Democr. ALBANY. OREGON .FRIDAY, MARCH :i ivll VOL XLY1 X "I Albany FARMSSOLD If you want your farm sold call at the Pacific Real Estate Co., 10 E 1st Albany, Ore. We don't ask for exclu sive right. If you have to give exclusive right, get money down, an exclusive right, is an option. YoUrs for Business, PACIFIC REAL ESTATE CO. Opposite Russ House, Albany, Or. i7.-ft il A Vl7IT"lSee-Ben YVUULJ OAYYIMVI-Rozelle, or phone 3692 black Home, 456-Y Facific. THE TEDDY R!SULKEY never tip. Just the thing to take the baby out for a ride. You can either push or pull them. Rubber tires. Price $1.50. At MEISER &1MEISER DOINGS OF THE WORLD I Mayor C. F. Hulbutt, of Junction, . has resigned on account of discord in ; the council. who it rJUK AND GRAND SPRING EMBROIDERY SHOW Friday, Feb. 24th to Saturday Mar. 4th Richt out of the dead of winter to tne glorious spirit ot springtime, Daylight Store all decorated in white in honor of the first announcement of Spring. with the windows and interior of the Big; Great Showing of New Embroideries. Handsome Patterns. -never a showing of Embroideries to 9nrh rare heautv. such vast assortments, such wonderful low prices- equal this, has ever been made in Albany Switzerland. Thousands ot yaras impurieu mai u " - ::!:. aeinable pattern, width and kind dainty Swiss ana iaiiisoo.. o..u, 0, x .u...j,o . v , V . ,- .u., .uwnf in widi Rands and .Uatcli sets ior unueniiusmis. ... v.--.- .;,-, Wkiti. Shnw Dresses. Even it you have no thougm ot Duying it win uu yuu Su iu ... Embroideries of every im of Swiss and Nainsook Flouncings especially for First Authoritative Presentation New Spring Suits. "rEPUTVTIOX is never bought, but is earned. We have earned the reputation of always showing the new est best in Wearables and of exhibiting them first. This is the only Store in the Willamette Valley employ- hE TMseSpTingurfo!re"ioBnUoefrstyle specimens overshadows any previous display we have ever brought before !the shopping community in smartness of styles, beauty of materials and moderateness of prices. . Hl: S SI. i-v : : :. .1 k fh nmrnnr W tailored Suits the Leadintr Cloak and suit store rTKhrt Ba by master designers. They are not only attractive in appearance, Out aepenaaDie ior service auu uiuuciaic Vi,. ; Alexander Kerr and bride have been put in jail in Mexico, accused of spying. I Mexico is a good place to keep away ; from just now. The bill appropriating $W,000 for the new P,Q. building at this city passed j congress yesterday. A former bill ap ! propriated $10,000 for the site. Hugh Brady, the veteran grappler of Portland, passed through the city for Eupene to grapple for a boy. thu son of a widow, who was drowned in the Will amette. Born in Aberdeen, Wash., recently to Mrs. Blanche Brownall Ellis nnd hns- tTind a daughter. All doinir well. Cnn. , -eratulatiens. woman appeared in New orK yesterday in a harem skirt, the fashion sensation of the year, and was chased by the crowd. Put her out. J. M. Philpot of Harrisburg has just received a $150 Holstein caff, a direct descendent from the best dairy cow the world ever produced, says the Bulletin. The total taxes of Douglas county this year will be $472,368. A special fund of $142,000 for roads will be used under the direction of M. K. Ryan, road master. Linn county now has two D. S. Smiths, but only one Vannv. The second or.e arrived this week from Bow bells, S. Dak., and has located at Har- r.auurg. The governor hit all the county fair appropriations, asserting that it is not the province of the state to appropriate niuuey ior mem 'ocai attairs, ottering an incentive ior log rolling. John C Devine has had nlnnn Hrnwn for a concrete hotel building at Leb anon in place of the burned building. It will be 87 by 100. three stories, with fifty rooms, steam heated, of modern arrangement,. Two store rooms and an i office will be in the front. i W. W. Briggs, of Harrisburg is writ ing some splendid pioneer nrtieles in the Bulletin, and is entitled to he made an honorary member of the Linn Coun-1 plans. ty Historical society; out it costs only 50 cents a year to bo an active member. Send it in to Prof. F. G. Franklin. I M. W. Canter died at Harrisburg on , Thursday at the age of 73 years. He was porn in msnvme, served MILLINERY INSPIRATIONS FROM "GAGE," WHOM WE REPRESENT IN ALBANY.' Wrica's most nooular modiste contributes to this showing of New Spring Millinery. 