Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, March 03, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    j pGS
1 ks- "mfLiraK"" Ql
eaning Up of Remnants
ARCH 1. 2, 3 and 4, Four Days of Big Savings
All of our previous Remnant Sale Offerings drop into insignificance when we stop to peruse the values and quuality that are to be offered during this sate.
We ve been saving remnants for some time in order that we might make this our great effort.
Then when we invoiced we culled from the stock every piece that showed signs of lagging the half and quart
We don't know how many pieces we took from stock, but there is a great assortment and it wasn't long before
and converted them into remnants.
They are cut into lengths that are most commonly called for, neatly folded, pinned and labeled that you may e
For the reason that we did convert so many pieces into remnants is to make this sale so much more attractive
nrice awav down. So it is trulv remnant eoods at remnant prices.
We will place these remnants all through the store. Every table, counter and case will have remnants generously displayed thereon. Thus to be sure of missing none
you must make the complete round balcony and all.
This sale means to you, high quality, desirable materials, at prices that mean money left in your purse.
ter bolt pieces, novelties; staples, plain and figured.
our scissors had snipped through the tolas 01 tnese pieces
:asily and quickly make your selection.
:to you. Because when cutting the goods we aiso cut tn.e
Of course, as always, the best pieces are first to go, but we believe there are enough of good things to last duri ng all the four days. To be safe, though, you had better
come early each day. All prices are specially low.
EntoroiTSr'thirpoJt officoT'AlbanylOr;
lecend tliim trail matter.
F. P. Nuttinpr.
FOR SALK. Furniture for a five room
cottage. Call 117 E Fourth btrcot.
FOR SALE -Pure bred. Barred Ply
mouth Rock cggB for Betting. $t per
15 at tho yard. Mrs. Frank Kitchen,
Salem Road. Phono Home Blaok
283. 26t.
FOR SALE. -A bargain if tuken at
once, 7-room house and burn. See
owner, 1030 E Water St. t7
WILL EXCHANGE two Rood Portland
DRESSMAKING. "Work guaranteed. Iota for Albany real estate. Inquire
Evening gowns, talloreosxiriB, sniri miun oi. iu
waists n apociulty. Suitalteraliona. ( FOR SALE.- 8 room modern house and
Mrs. Tyler, Bilyeua, Baker out 2nd I lot, close in. Inquire at Democrat
3rd. at ollico. 2 21t
FOR SALE OR RENT.-Furniture forOR SALE. Seed cleanor, for atorage
rent, also house for iont. 4 rooms. j JsOkJH) Macon $12.00, clean oats and
Good wntor. Apply 130 Montflomory wheat. Inquire Burna's Shoe Store.
St. lt j 21t
EGG3.-Brown Leghorn, cheap in in-! EGGS FOR SETTING. S. O. brown
cubator lota. w. H. curry, it. u. a. I leghorns from beitKof stocK. Eggs
Phone Homo 3155. 14t I delivered in or nearHhe city. For
RESTAURANT FOR SALE:-Good: prices Inquire of K. N, lorhot, hun-
Qur Wants.
After certain members of Jiie state
legislature had spent almost !the en
tire session in getting even with peo
ple for politics sake, pursuing a policy
of obstruction, now that the Gov
ernor has vetoed some of their bills,
with others, they are declaring that it
was all politics done just for spite
work. Coming upon their own fierce
policy of revenge for everything in
the category it suggests worse grace
than had characterized their entire
career previously. A saving to the
state of over $600,000 by the vetoes
and the kilting of several bills bad on
their face,- will make it slow business
for what has been called the gang in
getting sympathizers. The people in
a measure enjoy their predicament
and as a rule they will notrct much
Have you ever stopped to think of how much value
good teeth are to you ?
Do you know that many of the diseases of the body
are caused by decayed teeth?
Do you know that proper mastication of the fnorl
Kev. jonn Acneson came up to-day , means a. guuu siomacn ana gOOa digestion f
called here by the serious illness of his
father. Do votl know tliaf hoA rootV, ; .,.. ii..
- j " ---- hi many cases ai e UIC
J. M. Hawkins left last night for
San Francisco.
D. J. McKenzie, of Tu ner, has been
in the city
M A. Walton, of Oregon City, has
been in town.
J. H. Shawry, of tho Warren Co.,
has been in the city today.
Mrs. William Myer is lying critically
ill at St. Mary '8 Hospital.
Rev. A. M. Williams, of McMinnville,
arrived this nooir on a business frip.
If the Oregonian is missed report to
Ben ueian at once and you will get it.
Monmouth, r-ansp rf tliriar trrnKU
location, doing good business. 7
furnished rooms cn znd uoor. noon
reason for Belling. Tho Curtis Heal
Eatate Co.
