Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, March 03, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    Notice of final settle
ment. In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Linn.
In the matter of the estate of
Alpheus Nordyke, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Administratrix of the above
entitled estate, has heretofore, on the
6th day of February, 1911, tiled her
Final Account in the above entitled
estate; that the above entitled court
has made an order and decree setting
and fixing the 13th day of March, 1911,
at the hour of two o'clock in the after
noon of said day, in the County Court
room of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County fif
Linn, which said court room is in the
County Court House at Albany, Linn
County, Oregon, as the time and the
place for the hearing of said rinal Ac
count and any and all objections, if
any there be, and the settlement there-
of. j
All persons interested in said estate
are hereby notified to be present at
said time and place and make objec-
tiorfs to said Final Account, if any
they have. i
Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 10th I
dav of February. 1911. i
Administrator of the Estate of At
pheus Nordyke, deceased.
O. this afternoon.
Miss M able Nunn. of Independence,
Nptice is hereby given that the un- ; H.Desart of Silverton, has been
dersigned was, on the 6th day of Feb- n the ty.
ruarv, 1911, by order of the County The members of the French cabinet
Court of Linn County, Oregon, duly were to resign today.
made and entered of record, duly ap- John R. Penland, the civil engineer,
pointed administrator of the estate e f spent Sunday in Eugene.
Katherine Miller, 'deceased. All per- Tom Nolan and Dr. Morao, of Cor-
sons having claims against the estate1 va.lis, Walked to Albany yesterday for
of said deceased are hereby notihed the exercise ,
to present the same with proper The Pullman basket ball team went
vouchers within six months from the to Eugene this afternoon to meet their
date of this notice to the undersigned Waterloo.
Administrator ot saia estate at nis
office, in Albany, in Linn County, On
gon. .
Dated this 7th day of February, 1911.
To all whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that the undersigned
rhas filed his final account in the mat
ter of the estate of N. G. McDonald,
deceased, in the county court of Linn
county, Oregon, and said court has Mrs. Dorris returned this noon from
fixed the 6th day of March, 1911, at Sheridan, where she had been called by
the hour of 9 o'clock a. m. of said day the illness of her grandson, a son of
as the time for hearhig and settling all the late Lake Dorris.
objections to sa'd account, therefore, Vince Circle and C W. Circle, prom
all persons having any objection to inent pioneers, of The Dalles, arrived
said account are hereby notified and yesterday on an Albany visit with
required to appear and file the same in relatives.
said court on or before said last men- u Trovatore, the famous operaof
tioned date. . Dated this 3rd day of Verdi will be given at the Empire
February, 1911. March 7, 8 and 9 at the regular price,
A. R. McDONALD, though secured at a big ex Dense.
executor ot said estate.
W. R. BILYEU, Attv for Executor.
Notice is hereby given that the un-
dersigned referee will on Monday, the
13th day of February, 1911, at the hour
of 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the
front door of the Court House,-in the
... -f .1,,. r....-. t.i :
City of Albany, Linn County, Oregon,
pursuant to the decree and order of
.sale duly made and entered in the Cir
cuit Court of the State-of . Oregon,
for Linn County, on December 6,
1910, in that certain suit pending in
said Court, wherein John Shaffer is
plamtitt and William bilyeu is de- the coming
fendant, sell at public auction, to the Ehchle r;j.
tlllU UC31 LMUUi;! 1U1 III
hand subject to confirmation by said
court, all the right, title and interest
of the above named plaintiff and de-
fendant in the following described
premises, to-wit: The north one-half
of the northwest one-fourth of the
northeast one-fourth of section 2, Tp.
12 south range. 1 W. of the Will. Mer.
in Linn County, Oregon.
C. E. SOX, Referee.
C. C. BRYANT, Attv for plaintiff.
First publication January 13, 1911.
Last February 10, 1911.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oreeon for Linn Countv.