100 distinctive style? ,i all that is new in i the ; MiUInery ""ation. . hats far exce, any Lrviii. efforts in noints of originality and variety. We will hold "open house1' commencing Friday and you re. welcome to iook. Don't fail to visit the first WHITE SALE ever held in Albany; everything on display white. Chambers & McGune Albany 's Leading Cloak and Suit Store. BURNED TO DEATH. The three year old child of ir. and Mrs. i. H. Skinner, residing near Lebanon, was burned to death last evening at So'c'ock. While Mrs. Skinner i AT THE COURT HOUSE. Heavy tax paments: C. It. Gerig $292.04, C. U. Montague, $311,25, Smith Cox $131.03, Mrs. M. S. Lana $225.70, G. & J. K. Wentwortn out feeding the chickens the clothes ', ?2Sii0.9S, Fred Hojzapple $138.23. R. D. of the" child caught tire, and were in I Snell J. W Props; ':lasd re names wnen the motner rushed in, put- V- Ti, " ,""'," ting them out;but the fumes of the fire , 7.02. 0. R. Kenel $20 .92, Tnos. J, breathed by the child had done their 1 Munkers $a.2.0.3. work and death followed about 11 ' o'clock last night, after everything possible had been done to save th one. little Vetoed 72 Bills. Governor Wiik lrtst HiirHI Mmnlnfnil his veto privilege, with it record of 72 1 bills, including aDDfdnfldtiori bills , amounting to $t13.874. Bills with emergency clauses were knifed, and also I those the people had voted on. Four I road bills, all haggled up by the legis-' miure, were in tne list. The public fund bill got the axe. also the second ! choice bill, interfering with the present I starement number one law. The bill 1 increasing the salary of judges from 1 $3,000 to $4,000 with a tremendous pressure against it was cut. out. not ' being opposed to the bill, but because the people had voted on the question. Two or threo more of Lair Tnompson's bills were vetoeu. Deeds recorded: 1. Deitel to E. G. Watrons, 2 lots Woodle.sad $ 10 F. S. Gutzman to J, E, bearing & wr, 20 acres 1900 E. O. Watrous lo R. D. Snell, 2 lota H's ad 10 J. 0. Brown to Grace Baughman, 2 lots Allen & Hawkin's an .. . 10 Florence B. Hammer to Mrs. J, .Feratein, 1 lo H's ad 1000 M.Price to E. T. Price. lfiO acres 1000 E. T. Price toR. U. Harrison, 160 acres 10 R. G. H irrison to C. H. Sligh, 150 acres 4753 H J. Butler to Owen Beam & b 1. Fletcher, 2 lots block 29 H's 2nd ad , 200 eath of Mrs. Sharp. Address by Michi Kawi. There will be an address at Albany College chapel Monday morning at 10:30 that will be of the greatest interest to many people in Albany. The speaker, Mrs. Raleigh T. Sham died suddenly Misa Michi Kawai, is a highly educated this morning at her her home at 480 Japanese womah, a graduate of Byrn W. 8th street. She has resided here a number of years, a member of the M. E. church, a woman of worthy charact er. She leaves a husband and son, Clarence, and daughter, Mrs. William Alexander. The funeral will be held at the M. E. church tomorrow afternoon at 3 p. ra. W, S. U'Ren has a measure working the singl a tax plan upon people gradually; but the .people getting their eyes open to Mr.. U'Ren'a for the 1 re Mawr college, a memnernt tne world Committee of the Young Woman's Christian Association. She is speaking for three months in America on her re turn journey to Japan from the World's Y. M. C. A Conference neld in Berlin, Germany, last summer. The fact that she has two hours in Albany between trains makes possiblo this address here. Everybody is urged lo be present promptly at 10:30. 'oat Bill by buy Even up on that ing a lot in Central Adkition and build you a little home this year, and thus the ' Col!in3 & Taylor confederate army under Price and came to uregon in laus. He was mayor of Hariistiurg twice and in the council a' The Pacific 11 lehwav Association ill long time. A man of excellent charac- meet at Portland March 3, ter. He was a member of the Odd Felloes fur 34 years. ALBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers .In fruits, vegetables,' sugar, nuts, confectionary, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices bef jre buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferrv Street, Albany. Phones. Mi in 5 Bell, 3 Home. DOOLEY'S GROCERY Empire Photoplay . Theatre "The Owner of L. L. Ranch." A real Wild West picture, depicting the success and good fortune of a good American cowboy in his business and love affairs. Ihe comedy, in this pic ture, is good, the scenes great, and the acting the best ever. "John Dough and the Cherub." This is a deltghtiui story for the chil dren as well as the grown-ups. A "Wizard of Oz" story with beautiful colorings, and as amny pretty chorus girlaJM- one sees in the up-to-date musical comedies. "The Greater Call." This very pon ular actress, marries, tires of the home returns to the stage, and leaves only when her child is dying. A beautiful sentiment well brought out by a clever company of performers. "Hank and Lank." These popular comedians have lots of fun trying to "work the public" as blind men. As usual Lank loses out, and Hank has good luck. A comedy, sure. Miss Crosno, singing "Fifty Years Ago, Dear Old Chum." Change tomorrow. Admission 10 cents. nREAMLAN Good GroceriesFairPricesPrompt Service J yHLVTRI- D The three cardinal points of this business. We base our claim to your patronage on the fact that we sell only GOOD GROCERIES and our PRICES AREFAIR and our SERVICE A safe place to trade, purely -for we aimjto carry a bigtocklo: wanted cods and. apDreciate the trade every customer wehave ti the extent of porsocal service. 