' I.. DR. II. II. IXIJ Physician aai Surgeon Mbany, Oregon Calls madein city and country. Phone Main 38. asnless Dentistry Is oar pride osr hobby or nd for jmii anl now oar iucccm, and our. th bv paini work to be toun any when, no matter hoiouani Pi- Comuara our trice. : 1-alnleM oitraction frr-o when plate or brldlm woVk i. nr,1r. k i .vn r '.P d. Contultatton free. RiST ? 6.ld Filling 1.00 a-v.-4& re ,-(?'stj.if.iiim inn FYHr' 5.oo V t, 1 BailRid Rubber- lAkJ Plal.i 7.50 0.W.l. WIS!. P. iudMuui. Pilnltti Eilr'tlM .50 II TUU inULdMI U PltTUH BK8T METHODS All work tully vuttrantoed (or t lftMM rean, Wise Dental Co., Inc. Painless Dentists Filling Building, Third ind Wishlnrton. PORTLAND. ORE. OlUc. Hou.: S A. U. to P. k. Sttudiy., Ital CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Linn county. In the matter of the estate of Con rad Scheubel, deceased. To the unknown heirs at law of Conrad Scheubel, deceased, and all others interested in said estate, greet ing. In the Name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Linn, at the court room thereof, at Al bany, in said county, on Monday the 6th day of February 1911 at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why an order should not be made authorizing and directing the admin istrator of the above entitled estate to sell the real property of said estate at private sale as prayed for in the petition of said administrator on file herein, said real property being de scribed as follows, to-wit: Lot No. twenty (20) in block Wo. four (4) in Barton's Addition to the city of St. Johns, Oregon, according to the maps and plats of said Addi tion on file and of record in the office of the .county clerk in and for Mult nomah county, Oregon, and lying and being in the county of Multnomah, state of Oregon. Beginning at a point four hundred and fifty feet (450 ft-") south, and three hundred and thirty-live feet (335 ft.) west from the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 19, in Township 13 south, Range 11 west, Willamette Me ridian; thence south two hundred and ten feet (210 ft.); thence west two hundred and ten feet (210 ft.); thence north two hundred and ten feet (210 ft.); thence east two hundred and ten feet (210 ft.), to the place of begin ning, containing one acre, more or less, in Lincoln county, Oregon. Witness, the Hon. J. N. Duncan, judge of the county court of the state oS Oregon for the county of Linn, with the seal of said court affixed this 14th day of December, A. D. 1910. (Seal) J. W. MILLER, Clerk. By W. L. MARKS, Deputy. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING. In the County Court of Oregon for Linn County. In thf Matter of the Estate of I. L. Mbyer, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have filed their final account as executor and executrix of the above entitled estate, and that the County Court has fixed Monday the 20th day of February, 1911, in the County Court room in the Court House in Albany, Linn County, State of Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account, and for the final approval of said account and the set tlement of said estate. JEFFERSON MYERS, Executor. LAURA L. AMBROSE, Executrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the estate of onradina Arnold, deceased, has filed her final account in said estate with the county clerk of Linn county, Oregon, and the county judge has set the 20th day of February, 1911, at 1 o'clock p. m. and the county court room as the time and place for hear ing objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. MINNIE FROMM, L. L. SWAN, Administratrix. Atty for Admx. Promptlr otitalned. or FEE RETURNED. fO TEARS EXPERIEKU1. uui l.nnu. mnm. . nui-c- cnJ nhnlnnmknftl for expert Mrch and free report on patentability. INFRINGEMENT wl conducted before all courts. Patents obtained thrmifrh na, ADVER TISCD and SOLD, freft. TRDl-MRR, SIOHS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obUloed. Opposite U. 8. Pntcnt unice, I PROcun.EONO?,ErEJEr IfS. iTrloi. ho u ctl puu. trad. alkM. copjngbU. t&. n ALL COUNTRIES. IJfmitmett airtci " momty and eftem IkepaUnl. Pi twit ana mmftpmwn rmcnsi Iwnior.iouK iu xua ttr-rt. mn vtau iu rum mm, wwn 11.QT un, v. . 