In the matter of the application of the city and far into the country. The
Laura E. Pirtle and R. W. Tripp to rad8 places were dusty. A chilly
register the title to the following de- w,inr from the north did no keep peo
scribed premises, to-wit: Beginning Ple,in- Tne " was out in a clear sky
at a point which is four feet south and tnac was enough,
and twenty-five feet west from the Gazette Times: Mrs. Msida Arm
northeast corner of Lot. No. Two in strong (Kaupisch) is now at Portland,
Block No. Nine in the town of North aI,d during the millinery season will be
Brownsville, in Linn County, State of with Olds. Wortman -t King. To
Oregon, and running thence south frep-ds in Portland yesterday she said
one hundred and one feet to the south he was getting long nicely and hoped
boundary line of said Lot No. 2; ' havher mother there with her b
thence west eighty feet to the south- 6 lonlt'
west corner of said Lot No. 2; thence On the 23rd of the month on Ihe Fair
south fifteen feet; thence west mount loop, Eugene, there were just
fifteen feet, thence north one 23 passengers rung up, the last one
hundred and .sixteen feet to a point getting off at 23rd street, and the car
four feet south of the north boundary wuldn 1 bu(lgB after tnat unt'' helpeu
line of said Block. No. 9; thence east ofr by a"lP?r, c?r- And there are
ninety-five feet, more or less, to the Ve"'1'1 who there ls nothing: in 23
place of beginning, all situated in ''ne c'v'c improvement dinner and
Linn County, State of Oregon, against supper at the W.U.T.U hall Satur
A. A. Tussing, S. P. Iiarger, W. S day were ?reat successes, splednio
Holcnmb. R. Henderson. Lester Craw-- men!s' we!l managed, and served thf
ford. V. W. Bailev. and M. Rcine and Promptest nd neatest of about any
U. Kl( er. nartners unrler I ii- firm
name of Rcinc & Rider, and all whom
it may concern, defendants.
To all Whom It May Concern:
Take notice, that on the 7th day of
February, A. D. 1911, an application
was hied by said Laura E. Pirtle and
u ".' -r-: r-:.. i J . c
the State nf Oregon fnr l i,,n r,n,
tx. ... i ii ,ii in tui: vallum iijurt ur
for initial registration ot the title ta
the lands above described. Now. un
less you appear on or before the 13 h
day of March. A. D. 1911, and show
.. , .. r. . ' i
..ul.. appncauori snail not;
be granted the same will be taken
as confessed, and a decree will be en-1
tered according to the prayer of the
application, and you will be forever
liarred from disputing the same.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of)
I , ... ...
said Circuit Court, this 7th day of
February. A. D. 1911
(Seal) W. L. MARKS,
County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of
the Circuit Court of Linn Comity,
Applicants Attorney. 4
.(MONDAY.) j
Tne new Schmttt block is assuming a
lively appearance, gradually taking oa
a commercial aspect. Several are bow
doing business there:
Tomlinson & Holman, grocers, ground
fl -or. with an up-to date grocery store
and bakery, well arranged and equipped.
Tne Alouny Nurseries, Idauing bales
men of trees and shrubbery in this part
of the stats, under the able manage
ment of G. ft . Pennebacker, in a neat
suit of roens in about the miudle of
the block uj Broadaltin at.
Dr. K. C. Hunt, dentist, up stairs,
just to the left.
Or. Virginia Leweaux has the fine
suite of rooms at the corner of S e.ond
street rented and will be in them in a
day or two
. Just at the head of the stairs on the
inside are the suite of rooms for a lodge,
talked of by the W. 0. W. and Woodmen
' America,
W. L. Hull, of Corvallis was in town
Prof. Sam Dolan returned to 0. A.
San Francisco got its first snow in 25
years yesterday, and the bovs had fun
Found at the depot a pair of ear
mutts, evidently lost bv an easterner.
Not needed here. See A. D. Barker.
Rev. T. J. Wilson passed through
the city Saturday evening for Portland
on a visit with his grandson Ralph Wat
son. G. R. Carroll, a Eugene barber, was
given $1750 by his wife to puruhuse a
ten acre tract, and has not been seen
Riley Lobaugh the Saturdav Niuht
Po-t man. has been in the city. He
expects to be home in a month- but it
is slow work overcoming his difficulties.
$150,000 worth of jewels wero stolen
from the former Mre. Marshall Field's
' .xt... v..V. ....
.f.Vv . io. yes.
No arrests have teen made in that
Corvallis suit case. The woman reports
that there was nothing in the case of
value, tne clothes having been re
Red Kupert, formerly of this city,
now a Portland policeman, has been
engaged to manage a bae ball team
summer tor the Aueust
igar Co.