4 M. Sender s& Co,; Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. Hay, Grain, Flour, Seeds, Salt, Poultry Supplies, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Roofing. HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED The Pantatorium, GILBERT & HUSTON 4'jO W 1st St. Bell Phone black 273 Home phone 196 DR. VIRGINIA I.EWEAUX, Osteopathic Physician. 1-3 Brenn?; Block, Albany. Phones: Office Home 359, Bell Black 2751: Residence 394 Home, black 863 Bell. LIMN COAL & FUEL CO. Coal delivered to any part of the city, PRICES RIGHT. McCourt & Prettjrman, Managers Office: Cor. First and Baker. Home Phone 306BoU Phone 131 9 MAYBERRY TRANSFER COM PANY AND WOOD YARD. Office with Linn & Benton Real Es tate Co. All kinds of transferring, baggage work, furniture and piano moving a specialty. Dry wood for sale in any quantity, cord wood or cut any length ordered, 12 or 16 inch, for cash only. Special rates on carload lots. Ail phone orders, baggage checks, shipping receipts or freight bills left at Linn & Benton Real Es tate Co., or my residence, will be promptly attended to. R. B. MAY BERRY. Proprietor. Office phones Home 178, Bell 143-J. Residence Home 382, Bell Main 74 leiiuOta Coal lis fast gaining in favor, always clean I free from soot, kindles easily, burns readily, free frm clinkers, makes but , little ashea. These good qualities mak I an ideal rnal. b-s'. on the market for j the mr,ev. Sold in any quantity, I prompt iielivery Order from. ALBANY FUEL CO, A W. DOCKS LEADER, Prop Bell 277 J. Home Black 17& TONIGHT. 1. Rachel. A drama of peasant life in Russia, with the scenes showinj outdoor life and scenery of that coun try. A tine film. 2. Scenes of Ancient Rome. 3. The Two Paths. A story by the Biograph people and one of their best. 4. Mr. Woods, Singing, "Every Star has its mate." 5. Running Away from a Fortune. A good AiiK-rican comedy in whicii one of the chief characters is played hy an intelligent dog and last but not least Mike Houlihan falls heir to ten thousand dollars. 6. The American Fleet in French Waters. A timely view of the U. S. squadron now in Kuropc steaming up the English channel. 7. In Full Cry. A very fine por trayal of various stages and episodes of the first stag hunt of the season. Accompanied hy carriages, cyclists and onlookers on foot, they wend their way through beautiful leafy lanes. Vc sec the meet and before Inng the dois are in full cry after a stag, and t he hunt begins in earnest. Through a big strcteh of wooded country llie stag bounds along, and the pac' sweeps after the animal in a tightly wedged mass until the quarry takes to water. The dogs follow and finally catch up with their victim. The dead stag is then towed hack and then wc ice the return of the hhnting party to one of the fairest castles in France. Coming. The greatest sensation of them all, "Lassoing Wild Animals in Africa." Admission 10 civ Matinee 2:30. Evening 7:30. Admission 10 cents. . Big bargains in secon 1 hand organs at Davonport's Music Store, closii g out sale. For Taturcay only all pupular music 10c a copy at Uuvm port s closing- out sale. A Corvallis and Albany Case. Several weeks ago a voung man upon complaint from Corvallis was arrested here for jumping a board bill, settling it hv putting up a suit case and two suits of clothes. Today a woman came ovur from Corvallin, claiming the suit case and' contents as hers, and she be gai arrangem nts for the arrest of the young man, tut a telephone message from Corvallis made it look as if the things had really been bought from a son of the woman. FOR RENT. -To permanent renter, good 8 room, hard finished house, f all at Red Crown Mill. OUR SEMI-ANNUAL SHOE SALE NOW GOING ON You know Our Reputation for Giving Values at . Our Sales Stoltenberg's hlioo Store. 134 First St. HURRY TO THE VARIETY STORE 313 West First Street This is the last week of our big removal sale. Oct your dinner set now at less than cost. $5.51 Set, American Ware $7.00 Set, English Ware (Meakcrs) $7,011 Set, English Wan: (Johnsons) SI 1.00 Golden Arrow (Johnsons) Water Sets Punch Sets . ttttl Cut (ilass Sugar and Creamer, Set Cut Glass Nappies ' 1-Kiy Art Pictures 25c and 50c Sponge w , Art Brass, 4 off. Metal Craftcr's Outfits, yi off. All fancy China at ', to 1-3 off. $3.u5 3.07 5.53 8.70 1.00 1.50 2.50 1.00 cents cents STETTER'S 1 OR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY'