THIS MORNING! EGYPT A BIG MAIL. ! lie Av era&e M oth er who attempts to make her own children's school dresses would find it hard to duplicate the stylish swing of the little garments shown in our window. She would find it even harder to duplicate the materials at the price and have any thing left for her labor. A satisfactory little dress of Ging hams, Galatcas, etc., on the second floor, 90c to $2.00. NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. The coming Spring season will as usual demand new frocks and dresses- for all the women folks. Vigoureaux, an entirely new cloth, of fine texture, a good deal on the order of the serge, but softer, with less prominent twill. Gray, tan and greenish cast gray the only colors shown. $1.00 and $1.10 per yard. Epingle, also a new goods with a corded effect a cloth that will make up in a very pleasing way. Blue and grays. $1.25 per yard. Japloom Silk, a cleverly woven washable goods that looks very much like pongee, in several pretty plain shades, only 25c per yard. Gingham, Percales, Egyptian Tissue, Chambrays, etc., very neat patterns in these staple wash goods. You should see this showing before choosing for you will find our prices just a trifle less for the same quality goods. S. E. YOUNG & SON III ' ' News from Albanys Trains. Six Early B. G. Leedy, former muster ol the Grange of Oregon, and wife returned from Oakland, Calif., where thev had been on a visit with Mr. Leedy's broth er, having a tine time. As Told about by One Living There 18 Years. W. A. Ledbetter, the nursery stock salesman, went out to Tallman. He reported fruit prospects remarkably goud, there being a general opinion that this will be a good year, conditions generally being favorable. J. J. Lintrccn went to Portland. He has learned that the only way he can hold his Quartaville claim is to tile on i it as a homestead, which would require a nve years residence up m the hills. Mrs. D. Bussard, Mrs. Phil Balti more, Mrs. Weaver and Mrs. Cornett went to Salem to attend the grand lodge of the Royal Neighbors of Ore gon. At this meeting a delegate will be chosen to the supreme lodge, which will meet in Denver this year. T. C. Isom returned to his home near Plainview, after attending the conven tion of supervisors, a great success. Sjme good road suggestions were mado. Mr. Isom is one ot the etticient super visors of the county, doing excellent work. J. B. Eddy, right of way man, on the S. P. went up toward the front. Miss Foshay went to Plainview for a visit at the home of her uncle. Isaac Whealdon. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Washburn went to Brownsville, where they have ex tensive interests. MiBS Bucnanan, the missionary, left ior rortiana. Prof. Wilson went to Brownsville. Dr. Leweaux made her regular trip to vorvaius. THERE'S BOUND TO BE TROUBLE when thedoctor orders one medicine and the druggist supplies something else. And sometimes the trouble is extremely serious. We assume that your doctor knows what medicine to give the patient. So when you bring this prescription here we make it up exactly as directed, with no substitu tion, adulteation or dilution. BURKHART & LEE. Say! You Gardeners and Everybody Else, come and see the NEW lot of Garden Seeds. "Mind you not left overs" at ARKER'S "The Sign of Quality. The Albany Bakery 216 W. First Street.. Both 'Phones. CENTRAL ADDITION This vear 19 coin? to see a lot of 1m. nrovementa in Central Addition. Ant) I a big advance in values there. Better get you a lot this spring from Collins & I Taylor. i A little cash will handle one of the best "BUYS 0' the season in Central Addition. Strictly a resident district. Ask Collins & Taylor about them. Miss Carrie M. Buc-hannnn, a teacher in the girls training school at Luxor, Egypt, eighteen vears a missionary there under the United Presbyterian church, spoke last night at the U. P. church to a good sized audience, telling of this intensely interesting country, old, prominent in history, yet always fresh in interest. The Nile overflows annually as regular as the clock, and begins receding Oct. 23, leaving a rich deposit far out over the valley, into which, without plowing, the peasant sows his wheat, getting a large and quick harvest. She told of the trip of Roosevelt and how his address on their inability for self government stirred things up both there and in land, soon followed ny better protection. The United Presbyterian church has 200 churches, ninety schools and three hospiluls in Egypt doing a work that has attracted attention, both Bryan and Roosevelt commending tho work. The people are Coptics, the real E yp tians. ot wnom mere are oau.uuu, nu the Mohammedans 10,000,000. ! .'St of the work is among the former, so resisting are the Mohammedans. . .th them the woman is nothing, a slave. She may be divorced by saying, so by the husband three times, beating an Oregon divorce court, or if he gets in a hurry by saying, "I divorce you, three." The women are shut up in harems. But even the Mohammedans are tret line interested in our religion. The women have "eason to, for there is no place in the Mohammedan paradi'e for women. There are seven hundred boy students in the college at Assuit, and the grad utes are siven the best DlaceB in the country, because they have learntd that the Christian boys can be trusted. Columbia and Albany. Columbia, of Portland, last night defeated the Portland Academy team 73 to 6. Friday night the Albany nign team, which has won eleven straight victories, will play the Columbia at this city, and a good many think they can beat them. It will at least be a battle rojal with the basket ball. I iry our not noon luncnsa, at urn iuit' Blon Parlors. This morning one of the biggest mail ever received in Albany arrived, twenty-six sacks of paper mail alone and letters by tho hundreds, from all over the east, delayed by bad weather niong the way. The force was kept busy cleaning up, and of course it took time, an enormous job. All the letters had to be stamped, but this is nowdone by the electric stumper and is much faster than formerly. Then they had to be distributed one at a time in the' four sections, and taken from them to the boxes and general delivery. Twenty-six sacks of paper mail, including magazines, packages, etc. is itself a big thing to handle piece by piece, but this was done expeditiously. February Bowling. During the month of Feoruaiy the highest bowler on the Alco alleys was Capt. F. C. Stellmachor with a record' af 230. Chas, H. Stewart was second with 222. then ki. D. Eusick 215. Harry nnwKins .si.