Isaac a. Manning, a former m-omi
"f" fclem newspaper man, now consul
fn yTYT ' amVed
1" V.erZL -V -a Probab'y ome
t0r?f before returning
M,l6h! Kawal- the educated Jap girl,
Sr?Sa ' .J "? gave a de-
i'S""ui tais. at tne college tnis lore-
the colleere
noon, after attending the world's
w . l.. a. conference iu Berlin
I A freight train off the track at Junc
'ion early this morning made it neces
sary for No. 16 and the local t go to
Portland bv the Springfield road, mak
ing slow time on account of the light
Though cool yesterday was a de'ight-
ful day, and hundreds were out over
freshing af i -r some of the delays of
!,l,""' very
the pan. Come again.
A prominent Harrisburg wedding
last week was Dr. O. B. Long and Mis
Beulah Martin. Dr. Long was former
ly a teacher now a successful practicing
physician, and Mrs. Lone- is formerlv oi
. .. ....
treswe" - vnenat Willamette in-
Dr. was captain of the font ball team
On March 24 Eueene will hold a spec
ial election to vote in the suburban dis
trict. A year ago in order to eer. the
Ur. was
district into the census, which it did, tin
election was held in Eugene, but the
people of the district were not allowed
to vote, and it did not count, but it was
counted in the census, which was what
was wanted,
The Western Union announces a dav
I'etUT service, following that of tht-
nieht service of a year ago. Under thf
system fitty words may be tent for onr
and a half time, the present day rati
of trn words, additional word, of ten oi
more at one fifth of the old rate. Thi
male) , three services: regular day rapid, day letter and night letter.
A good deal of land is being cleared
this winter.
Sheriff Galletly is sending statements
ts all tax payers'.
Mr Taylor, of All any, was calling
on Oak Grove people Thursday.
The orchardists ate pruning and
cleaning up their orchards preparatory
to spraying.
The Oak Grove Literary Society ren
dered a good program at their meeting
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Williamson of
West Albany were visiting Oak Grove
relatives Sunday.
The last few days of nice weather
have been the cause qf several farmers
starting their plows-.
Several of our neighbors who have
been attending the short course at the
0. A. C. have returned home.
Drury Hodges, of Wells, is quite
sick with the grip. He is well up in
the eighties and getting quite feeble.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Dumbeck, who
have bought the Sheler farm near
Palestine, brought over a load of house
hold goods from their former home in
Linn county Wednesday. t i
News From Albany's Six
Dr. Homan. president of the Willa
mette University, returned from Leba
non, where he had been to assist in the
dedication of the new M. E. church.
Rev. Hiram Gould, a prominent M. E.
minister for many years, also returned
from there.
Mayor Reeves came down from Leb
anon on an Albany business trip. The
Reeves stores have become prominent
factors in the life of Lebanon.
Prof Lewis of the O.A.C. returned
from Medford, where he had been to in
vestigate the irrigation part of a pro-
fiosed big orchard. He reports great
ife. in that city,- built up by its fruit
interests, '
Mr. Durst arrived from Coburg to
sell a thousand or fifteen hundred cords
of wood to Albany dealers, having
heard that one of tiem was advertising
for two thousand cords.
Arnold King the electrician, went - to
Turner after spending Sunday at Al
bany. He Bas charge of the installing
of the new electrec light plant at that
city, which proposes to shine.
Dan Rumbaugh, fruit ipspector, left
for Lebanon.
Maurice Rogoway, the actor, left
LaWVer Tussincr enmn dnwn frnm
Mrs. W. M. Parker and daughter
Alzina, returned from Lebaton.
W. M. Chance left for Marion.
R. R. Com. Miller returned to Salem
Miss Dunlap, druggist, returned to
.Teffersnn. nfrnr uncnHinir .Qnno.. ,.,.-fn
her Albany sisters.
New Church Dedicated.
Yesterday was a red letter day with
the M. E. church of Lebanon. The
new church was uedicated, three ser
vices being held during the day. Dr.
Homan, of Willamette, was the princi
pal speaker, raising about $8,000 in
addition to a large subscription in the
start, leaving only a few thousands to
be raised. Among the lay speakers
was Postmaster Van Winkle, of this
city. His talk was a good one. 'Ihe
total cost of the. new buildine has been
about $20,000. It is a modern structui p,
splendidly arranged for S. S work a
well as church services. J. B. Cnugill,
of this city, was the builder.
Rev. K. F. Lacey, the energetic and
accomplished pasior, is entitled to
credit for doing much to promote the
important improvement. .
a fine church is a big asset in the
life of a church organization. A num
ber of Albany people attended the ser
An Egyptian Missionary.
Miss Carrie M. Buchannan, a miss
ionary at Luxor, Egypt, under the
United Presbyterian board, for a good
many yeats, will stop off in Alba.y to
morrow while on her way to Portland,
and will speak in the United Presby
'.erian church in the evening. Tne
Egyptian missions are among the most
interesting in the world and Albany
people will be glad of an opportunity to
hear about them from one prominent
in thfl wnrlr no Miaa Rnnkonnnn a -j
mission free.
Blooded Poultry.
The Argus, of Petaluma, Calif., the
poultry center of the Pacific coast, one
of the greatest in the U. S., tells this
nf an Albany man, who has launched
into the fancy poultry business:
J. A. Hoap. of Oreirnn. urhn haa l,nn
herd for the past week selecting fancy '
puui.ijr, uu niuiaun.v puri'nasen a num
ber of prize winners from Jack Lee,
the poultry fancier. Among the hirdi
purchased were fourth prize pen Peta
luraa 1910 White Leghorn, second prize
-.he Cockerel Rhode Island Red and a
trio of Barred Plymouth Rocks. The
purchase price of the poultry was not
made public but was a very high one.
Mr. Hoag intends to raise fancy stock
for show purposes and he is very for
tunate in being able to select from prize
winning birds. The birds purchased by
Mr, Hoag were photographed by Wayne
the photographer before being shipped
to Oregon on Thui sday.
The Wejther.
Range of temperature 51-31.
The river i only 3.8 feet.
Prediction: Occasional rain or (now
tonight and Tuesday,
Under the management of County
Supt. Jackson and the local grange cf
ijrand Prairie, one af the most enthus
iastic and well attended, educational
gatherings of the season was beld at
Number 10, Saturday. A large erowd
of men, women and children were
4 i 1:30 o'clock the Supt.- called the
Hitreung to oraer.
The forenjon was given to the exer
ecises rendered by the children from
the various county schools represented,
with sones. declamations and rlnsa.
drills retlecting great credit on the
students and teachers, many well made
maps were were also presented for iii-
8 ection.
At the close of the meetinir. the
meeting, the judgos.codsisting of C. A.
Bown, W. E. Wood and Mrs. Bigbee.of
the Albany schools, awarded the follow
ing prizes:
First prize for best declamation, i
Bessie Case of Dist. No. 15. $1.60; ;
second prize, Dan Ashto- of L'ist. No.
to, i uu t irst prize for best ap of
Oregon, Lilhe Ditttrer of Dist. No. 15,
$1.00; best map of U. S., Mabel Ditt
mer of Dist No. 15, $1 50. First prize
for best class exercise, "The Soldier
Boys." Dist. No. 14- U. S. flag. Best
solo Harold Holloway ot Dist. No. 86,
u. o, nag.
At 12 o'clock the committee on re-i
freshment8 made a favorable report and
all present took ah active part in the I
festivities of this number. It was im
mense. j
The afternoon was spent in the dis
cussion of the following: "Work of
the Recent L gislature" by Hon. C. L. I
Shaw, "Truancy Law" D. N. William
son; "Public Expenditures" Judge J. 1
N. Duncan. "The School," from the
standpoint of centralization, F. M.
Mitchell; from the standpoint of teach '
er, C. D Biirbee; from standpoint of
director, Thos. Froman; "Some Phases
of the School and the Grange," by W. 1
L. Jackson. j
Various select, readings, to the enjoy-1
ment of all, were rendered by Mrs. M.
Kaley, Mrs. Ethel Peepler and Prof. C. i
M. Kendall. , I
The meeting cl.sed at 4 o'clock, a
great success. .
