, and you'll be
given a piace in me grana ranrcn. Tne poultry of Jas. A. Hoag and son
oinuua oi maniui music win greet me brought here from Fetaluma, Calit.,
guests at the foot of the stairs and has attracted a good deal of attention
Columbia, withColonial Dames, will form this week. Mr. Hoag has an Albany
the reception committee. There will I yard at Water and Ellsworth street; but
be something doing every minute as his poultry business will be carried on
tho program will consist of tho Par- J m Sunrise on the property recently
liament of States, music and refresh- j bought of John bray, in charge of his
ments. .... ' son.' They expect to have three thou-
A registration fee of 25 cents securea 8and birds there within a year or two.
your state badge and oays the bill for the biggest hennery in this part of the
evening. Tne proceeds will be applied ' state,
to the orffnn fund for thrt nnw nhnrph. I
bverone is invite . especially strangers
Will Have 3,000 Birds-
Empire Photoplay
Theatre i
in Albany.
Congress has adjourned now fo? No,
The Veelher.
I If the Orogonian is missed report to
Ben u'olan at once and you will get-
"Eldora. 'the Fruit Girl." One of
Edison's bwt stories, admirably por
trayed by the clever company. Full
of heart interest.
"The Golden Supper." Adopted
from the 90cm by Lord Tennyson,
and very bvaitifully and carefully pro
duced by the Biograph Company. An
exceptional 'picture in every detail.
"Atonement." A drama showing
the, effects of wrong-doing, and how a
young man atones for the wrong done
others, by a most unselfish act. A
pretty story, well told.
"The Bowling Fiend." This man
gets into all kinds of ridiculous posi
tions, by bowling with everything and
at every thing. Laugh I
Miss Crosno, singing "My Country
Has First Call."
Complete change tomorrow.
Iy Trovatore, 7th, 8th, 9th.
Admission 10 cents.
Range of tempornturo 65-43. Con-1
Biderably warmer aftor being cold a
week or two.
The rainfall was .22 inch, and poople
win now leei oeicer.
Prediction : Rain tonight and Sunday,
Shoes for the whole family. Look
neat. Don't deyelope corns and bun
ions. Go to Burns Shoe Store.
I lour slioea made
Burns Shoe Store.
tood as now at
Fresh smelt, 4 pounds for 25 cents at
Holt's. Have some nguin.
A sure roliof from that corn, and
euro at Burns Sluo Store.
Coal delivered to any part of the7 city,
McCourt & Prettyman, Managers
Home rnone 30B;;Beil Phone 131-9
Office :jJCor. First and Baker,
iendota Coal
is fast gaining in favor, always clean
tre from soot, kindles easily, burns
readily, free from clinkers, makes but
little ashes. These good qualities make
an ideal coal, best on the market for
the mon"V. Sold in any quantity,
prompt oi livery, urner Irom,
A. W.
Bell 277-J.
Home Black 176.
Office with Linn & Benton Real Es
tate Co. All kinds of transferring,
ba??acrc work, furniture ntul ninnn
moving a specialty. Dry wood for Policeman's Life isNot Alwaysa nuppy
sale in any quantity, cord wood or cut One. Hui Ihis is n HaDpv Hit.
. . . . - . . . e Til . 1 n ' T " I i -
any length ordered, i or lo inch, tor
1. Making a Man of Him. A
drama of virile interest, in which the
butterfly son of a self-made million
aire is redeemed from his gay life by
means of a clever ruse, onccived and
carried out by his father. There is
solid, absorbing human interest here
and it is set forth by clever stage
work .
2. Scenes of Germany. - I
3. Get Rick Quick. A story that
causes you to "sit up and take notice."
It is by the American Pathc Company
and is a good one too.
One of the Finest is ulaucy - A
You know Our Eeputation for
Giving Values at
Our Sales
Stoltcnberg's Shoe Store.
134 First St.
cash only. Special rates on carload
lots. All phone orders, baggage
checks, shipping receipts or freight
bills left at Linn & Benton Real Es
tate Co., or my residence, will be
promptly attended to. R. B. MAY
BERRY, Proprietor. Office phones
Home 178, Bell 143-JV Residence
Home 382, Bell Main 74.
5. Illustrated Song The Soul Kiss.
6. Hunting Sea Lions in Tasmania.
A magnificent scenic picture full of in
terest as it portrays a sport wlik'h few
have partaken.
Monstrous sea lions arc seen in their
native haunts but fall before the ex
pert marksmen.
Coming Lassoing Wild Animals in
Africa. The big feature.
Admission 10 cents.
The entire stock of THE VARIETY STORE will be closed out at PUBLIC AUCTION to the highest bidders.
Offerings will consist of fine Hand-Painted French and Austrian DINNER SETS, SINGLE PLATES, CUPS
and SAUCERS, etc., and many other useful household articles too numerous to mention.
Three beautiful presents given away the first day.
Sale commencing Saturday, March 4th, 1911, 2:30 to:30 P. M. and continuing until the entire stock is sold.
313 W. First Street. u w . , E. IL DESELMS, Auctioneer. .. .,