-i, rrot. ninrqnam zvz. and . A. Flood. Robnev Me ully and floyd ason each 200. M;. Flood, who was away during the month, only bow led. two or three games. His bowl of 239 . the highest tor tho season. N COLUMBIA FLO UK, hard wheat made, mke3 splendid bread and more of it. At all the leading stores. FOUND.-A lady's fur. Can be had at this office. FOR SALE. Three very choice one acre tracks at S itirise, close in. In quiro of H. R. Schultz. 28t Has again been placed upon the market. The owners of the addition having ar ranged tor tne installing 01 a complete . and up up-to date sewer system which ' will be installed as as soon as the work ! can be done. This beautiful addition offers the best investment in the city for the the money, in the wav of residence property, being only five minutes walk from the business center good sewer age and restrictions. tMb addition will be "THE" residence district of the city within a short time. For partic ulars call on 1 COLLINS & TAYLOR, Agent. ' 132 W. 1st St. Albany, Oregon. HOME MADE CANDIES None better anywhere, and the price iB lower. Try a box at the THE MISSION PARLORS It' s Shoes. It is important" t have your eye glasses adjusted properly. r fo 4iD to itnr 'pjna AT ALL uhixm fun ARE ICT nrOrt- 0r rroTOui tm E. C. Meade, Optometrist 829 West Second Street. F fi. Will A fine line of Jewelry, Sil verware, Cut Glass and Novelties to select from. We Guarantee the WHITE QUEEN To' be the best bard wheat blue stem flour in the city. The price Is moderate and the quality uniform. Call us up for a trial sack, and we'll prove to you that our assertion is correct. Sold on absolute guaranty. E.A-. MURPHY, 225 Webt 2nd St. The Duntley Vacuum Cleaner The Modern Way 350 in use in Poftlnml. Demonstration at our ph... rooms or your home. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 Wait Scon1 Street. NEW BANDBOX MILLINERY STORE 114-116 FERRY STREET, HETTIE O. BURKHART, PROP. A new stock of the latest and het creation's in millinery. Prices reas onable and satisfaction guaranteed. Hats trimmed by Miss Burkhart, who has had a long experience, well known to Albany ladies. H. S. RICHARDS Violin Maker and Repairer Bows refil'ed. Old and new violins for pale. Violin instructor. 32 years exper ience 615 E. 6th street. Albany. Or. STONE 'For rullding. ornaments! purpeeee, rip rap, mint. t. .. ' . Samci,-, stM.&nderi C.ntorc W.;L. COBB, R. O t. Hxne,rAmM j. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallerv If in tha NewAlbeny State Ba 1 uiW Dg, second flew, with complete equipment for pietue takinf of all City Lots. Lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 5, 6. 7, 8. 9, II, and 12 in Block 40, Albany, are now offered for sale and in prices from S250.0C and $500 09 to $700 00. Payable 10 per cent down nd 2 per cent per month. These lots face 5th and 6th St. and are only 7 iblocks f rom the Court Bouse. Every kit it in the city limits and ha all the city convenience, including city water. OWEN BEAM, Agtnt. Stark Bulldinf. GENTLEMEN: A great stock of shoes for spring, largest, handsomest, all styles, can fit your foot and please your eye. Shoe room is crowded, so will sell winter shoes at wholesale prices. All styles from a 16 in Loggers to a heavy Dress Shoe. liiaiii Clothing Company Pleasing You: Is Our Chief Aim, Both in quality of goods5 and prices. Every accommo dation given our customers, and special attention given to all telephone orders. , Your little child will be waited on just as promptly and get just as good as we have, the same as if you were making the purchase yourself. If you are not already trading here. start an account with us and we are very sure you will be . a satisfied customer. : Don't forget that the la dies hold a sale here Satur day afternoon and you are sure to find something good for your Sunday dinner. . , Reagan & Laughead at 212 W. First St. FOR SALE. Two Modern Frame Houses. On or before 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday, March 1, 1911, scaled bids will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of the two houses located on our proocrty at the north west corner of Fourth and Vine streets of this city, subject to the fol lowing conditions: 1. Separate bid may be submitted tor each house or one bid may be sub mitted to include both. 2. Purchaser required to remove house from our property at their ex pense and within ten days after noti fication by the company. 3. Terms of sale, cash. 4. The company reserves the right to reject any or all bids. OREGON POWER CO. I). C. Green, Mgr. 128 West First Street, City. We are now prepared to do CUSTOM CHOPPING Mill f-d in large quanditiea at ri ced prices. M. BENDERS A CO. If you wear pleated shirts with or without attached cuffs, let us show you how well these particular garments can be laundered by our "press ironing" system. We'll iron the shirt fronts straight and -even, with each pleat in place, smooth and nicely finished. 1 We'll iron the cuffs so they are-stiff not limp and spongy and we'll shape the mto fit your wrist, and return them free from rough edges. A trial will prove to you that our work is really better. 'Phone for our wagon. i MAGNOLIA LAUNDRY. Both Phones SO. AT THE NEW LAUNDRY Have you given us a trial on your laundry? If not, why not? When ou see the classy work we put out and the prices on your family work compared with what you have been piying you will be more than pleased. Your laundry will both look and wear belter. Wc guarantee our work to please. Having just started up in business we will appreciate our share of your patronage. Call for our wagon on either phone, or leave your bundle with our down town agencies. Yours for business. ALBANY STEAM LAUNDRY. Wyatt Bros., Props. Bell 93. ' Home 439. WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 Se:o:d S'rc, between ("trey , Rietdtflbn