Some Shot. Fired
About 5 o'clock this
Blackburn, night man at the baggage the depot, thought heheird some j
one robbing the mail car on the C. &.E.
train on the fourth track, and going
over that way took three r four shots
at. the supposed robber; but no one fell. ,
None of the mail is thought to be miss,
i.ig. A night policeman was secured,
but no trace was secured of the robber' j
i The Siletz relief bill was turned down
by Congress.
Colonist day tomorrow. Write to
I some one east and inclose a folder,
j '. The Senate started an endurance test
on the Lorimer vote, very childish.
: Geo. F. Burkiiart, of Portland, ar
rived this noon on a Linn county visit.
Prineville expects to get mail the
same day from Portland in the near fu
ture. The city already has property plenty
good enough for a city hall. Why buy
Mrs. Dr. Wallace and Afrs. W. W.
Al ingham w nt to Lebanou this after
noon. Lawyer ,'J. R. Wyatt, of Portland,
is in theciiy helping to look after the
Lebanon injunction suiis.
The firebell at Pendleton froze up
yesterday and would not sound an
alarm. The result was a $10,000 fire.
Mrs Bertie Golby, of Portland,
daughter of Mrs. Enos, is here on a
visit with her mother, ho has oeen ill
f jr a week or two.
W. A. Westfall. the auctioneer, ar
rived this noon from Newbcrg, where
he is residing now, on a short Albany
business trip.
At the meeting of G. Co. the mem
bers who helped fight fire up the Cal
apooia last summer were paid off, after
waiting numerous months.
The senate of Montana is a progress
ive one. It passed a bill unanimously
providing for the primary system of
election and for the municipal form of
government for municipalities.
Some one who saw II Trovatore pre
Bented by a moving pic'.uro show in
Los Anteles rec ntly Bays it was one
of the finest films ever seen. It will oe
at ihe Empire March 7. 8 and 9.
The loss by the wreck at Junction
yesterday is estimated at about $2500.
The engine of one train struck the ten
der of another, causing trouble, a-d a
close call for some of tha men o.. the
In a battle between whites and Indian'
at Winnemucca Nev., yeaterriay, nine
were killed, all Indians hut otv tvhi'i
man. The smjaws fnuzht with im
and arrows. The Indians hud inurdcn-ii
ih-ee men.
Harry Openbaw and wife arrived ihi
nnon on a visit with 'r. and m V.n
T'usell Thev are just from China,
where they have been in the miainnnrv
field in the interior for a numlitr o
vears. All are former ne-gnhnrs and
friends of and near Kockf rd, 111.
President Lovett, of the Harriman
lines, will be in Portland this week.
The attention of Mr. Lovett is called to
the advisability of an earlv extension
of the C. & E. into" Eastern Oregon or
tne ouuuing oi tne road from Lebanon.
While on a trip to Extern Oregi.n
President Selling of the Senate officia
ted as Governor. That is enlireiy
unnecessary. So long as the Governor
is anywhere in the stall he can attend
to the duties of the cilice without a sub.
Eugene Register: Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Philippi returned from Rochester.
Minnesota. Sunday, where Henry
submitted to an operation for the re
:i.oval of a cancer of the colon. Hem
looking thin and somewhat worn but ii
vorth a hundred dead men vet. H.-
would not have been alive now If the
operation had not been perform ed, 1 1
wa. an expensive trip.
A mndflm afTutl inaimil.alnj in ann.A
of the larger cities is a stvleshow given
ujr uu me oig apparel nouses on tne
same day, but never yet in Oregon.
AlhnV Will hA tha lll-at Alltl in lk.
stale to have one and March 23. 24 and
-o nave oeen agreeu upon as the dates,
nncti inn iiiree stores maKlllg special
ties of Inriipa ft W. Vnin,. A
Son. the Hamilton Store and Chambers
u mcbuim win nave tneir Itrst style
show, advertising it far and wide as a
special feature in the Albany mercan
tile business.