WANTED.-To exchange my equity of
fin ono aero, 4 roam house, close in,
as part paymont on one or two lots in
or around Pennywinklo or Bryant's
addition or lor automobile, tor par-1 . . ,,,.
ticulara phono Boll 191-R or 614-L j E,uST.l.:Ur.0 bf ?,rPB.t".h
FOR SALW. 80 acres good Santiam 6t
HHloill limu, ui uv pi:. i..v. . SAi.R.Tnlot. hoosn and harn
cniceen nougu unu pur u. o
rise. Hume phonn Black 47
HOUSE CLEANING, trees pruil
lawns mowed, wood chopped, and ull
other kinds of work promptly done.
Hugh Dennedy, California Rooming
Houso. Homo phone 208. 15t
FOR RENT.-3 unfurnished rooms.
Call at 430 Vine Btrcct
1 l
Hale, Thomas, Or,
HAY. -Some nice grain hay. and seed
oata for salo. C. R. Widmor, R.D.I
4. Phone Home 2801. 23t ;
GOOD BEDS and absolute oleaniness
at Walton's Rooming House. New i
(nd modern. Sehultznew brick, next
door to opera Iioubo.
FOR SALE 8 ft. cedar posta and
anchor posts at the Shingle Mill. It I
NOTICE. Any one wishing puro hot-'
tied milk, will do well to ca'l the
Home phone
1. X.
C. P.
L. Dairy.
Home phone 2T3o.
Emery. 12G
404 rep.
FOR KENT. Unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms. 116 Washington street.
FOR SALE. A good manufacturing
business, or for trade. Something
vorv attractive, will trade for city
lots or automobile. Good reason for
selling. CaM at room 5 Cusiek Bank
BUg., or address P. O. box 3S5 Cily
FOR 8ALK. Linn County ranrh, 864
acres. B. M. Payne, owner, Albany,
Oregon. (Both phonea.)
tree lino you are in need of call Bnd PLANTS FOR SALE. Red and white
sao W. A. l.eiliieiier, he ns a men
lot of apples, peiiches and walnuts for
your inspection. At tho corner of
414 Washington St., Alhanv. Oregon,
PIANO TUNING. Leave orders for FOR SALE. -Fresh cow, Jersey. Mrs.
currants. Loganberries, Dcwberrves,
Iceberg blackberries. Address: Iver
C. Duedall, Albany, Oregon. Home
Phone 7102. 13t.
piano tuning at Eilers Piano House or
Woodworm a Urug store. e... .11.
Henderson, Tunor,
Fire Relief of McMinnville, and
Northwestern Mutual Fire of Seattle,
two strongest comoanies on the coast.
C. C. Bryant, agent.
WOuD FOR SALE.-Short slabs. Call
at Shingle Mill. i
CHEAP LAND. Large hat good farms
mailed free. K, W. Tripp. Browns-1
ville. Or. tot
FOR SALE. Here is a chance of a life
lime. 1 will sell at a great bargain
my large truit oichfcrd on easy teriua
or take part in city business proyerty;
27t E. U Khod.'s.
Mart Miller. Bell phone Farmers
2S. 2(lt
CEDAR POSTS for Bale 10 to 12 cents.
Scott & Conn.
Wyandottes $1.50 a setting of 15
eggs; Silver Bpangled. Hambeigs.
Brown leghorn. Rose and Single Comb
White leghorns $1. 00 a setting. M.
Arkerman, R. D. 5. Home ph"ne
TRY Columbia hani wheat flour. At
the leading stores. Ask for it and 't
it. t2U
FOR RKNT-Oltico rooms, well loca
ted. Inquire at bank of J.W.Cusick
& Co. ltit
GARBAGE If west ofLyon street 60c HUNTING DOGS FOR SALE cheap,
month. S B Pennv the garbage j trained or untrained. Phelps A Grit
man Home pho 2J0S. flth. Wells, Benton county. Or. tni9
GARBAGE. Fred Hainwater lo'jks FOR QUICK SALES Iwt your property
aftar gaibag. Phone Home 2S0S. I with Grav 4 Peebiw, Keal Estate
GLASS. A I sura and kinds, for sals Agents. 2ad and Lyon Sla. 16t
at the Atny Planinr Mill, chaaper 50,000.-Do you wnt a loan.or to mska
than ay w I era oiw in Albany. kiU- a loan, J. C. Christy, Alty. 1 !t
h , if (MrW.
The people of Albany-' want a city
11 sonicwhere. -Iliey voted that way
emphatically by a big majority, the
bonds tiltvc been voted, and all that is
necessary isMhe securing of a site; but
herein lies thc"trotible, for the council
is all split to piecfcKpvcr that matter
Mrs. W. W. Davis, of
arrived this noon on a visit
r T I.