3 THURSDAY. JINGLES. Spring has kum, And we're at num A shoutin' Vetoes are best, Sez Gov. West, And then some. Shall we pave Or lust save Our mon. Plant your seeds For future feeds On truck. The cry for houses Ought to 'rouse us to build some. Clean up vour yard It" you'd be a pard Of Mr. boost. In the City. E. P. Frost, Portland. G. D BurdicK. Salem. Donald S. Linden and J. N. Mokstad, Waukisha, Wis.' K. P. Ogden, Portland. C. E. Hubler. Corvallis. J. A. Crawford, Corvallis. Marie V. Jones. Halsev. E. A. Lewis, Waltenberg, Colorado C. R. gene. Chrisman, L. E. Nicholls, Eu Medford is to have a $100,000 hospital. aai Alio uuuul.klVU VI UClWailJ 13 rwOvIt , tj t7 . . . . ' Hayes arrived from Kingston Sn- w- J I fair bills. Mrs. Otto Locke came over from Corvallis this noon. i The heuse has voted for two more immense battleships. Clarence W. Tebault was a Corvallis business visitor yesterday. California objects to the treaty with Japan, but it will be ratified anyway Mr. and Mrs. Greenhalge. of Haisey, were in the city oa a tax paying tr p. H. L. Bush, formerly of the Hotel Revere, arrived this noon from Summit. Mrs, Phil Flood, of Junction, returned home this afternoon after an Albany visit. Mr. and Mrs Clark and son, of the Reves-Clark store, Lebunon, were in the city today. Dr. Frank Grev. of B. O. has been in the cfty on r visit with his sister, Mrs. F. J. Vi'ler. Mrs Geo. Pearce, .of Salem, arrived thi noon or. a visit with her sister, Mrs. T. G Hopkins. is in Mr. Ray Bentley, of Portland, the city in the interest of the Vacuum Cleaners. Duntley Mrs. Grace Naylor Blosser and child, arrived this noon from Portland on a I visit at A. R. McCoy 'b, I Benjamin Young, who made a fortune in the salmon business and banking at i Anrnrtn Hiprt nf. T.na A nffploa v.ntHpilav i A license of $15 a year is required to 11 fih An AlhnG fi fih were sold without a license is said to be . . ... . . . under investigation. Gov. West has announced that he 0 ti . 1 n will veto the road bill callintr for an ar I Mr; Sam Hartsock, of Corval'is, n,nm.i.iinn nt lui oon miVi,! on., nropriation of $340,000, without any head to the use.ot it, The Rov Bentley in the city yester , day was not ihe son of J. W. Bentley I as reported by the Democrat, but a Kay Bentley, of fortland. Mrs. Marie Swaine, representing the Pacific Lyceum Bureau, is in the city and will meet with the Chautauqua board at 4.30 this afternoon. Gov West has vetoed sixteen game and fish bills on the ground that the game and fish commission will do away with the necessity of such bills. Because the faculty of Willamette University refused to have a holiday on Washington's birthday the students rebelled and refused to attend the classes. Dr. W. H. Booth, of Lebanon, went to Portland yesterday to see his sister. Dr. Kelley. ill with cancer, and from there will go to Iowa on a visit to his old home. 6,000 colonist folders have been printed by Rawlings, a splendid job, the best yet, for sending east from Albany. Get some and always use them when writing east. The Mexican tumblers at the Empire is an up to-date film. In view of the revolution down that way great interest prevails in the doings of the people of the country. C. A. Mathews, son of Dr. Mathews, of the Drugless Institute, bag pur c ased the barber shop at First and Lvnn streets and will soon take charee of it He is an experienced tonsorial artist.' Rev. H. S. Shangle, financial agent of Columbia College at Milton, has been in the city in the interest nf thecollege $52,000 has already been raised, mostly for new buildings, and it is proposed to have an endowment of $200,000. Cardd have been received annuuncing the marriage Of Mr. William Hendric 'on, a 'former Albany ooy, and Misi Mabel T. Maris, at Spokane. Wash., Sunday, February 19. 1911. They will make their home at Colfax, Wash. A birthday party was held last even ing at the home nf E. K Rooklidge, over the river, in honor of Mrs Rook lidge'H birthday. A fine time was had ocinlly, with a delicious lunch. Thoe present were: Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mil utr, Mr rind Mrs. Hadley, Mr. and Mrs. Whetstone. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Schoel. G. W. Goffand Mr and Mrs. Rooklidge. Delegates have been elected by Al hany college to the meeting of the State Oratorical Association atEurene, as follows: Fannie Chase and Winifred Kood of the seniors, Lucille Hart and Kate S'ewart juniors, Kenneth Mc Lennan and Lena Heinrichi sophomores. Kuth Smith and Amy Olmstead fr?sh men. Mi'i Smith will respond to the Albany college toast. As heretofore announced Graver Birtch -t will ba the orator. CITY COUNCIL Present Mayor, recorder, chief of police, street supt, chief engineer and evening, at 6 o click, at the home oi Councilmen Marshall, Chambers, Snell 'he bride's mother, Mrs. Mart Miller, and Curl. at Knox's Butte, Mr. Harolu Towns; Bills allowed: R. Rogoway & Sons, and Miss Tluodosia Miller were anitii' $34 00; Kred Dawson, $2.25; John Cat " marriage, Rev Esson performing lin, $4.50; E. A. Thompson, $1.20; C. j the ceremony, with the ring service G Rawlines, S7 00; G, A". Thompson, was under a beautiful bower of Ore $2.50; Ralston Sup Co., $101.90; Wat gon grape with a tloral bell. Raymono son Bros , $33.79; J. A. Nimmo, $1 50; j lownes was best man, Miss Lina Mc j M. Ludwig $6.05; M. Sendeis & Co . iGuire biiJe's maid, and Miss Lin.i STM5; Albany Lumber Co., $33.57; P. Prop?t performed the wedding marcii ! E. & E. Co., $14.25; E F. Sox, $7.60; A splendid wedding dinner followed, ' Albany Sand ! Gravel Co., $6 50; P. i with Mrs. Tom Riley, ot Corvallis, as Kiley, S5.00; Albany Planing Mill, ifZ.Du; Hulbert Ohling Co, $10 60; Albany Hardwar ( o.. 7Se: U. S. Kowe. SI. 50. F W. Horskv, .90c: W. M Parker, $1.40; Fred Wolz, $21.25; Geo, Simons, $33.75; Chas. Hughes, $33.75; John Woods, $10.00; R. D. Snell, $26.25. BS W.e battS extension repor ted it needed, out too much water until drained. Petition of C. W. Sears at al asked ' for latteral sewer. Referred. I Bids tor latteral sewer across Ells- worth strnet, continued. Plans for a sewer system in Central ! addition were submitted and approved. Estimated cost to owners of addition $6769. Plans and specifications for Washing ton street sewer were reported filed. H F. Merrill, agent of Mrs. Ida Hoffman, reported that the S. P. demanded 10c a month rental for building a sewer under the right of way. Instructed to proceed according to previous order. Request of Ida M. Stevens and 22 others, was read, asking that 7th street Z' ' ' - "O . Washington tn Kakpr be not naved tor a year. Granted. ried off a blushing bride yesterday . -,..m.tBmtttenom when Miss Ada, oldest l5Hday7.eKaVTohf Xence'Sred to daughter of Mr, and Mrs J H. 'Camp-1 committee with power to act. . ine Dottling works were ordered C"iinected with the sewer. Councilman Chambirs complained of Chinatown nuisance. Referred to com- mittee on health and police. Mayor Wallace asked that the Eu- gene street car be investigated, prob- ablv not conforming to the franchise, Referred to council as a whole. Superintsndedt Ries asked how far north the streets run and referred to t,hertnoVhtrendetofrR.,F LSt, belngused for a new saw will The C. & E. was directed to move switch at 6th and R. R. streets so cement sidewalks can be constructed. News from Albany's Six Early , Trains. Jake Lingren and A. M. Blackburn, oi ijepanon, went to rortiana to con- suit with the U.S. land office in refer- ence to claims thev took un at Quarts- ville a few years ago. The property was then OUt Of the reserve. An effort "as been made to freeze them out of their claims, an injustice, for they took them up in good faith. : 1 Superintendent Jackson left for Leb- nnon to make arrangements for a bitr : t n u -toi-ir ""'" "'"'"B " . '" ""'i when the state superintendent and nthor nmminant Orl inafAVB u,,ll ha nMe. "V r ..... noted as an autnority on Kodalcs, re turned home. lpHvino- Mrs. Hnrtannlf hni- fn a viait m Hatsnnk. ia o niece of Mr. Dan Hurley ! robbed a house, and was released Jan Miss Lottie Morgan returned from a uary 12 on parole' Washington's birthday trip to Plain view. J. R. Penland returned from Cor vallis. D. V. S. Reid, after a visit at Leba non. lift fnr hi hnma t. Hpnnn.r . T4o is now doing some surveying. E. C. Clement, postal inspector, left for points north. R. B. Montague returned to Portland after an Albany vieit, O. D. Austin went to Corvallis on wholesale business. Wm. Stilwell. of Brownsville. Stilwell, of Brownsville, last fall candidate for county recorder, left on a renaieton trip. Chas. Curry, W. F. messenger, is now running out of Albany. Colonist Day In Oregon. Portland, Or.. Feb. 23. "Colonist Day" has been fixed for March 1. On that date each man woman and child in the Northwest is expected to write to RnmA friend in thn F.nst nnrl MiHrllp West, flskinir them to coma to Orwrnn Washington or Idaho during the period of