News From Albany's Six Early
Ben Mavberrv went to Mnrinn tn
look up a wood proposition. He is
seekfng to contract for about two
tnousana cords altogher for the Albany
trade, and expects to make that
amount, insuring a steady wood mar-
Judge Victor Moses returned ts Cor
vallis from a trip up the va'ley. Ho is j
niakingan efficient county judge, head
of the Benton cmn-fr. nnd hue nKi,a,0 f
made good in his different fields of
A. u , - . I
Among those comme down from
anon were N. M. Newport, interested the Portland, Eugene and Eastern,
in the Lebanon injunction suits, S. J. ' given in yesterday morning'- Oregon
Keef haver, J. R. Morris, Rev. E. F. j Tan : "w
Lacey and A. P. Blackburn. The item is correct in every detail,
though the completion, of the deal has
Commissioner O. H. Russell came not been finally consummated. During
down for the regular monthly session the past week or two local stockholders
of the county court, which will begin the C. & A. have been solicited to
tomorrow with very little business trade their stock for similar holdings in
ahead except bills. ; the consolidated company, and it is un-
. i dorstood that there has been general
Miss Mae Montgomery returned to ?Kreenent with ihe idea. Unless there
Salem .i.u w goma unorlieen hitch, the C. &. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Warner, of Scio, 1 wi", b5c ?me ,Pa ot i E- ?n
returned home after a visit at the home e?rly dt!'and tms endof,the line will be
of Banker A. J. Johnson, in Corvallis. electrified at once. Unless the land
W. R. Blackburn, of Oregon City ?w,1era aou,th ot Mo".roe Rt too'ish and
returned home after a visit at the home h.old t for exorbitant prices for the
of his cousin Superintendent Jnckson. rw"' " bne an be in
F. a. BnrWiinrf a operation between Corvallis and Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. Kidders went to Cor
vallis. L. B. Luper came down from Tan
gent. Bernard Senders, of Portland, form
erly of Harrisbunr. left for Pm-tlnnd
W. W. Pollock left on a trip north.
Albany and Columbia.
i '
The Albany high school bas' et ball
team, champions of the Willametto
Valley, Southern Oregon and Northern
California, and the Columbia team of
Portland, chamniona of the intHraehnl-
"'vrfuW'Met and Talk About Road
c ty next Frida night on the Alco BuildinC
floor. This will bo TH Li gamu of the,
year, and Albany people will be given ! '
an opportunity to wilnoss the most ex- 1 The annual meeting of the ro:d super
citing contest yet, as the winners will visors of Linn county was called to
get the credit of biing champions in,ordBr ttt 10 o'clock today by Judge
the high school class. . Duncan, with Commis.ionora Butle'
I I and Russell by his side. Every supor-
, . , n , visor in the county was present but two,
VClC.iot Day. ju fine showing, as substantial a lot of
" i men as ever got together in the county.
, i , . . Tno f'"1 BUKjVct taken up was the
PuV a.'u bek c?'"nl8' day ,.n.,st important ono, road building, and
.. ffV" A'ny should get a fold-,' several spoke, annng them V. Ii. Ray,
Zl h fi er I0"18 on""n the i Mr- "eney, T. M. Holt, W. H. Ingram.
!n abeut th,s lne cuunt-y At least Mr. Nixon and T. (J. Isom, bringing
of Ormmn me glories
Tk.r;.' in t .
west is Snlv TZ ,rom(.tha middle
rhfrV bif , 'Vr8ar 0a8t "
RinffT' $25jfro.n council
. r i
some Deals.
Mrs. Locke has sold her property in
Wright's addition to Mr. Haller, recent
ly of Elkins addition.. Mrs Lck and
daughter, Miss Elsie, have moved to
Portland to reside.
E. O. Watrous has sold his property
on First street near Main to It D. Mneil
and has bought the property nf J. Die
tel on Geary Street, upon which he has
already moved and will crake bis home
Paving Bid Rejected.
A bid of the Warren Construction Co.
ot $1.85, at Salem, was rejected, be
cause the council declared it too high,
and must come down. Albany will be
mighty glad to get a bid of $1.86 a
sauare vard. As tha eirv ia nrnnnw
for a good deal of paving it should have
as good rate as any city in the vallev.
Uur conditions are just as good end
rock secured as easily.
Talking 4ch of July.
A movement haB teen begun for a
4th of Juiy celebration again this year.
It is estimated that a celebration at
home Keeps $7,010 on $8,000 at home
that otherwise would go to other towns
and that a city centrally located like
Albany should celebrate ever year any
way. The Weather.
Rnve of temperature 55-31, about
the name for neveral days.