J. c. Hammeii took a hike this morn- JJ0 yu know that bad teeth, especially the uppers, do
ing for his hop yard, near Corvallis, affect the eyes?
wheie he is geiting things ready for,
thL-Tsh"phDerd, proprietor of the ' - , St0fP t0 tended the
Shepherd Hot Springs, near Portland, nrsr Part OI tile digestion of food to begin in the mouth?
cn the North Bank, waB in the city to-:
day, stopping at the Revere. i Wnat is going to happen if you continuallv swallow
r j j h . . y .
id agree upoh-aplacc for it. I Misses Elsie and Grace Locke jeft the poison from decayed and broken-down teeth?
The city already ownsjilenty of this afternoon for Portlnnd. to join r ' uuwu iceinr
property for the hall and should use their mother and reside. They are
it if other sites cannot be gottcn that excellent people who leave many warm
will mrtrn m tic f-, .in.u it i friends in Alhanv.
' ' " J' - - . . v . .j .,u uv.uj.uii iui i ucvin ..... i J . iJ Lu.iiu. ' . . . l bll u
a high price for a site so long as the city "today. He reported bis mother,
city is already provided with plenty of now ninety years of age to be hale and
Kinu lor tne building. i nearly, wun prospecia 01 many nappy
years jet,
I will examine your teeth FREE and tell von th
'act cost for first-class work
My terms are cash, so I can eive first-Mass wort ( a
Mr. and Mia. P. Ax Young left last , moderate price.
Mrri.l night by the Shasta ILimited for Cal-1
BS. at th' girlhood home, Los Angeles and other ... ; I
Douglas Places. 4 w. I-IKST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON.
On Tuesday evening, Feb.
residence of and by Rev.
Cha.. Masterson, of Astoria, formerly I Bruce Hood, son of Mr. John Hood,
of Albany, now a salesman there, and of this cily, this week arrived in Al
Miss Frances Caldwell, daughter of the , bany tor a visit wilh his folks, after an
late V. H. Caldwell. Miss Caldwell has i absence of live vcara A little over
been teaching. They are worthy young ' that time h. took up a claim only a mile)
peopio naving me Dest wisnos of many, i and a half from Madras, and has stayed
I with it, now having a valuable prop-
1 ety, that will gradually increase in
F G. WILL, lor Watches !pce.
HAY. Cheat hay for
Walker, Fry Station.
sale. C. W.
Home phone
HOGS. -Poland
pigs. A. H,
FOR SALE. -House and two lota. Call
1E28 Sant'sin Road. 3t
FOR REN r. Rooms, centrally located'
ine xehaiiKe for hrard. Ste v. K.
FOR EXCHANGE. - A $137 piano
check, will trade for chickens, cow or
thoroughbred puppies, also a new
piano, will exchange equity fora good
cow. hurse or city lot. Phone what
you have to Boll R14 L. t4
FOR RENT. Threo now, furnished or
unfurnished rooms. Mrs. J. M. V.
bilyeu. Baler, K-t. 2ndand 3nl. t3
F1R iSAI.E. - One black rnaro. 6 yra
o'd, weight aoout I.tftH). Inquire of
Kobt. Langniack, S mile Se. of Tall
man tl6
B.iGS. For setting, haired Plymouth
Rocks, full hNwled, $1 setting. Chas.
Sertling, 342 4ih. Hone phone
China, lull blooded
Marshall, R. L. 6.
Farmers 24 Pacirtc.
W ANTED. -Experienced sicncgraher
Call at office Oregon Power Co.
FUR SALE. -Fine J rrsey cow, test.
6S!;4yrs. Inquire it Democrat of
lice t6
WANTED. -Girl for general house
work. Phone 177-J Pacific,
LOST. Lady's gold watch, with black
fob. Return to Mrs. Denman, 332
Baker street. Reward.
EGGS Full blood Ancona eggs for
sale. Homo phone 168. t4
LOST Oxidized bracelet, et wilh one
largo amethjst and aeveral smaller
ones. Reward. Return to Mrs. M.
B. Craft.
FOR RENT.-To permanent renter,
good 8 room, hard finished house.
Call at Red Crown Mill.
,J lwl i '
is sure to come. It comes in finance as well as in
climate. We aim to conduct, not only a fair
weather bank, but one that will withstand the
storms. I
A bank's assets and liabilities always balance.
We have $1.33 for every dollar, that we owe de
positors. x Our aim is to be safe, rather than big. ;
We conduct no other business and have no
. preferred depositors.
J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers.
Puffs, switches.
pompadours, etc., made from comb
ing. Mr. B. F. Purdom, 135 E.
First street. Albany.
"nut. in ALBANY, Show case
counte s. six! other store 6ytnre4
nrai'i-lNss roods, hv the Union Firm
rtrre Factory." Order of fhem. Keef
oor money (tluHiw.