low rates westward which will be in effect from March 10 to April 10. The special effort on March 1 has been organized by the publicity depart- ment of the Harriman lines in the Northwest and from the Portland head-! ?uarters will go out a great number' of olders specially issued for "Colonist Day." These folders are to be en- closed in the letters written to Eastern friends. They will tell of the advan-1 tagesofthe living in the West and urge those addressed to makeachange. The Military Ball, The attendance at the first annual ball if the ' ilitary Club, at the armory lust night, wpb said to be the largest, of any dancing party ever given in Alb any, thare beinjr over two hundred cuplcs O', the floor, including prominent young people from other valley cities. Ihe iurge room was beautifully decor ated f?r the occasion, witn numerous novelties. Excellent music was furn ithed by Wilson's orchestra, one of the m.'st in the valley, - $4,000 Raised. At a meeting at the M. E. church last night, Prof. Todd and Rev. Mc Dougall made some live addresses and 14.000 was raised for the church im provement. At 11 o'clock refreth raenta were served and a fine time socially had. $1,000 more is wanted. MARRIED. lownes Miller. On Wednesla ""jaier oi ceremonies. j Forty. four were present, including '". nu nirs. r. M. rreucii ami it and Mrs A. J. Hodges, of Albany Among others was Ernest, a brother of the bride, n invalid, who has not stirred a muscle, except in eating, for many years. rioth are young people ot excellent character, the gr-oom a bookkeeper, a rarfuatR f th .nmmr.j.idn,,-tmnt graduate of the commercial department of the college, and the bride the last single daughter of a large family. They left for Portland on their rridal trip, will return to Albany and then go to their homeopposite Astoria, where Mr. Townes has a position. Bates Mickel. At -the Cntholic church, Wednesday, Fsb. 22, by Father Lane, Mr. Ira Bates and Miss Mae Micki I were united in marriage in the presence of a few friends. The groom is an efficient and popular S. P. em ployee, and the bride the accomplished sister of Agent Mickel. They are thought to have gone to Portland on their bridal trip. Ruiter Campbell. Another of Rose-1 . , , " . , . ourg s cnarming young laaieB was car W. Ruiter. a a young railroad man of Aibany. Theveddine occurred at 3 o'clock at the Campbell home on Fow- ler street, in the presence of a few relatives and snecial friends of the young couple, Rev. W. H. Eaton, of the Baptist chnrch, officiating, Both of these young people are highly esteemed,' and good wiBhes for their future happiness are legion. They will go to Albany to live, expecting soon, however, to secure a change whereby g" Rosoburg their home.- Review Mr. and Mrs. Ruiter came to Albany and last evening at the home of the groom's father, Henry Ruiter, were given a reception with a fine wedding inner. Schemers In the Toile Jeff Stanley and A. Terre were to be examined today at Corvallis for raising - h, fmm ss tn sn Thn r-honW 89cured by Terre, from Peter Mineff at , iri. u..,i. k... unr uj i.. $70 in the bank, and this excited sus- nirion nnH ninv9tltinn monltim in tne arregt of the men, Mr8. Terre joined them at Corvallis yesterday, go ing over from Albany, where she had been stopping at the California Rooming House with her husband. Stanley is a former inmate of San Quentin. and Mrs. m i 15 . tim of his scl that her husband is a vic- 1 schemes. It is quite prob- nk b tkiuinh tlin. knlh mnn null hoi?n ulUui,u, "" to go ud for it. It is said an effort was made in this city to cash a bogus $250 checK. by the men. Stanley is said to have a long black record, among other things sawing his wav from a iail at Santa Cruz. Calif At Portland, Nov. 28, he is said to have Railroad to Spend Fortune io People Empire of the West. i By Gerret Fort, This million and a quarter dollar I which will be expended by the U. P. and S. P. systems during the present I year, will be charged to advertising on the books, but the purpoi-e for which I this huge sum is to be used is peopling : the Empire of the West - the filling up of the fertile lands of Colorado, Wyom ing, Utah, Oregon, California, Idaho, Washington, Nevada and Montana. Work of this kind is building for the' fut'jre. It is the latest and greatest development of the science of railroad ing -it is the creating of traffic both passenger and freight. Washington Party, The Philalhea class of the Baptist church spent a delight evening at the horn of Mrs. Fred Dawson. Isbc night The elaborate costumes of the colnnl dames rivaled those of the belles of '76 themselves. rrnng the amusementf 'was riling a sixteen line pou:n con cerning George Washington, from which i a great beal of fun was derived Ap propriate refresements were were Berved and after several admirably ! rendered instrumental duets by tht Misses Anna and Jenat Dawson, tht party broke up a late hour, everyent having a most enjoyable evening. Mis Ltawford's Orchard, W. A. Bodine last night returned from Lebanon, where he has beei r.runinp the walnut and peach orcharr of Miss Heln Crawford, at liunnii Doon. Miss Crawfo d has 25 acres ul Frar.quet walnuts, with peaches u, filler?. All doine well, with pro pecn of making one of the finest orchards in the valley Mr. Bodine saved the grafts, and i, Prepared to use them. They work intf lack walnut trees in an effective man ner as well as any kind of Euglii wa. nuts. The Wealher. Range of temccrature 62 31. Then waa a heavy trosl ton morning. The river his fallen and is 4.S f ict Prediction: fnir onifcl.t and r'rid iy k w5as Tfew t; lr Makes Home Baking Easy Royal Baking Powder helps the housewife to produce at home, c" Jckly and economically, fine and tasty cat hot biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cal .3, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, fresh, clean, tasty and wholesome, with which the ready-made food found at the shop or grocery does not com pare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. ROYAL COOK BOOK-800 RECEIPTS FREE Send Name mi Addrest. ItOVMl tAKINO POWDIft OOw MIW VO.K. FRIDAY GETTING R E ADY. Salem Statesman President John F. Stevens of the Oregon Electric, us well as head of all the Hill railroads in Oregon, accompanied by G. M. Mc- Dowell, right of way agent, for the same interests, spent yesterday in Salem, going over matters relating to the route to be followed by the exton- sion of the Oregon Electric south from this city. Both officials slated that they had nothing at this time that could bo mado public as to which survey the Oregon Electric would follow an on its way to Albany. Soveral suryoys have been made,- Their presence hero at this time is taken to indicate that an early Btart will be made by the road in tho con - atruclion of the extension. Pete Ruottner went to Haisey this afternoon. j. e . mcoartney, or rortianu. tn oici time Linn county man, arrived this noon. , Mrs. W. M. Parker and daughter, ', Alzina, went to Lebanon today for a visit with Mrs. J. J. Lingren for a few days. Alfred H. Pursons. of Lethbridgo. Alta, is in the city looking after This Albany interests, tie is now enrrnrred business at Lethbridire and doing wnll We wish to thnnk our Albany friends , i , lor ineir many hcls or Kinuness renoer- ed after the death and during the funeral of our wife and mother. A. B. Bond and family. This is the birthday of Mrs N. H. Wheeler, and her many friends Viavo been tnking advantage of antage of it today to of nostearda koonlnir of postcards, keeping '.' . . . , . . make a shower c thn pnrriprn hiiHV ... .. .. ,. ine Meaiora nign scnooi DasKet nail team last night defeated the Aetna Albany defeated Medford easily, not withstanding the fact that a couple of outside experts were played. Governor West had decided to voto the immigration advertising bill carry ing $25,000 when pledges wore made by the Oregon Development League that none of the money shall be used but be turned into the, general fund of tho state. C. A. MathewB, Instead of buying the barb-r shop of Johnson & Jumber has bought only the interest of .Mr. Jumper. The Bhop will be run by Johnson & Mathews. Mr. jonnson nae neen with tht shop a good many years and will remain, Mr. and Mrs. Coke Bilvcu. of Tort- land, passed through the city yesterday on their way home from a visit with Mr. Bilyeu s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lark Bilyeu, of Eugeno. Coke was married last year. He is a native of Albany, a nephew ot Hon. w. K. Bil yeu. A meeting of the Spanish War Vet erans win ne noid in tne room or the Vets at the armory tonight, for dedica lion and other seiviccs. Capt. Phillips, iftnr whom the Albany camp is named, k expected np from Oregon City. All members unu visiting members are re luested to bo present. Frank W. Monde!!, of Wyoming, 9 csterdry called Jas. Wickersham, of Mask a, a liar, on the floor of the home 2394 coyotes were killed In Baker of representatives, and Wickemham county last, year, which pleases the nereuiion proceeded in the attempt in stock men, Ahir. Mnndell. but was at once stopped , Jquin Miller, who was recontly re by the other members. ported d ing, is steadily improving.. John Durlam, of Lebanon and Miss You can't kill an Oregon paot. Jrnce Cook, recently of Wynot. Neb , ; Kov Johrl Balcom Shaw, of Chicago-, were miirrml at Lebanon on Weilne hn haa heen hnlrlimr urv rx In v.?rt. , tl. i .. . .. ,. r A ... mv. Jiiu uiiuo mo o.n.c. u, mi, Lochner. of mar tangent, and is a former schoolmate and Bweethearc of he groom back in Nebraska, coming out here tor Ihe marriage. The new M. E. church will be rldi :ated at Lebanon next .-Sunday I ne 11 itur will go out at 7..I0 a. m. Sun I iv. 'eturmng at 5. and a number of Albany ooople will attend tho event. The ipeakers will be President ll"tn n 1,1 illBmette. Rev J. T. Abhett, II n R. A. Booth who will .reside 11' 'hi ifterrooi ji n. and iVstmisier J S Van Win -.W uf this city. S? $5000 DAMAGES Wanted bv Linn Cnuntv Teacher for Defamation of Character. i A eomnlnint foi &rV000 HnmnuM wu filed today by Wright & Johnston, at- tornejs, uguinst E. A. Eusion, residing near Crabtree. A reporter of the Scio News had commended Miss Cumpton,. when, 1 he complaint charges, the fol- lowing wus published in tho Nowb: If the reporter thinks that No. 4. school is continuing nicely, he, or she, is about the only one, as there IB trouble- in the school just the same as when my children were there. The majority of the district thinks tin school is managed disgracefully and is a complete failure. I wish the eji'or to publish my name iib well as the letter. E. A. Easton. This is alleged to be false and untrue. The plaintiff was also accused by tho defendant orally of other things, . The plaintiff allega that the trouble with the defendant was that a sun. having a skin disease, with three othor . fed t0 remain at home Tho writer knows the plaint lit nor- sonally, a young lady of excellent char acter and attainments. News from Albanys Trains. Six Early Commissioner Butlor left for Shol- burn where a big meeting was to be held today in the interest of a lomt kin" !UKJ. M,urion cnty. bridV B10ro88' the river three miles from She burn. tho river three miles from Shelburn. Senator M. A. Miller and E. Hofer, an investment man and capitalist, of Port land, were to bo tho Bpeakors, J. M. Hawkins, Worth Huston nncT IT r t t ! t,-t tt- t : wnoium iwwnn n it uiu unn- havon orhurd. beyond Lebanon, where on V10rlduy thcy wm be(fin pittntinp three hundred acres of the big orchard three hundred acres of the big Tho trees ure on hand roady for tha big job, Spitzenbergs, Roman Beauties, Jonathans, Yellow Newtons, Grimei Golden and Ganos, selected by W. K. Newell and H. C. Atwell, president of the state horticultural society. There will be eleven rows in each district of ten acres, two of all but Ganos, one of that apple, about fifty trees to the acre. Ihis will be the beginning of what promises to be one of tho finest orchards on the coast. Fred Wodtli, of Sweet Home, arrived on county business, H. C. Wunderlin. of the big Reeves- store, Lebanon, arrived to meet a drummer, un account 01 there being no hotol at Lebanon commercial travel- ors with many Bamplcs meet their cus tomers at this city. Mrs. Marie F. Loomis, head fitter at the Hamilton Store, left on a Portland trip. Ueorgo Taylor went to Portland, Prof. C. H. Palmer returned to Port land. J. R. Penland and assistants left for Brownsville and other places on a sur vcvirg expedition. Miss "amie McKnight, of tho Jeffer son schools, re urned to her work, after being kept al home awhilo with the grip. A. I). Uanta, tho collector, left for Salem. . " . ... - - - lanfl IO A 16W weeks, yesterday left lor nome. . Capt. Chas. A. Murphy, of Salem, , has been appointed to take charge of the construction work on the new any- lum at Pendleton. 1 An extra session of congress is in evltable regardless of Wall street. . Legislation haa been purposely delayed I to bring it about. I The governor has notified all the game wardens that they will be out of work March 1st. A new start will be made and appointments made. V