The river has continued to fall, de
premcd by the cold snap, and i. only
3.6 feet.
PredicMon: fair tonighl an! Wednes
agr. Dr. L'jwe the optician will be
in Lebanon Friday and to noon
Saturday, March 17 and 18.
Don't fail tn ennmilt him anmit nun .
eyes and glasses.
Th U. O: defeated Pullman last night
-5 to 14. U. O. can beat anything in
ho Koithwest but Dallas.
Smalor Bourne charfe President
Ti ft with using hi. Influence to Intim
iuate Congress, witb usurping other.
By the Man About Town,
A new residence going up on Ferry
! street at Twelfth, one ot many that
win oe Duut in ins new central Aidi
tion. It is being- erected by us Hal
tie Hamilton for her father Mr. J. H.
Hamilton, w o left Thornbury, Ont,,
this week for Albany, to resid Miss
Hamilton will then make her homo
i with her father, when the new home is
An egg sign reading 18 cents. The
Portland market took a drop and Al
bany has rad to follow. During the
past year the price of eggs has been
high. At 18 cents almost any one can
eat eggs.
The former room which for years has
been a provider of grub will now be a
neat looking jewelry store, being fixed
up and de. orated for C. 0 Anderson,
who will soon retire from the store oc
cup'cd by himself and predecessors as a
jewtlry store for over thirty years.
Some one around taki.ig pictures of
buildings and interior, and then selling
the pictures. .
Reported Sold to Welch.
wui jina uuacivo miiua Buys UK
h rnr,no,l i f -. i... .
Ti, rv.-....n::. r . . t:
imumiuo win uiuii nave no uemreu aervicu
ni.a the great country south of there
will be opened
' Rumors of this deal have been
rampant the past three weeks, but
publication has been withheld until the
deal had assumed definite shape. The
; I'regoniaa'a announcement is a little
premature and more or less unfortunate,
out it id not thought probable that
anything can break off negotiations af
this time.
I This consolidation probably means a
street car line for Corvallis, and before
a great while will result in electric
connection with Salem and Portland.
out some practical points, covering the
subjects of material, cost, methods and
implement., dhpbyintf a splendid
i knowledge of road building. Getting
the proper kind of gravel seems to bet
dirncui'y, in somo cases It being nec
essary to make long and expensive
uuuio. i uu cum repurieu ;run irum iu
c:nts to $1 a cubic yard. One man ro-
ported a cost of $1.53.
This afternoon talk, covering the
field wurecont'nued with great Interest,
an Incentive to good work in what
everybody is demanding, good roads.
In the City.
W. S. Parker, a commercial traveller
from Nowhere, and G. U. Miller, a
commercial traveller from Somewhere,
registered at the St. Charles.
J, R. Blakely. Salem.
R. Tas.eP, Lebanon.
C. S. Farrow, of Leithbrldge, Canada,
a former Linn county resident, after
wards a resident of Eugene for several
W. R. Ray, Scio. '
W. G. Walrud. Newport.
W. L. Shier, a Gold Creek mining
' man- brother of R. F.
Dan J Fry. tho Salem druireist.
Nicholas Endres, John Sandnor, Sc'o.
Will Thornton, Corvallis.
Emma Nolan 1, Roseburg.
Eiizubnth Porter, Eugone.
Win Johnson, Corvallis,
C N. Green, Lebanun.
W. M. Snyder, of Lebanon; and J. It.
Snyder, of Arlington.
Died Sudde ly
Join George, a prominent resident of
near Harrisburg, died suddenly yester
day, at the ago nf about 8) years. He
was up lino and attended church on
Sunday. Ho was a christian man of
excellent reputation. Hu leaves a wife,
two sons and two daughters.
The funeral will be held tomorrow nt
2:S0 o'clock. Rev. Shanglo, of Milton,
his former p.istor at Harrisburg,
preaching the sermon.
The Commercial Club.
The regular meeting of the Commer
cial Club was he.d last night with nnth
ing of imoortnnce before Ihe club.
Several communication, were contin
I ued and informal talk. had. Next week
1 will be the regular get-to gether meet
ing and a big time is expected'
I A lurge number of inquirie. are re
Iceived daily, promptly and fully an
I wered, specialty being made of this